tv Politicking RT July 6, 2018 7:30am-8:01am EDT
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then you have as you mentioned earlier that i work for senator cruz's campaign twenty sixteen and he has worked very hard to try and change or fix the the problem with the families being separated down on the border and in fact is has reached a bipartisan agreement is trying to get that fixed and working in conjunction with dianne feinstein on that so i do think there are a little incremental steps that can be made along the way but in terms of an overarching immigration strategy and getting something done that does fix the issues of a secure border and of the same time bills of daca it is not likely that that gets done prior to the election in election two thousand and eighteen and to do what effect will lead have on the elections do you think i think that what you're seeing is a lot of energy. really bubbling up across the country based on the fact that donald trump is is governing as if he's president of only his base only his core supporters he doesn't seem to be governing as if he's president of the entire country so his leadership is ineffective in terms of trying to reach compromise we
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can't have a compromise on a grand solution to immigration challenges because donald trump is governing only to please his base and only to please the people who show up at his political rallies because the president said some turn back that he once the dreamers don't have a path to citizenship as he dropped what does he want to do with the dreamers. well i think it's what he wants to do isn't it is steps and what he has said is that he would was not willing to a does not want to sign anything that does not fund the wall and so the dreamers have got to be a part of that and i think he's let sort of lay down a few agreements and from the democrats it says if you want to achieve this if you want to give if you want to allow the dreamers stay if you want to be able to fix the problems exist with secure border number one let's enforce the laws are on the books and spaces are also been around for a long time and have not really been enforced for the last about twenty years and so we enforce those laws and to fund the building of a wall because if there's one law if there is one campaign promise
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a dollar made twenty sixteen that everybody can name it's the building of a wall along the border of mexico and so i think it is it is a campaign to his base while he's campaigning to those people as governor those people who elected him and he feels like he made a promise that promises got to be kept before anything else is done and so that is really the number one priority in his mind but he said mexico would fund it. he did say mexico would bund it and we'll see what happens there i think there are several options that could be done in terms of mexico funding it some of it is along the lines of renegotiate nafta some of it is the drug money and looking at taking some of the season that money and having it pay for there are a lot of different ways that can be done in there was never any specifics around it so i think whether or not who funds it and how that that is accomplished is something will be determined down the road peter there were millions demonstrations across the united states protesting zero tolerance how do you see that playing out in the midterms well i think what's happening. stepping back what's happening
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nationally is the core of the republican party doesn't believe in immigration i mean that's really what what's what's at the foundation of this so when trump says build a wall the democrats have tried to reach across the aisle they've tried to truck schumer and nancy pelosi have tried to be open to compromise with the president the president will compromise and he will compromise because his base of support doesn't believe that we're a country of immigrants that's just at the core of their belief structure so of course they would have policies that separate families tear families apart. no rational person and that would clearly be that america is the kind of country under bill clinton and they were in danger no one no rational person voted in the morning all that means living let me finish please let please let me finish ok the fact of the matter is and gym session. attorney general sessions has been out there very
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openly talking about how this was a strategy tearing apart families was a strategy to send a message to people outside america don't come in we don't want you he's been bragging about that for months now all of a sudden it's on the front page in newspapers it's all over t.v. these viral videos of children screaming being separated from their parents how they they go viral and social media and now finally where we're all connecting we're all focused on this and that's hundreds of thousands of people across the country were out in force this weekend protesting this and that's going to be an issue in november chris are you saying yet it will be an issue in november let's go let me go through correct the record on a few things as i said many of those pictures that were on the front page of the paper had to have be corrected later because they were actually from the obama admin from the obama era and the pictures of kids in cages was specifically from the obama era that's number one over to the picture in time magazine of the little girl screaming turned out she wasn't actually separated from her family and now time magazine is going out to apologize and three i would defy you to show me
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a quote which jeff sessions that says our strategy is to stir families so i think let's let's if we can approach is a little bit of integrity and honesty about the issue sort of arch down the rhetoric some would certainly be helpful second i would say in terms of chuck schumer's cooperation that is it's just not true in fact he has had had an internal revolt inside his caucus because there was desire months democrats senators to work with republicans and he held a press conference to cut that off he then it was pushed back on by several now you do have some bipartisan some bipartisan bills coming out of it that would deal with the issue of immigration so the fact that we want to try and use this as a campaign issue or do we want to try and fix the problem and i would say. yes that those who want to fix the problem are at least the ones who are who are working toward solutions that you see again i mentioned earlier the cruise feinstein bill but there's others out there that deal with this that would fix it and that's i get a little bit frustrated by the whole rhetoric behind this in the arch and the amping up of it it's like if you want to as a campaign issue then just say so and stop trying to act like you want to solution
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let's this is this is a policy that was set by the white house this was set by the trump white house the only entity right now who could stop this tomorrow with the snap of the fingers is the trump white house that's just reality and you know that will get jenna moved to another thing the legislative fix the michael cohen the president's personal attorney and long time six the man told a.b.c.'s george simpson up loose over the weekend that my wife my daughter and my son have my first loyalty and knows will i put my family and country first is that a signal to either of you that he may be about to flip. well i think that if there's one person in the world who knows where the bodies are buried in the trump organization it's michael cohen he's been doing trump's dirty work for years we know that the government has files whatever sort of business cohen has been doing and executing on behalf of trump for years the government has that
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so i think if i were in the trump white house i'll be very concerned about what michael cohen knows and what he can speak to because he's been in the middle of everything chris. well i agree peter this and i do think michael cohen has been in the middle of everything i would go even further and say that it's pretty clear that michael cohen is out for himself and out to stay out of prison and i think there but for the grace of god go anybody in that situation would probably have that same attitude if what peter is implying is true that there are that he does have information that would cause trouble and yes people should be concerned i think the fact is we will find out and time will tell what comes out of this but if there were if there overall concern i think you would see more statements be coming out about the white house trying to discredit him and you don't really see that inside of the as a lot of concern about what he has to say here what do you expect in the supremes court appointment. i expect it'll be someone that was on that list from the federalist society signed off on as one of the most conservative judges in the country. that's who's on the list of people that trump is allowed to pick it's
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going to be someone anti choice it's going to put roe versus wade on the table and a lot of the progress that we've made in terms of civil rights are really on the chopping block now with a rather conservative justice coming to the supreme court chris you really think they're going to drive to overturn roe v wade. you know i don't think somebody position on abortion has anything at all to do with this appointment whether that is someone that barack obama or bill clinton appointed or some whether it's george w. bush or donald trump would appoint to ask that i think is should be off the table from the beginning on either side i do believe that it will be a constructionist i believe will be someone who believes in precedent of the constitution and someone who most likely does come to that list now so mike lee of utah happen to be a client of mine and a friend i sidled to see him but i know he wasn't on the first list i think he'd be a phenomenal jurist and a great supreme court justice but i do think it's likely that it does it does come from the list and i think it'll be someone who is as qualified as no gorsuch was
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and that is really what this comes down to is the qualifications behind the person is appointed i think it will bill will achieve it will be at least as qualified as gorsuch. beardy of fear they will overturn roe. i think absolutely they're going to come after and i think what's happened over the past thirty years i think the right wing has had a very effective messaging strategy to try to peel away support for the for pro-choice support for abortion rights by picking out just the extreme most extreme examples they've been chipping away chipping away chipping away at the support and one of the foundational things about that strategy is that you you're counting on on women to believe that roe versus wade is off the table when roe versus wade is back on the table when a woman's fundamental right to choose what to do with her body is on the table you're going to see the sea act act active support and grassroots mobilization people are going to stand up and we're not going to let that happen but certainly
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with the supreme court with two justices that donald trump picks i mean keep in mind when donald trump campaigned for president he was very clear he was looking to go after women and to put women in prison who got abortions that's what that was fundamentally what his view of abortion rights was he wanted penalties for women who who exercise their rights to an abortion so that is on the table roe versus wade is on the table and that's really the stakes of this supreme court debate take crews in full woman. it well i think peter's confusing legislative initiatives and what can be done by the supreme courts from court will make him decide laws will decide whether or not things are constitutional or not and so the way it'll work is of state passes a law then the supreme court will decide whether or not that law is constitutional and so almost nothing of what he said would actually ever come up before the supreme court and i do think what donald trump said from
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a legislative or what he believes perspective is irrelevant is from court unless a state passes or the congress passes it and then it was come to come up and be considered by the court so i don't i think we're discussing sort of things that are irrelevant to the overall process the process is do they have does donald trump appoint a qualified justice and is a justice who is qualified and can be confirmed by the senate and i think it's interesting if you lift that if you listen to some of the conversations that have been revealed from say susan collins of maine with no gorsuch in which he told her that he had written a book about the value of precedence and making judgments and so what that means from the overall decision of roe versus wade or any other decision is whether or not is constitutional i think from a standpoint of a constitutional public that should be important to all of us thank you both very much hope very soon and happy fourth to both of you. thank you so much thank you chris wilson peter kaufman thanks for their time today more politicking right after the break.
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before i could be a marty are in the cyber crime warrant i. think could be one of the best but they never sold had preferred to die. to something that was my brain. across europe municipalities are taking their water supply back from private companies who feel to me to be about this a little song alone even some company against elsewhere they invite private companies to take over the utilities many by the telescope was allowed to miss you guys who got booked but it was on the come up because. i've been this is a member of us because. put up or offer some more you're not able to lift hill brought up locals are ready to stand up for the basic human rights of access to water it's about water but it's also over water the water it's about to hurt and
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the redistribution of our west yorks on the day or date downwards the warmed over. welcome back to politicking let's talk more about the immigration controversies that seem to be splitting the country and the g.o.p. due for this i'm now joined by jen current g.o.p. strategist former spokesperson for the california republican party she is in new york and robin birotteau democratic strategist and former obama campaign regional field director he is in atlanta i general start with you this weekend president trump urged his critics to take it easy he said some of the language they use very
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radical ideas very bad very dangerous for the country and there are a lot of bad ideas being tossed around jen frankly on both sides. well i do think the rhetoric is an add an absolute high you look at the reporters and that annapolis newsroom who were gunned down last week we're still not exactly sure what happened there looks to be sort of a personal local feud that had been going on for quite some time is but i agree with you i think the rhetoric in this nation has gotten to an all time worst in terms of the public discourse here is the problem i think that the stakes are so high for the november twenty eighth midterms that unfortunately i think we're going to see that rhetoric grow even hotter and hotter between now and november rob us as pessimistic as jen. you know the rhetoric is a definite problem and it's so much like buckshot you can hardly even see where it's going right now and it's hard to decipher what's actually true and what is
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blatant. blatant falsehoods so you have to really dig deep and do your research and due diligence just to get to the truth of the matter and that's concerning no i understand you know the immigration problem as a former obama staffer you know i will say that president obama was once nicknamed deporter in chief because he deported more undocumented immigrants than his two predecessors so this is been an ongoing problem but the problem we've got right now as a democrat is that this is being used as political leverage that we don't like we do have a problem and we do need comprehensive immigration reform but i don't like seeing these children used as political leverage larry. yeah you know it's interesting to hear robin talk about political leverage that is all the democrats have done with this issue i personally believe that the democrats are keeping the immigration
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issue alive and not being part of the solution because they want to keep this as a wedge issue for the twenty eighteen midterms if you look back it was january twelfth that president trump held that bipartisan meeting with his cabinet and with the with the leaders of both sides in congress he invited them into the meeting and he said look i'm happy to sign any bill that solves the problem of daca i'm happy to sign any bill that is brought to my desk regarding immigration it's nearly six months down the line now the democrats haven't supported or brought a bill if you look at the goodlatte bill that was voted on a week or two ago larry not a single democrat voted for that ok fine so the republicans presented a compromise bill which was a little more watered down had some very basic border security elements and it had a path to citizenship for the home again and keep that down. down but
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quite a few republicans went up on it you know how many democrats went up on that larry zero and that shows you everything you need to know about the democrats that they will not break with their party and they want to keep this for a november issue. robin. well not exactly true because we do have representatives like representative jill a brand and de blasio who are not only call us calling for the abolishing of ice but to take it a step further they want comprehensive immigration reform they want to reinvent ice under a new agency so we are trying to solve this problem you know it doesn't help and we've got more radical people on the left who are calling for the abolishment of ice that's giving conservatives all the ammo they need to say that we're all for open borders that's where you're hearing some of this rhetoric that you know we want to welcome terrorists and the thirteen gang members that you know all of that we can't do that we have to advocate for comprehensive immigration reform as
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representative gillibrand and de blasio are doing jim good name one democrat who's in favor of open borders. well i can name i can name hundred of them who didn't support the latest bills and i didn't. look at any any bill that the republicans have pushed have asked for one simple thing and that was border security and that was a wall which even nancy pelosi and chuck schumer when they went to dinner with trump this past spring and that big meeting where they said hey we think we've got a solution on immigration they said we'll support border security including some funding for the wall look at the last bill that was put up they didn't support that and i'm glad robin brought up the issue of abolishing ice look as a g.o.p. strategist i don't like to interrupt my opponents when they're making a mistake but the democrats are making an incredible mistake care they're listening to those far left the the socialist candidate that just won here in new york
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they're listening to her they're taking her lead they're moving further and further to the left by suggesting we should abolish ice and you see them larry today they're walking that back already they're flip flopping on that already because they got out ahead of their skis and they're realizing that the rest of america really does not support something like this and what the democrats want at the end of the day they don't want an agency like ice they want an agency that's a welcome wagon to the world that basically flings our doors wide open and doesn't invite everyone in including m s thirteen members including human traffickers including people from other countries who are going to skip ahead of the line. of the nation rob do you think the democrats can block anyone that's going to try to repeal. there's actually no way ahead to do that what we need to do though is do you know a thorough vetting because that we've got to we've got it we've got to appeal to our base and show that we're doing our job but there's actually no way that we can
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actually block it but what i want to stress is the importance of getting this done before the midterms the reason that's important is because when we had an open seat had it into the presidential election it played to donald trump's favor and so many you heard the remember the exit polls showed that that was the number one priority for conservatives who turned out to vote for donald trump while holding their noses they may not like donald trump but they were concerned about the supreme court so what i would like to see done is for us to do a thorough vetting but get this confirmed before the midterms because it's to our benefit to already have that out of the way so that we can we can focus on the issues at hand and really turning it out for the midterm election as chief justice roberts said some years ago the roe versus wade is implanted in the law already you grew. well i know that the some of the key senators who could stop or help this
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nomination certainly do believe that you look at susan collins from maine she is becoming quite a power player in this with john mccain out ill and likely not able to come back to d.c. and cast a vote for this you're really looking at a scenario in which there are the republicans are numbered at fifty and democrats are numbered at forty nine so you really only need one maybe two republicans here to to go south on this it could create a huge problem for the administration now the interesting thing about susan collins here is she has said what you just said which is she does believe that roe versus wade is settled law it is codified into the u.s. constitution as a fundamental right but she left a little wiggle room open she said she would only oppose a nominee who was quote unquote hostile to the road roe versus wade decision so that leaves a little wiggle room for her if she says you know that she thinks that justice will
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be fair on that she could certainly vote yes on that so i think you're seeing her early leave just a little wiggle room where she could actually support a nominee and i think this might be the reason trump may end up going with a female nominee to again keep it interesting and to help susan collins move to that yes column rather. that maxine waters is the new face of the democrats except that. goodness you know that's a tough one and you know regarding maxine waters you know what she said a lot of people take issue with that i was one of those but look at you know look at everything that donald trump has said all the way from you know we can take till the second amendment people can take care of hillary clinton and offering to pay the legal bills for anybody who roughed up a demonstrator at one of his rallies so you know i don't like that this is becoming the new normal but i am glad the next scene waters's speaking out i'm a little bit concerned as we said in the beginning of the segment about the level
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of the rhetoric i don't like this you know what we said in this in the twenty sixth election that when they go low we go high i don't like that right now it seems like when they go low we're doing the same i don't think that's going to win over the american people i'm also concerned that she if we do overtake. the house and or senate she plays she stands to play a very powerful role and can subpoena his financial records so you know she's someone who has the potential to be incredibly powerful i'd like to see her a little bit more nuanced not quite so extreme but there was a time in a place for it larry president. jenna has predicted a red wave in november you see batting average. i do actually look i've been saying for a while i think we talked about this last time on the show the three of us that the blue wave was slowly turning into a blue trickle or maybe a blue drip drip drip i'm not sure about a red wave but i do think that the odds are in republicans favor you just mentioned
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maxine waters there again the democrats getting out a little over their skis you had senator chuck schumer actually had to make some comments and chastised her on the u.s. senate floor which i thought was the right thing but this speaks to the larger problem really of the democratic party is that every single week you have someone who is the new face of the democratic party you have that socialist candidate who just won in new york she's the face of the party this week who knows who will be the face of the party next week and this is really the key problem with democrats right now they have no message as evidence by their retreat last year where they had to steal the slogan of papa john's pizza a better deal and they really have no money and they had to borrow two million dollars last month just to stay afloat and keep the doors open so you look at things like that if you look at the intensity of the voters and their propensity to get get out november i think republicans understand now with some of these key
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supreme court decisions that just passed last week that to the victor go the spoils and people are starting to realize that hey whether you like trump or not it is good to have a republican in washington who can put some of these policies and these appointments into place the. yes we do and i'm really hoping that joe biden you know i just heard that he says that he does not plan to run but i hope that we have some more people i'm really hopeful for cala harris and there are plenty of other people i agree with jen that you know right now it seems like every week we have a different you know promised person who is expected to bring the party some some new direction and that's concerning the d.n.c. is not without problems right now we are doing better than last month with fund raising president barack obama has had that huge fundraiser last week and he gave a wonderful message saying that democrats can't wait for
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a message to tingle their spine on this we really got to get out there and you know if the d.n.c. is actually failing in some regards with the message you've got to look at the individual candidates themselves and they have to craft that message specific to their districts they're doing a good job that's why we've got so many winning special elections across the country so you know the d.n.c. we've got they still there they're all under new leadership but they're still trying to find their sea legs so you know i'm glad that these individual candidates are doing the job that they need to do where the d.n.c. might not be for failing generally robin larry thank you very much rose great having you and happy for symbols of you. thank you gary and thanks to you for joining me on this edition of politicking remember you can join the conversation on my facebook page and tweet me at kings things don't forget use the politicking hash tag that's all for this edition of politicking.
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with little in terms of hard facts to go on the ukase media and politicians going to speculation over to life on the latest innovation incident on british soil with all convinced that russia is somehow involved. french prosecutors open an investigation into the mom of the two small screws reportedly been inciting hatred against jews. and the world cup in russia reaches the business end of the tournament as we're now into the quarter finals the first game of the round will see you are quite taking on frogs.
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