tv News RT July 25, 2018 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT
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headline stories. claims responsibility for a string of. these possible groups of militants to go. in neighboring iraq meanwhile islamic state. governments security and. to prevent. the number of high school kidnappings. special forces do not have enough resources . is there hiding out. it's revealed
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doctors were offered money by a u.k. casting agency to take part and then. during the visit of the country's leader to london. the french president goes on a trump like tirade against the media. valving. top security. from moscow to the world this international. company we begin with breaking news from syria medics in the southwestern city of suade told r.t. that the number killed in a series of terror attacks by islamic state has risen to almost one hundred fifty people. correspondent reports there from the scene of the first explosion.
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that the thought security has been strengthened in sway the province after a series of terror attacks that currently went on the square near the market where in the morning as you said bomber blew himself up in a crowd of people there are stalls all around people were shopping we can still see the puddles of blood and the body parts not far from here there's a square and a residential area where two of the suicide bombers tried to glow themselves up at a small tennessee islip carried out a massive offensive in the northeastern part of this way to prominence that they managed to take control of several villages but the syrian army that managed to free the territories who support from the locals but not before i still had killed and taken several people hostage as well as light two houses in the area. well the two suicide bombers of the marketplace we know words then shot dead by security forces while a third was arrested before they could detonate their explosive devices this string
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of attacks come president assad's forces advance against isel that's in sway to province near the front here with the israeli occupied golan heights damascus space correspondent mohammed ali has more on that if we look at the reasons behind such an attack at this time it's because the syrian army is launching an offensive against direst and particularly in the southern part of syria particularly inside the country side of this where they are also and yet a move valley northwest of that are they are the army has been carrying out military operations again and recently there have been advances significant advances for the syrian government forces over their course backed by russian air force all of these that are province is now secured except for about less than six percent which is are now under the control of the action the army is aiming to secure there are also some areas some small towns and villages that the army is working on securing whether militarily or via reconciliation deals moving to
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neighboring iraq now or until appears to be on the rebound there as well with its find hers launching a guerrilla campaign of kidnap and killing seven months after the iraqi prime minister declared victory over the group a security adviser to the government told us now a number of terror attacks in the country doubled from may into june. and. in june the ice who militants stepped up their activity according to government data there were eighty three cases with the doctors and killed civilians that's twice the number in may when i still had been devastated by the government military crackdown well we have sought comment from the iraqi ministry of internal affairs if and when they bring it to us we'll bring it to you right because the of the changing nature of the terror threat in iraq and the tactics being employed by a resurgent. it took very needy the entire world united to defeat isis caliphate didn't syria and iraq they did it they destroyed the
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caliph it will be it's a huge cost and proclaim victory some did more proclaiming than others coalition to defeat isis has liberated very close to one hundred percent of the terror but do a great job with those as we have just absolutely decimated isis just absolutely obliterated isis in iraq a case of celebrating a little early isis was never beaten and they lost the battles but the war's far from over they've gone back to basics hidden run raids assassinations insurgency terror but. there is still some fear it's possible for groups of militants to go into houses and slaughter entire families if you were there you probably know want to stay if i were to go back who would protect me and my family they would just come over and slaughter us and forces in the camp to protect their
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lives in iraq isis has gone underground this area of iraq has colloquially become known as the triangle of death because of this new insurgency. they operate in small groups half a dozen jihad the most making it incredibly difficult to track them down. because remember there are still a few i saw a sleeper cells hidden in places such as the desert the forests on the islands of the river and among civilians few sleeper cells doesn't do it justice kidnappings killings have sawed as much as ten fold in just a few months in iraq a government advisor told us they target officials plan. bombs set up fake roadblocks and murder will then vanish sometimes with prisoners.
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the families children of these soldiers that were kidnapped by isis begged the government for help to find whoever kidnapped them to secure their release anything they got nothing. i mean those are the men who protected the prime minister the minister of health and many other things this is their reward for this service been dumped here on the floor some of the hostages were found dead in their bodies mutilated likely tortured before death and their corpses rigged with explosives and the government's afraid afraid of people finding out how bad it's becoming you could iraqi state media is staying silent about the kidnapping also says not to spread panic can hinder the government's rescue the number of ice or kidnappings the surge since me and now the special forces do not have enough resources to hundred militants down is there hiding out in remote mountainous areas. i still
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have managed to find sources of funding in the so-called triangle of death they terrorize the locals hundreds of villages in that area have been deported but now the terrorists use them as military bases jails and commando units iraq is that a crossroads it learned to level the cities to defeat isis caliph it but that doesn't work anymore isis is an idea and zealotry fanaticism it's also an outlet for desperation for violence for blood thirst and ideas of the hardness the wall to kill. to another over a headline stories this hour a manual has lashed out at france's media over its handling of the scandal involving the president's top security aide that's after the french leader said he was taking responsibility for his bodyguard attacking
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a protester picking up the story charlotte dubinsky. well in the last week french media has been in a complete frenzy over this scandal which emerged involving top security aide alexander. well but now a has since been sacked and on tuesday we heard for the first time what president much corn made of this of he said to a group of his deputies a lot of public amash the buck stops with him that he and only he was to blame but then he turned around and then laid the blame at the press in the way that they covered this story essentially saying that the press and commentators were acting like the judiciary and were not looking to seek out the truth we have media that no
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longer seeks the truth the images are they showing with a desire to uncover the truth to present facts in a balanced manner. i see media power as he want to become judicial ones well we know the president might call on the present from the united states have been pretty chummy for a long time but it seems now the president michael might be taking a leaf out of donald trump's books in the way that he deals with the mainstream media we know that donald trump has been at war with the mainstream media since before he was even elected so you know that is fake news i don't take questions from i'm against the people that make up stories the level of dishonesty is out of control very think the fake news those who want to talk about a buzz feed which is a failing pile of garbage writing it i think they're going to suffer the consequences i'm not going to give you a question you are fake well some may think it's not the best idea for
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a president not going to follow in the footsteps of. president trump and we also know that president michael's approval ratings have dropped since this scandal emerged now the russian media has long been familiar with criticism and being under fire from president but it now seems that that by not criticism is extending out to all media outlets in france. who's a columnist for britain's sunday telegraph police is trying to shift the blame despite taking responsibility for the aftermath of the scam to revert to the usual attitude of politicians when they are caught on something too late and he accuses the media that existed before trying to hold this deduction from in france we've seen this before it's not especially a trump special specialty so we can expect something you do this government but this certainly is the first time that this government has taken
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a wrong foot in the media spin situation up till now they did very well the media love them and they just let this. for a week and that's completely uncharacteristic of. let's turn our attention to the u.k. words emerge the casting agency offered money to extras to take part in a fake anti qatar protest the event was scheduled to coincide with the meeting between the qatari emir and the british prime minister on tuesday with the details artie's done hawkins. well protests against the visiting heads of states are nothing new in the u.k. of course just look at the recent trip by donald trump for example fake protests paid demonstrators and mysterious p.r. firms though are something very different and that's what's really attracted some attention and indignation here in the u.k. over the last couple of days how did it begin casting agency x. people sent an e-mail to their members offering them a job simple enough turn up to downing street take part in
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a fake protest don't say or do anything just fill up space as the e-mail said twenty pounds and you'll be done by twelve thirty that was the e-mail sent out between three and five hundred people were needed to make this protest against the visit of qatari emir. outside downing street as the media attention began to grow and social media speculation was rife because the agency took back this trouble for saying it had been a mistake in and reconsidered and it would not be involved in such an event they said who was behind this was a client called neptune p r which had requested five hundred people to turn up and act as protesters now enter p.r. at least somebody pertaining to be them they tweeted saying that they had denied making any such request to extra's people or ever having in contacted them now this was very odd given that the twitter profile of this alleged p.r. company neptune p.r.
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was very new as was the company itself the tweet as you can see there was life with the grammatical errors and indeed the website of this p.r. company was suspiciously empty extra's then public replied they showed allegedly a screenshot of an email conversation with this p.r. firm notion p.r. . which gave them the billing address for these services stating that the rest of the conversation was with their lawyers now this really gave more questions than answers of course this all comes against the backdrop of tension between qatar and its gulf state neighbors egypt saudi arabia the. they've imposed a law and their and sea blockade on the gulf state citing funding for terrorism coming from qatar qatar accuses its neighbors of bullying tactics and sparking tension now speculation will no doubt grow that this has something to do with that visit and with those that provide attention was given how little of the nation is available about this mysterious p.r.
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firm and just how this whole event turned around something quite unusual of course for the u.k. will no doubt keep people guessing as more information comes to light. just a note on this r.t. has contacted neptun p.r. the firm in question asking for comment on the situation and we will let you know when we receive a response from that. the american senate revealed this year's defense policy bill that puts conditions on u.s. arms sales to saudi arabia for their operation in yemen it wants reassurances from saudi arabia that it will do everything to end the yemeni civil war and avoid civilian deaths but as killam open explains there are ways around the policy now at first glance it actually looks like washington is starting to distance itself from saudi arabia's war in yemen as washington scrambles over amendments to the new
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defense bill the secretary of state would have to certify to congress that the saudi coalition is undertaking efforts to end the civil war and reduce the risk of harm to civilians. without the set's vacation the united states would be banned from refueling saudi coalition aircraft commissions exclusively focused on the civil war some media outlets are all over it but listen to the language undertaking efforts to end the civil war now that's a clever way of shielding themselves from criticism and allowing any real efforts to measure their progress now the saudis have been saying the same thing for some time now that they are taking measures to cease the conflict and they've also been playing the mercy card they've actually donated a billion dollars to the united nations for relief in yemen but that's help for the very same country they've been bombing for over three years with civilians dying by the thousands. to. get.
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the thing is under u.s. arms control policy it's illegal to export arms to countries that target civilians well not anymore one word changes everything now the white house says it is legal to sell weapons to countries as long as they don't intentionally target civilians but when has it ever been intentional. and while the defense spending bill is being discussed the saudis already bagged themselves a new contract lockheed martin just signed a deal worth four hundred fifty million dollars all in the name of global security the deal will see saudi arabia acquire full surface combattants as possible loans
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or agreement with the u.s. to improve global security and support economic progress this is nothing other than a temp. by congress to put lipstick on the pig and other words to make something that's gross and awful and illegal and immoral and unethical to make it look as if it's either better or getting better or the us congress people the elected officials don't want to embrace full responsibility now as congress debates this year's military spending bill including some vague language about saudi arabia the weapons deals just keep rolling in with the lives of civilians in yemen caught in the middle caleb r.t. new york let's turn to you led coalition began its bombing campaign against yemen in twenty fifteen targeting rebels the coalition has conducted thousands of first strikes with some hitting civilian areas riyadh has always denied doing so
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intentionally adding the rebels pose a threat to its borders. president has met with the e.u. commission president in washington with the talks dominated by the issue of targets and trade barriers right before heading into the meeting with john claud younker u.s. president said he was optimistic a consensus could be found trump also stressed the importance of washington achieving what he sees as a fur trade deal with europe and gave some insight on the current state of global trade negotiations with terrorists of the greatest either a country which is the united states unfairly on trade negotiates of war against terrorists is a simple as that and everybody's talking remember we the people in this being roped . into this is after america slopped. the many i'm coming from the e.u. the bloc responded with like for like measures and the trade standoff doesn't exactly
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help create a convivial atmosphere earlier trump went as far as calling the e.u. commission chief a brutal killer while describing europe as an economic full some pretty harsh words of his own. trump told me last week john claude you are a brutal killer but it is the first time that luxembourg has become a threat to the united states of america he meant i think as a complement even though i cannot be sure those are your thoughts so now we will also impose import tariffs this is basically a stupid process the fact that we have to do this but we have to do it we will now impose tariffs on motorcycles harley davidsons on blue jeans levis on bourbon we can also do stupid we also have to be this stupid totally unacceptable that it come to push you lots of measures when it comes to. create. well we spoke to market analyst david martin he believes that although the meeting
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will be a boost the positive for the u.s. president he doesn't expect either leader to back down on the issue of tara. looks good for president trump that mr yoker is going to the white house is not a solid tariff it kind of it for some point of view it looks like the. thing to him which it also could do is to his ego i think the president wants all of us to come to the united states first of all lower their barriers cut their tariffs both sides are talking to authenticate i think mr yoker is going to talk with the child down from actually going down that route. and if junko younger is seeking inspiration before his meeting he could do worse than look to some of the european leaders who have already met with the u.s. president. q the end of the speech if we can just rely on the superpower of the united states
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the natural man in the. states of america see this as a regulatory column for the whole world. is no longer the truth in the future we've got. to think the you know want to see if they can work something out there we do work it out that will be positive and if we don't it will be far better but also if we don't know what you're thinking about those cars are far and near one of those out of. the to. q. two q e.
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the. elite few. feel. ill q. q. q. thank you. to. the u.k. hosts all the lord's house criticized expressed serious concern after it was revealed child spying. these were being used to infiltrate terrorist and criminal gangs they say the youngsters have had their mental and physical well for neglected . for marty's going underground spoke to
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a former undercover police officer who was aware of the practice. certainly had several near death experiences. been threatened with a samurai sword with knives and various occasions stripped at gunpoint and you know you hear some of the information certainly from organizations like the children society they report the kind of things that's going on to children involved these gangs already they are being forced to carry drugs in their rectum they're being intimidated and filmed in compromising situations that the level of intimidation that already exists is quite horrific and that should be enough information to to say to say that there is no policing solution to this and to ramp up the violence even more by using child informants is just the strong way to go now i have to point out most people who have commented on this topic have rightly talked about the human rights and protecting the individual child involved a child who may be chosen to employ a gag that's
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a legitimate point and i agree completely but we have to look at this in a broader sense. the use of child informants like this will make it more dangerous for effie child exploitive because it will increase the violence and exploitation. germany's domestic security service has raised the alarm over a growing right wing extremist movement the country's interior ministry say there are more than sixteen thousand so-called citizens of the rake in the country the movement rejects the modern german state and prints its own passports and currency more than one thousand of them owned firearms germany's interior minister also said a number of them are prone to violence. they are very diverse i had their logically and in terms of organization but five percent of them can be considered extremists but briggs berger and extremists have in common is
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their obsession with weapons. the same report also claims that there were nearly eight hundred islamists in germany and twenty seven dean one hundred seventy of whom are in prison authorities say the increase poses a new challenge but the country's agencies are strong enough to handle it a member of the german left party told me there is a direct link between the rise of the far right and islamic radicalization. backlash against the policies of the german government of the last years but i think what we are seeing us there and other services let threat from right wing activists in the last days you know of it is you where we have just seen a court rule which has killed those multiple people over a span of margaret yes and the police of the service not just it
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is the fall of adam or belittle or god meant for importing limits yet understand most of the syrian refugees are not ridiculousness some are what it is right now us if i did he was rediculus no terrorist. probably got reports that germany wants to take some of the west from syria what are those people what are they going to do in germany germany had legitimate questions about this. well if you'd like to leave your thoughts on the story or perhaps any of the other stories we're across this hour log on to our t.v. dot com and do just that i'm back in thirty minutes time you're watching our international. everywhere in the world my guess is that probably just about everywhere women expect men to make that first move and here we are in an age where men are scared
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to make the first move don't know how to make the first move don't know what's right to make the first move. the pension funds it's guaranteed returns that is being abused by the crooks there is only guaranteed to shovel it a lot of toxic garbage that is ending up is a guaranteed job because at the end of the day a lot of these pension accounts are not being cut back people who think that they had a pension are being told there's been run out you're now the pension anymore you're now what broke you have to go out to the street and beg for money go get addicted to heroin we don't want you anymore drop dead.
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after tense here we go underground as leaders from the world's emerging economies gather in south africa for the annual bric summit as people in britain continue to contend with the effects of the twenty eight crisis coming on the show to morrow sees the historic signing of a peace deal between she gone and south sudan even though to raise a me thinks omar al bashir should be at the i.c.c. over darfur we speak. but she has rival sudan opposition leader and former prime minister of sudan so the comedy and is the u.k. really using people's children as spies we are asking former undercover police officer about the morality of tourism a putting the lives of young people at risk from the headlines the enemy is at the gates in gaza while britain opens its gates to the i tell me it's all this and more coming up in today's going underground but first while new liberal media scream their hatred for donald trump and his foreign policy initiatives what about what happened twenty years ago next month good afternoon today i ordered our armed
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forces to strike at terrorist related facilities in afghanistan and sudan because of the imminent threat they presented to our national security yes destroying a vital sudanese medicine factory that tens of thousands may have depended on for lifesaving drugs was all about national security not the tail wagging the dog over a sex scandal former u.k. colony sudan today there was not being bombed by a clinton one of the most resource rich countries in the world is looking forward to joining the brics nations which meet today in south africa to chart a possible post i.m.f. world bank imperialist world sudan has long had good relations with the are in brics russia let alone the c. china president xi jinping calls president bashir an old friend and is again invited him to beijing. china says that he will keep the friendly posts. no matter what international or domestic situation changes ensue.
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