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tv   News  RT  July 16, 2018 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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a day of top level diplomacy comes to a successful end as planned a bit putin on donald trump of a historic first summit hailing great progress. in our relationship. has never been worse. than it is now however that changed. as of about four hours ago. despite both leaders agreeing on a number of key international issues that us media all over the euro at the results . only the president calls for the borders the enemy of the american people as an american citizen that i just personally think today is just an incredibly diverse moment in time in our history and also this hour the front squat gets
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a hero's welcome in paris dr therefore to triumph over croatia in the football world cup final. a very warm welcome you're watching r.t. international with me nicky aaron more to start the hour we're going to bring you some live pictures from both the french capital and the croatian capital as each countries welcome back their heroes from that fifo world cup of course are from the victorious world cup winners their team will receive the country's highest accolades the. and of course in croatia the capitals i've read that welcome back to their heroes of course no one ever expected her age to do this well in the world. they came running in the tournament.
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and of course in other news the meeting of the year as some are already calling the first trump putin summit is now over both leaders said they made positive steps and real progress our correspondent was that in the finnish capital helsinki. i looked into the faces of donald trump who was standing right here by the way with a bigger microphone and vladimir putin here with a smaller microphone and i saw two men who were genuinely enjoying talking together but today first of all their message to the journalists was that they want this kind of relationship to spread beyond their personal time somehow they want to put washington moscow relations back on track at this presidential palace the word we heard quite a few times was syria and on the one hand this is the area that was looking rather
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promising ahead of these talks but on the other hand it wasn't promising at all given the interests of israel and iran that are at stake i asked the leaders whether they came to any specific arrangements when it comes to the russia and us working together on solving the syrian crisis plus mr trump perhaps surprisingly said that the russian and american military could be doing a better job at working together compared with the white house and the kremlin. is quite clear to everyone the true relationship is a complicated stage there is no solid reasoning for the impediments the current tense atmosphere the cold war ended some time ago that our relationship has never been worse. than it is now however that changed
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as of about four hours ago tonight it will be years since donald trump was elected but guess what still worries the. u.s. presidential press poll allegations of meddling and collusion there were sitting right here and almost all the questions from this part of the room were about that . it was rather fascinating to see how the two leaders almost teamed up to dodge these kind of questions during today's meeting i addressed directly with president putin the issue of russian interference in our election and i had to repeat what i've said several times including in our personal contacts the russian state never has and never will interfere in internal american affairs do you hold russia at all accountable for anything in particular yes i do i hold both countries responsible i didn't know the president. there was nobody to collude with where did you get the
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idea that prison trump trusts me or i trust him he defends u.s. interests and i defend russia's interests president putin denied having anything to do with the election your parents are twenty sixteen every u.s. intelligence agency has concluded that russia did who do you believe i have great confidence in my intelligence people but i will tell you that president putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today he offered to have the people working on the case come and work with their investigators with respect to the twelve people i think that's an incredible offer. or was an intelligence officer myself and i do know how to comply and conclusion can only be made by cool and not by intelligence services speaking of offers donald trump received from his russian counterpart the u.s. president twice mentioned an idea that came from the russian side about letting
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and vest again work together and team both in russia and the u.s. on investigating these allegations of meddling but it seemed that these kind of things didn't satisfy the american media at all. just minutes before the news conference started a protester was dragged from the venue is thought the sign he was carrying read nuclear weapons ban treaty. before the talks even started putin in transit had already shaken hands twice the first came when they met in helsinki on the second one happened in front of the media before the start of the talks we discussed with how it felt and an analyst on
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both the language experts what we can read into it. trump is coming from a very very highly critical domestic america so he's really aware that his whole country is looking at him and trying to interpret what is really going on between these two leaders and it's with that that he enters the room and he faces he faces what seems to be an opponent so you start off and he's very he's almost strutting both of them off they sit down they believe to be uncomfortable they look like a divorce and couple and then they reach out for that handshake now what do you see about that handshake is it is a distant handshake it is not one with the whole bodies are involved you know to start one hand on top of the other trump is very very visual with a war with of pacing of his hand and he goes in very very evenly and that's how the
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handshake is is is executed donald trump said to his normal donald trump position which is the his legs slightly apart he kind of slumps quite comfortably although he didn't look comfortable if you looked at his his mouth it was a grimace too and he's built his jaw was clear and he wasn't comfortable at all putin definitely looked like a more comfortable person. the root again let's look at what what's bringing them the helsinki is a much more comfortable place for futility is for trying putin has just come from a enormously successful world cup event so he is feeling a little bit more relaxed it is on his turf even though it's a very very important discussion and meeting for him. to the u.k. now it's been revealed that british labor party members responsible for facebook are those in last year's general election made leader jeremy corbyn and his closest
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aides see different ads from the general public artie's party boyko picks up the story. this is all been revealed in a new book about the effect of the media on politics and the allegation is that in the run up to the general election back in twenty seventeen just over a year ago senior labor party staff members hostile to jeremy corbyn used targeted facebook ads in order to trick the labor leader into thinking that his campaigns were being rolled out nationwide online in actual fact the campaigns that jeremy corbyn wanted to push nationally but which senior officials didn't like they were being targeted just jeremy corbyn and his closest aides take a listen to how the labor party leader jeremy corbyn was heard winked by his own party when they were told to pray for mission one of their regarded as month gap such as one on the water registration they made sure that few sources messages
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except a tiny slice of left wing activists if it was there for them they thought it must be there for everyone it wasn't that's how targeted it's going to work well a very twenty first century sort of sabotage and clearly quite dysfunctional relationships there between a party leader and the officials meant to be executing his campaign decisions but jeremy corbin is no stranger to hostility from within his own party he's loved by plenty of labor voters but not so much by the parliamentary party here in the u.k. that contains all the centrist that are unhappy with his left wing policies and perhaps he may be unfazed by all of this he survived several coups against him labor party or had a few raised eyebrows in response to these revelations it's bizarre that anyone would undermine plans to voter registration during a general election despite fighting with point behind our backs by some corporates
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of senior staff we achieved a lot just increase in labor's vote since nine hundred forty five. well the statement we got from the labor party also said that so-called uncooperative staff were proven wrong anyway because the videos that emphasized jeremy called in his left wing politics that were put up on corbett his own video and website channels and on the channels of his campaign group momentum far outperformed anything that was put up by the parliamentary labor party on its own website and video channel so according to the labor party they have the last laugh anyway. let's return to our top story now the meeting between putin and trump about islam which is already raising extreme passions in the us with many democrats now crying treason and claiming that trump is holy in the pockets of poussin senator mark warner even insists the american president now blames washington for russia's attacks on u.s.
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democracy let's discuss this further now with our guests marco gas that international affairs commentator mr gast it's always lovely to have you on the program thanks for coming on. putin said after this conference that he offered to develop relations with the u.s. do you think the presidents have finally found common ground here. well i think they have historically all crowding on the same ground actually they both realize that the world gains nothing from the prospects of nuclear war the threats of it suits only some small elites in the us which live off and feed off the fear of the rest of us over a nuclear war actually happening so really those two presidents want to deescalate they want to normalize the situation is great for pretty much full of us but there is a small and powerful person in the us in washington and in the media which want to stop it it seems like a good first start doesn't it as a first summit between them oh very positive from the outlook picture has warned
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it's you know it's impossible to solve all the problems they have between them just with one me things no more meetings will have to take place but already we're seeing hysteria really in the u.s. media they seem furious with the results of the summit let's just have a quick listen to what they've been saying only the president calls the reporters the the enemy of the american people as an american citizen i just personally think today is just an incredibly diverse moment in time in our history so the news conference after the summit we're hearing that sunni leaders talk about agreeing on a number of critical issues and then in the u.s. media we're seeing this anger why why it was different. well we come back to the classic thing that this the media has turned from being a check on power to feeling itself as an instrument of power part of power the us media of the sternest inquisitors on behalf of the establishment that you could
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have but they never turn the crosshairs on so the establishment which gives them their privileges so they actually come across as if they have a more legitimate than the president of the united states of america in their her rent tree and questioning of him and all that shows it shows their prejudices and their determination to keep the status quo going which is negative as i say for the entire planet the us media really needs to really wake up to what it's doing and people on an individual basis should listen to their consciences rather than just the pay packets i was again we had president putin underlined that russia had never meddled in the us elections chunk seems convinced by putin's claim once again he said he believes him if he says that how did you how could this affect the indictment of those twelve russians for hacking linked offenses. well i mean this whole indictment of this dozen people there are hundreds of people subverting elections all over the world and most of them were full and probably thousands and
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most of them work for the cia with its fifteen to twenty billion dollar budget what do we imagine they do for the money that is spent on them if the u.s. really wants to stop people subverting elections it should look closer to home for the subverts is rather than turn its telescope to its all the right and seek to find a dozen hapless individuals to accuse just on the day when trump is about to head off for helsinki. came out of the this on a particularly positive talking about how the two sides are going to have an extraordinary relationship is that likely is it even possible given all the differences that divide the two sides. it's extraordinary already because you have a president who believes in normalization and deescalate the escalation of tensions you have on the other hand the congress which is determined to stop him and which was passed these are fairly unconstitutional law these sanctions regime which he previously had complete control over so really yes half of one half of america
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wants to normalize as a world establishment and the other half in washington wants to keep the tensions are high as i say for their own reasons for the reasons of the benefits of the military industrial defense complex that the gains from the fear of everybody and therefore justifies its defense spending on the basis of the alleged threat from the from the russians the russians for their part have no reason to be threatening anybody they're perfectly big enough they do not want to be overreaching themselves and there is no basis for this for these accusations against the russians whatsoever as i say apart from the benefit to the elite which is pointing the accusing fingers at russia this this strange relationship that donald trump has with the media do you think it's possible that they could be pushing trump into the arms of putin. no i don't think so i think the one thing the food scene and trump have in common is that they have both for various various ways been demonized
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by the very same media which is engaged in the process of creating creating caricatures i don't think putin is anywhere near as hawkish as they pretend him to be and trump is nowhere near as unintelligent as they as they as they put present him as in fact i think that trump by making steps in various directions in all kinds of directions recently has given himself elbow room to organize precisely the meeting with seeing today but unfortunately for him the problem is that he is shackled in terms of what he can actually do at the moment by an elite in the beltway which is determined to stop his freedom of movement. he said their meeting with putin might be the easiest on his european tour quite an ominous ominous comment for the washington's allies do you think they should be worried. no i don't think so i mean ultimately the. e.u. and nato is the mechanism ultimately by which america gives its allies orders and
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is in no danger at the moment perhaps that's one thing where again trump hasn't taken ised the the neo cons behind him and they really did not like his pronouncements about the future of nato and the necessity for late so all in this post cold war cold war world that we're living in so they basically initially after his comings of power pressed him at home in effect almost created a color revolution in the u.s. until trump agreed to be their neo-con of broad world trampas now slightly gone back on that it was a deal he doesn't he didn't like it in the first place and he's now trying to be his own man but it is very difficult as i say against an entrenched elite which which is determined on keeping the defense industry in the financial aspects of it going in perpetuity at the expense of the rest of the planet. gas its international affairs commentator always a pleasure thank you very much. thanks to. now the french capital is welcoming its
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heroes the national team crowned world cup winners on sunday evening in moscow we're showing you live pictures from that the french capital now where hundreds of thousands of supporters are out on the seans elisei accompanying the squad as they paraded to the a presidential residence that's where they're going to be greeted by a manual mode from the president earlier team also received a warm welcome at the airport it's just look at these live pictures today almost everybody has poured out to welcome back their champions this is going to be a real boost for the french people who have been plagued with riots that usually the streets are full of people rioting but today is a very different picture indeed.
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and some more live pictures for you now now from far away sure they kept us all right greg where people have also pulled onto the street to welcome back their national football team who did incredibly well at this world cup baby cakes seeded everybody's expectations to reach it the finals but of course they were knocked out by france with the four two defeats in the final in moscow on sunday. but still they're the champions of the croatian people's hearts today. getting to the finals from the joy of victories to the business of defeat the final day of the twenty eight hundred world cup was full of emotion and we've got some of the highlights and analysis for you from our special studio in the sense of the russian capital.
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everyone welcome back to their muster with sky line here it is the day after the evening before after the world cup final and it was the finale we were hoping for it and we're going to try to wrap up just a few the key points from yesterday's final of course it was the thrill of france a celebrating they've won the trophy for the second time in twenty years courtesy of a full to victory of a moscow's luzhniki stadium lots of emotions on display. was
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found. when the three croatian players blows the coaching staff will be very very disappointed because. the best team was losing and was losing because of. in my opinion that mistake of the concept of the not seeing is not the penalty because that can be the. and opinions are wrong i'm saying that the concept of the view is
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a bald important mistakes of the referee and this was not one of these cases so really really disappointed you that in the second all of a put what we were expecting and then france scored. in the fourth and just. a mistake of don't even call a mistake i call extra confidence because of the four one in the game over. croatia still playing until the end of the great pride they were fantastic they deserve all of the credit for what they did. in football the realities. and france's little chimp in twenty years of greatest bus driver on the planet telling us he didn't like the decision it was controversial he just michael longside me yesterday he was raging at what he saw as a huge mistake that had a big say in the outcome of the game but it created drama didn't it and make
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a very exciting final year was that v or going to work out for sure france went to where france big penalty two wanted halftime france just went to tie and after that imagine what it was like for the french but for some people that's twice in a lifetime they've had exhilarating sensation any really is a sort of adrenaline top officials were involved in the french team's celebrations gosh there you can see there on this amazing wave of emotion at this point this was to the right after the medal ceremony. was. i. was. you know what it was. five years. i. was one last chance the party the celebration lasted all night and it was particularly. enjoyable in the street it's now been made for. despite this world cup school nicole stars been nicknamed the streets of lights and it's been
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a real hot spot for founds throughout this competition you know the up to twenty years removed to start small and. to start in the sixty's are going to even india and. now to do is they. just feel. very proud to be croats in most old people i was we didn't have a lock to date we've had a lot written before matches and we hope for for eight years to begin to maybe win in the finals it was very nice to meet you and we would come back as soon as possible while the world cup here in russia has been recognised as a huge success but not just for the football that's being played although the football was pretty incredible but for the organization of the event there have been worries going into it to some foreign press did not materialize this is what sports officials pundits have been saying. the fantastic one that i think mark
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makes not a big move. excellent world cup excellent but. that old world so we already know. he like the chinese and the boy's shoulder everything is so nice and clean so proper and secure to say that people are friendly. you might want to take this world cup all the belief that we've seen almost all the strong teams make and we have to win their matches while both feet considered to be weak and then almost on the same level what i knew the world cup would be organised well but i'm too stupid to be surprised that one of the biggest achievements is that even the custom of the police to smile when they don't smile anywhere in the world they say welcome to the world but that what it's been spectacular people are very friendly. national
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organization of very good been left surprised but i'm very happy with how everything goes. as so many big names sharing their thoughts their experiences of world cup twenty eight being with us here in russia thank you for the privilege we've really enjoyed having you for the past month one month and one day auction here in russia has been a real pleasure i just want to show you something though because there's a carousel that's been willing around throughout this world cup i kept looking down at it and thinking before it ends i want to go for a ride. and it still kind of sums it all up you know this ride that we've been on the football and in motion it had to come to an end some time and it has but you know not too long to wait now just four more years they'll be qualifying in the company and it all saw it up again who knows where will be what will be close to the football thanks for staying with.
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if you're a political news junkie then you're probably experiencing a serious overdose consider the recent nato meeting trumps visit to the u.k.
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so-called russia gate heats up and the trump summit we discuss in all your i crossed. time after time you were going underground on the day of the trump putin summit in friend linda coming up on the show but getting a state senator dick black tells us if he thinks trump can for the cold war style relations the defined obama era foreign policy and why did theresa may call donald trump's child attention policies wrong and deeply disturbing when her hostile environment has been separating children from their parents for years after donald trump shopped as nato allies could one base used by the alliance be under threat on the eve of cyprus discussions of the u.n.
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security council we investigate opposition to the air strips from where tereza may launch attacks around the region told us of all coming up in today's edition of going underground but first to our top story told trump meets with vladimir putin today trump said it would be easier than meeting with nato and visiting a britain in turmoil over brics it but what attitude is he going to have to strike to change relations between the usa and russia because this was the way things were when his predecessor threatened the largest country on earth the two leaders clashed over syria and ukraine president obama and putin sharply disagree over how to deal with isis and syria's embattled president in separate addresses to the u.n. general assembly obama's vice president joe biden even issued a potentially apocalyptic threat to russia's president. we have the capacity to do.


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