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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  July 15, 2018 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT

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into russia political stunt. men they know as bad wolf. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten dollars more in champaign each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you long should be ultra rich eight point six percent market share thirty percent one of your home with two hundred to five hundred three per second per second and one rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a i industrial but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need remembering one one doesn't show you can't afford to miss the one and only to me but.
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the. bottom. line. telling a welcome twelve on the eve of the trunks on the western media i wash with reports of the so-called grand bargain that russia and the united states may or may know of . americans are pretty clear that they want to see a decrease in the arabian presence in syria by the saw when they themselves pay in kind well to discuss that i'm now joined by a senior advisor to iran's supreme leader ali akbar velayati that's a. great pleasure talking to you thank you very much for your time. you're small
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you're most welcome. to be here in or friendly country rush as you may know or most days a pretty hectic city these days just yesterday israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu stopped by to watch football. palestinian leader mahmoud abbas is visiting on the same day as you but none of you tie your visit formal way to the upcoming meeting in helsinki is this just a coincidence that all your schedules happen to overlap. you know any connection between your attendance. to in your country and the presence of the. mention of so i have come here independently only for the talking with the. president putin have cherry the messages of or great leader and all four
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president to president putin. we could try an opportunity for about two hours the discourse. really shoes including the. regional cooperation international cooperation but i'm sure your fall of the international news agenda mr putin is slated to make quite. soon with mr trump and i'm sure you heard that there are a lot of speculations about the so-called grand bargain supposedly and all for that mr trump may. make to president putin to exchange syria for ukraine is that as far as you know is that really something that may be discussed behind closed doors. these two issues are two independent. is ukraine and chile me. there is no any connection within these two important if.
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we are here to discuss a world the. relation. russia in connection with cooperation in syria as for ukraine and two is. this a poor the position of the. russians or the question do you know. your cry now speaking about the syrian talks. the western media report about it as a as a sort of a possibility that may happen but many analysts in russia suggest that this has already been implemented to some extent on the ground for example. iran's role in the operation is good or earlier this year was last pronounced than usual its role in the current southern offensive and daraa is even more limited would it
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be fair to say that iran has already partially deliberate what the americans and to some extent the israelis are asking for. or present in syria doesn't related to the desire of the united states and other western countries which are following the diplomacy of the united states or some regional countries which are connected with the diplomacy of united states we are in syria on the basis of the invitation of legal government of syria to help the current of people of syria he support the whole integrity of syria and we are fighting you're helping the syrian go on as if you follow syria for fighting against terrorist groups. with the help of russia and some other countries
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fortunately we have overcome me because he is the. government of syria and syria have been facing and we do believe if. they stumble. and russia which are available in syria leave and he should remain there to. maintain these mystery agency terrorist groups if even if they are on syria the united states and. its allies will continue the search for supporting of tory school once again. the demo schools and the champions of. syria will be in danger and dangerous situation and once again we'll face is the. development of new development
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of the. issue still we are there as the. tuesday syria because the main. responsibility of the defend the country. of the. syria. yet is here just. pointed out the iranian policy is has no relation to the american policy do not correlate but i'm sure you know very well that russia does try to coordinate its policy with all the actors on the ground with a specific reason of achieving a point when all foreign troops i assume including russian troops who could be withdrawn from that country and syria would be able to provide its security on its own is that concurrent with how iran sees the outer met go in in that country
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you know the russian federation must go. its own polish we also follow your. some corporation which seem to show it's in the community. if. the situation between russia and the united states is. not related to us. we are following your interests and also your interests to corporate. or friendly country russia so maybe in some we shoot in some field. or independent policy in the region but we are trying to cooperate together without any contradiction now speaking about the current operation in the south of syria that there has been some tactical accommodation between russia and syria on the one
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hand and the united states on the other hand at least in the form of the american noninvolvement they did not support the groups that they previously supported in that region i know that iran is rarely almost never complimentary of they are american policies in the region but can you appreciate this post here on the part of washington of noninvolvement and allowing the syrian government together with the russian federation to take control of that area or against any kind of presence of the united states in a region if they want to continue their his yemeni who you may recall is the we against germany you know region in the region if you're in a region does could. understand the legal presence. the united states is trying to be in a region. when they are there the only job thier
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doing and they have shown that they do is creation of the terrorist group who are risking tone during the time his tenure in the foreign ministry he. has so a meeting. she. disappeared in the creation of the terrorist group in syria and iraq if you recall in the. states. president trump. choose into the new or the people who are. here ultimately agree with mr trump in the in these coalition he wanted to in a change in into the only change you follow the same policy that. created do you think you may have other things in common with mr trump and at least
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in the way how he conceptualizes there is no and you come in purple common policy between us and the sutra and there could be no more overlap of views on how the region develops we're not. because we know that. he. has your only policy you know or the war you're against any kind o. expansionism and any kind of. or any other country now as the americans keep on insisting on the. removal of the iranian presence as they put it in syria they and their allies seem to be in trenching and the system you're freydis and i'm sure you know the mr trump's current national security adviser mr bolton once advocated for the creation of the so-called sunni stand a quasi state that includes parts of syria and iraq do you think that may still be
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on on washington's mind do you think that could be the ultimate goal of the policy you're not going to listen to mr trump or the. other ameri. influence. we are following the interests of the people in this region. we are in a very close cooperation with the friendly country that we have in the region with iraq and syria with never none with yemen. we don't permit there is his states to intervene in the interim that's as of old the country and also more friendly country in the rich that's still made policy that you follow and you're not going to change these various that is you well that's obviously this is not what i'm asking for i'm asking you if you see any danger in
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the americans coming back to the so-called plan b. reach would be to splay syria and possibly even iraq into several states and create a state lead there and that's what's serious security and interest and i say. just as well they cannot do that because the people of iraq and syria again so this is any kind of a journey of the united states and the people of these countries because not only the united states to repeat their journey and also of us support these very legal is of these people in their reach well mr we have to take a short break now but we'll be back in just a few moments as they are all. down .
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the so you will both be end of the to show not just us. she listened to it with the people not just on the show cannot tell what i mean or. thank. you. i think you make it really was on iraq. thank. you for your local superman film you can see that from the. right. because you're in the stuff will leave you. with the baby bottles in the north and people but people from the film i think you both were shocked to hear.
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the new global economic will resume folding in the realm of education the right to education is being supplanted by the right to access education. high education is becoming just another product that can be bullish and sold so this is not just about education anymore it's also about running a business where you could. look at the songs. in a fairly good image. which is the place of students in this business model for college i was born now i'm an extremely bored education the new global economic war.
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welcome back to worlds apart with a senior adviser to run supreme leader ali akbar velayati mr bill israel seems to be very convinced that his trying to convince everybody else about iran is seeking to intrench itself and syria for the specific purpose of attacking. israel. i'm sure you would deny god the case but if that's not the case why does iraq continue sounding advanced weaponry like for example surface to air missiles to syria especially now and knowing that the chance of israel striking those convoys is very high. this man who is running. the regime is the. doing that you bet you're wrong the man being told there are people in the war and people are not sitting there listening to this though the. regime can see
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a word they say or he says so everybody has for going there is only interests we are in syria. with the protests of. israeli regime we will not change europe certainly policy. probably see in the region is the helping of the people of a region including the vehicle of iraq syria and lebanon so it's not related to the. the israeli regime of course what he's doing work for thirty states repeatedly he's tested something that nobody listened to. so we don't care what he said doctor here follow a policy. obviously you're here follow your policy as you said but you know that
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russia has developed a pretty warm relationship with israel some say that it's the bast ever in the history of bilateral ties how is it taken intact front can't tap trust mosque and off and knowing how close it is that israel with trust in moscow in a common policy in the region but. every country follows its own national interests. we are trying to. strengthen. the common policy and common use that we have in the region and international arena of course us quote not sure if in some issues we have or independent policy in the russian. as their own independent policy so it
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doesn't make any difficulty for us if we have some commonalities something different now whenever this issue of decreasing the iranian presence in syria is raised and always usually say that russia doesn't have enough leverage with iran to tell it what to do and i think you would probably agree with that but i also think that moscow would not even raise that issue with iran unless it was sure that all the other actors where they are illegally would follow suit and withdraw that troops i think moscow has enough scale enough capital political and diplomatic capital to ensure that syria's once again a sovereign state of to know we. didn't hear anything. in the russian official
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against. presence in syria or egypt because this is a region and also the russian federation also is the same region so we have regional cooperation it doesn't mean that in. diplomacy we are compatible but. in the many issues in many fields here are very close relation very close cooperation so we will remain in syria of two the time the league will go into syria. to leave syria otherwise you need to be there on the the basis of the permission and requests of the go into syria and also iraq iraq has. to be the words there to them for fighting is terrorism. any kind of that you can
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do to the. people in the region go into the region including syria iraq. iran also yemen if yemen are supposed to help them to bring peace and tranquility in the region new england has not his day to do that going back to this idea of grand bargain that i started this interview with it could be argued that it's not just mr trump who could entertain that idea but that similar bargain would be offered you know many regional actors for example syria how would iran relate she or any offer of a more active saudi involvement in that country for example with. with the offer of reckon struction. missile tran is doing that you're ne is of. the suggestion to today.
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be a change to say how free to work so no word each area on the promise in other words and also we are not using for the. scene there. truong. to. return to or to corporate. interests in a game or any underworld gaining the years made him in some part of the including the munis who will more not to participate to ne jame anybody. he has made. itself to them to him to cooperate is. if lois she. be an israel.
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we have a different policy or main quality in the region is cooperation with the . people of iraq and syria and lebanon. we don't want to enter in there any kind of worry uni. is going to be created. mr truong. dr if i may ask here on the formal purpose of your visit as far as i know your formal reason of coming here since you explained the iranian position on the way in the aftermath of the american a tro and from what i know iran has so far insisted that if they'll stay within the deal if the europeans do enough. to make a palatable for your country have they been a session supplier have they offered and often sanchez to your country to continue complying with. the. very
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close cooperation with russia. or foreign minister. is in close contact you know still no rove and recently they had a meeting in vienna and there they were very corporate. and also the european countries are trying to remain. these works. the european countries should compensate worked. we have lost after the meter all. of the united states illegally from the submarine i'm sure you're forward the latest results of the nato summit in brussels and it's shocked many russians i have to tell you by the way mr trump treated he's american partners do you think this if he continues on that path.
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i there we're going to cut into the end of worlds apart there is the world cup wraps up president putin saying a few words at the end of the tournament thought isn't something where you just enjoy the spectacle you'll go for the results but the results were also high level this time so now we can be proud that we have our own food ball our own food bowl school. our own. possibilities we can now expect greater results in future tournament's this is what has been shown by what our national team what i especially liked is that our guys have shown great skill and have performed at the highest level possible and i believe this is the important thing this is what we have to be grateful to them for.
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certainly the result itself was outstanding and we have to. congratulate them with that. so that they achieve even more in the future and we're . going to meet them yes we've already planned a number of meetings first i'm going to meet with the manager then had of the team and then i'll meet the the rest of them. all of them will. look after hockey you want to play hockey don't you want to play football now . you know every one of us used to play the food all that some point in our lives but we used to keep bowls at some time and i know in our lives i don't like to watch football i like to watch. some of that some of the best teams more than playing great games. it seems that anyone can play football
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but of course actual real. football requires a lot of practice and skill and i'll stick to hockey because. this is what a been doing in my life and we are using well we've seen one very strange one go. from the croatian team but croatia was playing a very good very good football of course there were some missteps but the french have also played incredibly incredibly well. and good well we've spoken on many occasions. and we've expressed this idea that the most important thing is to organize a great tournament the great world cup and everyone says that we've been successful now one thing i want to emphasize
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a lot of the times we say not some of the best things about our fans in our country but it turns out they're not just emotional like they used to like they usually are but they're also very responsible and this is why i would like to say special words of gratitude to our fans for the way they treated the whole event to the way they treated the world cup because it was to a large extent because of our fans are like to thank our manager our fans our team . all the food bowl fans and spectators who. helped and supported our team so i would like to thank those who organized who managed and administered the whole thing. like to say things to had zone of host cities. they were all. as i could see
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smiles on the faces of the people who organized events they were always very hospitable and kind and. i want to want to talk about what was said before the tournament now i want to talk about what we hear today thanks to the efforts of thousands of people we've managed to organize to host this wonderful sports festival and i would like to extend special words of gratitude to. the fans from all over the world who came to russia who. were also great they were also there are responsible they have shown that its board and food bowl can unite people not lead to some squabbles but actually unite countries and unite peoples based on shared values a lot of people got acquainted with the culture of russia with our towns and cities . and now millions of people have changed what they think
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about our country have changed their opinions and. with this regard when i spoke to my colleagues from croatia and from france. on this. i think that. all those foreign fans have found i.d.'s will now be able to have visa free access to russia up to the end of this year and i hope that many of them will. use this opportunity and to come to our country once again on multiple occasions and bring their families with them thank you thank you so much. ok that was president putin speaking within the past half an hour or so at the end of the world cup tournament and what a month it's been he said we've got a lot to be proud of and we can expect even greater results and a lot of things.


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