tv Watching the Hawks RT July 10, 2018 2:30am-3:00am EDT
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over and over again about sarin gas chlorine and blood near and test revealing deadly nerve agents i mean heck even the white house even the white house and april thirteenth announced that according to u.s. analysis a significant body of information points to the regime using chlorine in its bombardment of duma while some additional information points to the regime also using the nerve agent sarin. now while the o.p.c. w. did discover that chlorinated organic chemicals were indeed present to locations they made very clear that they have not made any determination on who was ultimately responsible and that they are still investigating but you know when you got one hundred tomahawk missiles burning a hole in your war machine is part of why wait a few months why wait till july for an investigation of the evidence to come out when you can launch them in april shoot first and ask questions later is the order of the day when you're not watching the hawks. you want to.
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get the. real thing. at the bottom. like you that i got. this. well from are going to watching the hawks i am tyrrel been turfed out for a while this type of shoot first ask questions later on no evidence let's now go to great point great point i mean i was there for them any other day i think it's interesting because this report. outside of other reports that we've seen which was a lot of conjecture it was what we think best we think this will report it's a report say where this report this is is different because one it doesn't rely on
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social media videos as with preliminary reports that we've seen it includes a verified full o.p.c. chain of command for a chain of custody for its evidence which we obviously don't see in the videos. and that was part of it because they actually went next they studied the site figuring out an analysis from from a you tube video and it's based. an eyewitness accounts and evidence collected at the site of the attack which is completely different than what we have so far which is what i think is interesting is when you say which they need to see actual evidence why that's such a scary thing to some people a go you shouldn't have to wait till it's investigator mike but because you should that's. because of this is recent that things are not so clear and easy as they claim to be because you know tab if you wait until evidence properly has been collected. intelligence bodies you know make their assessments and things of that
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nature but then that it might not come out the way you want it there might not show you that like it was all of it was all about the rebel you know like you might not show what you wanted to so a lot of these a lot of these groups and organizations would rather just jump the gun yeah you know because it's like that like well we can get because it's all it's really a battle of perception in the media right at the end of the day well the most serious being especially the syria chemical weapons attacks i mean those were the you know the big dollar sign of ad dollars for and i'm sorry maybe i'm being cold and heartless about it but i didn't see that they cared i see that they saw dollar signs for ad dollars and that's why they talked about in a lot knots way that was oh i'm horrified i'm shocked i'm horrified i'm shocked i'm like when you're not reading the news every day writing because i'm more if i'm shocked every day not just on the day is that the perfectly you know taken in that picture of the supposed that or the video that just tears at your heartstrings but you don't ask who's really abusing the shoulder and as of the people in the video
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you or what's going on well it what's really interesting is when you when you look at what the o.p.c. w. and what the report has revealed you know there's some very important information much reported in suspected chemical weapons facilities in syria the report actually states that from the information gathered the you know from the two places on site visits they made to these reported chemical weapons facilities there was no indication of either a facility being involved in the production of chemical warfare agents or the toxic chemicals were even made there at all you were even in the place that all of it again you see these holes being punched in which are the things that i guess really were dropped bombs over so yeah no i mean i think it's just really important that we point out to the audience that these aren't things that we're just saying why aren't they there. like i saw him on c.s.i. once these are things that are actually very basic they don't need to be there in a perfect zip and that's why people wait for them and good journalists wait for that and so they you know cry. say. you know it's interesting i'm just saying
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there's a really interesting too is there's a line in the report that i actually like zero heads but one of them pointed out and the line goes is that the noted that the person is affected in the report incidences may in some instances have been exposed to some type of non persis to an irritating substance not meaning they were there they're being irritated but not by something that chemical that's not a persistent this could be consistent actually with reports with sources that robert fisk the reporter that actually went there and everyone jumped on him saying oh i'm going to go in there and say there was an attack. where he came back and said he talked a lot of doctors we saw videos of doctors there who said actually it looked like people were suffering from oxygen starvation as opposed to a chemical strike you know when you and that's why they were in that hospital and then somebody came in and suddenly stuff and i agree with will see what the o.c. brings up next. the six foot five powerhouse of greenwich
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village folk scene dave van ronk enjoyed telling people that is heroes work donald duck lennon and w.c. fields biographer robert shelton would say that wrong resembled an unmade bed strewn with books record jackets pipes empty whiskey bottles lines from obscure poets fingerpicks and broken guitar strings which. was accurate dave van ronk also believed that he was being surveilled by the united states government due to his political beliefs and his friendships with some of the most important names in the mccarthy era american folk scene and while many laughed at dave's assertion calling him paranoid it turns out he was right journalist aaron j. leonard was discovered has discovered through a freedom of information act request that the f.b.i. was indeed surveilling dave van ronk from one nine hundred sixty three into at least one nine hundred seventy three informants were reporting of membership in an offshoot organization of the socialist workers party which felt the party was not
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radical enough and should be saturating unions the newly released files show that the f.b.i. reviewed copies of dave van ronk albums south made sure that wrong was kept from review renu in his merchant marine union membership questioned his neighbors tapped his phone and eventually put him on the f.b.i.'s security and x. division rock folk musician a guitar player was put on a list that at the time meant in the event of a national emergency his arrest and detention would be required what makes this case so important is that it's a silly story of our past but a precursor to our present journalists are being put on a list by the department of homeland security prisons will claim ownership of an inmate's are to bury it when they are criticizes the prison system american censorship is alive and well in two thousand and eighteen just as it was in one thousand nine hundred eighty three when folk music iconoclasts dave van ronk was sipping whiskey a teddy bear picnics and apparently scaring the pants off the f.b.i.
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with lyrics like excuse me ladies and gentlemen would you kindly let me pass on the slip and slide yes yes yes. you know you fellows. do. you know it is music to. my mind and we've seen the of the yard especially the arrow follow a lot of pretty. you know what those of both singers to do legs that was a teddy bear pick teddy bear paper if i can make it a lovely one of his mind you don't why what is so dangerous why would j. edgar what is so dangerous about folk music that's the question. ok. sure it's ok never in my life in the you know twenty some odd years ago when i sat sipping whiskey with dave and i say what i did i ever think i would be sitting here with this why is folk music so because protest songs and especially at that time they tended to be about unions and workers and that's what most the folk music is about it's about workers about working class and the thing is people forget
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a speech they forget a leaflet they don't forget a song and that was that thing where they had to keep an eye on who was being i mean pete seeger woody guthrie these are all people who were you know pete seeger was banned from radio because he talked about the socialist workers party and the sixty's and make fifty that's incredible sort of amazing that is really incredible what's really you know what else is interesting when we were looking through this earlier today in the good reporting on this story of the there the f.b.i. plan essentially backfired because you know van ronk as you said always kind of suspected that the reason his merchant marine union card replacement was denied back in sixty three was due is politics and the f.b.i. files show that on july eleventh one thousand sixty three sixty three the f.b.i. had reviewed ben bernanke's albums and saw that the cover of one of his albums reflected the bottom rung been wrong in the past had been a merchant seaman merchant marine the f.b.i. contacted the coast guard's intelligence division who then contacted the offices of jed hoover who told them that ben rocca been seen entering the socialist workers
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party headquarters how dare that evil man. gave up and that was what made him focus full time on folk music so essentially them not letting him continue being an emergency like elevated his not right when i answer the question he finally gave up because he's like look my politics are probably going to keep me out of. having this job so i'll be a i mean that's what really made him focus on that iraq what's really interesting is that it just it ended up making him focus more and. allies a waltz who was his biographer at the time he was dying he died of cancer in two thousand and two and then sort of put the rest of us together had told truthout who published the story originally the day would have loved the evidence that he was not just being paranoid when he thought they would deny him miss seaman certificate and it's kind of interesting because there is there's also this whole stories about
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day of having you know sir paul and one pulling the wool over their eyes while they were doing this because he knew what was happening when he went into when he recruited or got drafted and he went in and did it he gave them the impression that he was pretty sick in the head they said because of his emotional instability and has a poignant as a folk singer. they didn't want to interview him because they felt he could be an embarrassment to the bureau if they survive. because of this emotional sensibility but what's interesting is his ex-wife terri told truthout that that was the whole kind of work she is that the david a friend from richmond hill queens were going for the pretty induction physical at the time and in a successful attempt to get for classification dave rehearsed manifesting a psychiatric problem before they went they smoked a ton of marijuana and day of practice shaking and stammering so i'm pulled one over yeah that's a group of writers group of british court watchers those are just a little slower your biggest topics of coverage of the good twitter sphere are full
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shows that are to dot com coming up short those studies the great political war between conservatives and liberal with the doctors for the workers job of government and then starbucks is going green at its logo straight to the watchable . right we also started five guests in the studio house a signal. he's not going to talk about the no fly list just renewed right after the mars explorers one who would have their own unique. record. to say let me.
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go to alice room welcome to sophie and joe i'm so see shevardnadze said today we're got lots to talk about in our program and our guest is. good luck little. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten dollars timestamping each day. eighty five percent of global will you want to be old rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent of your home with four hundred to five hundred three per circuit first second and third quarter rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars. but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember one one does not show you you know for them it's
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the one and only tool but. what's the saying hold on. those jobs back to america by imposing sorrow to equalize the trade take your. move toward a post china extraction model you know where as private equity extraction well using lab or tiles china's but extracting wealth using leverage trade shenanigans so this is just the reverse of that song as i hear it in some people's voices starts to make a little more sense people don't understand that this guy actually understands more than people are giving him credit for.
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here in the united states and in many other countries around the world liberal versus conservative as most popular political construct of the day. anomic class and race political parties and beliefs are often used as the great dividers in a society here in the united states this is most often represented geographically with the snobby over educated liberals enjoying the coastal cities while the god fearing un educated conservatives and have it the middle of the country or fly over states and never saw the two meet unless at family reunions are in political talk shows and that's where filmmaker john mcgovern comes out with this new documentary film and titled the other side a liberal democrat explores conservative america and the film mcgovern forces as liberal self to travel across the country and into the fly over states to meet and better understand the conservatives who are so opposite his own political beliefs
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our own johnstone caught up with mcgovern to discuss this new film and the divides between right and left that are tearing so many apart. from time to time we liberals try to understand the other side you know that's what we're good at you know empathy and understanding open mindedness open mindedness for sure. but i think we go about it wrong that at least the attempts that i've seen were always looking for what's wrong in conservatism which is fairly logical if you're a liberal you think the rule isn't is right so if you're going to ask the question why are people conservative then the underpinning to that question is you know why did people get it wrong you know so you and you'll end up with quick answers like you know they're duped by fox news they're their money grubbing capitalists or like obama said they cling to their guns and religion or like hillary said their basket of the poor girls were never really looking for the positive reasons for being
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conservative so that hit me one day i was like ok there's got to be some positive reasons for being conservative so i was interested in discovering those so i drove around the country for five months with a dog charlie interviewing people interviewing conservatives and really with the goal not common ground i do want to say it was not seeking common ground. i don't really think common ground is going to get us anywhere it's like i hate your guts but hey we both like white doilies you know like that's not going to make any real difference i don't think but if i can authentically get there's a perspective that you have that has some value and some legitimate. a legitimate perspective that i can actually appreciate now that's that's the beginning of an interesting conversation so that's what i was after i was i was
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looking for the good in conservatism and. it was really hard because i would sit through hour and a half long interviews of hearing people say things that just made me boiling mad but i just i decided beginning i was not going to argue i was going to listen even those angers and listen even though i was angry and then i made two promises one no arguing and two when a conservative made a good point i would have to say hey that's a good point you know normally were like yeah but you you give me your point from your other side or so oh yeah but your side into nonexistence i was committed to not doing that i see so i'm curious because i don't consider myself either liberal or conservative i just come from a position of looking for something makes sense i can you know i can argue that point and then accept the point of view i really don't like to put myself into either camp i think both of you tend to be extremists but now we get this real
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extremism which is like so called all right conservatism yeah which tends to be a bit more racist a little bit more. it's not you know in some ways it would you would think like well it's sort of like they're opposed to foreign wars in which i can agree with but the other hand there's a sort of almost a not see underlying fascism natives use it in native ism and whatnot or so it's tricky but when it comes to. all right did you see this in the nature of the conservatives that you were meeting with the talking to and what became labeled as the all right later was already there with a conservatism as you experience that i didn't experience that i interviewed eighty conservatives over the five months span and i didn't experience experience some you know anti illegal immigration. and. universal health care you know experience conservative ideas but i didn't really
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experience and he of what we're seeing now is in the all right i did interview i went to well while i was passing through south carolina i heard that the klan was having a rally to protest the removal of the confederate flag from the state capital so i hightailed it to the capitol columbia so that i could see if i could you know get some footage and interview people and i ended up talking to a well first of all there were about maybe twenty three twenty four klan members. three to four thousand counter protesters likely in there were they were african-american state. south carolina state troopers protecting the klan members as they walked up to the capitol it was it was surreal you know so but i saw the reports on the t.v. on t.v. afterwards and it made it seem like it was equal parts klan equal parts kind of
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like this is a huge problem yeah there are there. these are far as i was concerned i didn't see a huge claim it was very small numbers but this is the media exactly trying to for sure the boogeyman if you hear of oh look at these neo nazis look at these you know confederate klansmen that are running around and you know it's rioting in our america whereas you know as you say as you point out actually. they were a tiny minority tiny compared to the had to be protected most people who it was really almost almost felt sorry for. so so yeah my my experience was that the. that that segment and see how it's the proportion of conservatives who hold those kinds of views is very small and i didn't experience that in any of my eighty interviews now to be fair there were this was not a very scientific study you know like a statistician would be horrified at my methods you know it was not
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a random sampling it was course my friends and family and anyone who wanted to talk to me you know yeah but still i just didn't i didn't find any of that in the people that i interviewed right and so does that make you think that perhaps there is this tendency within the media to create a narrative basically to create a worldview that those of us who really you know we live in big cities whether los angeles or new york or miami or something we don't buy the necessarily calendar the middle states that much so they want to create a narrative you see how crazy and backwards and scary these middle states are these southern states are they have you know the resurgence of clades been because trump is in power so the klan is on the rise then you know it's in the rise does it feel to you like sort of a constructive narrative to give us this us versus them picture it's for sure not accurate in in my experience where it comes from i think is business when news organizations become businesses they're looking for revenue
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they're looking for clicks they're looking for what will enemy their audience and what will almost always enemy your audience more then good news is bad news someone they hate you look at the comment section on something that you know look at what the other side is like in the comments section is filled with interaction some people you know look i can't believe these people exist if we people this but if you if you bring. up anything positive about the other side then you won't get any it we're appealing to the base or need sure of ourselves so i don't not sure i even like blame the news organizations they're just sort of doing what they do they're they're looking for interaction they're feeding the people what they want and what people seem to want right now is to be man and outraged and it's. it doesn't give people an accurate picture of reality to just be mad all the time and to see
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the other side is yeah i would disagree that humans prefer a news that's negative i think that people actually reacts and you see them spreading videos of you know animals and love and tenderness and sure good deeds actually those are the ones that will viral it will love to spread actually people love good news it's just that we've been i think the media has fed and operates so much on fear that corporations have operated with that and towards that and i'm curious i saw the debate with caleb moppet who's basically he's announced himself socialist you know he's about socialist and he's that he did a bait with a fascist and the irony of that debate was that they ended up mostly being opposed to the corporations that really rule america if not the world right yeah and that was the sort of common ground that both of them were standing upon these are different courses of application of how to protect america to protect the individual and society probably those corporate paris thirty sixty profiting off all of us but one of my favorite there's an s n l skit with tom hanks when he went
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on black jeopardy. as a trump supporter and you know if you saw that but they were like agreeing about everything it was really sort of. that's what i like that's what that's what. the sort of the antidote to. their hitler know your hitler know your hitler know your hitler you know antidote to that is like ok let me actually listen to what you're saying then you. i mean examine what it is that your perspective is what it is what is it exactly that you're saying so when it came to this notion of a corporate corporatocracy basically you know you call it fascist or corporatism or you know the right called socialism the left calls it fascism but ultimately this is a marriage of the corporations and the state so you've seen did you get that sense from the conservatives you spoke to during a documentary that hey there's a serious problem which is this sort of corporate ownership of our country or did
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they simply see it as it's the government that's the problem and not the corporate america the government yeah it was more of the government is the problem i think mostly what i heard from conservatives is if someone gets well fear a corporation gets wealthy then they deserve that they worked hard or they sacrificed and they were smart and we need to reward that and not punish that that was that was sort of the can that's the conservative ideology. americans use five hundred million plastic disposable straws per day and those drugs and up killing a million seabirds and at least one hundred thousand marine animals per year which is why some cities like seattle are adopting stronger laws to combat the waste and now caffeine carto starbucks has announced that they will be replacing the iconic green plastic straw with recyclable sippy cup style lids and they'll also have
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composed an alternative materials available for a specific beverages and upon request for customers who need them due to health conditions the change which starbucks hopes will be in place by two thousand and twenty could eliminate the years of one billion plastic straws from their stores per year so the move to divest from plastics and some high end restaurants to use biodegradable plastic as a replacement there are even gluten free pasta straws on the market for the serious super reusable copper and stainless steel stars are gaining in popularity of course . i bought four reasonable copper straws on friday and by saturday i had already for on one away were accidents so just remember changing your environmentally unfriendly ways is a process to baby steps. to spread so better that day everybody will remember in this world we are told will love love so i tell you all of you i am very well
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u.k. has a new foreign secretary after boris johnson becomes the latest. to quit the cabinet over the prime minister's soft approach to leaving the e.u. . a swedish dentist is fired and taken to court after exposing my patients for claiming to be. being adults. in the world cup play belgium in the semi final showdown of the. day so we had a chance to quiz funds ahead of the game on another rivalry. i don't know where the name comes from but there belgian. fries but they could have their names we know it's it's true.
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