tv News RT July 13, 2018 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT
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of emmett till the fourteen year old african-american visiting from chicago was accused of making inappropriate advances on the local white woman and was later found savagely murdered and grown in a river to this day the year matilde tragedy leaves civil rights a story ends with more questions than answers but is there a chance this may finally change incredible story incredible story that's just come up and i mean it's interesting because i guess what spurred this was that a book came out last year and in it it was documented that both of the men who were accused of it had admitted and also that. the woman herself had admitted in interviews that it never that he hadn't done anything that the story was wrong and her husband said whatever about boy did it didn't he didn't deserve what happened to him you know it's sixty years now since the emmett till murder and any resolution to the case is complicated by the fact that these witnesses and suspects
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aren't even alive some of them the to original suspects so you know we have to wonder what new information could the d.o.j. be operating on and it that it mentions in this report to congress. oh yeah and i mean obviously this is a good thing at the end of the day because this was one of those cases there was a you know as you say you know it was a it was a it was a rallying cry in the civil rights movement and it shocked the nation and the time when when i think a lot of people would were choosing to ignore the violence and anger and vitriol being spewed at you know black americans so it is shocking and i'm i mean i'm like you i'm at the edge of my seat i want to know what they cover you know what what are they investigate because i'm shocked that this d.o.j. of all d.o.j. that jeff sessions department of justice attorney general is actually investigating this that's what's really shocking about this story it is pretty sure i'm amazed it's almost as it has no one told jeff sessions that this is
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a lot going on because i don't feel like this is something that came across the stuff that's my personal opinion in my humble opinion i don't think this is something he was like all we've really got to get on this this is a civil rights nightmare. but because the case was so swiftly acquitted these two main suspects who as you said there's a lot of documentation that they later admitted that they did in despite some pretty damning eyewitness testimony a lot of people are seeing a lot of clear parallels between amatil and trayvon martin a few years ago with some kind of resolution to this decades old murder help soothe some of the tension that's given rise to you know modern movements black lives matter in its you know in the black lives matter movement. well i mean you would hope you know i it's hard because on one sense i want to say that like as a society you know black white all of us we you can't let murders go on you know you can't let murders go on avenged in that sense you want to find justice you know
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no matter the crime and i think it's important because it is a found it's a building block if we can get if we can bring justice to a case that sixty years old then there's no reason we can't bring justice to a case that good could come up next month next week. next year and we've got to learn from that that everybody no matter your career you will be held accountable for your actions and this is one of those cases the could could bring that accountability that we so desperately need right now i absolutely and you know for whatever you know however you feel about this administration they really made headlines by granting a posthumous pardon to african american boxer jack johnson and commuted the racially charged life sentence of alice marie johnson and i think this sort of renewed focus on the emmett till case can be seen as a sort of continuation of a subtle approach to writing some of those those infamous cases of of racial injustice and hopefully even in the midst of what we're going on in the united states and abroad we can really make some make some right in this situation thank
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you so much for joining me from new york. thank you as we go to break out forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on facebook and twitter your forces that are to tout com coming up we explore the commercial underbelly of frest feeding and the baby formula industry in washington. across europe municipalities are taking their water supply back from private companies who hit him interviewed by the seals with simple song alone even some company against elsewhere so they invited private companies to take over the utilities then he bought a telescope of a lab solicitously got a book but it was on the going to go by ben this is. the quote them out put it up for you remember the left. locals are ready to stand up for the basic human right of access to water it's about water but it's of school for much more than more it's
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about the hurt and the redistribution of. their date downwards the one dollar was. like a bull in a china shop donald trump style and negotiation skills were on full display at this year's annual nato gathering he was not shy about how he feels about the alliance now the trump putin summit is front and center would be a mere photo op or something more. thank. you. economist martin friedman remarked once that the only corporate social
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responsibility a company has is to maximize its profits but what happens when the way to maximize profits results in eight hundred thousand child deaths per year well when a resolution to protect promote and support breastfeeding was introduced at the world health assembly this may it it wasn't expected to cause much of a stir and they didn't until last week when the new york times reported that the u.s. delegation allegedly communicated that if ecuador refused to drop the resolution washington when unleashed punishing trade measures and withdraw a crucial military why would the u.s. be against the encouragement of breastfeeding it turns out that it wasn't the breastfeeding the u.s. delegates had a problem with it was the resolution's language restricting the marketing and sale of baby formula that was the thorn in the u.s. just couldn't get out of its paul according to the world health organization and the lancet brain breastfeeding series group sales of breast milk substitutes alone totaled forty four point eight billion in two thousand and fourteen and this number
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is expected to rise to seventy point six billion by two thousand and nineteen the first thing you should know is that just four companies control approximately ninety percent of that market swiss food behemoths nestle which is produces guru gerber french company dun known which makes optimal american company need johnson nutrition which makes them from mill and finally american company abbott laboratories the maker of similac names that are known and trusted all round the world and according to the international baby food action network two thirds of the global market in breast milk substitutes comes from china hong kong indonesia and vietnam where birth rates are rising however the prices in some areas mean that some poor mothers are spending up or. of seventy percent of their salary on baby formula all because they were told it was better than breast milk now by their doctors but by representative dressed like nurses who give free samples at clinics and sell the idea to new moms that breast reading could be dangerous and that if
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they want what is best for their child they will use this formula and that my friends is where all the bells and whistles and alarms should be going off corporations are making billions by targeting customers who either can't read the label of the product they're using don't have access to clean water to mix it with or are going broke buying formula that isn't as nutritious as it claims to be but this isn't the first time we've seen it in fact the u.s. government has addressed this issue before along with the world health organization in the year two thousand nestle had a major recall of their baby food due to concerns that it wasn't sanitary in one thousand nine hundred seven the new york times revealed that baby food companies were using the fear of aids in africa to get more women to buy formula there but it was in the late one nine hundred seventy s. when senator edward kennedy became a vocal advocate for corporate responsibility in the baby food sector he was disgusted by the marketing may use to which honestly hasn't changed much in forty
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years during the one nine hundred seventy eight hearing senator kennedy asked the then president of nestle brazil as waldo bettina what responsibility the company had to the babies who use their product. as i understand what you say is where there's impure water it should not be used yes where the people are so poor that they're not going to realistically be able to continue to purchase that and which is going to mean that they're going to dilute it to a point which is going to endanger their health that it should not be you. right now and then my final question is what do you do or what do you feel is your corporate responsibility to find out the extent of the use of your product in those circumstances in the philippine part of the world do you feel that you have any responsibility. may i make a reference to. have that responsibility how kind of it was possible for the want to. get to talking i'm talking about the use of your product in those areas.
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in and ninety's seventy four reports on the methods of marketing of tactics of the baby formula industry called the baby killer it was found that the baby food industry stands accused of promoting their products in communities which cannot use them properly of using advertising sales girls dressed up in news nurses uniforms give away samples and free gifts get mix that person persuade mothers to give up breastfeeding look alternatives to breast milk should of course be on the market not everyone can breastfeed some babies are adopted and the health and mental health of the mother can be asked inversely affected by the pressure put on women to breastfeed however it is totally on equivocally unexceptable for a corporation any corporation to put the law the their profits over the lives of people so of corporations want to be people maybe they should act like they have a shred of humanity and sort of laying hundreds of thousands of children die for
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a bump in their stock prices and joining us today to discuss this issue and breastfeeding is the executive director of the academy of breastfeeding medicine carla shepherd rubinar thank you so much for joining me carla it's exciting to be here yes so this is a pretty big issue and as i said this isn't the first time that we've encountered this here in the united states but what's sad is to see the same tactics being used so this world health assembly resolution of breastfeeding and curtail the false advertising by breast milk alternative producers was blocked by the u.s. delegates on the basis that it put undue pressure on moms who can't breastfeed. what's the truth about moms that the mom should know about breast feeding versus formula. well the most important point of information for moms is their physicians and their healthcare providers and one of our goals is to
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make sure that those people are well educated up to date on all of the facts and the evidence based information that we have our organization is made up of physicians all over the world who are trained and educated to care for babies and moms and we also have a peer review journal that comes out every single month with new evidence and new support about why breastfeeding is so important and so beneficial to mothers and babies and that's one of the most important points of contact to make sure this information gets out and shared we're not trying to pull the wool over anybody's eyes were trying to do the reverse we can't argue or compete with the budgets of
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those four big formula companies but we can educate health professionals and those are the ones who deal on a day to day basis with moms and moms have a right to expect that they're professionals to be educated and that's what we do is there a lack of education between you know in in that sector it with doctors about the benefits of breast feeding or what people should look for in a good formula something to give options are you finding that doctors are generally well educated on the subject. no that's scary there not that it is scary it is not on the curriculum of most maybe any medical schools now in defense of medical schools think of the burst of information just in the past five years what physicians need to know it's phenomenal and this is one of many many pieces but we need to make sure that physicians are educated about this also after
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physicians and other health providers leave school where do they get educated that is one of the reasons that we put so much emphasis on our peer reviewed journal that comes out monthly our protocol guidelines which are peer reviewed by our physicians and others around the world and translated into many other languages and so the education must continue and it must be peer reviewed it must be credible and visible and that's our goal and so important not just you know in first world countries like the united states but in developing areas as well i spoke with a number of moms about breastfeeding and one thing that came up a lot was the shaming of moms who who even considered formula one pregnant mom from the midwest alison o'brien actually told me that she said quote i've been pushed out of breastfeeding facebook groups for simply asking questions or offering that
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there are other options to be pro breastfeeding moms opinions here then shame to because you don't agree to what they believe one hundred percent and are ostracized and she's a nurse so she's going to group this is somebody who do that how do we repair the conversation around breastfeeding and formula to make it more productive and more inclusive for everybody and for all moms. it's very important and certainly it does all come down to individual choices but we know that moms and dads to rely very heavily on their physicians and their health care providers and therefore those people are the most important contact to be educated and i think mothers will feel a lot better when they know they're getting the right information and that in the end it's their choice and that's what is very very important to us and if you look at third world countries you mentioned the point that we must consider about contaminated water it's such
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a basic issue that we must have all of these pieces of information out all of these factors in the decision with mothers the other area that needs to be thought about in advance and again professionals need to understand this and we've come across this so often in the past couple of years is breast feeding in disasters and emergencies we must not just fly in formula one we have problem booms with contaminated water too if a mother is breast feeding she has her milk supply it's at the right temperature it is the right formula for her baby and baby others these are all part of the education of what we need to promulgating and can't fight the formula companies alone if they're just flying in formula it's hard for us to fight that well
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hopefully we if we can educate enough people and like you said on the ground it's having a healthy situation for years that in disasters all these we have to start thinking about those pieces and i thank you so much and i look forward to talking to you again about this the many issues executive director of the academy of breastfeeding medicine carla shepherd thank you so much thank you. over one hundred trillion neutrinos known as ghost particles because they seemingly have no mass pass through our bodies every second tracking a neutrino which is a subatomic particle that's like an electron except it has no charge has kind of been impossible until now it took seven years to build an ice cube in antarctica this ice cube is a detector and it's which is designed to detect particles from cataclysmic events that have energies a million times greater the nuclear reactions using eighty six cables each holding
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sixty digital optical modules three hundred scientists from forty nine institutions in twelve countries worked with the ice cube and the ice cube made some pretty big history this week when it was announced that it would have been able to detect a neutrino then honest astronomers to point their telescopes in the direction it came from and it came from a blaze art or a galaxy with a super massive black hole at its center this particular galaxy is situated just of the left of the shoulder of the orion constellation a mere four billion light years from earth and it could literally this discovery launch an entirely new area of astronomy into high energy neutrinos every day it seems like we are finding new questions to ask about the universe we live in here's hoping that we never run out of those questions. and that's our show for you today remember everyone in this world we are not told we're loved and i'm telling you all i love you and be good to each other at that time tabitha wallace keep on
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watching those hogs and have a great day and night everyone. who watched the futurama or the jetsons they are traveling inside troops it's pretty normal this thing have concepts like that there were several implementations that were in the mine to use in the sixty's. so you know paul says i dear and he said he was too busy with some space if you want someone else to pick it up . guys or financial survival. housing bubble. oh you mean there's a downside to artificially low mortgage rates don't get carried away that's cause report.
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to. the u.s. charges doesn't russians with hocking offenses linked to the twenty sixteen presidential election but say's the interference did know it's influenced the outcome of the vote. also a british counter-terror police say they have located the source of the nerve agent that killed a woman in the town of amesbury and left her partner in a critical condition. after a double trump launches a stinging british prime minister over her brags and plum trees and made so reporters the anglo american. and relations are stronger than ever. the broadest it's depeche relationship really something very special to give our relationship
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terms of great the highest level of special. just after ten pm this friday night here in moscow welcome to our team international i mean and we begin with breaking news here on our team international the u.s. justice department house charged twelve russians with hacking offenses linked to the twenty sixteen u.s. presidential election. indictment charges twelve russian military officers by name for conspiring to interfere with the twenty eight sixteen presidential election. eleven of the defendants are charged with conspiring to hack into computers steal documents and release those documents with the intent to interfere in the election . with more details on the story similar account joins us live now from washington
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d.c. samir. well i have the document here in my hands and as you can see it's pretty long twenty nine pages to be precise so let me read to you exactly what it says while russian intelligence officers knowingly and intentionally conspired with each other and with persons known and unknown to the grand jury to gain unauthorized access to hack into the computers of u.s. persons and it is involved in the twenty six thousand us presidential election still documents from those computers and stage releases of the stolen documents to interfere with the twenty sixteen u.s. presidential election but regardless of what this says the department of justice found out that this so-called conspiracy didn't affect the vote count or the election results but of course there's more let's check out what else the indictment says. there's no allegation that the conspiracy changed the phone count
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or affected any election result. well the announcement came during trump's meeting with the queen at windsor castle and just days before he's scheduled to meet with president putin so we'll just have to see if this trigger some sort of a domestic resistance ok thanks for shira come live here in washington d.c. for the well with me in the studio is eager saddam off who has been going through with a fine comb some of the details of this war. if we go back it's been two years hasn't it since the attacks on the d n c why has it taken so long do you think to to press charges against these individuals has new information come to light well as for the timing i mean it's a complex case right so a lot of work has to be done as for new information i mean the military man himself they would never reveal their sources all that we know that they've been questioning a lot of people as he has
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a few men in his at his disposal so there are capacities quite limited and everything in this investigation when it comes to the hacking of the democratic party it provides around the d.n.c. serve as the democratic national committee server so we don't know as i've said where i got his information from but what we do know is where he didn't get it from apparently and that is the f.b.i. as they themselves have numerously admitted to fail to examine the server themselves have a listen when the d.n.c. provide access for to the f.b.i. for your your technical folks to review what happened we never got direct access to the machines themselves the last time you and i talked i was on one hundred percent sure but i confirm we did see never turn the server over to law enforcement . fallout begs the question doesn't it if the f.b.i. had no access to d.n.c.
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servers who heard well it's so far again in this exact case we don't know exactly but we know that previously all the information about this survey came from a company named kraut strike it's a company that was hired by the d.n.c. received money for the from the d.n.c. for maintaining and taking care of their service and so they were the ones who provided the f.b.i. with all the logs and all the information as to what what was done to the to the servers and although the crowd strike itself says that the information the gave it's a carbon copy of it's like the exact same thing as what was on the actual server there's no way real way of proving that. you know very fine that because they have tampered with this server quite a bit they have already restructured it back in twenty sixteen in fact already they will really restructuring restructuring and overhauling this whole server so that
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did raise some questions as well. didn't see never turn the server over to law enforcement if you're investigating either from a law enforcement or from an intelligence standpoint hacking by foreign hostile government would you want to serve or wouldn't that help you number one identify who the attacker was if they had turned the server over to either you or director call me maybe we would have no more so i guess what i'm asking you is why would the victim of a crime not turn over a server to the intelligence community or to law enforcement and this question is what many many people are asking because think of it from following standpoint say there was a crime in some apartment the police show at the door and then the victim's roommate shows up and says look. i live in the same room i so everything happened
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here's your forensics like fingerprints you know traces of d.n.a. pictures from the crime scene you're all good and the police they say oh then fine then we won't examine the actual crime scene since what you're showing to us is the exact copy and the exact like account of events of what happened this is pretty much what the f.b.i. did so that that's why this raises so many questions to the situation we have though as it stands we've got twelve russian agents so-called agents indicted what happens now is there a trial well naturally yes this is what is pursuing but there is a catch because look at who he's indicted is indicted several intelligence officers of russia and obviously the result in russia faces russia of course and if there is a trial it is said to happen on the u.s. soil no one in their right mind would be sending intelligence officers to a foreign country i mean it doesn't really matter whether or not they are accused
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of anything whether or not they're guilty or not it just it's intelligence officers they have like information clearances and everything the some of them may not be allowed to travel abroad at all so miller has found is finding himself with this indictment in a very comfortable position because if a trial happens it will be a trial in absentia which means the chances are nobody will reply and these intelligence officers which pretty much guarantees a guilty verdict ok will bring us right up to date to keep us abreast of how this develops if you will igor down off thank you for. ok to the u.k. where british police believe they have found the source of the nerve agent that killed a woman in the town of amesbury and left her partner in a critical condition they say a bottle was her tree from the house of the survivor a mother was on lies the at the nearby military laboratory at porton down on wednesday july eleventh
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a small bottle was recovered during searches of charlie rose house in amesbury it was taken to porton down for tests following those tests scientists have now confirmed to us that the substance contained within the box who is novacek the police are investigating whether there is any link between the two incidents authorities previously said though that they do not believe the latest purred to be struck down by the substance were deliberately targeted the area in amesbury around the house where the novacek was find is still cordoned off officials say there is not believed to be any wider threat to the public but we spoke to radio talk show host john gaunt about the investigation into the poisonings he's eighty count understand why so little progress appears to have been made. i think it's fascinating that it's taken them four months to find out nothing and not arrest anyone after boris johnson was so clear in his condemnation of president putin and
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his accusation it was the russians was doing it we've also been spun a story that people who saw the prius safe well how can they be safe if l.a. just died because they found this file of the liquid they say they've launched a murder investigation i would have said it should have been manslaughter and the people they should be looking at are spies and the police i think the whole thing has been a complete fiasco i hope this just proves poorly gets better soon but it it kind of poses more questions than it gives answers now that they found the source. well valve discovery of a nerve agent in the russian indictment case came donald trump is on his working visit to the u.k. or here in the u.s. president was having tea with the queen at windsor castle before that all trump met with the british prime minister.
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