tv Documentary RT July 12, 2018 6:30am-7:01am EDT
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yeah go ahead. thank you sir jeremy diving with c.n.n. how are you. could question with regards to germany and the comments that you made yesterday do you feel like given the threats that you made about potentially leaving nato about insulting germany's sovereignty to piers by suggesting they are totally controlled by russia do you feel like that's an effective way to conduct diplomacy and secondly would you be able to be a little bit more specific about the commitments that you secured today with regards to increasing fans claim is there an updated timeline are there specific countries you could cite because a majority of them already planning to meet that two percent threshold by twenty twenty four no many of them fact germany was going to be in the year two thousand and twenty eight or thirty yeah i think it's a very effective way to deal but i didn't deal exactly the way you said i have great respect for germany my father's from germany. both of my parents are from the e.u. despite the fact they don't treat us well on trade but i think that will change also
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and i think we'll see that because on the twenty fifth of july they're coming in to start negotiations with pay will see that if they don't negotiate in good faith we'll do something having to do with all of the millions of cars that are coming into our country and being taxed at a virtually zero level at a very low level but jeremy i think it's been a very effective way of negotiating but i'm not negotiating i just want fairness for the united states we're paying for far too much of nato and nato is very important but nato is helping europe more than it's helping us at the same time it's very good for us so we have now got it to a point where people are paying a lot more money and that's starting really last year it really had you were there last year and last year we had a big impact again we took in thirty three billion dollars more and of us secretary general still gives us total credit meaning. me i guess in this case total credit
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because i said it was unfair now what has happened is presidents over many years from ronald reagan to barack obama they came and they said ok gay do the best you can and they left nobody did anything about it and it got to a point where the united states was paying for ninety percent of nato and that's not fair so it's changed we had a really good meeting today and we had a great meeting in terms of in terms of getting along i know most of the people in the room because of last year because of a year and a half that we've been in office year and a half plus but we have a great relationship everybody in that room by the time we left got along and they agreed to pay more and they agreed to pay it more quickly yeah go ahead full. and mr president philip record from the washington post i did you you tweeted yesterday what good is nato and you've talked about nato as an alliance that benefits europe but defense and protect europe do you see any value of nato to the united states
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and these if you russia does it help protect the united states from russia in your view i think it's another very strong ally as together it's much stronger than obviously individual countries i think it's the way we have it now i think it's a much i think dado got you know what was happening with spending prior to my getting into office the numbers were going down now the numbers have gone up like a rocket ship the numbers have gone up a lot and they've gone up rapidly and they're now going up further so i think nato is going to be very very effective i'm very impressed with and really know and he's a friend of mine but secretary general stoltenberg has done a fantastic and putting it all together then and we were the ones that really we gave him an extension of his contract as you know i think he's done a really good job i think that when i was saying that i am very concerned with the pipeline i don't like the pipeline and when i talk about nato i say how do you have nato and then you have somebody paying the people that you're protecting against
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but maybe we'll get along with the group that we're protecting against i think that's a real possibility as you know i'm meeting with president putin on monday and i think we go into that meeting not looking for so much we want to find out about syria we will of course ask you your favorite question about meddling i will be asking that question again but we'll also be talking about other things we'll be talking about ukraine ukraine was here today by the way and you know it's very interesting to hear what they had to say so excuse me. while you may i mean look you may know what i'm going to do if he may deny it a bit it's one of those things that i can do is say did you and don't do it again but he may deny me well. you'll be the first to know. yes president robert wall with the wall street journal has it right germans and the canadians and others don't come up to two percent what is your fallback position how will you up the
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pressure to make them actually well they will they will have no doubt about it they are made commitments and they will be up to two percent it will be over a period of relatively short period of years ok. thank you so much georgian t.v. . mr president what do you think needs these are not children most support from nato and i want to ask about georgia they were here today representing us and we'll talk about georgia meeting with. the president put. well there were here they made a very favorable impression and we listen to their plight it's a tough situation with your job but they made a very favorable impression in the room. if you had to go more at what point. you really did come on go ahead i had a question as well but nonetheless. well you know you recognize yeah well you
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recognize russia's and accept what you recognize crimea as part of russia when you know that's an interesting question because you know long before i got here president obama allowed that to happen that was on his watch not on my watch you know people like to say oh crimea but the fact is they build bridges to crimea they just opened a big bridge that was started years ago they built i think a submarine port substantially added billions of dollars so that was on barack obama's watch that was not on trump's watch what i have allowed to happen no i would not have allowed it to happen but he did allow it to happen so that was his determination what will happen with crimea from this point on that i can't tell you but i'm not happy about crimea but again that was barack obama's watch not trump's watch yeah go ahead. jeff mason from reuters mr president regarding your summit with president putin will you be raising arms control issues which you like which you like to extend new starts and when you raise concerns about violations of the
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i.n.f. treaty. and as a spa go up to the nato meeting today where you suggest to him or would you consider stopping military exercises in the baltic states if that's something that he requests flow perhaps we'll talk about that but i will say that we are going to be talking about those three your shoes and many more we'll be talking about it jeff. we added in the next quarter of course that i'll boss the double us plane before i would like to know if you are planning to get on t. the taxpayer that the new money that is flowing into nat'l will be spent in the best possible way yes specially the money coming from country that have a seven hour. public finances where the money will be spent properly and one of the things that we have we have many wealthy countries with us today but we have some
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that aren't so wealthy and they did ask where they could buy the military equipment and could i help them out or we will help them out a little bit we're not going to finance it for him but we'll make sure that they're able to get payments and various other things so they can buy because the united states makes by far the best military equipment in the world the best jets the best missiles the best guns the best everything we make by far that's one thing i guess i assumed that prior to taking office but i really learned since being president our equipment is so much better than anybody else's equipment when you look at our company's lucky and boeing and grumman what the material the the equipment that we make is so far superior everybody wants to buy our equipment for x. the question is can they make it because they are doing very well can they make it for so many people so we are helping some of those countries get on line and buy the best equipment yeah go ahead. kristen brown with fox news on your
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upcoming summit with president putin did any of your allies here express any specific concerns or talk to you about anybody just that they'd like you to take with you when you go yeah it just the opposite of concern they actually and they'll probably come out with a little bit of an edict but they actually thank me for meeting with president put i look forward to the meeting they thanked me they thought it was a great thing that i was doing it and. they gave us our best wishes or their best wishes now with that being said we'll see what happens just a loose meeting it's not going to be big schedule i don't think it should take a very long period of time and we'll see where it leads but it could lead to productive something very productive and maybe it's not but i i think meeting with people is great we had a great meeting with chairman kim and i'll tell you mike pompei i did a fantastic job i made ask you to say a few words mike while you're here just one second. thank you mr president.
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so i did i returned actually came straight from north korea with a couple of stops here to brussels we had a productive conversation there remains a great deal of work to do but i think most importantly my counterpart came young troll made a commitment consistent with what president trump was able to achieve with chairman kim which was they intend to denuclearize they're going to accomplish it and now the task is to get it implemented. well you know. thank you it's just to finish on that you know so important that was an amazing and really an amazing meeting i thought and i really think that we establish very good relationships will see where it all ends but there have been no missile tests there have been no research where that has been they have blown up a side i hear they're blowing up another site missile site they've taken down all of the propaganda in fact somebody said there's no more music playing at the border line you know the music was going on for many years they said recently that while
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there's no more of the heavy music and the propaganda they have they've done a lot of things and we got back our three hostages so it's a good it's a good process but the main thing is that have been no rocket launches there have been no missile tests there's been no nuclear tests no explosions no nothing for almost nine months ok. place. macaskill from the guardian and your trip to the u.k. there are lots of protests planned london and elsewhere how do you feel to about i think it's fine i mean i think they like me a lot in the u.k. i think they agree with me on immigration i'm very strong on immigration i made a point today i said you've got to stop you're ruining year you're going to have a lot of problems you see what's going on throughout the world with immigration i probably at least partially won an election because of immigration if you look at
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italy giuseppe who i got to know quite well over the last month and a half he won his election because of strong immigration policies on italy i think that. a lot of the people in the u.k. i think that's why bracks that happened now i don't know what's going on with the negotiation who knows but and i guess that's become a very interesting point of contention i said i'm going to a few hot spots we have nato that we have the u.k. and then we have putin. and i said putin may be the easiest of the mall you never know but i'm going to a pretty hot spot right now right with the lot of reza lot of resignations but i will say that immigrations a very important thing and. i told them today the e.u. the european union better be very careful because immigration is taking over europe and they better be very very careful and i said that loud and clear yes.
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president trump. what will you tell president putin about this summit and the. what i think he's going to see about this but this is turn out to be a very successful summit this is i think i think really that nato is more put together right now is more coordinated and i think there's a better spirit for nato right now than perhaps they've ever had. it's richer than it ever was the commitments are made at a higher level than they've ever been made and the money to be paid out faster far faster you know the two percent was a ranger goal it wasn't something that they were committed to now it's a comment but there's a big difference the two percent number and that's why so many people weren't reaching it or hitting it it was just sort of like this or more fist number out there now it's a commitment a real commitment i think he's going to see that there's great unity great spirit great speed a core and i think we're going to have a good meeting regardless of that i think we're going to have
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a good meeting but this was a fantastic two days this was a really fantastic it all came together at the end and yes it was a little tough for a little while but ultimately you could ask anybody at that meeting they're really liking what happened over the last two days there's a great great spirit leaving that room yes sir go ahead place. from b.b.c. i just just want to you think you're going to get a. with president bush you can just tell us why do you think that is something you admire about him and the second question because you just about to go to the always a competitor he's been very nice to be the times i've met him i've been nice to him he's a competitor you know somebody was saying is you an enemy that my enemy is he a friend no i don't know him well enough but the couple of times that i've gotten to made him we got along very well you saw that. i hope we get along well i think we get along well but ultimately he's a competitor he's representing russia i'm representing the united states so in
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a sense what competitors not a question of friend or enemy is not my enemy and hopefully someday maybe he'll be a friend it could happen but i don't i just don't know him very well i've been a couple of times and when i did meet him oh so you people were there yes. because you are going to the u.k. what will be your message on break that well bracks it is you know i've been reading a lot about it over the last couple of days and it seems to be turning a little bit differently where they're getting at least partially involved back with the european union i have no message it's not for me to say i own a lot of property there and i'm going to scotland while i wait for the meeting i have turnberry in scotland which is a magical place one of my favorite places i'm going there for two days while i wait for the monday meeting. but it's not for me to say what they should be doing in the u.k. i have great friendships my mother was born in scotland i have great friendships
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over there we have a wonderful ambassador woody johnson and student by the way what he's doing a great job but it's not for me to say i'd like to see him be able to work it out so it could go quickly whatever they work out. is it heartbreaking. oh hard. i thought you said it was heartbreaking oh yeah like i said that might be going a little bit too far hard for is it hard breaking a lot of things art break it now i would i would say that you know that is breakfast it's not like i guess when you use the term hard bricks and i assume that's what you meant the people voted. to break it up so i would imagine that's what they'll do but maybe they're taking a little bit of a different route so i don't know if that's what they voted for i just want the people to be happy and they're great people and i do think i have sure they'll be protests because there are always protests but i think there were there were
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protests the night of the election both ways but in the end we had it you know two hundred six electoral three hundred six electoral votes and one states that you know it's interesting one of the states we won wisconsin i didn't even realize this until fairly recently that was the one state that ronald reagan didn't win when he ran the board his second time he didn't win wisconsin and we won wisconsin so you know we had a we had a great night protests there there might be protests but i believe that the people in the u.k. scotland ireland as you know i have property in ireland and property all over i think that those people they like me a lot and they agree with me on immigration and i think that's why you have breaks it in the first place because of immigration yes graham yeah go ahead. get the cut off from finland what would be the best deal with putin when you come to helsinki and don't you think that your hoss diplomacy that you are playing in the same call
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to the same goal that putin with your hostile towards e.u. and nato. well i don't you know i can't tell you what would be the ultimate what would be the ultimate well let's see no more nuclear weapons anywhere in the world would be the ultimate ok no more wars no more problems no more conflict let's find a cure to every disease known to mankind or woman guide that would be my ultimate ok and we'll start from there ok. with me there's a must you must have been always a from afghan service in b.b.c. world service so i would like to ask you mr president that the afghan president is going to be here right now yet you know is here and are you going to meet him and what to say to him and when the war is going to end in afghanistan because people are fed up now and they want to know i agree with that i very much it's been going on for a long time and we've made a lot of progress but it's been going on for
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a long time we've made a lot of progress in afghanistan and i will say yes your president is here right now in fact he's in the room when i'm finished with this i'm going right back into that room. place in public broadcaster mr president can you tell us what do you think about future membership in nato place whether certain point they'll have a chance not right now they just left the room but a certain point they'll have a chance yes or. no report of course on twenty four you're going to continue to support that core dish forces in iraq thank you i think the kurds are great people they're incredible fighters they're wonderful warm intelligent. allies in many cases as you know different groups of people but they're great people i really do i believe they're great people yes the hapless. mr president marcus price
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working with eddie german t.v. yes you said putin is. isn't an enemy isn't a friend just a competitor competitor who you consider him as a security threat for europe or the us thank you. hey i don't want to be and that's i guess why we have nato and that's why we have a united states that just had the largest military budget ever seven hundred billion approved seven hundred sixteen billion next year. no i hope that we'll be able to get along i have said from day one whether it's china or russia you know we're working on trade with china right now and i don't say that's an easy situation because it's been years of abuse of the united states by presidents frankly that allowed that to happen so i've taken over a lot of bad hands and i'm fixing each one of them and i'm fixing well but china. is going to be i think very successfully ultimately taken care of i have a great respect for their president as you know president xi spent two days there
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was a monk the most magical two days i've ever lived and i think we're going to end up doing something very good with china right now we're in a pretty nasty trade battle but i think ultimately that will work out i really think we have a big advantage you know we picked up eight trillion dollars in value in worth since i became president and we're close to two times the size of china a lot of people don't know that and you know we're going to negotiate a fair deal if that's possible ok and russia russia i think getting along with russia also would be a very good thing yes go ahead. from b.b.c. persian t.v. we have seen escalation of tension between you and the iranians what is your exit plan the supply would say that might get us collation between us and the iranians are threatening by the way they're treating us with much more respect right now than they did in the past and i think i know they're having a lot of problems and their economy is collapsing but i will tell you this at
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a certain point they're going to call me and they're going to say let's make a deal and we'll make a deal but they aren't they're feeling a lot of pain right now yes go ahead go ahead go ahead ahead go. mr president do we expect the rise of the russian influence in macedonia following the starting of negotiation process like we've seen in montenegro with coop and what will nato and united states do to counter that russian influence in the western balkans we never talk about our future plans yes go ahead ma'am go ahead thank you very much mr president thank you very much my name is he from the t.v. from couldst on iraq my question is about the government of iraq and you know after two months election the government in iraq has not been farm at what the oil from you has a and you want to spoke about syria in in it was president putin m can they have any information about could in syria thank you very much so i hope we
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get along well with iraq we've certainly spent a great fortune in iraq and many many lives thousands and hundreds of thousands of lives if you think on both sides which i always think about both sides not just us and they had an election and i hope we're going to be able to get along and we'll see how that goes we've already been talking to the people that won the election i was not in favor of that war i was very much against that war i never thought it was a good thing but that's another deck of cards that i inherited and we'll do the best we can whether i think. the election was pretty conclusive and again we've spoken to them we'll see what happens yes or go ahead next and then we have time for one more question that i see i toss from a newspaper in tunisia i come from a very. far country a small county north in africa tunisia may question mr president you are the maya
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what you are doing in north africa and really wish and hope that something again would be done in the middle east to avoid people more wars and more blood i. more killings in the mideast the just peace process that gives everyone it's we're looking for peace in africa as you know it's. so in our very strong list but we're looking for peace we want peace all over we want to solve problems we're looking for peace africa right down has got problems like few people would even understand they have things going on there that nobody could believe in this room if you saw some of the things that i see through intelligence what's going on in africa is so sad and so vicious and violent and we want peace we want peace for africa we want peace all over the world that's my number one goal peace all over the world and we're building up
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a tremendous military because i really believe through strength feud to get you get peace but were we have a military like we've never had before we've given our orders for you know the best fighter jets in the world the best ships the best everything but. hopefully will never have to use them that would be a dream to buy the best of to have the best stuff to have the best equipment in the world and to never have to use it would be a really great part of my dream thank you very much everybody thank you i'm going to be going to about about forty minutes of donald trump fielding some rapid fire questions there from international media covering everything from africa to china or macedonia through to immigration and europe some of the things he was mentioning there reaffirming that he thinks he's got his way in terms of getting nato members to start spending more he wants a minimum of two percent which is always been the case but only a couple of countries have done that but eventually he wants them to spend four percent he seems to think he's got them all on board with that few other things he picked up on he talks about russia and its upcoming summit with president putin in
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helsinki next week and a few things he mentioned there that putin is a competitor he's not a friend doesn't want him to be an enemy but that's what we've got nato there's a lot of mixed signals coming in through there but generally. the writing concern is that he wants to get along with russia and it would be a good idea if the united states did. other things he picked up when he was challenged on crimea and its return to the russian federation and on that he largely sidestepped it and said that america's response was barack obama's fault not his but that he is not happy about crimea in the pipeline argument with germany the other big nato member of course he had to go to germany yesterday a break first saying that the united states is paying a lot towards nato to protect europe from russia as he put it but the germany's then paying billions for gas and oil and on that pipeline he said i'm concerned about the pipeline i don't like it maybe we'll get along with the group that we're protecting them against i'm looking forward again to the helsinki summit so just a few of the things many of very things the president from fielded there at that
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press conference where he's now leaving brussels heading out for the u.k. and there he also said he didn't to be drawn on what breaks it might be but also said people in the u.k. like me a lot well as we'll discover in the next hour a few people seem to want to counter that in central london in a few hours time i'm calling bright will get on to that for you when our headline news in a couple of minutes stay with us. that's. what
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but you'd like to be first it's like that before three of them or ten people that. i'm interested always in the water using that power. should. across europe municipalities are taking their water supply back from private companies. this is the simple song alone even cycle elsewhere they invite private companies to take over the utilities any part of. this is. for you bill brought up locals are ready to stand up for the basic human right of access to water it's about water but it's also over much more lore it's about the hurt and the redistribution of. debt downwards
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the one dollar. headline news president putin is not an enemy but a competitor so says donald trump in the past few minutes as he wraps up the nato summit in brussels. also in our news this hour facebook has labeled thousands of russian says having an interest in treason raising concerns over data driven profiling and interference also this hour. cheers and tears croatia make it through to the final set to take home france for the trophy this coming sunday fans erupting with joy when the team defeated england two one in extra time.
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