tv Documentary RT July 8, 2018 5:30am-6:01am EDT
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them and the people who are the elite the fear money system is dying and so people are going to take money out of fear after and see and put it into crypto and they're going to have to broad pass which is they can put their cash into obedience going which would be this china social networking score and hope to get more frequent flyer miles and a free waiting down at the gym jang or they can go down the big claim path which is individual sovereignty and opting out of state control and that's the war of the twenty first century and this is how different states are going to react differently to the presence of crypto in some countries all cash is gotten rid of completely it's completely electronic cash like sweden for example so people now have to make this choice are they going to go down a bt and go on and give their life away for free down it or are they willing to stand up and be a sovereign individuals obviously b.f. skinner would say that people will never organize themselves in
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a productive capacity to be free of tyranny well and again like here you have these people who are being rewarded handsomely if they are obedient and they probably feel like they are good citizens and their leg good people and they wear certain colored ribbons or responds and you know signaling virtue signaling essentially their virtues signaling their their good compliance with the norms you see this all the time on twitter in our own economies and our own cultures and societies whereby people will say i have nothing to hide i don't care if the government takes all my data and spies on me i have nothing to hide because they don't realize that. economic and politically. solver and individual actually does have a lot to hide because you have your own free thought you have your own free assembly and that is something worth treasuring in hiding in protecting from these corporations from these data miners from these authoritarians the prizes you get
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for a median salary relatively good free down it in a few years will seem like a king's ransom but as more people opt into a b. and going those prizes are going to shrink from don't it to a virtual down and to a virtual don't cram inflation in obedience going this route of regulation airy currency and so you end up with the casino so you have people plugged into their electronic devices playing virtual casinos all day being obedient not questioning authority and then like any casino they'll win an occasional virtual dona crumb and little fill their heart with joy and they'll think about having you know some kind of ritualistic ceremony to celebrate their great fortune in the obedience coin world i think you have to obey the time and go to break here we speak of obedience we got to take a break when we come back the legendary amir talking don't go away. in
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the last days of the soviet union people were full of hope and anticipation of the upcoming changes underground music by young musicians of the time captured the mood perfectly what was it like to live and make music and that much fear. there are going to. act on the other hand not out of the budget not out of the amount of the money that is when i get a feeling. this was a good time to. try to move there i'm.
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not that i want to get my little money not why not check jam there again toss up why it generated the old people we believe this of those who get. a lot of my kids i don't want them up with johnny but i already know the moment i've got a mother how do it all the kids are there a lot of them and i'm a little like a mad builder looking at the pins i don't want to put out a look to most cardioid i don't know them other bloodily. corruption is everywhere in our houses i do we still have hurried over the employment and we still have a lot of bitterness you know especially in the hinterlands so i would say that our success story is a house it's a story wants to be in because we have achieved the political game the political
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agenda but we didn't do that we didn't succeed in chief in the economy goes. welcome back to the kaiser report i'm max keyser time now to go to a mere talking a bit coy legend i may welcome back to the kaiser report thank you for having me you know you were one of the very first people we met that was back in two thousand and eleven and you were already a veteran and bitcoin started when it was in the pennies just recap briefly at that period you got involved in what year what time and what was happening that was there was a time. because you just saw it. and we were in this for the long day we thought that we saw the big. huge potential inside of it and we're willing
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to devote ourselves to the ok you say we were in it for the long game when you say we era for into a pretty small group of folks like a handful of people recruiting you guys including us you're the first to report on bitcoin yes because of thanks to guys like you who we found to be a newsworthy and then when we talk to you we found that there is tremendous intellectual depth to what's happening there with big going and so one of my questions i want to ask you is that in the beginning back in the two thousand and nine ten eleven period it was very difficult to describe what it client is and here we are twenty eighteen and i think it's safe to say that it's still very difficult to describe what bitcoin is i hear people on c n b c and other mainstream outlets talk about bitcoin they don't really seem to understand it any better than people are trying to understand it back in two thousand and eleven what do you think of that statement yet because it is no investment scheme it's not
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a more convenient way to trade money online because when as he said on the original website is the pits appear for more money cannot be controlled by governments and central banks is really important don't. so that with what big queen can truly a chief of humanity which is liberation from this financial system in slave i should becomes realized. what do you think about this lambo crowd i mean i go to north america because in conference for a couple years down the road to thousands of participants in the early meet ups or maybe five or six year you're in the first big conference ever of prague there were a couple you know developers there maybe twenty or thirty people or hundred people guess and total but now you've got this idea that it's led by everybody and a seems like that far removed from the original vision they talked about the suppose you white paper there but they also mention it's a get rich quick scheme somerset it's
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a get rich quick scheme disguised really to get people to accept money that isn't controlled by third parties that is a controlled by governments as kind of like seduce people into accepting something that's highly subversive you don't get me wrong it's great that we have some much capital in this community and in all of the cryptocurrency communities of people really putting into a lot of projects to think about how can we not just construct financial systems but new form of law governance called me all of the social life and thus from tusky because as technologists we've been trying with putting our energies into these things for literally the last two hundred years and for the first time in a period we have access to huge amounts of cup is to realize all visions the same time you have to realize it is not just capital that will automatically create value that is a core of people and that core of people is driven through
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a vision for an idea of the wild did ok that's interesting idea that capital is not necessarily going to create the value yeah that's a very interesting statement so the value is resides somewhere else it's in the network it's in this rabbit hole we call it coin that people can get lost in very quickly and the value proposition is not obvious and so then we come to the idea of why do. these measures because i'm is like nouriel roubini or paul krugman at the new york times why they get it so wrong wired what are they missing they they turn to just totally misunderstand was happening here where you think what we're experiencing now in the west also with the rise of right wing nationalist groups and religious fundamentalists is a clash of two fundamental worldview is that there is like an old viewpoint of the world we just sees the world in terms of like what we can see what we can touch
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most and it's something fundamentally see the. all of the questions all of the life problems of humanity can be reduced to economic questions but what we're experiencing in the west is something deeper is is is like a loss of humanity is a lot of meaning and purpose that people who work their entire lives jobs that they know is completely meaningless and has no value whatsoever for money which is literally printed by a central bank and there is now a growing desire that people want to. they want to have lives not just they don't just want to be. objects of mechanical parts in a giant a process is managed by an elite this is trying to keep the capital flowing to keep the system stable that the people are seeing more and more that there's a there's not a lack of a spray sharon bishan and this is is that ning and what bitcoin represent is
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is a way for us to break free of this system of financial or economic inscription of a vast labor force of of people it seems that economics evolved over the past hundred years sense or or so the industrial revolution which brought in an era of specialization and specialization to degree where you have people in really and slow. factories in china you know assembling products like i phones and is mind numbingly repetitious and so the rise of technology is like search engines which for people the ability to cope completely forget what's in their heads they had they don't need a brain essentially because being outsourced to a third party this platform called a search engine but it seems like because it is reversing that trend it's bringing back a consciousness fusion in that all of our thoughts are being timestamp every ten minutes to validate this value proposition and i wanted to ask if you
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think that the current technology which is processing forty quintillion transactions a second that's forty thousand quadrillion transactions a second is the leading to something that maybe we haven't even imagined to get some kind of consciousness fusion on the horizon i don't mean to get too esoteric air but we have had many conversations about this technology and i haven't talked to you in a while and had a new thoughts along these lines the i think if you intend ology it doesn't go in a straight line you can go in many different directions the danger is is the technology is now who are building these technologies they may lose sight of light what is the end goal where are we heading towards and like so many of the technology movements before them by development of the computer is development of
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insulin that development of many different technologies the end up just to. become taken over for example if we don't technologies now come together to organize to formulate like a sense of direction it could very well be some big bank or big corporation. this block chain technology and and really make it something this is my. stream when we lose the opportunity that we had to really put something can place that was able to change the society around us is to think there's an attack vectors open from dystopian elements big banks but i don't think it's a technical problem is this a social problem because certainly within the community there's so much splintering going on would you want cash and all these other all coins of all that focus was attention more just on bitcoin and for example second layer development with lightning networks how do you think lighting that works how do you how would you
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see that going just this last week i was in a really big technology conference in berlin and the whole thing whole thing just felt really fake and it was this is this incredible to see all these people coming and talking about block chain and technology and it was just like a. form of like mass brainwashing really but then i went also that same week to a lightning of that it was a much more event like less than a hundred people or bruce it was inspiring years so it was probably one of the best events i went to this year everybody was there was a lot of energy a lot of sense of drive to think ok how can we make this thing and that's the point i'm trying to get is that the technology has the potential inside of it is there waiting for us to take it and to use it on the world to change the world in some way we have to be conscious of that and it is not something is going to happen automatically and this is what big one is experiencing now is this is this kind of
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. is this kind of sense of our we don't need to do anything we just need to tweak the technology we just need to fix a few bucks here and there and it's eventually just going to spread like wildfire and say no it's not going to be like that we need to go to africa we need to go to asia we need to go to latin america we need to underlies different regions geopolitically we need to build the tools we need to organize and we need to spread these technologies and that's going to it's going to take a huge radical transformation inside of a community ok so imagine politics their year because i travel so i've taken a deep in the politics you want after syria to join. what is a. ridge offer a job or economic advisor and you ended up fighting isis now we've got about a minute i have left you can just give us an update of what or how that all
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happened if there is a group of guerrillas now in the middle east they crossed over into syrian sides organize the local population and this is a force that really has the potential to transform the entire makeup of the middle east and is one biggest opportunities the have had in the long. one hundred years and now in rich off they started a technology program and every interesting crypto currencies and also the tools for digital governance and economic resource management so that's a place with a huge amount of potential but there's a lot of what needs to be done to buy she built the technologies to enable big point another cryptocurrency to scale to a national level right so here you are taking this crypto. new top in the one could call it and introducing it in one of the most politically hot spots in the world and what how was the reaction locally a lot of the p.
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yeah in ridge offer have to support the administration i'm of the people understand crypto currencies and the potential of it is just the big point and all these technologies we're building they're not ready yet to serve on a national scale a lot of people developing these products are now developing different visual there's a huge amount of work that needs to be done in tons of telecommunications in terms of infrastructure. different software technologies hardware is a huge body of development the need to be done now you know around the world governments deal with the legacy u.s. dollar imperialism the us empire is based on the dollar based on debt and one way to deal dollar rise is to move it out of the dollar and into because i know but that's a message that most governments are not able to intellectually leap in that direction how it's wave observed as well in job that they recognize cryptocurrency
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is a very important thought for their economic political program which is about decentralize ation of the economy if i just quickly explain they used to be a group that was fighting for independence but then as kurds they realized they couldn't become independent because they were split over forty from. states said they dished a program to actually organizing the civil society to become so create their own self course. misadministration as a powerful structure outside of the state so things tools like digital tools allow them to golf and. manage their economy without needing a state on a local level in a decentralized way is something that is in line with their political program and they recognize the potential power there is a matter of survival as well all right i mean here jockey thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you well that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacey i would like to thank our guest i mean
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you know world's big partisan movie. and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to get the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart or we need to stop slamming the door on the bad and shouting past each other. it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. is over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten like our current happy each day . eighty five percent of global wealth he longs to the ultra rich eight point six percent market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred trade per second per second and one rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two
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point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember in one one business show you can't afford to miss the one and only boom but. changing the system back again is going to be very expensive for munich a preliminary calculation came to nineteen million euros by twenty twentieth's and that's without the license fees from microsoft. the moogs is a listen i didn't and a fluke on tuesday of us one tool is e.s.d. against us to get even a new duz all i'm done. indicated on tuesday can often under that he's been asked does he end up a nice tight on d.b.l.
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phone feeling stayed in him in one benighted to pull the going gets mia viet signs all it does for ta leave. a nym consented to visit the. park to schmidt and interested in fun been a new. pool in the city ordered full calm in the pool room along tut d. i. snuck. in to signed a sort of. when do you call the painting. the truly hats even cry is. dean coming. down minds on the ping is it from an m m m economy from conception. this new government unmarked usually.
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the administration is about to start with the change over to open source which the microsoft friends in munich are about to give up even the italian army has begun to break away from microsoft it has already replaced microsoft office on thirty thousand computers with the open source program lever office never historically. need but office. lots of office at a low. as you jane said now but also the. brain so that when it's out of course i may be tainted probably chairman of the likes of office at dell and its other bill mr get to talk yesterday i was going to be office and he said what i can but at certain softer. they could then separate the people of the team into a right when the bride this is the leader of his right that i know if. this were
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claiming it warped. camilla thought it was. a saying. so much had always held her just to the image of ted we're going to do what i. said she had. a bit i mean gets you on it or to respond as kevin told told me what all they can do it is probably a considerable. the french random of the master nerd is one step ahead of the italians did not only converted the office software but also like the munich administration changed the operating system from windows to linux and by doing so saved around twenty million euros in eight years nevertheless the police department is now coming on the massive pressure investigate europe has seen an order from the ministry of the interior to force the return of the john the money to microsoft does the
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corporation have such an influence one of those who has been following this for a long time is it from the french n.g.o.s appeal which fights for the use of free software. because that. was all he gets also except from the strong it gets like that they'll get sucked you know as sure as you want to link them all . over in a song you can walk in the box and i think you can stream. more work in the who. isn't but this here on the definition. is said the new step in kuwait. we're going to lend microsoft meant about how the survey email address in austin is today he said. it's not me it's your own at best . point. what john the last bird was
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a duffer by srila released on ship at any cost of course it equal to what the arnold ever in the book would you could bottle as he warns and on the basis of atsic edged its use of bush no more but always it was. dead on it is there was water so what is it going is one of these leaks to come on the little bit and. nobody in the ministry of defense was willing to give us any information about the corporation was microsoft. but investigated your openness found a ninety expert from the french government who is prepared to talk about it we have an appointment lew neutral place because he has to remain anonymous in order not to lose his job but no career is even investigated you're a colleague we now know as also found documents that show how closely the french
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government cooperates with microsoft ok the other thing for defense was really give all they have and document here as the i'm going to have for. that's and with about a minute and the e-mail address of the tide against minister young's a party hit on schreibt there i'm feared tied to another document. that's going out is a mid about into. english by microsoft under status can see a clear invaders mcclish is no was made of he do next he's not at his enemies he big clown is that they have tough words you know that as if you. are nice to us your on a guitar way in the states and more. yet is the point of. course of. it is he consented to get me. at there. the
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closeness of this relationship is also demonstrate. secret treaty that the ministry of defense has maintained was microsoft for ten years not even parliament has been informed of its content and conclusion it's the contract between the french ministry of defense and microsoft and we have no doubt that either amounts of money are in the center. and it was all black if you can see these all black and what is important in this country is the amount of money. they spent on that it's all black in the amount of money and it was not even come here in front of the senate because an important senate op asked directly to the minister of defense we should definitely mr because she just doesn't demand of her for a commission of inquiry. yet another blacked out contract once again the corporation prohibits the government from providing appropriate information but now finally the parliament is going to examine what microsoft
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actually gets in license fees from the state treasury according to some sources it's around two hundred euros per workstation and here extrapolated to the whole of europe this would be a double digit billion euro amount per year which would be put to far better use if it was invested in an open european software will frances parliamentarian succeed in breaking the council of silence. and all this is it us. to shift suitable while you do what you. called hot shots or. even to close it off six. carmo don't you think so. at this you didn't. think you called hamas. no
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longer. couldn't he is an example in and. out of. injury to the new man disappoints me during the whole move. your. book result of don't sit. in favor of it if all books of jorge who couldn't get in the. dog little dorky for who do being saved. because of diggers i'm differences are me of the admitted poor woman from microsoft but the daughter does when he lets you know the hogans overheated and frankly i think of a good book more that short because of his who is in problems than it is also when men met. or most are going to do this you knew deuce.
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