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tv   News  RT  July 20, 2018 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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anything now you end up being ostracized and demonized say you know the little left wasn't always that way go ahead and. you know i mean her for many years the left understood the cia was this pretty diabolical and touche and that was engaged in regime change abroad and murdering world leaders the cia lied us into the war with iraq in two thousand and three. with the lie that weapons of mass destruction which of course you know led to over a million iraqis dead five thousand americans dead and trillions of dollars wasted and yet those lives are forgotten and the irony of course is that it tends to be the liberals now that are rallying around the cia and the f.b.i. the f.b.i. which is for years in gauged infiltrating progressive organizations and peace
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organizations to disrupt them. to kill fred hampton a leader of the black panthers in cold blood and now somehow the f.b.i. supposed to be our it's really incredible you know brian one of the things i think it's. very interesting very tragic here is that somehow russia meddled in america's democracy i don't even really know what that means but you hear it all of the time but what really is happening i think my personal opinion is that because there isn't any questioning of the intelligence community in their behavior and i'm thinking of the f.b.i. during the two thousand and sixteen election they are damaging america's democracy because you cannot ask these questions about what they did i mean the f.b.i. the d.o.j. which was created by congress right they fund these agencies and what we see is the obstruction so i can't you know meddling ok i'm not i have no idea what that really
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means but we're getting more and more information that that kind of regime change scenario. the u.s. is used around the world for decades has actually come home and they're practicing the same playbook go ahead brian. and in fact that's gone on for decades the the i guess i agree with dan come balik why would anyone trust the f.b.i. or the cia and certainly progressive people or people who used to consider themselves liberal i don't even know what the word liberal means anymore it doesn't mean anything. what here's the situation is this the u.s. government says that russian meddled by hacking into the democratic national committee e-mail server and revealing e-mails that show that the democratic party leadership. violated its own rules and regulations to make sure that hillary clinton would win the nomination now if that's true and it's being described as
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a parallel or or synonymous with what happened on nine eleven or pearl harbor why did the f b i why did the f.b.i. not subpoena and take control of that server to carry out a forensic investigation why did it allow crowd strike a third party that had its own self-interest in its own political bias against russia why did they take their word that in fact the democratic party server was hacked by the russians that on its face would make anyone skeptical but again if you're in a religious situation you don't need proof you only take things as an article of faith and so if the f.b.i. says we have a high degree of confidence without giving any evidence that russia did this without any evidence if you're in a religious mode you say i believe i believe because i believe because i'm part of the religion and that's the situation right now if those of us who question this narrative continue to question were considered to be nonbelievers and like
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a witch hunt if you're not part of the witch hunt you perhaps become a witch yourself yeah and it creates an atmosphere of political. imitation that's what we're experiencing right here in washington d.c. you know in earl i mean i don't know i don't know the number on the top of my head but the n.s.a. . isn't it their kind of job to be seeing what's moving around on the internet you know from sensitive places and all that you know i mean again we there are there are very intelligent people that are former members of the intelligence community that can make a very strong case is this is a leak not a hack and these people have done it using their you know what's a bit to between their ears their brain ok they're not the they're not the n.s.a. here i'm thinking of william binney and people like that ray mcgovern i don't think they're traitors to their country though they are very very critical of the places they used to work for go ahead irl. absolutely and if they should be able to
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isolate down to the building. you know where the path of traffic was they're definitely monitoring almost everything not just foreign traffic but internals well the but you're absolutely correct on the forensic analysis so i mean where's the real forensic analysis were the independent forensic analysis the closest thing a tap and it's come out of. the veteran and you know veteran intelligence organization. part of it absolutely that's the only thing that's even been close and that verifies that it had to be an internal leak so i'm very very skeptical on any of this you know earl and i alone don't you just jump in here real quickly i remember i think i'm going to remember this i think it was in january and february of this year that it keeps was actually talking about it and then months later months later hannity on fox started talking about consider the kind of news environment we have some really smart people that know what they're talking out
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about right about this put it out in public i think it was consorting news dot com and it it didn't even make an impression on the mainstream in the me somebody said hey if you read this because this is exactly what hannity would like but for me was astounding this information was around for months and it didn't even penetrate it was amazing it's a small circle of as dan i want to change gears. are rush in the united states destined to be enemies for good go ahead dan well i certainly don't believe you know that they're destined to be so i think i mean i believe there's a lot of interesting i think we should be partners. however i really you know as eric hobsbawm historian pointed out you know the hatred of russia is is in the d.n.a. of the american people and by genetics but the as it was put there. by people who.
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found a reason to vilify russia but it does appear that you know the powers that be in this country will continue to stoke the flames of the entire russian. in the interest of war which will make it very difficult for us to be partners and i think that tragic thing you know brian and i've heard repeatedly. the russian meddling again whatever that means is akin to pearl harbor what if the united states there was a reaction to the attack on pearl harbor it couldn't be completely mobilized its economy and fought a very hard very bloody war and justified in my opinion ok but what kind of rhetoric is this now you know then well then what should the u.s. do and i'm and then you know all of us on this program know the very importance of arms control agreements i know it's not really sexy for amis n.b.c. and c.n.n.
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debate in their vegas to have low octane pain intelligence ok but this is important stuff here and it has to be dealt with i really wish the donald trump had been had a little bit more finesse i know that's hard for him really hard for him but that's a really important issue ok and we need to move forward on that but if we're going to be enemies how can you go there if this is one of the great tragedies go ahead brian. after september eleventh which is this is being compared to and pearl harbor the u.s. went to war war against japan in world war two of course and then after september eleventh the war on terror. the u.s. i believe we're past the point of no return i heard of the rush the animists and how still. towards russia i don't think we're coming back donald trump as you said all of the media attention was on his very badly stated positions at the helsinki but actually what they talked about was syria and de confliction they talked about
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the possibility of improving the start treaty the start treaty was signed in one thousand nine hundred one it said the united states which has seven thousand operational nuclear weapons all of which of just a few of which could destroy the entire world and russia which has a similar number that they should be reduced down to one thousand five hundred fifty and then a more that's a requirement also and in a firm of obligation on from the nuclear nonproliferation treaty on all nuclear powers they talked about that that was not covered as you're saying peter that's a big issue the danger of nuclear war even an accidental nuclear war the catastrophic consequences are so profound why don't we talk about that talk about meddling in the in the future of the world nuclear weapons are meddling in our future having control over those nuclear weapons getting rid of them that's critically important that seems to be off the agenda right now what i think is really really tragic in this environment that we're right now is that you know negotiations are equated with the this is the tragedy of the conversation right
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now ok and arms control is so very important but if you negotiate it means surrender summit go ahead irl. no i i think you're right it's that personally i've this meeting is something that should have taken place a while ago and i and i think the dialogue is is death absolutely necessary. or we're going to agree on things absolutely not but but it's definitely definitely necessary for agreement and for some reason these major areas of collaboration and and coordination are not. are by passed by the media and it's very very unfunny or unfortunate well we'll see where it goes here gentlemen but considering the way things are going it seems to me that the u.s. russia relationship has been spoiled and it could last for generations that's all the time we have gentlemen many thanks to my guests in washington and managua and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r.t.c.
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you next time and remember trust talk with us. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics small business i'm show business i'll see you then. the new global economic war is unfolding in the realm of education the right to education is being supplanted by the right to access education low its high education is becoming just another product that can be pulled from the sold but it's not just about education anymore it's also about running a business and what you're good models of. look good it's also the kind of fellow they couldn't. want is the place of students in this business model before college
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i was born now and i'm extremely more higher education the new global economic wall. forman are sitting in a car when the fifth gets shot in the head. all four different versions of what happened one of them on the death row there's no way he could have done it there's no possible way because the list did not shoot around a corner. with no make this manufacture consent to instant of public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. when the final merry go round lifts only the one percent so. we can
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all middle of the room sick. doing. real news. right we're all set to start in five. this year how's that signal. he's not going to talk about the no fly list just renewed right after the mars explorers one knew it would have their own unique. record. to say what people know. about the last room welcome to sophie and co i'm sophie shevardnadze and today
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we've got lots to talk about in our program and our guests this. little rock little . hill to. look at its. muscles his. nose if. you could feel it's doing a little complete. this it. doesn't go to the you know it's really not it you know it's. a little forced well it's only about the walking on the other the can walk forward
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to one of the body while cones on the old. boy. you'll look i. mean it is bad. for our safety data right. i. was.


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