tv Watching the Hawks RT July 26, 2018 7:30am-8:01am EDT
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we here on watching the hawks felt it was important to remind everyone just how important individuality and independent free thought truly is and the great leo tolstoy once said free thinkers are those who are willing to use their minds without prejudice and without fearing to understand things that clash with their own customs privileges or believes this state of mind is not common but it is essential for right thinking. today we highlight a trio of three free thinkers who have graced our airwaves with their individuality and challenge the political status quo with their fearless search for truth among the forest of lies being shouted out from the corridors of power both in washington and on wall street starting with the late ed schultz the consummate newsman an anchor who spent his career giving a voice to working class america and delivering to them the news that truly mattered to their lives not the fluff that's peddled as important but ultimately
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just designed for distraction clicks and ratings points next we bring you the fearless journalism of matt taibbi whose quick wit character and undying desire to write truth to power has made him a thorn in the side of not just the moneyed interests of the big banks on wall street but the corporate indorse two party system that has put a stranglehold on the us government as well. and finally we feature former cia officer and whistle blower john kiriakou whose patriotism and moral character forced him to sacrifice his livelihood and freedom in order to blow the whistle on the heinous acts of torture committed by the bush administration during the war on terror these three individuals are the voices who embody the very definition of watching the hawks.
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at the bottom. like you know that i got. the dirty little secret in all of this wonderful economy and it is really good you have to admit the mean in the stock market you've got people's retirements you've got four a one k.'s you've got the education fund for young kids i mean families are building in the stock market if they're in it now here's the bad news with the tax cut health care costs are going up and the president the only thing he talked about in the state of the union was the mandate what's the rest of the story because interest insurance rates are going to go up dramatically in two thousand and eighteen and now the republicans own it they've done one move on health care
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and it hasn't been a good one so are they going to let this sit by the roadside as road kill or are they going to pick up the mantle and do something about it and so this advantage of the tax cut that these middle class families are going to get that they're talking about that's going to get wiped out by the increases in health care coverage if they decide to buy it and buy get into the market on it so that's what he didn't talk about the next phase of health care and what they're going to do. for all these people that he said he was going to let die in the streets right on the campaign trail and there were some other things left out but i thought that that was the most glaring but i would agree because of that i think that's one of the you know health care we all can say it was of course and it was going away oh it was you know let it get so far the one the one thing that i notice is as idea of manufacturing jobs and bringing them back and my home state of wisconsin is one of those that's been trying to get more manufacturing of some kind back into the state so the big part a core part of trump's economic message was that he's bringing all of these jobs back and revitalizing at but more and more what we're seeing are headlines pointing
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out that this manufacturing companies are actually looking ahead to automating their factory floors and that has to leave myself wondering for the people of wisconsin and for other states to see these are are the are two out of work americans really getting as sweet of a deal as trump is sounding them most interesting today the president talked about vocational training he talked about bricklayers you know which i found very interesting he wants to build a lot of stuff ok i got it and those are good paying jobs because those trades are hard to find right now go try to hire a plumber for your home i mean there are these are now very valuable jobs and much more than what they used to be because people have gotten away from the trades. the as far as a manufacturing is concerned steel aluminum rubber glass electronics you know there's going to be a certain level of automation that's going to seep into that but people still have
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to run them will still have to be highly trained i was just amazed at some of the things that i've heard in the steel industry about how the the how they have to make sure that they mix the steel properly per ton and what they're producing in the quality of it which is far better than what the chinese are putting out right now so america does have a great story to. well and those jobs are still going to be they're not as plentiful but they're still going to be there and most of the reduction in the industries that i've talked about has been because china and south korea they have done state sponsored type of formula of an economy to compete against the free market in the united states and the w t o formula for going after those trade agreements has been too slow and there was one of the things is that what china did not reason they got like the iphone was that they had spent years educating people in those trades or getting people to that point and the concern i think
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a lot of people have is will these days when you have companies like foxconn that are coming in are they going to get the best deal are states giving away too much in tax incentives just to get them here but then ultimately won't they have to because you said a lack of skills want they end up having to hire a lot of out of state people to cover those jobs are out of country you know you never go wrong by investing in education and i think that education in this country is going to see. a tremendous revolution over the next twenty years there's going to be more home schooling that's going to be going on there's going to be more internet technology there's not going to be the big school centers we can't said kids in school anymore because they get shot every day i mean this is there is a game i don't want to send their kid to school but you know i really think there is going to be a real revolution in the way we teach our kids in this country but investing in education is something i don't think the country can ever get away from we're not saving in america nobody can those who can't can't and those who should be saving
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for the future aren't you know it's one of those things that kind of drops them both ways do you think that the democrats will ever sort of get off this it is really obstructionists at this point they're not you know they were doing half of it to make ways to in positive things on one side and the other side was obstructing it would make sense but it seems they've just given up which. your narrative to the country that's what i want to ask the democrats what's your narrative to the country and i think chuck schumer in new york and palosi in california ok the democrats are going to win those two states what are going to do with the other forty eight this is a big chunk of the middle of the country you know when the democrats were strong with dick gephardt was from missouri when tom daschle was from south dakota ok when they had leadership from the middle of the country now the republicans who they have on their leadership team the food from south dakota right ok they connect with
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the middle of the country that's the way the map is it's going to be hard to break into that you better start talking to these folks about jobs you better have the democrats better start talking to them about their future instead of keep pounding on these red herrings about well the best thing we can do is hope for the russian investigation so we can impeach trump that's not a plan for america and in a recent rolling stone article you laid the blame of this this you know the brink of world war three not on donald trump or the war hawks like john bolton but really essentially on all of us why why did they are many purposely blind or just naive to the dangers and reality of what an actual world war is. it's odd i don't know it's some of it must be a generational thing i mean obviously my generation grew up with the day after in ninety nine love loons you know the whole idea of in the you know whether it's fake extra real lands we all grew up with this idea of you know nuclear war could end
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and humanity at any second and i think in the sort of posts. you know end of history of. nine eleven era most people in the next generation grew up without a real fear of nuclear war so it's really not in everybody's minds but it should be on the minds of people who are old enough. to be u.s. senators to be members of congress and again idly enough the one thing about donald trump as a candidate that was not entirely negative and terrifying was the fact that he was he had a relatively ambivalent idea about interventionism and war i mean he would have been perfectly fine with withdrawing from syria and it was planning on doing so as recently as two weeks ago and yet he was encouraged in exactly the opposite direction by members of both parties which again makes absolutely no sense to me on any level it really doesn't it just blows my mind seeing like these people who tell
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us that we have to be so afraid of this man that he's going to do you know run us off the edge of the cliff and that he's evil incarnate but get out now it's ok when he bombs people you know. one of the interesting things to. do is our good buddy james komi recently you covered. you talked about wrote about his his new book a former f.b.i. director james going to book a higher loyalty truth lies and leadership so let me ask you matt just where does james komi as higher loyalties lie i'm afraid i didn't read the book and i don't know if i'm going to read it over the summer right i'm on the fence well i'm going to have to get me not not not to be crude about it but i'm going to guess his first loyalty is probably to that two million dollar advance that he got for the book. but that's probably not fair but honestly it's a very strange book. it. is not a book that feels. open and it feels like it is its intent was to
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disclose a lot about either the sort of pre-election controversies that he was involved with or the trump white house in his interactions with it he mostly stuck to information that had already been disclosed that was already out there in the press with a few minor and glaring exceptions. in the book felt very calculated in that respect that he only wanted to have a few big talking points and everything else was going to sort of remain a secret very very strange sort of offhandedly mentions that the f.b.i. received classified material suggesting that there was an improper relationship between. attorney general let loretta lynch in the clinton campaign during during the campaign which seemed like a big bombshell revelation that is sort of skims over but it's very oddly written the whole the whole book is very strange. it was almost as strange as donna brazil
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bug and i wonder have komi is going to end up the same place that donna brazil sort of ended up which is does anyone know where donna brazil is now i think is where coming is probably going to end up which leads me to all these people sort of writing books and everybody gets a big million dollar advances but your sort of doing something that a little bit different direction on april twenty fourth you began publishing on what's called sub stack dot com a new serialized novel titled the business secrets of drug dealing adventures of the unidentified black male tell us a little about the book and why you chose to publish it on sub's dot in this way. so some time ago i ran into someone who had known for a long time who sort of came out in the. he had a double life. and had been a high level drug dealer in his past and he wanted to sort of tell the story of
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what it's like to live on the other side of the law and it was a fascinating story and my anonymous co-author who is still anonymous has a really distinct and interesting voice. and we sort of came up with a fictionalized version of a lot of the adventures that he had experienced. and it's a fascinating story about sort of the inanity of our drug laws the racism that he went through and the extraordinary measures that we would that we our government goes to to keep people from trading in a drug that is now illegal in a lot of states so it was it's a really fun bizarre interesting suspense filled story that i couldn't figure out how to tell except this fiction which is sort of a new thing for me as we're going to break our quarters don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on facebook and twitter and see our poll shows that our teeth dot com coming up we intercept the intercept handling of
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religious right and i. know it's. all for school it's only about the looking. forward to one of the ninety one college. boys. who. you'll look i. guess manufacture consent to stick to the public well. when the ruling classes project themselves. with the primary go around to be the one person. doing all middle of the room signals. in the real news room
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in the world. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confront dacian let it be an arms race is on off and spearing dramatic developments only mostly i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. and now here is former cia analyst and torture was of lower john kerry and our own tyro venter and discussing the intercepts recent failure to properly protect not one but two whistleblowers from government persecution after leaking information to
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the famed news organization and. i think that the intercept probably means well i do but they go about it in a very amateurish and ham handed way they encourage people on their website to send them classified documents they have encrypt in keys posted so you can you can encrypt your data and send it to them the problem is once they receive that data they handle it in a way that is really irresponsible for example what they do is in the case of of all barry the f.b.i. agent in minneapolis they took the documents that he allegedly sent and then wrote a freedom of information act request asking for exactly those same documents and actually and actually listing the titles of those documents so all the f.b.i. had to do was to go through its databases to see who had printed all of those documents they identified him and maybe two other people then they went back to their own internal surveillance video and they saw him taking
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a photograph of his computer screen and they got him and he immediately confessed and apparently has already taken a deal let me say something before i move on to the next example say something about his case the information that he is alleged to have given to the intercept just a few years ago was not classified or interest rate this was unclassified information that just recently the f.b.i. has decided to retroactively classify so i would say that had he been willing to fight this thing he may have had a case where because that's interesting that no one. what qualities are markers whether it be something like the intercept or an individual reporter what markers should a whistleblower look for in a journalist or organization ok i know i can trust these people i know that they dot their i's and cross their t.'s and i know i'm i'm safest with them what should they look for. the technology has gotten so good that the government has weapons
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that they didn't have even two years ago and so really the only safe way to do it is to give it to a specific journalist here in the united states you're taking a risk in a couple of different ways we know for example that reality when or when she allegedly sent a document to the intercept what the intercept did was they made a copy of the document sent it back to n.s.a. and said is this a real n.s.a. document not realizing that when you print a document and you're an intelligence community employee there's identifying information embedded in the document it may be in the dot of an eye or in a period but it's got your name and your employee number well if you're a national security journalist or you profess to be a national security journalist you want to know those things so reality winner was arrested only two hours after the intercept had published the story based on her
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documents so it's just not safe anymore and you either have to use no documents at all and the journalist frankly is going to have to take your word for it or you go to wiki leaks well you know it's interesting when you look at the culture in d.c. because i've always seen it's feels like there's an unspoken numbers or understanding in government that there are good leaders and bad leaders sure you know and you know. further you explain the difference between them because you and i get to see it in a lot of people might not understand that but it's like when i see newspapers and on stories all the time anonymous source told me or this person told me no one ever seems to get prosecuted for that and you know that is rushing a certain agenda but reality winner other people like yourself suddenly all were going to go full bore at this but what's the difference between a good leader and a bad leader in d.c. there there's one kind of good leaker and two kinds of bad leakers and the good
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leaker is. that whistleblower and there's actually a legal definition of whistle blowing it's bringing to light any evidence of waste fraud abuse illegality or threats to the public health or public safety the american people only that information even if it's classified the american people own it and if it reveals a crime or waste fraud and abuse then the american people have a right to see it that's a whistleblower now there are two other kinds of leakers there's the official leaker that's the anonymous source that we're always seeing in the washington post in the new york times and elsewhere oftentimes that is what's euphemistically called an official leak and what what the white house will do or the pentagon they're really the two most prolific leakers is the leaks some information that sensitive just to see how the public reacts and if there's no reaction or a positive reaction then act that policy if there's a negative reaction then the withdraw the policy that's sort of how they gauge public opinion now the other badly is when somebody leaks just for their own
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benefit or because it's exciting to them or they like to see the excitement of the new story and know that they were the source or they like to impress a journalist which happens more often than you might suspect and finally it's a very let us bring you an added bonus to this up a sold author journalist and documentary filmmaker max blumenthal discussing the corporate access journalism trainwreck that is. tapper i watched a lot more tapper than any human being should be subjected i'm sorry about that but i mean it's like if it had been inside the chamber and bob graham it would have been appropriate but you know i why i've been watching tapper ever since the trump era began and he's really ramped up kind of a narrative of regime change but this actually started maybe towards the end of the obama era and i just noticed that even rarely misses a show without promoting regime change against one. the non-compliant nations you
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know venezuela iran north korea there's the russian interference narrative and syria is a special place for jake tapper's really cheer lead for war and i wrote about his strange shady sources which have not been scrutinized by c.n.n. editors but you know i also went back into jake tapper's past you know this is someone who has crafted for himself an image as the consummate centrist in the beltway and it's almost like he's planned his path to the top of cable news he used to write at salon dot com which is sort of a progressive magazine one of the first online publications that had a progressive brand i also wrote for them and so i worked with david talbot who was the founder of salon and i went back to david talbot and said what do you think of what jake tapper is doing and he said you know it's absolutely abominable but it's it's exactly what i expected not only was he a centrist he was a john mccain groupie and so i looked at some of the things mccain tapper was saying back in two thousand when mccain was running for president he compared
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himself a verbally to mccain's hostage he said i'm patty hearst and you know there's no way that you won't come under mccain's spell in fact he likes to call me tanya this was when he was a white house correspondent who was covering mccain and he's continued to be mccain's groupie to the president if we remember last week john mccain went on jake tapper and said you know north korea needs to be extinguished it needs to be we need to see the extinction of that regime and jake tapper just not it along and then he said you know how's your family doing how cindy house. you know. how do you know the family amazing how it gets thrown out there there's what kind of you know allusions to death and destruction just kind of been thrown out there on the show and other shows on c.n.n. and other moves and it's kind of like oh cool how you doing you know is everything ok all right and there's something about it being with jake tapper especially. i remember the first time i ever experienced his work was when he wrote an article years and years years and. about going on
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a date with monica lewinsky. and i was at it you know pretty horrified even as a young woman under the age of eighteen that this was like it was horrifying to me that someone would do that and it calls back when i was unemployed for a while and fat watch c.n.n. all day and i now and looked at jake tapper as being this like well yes he's fighting for the middle ok that's what kind of people thought and that's that's what i ask because that praise is that jake tapper is easy even handed he is neutral he's all of that but one of the things you talk about and one of the things that's really important to look at is how that even handedness that guy is that neutrality is actually pretty morally dishonest can you kind of walk us through that idea yeah i mean first of all could do goes on a date with one woman and then writes a whole article about it like that's bizarre like you just ok that's just weird i don't even know what else to say. to. really tell her that yet you know but well
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i mean the reason he writes it after lewinsky becomes this at the center of a scandal right perfect for his you know social climbing in washington and so is his centrism and he'll go wherever the center is and as we know the center is constantly moving to the right especially on foreign policy so toppers affected this image is trump's greatest untag interest in mainstream media is his ratings have gone up something like fifty eight percent since trump has been elected and then he tries to convey an image of objectivity but as we know in washington objectivity is just a guys for deep seated establishment terry and conservatism which jake tapper often takes out on the left on particularly in social media and he chooses his targets carefully he likes to show that he's attacking the left and the far right equally meanwhile his guests consist pretty much of neo con marionettes whether it's adam kinzinger from illinois who just never met a war he did like except maybe with north korea because they have to turn. capacity
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john mccain adam schiff who is kind of the adam kinzinger of the democratic party and loves bomb countries and jake tapper has personally clamored for a military strike on syria which would have been you know turned a country in the heart of the middle east into libya and afghanistan. and that is our show for you today remember everyone in this world we are not told that we are loved so i told you all i love you i am tyrone butter and on top of the lawless people watching those hawks and of a great day and night everybody. that's a very rough terrain you saw it's rough but it moves and you have to fight to be able to them. it was gunshots on top of them and so many friends
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they would have been anything and i mean even not i. don't think anything will come . you know i don't when you see it but a body in the true and it's ready to punch you straight in the good. old to me a good mood and. you don't think about these these sold on no you got three to play and you know another patients. everywhere in the world my guess is that probably just about everywhere women expect men to make that first move and here we are in an age where men a scared to make the first move don't know how to make the first move don't know what's right to make the first low. the. busiest. says harlan kentucky. so
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we all in this group i'm going to sue you the world runs three families are you. a co money since it was almost no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the coal miners showed that there was a lot of to see these people the survivors of a world disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in the million years i would see that and it's how it's happened.
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that dawns on r.t.d. us president's national security adviser confirms that a second trump going to meeting will be postponed until quite often the rush of witch hunt is over that is secretary of state mike pompei was grilled in the senate over the same things as recently saying in helsinki. has the president told you what he and president putin discuss in their two hour closed door meeting a good deal it took place you speak to the translator you seen any of her notes or should we be doing as you put it everything we can to push back on the likely election interference by russia. and is donald trump tries to weather a political storm at home fresh concerns over a possible russian to figure incent upcoming midterm elections are raised both democrats and republicans however assured that moscow will try to help you by using pass a plan despite the saying it would not negotiate with a gun to its head i beat us tyrus european commission chief sean cord young and donald trump agreed.
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