tv News RT July 26, 2018 1:00am-1:31am EDT
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because. international the u.s. president's national security adviser confer second. meeting will be postponed until after the russia witch hunt is over. as donald trump tries to weather a political storm and fresh concerns of a possible russian interference in the upcoming midterm elections are raised both democrats and republicans however are sure that will try to help with. the e.u. saying it would not negotiate with a gun to its head over u.s. european commission. to work together towards eliminating trade taxes but of
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course currently the levees remain in place. and the. merging economies are underway in south africa american trade. so eight zero one on thursday july twenty sixth here in moscow welcome to your new international. u.s. national security advisor john bolton has confirmed that a second meeting between donald trump and his russian counterpart vladimir putin will only take place quote after the russia which hunt is over. reports from washington. john bull and explained the decision citing the current political climate as the main reason saying that the meeting should take place after the quote russia witch hunt is. over so this decision appears to be
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a move to calm down his domestic critics now this is an announcement also comes as my pompei o secretary of state faced some tough questioning in the senate foreign relations committee he was essentially forced into revealing a secret deal made between trump and putin just last week in helsinki has the president told you what he and president putin discuss in their two hour closed door meeting in helsinki did you did he tell you where did the president say we're going to change our force structure in syria go to what took place you speak to the translator do you seen any of her notes did the president discuss relaxed relaxing u.s. sanctions on russia and i understood senator i understand the game that you're playing now and you know mr secretary with all due respect i don't appreciate you characterizing my questions but in general pompei i held his ground occasionally snapping back once or twice to assure everyone that trump did not show any weakness or approach has been the same to steadily raise the cost of aggression with
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aggression until vladimir putin chooses a less confrontational foreign policy otherwise the administration will continue imposing tough actions against russia in response to its malign activities and i personally make clear to the russians that will be severe consequences for interference in our democratic processes in helsinki we sought to explore whether russia was interesting in reproving our relationship but made clear that the ball is in russia's court pompei also reiterated that trump does agree with the intelligence community that russia did hack a b. twenty sixteen election but his sentiments last week were a bit different i have president putin he just said it's not russian i will say this i don't see any reason why it would be there was no collusion at all it was a clean campaign i beat hillary clinton easily the summit led to total hysteria in the u.s. the media called trump a traitor a crime one stooge putin's puppet and some even accused him. of treason let's take
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a look at what other politicians had to say about trump president trump cowered in the presence of putin it was a ho sale betrayal of the values and interests of this country president sided with the enemy treacherous act is unable to confront russia to me it's clear that the pressure has worked i mean all this these claims about treason and being traitorous worked to pressure him to back off normalizing relations with russia i believe this is being done in the interest of continuing the us on a permanent war footing and wasting trillions of dollars on wars and military equipment that we don't need and russia's an excuse for that meanwhile as tries to weather a political storm at home his presidency will face the test later this year in the guise of midterm elections and these are widely seen as a vote of confidence in the sitting president and his party and his aunties killam
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up and explains whether it's republicans all democrats u.s. politicians seem to know in advance who's to blame if indeed there was below. was so much division on capitol hill the democrats and republicans have finally found something that they can agree on both parties now agree that the russians are coming more specifically they're coming to interfere in the twenty eight teen mid-term elections this is president trump i'm very concerned that russia will be fighting very hard to have an impact in the upcoming election based on the fact the new president has been tougher on russia than me they will be pushing very hard for the democrats. they definitely don't want trump and this is his old arch nemesis there are some tax experts in silicon valley valley with whom i have met who say that you know maybe what they'll do this next time is to really disrupt the actual election shutdown the servers that you send result interfere with the op to
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interfere with the operation of voting machines because still too many of them are linked to the internet so there we are still very vulnerable russia's meddling in the midterm elections may just be a hypothesis at this point but the trumpet ministration from the department of homeland security to the secretary of state are ready to fight the two thousand and eighteen midterm elections remain a potential target for russian cyber and influence operations i think we should be absolutely prepared to assume that they will try to interfere in all fifty states we will not tolerate russian interference in our two thousand and eighteen elections we are planning and preparing as if they'll try again this fall and beyond now it hasn't happened yet but the retaliate tory sanctions to be imposed on russia are all set up by congress we're going to pursue russia's energy and financial sectors it's overgaard it's parastatal and it is my go along with senator graham to make sure that we're protecting the united states the spending the united
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states folks in washington d.c. are manning their battle stations all prepared to face an on coming on slot but what are they worried about well it could be the twenty sixteen presidential elections let's not forget that james clapper the former director of national intelligence said that in the twenty sixteen supposed intervention none of the vote tallies were in any way affected they did not change any tallies or anything of that sort we had no we have no way of gauging. the impact that sort of the intelligence committee can't gauge. the entire to the. choices the electorate made furthermore it's not exactly clear who russia is supposedly going to be supporting now the democrats say that russia is going to be supporting donald trump but tom says that the pending kremlin subversion will be in support of the democrats why would he say that well because it makes just as what sense is what
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the democrats say. everybody wants to blame another country for the problem you know the reason why thirty million americans don't have health care has nothing to do with russia that has everything to do with the enemies of america which by the way are in america acts on the military industrial complex these are the enemies of america are tired government is bought it's legal bribery and they steal and cheat right out in the open americans gobbling this up it's amazing you know we used to be afraid of russia because they had a communist ideology they're just kind of pressing that button on americans because we've been conditioned to be afraid of russia and their communism even though they're not communist anymore so that all the cleared up after the election whichever side loses can blame russia for it and after all it worked in the twenty sixteen presidential election for hillary clinton there's no reason that donald trump can't use it to his advantage than our t. washington d.c. the e.u.
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and the u.s. have agreed to work together towards cutting import tariffs in a bid to prevent a trade war between the two allies they created was reached the meeting between european commission chief sean cole young and donald trump in washington now although tired of the currently still in place trump tweeted a picture of young kissing him on the cheek saying that the countries love each other at the meeting promised not to impose taxes on. something he had previously threatened and the response to which the blow could vowed to implement retaliate tory measures with twenty billion dollars the e.u. had previously said it would not negotiate with a gun to its head though it seems now to have softened its stance. trump told me last week claude you were a brutal killer loses the first find some bird has become a threat of the united states of america remember i think it was a compliment killer even though i cannot be sure i'll close it this is also now we
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will also impose import tariffs this is basically a stupid approach that it's the fact that we have to do that we have to do it but we can also do stupid things we also have to be this we have identified a number of areas in which to work together and work towards zero terrorists on the industrial goods that was my main intention well under this new agreement the two sides will seek to cut or eliminate import taxes trade barriers and most subsidies in addition the e.u. will expand its imports of u.s. liquefied natural gas and certain food items in may the trumpet ministrations slapped hefty tariffs on steel and i mean young coming from european countries the e.u. responded with three billion dollars worth of tariffs on u.s. goods well max keiser the host of artie's kaiser report says europe has bowed to u.s. pressure. did trump just roll over john claude younker and get concessions
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almost immediately the answer is yes well john claus younker is is a surrender monkey he came to d.c. and he surrenders the white flag was waved and he gets nothing and is going to eat he has to get used to this because this is going to happen every few months he's going to have to surrender more and more and more the u.s. is in the house america is back as young claude younger obviously at the e.u. is used to being kind of a very slow moving lafarge a bureaucrat with no accountability whatsoever he's not elected he will say anything but generally that means nothing. the deal is not the ink on the contract has to drive for us to say that there is a deal. i mean while the u.s. trade wars are on the agenda of this year's tenth anniversary brics summit each year the world's emerging economies comprising of brazil russia india china and
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south africa they all get together for three days. donna reports from johannesburg south africa where the summit is underway. heightened security swarms of journalists and lots of vehicles with diplomatic license plates this is pretty much the city of johannesburg right now the south african host city for the twenty teen breaks summit when bricks was formed like about a decade ago it was formed with the goal of the member states accelerating their own economic growth which are they are already implementing secondly they created the new development bank but also its main purpose has been to serve as a counterbalance to more traditional economic powerhouses mainly the united states now with the president donald trump in charge in the white house he's been quite trigger happy when it comes to starting trade wars so now it is believed the brics nations they will be first and foremost they will be bonding they will be banding
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together so to speak to support each other in these times of when well basically they cannot rely on the united states anymore and secondly they will be trying to fill in the gaps for example in the you that have been worldwide and by the us a trade policies book which the global trade war should be rejected because there can be no win an economic hit germany is even worse because it will undermine the interests of the international community or those that the see this course will only end up hurting themselves. now again looking back some ten years from now a lot of skeptics will looking at the brics block and saying well they couldn't quite exactly pinpoint the purpose of it unless they saw the united states as the will quite literal jack of all trades now with the trumps trade wars. washington could prove to truly become a master of none with emerging economies looking more towards brics perhaps an
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ironic lead mainly in terms of trade down of from south africa for r.t. . all right let's bring in our political consultant jamie mighty now joining us live here on the program this morning good morning to you jamie america's approach to trade seems to be perhaps a bringing bricks participants closer together what are your expectations for the summit. well i think my expectations are that the conversations around trade are really going to start picking up and it's because people have seen the vulnerability of just being in big trading relationships with only america with only europe so i think that the brics blog is now going to look at further strengthening the trade relationships that they have i think the polygynous of the trump administration has exposed you know what happens when america just goes left
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on you or turned its back on you in relation with trade so a lot of african countries are beginning to look at the trade agreement that they have with america and south africa in particular they have been reports that south africa is going to be affected by the trade war and the terrorists are going to be pulled in south africa so locally people are looking to the brics block to see what scale relationships can we strengthen what agreement can we come in to and it doesn't help but donald trump hasn't basically insulted african leaders so they're looking for places where they will find respect will find an appreciation for what they bring to the table which while it's unfortunately still raw materials has a lot of value so people are looking for a place where they can trade with their not being imposed upon in terms of values in terms of governance with a consultant to them and and america is beginning to look more and more like a bully player in the trade market and of course nobody wants a global trade war so the discussion with definitely going to center on trade
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because the bottom line is everybody cares about the economics everybody is trying to create more employment for their people and as such i think the americans missed . on this is trade war are really going to change the trade a that make this is great to have the rest of africa so as a jamie as we're now into day two of the summit we understand the deed don't rise asian continues with the brics members of more of these big energy traders continue to make moves to abandon for example the petro dollar an energy trade and move to national currencies for example india china russia tell us why do some of the brics members continue to move away from the dollar. well i mean it's too powerful as it is and american dependence has been exposed as being a dangerous thing to have so if you consistently holding on to u.s. dollars and donald trump and friends change their monetary policy or act in a way that continue to undermine your local needs and interests of course you want
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to make sure that you've got other currencies in your bag and that's why i think people are beginning to see dollar rise and look at other options and i think it's a healthy thing to do i think the us dollar has been dominant for a very long time and it's about time that we begin to renegotiate. the imminent within the market. j.v. wyo that there have been statements in the past from various leading economies saying that the brics are developing countries with very little power and influence in the world despite some of them boasting of the world's biggest populations and thriving trade why do you think the such comments about the brics have been made in the recent past. well i really think people have been threatened by breaks because it isn't just developing countries is it right good china you've put russia you've got major players you've got massive populations which is brazil and india and you've got an entry poured into the rest of africa through south africa now these are not minor player than
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a lot of time either people have mis understanding of the global dynamics and really african dynamics or the dynamics of indeed. brazil all just being a little bit different on its own trying to undermine the role that brits have to play because the reality is that every business right now is looking at india every business right now in tech and in other places they're trying to break into the chinese markets we've seen apple try to break into the chinese market we've seen tesla trying to build factories in china we've seen qualcomm try to get into the chinese market and they just just shows you the dominance of these particular market on the global space right now the european markets in the western markets are my two of markets and there's very little room for growth in the last growth is actually going to come from brics bloc bloc countries and countries like britain so the relationship that breaks is building with the rest of africa for instance actually pretty interesting because it's more likely the chinese and russian companies brazilian and south african companies are going to have
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a bigger role to play within that emerging market and it's a market that's beginning to matter more and more as we're seeing that other markets of cooling down and not demonstrating the kind of growth that they showed historically facebook is cooling down in america it's cooling down in europe but if for example it was still going strong in africa so when people say that this bloc doesn't matter when they say that these countries don't matter in the economic game that's a little bit in for make believe because on it all is just a misunderstanding of the situation on the ground these countries absolutely matter and they do have a big stake in the future of the global order economic well the political consultant jamie mighty joining us your analogy international from johannesburg and the hosting venue of this tenth anniversary brics summit thanks very much for your time thank you. thank you and thank you for joining us so far as well still to come in the program german m.p.'s are angry that members of a syria's a so-called rescue group the white helmets are been granted asylum in the country
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we'll take a look at that after a quick break. everywhere in the world my guess is that probably just about everywhere women expect men to make that first move and here we are in an age where men a scared to make the first move don't know how to make the first move don't know what's right to make the first move. but politicians do something. to put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president and she. wanted. to go on to be press this is what before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters of. the city.
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join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics school business i'm show business i'll see you then. i could have you with us today germany's a decision to take on members of the controversial syrian group the white helmets has sparked anger among lawmakers who say bolin should be offering asylum to all this instead. i have decided that germany will tick in eight members of the white helmets aid group and their families and grant them protection the continuing military offensive on the territorial gain the syrian regime is making in southern syria presents an acute danger for the group. the federal government must offer
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asylum to the journalist and founder of the we can whistle blowing platform julian a songe instead of accepting members of the controversial white helmets group from syria it is completely contradictory the dean terry minister on the one hand wants to find is amiss tara but on the other wants to bring in these members of islamist terrorist militias to germany or the white house helmets as a so-called rescue group that's been operating in syria for the last six years it's received funding from the us and from other nato allies of the group sparked controversy after its members were seen removing the body of a man after his execution by she hardest sand in yet another video where they're waving al qaeda flags it's also accused of staging rescue operations as we just heard some german m.p.'s would rather offer asylum to julian or songe of course the founder of wiki leaks now a songe took refuge in the ecuadorian embassy in london after a swedish court issued an arrest warrant for him over accusations of rape by the whistleblowers lawyers say the allegations are politically motivated with the u.s.
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seeking revenge for the leaking of classified documents via wiki leaks at the u.n. has described his confinement at the embassy as tantamount to arbitrary detention and with ecuador now reportedly considering withdrawing its asylum protection there are fears a songe will face extradition to the united states where the german m.p. that suggested offering a asylum instead of the white helmets members has caused divisions in our road left wing party over the proposal with some saying that granting asylum to people fleeing the war is a basic party principle but she does also have her supporters. julian assange faces to being prosecuted in great britain or maybe even in the united states and the german government doesn't say anything about it and the tyrion issues in that case that it wants to take in the refugees from syria i'm not against taking in the refugees from syria but why those syrians and why not others because there are many syrians bart and from leaving turkey nanuk to come to to europe and they are not
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allowed to but those white house moves who played a dubious role in the civil war and they are allowed into into germany now and that's and it's very strange they only operate in rebel held territories and their only and few are moderate rebels left and many of those territories are dominated by islamist groups and the the white house votes are not impartial that's conflict they are clearly a part of the faction not of a moderate faction in the syrian civil war and you know that not a purely humanitarian organization. three days of national mourning have been declared in greece where fires have killed eighty one people several villages have been destroyed in the region surrounding athens dozens of people are missing and over one hundred have been hospitalized or rescuers are searching for any more survivors the fires started on monday and have been spreading rapidly with gale
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force winds frequently changing direction and ultimately hampering the firefighting effort unclear how the fire started but officials suspect. former cricket star imran khan is on course to become pakistan's new prime minister according to initial return data from wednesday's general election. today's victory comes after twenty two years of struggle. people have granted him. the most. like i'm not. going to. be really.
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iran has promised to turn pakistan into a model islamic well fast state and is known for his anti u.s. views he's also found to tackle rampant corruption in the country and to create millions of jobs and houses a political analyst says that the platform is when i. have been appealing for the. day have been asking for her earliest medical parties i've been asking for but. for many of us. some to read because. just because they want to bring fundamental children back to sound system particularly the amount of glitter death corruption and i think that president isn't the petition to mankind was accepted by the highest court the pakistan and he met first disqualified only prone he was convicted on many things i
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have just read is going to happen because people termed it is i mean obviously deflecting the debate of cost cutting is going to ruin his minister probably has got to quit among the people. just about wrapping up the program only for this hour here on out international but plenty of your worldwide headlines at the top of the next. financial. local still it is. my last. time was it. that you could. do it a little who was. just. doesn't go to the
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mostly see him say the only guy but yet he did so. out of a sudden a man just. simple be gentle with time. i said i will not. there were a lot. of those shoot. me in on that and i think you know i mean even that you can be killed by the illuminati and that i think i'm a total you know i mean. greetings
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and salutations with free speech and political dissent from the status quo now being stifled on both sides of the political aisle and in corporate media here in the united states we hear on watching the hawks felt it was important to remind everyone just how important individuality and independent brief thought truly is as the great leo tolstoy once said free thinkers are those who are willing to use their minds without prejudice and without fearing to understand things that clash with their own customs privileges or beliefs this state of mind is not common but it is essential for right thinking. today we highlight a trio of three free thinkers who have graced our airwaves with their individuality and challenge the political status quo with their fearless search for truth among the forest of lies being shouted out from the corridors of power both in washington and on wall street starting with the late ed schultz the consummate new.
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