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tv   News  RT  July 19, 2018 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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could be coming to washington the white house announces donald trump's inviting the russian president to the u.s. in the autumn. of wild speculation britain's security minister dismisses media reports that police have identified the perpetrators of the script. i. i i knew my cronies under pressure after his aides call beating a protester to the ground. thanks for joining us this is an international. and we will start this hour with
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breaking news because the white house has announced that the u.s. president is in fine. to washington in the autumn let's go live now to new york and get details from correspondent that. can be just never know what is coming next with donald trump could this be a sign of a foreign relations. yes indeed now this talk of bringing the russian president to the white house during the fall comes in the aftermath of a tweet by donald trump in which he described the helsinki summit as successful and in that he said he looked forward to a second meeting with the russian president now let's be also keeping in mind that he did say on c.b.s. news something quite critical of russia accusing them of meddling in the u.s. elections and then more recently we saw him saying that russia was not targeting the united states and then being disagreed with by the u.s.
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state department let's take a listen. there are forces in the u.s. ready to easily sacrifice russia u.s. relations for their political ambitions a satirical novelist once wrote about these sorts of people as beautiful and pathetic but these people here are another pitiful nor pathetic on the contrary they're pretty powerful if they can fool so illogical stories to millions of the citizens and they can. now those were comments from russia's president vladimir putin today in response to those that are making a lot of hysteria in the united states regarding u.s. president donald trump and and his meeting with putin in helsinki now in the aftermath of that we've seen you know quite a bit of hysteria in the u.s. press we've seen you know the cover of time magazine the cover of new yorker there's been quite quite a bit of outrage there's even talk of the u.s. congress subpoenaing the translator who was with the two world leaders when they
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were alone together and translated for the two world leaders and making him come before u.s. congress to explain what exactly was said so there's quite a bit of hysteria in the u.s. media at this point but now people are kind of glued to their t.v. screens because in this admin spear where trump is being widely condemned for having this meeting with the russian president we see him now taking things to the next level and inviting the russian president to the white house so a lot of questions are being asked i'm sure a lot of americans are on the edge of their seats wondering what the donald is going to do next in the face of so much opposition it looks like he's taking things to the next level and inviting putin to the white house thanks of course from the new york with the latest killable put. into the news the u.k. security minister slummed media reports the police have identified those behind the poisoning of the script as being ill informed wild speculation and those that the
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press association news agency saw a source close to the probe and the perpetrator is it being found and it set the media a bus. police investigating this particular incident back in march believe that they do have the identity of two suspects the press association says police believe they have identified those who carried out the novel chocolate stark in salzburg police in britain are reported to have identified several people they believe were behind the nerve agent attack on the former russian spies sergei schiphol and his daughter yulia the media frenzy was spotted by just one tweet from a news agency and it cited a source claiming u.k. police had identified the suspects behind the script poisoning ortiz police reports a source with knowledge of the probe told press association investigators believe they have a dent to fight the suspected perpetrators behind the novacek attack on the script files. well this is all allegedly come from
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a source close to the police investigation into the original attack against the script powells back in march and this source has spoken to the press association they're the ones reporting it and they've said that investigators are apparently closing in on the suspected perpetrators of the attack and the police have allegedly been looking at c.c.t.v. footage and they've been examining it and also looking at records of people who had ended and left the country around the time of the attack against the script files in march because the bomb shell really in all these reports is that these suspects are allegedly russian it is important to note that these are unconfirmed reports as yet so far it's just come from this one article by the press association but it's done the rounds and it's pretty big headline news here in the u.k. even though we haven't had any updates from the police or the oath or
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a tease in regards to the investigation that hasn't stopped the press speculation though just to give you an example the sun newspaper has elaborated on the story saying that scotland yard apparently believes that it was a two man hit team that carried out the attack on the script files and that they did it on the orders of the kremlin and furthermore that the pair were thought to have left the u.k. for russia the morning after the attack and to quote the newspaper thought to be under the protection of president vladimir putin so that's the source of reports that are in the press here right now. has consistently denied any claims of wrongdoing even though the british government pointed the finger squarely at the kremlin in the days after the attack saying that it's highly unlikely that russia or did the poisoning and now following these new unconfirmed reports the russian ambassador to the u.k. alexander yack event. has already responded take
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a listen. you. know we see only leaks to british media and official statements from the interior ministry or scotland yard are absent nobody in this world has official information concerning what exactly happened in the u.k. . and in a way there you can see the russian diplomat really upping the ante saying well go on then give us these names if you're going to make these allegations we want to see evidence of it and we've just got a line from the russian foreign ministry as well they've said that if the u.k. keeps these alleged russian suspects classified if this case becomes secret well then moscow will regard it as a cover up of the perpetrators so there's clearly a sense of increasing frustration here i would say from the russian side that the british media can sort of go on making these allegations almost indefinitely
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without a shred of evidence from the or thorazine is that without any official statements from the police investigation to back it up. return to our breaking news story this hour which is that the white house says that donald trump has invited russia's president washington let's go live to august charles or tell political analyst who joins me now good to speak to you charles what do you make of that announcement we just kind of absorbing information now does that mean a positive future for relations between the countries. well we're certainly going to go through a rocky road. from now through the midterm elections and depending on how those midterm elections go will determine i think how easy it is for donald trump and his administration to do what i believe is the correct thing and try to find a basis for the united states and russia finally to have a lasting and productive mutually beneficial relationship something we really have
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never had for longer than a short number of years during world war two in the brief period between one thousand nine hundred two and the early days when russia was in so much for the former soviet union was having its difficulties so i think it's a good move and all transport and i would say to those who have been in the united states or washington d.c. in september october timeframe it's a beautiful time of year to visit i'm just thinking from what we saw of donald trump's visit to the u.k. . surely we could see a repeat of those kind of scenes if you get the trump tugela balloon the good news anticipate a lot of people protesting in the streets. well i mean people in the united states appear to be you know there's these resistors that even as i said before even if donald trump handed each of them a million dollars in gold they complain about it and the facts are that i think
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donald trump has done in an enormous amount in face of this resistance and average americans who care about politics and economics know they're better off inside this country and know that we're experiencing a kind of progress that obama and clinton hillary clinton that is we're trying to sell in two thousand and fifteen sixteen is never possible again america was always going to be happy with two percent growth because we're a big economy donald trump has put paid to that lie and in the international front it's time frankly for both united states and russia to find areas where we can cooperate together and i'm very pleased frankly at what happened at the helsinki summit reports what's coming out from the summit and with respect to the senators i would note that the executive branch and donald trump specifically does have the right to direct foreign policy on behalf of all americans and that's exactly what he's doing with the best intelligence he can find and i commend him for making the kind of progress and sticking to his guns and doubling and tripling
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down here i think he's doing the right thing and i think his supporters will grow in number that there are certain to be those people who will protest any visit if it happens from vladimir putin they'll say that he was behind this alleged interference in the u.s. presidential elections what's not helping the situation is the fact that donald trump keeps flip flopping on whether or not there was such meddling why does he keep changing his tune. well i've never met the man but i just you read press reports he is somebody who is prone to change his mind frequently as new information comes in which i think is standard behavior for people who operate at the top of the food chain really i think the correct way to be thinking about this is not to accept the focus that the resisters and hillary clinton's team and barack obama want us to focus on that being two thousand and fifteen to two thousand and sixteen we should really be concentrating on what happened from one thousand nine hundred two to the present in the state of relations between the united states the
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former soviet in and now the russian federation i believe that in that period that study will show studies should prove that in the one thousand nine hundred two and afterwards period a lot of crony kleptocrats got involved getting advantage taking advantage of the former soviet union when it was in difficult states and seizing assets buying assets at fire sale prices in league with you know local people investment funds did that sort of stuff and you know there needs to be a rewind of all that and there are these to be proof i think the russian people need to experience the benefits of capitalism not run by crooked kleptocrat cronies but for capitalism on a fair and level playing field which i think we've had in the united states maybe not recently but we've had it for decades and it does work well that's the direction donald trump's trying to go and on this issue of meddling in two thousand and fifteen two thousand and sixteen i think what people are dancing around is that
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it would seem to be evidence that meddling did occur what is not proven and of course reputed would say did not happen is that he directly was involved you know saying that russian elements should meddle and that there in lies i think the you know the the swampy ground but the other thing to point out in that regard is it's not as if the united states or any other major country has a pristine record staying out of. of elections and meddling in other countries affairs so this is time for a grown up discussion about what civilized countries should be doing when it comes time to having elections around the world we should stick to our knitting for a shouldn't be involved in our elections and that principle should be reciprocal around the world what do you make charles of this off the putin made wanting to basically question u.s. citizens that russia believed to be involved in illegal actions in return was
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offering the chance for the us to interrogate russians that they believed were involved in this alleged interference in the elections it was it was not made by russia that donald trump turned it down do you think that was the right move. so as i understand president putin's offer i think it was an elegant one that has been mischaracterized by the fake news here in the united states and around the world as i understand the offer it was that if robert muller wanted to send cata parts over to russia he could part those counterparts could participate in the session where in russian investigators would investigate russians that are the subject of this indictment on the condition that we would do the same thing that is to say that we would permit russian investigators to witness an investigation of the various people under indictment in russia or under legal action in russia including the former ambassador the way it was played as recently as this warning
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is that donald trump was going to let an american former ambassador get on a plane and be interrogated inside russia which is i do not think would let him repeat it was asking for so it has a believe been mischaracterized in the press and i do think this whole area what mr mcfaul was up to he was supposedly the architect of the reset under hillary clinton that when sober poorly. i believe there is great tension between mr putin president putin and mcfaul and i think this whole period of what happened between march of two thousand and nine and the reset with its supposed high hopes what caused relations to go from a hopeful basis then to a retrograde declining basis right around that january two thousand and twelve timeframe and afterwards i don't think we know enough about that here in the united states and i think it be a good thing to clear the air and get into the details so we understand what truly
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happened why didn't the reset work so we can learn from those mistakes and make a true path forward that will work for both of our peoples of in speaking to political analysts charles charles thank you. on to other news now french president emanuel macron is under pressure after a top aide was caught beating up a student protester incident took place at an anti-government rally in may it was captured on camera by an activist but it. was was was. because i was shocked and very angry i would never have believed it wasn't a policeman and now anyone can wear a uniform interrogate me that won't ease tensions between police and citizens and it raises the question over the legitimacy of law enforcement the most worrying
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thing is we know merkel has been aware of this for two and a half months from the very start so we see intent to cover this up and while a french police unions filed a lawsuit to find out how backgrounds a was able to wear police equipment during the incident or presidential candidate john the melon shot also says that his party is putting forward a parliamentary vote of no confidence in the government or to show davis he has more details on the scandal engulfing michael. well a shocking video that shocked many people in france what you see on the video is alexander her first of all he is grabbing woman and charging her down the street he passes the camera that filming him and then a little bit later we see him once again this time he is next to a male protester and what is clearly seen all matthew is him wrapping up male protesters neck hitting him on the head and then he appears to be stamping him on
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the stomach as he falls to the ground why was he well he danced his forces his work at the least a palace he could see the c.r.s. the riot police during the may day protests to see how operations are carried out in regards to see the security now he wasn't on a working day he was on a day off and he was only there to. take part in the police action against the protesters and that itself has sparked a huge backlash here in france i've watched the video and i'm shocked just like the whole world the media poses a number of questions to a man or mccrone we need a commission inquiry what is a private to doing among law enforcement officers this question must be posed to emmanuel macron i can't believe this guy is still in the service of the president of the republic so michael tolerates that the film scene is very violent.
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colleague usurps police insignia and hits a man to the ground you can't want to make simpler republic and let people think that they can be double standards one justice for french citizens and one for presidential workers. if we accept that anyone can pretend to be a police officer we no longer live under state truly law well who is alexandra but what we know about him is that he has been politically active since his twenty's now he was a security aide to some of france's previous ministers but he joined the mark on presidential campaign back in two thousand and sixteen he is an aide to my chief of staff and he is normally the person in charge of security arrangements and such he's often seen with the president might call active vents just a few meters away this plane see a video plenty of videos of the two together this is a man who really has the president right next to him almost all the time that he's
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on official duties now this is the official statement that these a palace has made this morning in regards to the situation he has been suspended for fifteen days without pay he has been relieved of his functions regarding the organization of security for the president's movements this sanction is punishment for unacceptable behavior and constitutes a final warning it is the most serious punishment ever administered to an aide working at the. well an investigation has been opened by the public prosecutor here in paris they are looking at a number of aspects which could lead to formal charges they are violence by a public official illegal use of the police and seeking it because he was wearing a police insignia at one point during that may day protests and also pretending to be a police officer now that charge alone if it's made him if he's found guilty carries a sentence of up to a year in jail and a fifteen thousand euro fine. while the french president seems to be dodging
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a response on the scandal and brushed off any damage done by the people at the discussion back to marianne symbol of friends. from little sister. ended up but i forgot my job i didn't know not that i could be good at it you know to get out of. the viral video this is america has been parodied by a performer of the rocky descent we spoke to the man behind this is a rock. some. guy just live in number. to slip a number of what up with another guest star brad corrupts and every year whenever we are seized a real big thing we can take every year there are some barrels and barrels for girls and. leave books in the demolished to deliberate the mission accomplished. there's a fuel source issue between america and iraq given that the us led invasion of iraq is a major contributing factor to where we are to the i think it was just sort of the
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. drop for this drug to be done on the back of a truck about america when if you manage it it's a bit. better through our politics to agree to do the movie over a little something and i feel like we can be pretty good. in the track itself and just raising awareness and i think that's important i've had people come up to me and it's only an example the poor are using awareness and getting you know getting in were familiar with the subject at the words of the movie or work because they were too young at the time when the when the invasion happens of this trick in just that one person in a positive manner and sort of get a dialogue and a conversation going then sort of it's achieved at school and in the theater and releasing the. israeli parliament has passed a contentious bill that defines the country is the nation state of the jewish people critics say it essentially diminishes the status of the country's arab
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citizens or a slip picks up a story. but it effectively does is it enshrined in the israel basic law the concept that israel is the historic homeland of the jewish people and they have exclusive right to national self-determination now supporters say that it equates jewish values with democratic values it puts them on an equal footing but critics and there are many say that it effectively discriminates against the country's arab population who make up some twenty percent and other minorities now you have for example now in law the fact that hebrew is the official language of the country arabic is given the status of special status and has effectively been downgraded there were hours of debate in the israeli knesset the israeli parliament prior to this contentious nation state being passed into law a particularly content part of the ball is the whole idea of israeli or jewish settlements now there was a lot of debate about this in the past it was changed because the charge was put
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forward that it promotes secret ation but even with the change critics complain because now for example they say it promotes jewish settlements it caused so much anger in the parliament that arab members of parliament actually ripped to shreds. this is an even more black flag hovers over it this is a law over which harbors a black flag. now the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that this is a pivotal moment in the history of zionism and israel. this is a historic moment in the history of zionism and the history of the state of israel israel is the national state of the jewish people and national state respects the rights of individuals the rights of all citizens and in the middle east only israel respects these rights so today we have written the law in stone now the ball was first proposed back in two thousand and eleven and over the years controversial as
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it is it has seen a number of rewrites and parallel proposals the countries. my minister netanyahu has always supported it and for years he has vowed that eventually it will be passed into law and that's what we've seen happening now with a lot of reaction. on this floor creates a lot of problems is very all the conflicts come from this law i'm totally against it i hope they will repeal this law and say it's a country for every one. of them i love it's about time to have this law which says where the nation of the jews in the state of israel this is our country is sara language and think the arabs should not feel that there is racism they get privileges there should be a jewish israeli nationality the state of israel the arabs cannot do things against jews in this state and they should be part of the place and not go against it. this law has no meaning we will leave with the arabs another two thousand years we're leaving with them well and they have
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a good life here in fact there is no problem it's all talk which politicians not to do well. and i quote from the jerusalem center for public affairs told us that the law is not discriminatory. the shift in status merely allows israel to in shrine in the law that hebrew is the official language of the state arabic is a language with special status meaning any kind of institutional organization association will continue to have arabic as a special language and the islam as a culture the muslim religion as a religion as well as the arab national status of israel's arab minority will be preserved one hundred percent the only difference here is that the government and the knesset wanted to underscore the importance of having a jewish emblem as the official emblem a jewish the jewish language of thirty seven hundred years which is hebrew as the
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official language jewish holidays is the official holidays just like scores of other countries around the world it is absolutely not discriminatory whatsoever. the pharmacist south africa considering emigrating is cases of violence against them rise at home some see russia as being a suitable place to resettle and start over. our descendants of dutch speaking saddle errors at the eastern cape frontier in south africa and much of the one nine hundred century. people moved in the nineteenth century they tried to act in the way they were surveyed their joy to negotiate negotiate officially they tried to avoid conflict the land in this area for example was never taken of the taken by whites from the legs with
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violence or in an unjust law. the exploration of land or q point by point settlers of the sixteenth century without compensation is in visitors one of the measures that we will use to exhilarate redistribution of land to black south africa. i recently visited russia with my family to explore possibilities of recycling in the area and i know that the growth in agricultural production is immense in russia so i think it's the right time to buy into a good culture russia and i think there is a lot of to ensure. the reason outcomes considering immigration is honestly because i see
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a dark cloud. over a future that the reality is that we do fear for our lives and the reality is that a white farmer is attacked the every day and so that. my grandfather. was murdered on this form the government has said they're responsible for creating the. and tegan there's wards what. we already have a plan for a settlement of roughly five hundred families with their own cattle nearest neighbor. in the meantime south african president cyril ramaphosa said the landrieu form should not be seen as a threat and called on boas to study. and that brings us right up to date me for the latest news headlines in half an hour.
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tomorrow there may not be any kind of i mean and maybe bacterial life and may not be any intelligent but if you think it's probably the sometimes life out there and certainly from now we can you can send off a robot to interact with some other species out there. i remember the first time we tried to ask.


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