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tv   News  RT  July 25, 2018 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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but there is still some fear it's possible for groups of militants to go into houses and slaughter entire families the islamic state terror group doubles the number of attacks in iraq a government security advisor stays the state media that is trying to avoid panic by keeping quiet about the true level of violence. the number i saw kidnapping surge since may now the special forces to not have enough resources to conduct and started as they're hiding out in most mountainous areas. the us media and politicians lash out at the idea of a second summit between donald trump and florida may appear to despite a recent poll suggesting most americans are in favor of closer ties. and facebook is not for banning our ties in featuring classic works by the flemish
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artists rupert's due to their portrayal of nudity if you have a social media account you're going to take you away from the nudity thing to protect you against nudity even if artistic in nature. for a warm welcome when you're watching r t international with me nicky aaron that we start with a developing story from syria where fifty people have been killed and dozens wounded in a series of terror attacks in the southwest of the country the most serious was in the city of psuedo one suicide bomber detonated explosives in a market place there and two others were killed by a tease before they could carry out an attack other assaults occurred in villages near the city state t.v. says islamic states are behind the attacks.
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meanwhile in iraq. state is apparently trying to make a comeback with the number of terror attacks doubled in the past month in the country as according to a security advisor of the iraqi government we spoke to iraq declared a final victory over eisel last december. and. in june the ice stepped up their activity according to government data there were eighty three cases of the doctors and. that's twice the number in may the world and i still have been devastated and the government military crackdown we have asked the iraqi ministry of internal affairs to comment on this and will bring to you their response as soon as we get it the u.s. started its campaign in twenty fourteen and is continuing to strike terrorist targets in iraq there are downstairs reports on the fight to eradicate the harvests . it took very needy the entire world united to defeat
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isis caliphate didn't syria and iraq they did it they destroyed the caliphate it will be it's a huge cost and proclaim victory some did more proclaiming than others coalition to defeat isis has liberated very close to one hundred percent of the terror but done a great job with those as we have just absolutely decimated isis is absolutely obliterated isis in iraq a case of celebrating a little early isis was never beaten and they lost the battles but the war's far from over they've gone back to basics hidden run raids assassinations insurgency terror but. there is still some fear it's possible for groups of militants to go into houses and slaughter entire families if you were there you probably know want to stay if i were to go back he would protect me and my family
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and they would just come over and slaughter us and forces and they come to protect their lives in iraq isis has gone underground these area of iraq is colloquially become known as the triangle of death because of this new insurgency. they operate in small groups half a dozen jarvis that moves making it incredibly difficult to track them down. because remember there are still a few i saw a sleeper cells hidden in places such as the desert the forests on the islands of the ticker is river and among civilians few sleeper cells doesn't do it justice kidnappings killings have sawed as much as ten fold in just a few months in iraq a government advisor told us they target officials plan. bombs set up think roadblocks and murder will then vanish sometimes with prisoners.
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the families children of these soldiers that were kidnapped by isis begged the government for help to find whoever kidnapped them to secure their release anything they got nothing and what an attorney i mean those are the men protected the prime minister the minister of health and many other things since this is there. that's been dumped here on the floor. some of the hostages there their bodies into lated likely tortured before death and their corpses rigged with explosives and the government's afraid afraid of people finding out how bad it's becoming. iraqi state media is staying silent about the kidnapping also says not to spread panic can hinder the government's rescue of the number of ice or kidnappings the surge since many another special forces do not have enough resources to hundred
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militants down is they're hiding out in remote mountainous areas i still have managed to find sources of funding in the so-called triangle of death they terrorize the locals hundreds of villages in that area have been depopulated but now the terrorists use them as military bases jails and commando units iraq is a crossroads it learned to level the cities to defeat isis is caliph it but that doesn't work anymore isis is an idea of zealotry fanaticism it's also an outlet for desperation for violence for blood thirst and ideas of the hardest of all to kill. a second meeting between donald trump and lattimer putin seems to be a step closer the kremlin has confirmed that is. received an official invitation to a summit in washington at the end of the year recent polls show over half of
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americans surveyed back a second summit all over sixty percent believe that better relations with russia would be beneficial to pull the u.s. in the meantime the u.s. state department spokesperson say she does not believe that russia has received a formal invitation that would be something that would come out of the white house so it's you know you'd have to direct that question to the white house about whether or not it was a formal invitation i don't believe it's been a formal invitation but really i'm speaking that's out of my lane and so i just refer you back to the white house my understanding is that nothing has been set up at this point the u.s. media has been voicing concerns over the possibility of trump and putin building closer relations many describe the first summit in helsinki as the manifest that manifestation of a new world order samir khan looks into the hysteria the first summit calls. we don't trust russia we don't trust we never well they're never going to be our friend that's just a fact this president is dangerous he's in bed with putin all of his allies have
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connections with russia the kremlin and the oligarchs i think he is putin's apprentice the next time the two leaders meet could be at the g twenty summit in argentina or right here in d.c. in the nation's capital and apparently john bolton national security advisor will be working out all the logistics the next time he's in moscow but the last meeting the helsinki summit that took place last week provoked a total hysteria here in the us of the media accuse trump of treason just for talking to putin calling him names like a trader a week poppy a kremlin stooge putin's puppet and even accused him of being affiliated with the f.s.b. and the k.g.b. so it was totally outlandish. i don't know which
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side is the bride and which side of the groom enters it but it is there were sort of feels like we're in a wedding you have been watching perhaps one of the most disgraceful performances by an american president why is president trump putting himself in this vulnerable high stakes in area and letting lattimer putin lead. man that even president trump now says interfered in u.s. democracy invited to the white house and now the president has apparently doubled down. to washington so let's collude again. and there's been no let up in the russian meddling allegations to secure the secretary of homeland security told reporters the government needs to prepare for further into ferentz coming from russia trying to quickly find back at that statement saying most scary might meddle in coming elections but only to help the democrats. and there you can see russia will be fighting very hard to have an
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impact on the upcoming election based on the fight the new president has been tough from russia to me they will be pushing very hard for the democrats they definitely don't want trump in the latest larry king show politicking c.n.n. journalist jake tapper says that chunk still does not believe the allegations against russia after president trump had publicly sided with putin. over the u.s. intelligence agencies over whether or not russia interfered in the election dan coats put out a letter affirming that it was in fact russia. president trump tried to walk that back but as we saw just recently president from just called the russia allegations of russian interference hoax so we know he doesn't believe that dan coats is in the doghouse because he is saying what he thinks is true and what the intelligence community reports to be true. is john kelly still got the quality you had. i don't think so but it's also just
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a question of can anyone rein in president trump can anyone try to get president trump to act the way that a normal president would act to back the intelligence community to back his own intelligence officers to not lash out emotionally on twitter and i don't think john kelly could it has obviously been able to has not been able to do that i don't think there's anyone that could really be able to get president trump to do that whether it's a vodka and jared or priebus or whoever i mean president trump is going to be who he is he. facebook has shocked the all twelve by banning advertising featuring the what's the seventeenth century flemish taste peter paul rubens and he says that they delved into the control to see. full centuries these works were considered priceless treasure as and masterpieces and now that contentious well according to facebook it
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appears the platforms take box approach to ads means that console the difference between art and pornography annoying art galleries and museums all of about open from visits one does to mark zuckerberg about ruben's breasts we have noticed that facebook consistently rejects works of art by paul reubens even though we secretly have to laugh about it your cultural censorship is making life for all the difficult flaws in the append that add to the face but see they've even all suck a big to discuss the matter. so what is the seventeenth century artist well his baroque style paintings of famously known to feature nudes and cherubs sometimes delicately draped with cloth but this artistic taste is a big no no with the media john strict advertising rules this flemish tourist company thinking if he's not appropriate for facebook he's not appropriate for you and if you have
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a social media account we have to take you away from the nudity thing to protect your kids and your kids even if autistic nature this includes paintings individual bodies such as the budget speech leverage story but it's not just that we put your here in front of this painting we are. thank you for. facebook has said it's open to discussion but there is no doubt this is great payoff spin by museum courageous it is in fact possible to post artistic needs on facebook if it's part of an ad that is in the stricter guidelines and could be rejected but facebook might be playing it safe for different reasons back in two thousand and seventeen facebook came into fire for failing to may have sexual images of children and also failing to stop leaks revenge porn photos all this spot concerns in the face. moderation system facebook's very bought expenses flag up posts but it appears it makes it hard to distinguish between pornography and
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artistic nudity but when it comes to exploitation though you can be sure as a facebook user you'll be protected from ours in the video you just saw visitors to the ruben's house in antwerp jokingly prevented from seeing paintings by the rock monsters to protect them from new jersey the marketing director of visit flanders told us how people responded to the prank. well they are very funny actually because they were not always aware that this kind of artist or paintings are not able to be shown on the social media they were not aware of it and actually we were not aware of it either because we have planned a whole campaign of facebook to make the world aware of five hundred years of flemish masters and it was only in february that we found out that are all the new it in the paintings was blocked by facebook but we absolutely know the rules of
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facebook and about advertising but we would like actually it's an open invitation to facebook to make them rethink the rules that they have because we believe that not showing the nude in paintings is like covering up five hundred years of our art and western history i understand of course there need to be very clear little rules and very good at facebook pay so much attention but we think that might be possible to make a clear distinction between. mute in paintings or millet in art which is completely different from from newt or pornographic knew that. the u.s. senate has revealed this year's defense policy bill that puts conditions on u.s. arm sales to saudi arabia for that operation in yemen it wants reassurances from saudi arabia that it will do everything to end the mini civil war and eliminate civilian deaths but as caleb morgan explains there are ways round the policy. now
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at first glance it actually looks like washington is starting to distance itself from saudi arabia as one yemen as washington scrambles over to the new defense bill the circuitry of state would have to certify its congress that the saudi coalition is undertaking efforts to end the civil war and reduce the risk of harm to civilians. without the set's vacation the united states would be banned from refueling saudi coalition aircraft commissions exclusively focused on the civil war some media outlets are all over it but listen to the language undertaking efforts to end the civil war now that's a clever way of shielding themselves from criticism and allowing any real effort some measure their progress now the saudis have been saying the same thing for some time now that they are taking measures to cease the conflict and they've also been playing the mercy card they've actually donated a billion dollars to the united nations for relief in yemen but that's help for the very same country they've been bombing for over three years with civilians dying by
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the thousands. to. get. the thing is under u.s. arms control policy it's illegal to export arms to countries that target civilians well not anymore one word changes everything now the white house says it is legal to sell weapons to countries as long as they don't intentionally target civilians but when has it ever been intentional. and while the defense spending bill is being discussed the saudis already bagged themselves a new contract lockheed martin just signed
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a deal worth four hundred fifty million dollars all in the name of global security the deal will see saudi arabia acquire full of surface combat since it's possible large agreement with the u.s. to improve global security and support economic progress this is nothing other than an attempt. by congress to put lipstick on the pig in other words to make something that's gross and awful and illegal and immoral and go to make it look as if it's either better or getting better or the us congress people the elected officials don't want to embrace full responsibility now as congress debates this year's military spending bill including some vague language about saudi arabia the weapons deals just keep rolling in with the lives of civilians in yemen caught in the middle caleb r.t. new york the saudi led coalition started as bombing campaign against yemen in two
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thousand and fifteen against the rebels the coalition has conducted thousands of strikes down some have hit civilian areas however they always deny doing that intentionally saudi arabia says that the rebels pose a threat to its butis it does come after the break a right wing movement in germany that printed thrown money and pos board sees this in popularity will be right back. it's. everywhere in the world my guess is that probably just about everywhere women expect men to make that first move and here we are in an age where men are scared to make the first move don't know how to make the first move don't know what's right to make the first blow. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter to us is over one trillion
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dollars in debt more than ten thousand dollars fine champion each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you long to be old for bridge eight point six percent market saw thirty percent the first one is two years some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and when rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one one does not show you can afford to miss the one and only. welcome back the president of the european commission meets donald trump today and as many european leaders have already met the u.s. president they might have some useful advice.
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thank you very much but that's the speech if we can just prolong the few poems the united states what it's all natural for many decades that the united states of america sees itself as a regulatory paul for the whole world. is no longer the truth in the future and. i. think the you know once you get to work something out there we do work it out that will be positive and if we don't it will be positive also if we don't know what you're thinking about those cars are already here we'll go shopping but. thank you. we thank you.
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thank you thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you thank you. germany's domestic security service has raised me a lawless growing right wing extremist movement the country's interior ministry says the. more than sixteen thousand so-called citizens of the reich in the country
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the movement rejects the modern german state and prints its own passports and currency more than one thousand of them own firearms germany's interior minister says a number of them are prone to violence since. they are very diverse ideologically and in terms of organizations but five percent of them can be considered extremists briggs berger and extremists have in common is there an obsession with weapons. the same report also claimed that nearly eight hundred of the country's citizens are islamists and one hundred seventy of them are in prison or thora t.s.a. the increase brings new challenges but the country's agencies was strong enough to deal with it a member of the german left party who we spoke to believes there's a direct link between the rise of the far right and islamic radicalization. yeah
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backlash against the policy of the german government last year i think what we're seeing yes there and other services have let threat from right after this last days you know of it has you where we have just seen a court rule which has killed those multiple overstand margaret yes and at least at the service not just at the fall of adam or bill insurer government for importing the mess yes it is then most of the syrian refugees are not ridiculousness are what it is right now us was rediculus no terrorist. probably got reports that germany wants to take some of the white cards from syria well those people what are they going to do show me joy to this question of this. u.k. was recently shaken by a revelation from the house of lords committee that children who were recruited in
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police operations to infiltrate criminal gangs they say it endangers the youngsters mental and physical welfare afshin rattansi for marty's going underground spoke to a former undercover police officer he was aware of the practice certainly had several near death experiences. struck into the summer i saw with knives and various occasions stripped at gunpoint and you know you hear some of the information certainly from organizations like the children society they report the kind of things that's going on to children fall to these gangs already they are being forced to carry drugs in their rectum they're being intimidated and filmed in compromising situations that the level of intimidation that already exists is quite horrific and that should be enough information to to say to say that there is no policing solution to this and to ramp up. the violence even more by using child
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informants is just a strong way to go now i have to have to point out most people who have commented on this topic have rightly talked about the human rights and protecting the individual child involved a child who may be chosen to attack that's a legitimate point and i agree completely but we have to look at this in a broader sense the use of child informants like this will make it more dangerous for a free child exploitive because it will increase the violence and exploitation. you can share your thoughts on this story and everything else by following us on social media i'll be back at the top of the hour with the latest headlines join. the pleasures because it's guaranteed returns that there is being abused by the crooks there you know the guarantee to shovel it a lot of toxic garbage that is ending up is
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a guaranteed job because at the end of the day a lot of these pension accounts are not being cut back people who think that they had a pension are being told there's been run out you're out of touch any more you know what broke you have to go out in the street and beg for money go get addicted to heroin we don't want you anymore drop dead. join me every first week on the elec so i'm unsure when i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics or business i'm show business. the camera. well the ones that showed some of these for the.
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videos with the strings. down more on string i don't really don't t.v. . hello and welcome to crossfire we're all things considered i'm peter lavelle can you think of a more intriguing story line one that includes an attractive russian woman money guns politics power and yes unfortunately for maria this is not a story line but her life at the moment and she's the most recent victim of the west phobia towards all things related to russia.
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talking we're able to me i'm joined by my guest when mcgovern in washington he's a former cia analyst and co-founder of veterans intelligence professionals for sanity also in washington we have joe lauria he is the editor in chief of consortium news dot com and author of how i lost my hillary clinton with forward by julian assange and in london we have alexander me curious he's a writer on legal affairs as well as editor in chief of the duran dot com all right gentlemen crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate it ray let me go to you first in the swamp in washington d.c. . how do you what do you make of this story here because it is the timing is very interesting she's being charged for not being a. registering under the far law which i find quite interesting is that about half of washington d.c. does some kind of influence peddling for foreign countries when they're not registered as a foreign agent is she just being picked out because she's russian go ahead ray.
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well peter first full disclosure i want you to hear this from me rather than from the f.b.i. i may be called a coconspirator very quickly because i have met my the oh my god oh why oh yeah there may even be a picture of alongside her exile you eating i thought you were glowing i thought you were glowing ok go ahead keep going. it was it a midi meeting of the session an evening lecture of the committee for the republic very non non partisan actually mostly conservative group and i met her was about one hundred other people and there were a lot of people who had dinner together the evening so that's number one number two i attended the hearing last wednesday when she came in and her are in show suit there and was denied bail on the pretense that she was too dangerous a person that the f.b.i. had.


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