tv News RT July 18, 2018 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT
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trumped arrangements and that's what the us president says critics are suffering from after a huge backlash by mainstream media and democrats the whole think you summit with the russian president. and investigation reveals that facebook moderators did not remove the page of a far right activists as it generated revenue. the top u.s. commander in afghanistan walks back on his words hours after suggesting washington is willing to engage in peace talks with the taliban even though they're considered a terrorist group. a very warm welcome to the program from all of us here at r t h q in moscow thanks
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for tuning in this hour. during german syndrome that's how the u.s. president has branded those who put him under intense pressure for in his words getting along well with vladimir putin that's after numerous democrats lashed out at him for siding with the russian leader. instead of standing up for our democracy and democratic principles president trump cowered in the presence of who it was a wholesale betrayal of the values and interests of this country there is nothing more heartbreaking to me than a president who refuses to stand up for our democracy president sided with the enemy disgraceful performance of the president very treacherous act is able to confront the russian and the donald trump is facing a huge backlash over his closed door talks with vladimir putin in the finnish capital helsinki critics are even demanding a hearing to establish exactly what was discussed by the leaders that's after the u.s. president claims that he misspoke during the summit when saying that he saw no reason
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why russia would america's presidential elections should have been i don't see any reason why it wouldn't be russia. sort of a double negative. so you could push that and i think that's probably clarifies things pretty divided. by president putin he just said it's not really sure how you say there's a strike don't see any reason why it would be there's a reason there is a big national freakout happening right now over what the president just did in public what i mean it's the trump got a feel for the water what worries me about you mr president is you seem to say only good things about your enemy was shocking it was appalling there was a real sense of defeat you have been watching perhaps for the most disgraceful performances by an american president get a chance to show the world see to the men and women in uniform and said he betrayed them it's a disaster. we discussed the issue with arbonne bora vice chair of the u.s.
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libertarian party party national committee. we have a mainstream media and we have the military industrial complex whose goal it is to shame him in any way possible when he speaks against their agendas now he was right to challenge the military industrial complex of which the intelligence apparatus is one part one very important and very expensive part but the fact that he then turn tail and apologize just shows that he lacks the backbone for this job it's going to help if trump can actually use what he said which was right he was right to call the intelligence community and into question because of their bad intelligence we are stuck in one nonsensical quagmire after another so if he can actually take that and say you know what i retract the apology i wasn't wrong we need to put we need to put a leash on the american teligent service if he could do that that would be fantastic i don't see that happening though what i see is someone who's blustering a lot and showing any kaila lack of any kind of real backbone on this but it's not
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only trump statements at the summit that are sparking uproar and the american media putin's comment that he wanted trump to win the election is being hailed as a major revelation but is it really takes a look. honestly the bad press and criticism were expected a given but surprisingly enough it was what putin's said that really. president putin did you want president trump to win the election and if you direct any of your officials to help him do that you're such a loser yes i wanted him to win because the truth will bring us russian relations back to normal you think it's a no brainer one candidate hillary says she wants to will but crush russia the other candidates trump says he wants to be friends why is this scandal us who on earth would back the person that hates them why they acting surprised
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that might have been the only honest moment of this news conference when the reproducer yes he did run president from when yeah it's still not a secret it was never a secret who can just like any other world leader preferred a certain candidate that's best for his country and no it isn't shocking because it's happened before here's what putin told us r t in two thousand and twelve about candid barack obama interested in the story. feels only really needs to change much for the bitterness but can he really. move a little you go by today's logic the bomber must have been a russian poor why else would putin support him as no other explanation but seriously we wanted to see what people think about this like calling kalibo but
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went out not just new yorkers he's an honest man who really wants to change much for the better. that's that's what putin said about a u.s. presidential candidate what he make of that neither one of them are on it yet. actually what putin said about obama. well i know obama is very honest actually what putin said about obama. i think obama is that honest man an honest man who really wants to change much for the better that's what putin said about obama. well i mean i think anything said about obama is not going to be. you know caught in the media you know chumps way more talk about trump it's way more. you know intriguing to the general public so i think that's probably why you know the media doesn't make big deal about that i've found the media has gotten much more fractured and much more opinionated over my lifetime it's much more of a left and right kind of. mouthpiece that it used to be i think so
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what you might say back in two thousand and twelve russia wasn't the boogie man there was no alleged had no reported meddling no conspiracies yeah there were it was just framed president obama appears determined to ingratiate himself with the kremlin this unfortunately seems to be the real meaning of his reset policy an outstanding example is the personal phone call that barack obama made to vladimir putin from and force one congratulating the russian leader on his election as russia's next president. and yet when it was trump that congratulated putin which is completely you wouldn't formal thing to do in politics they chewed him out for it for weeks president trump's national security team warned him not to congratulate a lot of mir putin's explicitly writing in capital letters on his briefing papers
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do not congratulate talking to putin right now would be like cheating on your wife and then posing for a picture with the woman you cheated with and all right he did that to lattimer putin won an election rigged to prop up a dangerous strong man who was threatening western democracy that requires a strong response so doc some called up to say at a boy russia has made no secret of it it wants to be friends of course it does sanctions conflict sort of that and in the obama era on the whole that was seen as acceptable but times a different now and you get the impression that the unique thing the establishment would have been satisfied with is a brutal bloody bad knuckle brule between the two presidents. and the establishment isn't alone in bashing russia as a supposed threat to america that's what's also on the minds of tech giants like facebook twitter and google as surveilled when the three testified to congress it
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seemed to me you were each a little bit vague about oh yes we've found hundreds or whatever i'm has confessed typically or any of those other countries besides russia that we're using your platform in appropriately it should be a yes or no i don't have the details i know we definitely work to detect and repel it's how i know they have but who are any of them foreign entities other than russia i would have to have my team follow up a team so you came prepared to help the democrats establish about russia but you can't point out any other country is the right kind of thing we put public statements ok well let me go but you're not answering the question only go to ms down is about on google did you detect any other countries besides russia our security team is trained to protect our services from foreign enter we're going to get to the internet question i i my my guess would be that our security team are
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you here to gas. reaching our security from other foreign governments as well but that information is held competently even internally that you're only here to just . to condemn the russians thank you how about you mr pickles are you prepared to identify any other foreign countries are just here to help democrats place russia after seventy years of russia helping democrats make these decisions based on how it is your very good at judging me and refusing to answer the question. the u.s. congress may be obsessed with alleged russian meddling ordinary people seem far more concerned with other issues rather painfully close to home the latest gallup poll shows the most important problem for americans is their current government immigration takes second place racism and the economy are also a worry russia is one of the least important issues with less than half a percent naming moscow despite the hysteria whipped up by the mainstream media.
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this is not a live to ted rall leading political cartoonist calmness an author now the congress hearings seems to confirm that tech giants are only looking for russian meddling do you think it's right that companies should only search for interference from moscow well i'm not even sure the united states is really in a position or morally to complain about any interference in that selection considering the fact that the united states medals in the foreign affairs and elections of countless other countries is a long history of doing so and even as even to this point occupying several other foreign countries and has very client states all over the world but if we do accept the idea that the united states is uniquely positioned to complain about electoral interference in its internal affairs. obviously if you're if you're honest about it you're looking for interference from any possible source whether it be public or
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proud of it whether it be governmental or corporate whether it be russia or any other state actor or non-state actor focusing just on russia at this point given the fact that this investigation has now been going on for over two years and the only quote unquote evidence that we've seen so far has been just the so-called intelligence community and their official mouthpieces in washington but no actual evidence has actually been presented to the american people i would say that you know this is probably i would probably be starting looking almost pretty much anywhere except russia at this point i would think that russia's would have come out by now and what do you think about that gallup poll that really shows that regular americans are much more concerned about other issues and yet those seem to be ignored. yeah well i mean to immediate reaction to the one thing it's really sad the american people have a representative democracy and the people of the citizens of
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a representative democracy have a right to. discuss the issues that they care about not distractions that they don't care about and it is true that americans are perennially concerned about issues like rising income inequality the difficulty of finding a high quality job even an economy with relatively low unemployment still there and so on and these issues are really not being addressed in any kind of meaningful way by the congress or for that matter by the white house. and in the meantime this is just a bunch of distraction it is also a crime i think something that if i were running the democratic national committee i would tell i would be concerned about when you're only if you're focused on any duty that doesn't seem to really resonate with voters the voters are going to think you're out of touch and tone deaf and that's what happened to terry clinton two thousand and sixteen she was perceived that way and she lost that election more than donald trump what it is and they're heading towards
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a repeat of that kind of performance in the two thousand and thirteen midterms and possibly in twenty twenty eight continued of course ted rall american political cartoonist columnist and author thank you so much for joining us tonight. an undercover probe by britain's channel four t.v. has revealed that ted giant facebook doesn't always remove content even if it violates company guidelines a reporter attended a six week training session on facebook's content moderation. oh you know so this imagery. this is you know if you talk to. you now across live to our alley for the details and you saw what prompted the investigation. so this tunnel for documentary dispatches as they sent an undercover reporter to work for a contract called c.p.l. they provide services such as moderating content on bath on behalf of facebook and
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as part of their revelations they found the social media giant was essentially protecting far right groups and individuals like britain like tommy robinson because those pages had huge followings and those huge followings meant revenue and actually in the documentary that's exactly what one of the content one of the content moderators says to the undercover reporter that because pages like those belonging to robinson are so hugely followed it means that facebook don't want to get rid of them because of the revenue that they generate now another revelation to come out of that is that four pages such as the bigger ones like mr robinson's like britain first. face book actually take that out of the hands of these contractors and look after them in terms of moderation themselves so that they themselves can decide which pages are to be banned and which pages are to be allowed to continue
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now normal facebook rules state that should a page violate the rules five times or more than the entire page gets taken down and not just the offending posts but again in the case of these pages that simply wasn't happening which is why it's led to claims that facebook are actually protecting these individuals who are being accused of spreading hate now since that documentary on the revelations has come to the surface facebook of responded and said that they are appreciative of those journalists for bringing it to their attention and that they are going to investigate. we take these mistakes incredibly seriously and are grateful to the journalists who brought them to our attention we have been investigating exactly what happened so we can prevent these issues from happening again now who exactly is tommy robinson his real name is stephen yaxley len and he was the former leader of the english defense league the
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well he was recently general for thirteen months here in the u.k. because he was live streaming an ongoing trial to do with child grooming now the trial was subject to reporting restrictions in the media and mr robinson had previously been told in another instance by another judge not to do this kind of behavior that if he had done it again it would lead to a sentence and that's what eventually happened now it would appear that despite mr robinson's breaking of the law and facebook's rules it's money which decides for the social media giant which which behavior and which content it is acceptable and which isn't and it's interesting because this comes as the regulator here of war those social media giants like facebook and others they have to do more to police their sites are to say thank you for bringing us that report from.
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interested always in the lives of our. city. or come back to the program as a trail of vigilante mob attacks and started by fake news we've seen dozens killed across india the country's highest court is urging the government to enact anti-lynching laws the horrendous acts of mobocracy cannot be permitted to inundate the law of the land the recurrent pattern the violence cannot be allowed to become the new normal. in one of the latest cases indian police have arrested more than two dozen men involved in the lynching of a man over fake rumors spread that he was a kidnapper since the start of may this kind of fear inciting fake news about child
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abductors has filled what's up chats india has the most users of the messenger service by country while the book of picks up the story. fake news a big time with a bad rep preferred by leaders politicians and the mainstream media labelled as a menace to democracy and sometimes just a way to dismiss a story which you don't agree with you are free to do big news in your facebook pages fake news on twitter too but in india the consequences of spreading fake news have become far more tongil and deadly over twenty five people have reportedly been killed since may over child kidnapping claims spread via the whatsapp messaging service dozens of alleged lynch mob members have been arrested following one recent case alone but in another suspected lynching over suspicion of child
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abduction a man was allegedly killed by an angry mob in cannot part of this footage shows the moment mohammed as a twenty seven year old software engineer was murdered by a mob of over two thousand people wielding sticks and stones as sam and his friends one of them atari national offered some schoolchildren chocolates as a gesture of generosity but suspicious locals spurred on by whatsapp rumors inferred that the out of towners were part of a child abduction ring video like this one may have set off the crowd to punish the alleged kidnappers is gone viral in india but poaching to show a child abduction it was originally made by a charity promoting child safety in pakistan back in twenty sixteen at the end of the original video the little boy is returned the problem with fake news in india has got so bad that the indian government has urged whatsapp and its owners
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facebook to do something about it we're stressing an education campaign in india on how to spot fake news and rumors. so the company launched a series of newspaper ads in several languages the headline says beware of whether a story is hard to believe and watch out for spelling mistakes it's not going to be easy though what's that messages are encrypted that means identifying the source of each reema is near impossible india is also what saps biggest market the company counts over two hundred million users that combine that with a sense of panic a very stubbornly high rate of violent crime and you have all the conditions for fake news to turn into real deaths these days how are almost even before we give them enough but it leads to the legalized it and it is not strictly on the body
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region but knowing what was wanted in a large center and such things for the skill of these can be much bigger now it is much harder most people would be going to have this problem also be said to raise enough information for solution groups that it will explode just decent resolution and create chaos and also peace in the region that is so this is definitely one of the. news phenomenon that is going on because it's a complex you know when you go to easter sunday you really look at what are you going to look at how much of government the country has and we need to also he says in some of these service providers these. are. the general heading the u.s. mission in afghanistan has reiterated remarks by the secretary of state on the possibility of direct talks with the taliban one day later though he said that his words have been mischaracterized by some outlets and insisted that he was not suggesting working with
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a terrorist organization. mr said that we the united states are ready to talk to the taliban and discuss the role of international forces we hope this will help to move forward the peace process more real from ation of six to prompt his statements in which he said that the united states is ready to work with the taliban the afghan government and the afghan people towards lost in peace was mischaracterized america's war in afghanistan is now seventeen years old and appears to be in a stalemate the taliban control roughly forty percent of the country and there are currently fifteen thousand u.s. troops stationed there even though donald trump promised during his two thousand and sixteen campaign to declare the war a lost cause and pull american forces out last month saw a three day ceasefire but civilian casualties already record high one thousand six hundred ninety two people were killed in the first half of this year according to the u.n. that's more than in any half year period in the decade before and it seems that the
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u.s. doesn't have a clear strategy when it comes to the taliban. we have the taliban willing to come to the negotiating table this is no talking to the taliban we don't want to talk to the taliban we're going to finish what we have to finish i want to reinforce to the taliban the only path to peace and political legitimacy for them. getting to the taliban is that. they're not the taliban fighting the boy or the call for the taliban cannot when their choices are to reconcile live in a relevance or die the united states government is treating afghanistan like another state and you and your country are and this is not a you know the first time that the you know undermine the government is often misunderstood when you for standing strong and this is again you know they are doing what you know they have been doing in the past like bombing you know over though the permission of the afghan government via been grading houses at night
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they have been killing and torturing people without permission of the afghan government he said that they will have the technical solution of a taliban undermining afghan civilians he once you know there was a lot of criticism about this incident and changed the a tone and they said what we didn't say and we will talk to the yeah to the taliban but facilitate and we would talk about the you know the stand of the united states on golf the united states and our troops and stuff this is not the first time to have done it in the past so they would do it again and again that's a global update for this hour thanks for tuning in.
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oh la la la la. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter to us is over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you want to be all for rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per circuit per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar ai industrial park but don't but the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember one one business shows you can't afford to miss the one and only.
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the very idea of a trumpet the summit was controversial from the start they met in helsinki and essentially agreed the u.s. and russia should at least think dialogue to start a process of mending a very damaged relationship much of the media in the foreign policy swamp reacted with an apocalyptic meltdown has the establishment its mind. it's hard to imagine the decades after the war a nazi don't tell was still active rich in the nineteen seventies current intel had as the chair of its board a man convicted of mass murder and slavery at ashwin's a german company develops in the divide a drug that was promoted as completely safe even during pregnancy it turned out to have terrible side effects what has happened to my baby is anything but. you know she said she's just got choked up so many so they don't mind victims have to this
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day received no compensation they never apologized. for the suffering that i not only want the money i want the revenge. greetings and salutation. turncoat traitor treason those were the accusations being thrown around the washington d.c. political news echo chamber on monday in the aftermath of the summit between u.s. president donald trump and russian president vladimir putin from the former head of the cia john brennan exclaiming on twitter that quote donald trump's press conference performance in helsinki rises to and exceeds the threshold of high crimes and misdemeanors it was nothing short of treasonous to former watergate prosecutor joe wind bank stating an m s n b c the trumps performance today will
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live in infamy as much as the pearl harbor attack or the kristallnacht these are just a few of the lockstep chorus of voices heard around the media today in the new york times the box news yelling treason or some variation of it and just what heinous crime against the united states did president trump commit while on stage with president putin on monday well he had the audacity the audacity to question the u.s. intelligence communities or rather the cia f.b.i. and n.s.a. his hand-picked analysts assessments on alleged russian meddling and for start stating the following in the presence of one vladimir putin and i hold both countries responsible i think that the united states has been foolish and i think we've all been foolish we should have had this dialogue a long time ago.
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