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tv   News  RT  July 21, 2018 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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a year after islamic state is driven out of the most old iraqi city remains in ruins we hear from a local resident about life after liberation or two bodies still down there and their food bodies in that house behind us is still inside the stench coming from them is very strong children are getting sick because of this. a shaky cease fire is restored between hamas militants and israel after a violent clashes on the gaza border raising fears of a full blown conflict in the region. and students at a university in england remove a famous poem by a british writer rudyard kipling from a campus wall claiming he was a racist who stood against their idea and we asked people in london what they think
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about what. is a man of his time. and you've got to accept that that was his time it should be acknowledged and it should be there open for discussion about the fate of the each of these sensors. are broadcasting live direct for us to do is moscow this is our international thomas glad to have you with us. now it has been a year since mosul wasn't fully liberated from islamic state and iraqi city have been the terror groups the defacto capital in the country for over three years so what are things like of there today parties roughly newsagency visited the city and spoke to a local resident. there are two bodies still down there and there are food move bodies in that house behind us is still inside the stench coming from them is very strong our children are getting sick because of this.
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they're sitting there was six of us my daughter was killed we lived in that house after the airstrikes i just couldn't live there anymore. i don't know him. but they said we're not going to treat her priority is the fight says we can give her an injection so she dies immediately but have her to die at home. well u.s. led coalition airstrikes left the city of mosul in ruins and one year on it remains devastated here's a look back at how the battle of mosul one for. iraqi security forces launched a counterattack to liberate mosul for myself also known as station. this operation to regain control of iraq's second largest city will likely continue for weeks
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possibly longer. term. i. am extremely concerned for the safety ropes of one point five million people living in mosul who may be impacted by military operations to retake the city from. i think the operation is on track hopeful that we need the city purported to be. you cannot just. everybody in the city you have to be very careful john allen well
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john of amity clearly you do not know my salad days and the numbers to find the amount of the. math that's right yet they have this is a classic street in the liberated parts of mosul lifeless devastated it hospitable empty. there is still calculus bodies buried and all this rubble and no one knows how long. it'll take to get. more rubble the buildings and even that mixed with unexploded bombs and decaying bodies what i have. got a. picture. about it. could
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have any. civilian casualties are a fact of life if you want to liberate your towns and cities it comes at a price and avoidable part of war. we spoke to the middle east operation manager for doctors without borders who says people are returning just to find death right across the city i think it will be unfair to say that nothing has changed but what we what we called for is that the change should happen more quickly or we see the level of destruction that happened a year ago is still very visible evidence infrastructure hasn't been repaired yet or spills haven't been reopened yet there's a lack of want to there's a lack of electricity going back and potentially finding their bodies in your house in your street i mean that's that's. a very dangerous stating because once again
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you're confronted to it's all these horrible things that happened in mosul increasing number of people return but there's no access to it due to health care there is no. emergency rooms there's not enough surgical facilities there's not enough hospital beds and yet there are still people that get wounded from collapsing hauser. well the four horror of war can also be seen in the syrian city of raka the bodies of more than twelve hundred civilians the majority of them women and children have been discovered in three mass graves there it is claimed most of them were killed when the u.s. led coalition bombed the area firing nearly thirty thousand artillery rounds into launching thousands of air strikes during the course of a few months of comments. tobar will mark exactly one year since i saw defeat in their caliphate self-proclaimed capital rocker and months after the
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u.s. coalition's victory restored or freed of torment the syrian city is still not these are the latest pictures from one of three recently discovered massive graves these burial sites contain more than a thousand bodies there are three hundred to four hundred bodies in this mass grave grew to four catacombs are completely full of did bodies grief and despair still has the syrian city reeling as relatives time and time again have to identify their loved ones were executed the body of only one of my sisters the other four remain missing and in honor of the birth as they were buried by my uncle now we're looking for the uncle who called to find them the majority of bodies or civilians mostly women and children and let him work twenty four hours a day whether it's a civilian or a fighter we give the body a number well this number is over a thousand now and that's just in the three recently discovered mass graves took
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the dog to have modern tools we just rely on basic information families help us identify the civilians we identify a lot of bodies from here because it does not disintegrate it's a race against time and they're ready to earn their more time passes the harder it is to identify the bodies as they rot in the ground nameless and mass graves of raka highlight not only i solved monstrosity but also what rights groups call america's denial in its responsibility for the city's tragedy the coalition has acknowledged a mere twenty three civilian deaths resulting from the more than thirty thousand artillery rounds and third rule thousand strikes it launched into rock a city the blustery denials a contradicted. by the lived reality of the hundreds of civilians there even contradicted by their own partners on the ground looking at these pictures it's
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hard to see any real recovery from the post-war horror at all it's even difficult to tell them apart and just in case these were taking only a couple of months ago and these are back from two thousand and seventeen u.s. led forces came pounded the city with some thirty thousand tillery rounds proclaim victory and then washington apparently chose to simply forget rocca the u.s. coalition caused the destruction of records and has a responsibility to rebuild the city we need to help with restoring the water supply in clearing the rubble there was that definite shift in washington when we were directly targeted by the coalition after the recognizance craft filmed us it was a low altitude it was very clear there were no terrorists in the area but there were kids playing in the streets and we were collecting water and i knew that of that i knew that if the aircraft bomb using force for us it targets everyone it is not hidden i still the coalition is boman brenda mely if you're sitting at home
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a bomb may come down on you there are houses that collapsed on those residents and they couldn't get out all this happened because of the aircraft the city decayed bodies decomposed there's even no estimates on how many more musgrave's are still to be found houses of people who were killed during the battle to retake the city. maybe were buried has to leave but also many remain in the rubble or at least in mass graves each one has to be dozens to hundreds of bodies and it was really hard to make such as to beaches but that's what we know all tories are struggling to cope with the logistical challenges because there are many of the gated. examinations because they are the mines around there it is clear from what we have seen on the ground that they are working to exhibit bodies. far more creative. but until someone says the pleas of rockers citizens they must live amid rubble and stench the stench of decomposing flesh. after
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a recent outbreak of violence on the gaza border the islamist militant group hamas says it has agreed to a cease fire with israel on friday four palestinians three of whom were a mosque militants and an israeli soldier were killed during clashes that prompted a series of airstrikes on hamas positions leading to fears of all out confrontation as artie's policy or explains. easy calm that has descended along the israel gaza border that ceasefire went into effect at midnight and we have heard from the israeli army that civilians who live along the israel gaza border can return to normal routine we're hearing the same message from hamas hoaxed person who says that they have agreed to return to the era of calm between israel and the palestinian factions it follows a night of heavy air strikes conducted by the israeli air force over gaza they say they hit some sixty targets while at the same time three projectiles were fired at
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israel by palestinian militants and a friday deadline given by israel to her months in which it said that all awesome kites that were flown into israel had to cease came and went with those kites israel says that its actions were merely tell a tree and it holds her last responsible the i.d.f. used to do the whole store activity is treated by hamas throughout the last month with great severity hamas chose to the security situation a move the consequences for its actions last night's strikes were the worst we've seen since the two cars and fourteen were between israel and hamas in that war more than two thousand palestinians were killed and seventy three israelis now there was an israeli airstrike a heavy israeli airstrike earlier in the week we are hearing from the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu that he will continue to strike back at her masts during the sabbath we hit hard our policy is clear when anyone seeks to harm us we will strike back with great force this is just the second ceasefire in some six
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days so of course the question is being asked whether or not it will hold egypt in the united nations brokered both cease fires and what we have heard from the united nations is that a massive full scale war was averted tensions on the ground however the main tense people are an easy and the question of course is if and when will be another showdown when i ask people here their question most people believe there will be a showdown is just a question of when. political commentator amir or end of the former director of a palestinian civil rights organization motion ramadan shared their views on the recent escalation. hundreds of palestinians if you accumulate the numbers have either died or been injured at the demonstrations but this is not happened because israel has used force. to the contrary israel only reacted and israel tried to keep the entire border quiet it is not in its
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interest to try and repel. but the scene and will show did the from you to sort of does without any dangerous. from time to that is that it is so does it just today i think slogans that is the voice is asking the international community over to brush up to the end that she'd get to freedom of movement and can look at this to the biggest you know to live as normal people. you might be and live in the. right students and an english university remove a poem from a campus building. describing author rudyard kipling as a racist reaction to that story and much more of the weekend's news that short break you are watching trash.
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independent means that you're not going to take instruction from any of the spring and we know that in the situation of syria state of agenda the mandate that was given to us is broad it's not getting one particular side to this conflict it is broad it is focusing on identifying investigated. on some of the most serious. to prepare the program i had to look at a lot of material listened to a lot of material and. i also read a lot of material. that was appalling. and not only that when you get these images into your head and of course the images that i was you know far more graphic than anything i could include in a in a television. welcome
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back this is r t international now a u.s. government funded media outlet has deleted a series of ads it placed on facebook which targeted american audiences radio liberty was outed for potentially violating u.s. laws meant to shield citizens from domestic propaganda artie's came up and as the story. now it turns out that one news outlet has been forced to remove its political ads from facebook was the u.s. government's own radio free europe aka radio liberty here's an extract from their mission statement which of course you can find on their web site which ends in dot . a mission is to promote democratic values and institutions by reporting the news
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in countries where free press is banned by the government not fully established journalists provide what many people cannot get locally on since that news responsible discussion an open debate perhaps they consider the united states to be one of those countries that doesn't have a free press after all the ads were specifically targeted at americans now facebook says the ads were not political which is rather interesting as they were specifically related to recent controversies regarding trump and to nato. sixty one percent of the surveyed population in twelve countries view nato to favorably it's actually illegal for federally funded news outlets under the umbrella of the broadcast board of governors to direct their content at an american audience the only exception is by special request and there was none in the case of radio liberty after new york times journalists raised a red flag the board of governors deleted the ads none of the b.b. g.
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now where should be distributing or promoting our content massacree in order to develop or grow domestic audiences but why would facebook allow ads about nato to begin with this is just after facebook has imposed strict rules regarding commercials with political content in the united states r.t. materials frequently banned and that's even when it's not directed at an american audience. and issue ads on facebook and instagram in the u.s. must be clearly labeled including a paid for by disclosure from the advertiser at the top of the ad it turns out that the rules about what constitutes a political ad are pretty big as far as facebook is concerned any r.t. news related to the usa is a political advert meanwhile a commercial specifically talking about how everyone loves nato is not now russian scholar shonda laurie recently tried to promote in an interview about his recently
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published compendium of coverage of donald trump from russian magazines and newspapers face book shut him down for his book one to prove my it for this book cost apparently what the russian press thinks of trump is dangerous information there's a double standard if you want to break the rules to help defend freedom ok which is which is really not possible it's illogical they've constantly lived in this state of a false reality where. it's ok to propagandize and to blanket the rest of the world with a cia funded message but it's not ok for russia to finance or to partially even finance a great television network that's competitive with the b.b.c. for news and information why is that not ok all this talk about fake news and propaganda has put the us political establishment and tech giants like facebook in
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a pretty difficult spot basically they've been reduced to saying we can't promote it if we don't agree with it. r.t. new york. we asked facebook and of the broadcasting board of governors to comment on the cases so far they've chosen not to respond to. students at the university of manchester in england have painted over a miracle of a poem by roger again playing they say the victorian era author who is best known for writing the jungle book was a racist who dehumanised people of color and sought to. legitimize the british empire his presence in india a poem if penned in eighteen at ninety five was displayed in a newly renovated campus building but was quickly criticised by members of the students' union who said they should have been consulted beforehand
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a verse from civil rights activist maya angelou's still i rise has now replaced in the poem we asked people in london about the students actions. this is it is a man of his time. and you've got to accept that that was his time today maybe not what you do to say so you just you agree with the free speech of the window if you do that's a trick question i'm really into it and not kind of thing but to treat the deported a bundle is something that's really bother me in any case and i don't agree with the facing i think there are other ways of protesting will point i think when we're looking back on history and judging people from the framework but they existed in it's a little bit different i think. everything in its period is significant in its own right. we can look at those and different views and attitudes now that we can learn a little bit from that you know that it was a bad thing to do you know it's not right now but still you know it's people doing
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in the past i don't think that we should disregard the most people that watch because of the pain they have to actually i think there been many great artists also in this museum been quite miss such a mistake and. problematic people in their private clothes but that doesn't necessarily mean that there are going to be that values but it also can mean that so it should be acknowledged and it should be there open for discussion but the for the it shouldn't be censored. all right kipling is not the only writer whose work has been criticized lately here are a few other examples. that western material achievement and progress made no demands on their own it's leader of china. wants to forgive me for all of my friends without his
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ever saying anything they were simply a little something shameful between us like this brilliant open of the horse a symbol fight. there is a trait in the jewish character that does provoke animosity maybe it's a kind of lack of generosity towards non jews hitler didn't just pick on them for no reason. in the jew and the jew russet your empire and you yourselves out jude the jew and the big jew has rotted every nation is. switching gears now after the white house announced its inviting president putin to washington many media outlets are still trying to come to terms with donald trump's style of diplomacy archie's playboy go breaks down what has been dubbed the worst week for trump's foreign policy. the u.s. president has upset everyone because she's missed it doesn't do claim to see like
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this was. coming from lord one of the rules of diplomacy on his whistle stop tour of europe went off piste and told the truth don't worry you threw in a you tube it was an astonishing performance he managed to piss european allies and then in the interests of equality he desired citizens to diplomacy is the. someone's face but nicely yours is a method not found in any text reg he sobered up opponents and allies with a stream of clearly. as though finishing the most with a laser guided who through his battles won the summers to name terrorism for us to take a truthful here's the e.u.'s sticking washington with the bill of defending europe well nato members didn't like hearing that said out loud you see they prefer diplomatically considered criticism which they can diplomatically ignore next the
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diplomatic headed to britain where trumpeted already accepted the nation in advance by suggesting that the u.k. was in a spot of bragg's it in joost political turmoil. he politicians crying well the ones on dealing with all the turmoil but is then trump wanted face to face in helsinki and a mainstream america exploded that these are guys c'mon it's not a cold war anymore but one was called a traitor and he's a disgrace who apparently caused doubt on the conclusion by the american intelligence services that russia meddled in the us elections. and m.p.'s are a disgrace. he said the air was wrong. the day aloft and. he says he actually meant to say the exact opposite donald's
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desperate backtracking was the fast sign of genuine diplomacy he chose so much truth bomb did trump a drop in the presence of he said he suggested the world's two largest nuclear powers should try to get a long cold mr president do you know nothing. by the dozen from about thirty four minutes of the full look at your news your watch our two international service. seventy four design submissions. something else i linked. to the judge is. hundred sixty nonstop days of. the russian w.b. a champion of it. and a russian. show you how. the crimea bridge was built.
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witnessed the construction moving you need to transpose dungaree that will help the cause of crimea. most of those you know while google more familiar with it a bit but it's clear. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race based on off and spearing dramatic development the only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. join me every thursday on the alex i'm unsure when i'll be speaking to get off of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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hello i'm most guys or this is the kaiser report of the show that there is to go deeper. to max we're back in new york city and we're going to talk about the trade war because of course right across from us used to be the world trade center it is the place where all trade goes through and it's the center of the u.s. global financial empire but china says bully united states started a trade war the united states has started a trade war and china will defend itself the chinese vice minister of commerce weighing shewan said last week urging the united states to take the gun of terrorists away to smooth the way for talks quote the measures taken are against
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the interests of china they're against the interests of the united states businesses consumers workers and farmers they are hampering global economic growth they are just a trade bully. you know you've got these global trade organizations that are gamed by china and the u.s. gets a short on the stick so it's up as tearing up the bling board and saying we'll start all over from scratch and that's the right thing to do we're actually have some analysis on that and by the way i just want you to say that if you want to find analysis that confirms what the chinese vice minister of commerce said you can tune into c.n.n. b.b.c. or m s n b c or fox or c.n.n. and there because they're all unanimous that this is a disaster but i'm going to look at some alternative headlines about the other side of this one from the voter and one from wolf richter who says well maybe this is leveling the playing field and you've got to protect your own economy at home because for example you know the something like twenty six million cars were sold
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in china twenty five million of them were made in the country because of twenty five percent in. import taxes on cars made overseas so you know if you want to protect your own industrial industry at home you've got to have these but many manufacturing communities feel like they're in a long running trade war one in which for decades america never fired a shot on their behalf and he's talking about a new republic article titled the inevitable death of global trade as we know it because as dan collins has said for many areas on the keiser report that we've had a trade war and the trade in the united states is lost wages in the us go down because of the financialization of the economy which rewards bankers and financier's at the expense of workers and they again i'll say they use global trade organizations and trade institutions to game for themselves in the case of china at the expense of the u.s. .


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