tv News RT July 11, 2018 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT
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seventy five dollars we'll be right back. across europe municipalities are taking their water supply back from private companies with image this is the simple song alone events like on the biggest elsewhere they invite private companies to take over their utilities anybody tell us drop off. my band this is. a bit more you than bill bill if bill brought up locals are ready to stand up for the basic human right of access to water it's about water but it's also over much more than war it's about the hurt and the redistribution of our west birds on their debt downwards they want to.
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who came before will have. all the security back at asms and agencies in the ease saying we don't want to be part of britain anymore he got caught helping stopping out aviation companies we match and banks stopping out everyone wants to get out because if you don't have the supernatural institutions to cover the event you have to be part of that and you saw to be a separate go it alone island under a large rain cloud swimming in marmite washing some old hag of a crown. in france germany and italy and the rest are saying no we don't want to be a part of. the war doogan is an outstanding person because he took on the most powerful agency in this county or you'll be the state if you look at some of the before now and. mark was the day that when he was
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five. mugged or going to has been the sheriff's most contentious critic for a year is the first time i noticed something wasn't right in fleece work pretty much when i first started the corruption in palm beach county is not something that you can smell a thing like that it's a nod and a wink it wasn't what i wanted to do. we've had more shootings in this county then some states have had collectively drug and went to his website began featuring comments about gold his family the sheriff by then going to squash you like a bug you know we should stop then you should send a letter to the stuff i believe what i'm doing now so it's ok you know it's your funeral building. p.b.s. and critic dude in this house. i snuck out of the united states.
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to russia's political. men they know as bad of a. welcome breath back president heir to one of turkey has appointed his son in law as the country's new treasury and finance minister the son in law bear ought by rights act has held the title of energy minister since two thousand and fifteen is married to the oldest of the president's daughters the turkish lira fell by roughly four percent after the appointment was announced and there was a sell off in turkish debt and shares yields on ten-year turkish bonds rose seven point one five percent mr heir to one also took the oath of office on monday for a new term as president and issued a decree cutting the term of his appointees to the central bank from five years to
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four it's unclear if the decree will impact the current central bank president. the vice president of iraq asked. curry so let me get that right s. iraq john hungary said today that while u.s. sanctions will negatively impact the iranian economy the nation would endeavor to quote sell as much oil as we can the statement comes in light of president donald trump pulling out of international accord the iranian nuclear deal is what most people call it which lifted sanctions are in iran in exchange for them scaling back their nuclear proliferation program and the u.s. saying in may that other nations would face consequences if they continue to purchase or oil from iran after don't bamber fourth of this year and some nations have said they will continue to purchase iranian oil notably india which is a large iranian oil importer and european officials which continue to support the iranian nuclear deal say they will remain active and engaged with iran just days
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ago foreign ministers from france germany britain china and russia the five remaining signatory nations to the nuclear deal offered a package of economic assistance to iran. and as the u.s. government remains engaged in trying to shut down the iranian oil experts iranian officials have responded recently by threatening to block the strait of hormuz that's the water passage between the persian gulf and the gulf of oman which where roughly twenty percent of global oil passes through while such a move would create a possibility of armed conflict it's seen by observers as very unlikely however it does highlight the importance and significance of the matter to our rein in officials and to help us out in understanding all the ramifications of not only the iranian circumstance but other global oil's issues we are please once again to be joined by chris martenson the founder of peak prosperity dot com chris thanks for being with us what's your take on the iranian situation. well thanks for the
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invitation bart it's obviously pretty serious that the iranians in the united states have been going at it for a while along with saudi arabia as the proxy in this in this particular story and so as you just mentioned iran has said well you know if we can if you want to allow us to export oil will shut the strait of hormuz down you know this is a very narrow choke point as you mentioned twenty to thirty percent of the world exported oil comes through that choke point it's not very wide two tankers can go one cut one set coming in one coming out and iran has the missile technology to actually close it down if they wanted to it's a very narrow band of water as i mentioned you can easily park antiship missiles well inland very difficult to defend and the united states has said hey you know we're it will guard this and we'll make sure we're sure it stays open but it's not clear that they can so the main issue as always would be if you're the owner of one of these major tankers and it's a big investment it's full of inexpensive cargo if you can't get insurance you can't sail through there and that would be the prime issue yeah and think about all
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the traders you know on the street and lun-lun london trying to hedge their risk on on that whether or not your money is all tied up costing you millions and millions of dollars per day chris i wonder about your take on sort of this cat and mouse game that we have talked about in the past that is the other nations being sort of threatened by the trump administration to not deal with the iranians on oil after november fourth whether or not you think they're going to continue to do that or whether or not there will be so much pressure that they'll have to stop right now it appears that those five nations germany france the u.k. russia and china are going forward india's been really clear about going forward but i think i may have even read some about how south korea is saying they may not so how do you look at all this chris. well we really have to look at this is an oil situation is global and right now we're seeing that global supplies and demand are
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roughly balanced it hasn't been that way in a number of years and it's a very inelastic market so even a tiny supply disruption could easily result in a very large price movement obviously that would be a very unwelcome development for places like south korea you just mentioned japan portugal spain greece places that are hundred percent importers this would be a very rude shock at a bad time so nobody really has an interest in seeing the oil prices spike at this point in time the countries you mention though i've realized that they don't have opportunities to replace that iranian oil right now we've got venezuelan production absolutely crashing because of a whole host of reasons but mostly it's the collapse of their society we have to supply disruptions also in libya there's the possibility that the yemen situation could also begin to choke off things in the red sea which is an alternative transit point for some of that oil that comes out of the persian gulf so it's a very tight situation and guess what places like china india and so on are saying we don't we can't do without the iranian oil right now trump for his part he
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tweeted hey saudi arabia want you dial yours up two million barrels a day great tweet but no experts i'm familiar with think that saudi arabia has that spare capacity now yeah that would be a lot of extra pumping and then you know if the iranian production did continue it would be pumping and dumping and that would certainly have an impact on price and in that regard before we go and ask you an unfair question chris given all these ramifications we talk about price now well was trading i looked at it a little bit ago and i think it was in the upper seventy three dollars level and and gasoline is in the two eighty's or two ninety's per gallon what do you think's going to happen in sort of the next month or so. well we have been seeing bart this supply demand balancing out i've been talking about this for a while we are going to begin to see tighter and tighter supplies that's going to keep pressing prices higher so i'm looking for a more upward trajectory in the price of oil and the only little asterix i have to
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put on that besides a economic slowdown that could hit demand is that if we do get some sort of a military thing that does end up shutting down the strait of hormuz you could easily see a doubling of oil prices if that lasts for more than a couple of weeks yeah it's one thing to say that you're going to look at the iranian production and have a problem but if you talk about like we say twenty twenty percent of the oil moving through and thirty five percent of the water oil moving through the strait of hormuz that could have a big deal difference and we chris martenson the founder of peak prosperity dot com chris thanks to reshape it. you're welcome bart. and add tesla to the list of companies caught in the crossfire between the u.s. and china china is reportedly tesla second largest market but china has retaliated against u.s. president donald trump with forty percent tariffs on automobiles and corded from the u.s. tesla then raise prices on their most expensive s. and x.
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models by about thirty thousand dollars tesla founder and c.e.o. elon musk having to squeeze some publicity from the cave rescue in thailand despite and doing nothing is going to develop a little tiny submarine that was reported but he was in shanghai today to talk with chinese government officials including a meeting with the mayor of shanghai where he announced that tesla will build a plant in the city of note is that china will not own any part of the tesla plant we've talked talked about that before about china demands the they own part of it but after construction begins the plant may take two years to build and being completed in twenty twenty or twenty twenty one after that it said they will take five years to ramp up production to a goal of five hundred thousand vehicles per year that is of course assuming the continued growth core three mains on target and here to talk tesla and other auto industry news is the car coach lauren fix who is also the president of the north american car utility and truck of the year award lauren thanks for being with us mr
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must was going to create that submarine to get the soccer team out i just i was rolling my eyes when i read read that i mean we all were glad that those kids were saved but the big news today is about his trip to china and if it's possible to hear somebody rolling their eyes when i was reading that headline about five hundred thousand vehicles i thought i heard you rolling your eyes what do you make of this announcement. well first i have to give him some credit i don't know him personally but i will say the fact that he was the only c.e.o. of all the manufacturers that went over there and brought the little ship actually built that through the space x. program brought engineers over to try to help save those kids even though they didn't use it and he had course made a public appearance because it was all about the show that he tried to do something i give him credit for that so that's where you get some credit for me but he likes to play the game in twenty fifteen twenty sixteen twenty seventeen and here we are
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in twenty eighteen again he says we're going to china we're going to build a factory and china won't own any of it well china has their own regulations and we know that and g.m. general motors and b.m.w. they're all building and assembling cars are in the process of building more factories and guess what china owns half of them and he's going to need about five billion dollars to do it out of his own pocket when you partner with china you cut that cost in half and it will take about three years if you're super aggressive on building it which means you have to start like yesterday it's going to take quite a few billion dollars you've got to train employees and it would double the capacity i think that it's a very ambitious suggestion but to me it sounds like hype in order to raise money because he's burning through cash like nobody's business and soon as they make that two hundred thousands car here in the u.s. he's going to lose a seventy five hundred dollar tax credit and the competitors are going to have that available and that will hurt his sales all that's very interesting on the tax front
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lauren tesla is that the only one i read i don't it's news out today but i read it today that b.m.w. has announced that they they too will make many cars in china is as part of a joint venture now this is going to be a joint venture unlike the tesla deal with great wall motor oil motor company i soon that is the partnership that they all have there and the c.e.o. harold krueger touted the deal for the joint and auto maker what is it about china we know that there are huge population of what to consumers. but you have told us before we talk about electric vehicles in the states you know look there's no places the plug i'm in in the midwest except try to tell us why china is such a potentially lucrative place for car makers in particular electric vehicle makers . our own number one they they are demanding and mandating that by two thousand and twenty every vehicle on the road is going to be electric that's a big challenge remember china does a lot of silly things like that like we're going to say you can have one child and
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they realize that everybody had boys and they had no girls so it wasn't easy to expand the population so now they said no you can have two or three kids sometimes they make rules and regulations that have they have to back pedal on and this may be one of them one of the things that china is doing though and i give them credit for this is they're building nuclear power plants like crazy because they don't have enough electrical power and how do you get that quickly you can't do it off for wind and solar it's not enough you have to use nuclear power so they're building nuclear power plants in order to power this but they're still going to have an infrastructure problem there's not enough places for everyone to charge people in general across the world are very impatient they want to plug in their car and have instant charge like you fill up for a tank of gas and that may cause some issues we'll see if they back pedal on this but right now if you're smart like b.m.w. and general motors and ford they're building cars in that country because they know people will be buying those electric vehicles and certainly you don't want to miss out on that because that's money that's profit set sales and that's good for global and especially if president trump ends up reducing those tariffs to zero and you
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have a true free market globally you're going to watch a lot of cars being shipped out of china to other countries as well so this is very interesting to watch and i'm watching very closely what's going on with these meetings we shall see that could change everything reminds me a little beach boys song wouldn't it be nice if we had free trade lauren we covered yesterday on the program nissan you know the latest to confirm that they falsified a mission to replace related reports on nineteen different vehicles i mean is this stuff to spin to continue to drip drip drip out and do you think there might be others that we have not yet heard about. yes i do think there's probably others out there what happened in this particular cases they had people that weren't qualified approving their e.p.a. standards and you have to be really careful because there are regulations here in the u.s. we have the department transportation we have the national highway traffic safety administration and we have what's called f.n. v.s.s.
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which is the federal motor vehicle safety standards and each one of them kind of contradict each other so you have to know each one and have lawyers to kind of place that out and so if you follow the regulations exactly to a t. you're fine but the problem is those regulations keep changing in other countries they keep changing and so if you're not on top of it you're then breaking the rules and in this case it cost them on the stock market and the sound smarter than that i mean kabul's goan has been running this company very successfully nissan makes great product but when people find out that you're lying it does impact the bottom line which is sales and that's not smart and absolutely got to be honest with consumers lauren fix the car so much and president of the north american car utility and truck of the year award thanks for your time as always lauren thank you . and that's it for this time you can catch boom bust on directv channel three twenty one dish network channel two eighty or streaming twenty four seven on pluto t.v. the free t.v. app show one thirty two or as always hitch
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a ride with us at youtube dot com slash boom bust r t c a down the road. a trumpy in kind of view it is an understatement to say donald trump is an unconventional and an orthodox political figure in his critics do have a point when they say trump appears to be harsher with allies than with real or imagined enemies then there's the middle east and iran claims trump so obsessed with terrain.
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wednesday's world cup action will see england or croatia their place alongside france and some days final funds are looking forward to what's being described as the most important match in decades for both nations. from launches a scathing attack on germany telling nato leaders that burns dependence on russian oil and gas has left it captive to moscow. time ahead of our own meeting with trump on friday's. u.k. prime minister to resign made pledges to boost britain's military support for nato and send hundreds of additional troops to afghanistan. hello from r t h q this wednesday july the eleventh i'm calling break in moscow all have our other headline
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news for you a little bit later on first though we've got the football for you and five hours from now england and croatia will battle it out for a place in sunday's world cup final we've got the best insight for you with manchester united boss joe say marino and former democrat number one peter schmeichel. has younger players heads. were deeply true easy matches and the match against belgian they changed every player so the players that are playing now they they all had one match less than croatia to play because they didn't play against belgium and the majority of the players. are
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young feets players when i look to the team i sing ashley young said it is three years old just today or yesterday something like that and part of that the players are all very young and and between england and croatia i think croatia has great mentality. a fantastic me to play to control the game in the possession of the game but then when these. is a happy team they're up against a very strong and well supported croatian team i was hoping maybe we could talk about midfield battle so many great players in midfield look at modest as a lot of attention but there's more than just into it. look at the trees. he's a world class player he's been you've been playing fantastically for for real madrid we know that three consecutive champions league he's been instrumental in winning. this guy is a world class player and he's he's one of those players knew that. you think he's
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only just about the football you know when he has the ball into the passing do the dribble he's also really strong competitive and fighting and running midfield player and you've got someone like harry cain up front who is it at this point a scored six goals is leading by two goals in the in the gold boot competition when you've got someone like him who at any time at any point without any warning in a game of football can score a goal then you always have this incredible threat so i think. southgate's thinking . is as long as we can keep it tight as long as we can keep him under control as long as we take don't take too many chances we always have that and so far it's worked he's been speaking quite complementary i think about the experience that the team of had in russia that you never know you're going to a strange country you know strange food strange culture bodies being quite positive
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and have a listen to. every city we've played in of course in our base in particular but everywhere we've played we've had a really warm welcome and the organization of the tournament has been absolutely first class that's been a lot of christian fans in rough and let's just have a look at how they have been enjoying their time oh oh. oh oh oh oh. oh. oh oh. oh oh. ingle fans pretty much will do anything to get to moscow for this nothing place sometimes have to go backwards to go forwards and that's what they've done literally summoning the fans as part of their journey of flying back to lisbon slightly that's what a two hour journey and then a five hour plus flight out to moscow but that's the way to do it if you can't get
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direct tickets so let's return thousand in the fans making this journey for england . a lot less minutes travel plans being put together having been in that situation when you've had to cobble together a journey at the last moment to do anything to get there anything but luckily these events we're talking about won't have to take to the pitch but you know they have to contribute in the stands we managed to catch up with the group are traveling via has been to get to moscow adding several hours this is what it's like for them. the force of this gives you. what seems to be kids. though. the. security. you speak of makes it quite scary that you're going to be excluded you wouldn't want to waste the strike it's here you should be good for you if you serve you well you know steve if you get to see
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funding fall into some cases. yourself that. if you can make it through you can get in the forty's. coming out. of england supporters convinced that they are going to win they're coming out in greater numbers now all the rights well time will tell in terms of the winner but in terms of confidence england not lacking that. they're pretty much so far enjoying the trip to russia that's what they said about it. yet i think. the way. they are they just inside is one mad rush and the people absolutely love. it. when some bad press for example talk about here you can see russia and it's not the
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english. the poisoning the well so what were the things that you were hearing about russia before the game here i'm saying. like it's like it's like scary expects really got some in my space ever got friendly and you know i think that's true let's get back fresh to your staunch belief it but once people realize that hey this is not because they're out there with we're going up as we want to go beyond the world george as well i think what he should and. i want to come over. but you know we speak to them pretty much every time you see them after the games as well you remember the case. when. members astounded me not to come to russia because it was racism so much that having been here we could have
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anything to say about. yeah. whatever was said it's completely been overruled by my experience here this week we have actually you know probably. people i've met in fantastic the food has been very great you know. what's coming back to get another one thank you russia spot possible. you still got timing and fans coming to russia coming out and coming i. yeah he says it's coming home some people go further they think it's coming. well it's you know the original lyrics you know this year a ninety six it first came about the song and they sing about thirty years of hurt now it's fifty years if you have to change the number of years after every page for every major so let's hear how it sounds these they.
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showed. me the earth i. it is probably the best of a football song to say that it is a song that's been written by but at the on the skin a. song by those two and the lightning seeds now see that was that was for the european championships in one thousand nine hundred six so the football football was coming back home to england for that. and he was necessarily the trophy that was coming home. since that song was written and england fans one thing and it kind of means that the trophy is coming home to england it's a great song and it's it's got different versions let's just listen to how some russians are into everything this great song just.
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