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tv   News  RT  July 14, 2018 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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the reaction and what it is think of the reaction to this is a vote in the senate from israel the defense minister the defense minister lieberman saying there is no point in dialogue with ireland now and at the same time israel is saying irish politicians have damaged the chances of dialogue no i don't need to have doubters a chance to dialogue to all our foreign ministers a tartly decent man he believes in dialogue and all those would but the israelis are. bringing him along the fooling him if the bill passes the doyle what if israel takes its embassy out of dublin well i mean that would be very regrettable but it would be a very foolish act on the part of the israelis in my opinion. i don't think alan can accept responsibility if the israelis decide off their own bat to close their embassy i mean i was not in favor of throwing these really ambassador out some people are calling for that because i think it is important to keep channels of communication open of course the new foreign minister here after the resignation of
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morris johnson opposes b.d.'s and i'm sure they'll be maybe discussing a british support for israeli weapons sales here in london maybe with trump what defect do you think the these irish politicians like yourselves are going to have in the european union countries now do you expect other countries in europe to follow i think it's quite likely yes because i think a lot of people try out europe were watching the debate in the senate and i think they were take no dollars. and i very much hope that this bill will be replicated in in other. in other countries in europe as i say britain of course sells weapons to israel which repeatedly being used against the great return monitor so you probably don't expect much from britain and what you know i mean britain sells weapons without a conscience all over the world as does russia and i'm in the
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british for example cozy up in the most atrocious way to the saudi arabians hyundai are not exactly great advocates of human rights and they sell them weapons ok and the israelis have sold weapons to both sides in sudan they sold them to the repressive regime in me and maher you know they sell weapons all over the place israelis and of course garza is a perfect testing ground for weapons and they used the israeli army uses gaza and uses palestinian civilians as targets so there's a seven or a slacker. after the break as resigning tory m.p.'s want to raise a maid at her bricks and strategy could put jersey cool bit in the but we speak to labor m.p. chris williams said about capitalizing on conservative chaos. security wall around the u.s. ambassador's residence comes down in london singer songwriter jack reynolds plays
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us out with his song dedicated to the u.s. president all the civil coming through of going underground. camera. roughly once the show is so moved for the. future uncool videos during the world cup and someone with the broccoli string and . more on string i don't really don't t.v. . so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic developments only move slowly and. i
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don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. welcome back you gave minority government needed tourism a was in brussels at the nato summit so at the prime minister's questions this week but ahead of donald trump today being in scotland the westminster leader of the scottish nationalists ian black could make clear trump was not welcome north of the border the world that we live in today is e digitas one. to model the president of the united states of america. directly have the red carpet rolled out for him by this conservative government but from the public the welcome will be far from war with protests planned across scotland of the united kingdom against president trumped up hardened policies and dangerous
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rhetoric will the minister form of the s.n.p. and challenge president trump on his abysmal record on human rights his repugnant attitude towards women and his disgusting treatment of minorities but does the ministers think he will simply forward the prime minister's leave and join the president hand in hand david irving genin from a speck claiming toothpaste shower gel body spray and victim in supplements on m.p. expenses taking the place of juries that may explain to black thread how the world works for the u.k. this country is relationship with the united states of america is probably the closest between any two democracies in the west yeah it has lasted. through democrat and republican presidents is alike and through labor and conservative premierships on this side of the atlantic i would say to the right honorable gentleman because of the security cooperation that we
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have with the united states there are u.k. citizens who are alive today who might well not be alive had that corporation and information intelligence sharing not taken place journalists are unable to corroborate that statement as he might have been referring to events that must be kept secret for national security reasons there is of course no doubt the british lives have been lost in iraq afghanistan and syria because of the u.k. joining in us wars but war is not something jeremy corbin's labor party to. too much about these days except a challenge for an extremely thornberry taking place began her questions at b.m. q.'s with a tribute to a former u.k. defense secretary down for alleged torture in the war in northern ireland in the one nine hundred seventy s. to join the militia states in paying tribute to the carrington. country such
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distinction in both the forces and government yes that is jeremy corbin's proposed foreign secretary heading the life of someone u.k. home secretary mervyn research a labor prime minister james callaghan about in march of nine hundred seventy seven re said the decision to use methods of torture in northern ireland in one hundred seventy one seventy two was taken by ministers in particular lord carrington then secretary of state for defense form barry then went on to talk about bricks and well labor m.p. and form a shadow fire and emergencies minister chris williamson was there in the chamber and he joins me now here on the green outside parliament thanks for being on the show was jeremy goldman's labor party prepared for the apparent meltdown in the government this week they've been in a very difficult place i think ever since the referendum voted to come out of european union and i think they've been struggling to come to terms with that and i'm amazed frankly the trees may still imposed the seams of these limp it like
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qualities to. cling on to. think it was every one said that sort of in office but not really in power. or anything to suggest that those like just phillips greasy george. so many other names i could see in allston grist as they m.p.'s on your benches they are the ones going to keep if not in power then in office well i think they are mistaken if they think it's the role of labor m.p.'s to sustain a failing conservative government i mean i'm not quite sure what they meant by some of the comments made in regards to this but. in my view the national interest will only be for getting a common sense socialist labor government led by jeremy corwin to get the economy back on track to actually prioritize living standards to prioritize economy investing in the economy getting investments into our infrastructure and public services i mean let's remember this government as well as a dreadful economic record has basically killed thousands of disabled people as
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a consequence of the cuts which they've made in social security benefits and indeed i have come across people my own constituents to be on the verge of suicide as a result of that the treatment that is being meted out to them so it would certainly not serve the national interest in any way shape or form a thing for any labor member of parliament to take any action to help sustain this government's empower our job should be to bring them down at the earliest opportunity the government and the devolve into workbenches with absolutely deny any accusation that they've killed killed anyone but when your talking about. loyalty to the labor party these people do actually also say they want a labor government but if they're preventing a labor government they're not bringing your party into disrepute you know some members will have to come to a view about where. they got the kids of mandatory week selection amin about to embark on a democracy to all around the country encouraging members to take ownership really
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of the of the party and indeed when we had boundary selection in the labor party thirty odd years ago i mean didn't we will lead to wholesale de selections but i think it did enable the party to ensure that members of parliament did as it were you know promote labor values you know his local the road tour which is to be called marxist by some people just describe the the road the tour and what you actually mean by mandatory we selection well this democracy road show that we are in bulking a poll is really about encouraging members to take back control of the party and one of the things i. like to say there are some motions before the labor party conference this year calling for the reintroduction of money to resell action essentially what that means is that each term after an election. before the next election takes place that the members of the constituency labor party that an m.p. is representing have the opportunity to endorse the m.p.
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to carry on or to select a different candidate to carry the labor flag into the next election but what is the labor position of the deputy leader tom watson perceived right winger says there is an option for a people's vote on any final deal and jeremy corwin says the people have already spoken so how coherent is that message is there a better position on brecht or is they there a position whereby we secretly want to be part of this european union come through well there's been a referendum and we've accepted the outcome of the referendum i campaigned for him a democracy is as important if we believe in democracy i think we have to and at the will of the british people albeit the flaws that were associated with that referendum campaign the focus should now be on ice to get a good bricks bricks in the works in the interests of all three people in this country works in the interest of ordinary workers and what we've seen from the checkers agreement is is this nothing more than a foot frankly and as far as workplace rights are concerned i mean what the
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government is saying about for example is that the workplace rights will not fall below those levels but they but they've made no commitment to increase those workers' rights as they may be increased in the rest of europe and what we see the workers' rights currently. work is currently enjoy in this country as a result of our membership of your opinion they are absolutely the bare minimum and what we should be aspiring to is something considerably better than that but we know where the governments are coming from you know their attitude towards trade unions or workers' rights and regulation because they push through measures which actually undermine the rights of workers they push through measures which have seen the expansion of zero contracts and in. precarious. employment now is endemic across the country and this is exactly the sort of thing that regrettably this government seems to think is is a good thing they like the notion of a flexible labor market and they constantly talk about you know the number of jobs they've created but they never actually talk about the quality of the jobs and our
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commitments obviously is to make sure we have an economy that works in the interests of the majority and we have decent good quality secure or well paid jobs that enable people to have a stake in a stake in society obviously donald trump today in scotland your opposing the visit why are you opposing the visit because he's because labor supports nato. clinton wars on syria where you are you opposed to new management i think is important to remember that and i mean i think represents. a brand of politics which i think are the brunt of bigotry really the i think many of us thought being put to bed many years ago is identity politics but what about the big trade deals of our age i mean he doesn't want t.p. was strange to me was talking about only this week after the resignation of her foreign secretary and bricks and minister what about nature what about nafta so.
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they were body supports nature after these things that donald trump as opposed to the dollar from peace is talking about he wants the european nations to make a big contribution to nato. i think he's threats of of probably idle threats to be honestly because i think he wants to retain date so because of his opposition to russia and china and without that it's. more difficult for him i think but i think it's all humans about increasing spending is absurd frankly i mean in terms of you know what all the threats in reality in my opinion they don't really exist to be mean that britain increasing spending all that well i mean they were the ones britain and i think he said. but he's calling on. the cross. to increase their spending but i mean i think this is. the big industrial complex. you know. from the. defense budget.
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but before we go we're going to be played out by punk singer songwriter jack reynolds and his board of walls it's dedicated to trump's visit will be back on monday. back in the studio with his.
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league speak jumping. everything makes drum see ghosts but they flow these quickly they keep coming. everything from steve jobs. to slow deep make me think you're being.
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different this makes from feel just swell. i mean more to gain is an outstanding person because he took on the most powerful agency in this county or you'll be to stay if you look at some of the before now and. mark was the day that when he was fighting the goliath. do going to spin the sheriff's most contentious critics say he is the first time i noticed something wasn't right in fleece work pretty much when he first started the corruption in palm beach county is not something that you can smell it seems like it's a nod and a wink it wasn't what i wanted to do. we've had more on shootings in this county then some states have had collective thing to
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do and went to his website began featuring the comments about guns his family the sheriff's wife and going to squash you like a book you know i wish you'd stop then you should stand a life and stop i believe what i'm doing oh so it's ok you know it's your funeral boating f.b.i. raided p.b.s. and critic dude in this house. i snuck out of the united states. into russia where i can political fine. men they know bad wolf. for twenty eight team coverage we've signed one of the greatest gold people. but there was one more question by the way who's going to be our coach. guys i know you are nervous he's a huge star and the huge amount of pressure you have to the center of the football
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with you and do a great game. you are the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get let's go. alone. and i'm really happy to join. russia meet the special one. needs to just read the review team's latest edition to make up as we go so i need to say look. i. mean. people.
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i'm. belgian beat england to nail to finish third the world cup we look ahead to sunday's final in moscow with either from the shit set to be crawling twenty eighteen champions. another world headlines this hour at the u.s. charges twelve russians with talking offenses linked to the twenty eight sixteen presidential election just days. before a highly anticipated summit between presidents trump and putin also. the israeli military launches its largest campaign against since twenty forty
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reportedly hitting hamas facility. just gone ten pm this sunday evening here in moscow welcome to our team international i mean and only focusing on the football first it's the weekend the world cup's been building toward sound today seen the penultimate march in sindh petersburg with belgium taking third place after beating england two nil. thank. god.
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god. god thank. god i welcome back to manchester with me and reform and also you say reading i demand for you know if. you've been watching that match that we've just taken place belgian securing the best advice finish out of world cup finals be feeling even sail they were saying at half time we were hoping things would get better in india and it turned out to be quite a night and just the result. was not the result that england. wants but the performance was much better the game was bad was want to game of
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a sort of fourth place without any kind of pressure in the end england was was dominant and had the best chance to score but. as our talent. made it for them and and to neil and looking to the match probably within one second of. the news of the extra time but talking to the performance. and the results in the globality of the world cup passing belgium deserves to be source. in seven matches belgium won six. and. they lost against france. in the semifinal in win seven matches one three last three and drew one and the three matches that england won two of them all against panama in tunisia. overall belgium deserves
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a surplus sure when you talk about that i know when you talk about that defeat against france i sense that you believe that belgium perhaps could be in the final they were that close i think the problem was clearly was clearly that some of the players performed in the match where they need to extra perform and i think for the players if they want to be on the street themselves which sometimes they aren't because especially a new generation of players it's easier for them to find excuses everywhere but always run away from their own responsibilities but if they want to be honest i think they would they would feel and seeing. some of the important belgian players that were not there against france. because in terms of the talent of the generation the talent of the players. the quality bayshore the in all the other
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matches also in the qualification matches belgium is not inferior to from sure and even in today's game i felt just watching it as a fan is an observer that he was always looking to bring yet and has it with making helping take for belgium and they always looked threatening you know from the first minute to the end they always looked that's where the goal was going to come from you know they are they're different players and good complement each other and behind them they have also been good players with so. organizes very well and then we can. from the team to play with with this three center defenders and to bring the ball all the to do the ball the target is a cool dude with the ball many a project himself very well from the right side that will keep its top of the world and belgium has an incredible generation of position is not is not a surprise and with the way the world cup was of lot of the teams with more
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prestige with more know how we are probably more potential going out and out and when they see themselves in the quarter final and then in the semifinals i think they dreamed we. would the world could have to talk about final tomorrow in france gracious france favorites but i tell you what croatia keep surprising this world cup that makes no certainty that france will lift the world cup tomorrow i don't think you know i think you can say france the favorite by little details yes you can but you can also see that in finals that are not favorites to reach i agree totally. of course i lost a few finals but i think until the end of my career i will always see the finals are not to be played finals are two in the spirit that you go to the final is that you are going to win of course i lost and everybody loses but the feeling has to be
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the plan and i believe that crew issues are going with that with that with that feeling. of course of course the fact that france played only. five matches and. i say five because that last match in the group phase displays they didn't play and the fact that. croatia they play seven because six three in the group phase with the same players this. three in a knockout plus three extra times makes an extra match one team played in one month's five matches another team placed seven can these make a difference can can can and should i think is not also fair more twenty four hours more twenty four hours to tourist
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but this is the power of the money you see is the power of the broadcasters i love tennis and i also think it's not fair that anderson played yesterday another island and your coverage will killing each other today and deals three or four o'clock in the play the final two more but i think that can play that can play a part in in the final tomorrow but croatia. has it was in one thousand nine hundred eight i think it was when the plea semifinal against france is a fantastic generation nor was. colonel's love and but. look he's phenomenal do i keep the berries each all the age they are in a fantastic generation so they can win spite of i give advantage to france i think i think through asia we would give them
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a hard time specially if the result is in a certain balance if the result for some reason gets a little bit collage then those think by the physical point of view they will not react but their spirit the spirit of of the small country that is not expected to to be there the players are ready for sure they're ready to give a reason and it's a more last day tomorrow and it has been a good month doesn't it and hopefully it ends with a crack at tomorrow thank you for watching today we'll have you back tomorrow. it's another beautiful day we're going to miss the days when the world cup. the biggest people who think richest of the same has been an emotional roller coaster anticipation for the friends tracy came on sunday first to say that is sky high day but that's tomorrow though today let's talk about the fans because the fans it's what that's what makes that the world cup for me and for many others as well for many of them that visit to russia win or lose it's really been a trip i'm never forget i think it was probably
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a pretty good atmosphere in the found zone near the st petersburg stadium on the other train because that let's cross over to him russia's northern capital is saying goodbye to the world cup but i'll tell you what was special after the game that just finished there whenever i saw people coming out they were all walking towards me with smiles on their faces and it didn't matter whether they were cheering for belgium or england i think it was a big game compared to the earlier games and the one zero in the us was just i think it was a more exciting game here when i'm very proud of the players i think it's been a fun toss a tournament obviously the result was not what we wanted today but from this of the learning going to grow now we're going to get better and i think we can really challenging that's all well we have a beautiful team and we believe in the future so what does your team have to do to make sure that in four years you know they have a better result. good question that's all the training but what do you think.


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