tv News RT July 18, 2018 3:00am-3:31am EDT
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no no conception of the k. pos it was a lie just a payoff don't. you know what's done for the showing the video to make one of the many subplots going all the way to k five no problem sorry tito guy you really did awesome. i just by wrapping up the program here on wednesday july eighteenth and a few minutes before nine thirty am here in moscow many more stories for you at the top of the hour. i've been saying the numbers mean something they've matter to us is over one
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trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you longs to be all for the rich eight point six percent market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one one business show you can afford to miss the one and only boom bust. seventy four design submissions say. seven thousand pilings. to join judges. and eight hundred sixty nonstop days of work. a
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russian w.b. a champion. and a russian i'll. show you how i'm going to bridge was. what was the construction really you need to transpose to read the book at the hands of crimea. most of those you know what google for more of these but. greetings and salutation. turncoat traitor treason those were the accusations being thrown around the washington d.c. political news echo chamber on monday in the aftermath of the summit between u.s. president donald trump and russian president vladimir putin from the former head of
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the cia john brennan exclaiming on twitter that quote donald trump's press conference performance in helsinki rises to and exceeds the threshold of high crimes and misdemeanors it was nothing short of treasonous to former watergate prosecutor joe wind bank stating on m s n b c the trumps performance today will live in infamy as much as the pearl harbor attack or the kristallnacht these are just a few of the lockstep chorus of voices heard around the media today in the new york times the fox news yelling treason or some variation of it. and just what heinous crime against the united states did president from commit while on stage with president putin on monday well he had the audacity the audacity to question the u.s. intelligence community has or rather the cia f.b.i. and n.s.a. has hand picked out a less assessments on alleged russian meddling and for start stating the pollo
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weighing in the presence of one vladimir putin i hold both countries responsible i think that the united states has been foolish and i think we've all been foolish we should have had this dialogue a long time ago a long time frankly before i got to office and i think we're all to blame i think that the united states now is step forward along with russia getting together and we have a chance to do some great things so just so we're all clear what is happening right now as we speak here in the united states a majority of our elected officials both right and left along with the majority of our journalists working in the in the corporate news media are now declaring that as high crimes and treasonous if a u.s. citizen even the president of the united states admits publicly to our country's
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past mistakes and questions the veracity of our intelligence community. ladies and gentlemen welcome to the fascist states of america and let's start watching the hawks. but. it looks like. we. are to pull out of. the day like you that i got. this. week so i. welcome everybody to watch the hawks i am to roll the turkey and them top of the lot. i don't know people actually understand the definition of high crimes that doesn't mean high crimes and high in seriousness it's high because
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it's a public office as any person a high person knows where that comes from to see about the high crimes and misdemeanors thing can literally mean anything from not not following the law yeah i mean andrew johnson was impeached under high crimes and misdemeanors because he he got rid of his deputy director of war minister of war who had been hired by the previous president and it didn't even know if he actually broke any laws by doing that he were placed on body and that was considered high crimes and misdemeanors so . yeah you know ted i hope people really take a moment to step back and really look what's going on today because when you when you think about this is just as i said you right now have politicians on the right on the left and our mainstream media basically saying that if you if you're you are for peace between nuclear superpowers if you're biting to say hey it's not that i look i don't like donald trump i don't like his policies i strongly disagree with
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them from but i do like peace and i do like two nuclear superpowers talking with each other and trying to formulate a plan so they don't blow each other up at some point not turning up the dial to eleven you know tension and animosity. and if you add you cannot question that and you can't question the intelligence community i'm sorry that's fascist to me and what comes to my mind to it was one when was the last time we've seen something like this were just reasons are being thrown in question and don't dare question the us in two thousand and three to run up to the iraq war you couldn't criticize bush or you were an american it was the exact same i mean they probably just dusted off the the scripts that fox and m s n b and c.n.n. and just dusted out the old scripts and just changed out for bush because that was the same thing oh my god we're doing this we're doing that you know and at that time it was saddam was in the role of putin that time and the narrative was that a foreign power. iraq you know various weapons of mass destruction they were
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supporting terrorism that directly led to a coordinated attack on the united states none of that was true by the way you know they didn't they didn't prove that in fact everybody had to go see and last time i checked you know the thing is the. indicting someone doesn't mean they're guilty we have a court system that makes that decision but the jury system and the legal system that decides guilt not the media not politicians none of that decides guilt if they have the case bring the case bring these drove people over from from you know rosco and bring them to trial present the evidence we still have seen no evidence of this whatsoever and it's pretty sad because we throw around this hacking thing all the time starts turning up where that's a pretty high horse to stand on when you start talking about hacking and computer issues but you know we don't we can't take any criticism here in the united states americans are not good with criticism in general i am making
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a broad generalization not a generalization about broad a broad generalization of say this is something that we as americans are known for doing we don't like to criticize ourselves and we don't think we don't like to ever say that we did something that we don't like to take responsibility no no responsibility that would just be terrible and the problem is what happens when russia and china and iran start naming and they dieting us officials who are hacking their systems and computers and somebody is all that's what a bioterrorism and you're not to do that the u.s. national security administration or at agency tapped phone tapped the german chancellor angela merkel's and her closest ally or closest advisors for years and spied on the staff of her predecessors they tapped her cell phone. you know who are we to stand on this horse and say oh of hacking and how dare people how close at the end of the day have we seen anyone trying to stop these cyber intrusion have the laws been passed has any. you know when after spearfishing and said hey let's
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let's roll this back and don't know this is all political and i'm sorry it's shameful to be an american today to see this kind of like uniformed attack not because it's donald trump but because any time you throw treason and you throw in these words it's shameful because we don't even know what treason truly use this country. it's been almost a year since that fateful sunday in october when a gunman firing from two hotel room windows on the thirty second floor of the mandalay bay hotel in las vegas murdered fifty eight souls and injured over eight hundred in the chaos that followed and now as the united states still grapples with the issues and questions that still surround the horror of that evening corporate america in the form of the m.g.m. resorts international has filed lawsuits not against the usual suspects in a mass shooting like the gun manufacturers or any suspected accomplices to the crime no m.g.m. resorts international is suing the victims of the crime now according to the las
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vegas review journal m.g.m. which owns the mandalay bay hotel casino and the venue of the route ninety one harvest music festival quote has filed federal lawsuits against more than one thousand las vegas mass shooting victims in an effort to avoid liability so to two thousand and two federal act that extends liability protection to any company that uses anti-terrorism technology or services and g.m. hopes that a federal judge will rule that their use of department of homeland security certified security company at the time of the shooting will make and the future civil lawsuits against the company not viable due to the protections granted in the act it appears that our litigious nature here in the united states truly knows no bounds. this is brutal this is brooke as the governor started like you know democrats and republicans on capitol hill parade corporations out of this kind of like you know capitalism corporate thing. it's like oh they're brilliant they're
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wonderful we love corporations especially when they apparently so victims yeah i guess the new rule like that's what the new thing now i know we've got to protect the corporate entity so let's sue the victims now granted they are suing them for money they're not like suing these people for damages but you know suing them to protect themselves from being sued is just boggles my mind and totally unnecessary oh my gosh i mean i want i was more of a that if homeland security and our politicians were like you know why what we should make first of all what a ridiculous law you know what an absolutely nonsense corporate baby i've ever heard all of you are from this list of security people that are super anti-terrorism they're going to do that by the way the f.b.i. terrorism experts didn't stop the terrorist from shooting fifty eight people right but they don't want to be held responsible for that because they hired the right company i'm sorry no it's really i mean m.g.m. states that your goal of this m.g.m.
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stage of the lawsuits is for the good of the victims right yes that's corporate one we poisoned you or whatever else excuse corporate comes it was always for the good of the victims the good of the people. of the lessons for the good of a victims according to debra deshong a spokes woman for m.g.m. resorts in a statement she says your views of drano litigations and hearings are not in the best interest of victims of the community and those still healing yes don't don't raise questions about whether or not we harder on here that i did we have enough security that night did we respond in time in the best way that we did we do everything to protect you so you could have a good time and i don't ask those questions yet because the answer would be no you know it's an do something and even if you didn't do something to sit there and jump up with those who were looking out of the victims it's like an abusive partner being i hate you because you don't listen well what's amazing too is i give credit the victims are standing up against this too when they're speaking out and brian claypool who is a survivor of the mass shooting said that the. called the m.g.m.
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boss who just stunned he said that it won't survive the court challenge probably because it's so unseemly but he actually told usa today that i'm still in therapy once a week and this is a very is and this is their way of trying to solve the problem of shifting responsibility and minimizing their blame so he went on to say that m.g.m. should be spending money on safety consultant not lawyers in an effort to avoid responsibilities so yeah i think if you're going to sit there and say well we don't want to be responsible because we just did what they got we did the bare minimum by hiring some people but we did nothing when we watch one person and a whole sweep by itself bringing out boxes and boxes and cases of things that nobody noticed nobody did anything and it took how long before the shot stopped i mean i don't know who had to sign are like anti-terrorism specialists but they were terrible all that's our job it gave them the sums up homeland security said that this group was was giving a thumbs up and it's not saying that they didn't try it's not saying that nobody
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tried it it's just saying that like you shouldn't be stepping forward to sue victims at the end of the day but they haven't been through enough and if you're worried about them bringing lawsuits against you well guess what that's part of the job to do in business not the end of the day if you're out there absolutely ridiculous absolutely ridiculous well as we go to break court watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered our facebook and twitter and our full shows that are still dot com coming up so i'm still brings up some good news for a change of the privacy for disney this because there's surprising recent supreme court decision with university of southern california law professor bart cosco to.
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