tv News RT July 22, 2018 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT
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on the front. of the some advice from the future crocker. in the news that the week that mainstream media is left to reeling after donald trump and hails of monday's summit with vladimir putin as a success and then invites his russian counterpart the us for a second meeting in the fall. disgraceful performances by an american president it's a disaster possible that the president of the united states is inviting so let's collude. so the president has apparently doubled down. there's really evacuated members of the white house next rescue group and their families from syria saying there was an immediate threat to their lives we look at the controversy behind the move. and at least twenty people in india are reportedly killed in incidents of mob violence triggered by the spread of fake news.
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are broadcasting live in moscow recapping the week's top stories with our weekly program this is r t international now just as the dust settled on the trumpet putin cement in the finnish capital helsinki the white house shock to many people on thursday by announcing it was inviting the russian president to washington this fall in an interview donald trump has since confirmed his intention to meet a lot of money putin again. second meeting potentially with out of your proof. is that in the works is it planned has it been i would say it's in the works look we had a tremendous discussion on many things but fact is we got along very well i'd have a good relationship with you. well russia's ambassador to the us says the kremlin is open to such invitations although moscow has yet to give official response or to
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go follow the historic helsinki talks for us. well i'm standing right outside the modestly looking presidential palace in the capital of finland where everything happened first two hours of a head to head togs between donald trump and a lot of our putin with all the the translators allowed inside the room that was then followed by a lunch where the leaders were joined by some of the most senior officials from the two countries then came the first ever joint press conference by donald trump and vladimir putin i looked into the faces of donald trump who was standing right here by the way with a bigger microphone and vladimir putin here with a smaller microphone and i saw two men who were genuinely enjoying talking together but today first of all their message to the journalists was that they want this kind of relationship to spread beyond their personal time somehow they want to put
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washington moscow relations back on track our relationship has never been worse. than it is now however that changed as of about four hours ago but guess what still worries the entire u.s. presidential poll allegations of meddling and collusion there were sitting right here and almost all the questions from this part of the room were about that and it was rather fascinating to see how the two leaders almost teamed up to dodge these kind of questions do you hold russia at all accountable for anything in particular president putin denied having anything to do with the election interference or twenty sixteen every u.s. intelligence agency has concluded that russia did who do you believe president putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today he offered to have the
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people working on the case come and work with their investigators with the. speak to the twelve people i think that's an incredible of if it was a little bit of it was an intelligence of some us self and i do know how compile it was however none of this seemed to convince american journalists and while i was looking at them when they were leaving the room they seemed to be even more for straighted then before the leaders met analysts were of course not looking for any telltale signs from the leaders behavior during their meeting in finland and some think their handshakes spoke volumes we asked a body language expert what could we read into it. trump is coming from a very very highly critical domestic america so he's he's he's very aware that his whole country is looking at him and trying to interpret what is really going on between these two leaders and it's with that that he enters the
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room and he faces he faces what seems to be an opponent so he starts off and he's very he's almost strutting both of them off they sit down they very very uncomfortable they look like a divorce and couple and then they reach out for that handshake now what do you see about that handshake is it is a very distant handshake it is not one with their whole bodies are involved in it it's not one hand on top of the other trump is very very visual with the war with the pacing of his hand and he goes in very very evenly and that's how the handshake is is. executed donald trump a tweeted once again that the meeting with putin was great despite quote fake news using every bit of their energy to try and disparagement while news of washington's invitation to the russian president sent many media outlets in to a frenzy. he went on to
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attack his own people and institutions while standing next to the russian president i don't know which side is the bride and which side of it is the groom anderson but it is sort of feels like we're at a wedding you have been watching perhaps one of the most disgraceful performances by an american president in this case when it comes to putin the president's taking a pass. by having him to washington so let's collude again. top spy in the united states he doesn't know how is that possible that the president of the united states is inviting putin for a second summit in a couple months in the fall over at the white house because the president he works for is donald trump there were plenty of eye opening magazine covers focusing on the summit as well.
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the american president has however altered his stance on just a few things just one day after he had been maintaining his position on volodymyr putin's noninvolvement over alleged election meddling. have president putin he just said it's not russian i will say this i don't see any reason why it would be. and should have been i don't see any reason why it wouldn't be russia. sort of a double negative. he would carry with us intelligence that. russia meddled in the election of twenty six i would say that that is true but you haven't confirmed
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who specifically do you hold him personally responsible when i look because he's in charge of the. army is russia still targeting director for president right now when you know. i talked to the president he wasn't answering that question he was saying no he's not taking questions it looks like a schoolboy apologizing for something he shouldn't be apologizing for the intelligence community in america has been giving primarily bad intel like in two thousand and three with weapons of mass destruction has been turning its surveillance apparatus on the american people trump was right to call them into question we have seventeen redundant spy agencies that need to be slammed into a box we need to fire most of the people who work there and we to stop letting them create imaginary enemies that waste money and waste lives on nonsense approaches. hours after the helsinki summit wrapped up
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a twenty nine year old russian woman was arrested in america on charges of conspiracy to act as a foreign agent russia's foreign minister has demanded her release and described the accusations against her as fabricated maria is accused of conspiracy to defraud the us and not registering as a foreign agent while promoting russia's state interests she has pleaded not guilty to the charges put in his lawyer said that the special counsel's office was offered the opportunity to interview her but they showed no interest investigators also claimed that was in contact with russian intelligence officials and that she offered sex in exchange for a job at a u.s. special interests organization the attention it paid to the story was fueled on twitter where one journalist found out apparently that she had even visited donald trump in the oval office and she has been plenty of other places as well reportedly .
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let me just say this here in the united states among the media who despise the president they look today at what happened as trump absolutely being own as they say by vladimir putin barris that it was horrible it was terrible calling into question his own intelligence agencies it was a desaster this is what they are say what you might see as having occurred is common poll eight different than what they're saying now meanwhile they're forgetting that the most important aspect of today's visit was what happened outside of the view and the air of the cameras that's what's important that's what's critical nobody is talking about that because frankly they don't know anything. but what they're saying is this is another example of this kind next in
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between trump and potent and what this is going to do is resonate through some kind of weird pavlovian connection some obey sense that they have to this idea that i dar russians thereat it again even they don't know what the it is that they're adding it donald trump launched a fresh assault on the u.s. justice department and f.b.i. on sunday the president fired off a barrage of tweets and claiming the two organizations misled the courts to obtain a warrant to surveil one of his former election campaign aides and that the claims of collusion with russia are fabricated. congratulations to judicial watch and tom fitton on being successful in getting the cost of page feisty documents as usual they ridiculous the heavily redacted but confirm with little doubt that the department of justice and the f.b.i. misled the course which on rigs. trom didn't give any evidence for his claims his
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tweets came in response to the f.b.i. releasing the documents it used to obtain a find a warrant to surveil carter page in them the agency alleges that page was a russian agent however given the amount of redaction in many of the f.b.i. as the reasons for believing so are not clear they do reveal though that carter page lived in moscow between two thousand and four and two thousand and seven and in two thousand and sixteen they allege he met with senior russian officials to discuss the sanctions on moscow the crisis in ukraine and compromising information about hillary clinton page however denies having been an agent of the kremlin this is so ridiculous it's just beyond words it's just so misleading going through those four hundred plus page documents you know where do you even begin it's literally a complete joke and it only continues it's just really sad. political commentator gina loud and told us that she doesn't believe there were sufficient grounds for
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the surveillance of carter page there has been nothing no one indicted no evidence whatsoever of any sort of collusion you know the media has started to conflate meddling in collusion those are not the same things this is shocking to watch as an american perhaps most of all shocking to watch how some on the left and in the media on the left are not even shocked because they should be because this isn't like america the way they're treating this president if i said were and should be the hardest thing in the world to obtain for the american government to spy on a private american citizen should be the absolute most difficult thing ever certainly if a question does ca should not be a vehicle to a feisty weren't the motivation for the story that the left keeps telling makes absolutely no sense when you consider all of the disconnects that exist in this
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story and the fact that there's zero evidence zero indictments based on anything even close to collusion. and the u.s. secretary of state might pompei castigated the iranian government in a speech to the. community in california on this sunday he described it as corrupt and mafia like and outlined of the ways in which washington is putting pressure on iran. right now the united states is undertaking a diplomatic and financial pressure campaign to cut off the funds that the regime uses to enrich itself in support death and destruction right now are u.s. border broadcasting board of governors taking new steps to operate and get around internet censorship as well the b.b.c. is logic a new twenty four seven four c. language t.v. channel that will span not only television but radio digital and social media format so that ordinary iranians inside of iran and around the globe can know that america stands with them.
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the speech comes as part of an alleged campaign to undermine the iranian government the reuters news agency says sources in the us government have told. it there is a driver actually supported by pompei o two consistently portray tehran's leadership in a negative light that's on top of attempts to weaken iran's economy through the use of sanctions and my pump has repeatedly posted tweets criticizing iran's domestic policies and accused its government of destabilizing the region by supporting extremist groups he has also said that iranians are fed up with corrupt and incompetent leaders and that their frustration fueled the mass protests in december and january here's how a state department official commented on the campaign to reuters let me be clear we're not seeking regime change we're seeking changes in the iranian government's behavior we know we're driving around to make some hard choices either they can
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change their ways or find it increasingly difficult to engage in emeline activities a senior iranian official contacted by the news agency dismissed the campaign saying it's destined to fail and on sunday the iranian president warned donald trump against stirring up conflict with iran america should know that peace with iran the mother of all peace and war with iran is the mother of all wars. former u.s. diplomat jim johnson believes washington wants to see a radical shift in the way iran is governed i think the symbolism of giving the speech of the reagan library was that he was drawing an analogy to the fall of communism and somehow that he says regime change is not the goal but frankly from what he describes it seems to me that it amounts to regime change would have to be an entirely different motive governance in iran from what he describes to satisfy
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what he laid out so i think he's basically saying that we want to support a popular movement to bring down the ayatollah was regime in the same way that communism fell in soviet union in the eastern bloc and that radio broadcasting would be a catalyst for the. israeli prime minister has said that his country initiated the evacuation of the controversial white helmets group from syria at the request of donald trump and other western allies. several days to go and trump contacted me as did canadian prime minister trudeau and request. hundreds of white helmets from syria these are people who saved lives and whose lives were in danger of. passage through israel to other countries is an important humanitarian gesture. israel vaccinated over four hundred members of the group and of their families to neighboring jordan after canada britain and germany reportedly
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agreed to accept at least some of them as refugees syrian government forces have launched an offensive against militants in the south of the country where members of the group were located. upon request of the us canada and european states israel has completed a humanitarian effort to rescue members of the syrian civil organization the white helmets and families they were evacuated from the war zone in southern syria to a neighboring country now the i.d.f. has caught this to quote an exceptional humanitarian gesture it has said that it carried out this evacuation at the request of the united states and several european countries and that the request where he came several weeks ago at this belonging to the white helmets consider themselves rescuers who risked their lives to help save civilians but the organization remains controversial particularly over where its funding comes most of its funding is from the west and as such it is
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criticized as being an organization that promotes waste an interventionist agenda for example more than thirty two million dollars comes from the united states it also receives funding from the netherlands from denmark germany canada and new zealand. now we're still waiting for russian reaction but when the first reports emerged a few days ago over this planned evacuation the russian foreign ministry said that there was concern of a so-called provocations that could happen during such
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a move but me she seemed far more artsy according to the information we have the white helmets convoy arrived in the town of and among the end rivals were several chemical experts in the south the missile parts were also unloaded we do not rule out the possibility that these shall we say souvenirs and loaded by the white house will be used as intended art even when is the now is that these members of the white helmets have been evacuated from the region we cannot rule out the possibility of a large here provocation and pinning the blame for this procreation on the syrian government now with all these controversies surrounding the watch helmets they certainly are risks and could be more risks around the suv accusation. in addition it to the evacuation of the white house once the area has seen hundreds of militants and their families moved to the rebel held north evacuation comes as the syrian army advances along the country's southern border with jordan the area has long been held by western backed militants seeking to overthrow president assad vanessa be able who is an independent first investigative journalist wonders why
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the white helmets are more privileged when it comes to evacuation than ordinary syrian civilians this is an exceptional iraqi ration it's an exceptional evacuation for an exceptional organization created by the exceptional list regimes in the united states and in the u.k. and in the e.u. the nato member states but also supported by particularly qatar and saudi arabia. we saw or. protest by the u.n. agencies or demands rather that the white home at the evacuated and given priority in a fact over civilians and that's what we're seeing now is saying syrian civilians being left at the border of israel and the border of jordan while the white house mates are again being given exceptional progress through those two countries and on to the countries that are supposedly going to house them. at least twenty people have
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been reportedly lynched in the past two months across india after a fake news about kidnappers taking and abusing children were spread on social media there were also false accusations of organ harvesting and the killing of cows considered to be sacred in the country calls for the government to take urgent action are now growing the horrendous acts of mobocracy cannot be permitted to inundate the law of the land the recurrent pattern of violence cannot be allowed to become the new normal in one of the latest cases more than two dozen people were arrested in connection with the lynching of a man over fake rumors that he was a child kidnapper since at the start of may fake news about the child captors has filled what's up chats artie's bali workover port. fake news a big time with a bad rep preferred by leaders politicians and the mainstream media labeled as
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a menace to democracy and sometimes just a way to dismiss a story which you don't agree with you are free to do big news in your facebook page or spaces on twitter but in india the consequences of spreading fake news have become far more tongil and deadly dozens of alleged lynch mob members have been arrested following one recent case alone but in another suspected lynching over suspicion of child abduction a man was allegedly killed by an angry mob in front of. this british shares the moment mohammed as a twenty seven year old software engineer was murdered by a mob of over two thousand people wielding sticks and stones as amand his friends one of them atari national offered some schoolchildren chocolates as a gesture of generosity but suspicious locals spurred on by whatsapp rumors
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inferred that the out of towners were part of a child abduction ring video like this one may have set off the crowd to punish the alleged kidnappers it's gone viral in india but poaching to show a child abduction it was originally made by a charity promoting child safety in pakistan back in twenty sixteen at the end of the original video the little boy is returned the problem with fake news in india has got so bad that the indian government has urged whatsapp and its owners facebook to do something about it we're stressing an education campaign in india on how to spot fake news and rumors so the company launched a series of newspaper ads in several languages the headline says beware of whether a story is hard to believe. and watch out for spelling mistakes it's not going to be easy though what's that messages are encrypted that means identifying the source
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of each reema is near impossible india is also what saps biggest market the company counts over two hundred million users that combine that with a sense of panic a very stubbornly high rate of violent crime and you have all the conditions for fake news to turn into real death used to have almost even before we did maybe you know but it leads to believing the lies and this is not strictly on the region but knowing what was once it works are interesting for the skill of these going to be much bigger and it is much harder to most people be going through this problem besides the raising of information you know more of. this is the centralization and creating chaos and also the sense of mission that it can so the voices definitely is one of the. new phenomenon that is going to be it's going to see not only going
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to be you are. going to look at how much is going into the country hands and we need to also discipline some of these so it's from wireless these. are let's take a look at some news making out across our desk this hour some breaking news in fact multiple people have been injured in a shooting in the canadian city of toronto this is in the dan forth area in an area known as greektown this according to paramedics multiple people seriously injured in fact now unconfirmed reports suggest that ten people may have been shot including a child the victims have been taken to the hospital the child has been taken to a pediatric trauma center. police say that the shooter is said no longer to be active you're looking at live. pictures of the scene right now you can see there are police cars and an area cordoned off. in the neighborhood it looks like
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a wide area has been blocked off there here is a witness account of the incident. or at least twenty shots in the intervals in the clip being spent reloading clipping spent reloading clip being spent that's what i heard and then i saw the carnage as they went down the street here to kind of follow the gunfire i guess pretty crazy i saw at least four people shot here by the fountain as you say it so we came out of the restaurant here so i missed that and the other person in dimitri's they assume was shot because it was a lot of action going on there towels trying to grab trying to help people out i guess what they were doing that's all i saw here and you know obviously the police are right now i'm sitting there watching this. now again you're looking at live pictures this incident took place on dan fourth avenue near logan avenue in the greektown area in toronto it happened around ten o'clock pm local time there outside of
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a restaurant police responded when witnesses heard up to twenty five gunshots again live pictures you can see active police scene as they have the area blocked off right now police do say that it is not an active shooter situation at this time of course our news team is following the situation and as more information becomes available and as it develops we will be giving you that information to you as well . it's. not a financial survival job today with all the money laundering first to visit this cash industry different. oh good that's a good start well we have our three banks all set up here maybe something in europe something in america something overseas in the cayman islands it will pull these
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banks are complicit in the kleptocracy we just have to give mccoll and say ok i'm ready to do some serious money laundering ok let's see how we did well we've got home got a nice luxury watch for max and for stacy oh beautiful jewelry how about. luxury automobile again for max you know what money laundering is highly illegal. much keyser because. hello and welcome to cross talk where all things considered i'm peter lavelle some call donald trump a traitor and the helsinki summit treasonous as the media continue to.
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