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tv   Boom Bust  RT  July 20, 2018 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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international opposition to the u.s. positions on trade policy donald tusk also spoke at the conference and leveled his opinion on what the trade deal will mean politically. it's a lie in the increasing darkness of international politics. we are sending a clear message. that you can count on us we have predictable both japan and the you predicted the response to boot and will continue defending. based on rules on freedom transparency and commerce. it's also notable that the day before the signing the trade deal the two e.u. leaders met with chinese officials in beijing to talk trade. and we love talking about cryptocurrency is that there is always more than we can
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get to sort today we pick just the very best news stories that are top of our list for discussion to do so we are once again joined by crypto experts kristie are the tech trader phone and jeffrey talk of the editorial director of the american institute for economic research welcome to you both chrystia want to start with you about two weeks ago we spoke about the resistance level on bit coin trading in the mid six thousand dollar range but that level has been surpassed wiped out we see the price of bitcoin up sixteen percent in the past seven days a lot of that last forty eight hours today it was trading at just north of seventy four hundred dollars what do you think's going on yes this is a really exciting time for decline right now last time we spoke because just trading under said sixty eight hundred and we said we needed a small little calloused to push it over this mid-term hurdle so we certainly got that catalyst out this past week we had a flux influx of really good news from decline first we have coined they are adding
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an additional five new securities on to their platform these five securities could potentially include. stellar x.l. and c. cash z c and. zero x. c.r. x. so this is going to be huge for client base being making cryptocurrency easier for new players to buy into and then secondly we have the prestigious c.f.a. institute saying that they're going to be adding cryptocurrency and block chain topics to their curriculum not only is this going to bring legitimacy to the entire industry as a whole but also it's going to bring mainstream knowledge to financial professionals and then finally we have black rock the six point three trillion dollar mammoth of the industry and they said they're putting together a research group sophists specifically designed to look at the implementation of block chain and technology in their current operations so this is absolutely huge news and we think that the next big news that's where all waiting to see is if the c.c. is going to approve the bitcoin e.t.f. that is going to be coming out we think that that's going to happen sometime in
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august jeffrey it's interesting you know we've talked about these fluctuations over over the last several months and but they do seem to move you know rather large i mean this isn't crude oil that you know it's a big deal if it goes from seventy to seventy four what do you make of it. there's huge fluctuations that it's and it's for anybody any nubes in the sector there are alarm that shocked like how can you have a set of this volatile. you know it's a new technology and we're still in this massive price discovery phase and i think it's been a very long cold winter and a lot of people are just ready for it to be over we survived it that's the important thing and now it there's a widespread perception that the technology has survived these are the main assets that are out there now and so there's an attempt to rally around them and say look you know the government's a room in the world with the trade policies everything's kind of screwed up maybe this is an island of safety the point of optimism something we should invest ourselves in for the future i notice guys that you know goldman sachs said some
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positive things about krypto which it actually didn't surprise me i've met with them in the past and i know that they're like been lurking back there saying some decent things behind the scenes but kristie not everybody is so positive on this and bear with us to our boom busters out there because this may seem a little bit like inside baseball but there was a here a hearing in the financial services committee in the house yesterday and brad sherman a democrat from congress from california rather said look we should ban crypt there are a crock and but there's more to the story tell us about it yes so they harry yesterday it was called the future of money digital currency and it was overall a very positive note and there were no surprises on top brad sherman said he wanted to ban crypto currency trading and mine as a whole saying the only use for crypto currency was to facilitate drug trafficking money laundering and illicit financial activity so everybody was very shocked when we heard this so upon digging we found that the top contributor to mr sherman's
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campaign was a company called allied wallets wallets is a credit card payment processing company and they would be rendered obsolete if digital currency was truly the future of money so that they were very right to be. scared about this hearing and so with that everybody dug further into allied wallets and to our surprise and it was actually funnily enough that if mr sherman was truly so concerned about money laundering an illicit illicit financial transaction he should be very concerned with allied wallets because in two thousand and ten they were indicted and they forfeit about thirteen point three million dollars to the u.s. justice department for facilitating an illegal gambling activities oh my gosh well that is see i told all the busters that was worth waiting for it seemed like inside baseball but that was good stuff thank you kristie so definitely some seriously is it some great sleuthing right there you know that's great stuff you know i am not surprised that someone congressman says oh we should ban crip ban my mean though
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this is a country that once attempted to ban alcohol production and consumption let's never forget that we've got some crazy people in this country it's right. so but look it's absurd this is like banning math or banning algebra you know this is not a bannable activity and if you're going to ban it if you're in london you couldn't bend it and you know no and what's more i mean it's correct i mean the federal reserve's interest in this treasure departments of interest of the every financial professionals to use this is a superior technology to existing payment systems we don't know exactly what the future is going to look like but the idea of getting rid of it is i don't know it's a maybe it's absurd as absurd as bringing back the steel industry to the united states well but now here's where and i know we diverge a little bit jeffrey here but so you can't get rid of it we agree there i think you could make it safer which brings me to hacks and we've seen so many hacks lately
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that now they're talking about insurance in the crypt those space you know what about that what's going on there that ok so that's very interesting because because you know economists avoid wondered would there. the such a thing is deposit insurance in a pure market rather than having been imposed on us by by the new deal back in the day right and it's a it's a government program but would it exist in the real free market and i think probably the answer is yes it's depends on the level of risk and anything isn't and if there's a risk it's an insurer of all risk at some price right so we've got so much of the crypto asset sector now part of the exchanges which means that people don't own their private keys they should but they don't so that is uninsurable risk at some price and what that looks like of from an interest and will that become the industry norm i tend to doubt it but but it's an interesting experiment and it's going to be fascinating to watch of course if you own your own keys you're holding
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things and cold storage you know in your own private while the thoughts that's that's not really a risk to me because that really is real ownership and it's far less risky than for example the dollars in your and then essentially on the other hand the exchanges yeah the exchanges are another another matter and more and more of the crypto spaces go into these exchanges because they're good at marketing it provides an easy on boarding off ordering for from dollars to crypto so i understand why this is happening it's very disappointing for those of us who have been following this this technology for from for many years we always dreamed of a world in which everyone would control their own money and have their own bank and experience maximum security and liquidity that's not really panning out kristie we're about out of time but do you agree with jeffrey absolutely yeah i think he's absolutely right that ideally we would all want to control our own wallets but until that we can easily transact with the real world with our own private wallets that that's not going to be able to happen we have to go to exchanges jeffrey
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talker the editorial director of the american institute for economic research and christy i have the tech trader fund thanks to both guys appreciate it thank you. and changes in the air in the energy sector. as vitol of the biggest independent global oil trading firm is making a two hundred thirty million dollar investment in the european wind farms the toll will deploy those financial resources on for specific projects via their d.l.c. renewables unit in a partnership with investment firm low carbon of london the deal's a sequel to last year's partnership between the two companies on two large scale battery development projects the unit roughly two hundred million dollars the vitola investments team leader predicted to reporters that quote by twenty twenty five almost twenty seven percent of european electricity will be generated from wind and solar with one hundred eighty billion dollars in revenue for twenty seventeen be told joins a growing list of corporations heavily invested in greenhouse gas generating fossil
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fuels who are switching their long term bets time now for a quick break but stick around because when we return are to the taj a sweet joins us from los angeles to discuss california's efforts related to a new privacy law plus a see your straw market work for which joins us to look at the largest wind ever for google and we look at how health insurers are gobbling up your personal tastes as we go to break or the numbers of the closing bell. looks like a comparison to the u.k. braces versus u.s. policies were slow train so dollar trump goes to the global trading environment with the ability to leverage america's got
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a leverage in that economy and you can reshape the global economy. went against the e.u. with no leverage they have a zero leverage against the e.u. therefore they've lost tragically against you and their colleagues being marginalized and isolated as a result. they completely misstated our misunderstood there at the equation between the u.k. and the e.u. when it comes to business in trade. for manners sitting in a car when the fifth gets shot in the head. all four have different versions of what happened one of them is on the death row there's no way he could have done it there's no possible way because the list did not shoot around a corner. most people think to stand out in this business you need to be the first one on top of
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the story or the person with the loudest voice of the biggest raid in truth to stand down and lose business you just need as the right questions and demand the right answer. the. question. really do. look to the city. this is. the room we want. this is. the city to the story for you.
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once only about the looking. forward to one of the well columns on. the. welcome back and the global epidemic of extreme inequality is reaching new heights in australia where the compensation for corporate chief executive officers is hit a new record according to an investor trade group the australian council of superannuation investors or a.c.s.i. says in their annual report that median c.e.o.
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pay at the top two hundred companies of the australian stock exchange rose twelve point four percent last year to roughly four point four million dollars each a c.s.i. survey also found that bonuses were up by eighteen percent a.c.s.i. chief executive said quote at a time when public trust in business is that a low. no eben wages growth week board decisions to pay large bonuses just for hitting budget targets rather than exceptional performance or are especially tone deaf this may be a sign that boards have lost sight of the link between a company's social license and the expectations of communities and investors and we spoke with renowned author normie prince on the question of rising c.e.o. pay in the states and here is part of what she had to say so the other thing that we see happening with respect to just the bonus levels of executives that are running these major corporations running the banks and so forth is that because
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a lot of their compensation is made up of options on their own shares or their own shares in some manner we're seeing these skyrocketing bonuses because there has been all this extra cash extra subsidies going into the system because money has been rendered so cheap and rates so cheap for so long by the federal reserve that the offshoot of that is that executives can pay themselves that much more in options in shares buy their own options buy their own shares you know in terms of using buyback strategies and so forth and that in turn elevates their bonuses and we'll have more from our interview with nomi prins the author of collusion how central bankers rigged the world on our next broadcast and now we shift to the west coast of the u.s. as another massive data breach has led california lawmakers to propose a privacy bill argues the toss of sweet is in los angeles with the details natasha . afternoon bar california voters spoke loud and clear it in online privacy
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initiative on the ballot alone led lawmakers to craft a bill and it's something that they hope the rest of the country will follow well the california consumers privacy act eighty three seventy five it passed unanimously to the state assembly and senate governor jerry brown signed it hours later and it goes into effect in two thousand and twenty the bill will enable californians the right to know what data is being collected to opt out of that collection and to hold companies liable for data breaches part. is what what what is on the ballot the same as what's going into effect i know there's a ballot initiative out there regarding privacy what's the distinction or the difference right so there so there is a difference between the two so according to the initiative. that voters actually had the right to sue for any type of violation however the bill that lawmakers recently crafted that limits lawsuits only two data breaches.
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and there's another massive nationwide data breach from exact this is that what's causing all the stir out there. exactly and that's what lawmakers that's what led lawmakers to craft this bill so it is believed to even be possibly bigger than equifax we still don't know exactly how big it is the exact number isn't yet known but the leak itself involves some three hundred forty million records and the fact is the website claims to have data on two hundred eighteen million individuals which includes one hundred ten million u.s. households and three point five billion consumer business and digital backers and the security researcher actually who discovered this leak part he mentioned that he looked for you know just random celebrities and also people that he knew and everyone that he searched for he was able to find on the exact this website oh my
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gosh that's crazy and scary stuff natasha so this sort of plays into that whole thing and we're talking with hill record which is a little little bit about some of these privacy concerns but we all remember this facebook cambridge analytic deal where they had access to user profiles with without users consent and an even bigger one was from yahoo impacting a whopping three billion users and and there was also that equifax breach that you just referred to last september so this is a big deal that probably isn't going to end a nice time soon right. yeah that's right i mean you know the list just goes on and now we have polls coming out showing how people actually feel about their online privacy or lack thereof and according to the campaign for accountability nearly seventy seven percent of americans believe that the internet and big tech companies invade their privacy part but it's crazy archie to toss a sweet thanks for time atocha thank you so much. and the
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european union and i trust regulators have google with a record five point one billion dollars or four point three billion euros over the internet giant use of its android bubble operating system to capture market share the e.u. competition commissioner marguerite best of your announced the finding that google's paktika to attain and keep its dominant position among internet search engines on wednesday and here's what she had to say. and today the commission has decided to fine. four point three four billion euros for breaching e.u. and trust rules. google has engaged in illegal practices cements its down and market position in its search it must it's an effective end to this contact within ninety days or face payments. and google is said that they will appeal the decision as we reported here in the program e.u.
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regulators accuse google of coercing cell phone manufacturers into pre-install in the chrome browser and related search applications by making prince delay should a condition for being featured on google play store or using outright cash payments as sort of a bribe and for more on google find in some important privacy related news we are joined once again by the c.e.o. of straw mart our friend hilary ford which first off what do you make of this this final minutes for one thing but but what's your view hilary yes thank you for having me back again i'm actually it's huge but not in terms of google's overall gross profits it's something like five percent of their gross nevertheless i think what's most interesting is the timing is this retribution for the terrorists the e.u. is actually quite desperate for funds right now they have the immigration issue to deal with if bracks it actually goes through which is looking more and more like it will all be it may be a soft breaks that the e.u. is desperate for funds and this is a fine a penalizing fine fine and anti-american because they need the money i noticed or
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something i didn't catch it but i saw the switch blow by my twitter that the president said something about you know your watch out or something or you're getting what you deserve with regard to the google thing so out there off to american tech giants so some are saying this may be sort of retribution for this train coming out sort of sideways as opposed to the direct stuff we've been reporting about right and actually you mentioned that they did a few years ago two years ago i believe it was they actually had another suit from the e.u. two point seven million which they appealed and you mentioned already they're appealing this one i have some recommendation though for google that's what they should do is switch off google all over europe and so i have a little a little sign there for european saying contact you're easy you commission. to ask why this is being taken down and actually what's wrong about it is that there is a choice the use of the end consumer can choose which up. rating system which our system oh yes they can have on the android device device it is still
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a choice it's just that it is predicted to write all these things you get pre-loaded or i mean and then once you're on your phone quite frankly you can't get rid of them even if you want to still make a selection you can have being or yahoo or anything else that you want you can make that selection yourself but you can't get like i have a samsung and i've got big speaker who i don't care for but i cannot get rid of begin to get bit rid of anything related to bixby i don't care for big no offense samsung but you can't get rid of it i mean it seems like we're just continuing to lose choices in technology as we go but that's not the worst of it yet the worst of it they're stealing information from us and in the light of the cambridge analytic a scandal we see now that health insurers are going after our data with these broker i never do are things called broker yellers and broker does i think that what's that all about is the data analytics behind what we're doing every day so for example let's just say you're a lady and you're buying a plus sized outfit that goes back to an insurance company and they can see all
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perhaps this lady's overreading annual rates will go up or perhaps you've recently you put some baby products online what does that mean you're pregnant oh you're going to have high pregnancy medical costs all this data everything we do goes back to the medical goes back to the medical records without you approving it they're going to insure us so they get a profile as to your house condition in terms of what they call like marketing there are those that they want and those they don't want to insure now you know in the u.s. we have this hipaa law that portability and accountability was so everybody when they go to their doctors or they go to a clinic or you have you sign it you say i'm not giving up the health me how are they getting around this and i guess it's world wide web so it's all over but are there some protections for consumers the difference is and you're right there are a hippie regulations that's the protection you have for your medical records but this isn't a medical record this is lifestyle they are having. access to the medical issue as i have access to our lifestyle choices by our purchases and i'll post some photos
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from media perhaps somebody post this post on social media on facebook on that they're doing a lot of drinking that of course raises your rates perhaps as lots of other cigarette purchases online they can see that you are smoker that can affect your medical rate that's what they're accessing and we haven't actually given them permission but we've opted in to display what we're doing but mary mind you don't have to order online you can still go down to your grocery store and you can buy it you don't have to post anything on facebook so what i actually think it is it's sort of like one thousand nine hundred four george orwell again we thought it would be the government and they being our privacy we are giving access to our privacy by posting ourselves you know so. yes you can go you know down the street to your grocery store but say you're going to whole foods if you're using your amazon prime card should you assume that your you know your purchases with your amazon prime card regardless of whether or not you're ordering groceries from
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amazon that that might be actually what you could do you could be a very unhealthy person you could buy your friends food and then get lower insurance rates so you actually. you actually could be your day thinking you know i thought you were my last question is you know it just seems like i wish this weren't the case but it just seems like this is the beginning it's not the end of the it's just discussion about saving is stealing if it's yelling it's i think things we didn't actually say we wanted to be access but we're giving them a lot of these think you know you're you're agreeing to all of these conditions but you really don't have a choice so it's fine print if they were pages it would be fourteen pages you're agreeing to it because you really don't have too much of a choice unless you say go to you know if you're not using google you go to yahoo eccentric so this is a conversation so it's going to continue for a long time what is it is actually one thing that i'm not i'm sure most of your viewers don't know most people don't realize is so microsoft bought linked in two years ago for twenty six billion. guess what they bought the software microsoft has
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your software on your computer if you update your resume and because you if you update your linked in profile guess what they're linked up now so they report when you're working on your resume that's what i call big brother so somebody at a company the recruiters are buying that information what would be interesting to see is are the companies in a heated economy going to buy the information from microsoft to say well we want to see if bart's updating his resume right now i'm not. but yes. it's always such a pleasure to have. any time. and that is it for this time and you can carriage boom bust that youtube dot com slash boom bust r two will catch you next time. u.s. president donald trump has repeatedly said he wants better relations with russia he did finally how his long sought summit with vladimir putin both presidents called
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it a success the american political class and corporate media describe the helsinki summit as a failure and worse. it's hard to imagine the decades after the war a nazi don't it was still active rich in the nineteen seventies crittle had as the chair of its board a man convicted of mass murder and slavery ashe was a german company develops in the divide a drug that was promoted as completely safe even during pregnancy. it turned out to have terrible side effects what has happened to my baby is anything but. you know she said she's just got choked up minix a little mind victims have to this day received no compensation they never apologized for the suffering that. not only want the money i want the revenge.
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right we're all set to start in five. you know how is this economic. going to talk about. just maybe right after the arse explores what do you put it there. to say. now here's your. welcome to sophie intel i'm seriously sherrick not said today we've got lots to talk about in our program and our guest is. the rock that.
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the new global economic war is unfolding in the realm of education the right to education as being supplanted by the right to access educational loans higher education is becoming just another product that can be bought and sold but it's not just about education anymore it's also about running a business there where you could. look good is also the kind of fellow we couldn't be. more of is the place of students in this business model for college as more now
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and an extremely more high education the new global economic war. top headlines here at r.t. international summit take to the white house announces donald trump's inviting the russian president to america in the autumn it causes a power to the u.s. media. basically by getting them to washington top spy in the united states he doesn't know. how is that possible that the president of the united states is inviting. in a couple months in the fall over at the white house. three years. and thousands of residents of to syria. they were moved to a government controlled territory. and leave video showing the dutch foreign minister saying there's no such thing as a.


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