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tv   News  RT  July 8, 2018 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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now and kiev ukraine three destinations of major significance ukraine with its rich lands and resources was an important industrial and economic source for the u.s.s.r. to cut it off from the soviet union would strike a big blow indeed. for most of the soviet union the second world war was about fighting the invaders of their land. but it wasn't quite so simple for ukraine the truth is ukraine has never been a united country. when world war two broke out a large part of western ukraine's population welcomed the german soldiers as liberators from the recently forced upon them soviet rule and openly collaborated with the germans. the real scale of collaboration was not announced for many years after the war but we now know that whole divisions and battalions were formed by ukrainian collaborators such as s.s.
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galaxy and not to call and roll into battalions. just in the beginning of the war more than eighty thousand people from college cina region voluntarily enrolled into division s.s. galad seen in a month and a half notorious for their extreme cruelty towards the polish jewish and russian people on the territory of ukraine. members of these military groups came mostly from the organization of ukrainian nationalists the o. un founded in one nine hundred twenty nine this organization had an ultimate goal of creating an ethnically pure independent ukraine and considered terror an acceptable tool for achieving their ends their official flag was black and red bland and blood it will remain in ukraine's history long after the o. un will cease to exist in early one nine hundred forty the most radical nationalistic part of the organization of ukrainian nationalists got its own.
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leader stefan bond era severely anti-semitic and anti communist he proclaimed an independent ukraine in one nine hundred forty one. his german allies frowned upon such an act of self will and it landed him in prison for nearly all the second world war not participating in the events physically. still managed to successfully spread his ideology. many independent historians estimate that the zero un militia exterminated from one hundred fifty to two hundred thousand jews on ukrainian territory occupied by the germans by the end of one nine hundred forty one. the most notorious and outrageous massacre took place september twenty ninth and thirtieth nineteen forty one in kiev. of the city of kiev and its vicinity must appear on monday september twenty ninth by eight o'clock
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in the morning. bring documents money and valuables and also warm clothing linen cetera. do not follow this order and are found elsewhere will be shot. thirty three thousand seven hundred seventy one jews were killed in this two day operation of the nazis and ukrainian militia. another outrageous massacre was carried out by the ukrainian insurgent army and the bond era faction of the organization of ukrainian nationalists in german occupied polish foligno and eastern between one nine hundred forty three and one nine hundred forty four this genocide of poles was led by me call eleven thirty five thousand to sixty thousand people in vali nya and twenty five to forty thousand eastern. fell victim to this massive ethnic cleansing operation. sensing the inevitable loss of the german
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troops the organization of ukrainian nationalists who gave up on their former ally and began fighting equally against the germans and the soviet forces. in january nine hundred forty three u.s.s.r. troops started pushing the nazis back liberating one part of ukraine after another . western ukraine was the last ukrainian region held by the germans finally being liberated in october of one nine hundred forty four. bands continue to wage their guerrilla war against the soviet regime carrying out bloody raids on ukrainian villages and towns and leaving behind chaos and casualties. this war went on until the middle of the one nine hundred fifty s. when the last collaborators were either detained or fled the country. on may seventh one thousand nine hundred forty five germany unconditionally
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surrendered to the allies to crane remained a part of the soviet union first for. its. the peace after the second world war was short lived. the united states and the soviet union nations who allied together along with england to defeat the nazis tragically became foes as the cold war began. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race. period dramatic development that only i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very time to sit down and talk.
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the era of political and military tensions between the us and the u.s.s.r. lasted for nearly forty five years keeping humanity under the constant threat of nuclear war.
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in this battle the united states never lost sight of ukraine's importance. the u.s. intelligence kept a close eye on ukrainian nationalist organizations as a possible source of counter intelligence against the soviet union. cia documents that just recently have been declassified shows strong ties between u.s. intelligence and ukrainian nationalists since one thousand nine hundred forty six from the cia agency report it is clear that they were not mistaken about the nature of ukrainian nationalists organizations or their leaders step on monday or on himself according to an o.s.'s report of september one thousand nine hundred forty five bunn darragh had earned a fierce reputation for conducting a reign of terror during world war two after the second world war under another ukrainian nazi leaders fled to europe where the cia helped them hide. the cia later inform the immigration and naturalization service that it had concealed stephan von
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darragh and other ukrainians from the soviets the operations involving ukrainians continued for many years the nuremberg trials of one thousand nine hundred forty five in one nine hundred forty six brought the political economic and military leaders of fascist germany to justice and revealed to the world the monstrous face of naziism and the crimes they committed but the ukrainian nazis were spared the same fate and some were even granted indulgences by the cia by nine hundred fifty four the agency excused the illegal activities of the o. un security branch in the. name of cold war necessity in one nine hundred forty nine nicola levitt the man responsible for the massacres in the lena was moved to the united states where he died in one thousand nine hundred eighty nine without ever being investigated or pursued as a war criminal the cia moved to protect ukrainian nationalist leader nicola legged from criminal investigation by the immigration and naturalization service in one
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nine hundred fifty two perhaps pantera lost his use to the us or maybe k.g.b. agents outsmarted the cia but in one nine hundred fifty nine step on bond era the leader of the ukrainian nationalists was killed in munich where he was hiding under the name of stefan pople it would be fair to say that pantera became a major symbol of ukrainian nationalism by sheer chance for he was neither its only leader nor its most powerful one dimitrov don't solve was the father of the far right to tell a tarion doctrine in ukraine andriy melnyk was the leader of another faction of the un romance you have it was a general of the ukrainian insurgent army and others contributed greatly to the movement blunder as dangerous ideology suppressed by the communist authorities but supported by external forces and never really died the seeds of ukrainian nationalism or passed from generation to generation unfortunately it was just
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a matter of time before they would once again blossom. in one nine hundred fifty four ukraine's territory was expanded even more when nikita khrushchev the leader of the u.s.s.r. and ukrainian himself generously gave the crimean region to ukraine. historians would argue about the legitimacy of this transfer for many years to come and sixty years after khrushchev's gift dramatic new events would take place in crimea was around the world are on ukraine as a crisis in crimea continues dozens of heavily armed men seize government buildings in crimea shot ukraine jay. shrug it shall business say ok crimea is lost and the old arguments would heat up once again. the cold war would heat up and cool down by turns while both rivals were obsessive leave building up military capacity the turning point took place when the new era perestroika came to
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the u.s.s.r. with its new leader mikhail gorbachev in the middle of the one nine hundred eighty s. . perestroika meant restructuring towards liberalisation and democratisation it certainly had a positive impact on the international situation astonishing news from east germany by the east german authorities have said in essence of the berlin wall doesn't mean anything anymore. but inside the u.s.s.r. the weakening of kremlin control had different consequences. in ukraine a nationalistic political organization. or people's movement emerged in one nine hundred eighty nine due to this mild openness. they advocated for independence of ukraine from the u.s.s.r. and became an incubator for leaders of ukrainian naziism.
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in one thousand nine hundred one one of them new book founded svoboda an openly radical nationalist party preaching the good old principles of bondage era. if you. heard jew crane from the jews in russia ukraine for ukrainians and so on his statements got him fifth place in the simon vs and thought center top ten anti semitic world leader rankings of two thousand and twelve. it also sadly attracted numerous follow ups. dimitry are founded another extreme right organization treason or trident in one nine hundred ninety four. in april two thousand and thirteen became an assistant to a member of parliament from the opposition party who died. later that same year he
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would become the leader of the most radical ukrainian nazi group the right sector. laundry paro be would soon appear leading a whole army of ultra nationalist warriors. in the torch marches would once again light up the streets of ukrainian cities. all over. the world drastically changed in august one thousand nine hundred one when the u.s.s.r. de facto ceased to exist and the global political map welcomed many newcomers ukraine one of them in modern history it was the first time ukraine was truly independent and all on its own.
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the red flag came down over the kremlin tonight as president gorbachev resigned and also an end seven decades of communist rule in the soviet union. the years after the disintegration of the u.s.s.r. became known as the crazy ninety's in all the post soviet territories. he's leaving behind fifteen independent states which share only a disastrous economy and an uncertain future after having been under a government controlled economy the free market dramatically changed the rules of the game new business has emerged instantly in the first. all the guards were born overnight. the former country with no class division suddenly became stratified the chosen few became rich while the rest had to fight to survive. the same as it was the pollution is a sickness to herschel as. they what does that say. you know
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she still of us living in the slopes must've been using your trees in the wood when your lease is in your cellars of course it was and is a. good. list in your menu to do a little good reason you know it is the oldest thing in the nature and you know as many of you know dumbass they will. post the system i teach to good bush and i just want president going to bishop is one that will eventually you will still at the appraisal of a socialist slush a chicago the people's growing discontent made ukraine more vulnerable to outside forces and a new kind of warfare was launched one not known before the color revolutions. illustrators clashed with police hundreds of thousands protesting the results of the election and calling for a new vote. ukraine has had to color revolutions in its twenty four years of independence in two thousand and four crowds of people descended upon kiev
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marking the start of the orange revolution. at that time ukraine became once again a battlefield of two forces the russian and western governments the culmination of this conflict took place during the presidential elections in november of two thousand and four. the two major candidates western backed victoria yuschenko and russian leaning victoriana covert each almost equally shared the votes of ukrainians by the way calling viktor yuschenko a western backed is not an exaggeration. his wife. yuschenko is a former u.s. state department official and worked in the white house during the reagan administration the division was along geographic lines traditionally russian eastern ukraine voted for your new covert age while western ukraine chose yuschenko by the announced result viktor yuschenko lost to victory on
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a covert each but thousands of people didn't agree with it and they came to the central square of kiev on the twenty second of november. the situation received wide news coverage the country's election commission ignored reports of fraud declaring kremlin backed victory the winner international politicians such as former general secretary of nato solana became frequent guests in kiev initiating negotiations between parties in a full thirty odd with a colleague be able to come to. the results of the negotiations however were often reached only on paper thus you shango never told the supporters to stop blocking government buildings in central kiev. and therefore these nonviolent and very orange protests lasted for a month during which time the previous election results were no marred by massive corruption and new elections were announced an important nuance just three months
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before viktor yuschenko became a victim to a mysterious and still unsolved poisoning but it didn't prevent him from winning in the new election. though as we shall soon see there was much more than just the people's will that led to this victory this peaceful revolution and its leader were warmly welcomed by the international community but the euphoria didn't last long yuschenko its government completely failed with reforms and lost its chance to establish democracy instead descending into infighting viktor yuschenko was not reelected for a second term but at the. of his presidency he had the time to make one last gift to his supporters from western ukraine. and i'm not going to contact another. of the budget cuts out of the
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amount of money that they let him. this was a good time to. try to move there i'm. so done that ultimately not why not there again why it generated the old people who believe the media a. lot of my kids i don't want them up or so john what are they of the moment on account of mother how do a lot of kids or is it a little i'm a little like a mad building looking at the pink i don't want to put out a look to my work party without all the other bloodletting.
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the headlines here went. into the semifinals of the world com the winning a thrilling penalty shootout against russia. and despite the loss russia. into the night team did beat all expectations to get into the tournament. for. people who are in critical condition were exposed to the know it. and all the information on the case is the finger is already quickly pointed at russia.
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so welcome to the weekly here on r.t. international on the sunday morning some top news stories and some serious well. the final matches have been played i mean i know the remaining four teams who will play in the world cup semifinals sweden is. going anywhere though they are the tournament in which they did exceeded all expectations. full of high drama for the both their. thank. god was. was.
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was. was thank you. i said i was the sun. was. i. was the e.u. . so that's it for the quarter finals off the two more dramatic matches on saturday. sweden thanks to go heroes howard mcquarrie and allie and some fantastic goalkeeping by jordan pickford while russia mourning the country's penalties defeat to croatia a peter schmeichel of the aussie team now breaking down south day's action for you
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. know who were who. were her away should go through to the semifinals at the two thousand and eighteen world cup celebrations of. the funding for the refugees somewhere the bottom of the sun i was seeing there the despair of the russian supports and it's being quite a journey the school i spoke in the distance in these knockout stages simon said i don't see games that are the shit so i'm going to miss neil's celebrations when russia schools are never seen anything like it in this honest life that was as well so i mean i'm right he was he was popping over the years ago i wouldn't. say speaking of celebrations let's say he threw the goals that brought it to us to the drama of this penalty shootout and it started really well for russia thirty one minutes into the match these chebyshev really ran out and legs again continued but
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the thrill governs approaches to the finish that was quite remarkable is the second spectacular goal for the school for gold. the tournament well outside the area killed it shaped it into the top corner of the keep but one of the revocation of super six had meant chance when you would so hard to get a spectacular goal to lead to give it away to be successful defending because it's a lack of concentration and you don't leave someone like comrie. with five men five rushing fighters around in the park to go meet him on my soul so bad that was obviously something that. you know it was not a great moment for russia. and again i think on the third goal that they didn't score the both of the goals of my soft goals set is to you you kept saying no no no this start over this and i can't say because he just can't rush or come back in
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this but that fight a spirit it's five minutes to go freaking sunday allen's are going to substitute the film on it was personally placed freakin another pretended to fund this is what . breaking about the parachute for none does have a fantastic game feel the fullback three had to put it away send in the home crowd and perhaps may consider its scenes of ace the say it was such a thrilling phenomenally circus that him. it was just an incredible journey true to follow and they've got to say if it's going to be counted and we now have names like chairs if. then scarce if i means it's going to be really interesting to see what's going to happen over the next you know we can sue because he's hot property this is a guy who can run play and you know anything you expect from a player but he can scoff oh scalia finance this my probably my favorite player in
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this fantasy for the. super i mean we haven't even mentioned super sunday money isn't a starting strike in the final game scored in this very very first charge against saudi arabia i just. the point when you have this big. guy really big guy in terms of you know if you play well for these technical very good. he's physically very. i didn't see him as tired today but i think it's what managers do they have planned this stuff so he's just a one it's a golf and i think in many ways just yes i will regret taking off because he would have me go in that excess half an hour it's over for russia but the will cup is much bigger than and it continues for teams to my let's see here you say it is.
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we had a crowd of about three hundred behind us who were feeling the emotions everybody else was in this crowd three hundred and forty million plus people all of the emotional roller coaster the gold why mario fernandez just pure joy and then just the heartbreak of bottles you know yeah here are excerpts of it and just a few moments alone perhaps not of it and i mean fernandez you know he's obviously it was really a most impressive plays and yeah he's will russia join the tournament if these brazilian he stays in the russia but he's in these repressed during the course of the tournament so it's extra heartbreaking that he just wanted to yeah it is yeah and also for a small of you know he's been looked at as one of the leaders of the team is the leader across the dollar he plays he's filed for us this is the sort of the final now we see that. the ball should not. have that shot straight it is like he stayed on. my side second seed so i go if they're
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running the crowd. i just go back to the one i can feel my she's got his hand she pushed it on to the post. the. last scene. we want to put on shoes on. the list won. the tournament as of course we are disappointed that with one table to get the same final we were so close. that great support the country united around the team thanks a lot to everyone because they looked to us they mean we controlled the game we didn't play well because in the towers type live by a long. second half we take control in the game and play much better than first.
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and we deserve but they must take us to russia theme they played good is good if the very strong team which we had very high hopes for this game but we couldn't achieve everything we'd hoped but we're sad about it we did well in this championship but in the end when you're here in the quarterfinals you want to go further and we couldn't the only thing we want is to get better and to take the team to the highest possible level. you know if you do follow the national team football people on overly positive about the russian team there's always a bit of an air of. negativity you know they're overpaid. they're not good enough. that's all changed within just a couple of weeks a few matches they've gone all out and. they held out in the past against buying all they want to penalty shoot out they came out on the field the banner saying we play for you we've been for you the fans aren't. stupid it's you know.
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that she's. got a yellow now she come monday. but. let me. get out. i don't remember who's in with me so also what is it that the somebody in the easily so when a post-game interview a russian striker. said the team hope the country was proud of them. down off was on a cold sky a street of moscow's found central people that look pretty happy despite the us. it has been a nail biter of a game and a lot of dreams are being shattered tonight and i have to apologize to every we have. my voice that's. fine they are. they're still very very high here. in the game actually screaming we've been one good ones the.


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