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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  July 8, 2018 6:30am-7:00am EDT

6:30 am
it's been out with some interesting rice is the militia bashing as much and not the brightest moving fortune got you so the only thing that is gnashing the monday next commanded by she i'm allowed to let it get even that. good our beloved. have been the only removals in with the disowned so what is the other something really isn't clear. in a post-game interview russian striker. said the team hope the country was proud of the seas even got off with a cold sky a street moscow is also a fun central people they look pretty happy despite. it has been a nail biter of a game and a lot of dreams are being shattered tonight and i have to apologize to every we have. my voice. and. there is still very very hot here.
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actually screaming we've been one with the ones because they feel like they have won the game again what's a nail biter over game two johns one one in the main time and then you can just tell you. who will win in the fissionable time to be honest. gracious. go in your shoes mario for not curing in their cool eyes the second half of additional time the same mario fernandez that missed the penalty in the final shoot out for everything you gained you have to pay the money with the last burst yeah what do you what do you say you have watched the game i mean i'm going to try and bring in the game this is this working you say yes it's a big it's a big it's of wonderful want to prove. so wonderful that
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other thing was the people i have these are russian fans they're so happy with the performance of their team after rule they've given them everything that they could ever hope for playing in the quarter finals of the world cup this is something that russia hasn't done in force used that every single russian found they did not lose their faith until the last strike until the last case by the grace of play and that either i can favor the russian goalkeeper did not manage to say but again not a single russian found they have anything to say against the russians will keep her eager i can fade because after the game with spade he is a star he's a hero of the russian nation of the russian sports so croatia will face england in the semifinals of the luzhniki stadium here in moscow that will be on wednesday comes off that the three lions beat sweden to mail in some are here are the highlights.
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of the. only. it was a little earlier so i found support is of course a huge factor in any game and england fans who made it out to russia and i had that back and patrick is to do the same.
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i was going to change your physical good something and pasted it off. to the public on you go for your life want to go to the world cup that's the thing you need to go do you want to go to and so i go that is it's surreal he said walk out and there's a huge stadium full of families but the colors i didn't fly and lots of other noise as well lou. it's much good to be honest maybe i was worried about was the alphabet because. i can understand anything. can. absolutely miles in my past i'm going to put my head goes fast and then just say well we tried
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x. but then everyone speaks english i was very friendly. still fantasized not to go to russia so the missing out on one of the best things you have a hearing on for lays out his play well give me a play friendly and went ok great food and yes today kyra and i said i'm in town let's let let. let. popular english for you to block us spend so and who shared his impressions of the world cup. i've done everything often flying up in on trains of stayed in hotels i've stayed in apartments we've had absolutely zero issues in terms of the people we've met in fact it's been the the other way i'd say people have been so friendly and so welcoming to the english and not just the english the whole world you know. i must
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say that one of things i love the world cup is the different kind of cultures you come into contact with and for everything i've seen a said that the russians have welcomed that of open arms so i have to say it's been amazing and yeah i've gotten zero complaints i just hope more people that can come out i had to. we had that golden generation before us were called in and you know these great players that steven carroll in the front line part of the way it really is no doubt this squad on paper was one of our strongest ever but it didn't really perform and whether that was because of pressure or all us being a team of individuals and naughty what we have now seems much more like that you know i think we've got managing our southgate who me included a lot of people were skeptical of at first as to whether he was going to have the experience of the know how to get us further than we've begun but most importantly he's the right kind of character that we need to do right now and he's found a way of making these young players joe an easy young team is one of the youngest teams ever world cup one of the youngest things at this world cup as well so we
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didn't go into of expectations often that's one of the key reasons for doing well and we had a good group the group for us no it was tough but we had two teams into the teacher in panama no disrespect to them that we were able to get wins against and asking us laments of. thanks. for a world cup twenty team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers of all subjects but there was one more question by the way was kind of your coach. guys i know. you are nervous he's a huge star and a huge amount of pressure come out you have to blow the center of the beach with l.b.j. and do so with all the great the great the good you are the rock at the back nobody gets passed to you we need you to get down going left go.
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alone and just i want to know and i'm really happy to join the team for the two thousand and three in the world cup in russia meet the special one come on don't appreciate me to just take the radio beyond the team's latest edition to make up a figure so i need to look. this is also international britain has been rocked by a second alleged use of nerve agent exposure since march and the now notorious name of the substance of chalk has certainly led some to jump to conclusions.
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the two people have been exposed to them that i didn't know that you know but shock it remains deadly for long periods exposed to the nerve agent no which. he went to i.e. safety you have to do anything is your family going to be safe is that going to be a fair it's a skill a should be there group what's going on because you. know you know you have more children to appear and there are other parents and you live right here and you know that was being checked and they. let me name out any. when they started x. and often it was much just i mean brushing against them right now is red and very.
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nerve agent. which has been identified as the save that they should be contaminated by computer and so he's really. it is now time that the russian state comes forward and explains exactly what has gone. you know the all for is still that the russian state to try and assist is to tell us what happened when russia has strongly denied any involvement after the first poisoning case which happened in march moscow reached out to london with numerous off was all of cooperation with so many unknowns in the story one thing is for sure though the british media have been having a field day accusing russia as a tease when i guess the explains. could putin have really done it ordered
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secret agents to poison random drug addict and his homeless girlfriend with a lethal nerve agent all in the middle of a flawless world cup with billions watching russia if he could if you watch t.v. enough espionage and intrigue once again striking this sleepy corner of england that may have been left by the assailants who attacked the script files either it was left there during the preparation or after that attack russian intelligence was behind this but the fact is blood amir putin has flat out denied it he's refused to cooperate with britain. and if we don't we simply don't know how many more people can be can come into contact with this think about it it makes perfect sense a drug addict picks up no one quite knows what next he does something
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no one seems to know what though suddenly he's in hospital for almost a week being treated for what no one knew what with this much evidence how could you not blame russia it could only have been putin just like it was last time you argue that their source of. the chalk is russia how did you manage to find it out so quickly i look at the the evidence from the people from from port and they were absolutely categorical and i asked the guy so i said are you sure and he said there's no doubt we have not verified the precise source so to be clear you're not able at porton down to say where it is from we haven't yet been able to do that i was being very clear i thought i was being very clear to. the german program which is that. told us in.
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absolutely no uncertain terms that this was a military grade. they knew what it is not the business of important i don't i don't know whether it's even possible for them to identify the origin in all seriousness it's an interesting narrative we have going here large britain's accusations which seemingly founded on a highly likely assessment therefore it's highly likely that it's highly likely that it's all russia's fault the decision taken by the russian government to deploy these souls on march the fourth was reckless and callous there is no causal alternative explanation to the events in march other than the russian state was responsible we have already seen multiple explanations from state sponsored russian media regarding this latest incident we can anticipate further disinflation from
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the kremlin as we saw following the source we've come full circle they sat there for months ago making the same claims something happens accuse russia arguments collapse then quiet something happens again straight away they accuse russia who can guess what comes next. french. four days of violent clashes between protesters and police the resort of using tear gas a riot started after the alleged killing of a young man by a police officer. when you don't want to go to the q so we asked him to park his car and accompany the of the student station when the driver b m reversing hits a right policeman and then another officer opened fire on us.
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ps it he's now given a new version of events he says that he actually tried to lean into the car to grab the steering wheel and try to stop the maneuver in the ensuing tussle the shot was accidently fired and fatally hit the driver. people support our fellow citizens one to know exactly and legitimately what happened and i want to state here that of course that is what will happen. working conditions in france as security forces have been described as in a state of true crisis a senate committee looked at
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a number of issues including grueling show jubal's and excessive stress of the new report also highlights the wiring number of suicides among the police officers. today we are on edge of the implosion there has already been daily violence in our relationship with people it's a job without gratitude. was was the was the was on an almost daily basis offices on the front line of filing protests terrorism and a wave of my creation issue highlighted by the report is the high level of suicides within the police force it says it's thirty six percent higher than in the general population. a weak police officer is a bad officer in the eyes of others so colleagues don't want to talk about their
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problems with other officers tom is currently still working as a police officer to be able to talk openly about the issue of suicide in the force he asked us to hide his identity and so the problem is we don't have support when it's better at home and it's better work we don't know who to confide in recently i could visibly see a colleague wasn't looking good unfortunately i didn't have a way to report that we felt something was wrong fifteen days later he took his life tom says police officers are under pressure twenty four hours a day and a never able to step away from the job and he says it's becoming more and more difficult to carry out his work teach the staff shortages and a lack of first source's bazzi asked someone from the interior ministry to comment on the plate in this report so far we have had no sports but earlier this year the minister responsible for the internal security forces made this statement to the
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committee in the states the issue should evolve and at the end of two thousand and seventeen i asked the director of national police and the director. of the national gendarmerie to work on an analysis of the reasons for suicides the parliamentary committee report also says police and security forces off so understaffed they work almost twenty two million hours in overtime without compensation if it were to be paid it would cost a staggering two hundred and seventy two million euro much of this it states is down to the heightened terror threat and its peak tourism season kicks in pickpockets and scam artists are adding to the pressure the senators say the only way to relieve it is to hire more officers between three and four thousand dollars for almost half the amount president has promised to avoid over
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a five year period the parliamentary report makes more than thirty recommendations to help turn this crisis around it's been welcomed by police unions he see something must be done to prevent the entire system from collapsing since the terror attacks and twenty fifteen we're in much more demand the number of missions has multiplied with but if you don't have the resources it's only going to get worse and they say you can't put a price tag on the security of the french republic you can ski r.t. paris. the u.s. corporation of independence has fallen foul of social media censorship a facebook algorithm designed to stamp out hate speech deleted parts of the document. explains the facebook algorithm has been removing content that is deemed to be racist or offensive not even the us declaration of independence has escaped the crusade against hate speech check out this not so frequently quoted grievance
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against the british empire back in seventeen seventy six that was recently removed from the site. he has excited domestic insurrections amongst us and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our front two years the merciless indian savages whose known rule of warfare is undistinguished destruction of all ages sexes and conditions but no one thought twice about phrases like merciless indian savages back in seventeen seventy six but nowadays it's not exactly considered to be polite vocabulary however facebook sent an apology to the newspaper that posted it and overturned its ban so perhaps it's now ok so that too abrasive for a public forum you can't go and talk talk about the people but i think you can say your own opinion that's why we have freedom of speech you'll be teaching so my language use even the most is my b.b.c. i'm all about freedom of speech so if it's than people don't want to read it they don't have to you know where that comes from where that's from the declaration of
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independence really wow wow amazing but i feel like we've evolved from a place. as far as a society of how we think about each other and our backgrounds from when the declaration was written maybe if we were rewritten in today's language would be a little bit more neutral facebook incident fits a pretty common trend in recent us politics americans just aren't sure how to deal with their own history and twenty eleven rational republicans made a big show of reading the us constitution aloud however they had to remove some key passages that were a little offensive you know things like african-americans constituting three fifths of a human being statues of george washington and thomas jefferson are now being desecrated because let's not forget they own slaves now statues of christopher columbus who slaughtered native americans are facing a similar rebuke george washington was a slave owner i don't care if it's a george washington statue or a thomas jefferson statue or robert e.
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lee statue they all need to come down come haven't had slaves and i would repeat. should not pay poll somebody. we have said that. it shows the absurdity of speech codes all together this whole idea that that words are violence and that's just a false construct i think it's always ok to question your history but what the problem where we get off the rails as we like to say is when you try to apply today's standards to yesterday's standards and try to protect people from words if the words call for violence directed violence we ban those if the words are just offensive leave it alone and let free speech reign and we are back soon with more.
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in the last days of the soviet union people were full of hope and anticipation of the upcoming changes underground music by young musicians of the time captured the mood perfectly what was it like to live and make music in that atmosphere. here in kiev in recent days it might dawn independence square has turned into a full scale war zone. more clashes in ukraine's capital kiev. there is absolutely no you shall write that all workers are caricature anybody
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would then. now on the brink of a civil war at least seventy dead so far and the death toll rising it you know would you. a new music online you know. what we saw here today was a revolution. that it was initially but it's going to have invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals with. us from when you go to go to europe. nato has expanded into thirteen countries up to the borders of russia thirteen countries. focus has to be on not allowing ice to turn into a hot wall between ukraine and russia. that the team of boys in the city would just look when the new buildings to be truthful
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. mother . touch some other little. plug .
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ukraine. it's an ancient and proud land. with a rich history filled with much beauty heroism and sacrifice. ukraine is a border land. a place where east meets west. this is the flag of ukraine the blue represents the sky the gold its seemingly endless fields of wheat. ukraine is a prize many have sought. and much blood spilled in the quest to possess it. ukraine has been the pathway for western powers as they attempted to conquer the east. in world war one. and world
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war two. and every time the ukrainian people ended up paying the highest price for these grand games of power. history doesn't repeat but it surely rhymes said mark twain. if one looks closely at the history of ukraine one will notice many rhymes. being surrounded by stronger powers ukraine has needed a lot of cunning to survive and the art they truly mastered with time is the art of changing sides. in the middle of the seventeenth century ukrainian leader dunn who. broke a truce agreement made with poland siding more powerful russia. just over fifty years later as the russian swedish war was raging another ukrainian
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leader ivan mazeppa bro. the union with russia when he switched sides joining forces with the swedish invaders many times ukrainian history was written by third parties seeking to keep the gains of a revolution at any cost russia agreed to the humiliating conditions of the breast with screechy of one thousand nine hundred eighteen which turned ukraine into a german protectorate another historical document to change the fate of ukraine was the molotov ribbentrop pact of one thousand nine hundred thirty nine one of many such agreements being signed between european countries and rising germany. attempting to protect his nation from the approaching nazi threat. joseph stalin negotiated a treaty of nonaggression with adolf hitler while promising each other piece of the soviet and german foreign ministers molotov and ribbentrop realigned the map of eastern europe splitting it into german and soviet spheres of influence.
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no sooner had the mala tav ribbentrop pact been signed then poland was split and in september of one nine hundred thirty nine eastern poland awoke to be western ukraine and a part of the family of soviet republics and the u.s.s.r. . but even this bold dividing of lands and nations only delayed the inevitable germany broke its promise to the u.s.s.r. . on june twenty second one thousand nine hundred forty one germany invaded the u.s.s.r. launching barbara rossa the largest military operation in world history. barbara was aiming for st petersburg moscow and kiev ukraine three
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destinations of major significance. ukraine with its rich lands in resources was an important industrial and economic source for the u.s.s.r. to cut it off from the soviet union it would strike a big blow indeed. for most of the soviet union the second world war was about fighting the invaders of their land. but it wasn't quite so simple for ukraine the truth is ukraine has never been a united country. when world war two broke out a large part of western ukraine's population welcomed the german soldiers as liberators from the recently forced upon them soviet rule and openly collaborated with the germans. the real scale of collaboration was not announced for many years after the war but we now know that whole divisions and battalions were formed by ukrainian collaborators.


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