tv News RT July 16, 2018 4:00am-4:31am EDT
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control. president vladimir putin. and what will be the first between the two. thank. american president has already landed in the finnish capital helsinki which of course is playing host to this high profile meeting and although the summit hasn't begun yet some sectors of the media are already in panic mode
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a face to face full scale bilateral meeting with the u.s. president. the president's trip abroad will also include a meeting with russian president vladimir putin who are the leaders of these two countries i'm going to hear someone say this is a bad idea when he goes this nato conference who will he represents we represent the united states or we represent moscow the former k.g.b. colonel in the kremlin could be doing some important intelligence gathering on his american counterpart people are are are terrified the best case scenario is a scenario where basically nothing terrible fact that's going around the meantime hillary clinton recently tweeted insinuating that president trump is in cahoots with the russians it seems no matter what happens in helsinki or how trump and putin tried to improve diplomatic relations some will never be satisfied but i guess the explains. two years they've obsessed over it one dead end
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worried about this meeting joked about their relationship than old i want to state official that we in russia are so the words you are us prisons take you now doubt all drop glad to be uprooted one old one i'm taking a year me a joint statement saying we're best friends blah blah blah and here we are and they finally meet in the pundit call fanie roaring up into a crescendo a tense moment but trump thinks it's no biggie. putin may be the easiest of the more. i hope we get along well i think we get along well hopefully some day maybe he'll be a friend it could happen but i know i just don't know him very well in the sense we're competitors not a question of friend or enemy he's not my enemy so what's on the menu well for
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starters no one really knows yet we've had hints syria ukraine meddling but nothing concrete which is no surprise anything these two say especially about each other invariably gets strong out and turned upside down and inside out you're usually he's a very bright person talented without any doubt reaffirming their bromance mutual admiration society if he is really very much of a leader has been a leader far more than our president has been a little too mentally unstable aggressive men with nuclear buttons it's a disgrace it's gotten so bad that even common courtesy is frowned upon or reviled at this point of putin's sneezed trump would be crucified for merely saying bless you thing is trumps trump he's easy with words russia is not strong economically and we could do
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a lot of different things to really do numbers on them if we wanted to know what. trumps trump words for him more sound than meaning good will know much more careful politician. trump was able to succeed in business and that means he's a clever man come on the team was more effective during the election campaign sometimes i thought he was exaggerating is true but it turned out he was right. although putin did once side with trump remember the rumors spread about trump the one about prostitutes and a certain hotel room in moscow. trump is a man who for many years has organized beauty pageants he socialized with the most beautiful women in the world i can hardly imagine he rushed to the hotel to meet some young russian women low social responsibility. sweet talk aside russia and the
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u.s. in syria have almost come to open war relations a dismal getting worse but not all is lost crimea is back in the headlines trump has called for russia to come back to the g. seven regardless trump's a businessman he likes the deal likes the trade we can you do me a favor we can get out of syria i think and probably have a good relationship with them yeah this is going to be easy but at least they're talking to nuclear superpowers which could destroy the world thrice over not behaving like children everyone's better off when they talk unless you're a pundit or a hater they're in meltdown mode calling this a loss for the u.s. calling trump a russian agent but hey they've been outed for years all that's left really is the
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wait and see what happens only time will tell when a given all that's been said about the past relations we decided to talk to people in new york in order to or find out what the very by the collusion story and trump's role in it as a kremlin agent. well. take a guess. oh man trump love company hope something arrogant for him. but i don't know if i could say that on t.v. what's what's orange in russian. they don't ski or something perhaps i mean that's his name it's got to give away i don't think you are so russians are so i don't believe that. you keep on doing what you're doing you're doing a great chapter russia make sure to to pay don't fly you don't change your wife's too often or something. maybe to build more hotels you know no more make moscow
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great again. no idea why do you think that i just think is too much is too shady to not be i think that's a tough thing to say isis guide to the idea of innocent till proven guilty sounds crazy so ridiculous. but not my it's not my kind of friend but only if there is something in it for him not friendship for the sake of friendship like think everyone is capable of making friends i think they'd be pretty sad especially i mean he has a wife i think that she's his friends i hope so they created a child sometimes i think everyone can have friends. even the craziest people have friends that's true and there's crazy for crazy. when i had all the summit donald trump tweeted that the relations between russia and the u.s. were rock bottom blaming his predecessors for that he also said that the media
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would crucify him at home no matter what the outcome. unfortunately no matter how well i do at the summit if i was given the great city of moscow as a retribution for all of the sins and evils committed by russia over the years i would return to criticism that it wasn't good enough that i should have gotten since petersburg in addition much of our news media is indeed the enemy of the people. takes a look at some other topics that are expected to dominate today's talks. this is really a special time for helsinki the city is living the moment obviously the finnish capital is no stranger to hosting these kind of summits between russian or soviet leaders and american presidents so i've seen posters all around the city goodall's
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on sale t. shirts about the historic meeting and one local brewery even came up with two new beer times one is for mr trump and one is for mr putin the hosts finland have even set up two sourness in the media center and our t. heard people making jokes that this is either a sign that heated discussions really heated up is what we're up for or that things may get so cold that journalists will have to rush to the saunas to keep themselves warm it is a true challenge to guess what will be the leaders main focus but there will definitely be loads of things to talk about so you can hold on to your. big old cards syria and iran's assad go with the arabian nuclear deal as well is definitely the cold area this is where you should watch out for misunderstanding
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nobody wants islamic state to be on the map of syria technically that's what the two countries are looking for but the role of syrian president bashar assad who donald trump is referring to as an add on all because what is known in the us as killing children and his own country with chemical weapons here is something where the presidents don't see eye to eye at all the role of iran and syria as well and by the way the presidents of russia and the u.s. haven't yet met after donald trump said good bye to the uranium nuclear deal that's something a lot of our putin wasn't happy about at all. we must do everything possible to save the iran nuclear deal. i recently met with the director general of the international atomic energy agency and he confirmed that's iran is fulfilling all of its commitments which raises the question what are the grounds for destroying the scream and. now the stuff that donald has been doing to deal with
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the north korean crisis this is the area where things are getting a bit warmer kremlin has praised american efforts and north korean efforts but a lot of my putin has kept saying that it's still a long way to go and concrete steps have to be made. but i very much hope that the situation will move forward in a positive way we you for all parts are ready to make every effort towards this end so that as i've said hold on to your bank cards and let's watch the two presidents interact talk that's going to happen very very soon. i let's across life not a former u.k. ambassador to both syria and bahrain mr peta for joining us here on the program today it's good to have you with us today both the u.s. and the u.k. have strained relations with russia as a come as a surprise to you given all of the media bashing in the united states the whole
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russia collusion pun some mine has it come to the us a bit of a surprise that trump is actually going ahead with these talks. you know if through and trying to be inconsistent in one thing it has been for two or three years his wish to improve relations with russia and he's just refused to be blown off course on this people accuse him of being mecurio inconsistent erratic but he he has been very deadly on the pressure on with. the strategy with russia taking a few knocks think that been delayed but now at last after two years things appear to be coming together he said spectator or hell think we are low that's probably a correct assessment but it will be a major achievement just to cool the temperature stablished.
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shared long term goals in the middle east in particular and just to restore bilateral relations through normal or peter as you say for the past few years trump has been saying he wants to improve relations between russia and america you say that trump refused to be blown off course but just days ago twelve russians were suddenly charged with hacking offenses linked to the twenty sixteen u.s. election happening what days before this historic summit in helsinki do you think there's a anything in the timing of the indictment. well that's as clear as day. what's called the security state or the deep state. coming to the surface here it's not the deep state the thought that the shallow state operating in plain sight clearly with an agenda to disrupt the health think the meeting
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jumping for joy why would they want to why would they want to disrupt what some are calling the meeting of the year and others calling the meeting of the millennium why would there be powers to disrupt it well because the security state has a deep vested interest in. russia going back decades the so-called washington consensus republicans democrats think tank the mainstream media. with thinking that america needs an enemy russia applies that need it's needed not least to keep the. manufacturer happy and they are horrified trump doesn't share this is not part of the washington consensus i think partly because he's believed floated so. they in perth he won't be swayed by the thinking about the even
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security state and he's sticking to their guns when. he compels reluctant admiration. interestingly said peter what about other main topics for the discussion at the summit where do you think they'll find common ground otherwise not. well they could find common ground on the middle east. on theory and they could agree to work in the long term towards. a transition to wards full restoration syrian government control over the entirety of syrian territory this would be authentic transition rather than the transition that the western powers demand which is the transition away from rule by president at that now that they could agree towards. on on working
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towards with goal that all foreign course it would eventually we fear. the threat from terrorism jihadi militant completely eradicated however. i think this is going to be difficult to achieve its agreement because the americans are hung up on the short term removal of iranian forth. programmer anian forces like poland they appear to suggest some kind of grand deal whereby they would withdraw their forces and recognize that as that wasn't going to call way in return for the removal of all rainy and pro israel iranian forces this is not going to happen because the war in syria isn't finished the war against terrorism. in the north is stuffed with over one hundred thousand
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jihadi fighters they may even outnumber the syrian regular on me therefore the syrian government needs all the help it can get including from. iran there is no way they could give up this assistance. so this grand. do you deal with is going to fall upon before it even institute in any case the american negotiating position on syria is very weak the american presence in syria is limited. to three thousand troops in northern syria spread sin lee and trying to control a long kurdish proxy a vast area which is already coming on the security threats just yet today was
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apparently a bomb attack on a us. meeting command in. the former capital of islamic if i if i can jump in i do apologize obvious obviously syria israel has some cards to play in syria as we all know israel is essentially the one country that's been bombing more of the syrian army areas israel has been deeply entrenched in syria now for years before the media even started talking about syria if we can just bring it back a bit closer to the home front in europe here trumpet as you well know met with nato allies just last week with whom relations already tense as they are do you think the nato member should be worried about today's meeting with vladimir putin and donald trump. they should be warmly welcoming it. serious. they want to be theory of about the security of europe they
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should welcome a saw in relations between the west and russia let's not forget that the problems of recent years are all of nato's own doing by overreaching by pushing the board the nato to the very edge of russia it's not russia which is counting on the board the west it the western powers nato which stablished relationships with countries on russia's border. so the nato countries should having overreached should now be happy there is the way forward thanks to an american president with some new info i and feeling for russia and eastern europe after all with you the president who was married to a lady called. and whose daughter is called. it's not that
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surprising he gets russia britain france and the other nato partners don't get russia and they don't want to get russia. peter ford former u.k. about that or syria and bahrain peter thank you very much for your time thank you thank you now nearly two weeks ahead of today's summit a delegation of u.s. republican senators visited moscow meeting their russian colleagues in a bid to improve pretty tough relations judging by what they said in moscow everything went pretty well the senators changed tack dramatically the moment they stepped back on home soil. this is the beginning of a dialogue. not a strain really a relationship. senator
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shelby told the head of the russian parliament today i'm not here today to accuse russia of this or that or so for if we're serious striving for a better relationship. what's going on. the foreign minister he's a book smart guy asked it's all about putin mafia it's all about money and power dealing with putin is like hand feeding a shark. this is what i said number one stop screwing with america much ask. our friends in russia not to interfere in our election stop screwing around in syria i asked for their help. in bringing peace to syria mafia our friends in russia and in washington did you really say
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stop throw their election you really so that the foreign minister yes this is the beginning of a dialogue so we'll see. what you said i would hope you understand you're sitting down with an enemy of the united states and in me a democracy the problem is that we have a president and states unwilling to confront our enemies on our adversaries and this is exactly why he should not go to this meeting with putin they need to cancel the helsinki summit meeting the talks are going to kick off in about an hour from now do stick around we're going to give you all the updates right here on alt.
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i played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the shaper money just kill you narrowness and spending student twenty million a one player. coach it's an experience like nothing else i want to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy my great so will more chance for. the base this minute.
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saying he's not the penalty because that can be the. and opinions are wrong i'm saying that the concept of the v.a. he's a bald important mistakes of the referee and this was not one of these of these cases so really really does a point to be that in the second off upon what we were expecting and then fronts a score of the sort of all in the fourth and just. a mistake of that i don't even call a mistake i call extra confidence because of the four one in the game more of a. crew is used to playing until the end than great pride they were fantastic and they deserve all all the credit for what they did but. in football the reality is on it and france is a little champ and twenty votes this was the scene of hours after the final whistle
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that's the way to millions of people to the streets with their flags and. the teams on the cubans the words were in the midst of the big eight far east as it's been given and the phones and now the world cup champions i've seen eighteen this is an amazing opportunity you have to experience something of the country last experience twenty years ago when fronts was actually the various nations and when they won the world cup many people believed that they could win this championship going in the with very very strong here by they were that they did they cheat and of course they don't hit every stage the way the fans have been out in the streets and now they've been rewarded with infrared of the moment this moment where they know that they are in the world cup jenkins in this weekend's is yes the icing on.
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