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tv   News  RT  July 23, 2018 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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standing five hundred meters away they could easily see that civilians were around a few minutes later they began bombing the area and killing people deadlier strike killed fourteen enough children among the victims r t speaks to witnesses on the scene also ahead. b.b.q. launching a new twenty four seven four c. language t.v. channel that will span not only television but radio digital and social media format after withdrawing from the iran nuclear deal on threatening new sanctions the u.s. launches a media campaign against tehran. an investigative journalist group redfish. germany's on the straight claiming. is above board.
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mentioned. something. around the clock across the world this is r.t. international from the team and myself you know welcome to the program our top story fourteen people including children have been killed in an earth strike in afghanistan in what was meant to be a military operation against the taliban it's not yet clear if it was carried out by afghan or u.s. aircraft spoke to witnesses at the scene a warning some viewers may find the following images the story. is going to kind of out. you were there on the go no one with you tomorrow night is
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ready but you're going to want to look it over that you were here don't see this when i get off most of the day are women and children afghan official saying the u.s. claims it did conduct airstrikes in the area insisting though that there were no the civilian casualties but the report right goes to. seventeen years the nile is propaganda by the enemy foreign troops are our friends and we don't target civilians u.s. forces did conduct strikes and on the ground assessments of those strikes reveals no indications they caused civilian casualties. taliban propaganda they claimed with an on the ground assessment to prove it who can argue with that almost sounds like the results of a scientific experiment would have helped of course of that actually visited the place. the americans never visited this area and i'm witness to this
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national defense forces visited the area to check in first they wouldn't let us drink out the dead and injured. foreigners didn't visit this area. they are lying a delegation came here from the local governments and security officials ok so if you take the locals all of them at their word it's the afghan army that lied to the american troops it wasn't until the neighbors relatives erupted in outrage that authorities admitted to potential civilian deaths even the un is on the case so what actually happened. standing five hundred meters away they could easily see that civilians were around a few minutes later they began bombing the area killing people. i saw the bombardment with my own eyes the americans first used artillery they bombarded my
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home and my aunt's home without giving us a chance to flee. then they used to pig and we felt like we were in hell all around us was covered by gunpowder and dust my sister and all my family members were unconscious. on the first shell the area where there was an aircraft bombarded it with three bombs. and one wounded we dug out the victims from the rubble with one missing and found the hand and shoulders and you other parts of one mark and buried him. the victims in the house owner's wife and daughter in law for. those four grandchildren two sons and more difficult to spin them as enemy fighters even with the pentagon's notorious guilty until proven innocent casualty counting mechanism and locals survivors don't have a lot of faith in justice. my expectations are that they will tell us it was
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an arson so and no proof that there were taliban fighters you know this is not the first time. they always kill civilians and never give us a chance to speak up so that they can say that they killed the taliban. no no no i have seen no one help the family i have lived here for a long time during which time some now and they have never seen anyone given eight . province which is partly controlled by the taliban has a history of strikes go in a straight in two thousand and fifteen when the us had the doctors without borders ospel killing forty two the pentagon denied that at first until eventually barack obama himself had to apologize in the last year when the u.n. investigation found that the u.s. had killed ten civilians in a different air strike again denied that even offered
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a thorough investigation and again eventually ended up apologizing or in response to requests from nato repeated its statement that no civilian casualties resulted from u.s. or strikes. the expect details from an afghan investigative team in the coming days and the war activist richard becker sees denial has become second nature for the american military. well i think there's been hundreds and hundreds of such incidents in afghanistan every single time we really hear of one of these incidents like this this one it can do is we hear oh they were all terrorists at first and then someone goes out media go out in the interview the villagers and they say no they were just villagers and then the military says well will conduct an investigation and then it's off into the ether and you know very little ever happens no matter how terrible the atrocities are but this pattern happens over and
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over again and no matter what kind of apologies or excuses are given that it's repeated and it's repeated and repeated over and over again. to another headline stories this hour germany is one of the world's largest arms manufacturers and exporters but investigative reporters redfish claim that not all german arms are so legally here's part of their report which can be found in full on the redfish you tube page. mentioned. understands he starts to tell his son. as a. fellow. germany gets a lot of praise for its reasonable approach to politics but the german government
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has a dirty secret while germany prides itself on having some of the toughest arms export laws on the planet it's actually the fourth biggest arms exporter in the world lawyer holder wrought by hour has taken one of the country's major on as manufacturers and one of the world's biggest small arms producers infamous heckler and koch to court they stand accused of illegally shipping weapons to conflicts heckler and koch trying. is not using that word too often it's historic it's a reading historic because it shows the i would call it blasphemy this is to cool off at records of the german government because the term and people the eagle on shipments they're accused of include sixteen batches of g thirty six assault rifles some of which ended up being used in a tragedy which shook the world. in two thousand and fourteen forty three students
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became collateral in mexico's bloody war on drugs when they were kidnapped by corrupt police who handed them over to the new tory is guerrero's to needles drug cartel at least several of the students were killed by the heckler and koch rifles the company is incredibly hostile the media interest and public attention it didn't take long for the police to arrive to stop us from filming in the town's residents were particularly enthusiastic to speak to a seal we approached heckler and koch multiple times to discuss the allegations cited in this report unfortunately despite all our efforts were very happy to see us. like wow. you don't want to say something. to me to get an export license german arms manufacturers have to go through several government ministries who will check that the shipment destination isn't subject to any sort of ban by german law if it is in
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the arms company's application fails then they have another option they can appeal to the federal security council and here's where things get interesting this council is made up of a handful of senior ministers who sit down with the german chancellor angela merkel in a secretive meeting where they review the application and decide whether to approve it or not the details of this meeting are never made public there is no media presence or independent scrutiny. well the heckler and koch company in question say they are fully cooperating with the investigation while also actively country beating to clarify any incidents the defendant's lawyers are quoted as saying that the guns legally went to a well controlled police depo in mexico. germany. will resettle eight members of the controversial rescue group the white helmets as
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well as their families after they were evacuated by israel from syria canada britain and france of also pledged to receive some of the four hundred twenty two helped out of the region we went through the story earlier. well the praise that this massive relocation effort has received in the west from some of the most senior people in charge seems absolutely unanimous it is of course but barely anyone of those joining in the course has actually spoken to civilians on the ground and r t how has done that and i'll tell you what there really is a rather strong contrast between what the big names are saying now and the things that we heard when we talked to these syrians that we've been able to get these brave people and their families out of syria after the extraordinary work they've done saving lives this video shows them helping the people but they only help the
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rebel fighters they really those close to them the last thing they cared about is civilians we complained for the ever creation of the white helmets and i were grateful now that this was successful and that some of these people and their families can be accommodated here in germany where no one did anything out of humanitarian concerns it was all about money the join the white helmets and others only for money no one cared about the syrian people and what was the urgency behind this relocation well right now the syrian government troops are making some serious advances in the south of the country and that's where areas have long been held by the militants that are seeking to overthrow the assad government and i can tell you that there have already been attempts successful attempts i should say to move some of these rebels to the country's north where areas are held by some elements of the syrian opposition but now it seems it is turned to relocate the white house
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although they are being moved abroad and this is perhaps another sign that these people have long had some political connections with the west and after all it is no secret that the group is being kept. afloat with cash from western countries and some cases that's taxpayers' money which means millions of dollars and the white helmets have been working very hard on building and maintaining not just a positive image but an image of heroes their networking their p.r. efforts our ferd's to visualize their rescue activities are really impressive but all of this may backfire if you cheat all that was used in april by those trying desperately to prove that the assad government used chemicals against children and duma was. video but later the very same people who featured in it insisted
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that the entire rescue operation after the chemical attack this day. we were in the basement and then heard someone outside scream go to hospital they were scared they started to pour water on me i don't know why they did this. you can easily think of other controversies for instance videos with jihad as holding executions and then suddenly out of nowhere men wearing white helmets showing up or videos when people wearing white helmets were waving al qaida flags plus you can just take a look at some of the things our correspondent saw when he tried to trace the footsteps of the notorious group on the ground in syria here's what you'll find in one of the rooms of the former white helmets headquarters here in. aleppo bomb elements. as well as detonate does hundreds and hundreds of
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empty bullet casings this was by all appearances a weapons factory of all making factory over here shrapnel. this is what they put in boredom stew cause horrendous casualties over there you'll see an industrial mix up again. what they used to mix chemicals and gunpowder so clearly there's a lot of inconsistency is here how these concerns been ignored by western governments all together no not in all cases you may remember when the white helmets won an oscar for a documentary about the things they were doing when that's when their leader was invited to the u.s. for the awards ceremony but then he was banned from entering the country and that was something that led to a rather awkward situation at a u.s. state department briefing is the u.s. taxpayer supporting a group whose leader you have banned from coming to the states i mean if you have
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reason to revoke his visa that he could be a security threat or something like that why would again you just support but again trying to separate this individual from their roots so the government is saying that basically that he is suspect which is. well again i can't say this is a go against against him and i'm sorry. so it might indeed get complicated when it comes to some elements of the white helmets group and the security back home you know lots of reaction to this including from russia's foreign ministry which is a statement saying that the white house it's fleeing syria show this they are hypocritical and not just there to tend to civilians all the risk who is a middle east affairs expert believes not all the western states that initiated the evacuation would readily resettle the white helmets members but this actually reflects. which they're worse find itself and it's finds itself supporting
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terrorists in one way or another oh well the west to allow these people to settle in sort of in these countries in the us i'm not sure i don't think that they will allow what i think. that would really reveal their wish to be true hypocritical but i think that in other countries yes they will be allowed to settle down under this a label with food like that these people are freedom fighters or involved in rescue operations i also would like to point to the following that yes they're here in beirut i heard information i trued to to certain sources that amongst those who were activated not just members of the so-called white helmet suppose in addition to that intelligence officials from nato from certain gulf arab countries in the gulf like you know saudi arabia etc so i think there's a lot more to this story than what is being portrayed in the mainstream media the
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rhetoric between donald trump and iran is ramping up we've got the story after this . to prepare the program i had to look at a lot of material listened to a lot of material and also reviewed a lot of material that that was appalling. and not only that when you get these images into your head and of course the images that i was to befall more graphic than anything i could include enough in a television. show seemed wrong. just.
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yet to shake out this day. and it. equals betrayal. when some find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. hello again donald trump. once more he tweeted on sunday that iran should not threaten the us otherwise it will face serious consequences never ever threaten the united states again or you will suffer consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before we are no longer a country that will stand for your demented words of violence and be cautious
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america should know that peace with iran is the mother of all peace and war with iran is the mother of all wars. well u.s. senators have echoed the criticism of tehran but there's very little new there as they took a similar stance before the round deal was hammered i'd back in twenty fifty p. run supports terrorism iran has been listing missiles iran tramples on human rights the things that they are doing to support terrorism ballistic missiles their human rights violations yes they are iran is a serious threat to. presence around deal would allow the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism. to retain thousands of centrifuges this is a regime that funds terrorism all around the world or with washington and tehran trading insults artie's paulus leader takes a look at what's next for the u.s. secretary of state explained america will not target the media in iran to try and
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change perceptions there covertly plotting terror attacks in the heart of europe destroying israel at the core of the regime's ideology that's committed supported many acts of violence and terrorism against both countries now the united states is undertaking a diplomatic and financial pressure campaign to cut off the funds that the regime uses to enrich itself in support death and destruction the b.b.c. is launching a new twenty four seven four c. language t.v. channel that will span not only television but radio digital and social media format so that ordinary iranians inside of iran and around the globe can know that america stands with them. the situation between the united states and iran remains extremely tense and as we see now happening the u.s. has set its sights on the us media in terms of how to deal with this we've heard the announcement from the u.s. secretary of state that they launching a twenty four seventh's foresee channel that it will be under the banner of the b.b.
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which stands for the broadcasting of governors this comprises different radio and t.v. outlets and back in two thousand and sixteen it was seized a budget of some seven hundred and fifty million dollars now what we're hearing is that this new farsi channel will also be available on digital and on social media and we heard the u.s. secretary of state say that for forty years the iranian people had been subjected to hearing from their leaders about what a great satan the united states was and that now finally they wouldn't have to subject themselves to fake news but tried to saying this also said that the united states was undertaking tough measures against iran of course these comments has prompted an immediate angry reaction from tehran. do not blame you would be lying or else you will regret it. now compare also said that the united states was not afraid to challenge you ran with sanctions at the highest level and he called on
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other countries to also jointly combine in these economic sanctions you also went on to say that the united states was undertaking a diplomatic and financial pressure campaign against iran that they were planning on cutting off funds to so that to quote the regime would no longer be able to involve itself in death and destruction you also said that they will put in maximum pressure on the regime's ability to regenerate and move money now of course we're waiting to hear what other measures the united states is planning on putting in place we know for example that the next round of sanctions goes into effect on the fourth of august so certainly relations between the two countries increasingly tense. into this the nuclear deal was struck between global powers under ran back in twenty fifteen in it iran agreed to some limitations to its nuclear program in exchange for sanctions being lifted but the us unilaterally withdrew from the dream and in many other signatories are determined that the agreement stays in
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place a political analyst we spoke to believes iran's had to change its approach to try and bring about a new deal with the u.s. every interesting of this change of tone and tactics that the iranian president has displayed no it's not very surprising for the trumpet ministration and president trump himself having a very strong tone towards iran this is this is been consistent but we could see that the president has changed his tone differently than before this is a way of trying to get into the negotiating table in another way that this pragmatic approach that he had before has not been for full and stead now he's offering rhetorical jostling with the united states in the hope of reaching going back to the negotiating table once again. they want to bring you story now from russia where six prison wardens have been detained in the country's central region
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of jaroslav all on a criminal investigation has been opened that's after a video showing an inmate being physically abused not a facility very surfaced online the local prosecutor's office sais that was recently detained were all involved in the incident from last year here's our. well it all started last friday when a ten minute was published showing an inmate in a russian phrase and being tortured by a large group of men around ten or wearing the uniform of that president's guards shortly after the video leak federal investigators opened a criminal case to investigate their views of authority using violence but the most striking thing about this case of course is that the incident shown in the video happened more than a year ago in june two thousand and seventeen and the question may now ask is that why didn't the investigators get a closer look at what's going on behind bars in that prison in russia central
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regional level earlier with as close as we talk to the man who in two thousand and seventeen was the head of russia's civil monitoring commission and prisoners rights watch took in russia they are monitoring the conditions in which they made all across russia are kept and he has told me that they had tried to alert the authorities before. the civil monitoring commission received information that there had been cases of physical abuse against inmates we visited that penitentiary facility and found four inmates who had bruises on their legs and buttocks the civil monitoring commission is not in a position to collect video evidence or hand it over to other entities so we notified the prosecutor's office of the facts we found the yaroslavl regions investigative committee found no grounds to open a criminal investigation. now after the vagaries leaked of a criminal case is. the latest is that six people all allegedly connected to the incident have been detained with
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a report saying that seventeen employees of the jail had been suspended from duty and all the materials computers documents are being checked by the investigators. that's the way monday's news is shaping up to join me again at the top of the hour for the latest headlines more great programs right ahead in our two. thanks guys it's my that'll survival guide. when customers go by you reduce the price. in elf well reduce a lot of. that's undercutting but what's good for market is not good for the global economy. for man or sitting in a car when the phipps gets shot in the head.
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all four different versions of what happened one of them is on the death row there's no way he could have done it there's no possible way because the list did not shoot around a corner. and what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. some want to. have to go on to be pros this is what before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the was in the. first sip.
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i'm sophie chevre not say isis propaganda hasn't trapped a lot of men and women of european origin enticing them to join the terror called there he top in promises. has minsky the golden globe and bafta winning british
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director spent months researching their stories and just recently presented a film in the state about critics who travel to this la mixtape well he's my guest today. are in states based on public ultraviolet only to wage war and then everyone around the price this may seem like hell to most people but its claim to pure islam never fails supporters from around the world what happens to the new recruits once they get to the caliphate what is life like under the strict moral police and the constant threats on air strike and what happens to those relations about state after their eyes. paris minsky welcome to the show it's really great to have you on our program so perry your film the state which is about british muslims going to join isis has been criticised for giving terrorists a human face now.


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