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tv   News  RT  July 21, 2018 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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or changing aside for the better or those are two parallel things progress is progress and humans will just never change society will stay the same i have to say that progress is progress and humans are humans and. we reinvented t.n.t. for making holes not tins for transco through and of course the name the use it for destructive purposes and bombs and. that's human nature it's not it's not the fault of the technology or the progress it's it's the misuse of the technology that's the issue so it's almost conception to think that progress breeds better society well i think that it would be really wrong to hold progress back because humans are are bad and i think i think that would be the counter-argument toward you suggesting. we're already witnessed robotic and drone warfare becoming a reality and. in korea for example they already have robots that kill what do you think about well let's decide how can a robot decide. i'm totally against machines that can kill and machines making
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decisions even even when there's a human in the in the system which is that the excuse that a lot of these use it's still very disjointed and with the playstation really are a game sort of generation that's grown up playing battlefield in games like this where it's so easy to press a button and the little shadow figure in the distance drops and to do that in real life it's so disjointed that the emotion as you have mentioned it several times before is there's not there is no feeling it's just a few pixels on a screen that you're interacting with my i think creating machines like thought that that are automatic or even semi automatic with a human in the loop is just is a misuse of technology do you think do you think this whole drone and robotics warfare will which makes war certainly safer at least where they armies. breed more worse will we see more wars because there are too. much more comfortable to fight
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at this point you know i'm not. i'm not sure whether to make more wars but i i do i would argue that doesn't make them safer bet it just. means that you just need more of these technologies to attack the other side and probably never has the heisman technology wins which has been the way wars have been fought and for for centuries. the invention of swords bow and arrows guns tanks and so on and now we have drones. as a man who actually. see this whole artificial intelligence thing is that think that it's inevitable but you know better be safe and ready for it what security measures would you come up with so that you know that someone who was responsible for it should take the blame like normal society is if you do something you go to court and you go to jail right you can't just be like oh machine is wrong let's blow up
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the world but it's nobody's fault because something went wrong with the machine so what do you do with that because that that's scary to. go. through must be a scare factor know like you can't just be like oh my fault sorry machine did it you know you can't blame the machine these are issues that even if we look back before robots or anything like that for example had a simple device like your hair dryer and your drawing her and it exploded in your hands this could happen. who's to blame here well you usually see the kompany and they pay a lot of money you know what happens when a robot blows up half of the world who is responsible for that and i will what would you like for if you found the person who's responsible i would like to hear from you. rose and writes my future which is at least not my choice anymore because it's an irreversible process and i like to hear that
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you know along with invention it will make sure that it's so safe that if something goes wrong there's certainly going to be someone who's going to take the blame. and . i think the technology shouldn't be used in any way that's going to be unsafe and that would include a machine that can blow up the half the world. and anybody who puts a machine that can possibly ball power for world or even a small piece of it or even a few people. there those people who put that machine in that position obstinately wrong to do that i also believe that there should be so many safety functions on anything i've worked on autopilot systems for aircraft and on those aircraft autopilot system there's so many fail safes. redundant systems so that if something does fail there's a backup of the backup of the backup to make sure that it doesn't it doesn't fail
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still fails and whose fault is that is that the manufacturer like you say we want refined we sue the company who made the plane or who put the people on the plane or we sue the person who made the third one that broke down in the chain. is going to go with the flow and whatever happens happens then on to something that we said that we make sure that we have safety systems in there but we don't purposely make machines that cause harm i don't think you want to fly to space do you feel like. but could flight another galaxy. absolutely. a robot could certainly fly to the galaxy. i mean robots can we could program a robot to do it right now we could send a robot to another galaxy and we also think that he could be oh she could be i don't know i am saying he or she. can be robots could be the first ones to communion rocked you know with other forms of life and ok.
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sure i certainly believe in this huge universe that we live in but it would be. there's more out there i don't i would be hesitant to say that they've already visited us and i just think that somewhere out there may not be any kind of maybe bacterial life and may not be anything teligent but i think it's probably there is some intelligent life out there and certainly from now we could we could send off a robot to interact with some other species out there of course it takes such a long time with current technologies to get anywhere that by the time it got there . we would probably meet halfway in the middle somewhere because life would probably have developed in a similar pace to ours maybe not using robots could be colonizing mars instead of humans was already robots on mars so before humans as robots are living on
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mars if you want to call it living colonizing. and have a colony i guess you'd have to have some sort of reproduction system and that would mean that robots would have to go there and be able to create new robots for the colony rather than us just sending up teams of robots i just tell you something that would never ever be possible right i think it would be possible i certainly would. ok under this worrisome no. i'm sorry user and i am not going away i thank you for this interview pierrette and thanks rhi thing that you are doing on good luck with everything thanks for talking to me it's a. even
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. if. when lawmakers manufacture consent to instant of public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the financial merry go round of lives only the one percent. we can all middle of the room signals. the real needs
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for. the new global economic war is unfolding in the realm of education the right to education is being supplanted by the right to access education low it's high education is becoming just another product that can be pulled from the sold under snot just about education anymore it's also about running a business where you could also version. of this also the kind of fellow we couldn't. want is the place of students in this business model for college i was born now i'm an extremely more higher education the new global economic wall. here.
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are a few that. brought it. up . i. heard on the tongue. israeli air force launches massive air strikes against hamas targets in gaza almost four years after a huge military operation there that resulted in thousands of deaths. some a sequel the white house says donald trump is inviting the russian president to the u.s. later this year sparking indignation in the american media. but to washington top spy in the united states he doesn't you know oh it's not possible that the
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president of the united states is inviting him for a second summit in a couple of months in the fall over at the white house. the bodies of more than a twelve hundred civilians are found in mass graves in the syrian city of rocket amid claims they are the victims of coalition air strike. of iraq the headlines in about an hour's time stay with us this is our attention. this week's show and yes this all happened in one week nato noise bloopers in britain what the hell sinking and what next for the mahler investigation and what next will predict but first lead poisoning in your water in your home i'm holland cook in washington this is the big picture on our t.v.
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america. in milwaukee wisconsin over one hundred child lead poisoning cases are under scrutiny and over ninety percent of them were closed before blood levels fell below what is deemed safe and the state department of health has called out the city for poor inspections and testing in the homes of lead poisoned children the milwaukee journal sentinel reports that in a quarter of cases where a child tested with elevated lead levels and investigator never even visited the home joining us from milwaukee is attorney nola hitchcock cross nolo welcome thank you very much glad to be here did i get all that right and get us up to speed
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what's the latest there the information the news that you've just reported and that we've already here seems kind of shocking but the issue really is why are we just finding out about this now the report in the newspaper indicated that. these issues have been go a nonsense at least two thousand and twelve and where in two thousand and eighteen and we're just learning about it in the newspapers at this point so the issues really are in terms of the public's right to know how are the children of milwaukee coming into contact is this about lead paint is it about pipes. there's two actually completely separate issues even though they're merged quite a bit in the in the media and you have them both that's exactly right but they're very separate one is the issue in terms of water and pipes lead pipes and water and the other issue has to do with paint chips and they're quite different and they're quite different causes and they're quite different we're mediations and they're
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quite different individuals and processes involved in. resolving the issues and in testing the children well in the inevitable blame game that goes on at a time like this we read that milwaukee's mayor. cues the paint industry of trying to shift the blame to water in an effort to create controversy over lead pipes that the city has and obviously avoided millions and millions of dollars in settlements or court judgement how about the pipes the mayor takes the position for the most part that he didn't have any knowledge of what was going on and that is. if that's correct. and which is another question whether that's correct but if that's correct there's a big problem in the city not only that employees are not allowed to speak to the public and to the media when there are issues going on that affect the public but
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apparently they're also being you know prevented from going to the top why doesn't the mayor know what's going on most people you know in the health department know what's going on so why does the mayor keep himself isolated and not. and be in a position where he can say he does it now and i say even if that is correct that's his job to know how he should be talking to employees and he should be allowing employees to go directly to him and provide him with information if there are problems in the departments and that obviously. is not going on this obviously isn't just a milwaukee problem it's not just a flint michigan problem even the embattled e.p.a. administrator has issued a statement on reducing childhood lead exposure in your view is the e.p.a. doing enough. well you've hit the nail right on the head it's not a milwaukee problem it's not
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a flint michigan problem although milwaukee and flint michigan could certainly have done more. to prevent the problems from getting to the point where they are nevertheless this is a problem for on this appalling ploys all state employees and all federal employees in terms of being able to let the public know what's going on so that the public can resolve these issues at an earlier point flint michigan problem as we now all know was was not something that came out all of a sudden it's an all of a sudden the water was was poisoned that's not the way it works on the water action was taken quite a number of years ago and it kind of built up and people then eventually after a number of years found out about what was going on and that to a large extent is the case in the wonky so the problem really is is that we need to win the employees whether they're federal employees or whether they're state
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employees or whether they're nyssa poll employees that they have protections and don't have a fear of losing their job if they actually speak up thank you attorney nola cross for joining us from milwaukee regardless of where you live are you exposed if so what can you do.
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now the wide angle shots the big picture if you will on lead poisoning from ruthin norton executive director of the green and healthy homes initiative she joins us from baltimore welcome ruthann great to be here thank you hate when we hear a lead we often think paint which was widely used until the late seventy's slap it on good and thick with that dutch boy now we know better several years ago i mourn the death of a dog i knew and joey was a victim of that lead tainted dog food from china is lead to a known ingredient a kind of a toxic hamburger helper that manufacturers are using and common products or does lead taint ingredients in the things we use how does it get into our home environment. while you know it gets in paint is still the main way that kids in
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america are poisoned and have their brains damaged every day about a half million american children but we know the after the flood crisis much light was on the ninety six million americans that wake up every day drinking let it water we know that we have soil issues from smelters let has been toys it's often in jury imported from. costume jewelry imported from other places and then it finds itself with itself in very crazy things like in dog food and other to read letters the stabilizer that is used the last place it should be is in food but it was used in the other aspects for pipes and paint as a stabilizer so the people who made that dog food knew there was lead in the dog food they put it there. it seems crazy that it would be there unless the water had been heavily let it in the process sure so there's
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a possibility that it's sure hey you mentioned the children talk about the consequence of lead in the home what it does to kids you know it's if they really if the silent epidemic it continues to be here in the united states it's toxic leaded that breaks down from chipping peeling flaking paint from windows opening doors upgrading what it does is it damages the reading and reasoning abilities of the brain it handicaps the child its ability to be able to compete in third grade level reading long term learning in school increases school dropout rate but it also increases violent and aggressive behavior and has long term impacts on kidneys and heart and in fact lead exposure can lead to a nineteen percent increase in cardiac arrest can lead to hypertension and can lead to other aspects of brain damage and to that toddler the peeling chip on the
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windowsill looks like a potato chip doesn't. you know that chip that's about the size of a nickel can break down into that that that can poison over three thousand square feet in a home but mainly kids are getting that let it die.


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