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tv   News  RT  July 20, 2018 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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massive strikes at mass targets in gaza almost exactly four years after a huge military operation that resulted in. some it takes to the white house and. the russian president. causing outrage among the american media. but to washington the top spy in the united states he doesn't know how it's not possible that the president of the united states is inviting putin. in a couple months in the fall over at the white house. three years of hardship under rebel siege for thousands of residents of two syrian towns after they were moved to government controlled territory and
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a prisoner exchange. thanks for joining is this is. the israeli air force as well as massive air strikes on how must positions in gaza. has the details. there have been a massive airstrike some of the biggest since the last war back in two thousand and fourteen earlier we did hear from the country's defense minister avigdor lieberman he threatened a large and painful military operation he said that israel would go to if the kind of beliefs that are constantly flown from gaza into israel and has been for the past few weeks do not cease now the deadline given was friday afternoon and of course that deadline has passed the cards continued and that again will be a contributory reason as to why we've witnessing this flare up in violence israeli army has threatened that it will respond harshly and it continues to blame her
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musts for the flare up in violence the i.d.f. use today. activity is treated by hamas throughout the last month with great severity hamas choose to the security situation the consequences for its actions really civilians who live along the gaza border have been ordered to remain near bomb shelters at the same time for the last few hours the hamas military wing has been evacuating military posts as well as commandos in anticipation that there will be an even stronger response from the israeli side early in the week there was a massive israeli air strike the biggest since the two thousand and fourteen war and that followed the country's prime minister benjamin netanyahu threatening that he would strike back at her mass during the sabbath if we hit hard our policy is clear when anyone seeks to harm us we will strike back with great force as i mentioned earlier the last time we saw such a flare up in violence was back in two thousand and fourteen operation protective
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edge which started roughly round about now and that was a war there witnessed more than two thousand palestinians killed and saw some seventy three israeli civilians die so of course the situation on the ground is extremely tense there's a lot of concern that we could be witnessing another full frontal confrontation. in the meantime of the four palestinians were killed on friday and more than one hundred twenty injured it brings the total number of those killed to more than one hundred thirty since the start of the protest as part of the great march of return the idea of claims an israeli soldier was also killed during the clashes local journalist and has more from the israel gaza border. nearly one hundred fifty meters away from carney the fans and as you see the policy news protesters are describing and expressing expressing their rage by climbing this fans i have to say that this is one of the hardest days we have been covering the protests on weekly
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basis for it been five months in this is one of the hardest days today we saw explosions on both sides scores were injured we have been also hearing air strikes our tether reached our teller reach targets we have been also hearing explosions on the both sides and today is a very very hard day it's very dangerous and this was one of the toughest days we have ever witnessed by live ammunition here guys airstrikes and a lot in a lot of more weapons the israelis have been using against the palestinians. for political analyst joins me on the line now thank you what is your take on these strikes from israel do you consider them to be a reasonable response or excessive use of force. i should first say that the escalation has started with the killing of hamas
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militant ugly mug one on saturday so a response to the how must the exchanges shilling go is this what you decide and. respond by showing the how must this site the i don't think that it is reasonable because that is the way the start the scottish and by killing a minute and i would agree with one on thirty and have declared the. public a step mans a. shilling will be exchanging. another shilling get saw. but it is a disposable collision in gaza strip and now we have witnessed the. israeli attack on the money get of hamas targets in the gaza strip in gaza city and we hope i can restore again in gaza. do you believe that these attacks pose any danger palestinian civilians.
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yes the syrian civilian are very afraid now as i witnessed some a crowding in a front of a car is and the grocery store children of gaza a thread asking if there was ours and their answer what will happen in the next hour shall we witness and as a war similar to the war of two thousand and fourteen. also if. continue attacking some position and sites and gaza strip it might attack something really and so it is very dangerous situation and the coming hours will be critical and we can maybe know if there will be who are against gaza or the situation will be reached. and there will be a ceasefire between the both parties have asked. how do you think this is being
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viewed internationally she is me how do you think this is being viewed internationally. internationally now where you and on. and off sent messages throughout with our asking this side and have thought a story to stop with the cease fire now egypt also intermediary between both parties. to reach a truce between. egypt women succeed in the region agreement between hamas and israel to seize my arm because we here in the news. some intermediary between have egypt between hamas and israel and. witness something coming our. national community. i do apologise for interrupting you do finish your thought.
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yeah just i want to say is that in the muslim community not interested in gaza they wanted to support the. little humanitarian assistance but the weird thing is that this is. the best that we said because there always been that but i. appreciate you coming on r.t. my guest political analyst from order. into the news now just as the dust itself to settle on the trump putin service in the finnish capitol hill sinking the white house announced its inviting the russian president to washington in the autumn and then interview donald trump or since confirmed his intention to meet again with putin second meeting potentially with was what i mean. is that in the works is it planned has it been you know i would
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say it's in the works look we had a tremendous discussion on many things but fact is we got along very well i think i have a good relationship with you so far the russian side has neither accepted not declined the invitation the decision to invite putin to the united states is once again a spot outrage among the western media man that even president trump now says interfered in u.s. democracy invited to the white house and now the president has apparently doubled down by having him to washington so let's collude again like we did last summer top spy in the united states he doesn't know how it's not possible that the president of the united states is inviting putin for a second summit in a couple of months in the fall over at the white house because the president he works for is donald trump white house press secretary sarah sanders confirmed the invitation on twitter. in helsinki president of the united states agreed to go in
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working level dialogue between the two security council staffs president trump asked john bolton to invite president putin to washington in the fall and those discussions already on the way we have the announcement from sarah huckabee sanders the white house press secretary this comes in the aftermath of quite a bit of media hysteria in response to donald trump's a meeting in helsinki with the russian president if you look at time magazine or the new yorker there's been quite a bit of hysteria in u.s. media now in recent comments the russian president has actually warned the world about the hysteria in the us media and about you know forces that would push false narratives about the meeting in helsinki to advance their own political gain. there are forces in the us ready to easily sacrifice russia u.s. relations for their political ambitions. these sorts of people is pitiful
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and pathetic but these people who are the pitiful nor pathetic on the contrary they're pretty powerful if they can fool such stories to millions of the citizens and they can in the aftermath of the helsinki meeting which took place on monday we've seen quite a bit of shifts and changes in how the us president has described that meeting his explanation and assessment of the events seems to go back and forth they have president putin he just said it's not russian i will say this i don't see any reason why it would be and should have been i don't see any reason why it wouldn't be russia. sort of a double negative it would be with us intelligence that. russia meddled in the election twenty sixteen i would say that that is true but you haven't confirmed putin specifically do you hold him personally responsible well i would because he's in charge of the country getting along with president putin getting along with
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russia is a positive not a negative if that doesn't work out i'll be the worst enemy he's ever had the worst he's ever had so this new announcement that trump is indeed planning to invite the president of russia to the united states to the white house for another meeting it fits in with a recent tweet from trump he said he was looking forward to a second meeting with the russian president but many people are wondering what will happen next as trump seems to have gone back and forth and as trump faces widespread media hysteria and criticism for the fact that he met with the russian head of state. british police have confirmed to charlie rowley one of the two victims exposed to the north nerve agent in amesbury has been released from hospital has partnered on sturgis died in hospital earlier this month on his police as the story. charlie rowley is the man who along with his partner
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dawn sturgis was exposed to novacek in the village of amesbury which is close to souls' berry back on the thirtieth of june and they were both very ill they were taken to souls bre district hospital which happens to be the same hospital where scrip powell and his daughter yulia were treated for exposure to the same agent back in march charlie rowley's partner dawn sturgis died as a result of this incident on the eighth of july and although he had been in a critical state in hospital for a number of weeks the hospital has now announced that he is well enough to go home and that he's been discharged doctors' soulsby district hospital released a statement saying that charlie has been through an appalling experience that most of us could never imagine but this marks an important milestone in his recovery and they wish him all the best it also goes on to thank the clinical team or wherever two local residents remains unchanged and that is do not pick up any items such as
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syringes needles cross medics all similar objects made of plastic metal there is clearly still a degree of mystery about how charlie rose lee and his partner. became exposed to the nerve agent in the first place a week ago the metropolitan police confirmed that they had found a small bottle that they believed was the source of the contamination and that appears to correspond to interviews that charlie rose brother has given to the media saying that when he visited charlie really in hospital he had said that he seemed to recall giving his partner a small bottle just before they became very well whether or not that bottle was the source of the nerve agent used to attack the script piles or whether it was from the same batch is still very much unclear. yeah and in recent days there's been intense speculation in the u.k.
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media about the investigation into that original attack on the script pal's leaks from the police probe claim that investigators have used c.c.t.v. images to identify two russian culprits who allegedly fled the u.k. immediately after the attack on the square piles but there hasn't been any official statements from the police tear or from the or thora sees to back that up in fact the u.k.'s security minister ben wallace has dismissed those leaks about these alleged perpetrators being identified as ill informed and wild speculation. with more news after this short break.
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just like the comparison came brace of versus the u.s. policies versus global trade so dollar trump goes to the global trading environment with the ability to leverage america's got a leverage in that economy and it can reshape the global economy they evoke a way against the e.u. with no leverage they have a zero leverage against the e.u. therefore they've lost tragically against you and their colleagues being marginalized and isolated as a result of it they completely misstated our misunderstood there at the equation between the u.k. and the e.u. when it comes to business and.
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welcome back all residents in the two rebel held town and could fray in the northwestern syrian province of idlib have been successfully evacuated from the area under a deal between the syrian government and militants all residents who move to areas controlled by damascus that was in exchange for imprisoned rebel fighters buses transported almost seven thousand people to safety it's a deal that ended years of suffering during the blockade of explains. for three long terrible years the people of. live besieged two pro-government villages in the middle of. kingdom in syria and the islamists the warlords and the terrorists were out for blood.
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the same day they had been previous evacuation attempts last years five thousand civilians were being bussed out in a deal with rebels a suicide bomber blew up nearby over one hundred died. i don't. remember. that. i met some of the evacuees last year they were clearly traumatized scarred here men and women and yes even children fought for three
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years they held out. of joy think i was created for my family we've met again the siege was very difficult forcible to describe it is impossible to express it. this latest deal was made by the syrian government and yet. previously. in syria islam ists let seven thousand civilians leave the two towns and the syrian government releases hundreds of militants from prisons the rebels have lost the two villages they used this bugging chips for years they have also lost swathes of territory and homes and southern syria. in the span of mia months.
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after the evacuation the rebels drove tanks into fool and trashing national flags and defacing acids portraits and damascus now has a serious problem. filled to the brim with islamists and rebels from all over the country and with nowhere left to run the stage is set for the last bloody showdown of the syrian war. dutch
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foreign minister stuff bloc is facing a storm of criticism after saying that there is no such thing as a peaceful multicultural society. in. the. form of. the. bill. the minister also dismissed the former dutch colony surinam as being a failed state to to quote ethnic divisions if you g. groups and politicians are like expressed dismay of a blocs remarks gloating orderly offends people that look like me but
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a whole national history and identity this isn't worth your government official minister block is undermining efforts by this government to make joint agreements in europe on the proper reception of refugees bloc has apologized for his remarks saying that they were meant to spark debate not to offend so we put the issue up for conversation with independent journalist lee greenvale and the un coordinator on minorities mohammed circle. he says things which up and former unfortunately real is that dean multicultural societies that were promised us that the perfect twenty first century site is don't function in the west at least in western europe i think the last remark you just based on. ignorance of how can societies can bring together a big example. we can witness is the work of the french team for example look at french team french team contains
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a multicultural society france beat another team from a small country from the balkans and all the players in this small team were of the country of origin so there is no rule to be taken out of that to meet the multiculturalist that doesn't function is what you have communities living next to each other and not mixing it is very easy for example for asians to. melton and become members of society but we have some some part of the population that refuse it to want to impose their culture in the public space like islam for example democracy can only be based on respect respect of or that are each other culture respect it comes also from form not to fear from other people culture from the other society we import misery we have a social security system which is based on the contribution of everyone and the problem is that the millions that come to europe never participated they never contributed they come with families look at examples off the continent of africa if
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we have left africa alone would not have seen african migrated to to to europe if we had not it would not have sucked the richness of africa there diamond the gold the oil and those people who stayed in their own country that would be years and years no no if you have. been in your result when the laws of the world to try to invade residency and critical of police countries and they complain. why immigrants come back to europe because your conquered they conquered this country and they impose laws that you believe come back to with us if you when it's right is england spring is here migrating they ask you for the black and the sixties to come and work in england same for the engine this is not people are how the choice is by forces not choice minorities are welcome when they are minorities when it is a real inflation in millions state no it doesn't stop live in england for thirty years in europe for thirty five years i believe because the multicultural has made
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europe as rich this country is not by wiping someone else and it's not about. you know imposing someone else culture in another i didn't see that i would like to see or read integration more. around erupted between the french ambassador to the us and the host of the daily show trevor no and that's after he made a joke congratulating africa for winning the football world cup in a reference to the origins of many of the players in the french team but the ambassador failed to see the funny side average of one of the world was. ok i get it i get it they have to say it's the french team but look at those aus i know you don't get that ten by hanging out in the south of france my friends the rich and various backgrounds of these players are a reflection of france's diversity by cooling them an african team it seems you're denying their frenchness this even just legitimizes the ideology which
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claims witness is the only definition of being fridge for no hassle to clarify his earlier comments although offered no apology. if you see those players i love them paul pogba. i watch all of them i love those players and i love how african they are and how french they are don't take their french as a way but also one thing you need to take their african the story. to the mainline now is.


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