tv Documentary RT July 25, 2018 12:30am-1:01am EDT
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for. in two thousand and thirteen any clinton young who was on death row in texas and making a documentary on the death penalty and talk to him about his situation but you've been here for anti-rape i've been here since two thousand. i was not a much better of it in my other days were there now thirty thirty just out there in july. our present i'll just say fresh elections but at the. present past our mayor. had some i was why did they gotta make it to thirty you know and now that later this i was been on my twenty's on there for all-stars.
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and has been convicted of murder being involved in gang culture he refuses to talk to the police when he's arrested and these are on trial from juvenile prison where he had done some time for burglary. and the other. harris had a residence there for clinton it goes without saying that you don't inform on others but the other young three men arrested with him have no such qualms they will claim that clinton is the killer. rather nasty use her i grew close to those cars while walking around that's one clue no show. more. than a few. of your half of our government here it's only. after i told clinton asks me in a letter to look at this case with an open mind he says he is not the killer and
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claims his co-defendants make plea deals with the da when i look at this case i immediately know something is seriously wrong there are no fingerprints or d.n.a. or any other evidence that clinton committed the two murders only statements based fellow suspects mark darnell and david which show substantial discrepancies. they realize all the stuff i have my base they don't want me to get it before the course so they'll know it when i see it's not about justice it's about. a cold the statistic i wanted your vehicle power. ok the best four years i examined testimonies uncovered withheld information such as crucial ballistic research i also talked to involved parties and witnesses i hope to get an answer to the question could it really be that the wrong man is on death row. to go get in a vehicle. you still put your eye on him and this dear he'll. these
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no excuse me but. my the fence is i didn't kill nobody i don't know them i was on the way we're supposed to that you know who's going to go buy some blunts marijuana so yours you know and then things took a turn the guy got shot and then at that point i was worried about you know trouble . they were patient and else on the corner mark rey shot him later on this is what happened but i don't have a fear from the troops. where
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there is the goal of the. time. is right. that's how this is. done now she should have seen what happened right so he was leaving he last about where he was sitting at yeah yeah he was in and they all it was it was not the middle he said directly behind me because i had time like this and talked to all of the because mark rey says he was there they was it my way why was it i guess because he thinks i did it so he don't want to be land grab behind me in case i tried he said he was in the middle so he can rag yes i guess that's the only thing i can think of but he was not said in the middle that car i don't know if that's the car seating what do you think was the car seating are member of course it was dual me david paige mark rey darnell mccoy ok so no one actually said that that was
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the car cd so now that i'm with iris and four versions i may have i remember like i can even say the song it was playing on the radio at the time i had was superman by three doors down i mean i just lost i remember i have our guess i got a better memory than. right when you know the houses are going to stay so no car yes they blow out into jr went up there and want to round the house for jr. and while you walk around out you know if you're spot on i will survive we are from the south from the. blue jay are you. and me the three of you all go off to the car whatever it is in j.r. comes from around the house and he gets kind of like group close to those cars by walking around that's one thing you know so and they would pay to stand outside the
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car walking up to the car a shot and they had shot here s.s. once they had the windows rolled down and they like that when you hit them. go the next reflexes d'orsay back up and fell forward and that's what pace i'm going to back a head and then i jumped out the car so we're playing it they are somewhere outside of coral here then one place. it was then right and right in front by the dory stand there. a conversation on your show. what wellcome play no one on car ride before and during the past that point it shows you go wow. ok before you were sitting like clint was it no let it slip away like this and he said to the girl no wonder my view is and when he was going to see what was going to sue doll was paying attention to to
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a jr reach and open the door so jr reaches over to the door. with his son. why. is this. can you remember how you felt when the first shots were fired it was like. i don't know i mean. i can't really describe. our listeners thinking. damn well. you know and. i don't know if it's because of commitment to being a social extremely violent environment that it actually i mean in some ways non-meat sort of violence i mean but it's different when someone right before your eyes gets shot shot in the head right i wasn't looking so i mean it was i got hurt
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i was looking out the car like this and i heard it. first i didn't know what happened. keep mom said rob a side door and this dude shooting into the core so i started because of a pager and i didn't know what he was doing i just as i look we're going to the door i was like man. the little. likely is it because the two co-defendants who were there a lot of time they said that clinton was sitting here pulled his gun from his waistband and shot him twice in the head how how likely is that is it possible.
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not just pulling you know they show me how to do it had this number here if you shot from right here yeah there's no way why would you hit me if i do this probably one even hates you because you probably miss you because you're not a man on this distance you can still miss it yes if you just pour your in there like this here you can miss this person trying to shoot the hit the body you can hit the head it's harder to hit because it's moving right but if if he was yes if he got shot in the head twice and kind of closed the bullet holes were kind of close there's no way he could have just pulled it out in shot like that because that's what they said they pull it out of his waistband kept it there and shot him from that point. on the side of the head was he an expert shooter no he was eighteen now ok there's no way he could have shot like that and hit the person twice i'm here because you have to be an expert you had to do a lot of training and in eighteen years out there's no way he could have done it
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there's no possible way. because bullets do not shoot around a corner. or you decided you know you know you want to go in with. with you know you go through we were there was a lot of. we are here because we're good. where you have to be a good job to do is. my favorite picture this is. this is probably want. that one and how these and here. probably first grade. yeah first grade and there's the one in the suit that's my favorite. he was like. three one that's really going my
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favorite what was he all dressed up for just spoke to go get a picture taken. he still has the same smile need to stay smile. how is it for you to visit him. can't wait to get there and hate to leave it's real emotional. in the us every time you know. every day you know he's limited. a box. his love baby. when set in that prison or he'll pick you up to come home.
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million million indeed i'm not i'm not picking on you tube even thought you'd be chubby don't want to be a man on my own that i got mediocre like i mean because. in a world of big group logs and kids. it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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i just remember being so typical i. go to brother little sister i mean we. you know i remember playing together i remember. kaskade riden by then and going in the woods and build a fort and. i also remember he know me locking him out of the house and as spot. my hand. facepalm. he was he was good but he is a good brother her. job
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like i was that way the woods. jr could. put him out into you know you know. or you know it was going to point and in jr quick they picked him up and carried him to the little river and they rode him on his bed so that way to drown or if you don't die in the blues you need to drown first i did have a smart raid to shoot them are a good twenty two a block or a sound of them did. their job voluntarily van tell us what happened down here where everybody wore their
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regard for that separate the sort of fact this is the road where the body was finally. over to fill. the cold will put the bike over a fool. he ran around to the front and got by who pulled. their money down to the polls a full third or so yes body out of body i am falling on. my stuff right now sat on my shoulders i felt. everything that. malil what they talked about the back of a car or anything like that or when i was away from home or i don't know where i went out how threatened they all had loaded gun shots and.
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there was armed. margrave was on. one or. two tweets are losing a very good. point to grab it was chrome one alone knows. where you go you're there. on the phone to that. no more like a revolver it was a time to sort of let is. in the thirty eight were it would do short right so let's move to margaret. there with. the thirty eight is in position. was
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a position to. your it. for. profit margin offers where you drop mark off the job market office house a job you off right there on top of the e.u. did it all or what they're really after. where they were no wonder why is were they talked about oh he talked to you one vision and. it was due to do c.s. them to know what. you were. going to use. the. and some of thank you already what they hope was there was a problem really actually very i mean i've been up for days i was home and then for
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me i wasn't in the clear state of mind. at that point i just wanted to get away from everything and that's why i left east texas and that's what i don't get why you don't just get away from the stats but geez date with one of those they would want i asked myself why are you man same question why i am this time around or whatever right. i know that any normal person would have said i am called police you know but i don't have a normal life and i mean i mean i'm not i'm really blame it on my life so much as for the conditions are certain things you know as the way you respond to critical situations. i just want to go to sleep as that's all i want to do that's why did i want to sleep. i just got a gas. station. they have a guest in
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a parking lot this isn't daughter's car right now and i was over and i got out when a sob berkshire's and i got. this fright the sunflower seeds and the buy one get one free pack of more cigarettes are come out and that's when pais was already in the truck. in his truck with a treat yes and so when i seen a situation i recognized it was something that was what was the situation he was there while he was in a drug he was on. he said there is also my right and was there ever was another passenger seat. and so i looked over at my man i was up and he said when he said when he had no vehicle and so i was like man come on i hopped in a car took off right. amount
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of time to this second murder and went to sleep and the gunshots will be up. down the trunk and i say no i want persons down there are very brave why i asked them why he sued them and he said he knew my name just. one same a petri. dish. that took a toll on me because i'm like and this dude i don't want to have a family i mean this is the type of man that i was raised to respect. it's now i
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said there a shot i get are even more cold if it who was that they would page. it was i guess who was not supposed to that ok he's not somebody that they need thing or harmed anybody in any kind of way. and so i'm like and then reality said man. everything is all come back on me too so self-preservation with their self-preservation kicks in i mean people say why did you call the police what it was an option i mean i mean that was what i considered option. i said look i don't know what to do when to get away from me yeah and to get out the truck and did he tell you i'm going to turn myself in and he has that yeah he did but i wouldn't i mean i want to thank him my they look like they're going to give it all of me right now and then so i was like ok i don't care what you do just get away from me.
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and i was wondering what are the odds that that they've it page will tell what happened i don't know. if they. i don't know i mean i guess s. between him and whatever god he's choosing a warship right now you know. him or any are after him how are you i mean any system can get to see and to see. so he dropped you off for a draw. but how much sense does that make if he if he held at gun point he didn't he hold your gun point right he just felt afraid because he was carrying a gun around the senate and i really like anything you try to try to get away with
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get away from like that if i had a gun and i'm holding you. or even if i'm not holding your drug along with me and you know i've done killed two people you're going to try to talk your way and get away from me. whether or not work we're cool or not you're going to try and get away from so one form or fashion and it took me that long to figure out ok cool that's the way i'm going to be able to do this and be able to manipulate him letting me go by telling him to get out get away from here you know martin him in my opinion yes. we're going to work with the police chase they say why did you run and if you're not if you're i can't see but i did not know i was wanted for murder alone for world there's a gun in the truck i'm going to marry the deal i'm outside of the city limits a world supposed to be i'm going back to do.
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by refusing to talk to police about it. or use one up while sorceress are fuselage police theory. i mean because i know how it is isis eeriest charge and i've been involved because i know how they do things so i'm not talking we all do without an attorney. but why didn't he when he don't hate us because. you know i said. i was caught up in history cultural my ass it we don't talk to the police you don't form one of the people right but if you know that it came to me and i mean i'm not saying it's right or wrong you know sand i mean if it was like a child or some might that some might hurt a child in this there's different you know i mean this is i started one years old now so i see the nonsense and these quote unquote rules to all these drug dealers and stuff and gamers stuff. and i'll say this right with this what i'm here to at the time and at the time it was to me i'm not so it probably is nothing and so i didn't know that they would put it on me and i will get these people in trouble to
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get myself out of trouble it was my whole business and writes i'm not going to say now had i known that they were going to give the state was against me already that i want to say hello to love you know but at the same time i'm doing is a mom until my mom's donnell so you can tell me all molly but i think he's one of the first told the police it and i read a statement. although i don't know where it came from or why it happened at way but i mean as a sister or. even. more clearer. remember. this is the.
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keep. pushing them but there are still a few i.c.u. sleeper cells hidden in places such as the desert the forests on the islands of the tweakers river and among civilians there are still some. it's possible for groups of militants to go into houses and slaughter entire families eisold doubles the number of attacks in iraq with experts saying the state media there is trying to avoid panic by keeping quiet about the true level of violence. the us media and politicians alarm sounds at the idea of a second summit between donald trump and ladysmith putin despite a recent poll suggesting most americans are in favor of closer ties. and facebook is mocked for banging out the times in featuring plan.
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