tv Worlds Apart RT July 26, 2018 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT
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there are segments of this country that used to be the majority that see what they feel was their country slipping away from them the country you know within a few decades is going to be majority nonwhite and i do think that people here more so than was true ten or twenty years ago read and talk to and watch on television points of view that are just like they're so when they are exposed to something that's different they take offense because they think everybody that they deal with things like they do and when they hear something that's different it puts them off do we have to remind folks what this country was like in the fifty's with the lynchings with separate bathrooms with african-americans who couldn't even sit at a lunch counter civil rights violations this is peaches and grain compared to what this country sad to say was in the past so if you think things are worse now than
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it was fifty years ago sixty years ago you need to review your history. well again i don't disagree i don't i don't compare people taking offense at flight today to lynching why do people feel slighted by something that maybe they would have let go. you know i think that there is again so much awareness in a way that today than there was the there used to be decades ago when we didn't have the mass media people can kind of aggregate to themselves and basically decide well we're right and that person who acted in a way that we don't approve of is wrong and that somehow or other that if uses people's thinking there is a heightened everything today not to not to say that people don't have a right in many cases to be upset but everything is overdone because you're not going to get media attention if you act reasonably and proportionately.
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you know straight was a high on the agenda of this year's tenth anniversary brix summits for us president vladimir putin has delivered his speech at the annual gathering of the world's top emerging economies comprising brazil russia india china and south africa where he's done of us following the summit for us in johannesburg. we're kind of midway through the main day of this summit that is of course today the leaders of the world's leading developing economy have signed already a joint declaration of the summit and now well basically the talks between them is in full swing now at the trade wars are definitely in focus here in johannesburg after all bricks were created the with the idea of being a counterbalance to traditional powerhouses economic powerhouses mainly the united states now trumps policy on trade has been very offensive he's been imposing the tariffs and threatening with tariffs and has become sort of a tool a diplomatic tool in his hands so now we've already seen brics nations kind of
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bonding even closer together in the face of this new challenge that they're facing and the experts that we've talked to that i've talked to at this summit at this point look at how politics has changed in the states they want to make sure that. products somebody fractured in america for americans and not getting goods manufactured outside the united states and brought back again exotic prices back to the united states the emerging markets are starting to see the dangers of. uni lotteries and under the current donald trump administration so it's kind of like they're trying to find a common purpose on the ground where they can work together not just from a political point of view but from an economic point of view collateral damage that we are suffering is trade wars we should talk about we're not the cause of
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everybody's problems but we're all being affected so we're not very happy about it we're also not very happy about what we see as. the intended in disintegration which is to rekindle the multilateralism in favor of unilateralism or by. favor of that this is a signal that we need to strengthen our cooperation as bricks. huge number of areas so here in south africa it's business and politics going together and hand somewhat a decade ago skeptics were looking at the breaks and they couldn't really pinpoint the purpose of the block as they viewed the united states as the sort of hub nation that would bring smaller economies together well now what is happening the aggressive stance toward trade in washington is scaring and is causing concern among businesses and among emerging markets and so ironically now they turn towards brics values after the break.
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just guaranteed returns that is being abused by the crooks there is a guarantee to shovel it a lot of toxic garbage that is ending up is a county bill because at the end of the day a lot especially cannot be cut back people who think that a passion or being told has been running out you're out of touch any more you're now flat broke you have to go out in the street and beg for money go get addicted to heroin we don't want you anymore drop dead.
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british home secretary has commissioned a study into the profiles of child abuse is among the characteristics to be considered is the country of origin of the perpetrators my fishes have been working with investigating offices in relevant cases to establish the particular characteristics and contexts associated with this type of offending we're looking at what this data set can tell us about characteristics of offenders victims and why the context of abuse all of which have a critical bearing on the effect of targeting of prevention activity. child grooming scandals that are a topic that have attracted a great deal of emotion controversy and debate in the u.k. public and media as well rotheram rossdale bristol peterborough the list is endless
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and will be familiar to many here in the u.k. this is the first time though that many would say a government in office indeed the home secretary in office has ordered an investigation specifically into the ethnicity the racial background of both the victims and the perpetrators involved in these crimes it's not the first time investigations of happened it's not the first time the issue's been raised just last year in fact a labor m.p. and former minister sarah champion wrote an article in a paper in which she unequivocally condemned pakistani grooming gangs and said the issue must be debated openly and honestly the backlash she received the criticism she received from many quarters in the end caused her to resign from her position and indeed received death threats after which she had to receive extra police protection what strikes me about this whole debate is that we've reached a point in this country and possibly in the west where we can't really talk in a relaxed way about race so this would write something which
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a lot of people would say is a statement of the bleeding obvious and ends up losing the job now the media and public outcry has stemmed from the understanding that a sense of missed place political correctness of fear of offending of racial backlash of stoking ethnic and community tensions had previously prevented law enforcement social services and local government from taking the necessary action to stop and prevent these horrific crimes i think there was a culture of not wanting to rock the multicultural community bode if i may put it like that this has also come from the horse's mouth just quite a number of years ago there was a police report released under the freedom of information act in which the police themselves had said often there was a very lucky that it's a hesitancy to take the necessary action because precisely of the stuff. of racial or ethnic tensions over the years the discussion about the racial ethnic background of perpetrators and victims of these crimes and that specific link has been quite
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to boot it's been discussed with a great hesitancy or been confined perhaps to the margins of the political spectrum now though with the home secretary's investigation given of course sergeant javal himself has pakistani roots that discussion seems to be going more mainstream earlier we heard from david kirton education spokesperson for the u.k. independence party who believes that this move by the u.k. home office is long overdue. this is something that needs to be dealt with and it needs to be dealt with with brutal honesty it's good that saudi job it has commissioned this report but honestly this is something that should have happened twenty years ago because it's been going on for at least twenty years people have known about it in various arms of the state it's being covered up but more importantly people have been afraid to talk about it because of the culture of political correctness and the adherence to multiculturalism which in this
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particular case clearly has not worked. and is the knee syrian province of sway to say more than two hundred people have been killed in suicide blast it's said to be the worst violence to hit the area since the country's war began wednesday another group of suicide bombers attacked the city in the south who was shot dead before they could strike but several other militants did manage to set off their explosives eisel has claimed responsibility on the arabic correspondent wafa shot bruni reports. thought of that is the kind of people who are left dead or injured by the bloody islamics they've attacked in a province last way that you would think that might get the syrian army with the help of the residents of this region were able to regain full control of the villages in the north eastern part of the province where i still terrorists had taken hold. genocide as amen haasan are sitting on the rooftop of their house in the northeastern part of the province through gun sights of their rifles they are
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watching how do i still terrorist move around this and other villages nearby had been liberated from i saw the atmosphere was tense at local troops and civilians came to protect the place from possible new i saw attacks and the out of my league out of all of them with. the eastern side near that house they were on twenty eisel militants near the school twenty more and they came down to the village square we liquidated as many as we could then they came to the east of the village and starts to kill the hostages around sixty of our people were killed by terrorists and to the houses and set them on fire so i didn't want. to reduce hearing air forces supporting the ground troops pushed to terrorists to retreat to or it's a mountain and after that if they continue with the airstrikes that the terrorists have first big losses as a result. of the cherice slaughtered locals like women the elderly children entire families were killed giovanna number what else would we have to take up arms
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we're going to stop them before they come here. this is attack an inert eastern part of us wait a province coincided with a series of suicide bombings and swayed the security measures have been increased with the search for potential terrorist still in progress civilian life is far from back to normal hope the city remains on edge due to fears that there me still be terrorist bombers hiding in the area the one from suite. marketplace square last brony r.t.e. about the latest news headlines in just over half an hour see them. on the show to. look at its. muscles his most. high heels it.
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could feel it's doing a little cool wall. of. the single even though it's really nice for you. a little first well it's only about the look i want and i had to go for the one of them i mean my colleagues i'm all. for a. cut. you'll see i. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s.
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has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime stamping each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you longs to be all for the rich eight point six percent market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park. but don't let the numbers overwhelm . the only numbers you need to remember it was one just to show you can't afford to miss the one and only boom box. began its national camera. roughly once they showed some leave for the. future uncool videos and sell them with the roughly string of apps. down more
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on string i don't rightly don't t.v. . welcome to the alex salmond show from scotland and today we're here in the fifty of ed back where behind me you'll see the iconic image of edinburgh castle but we're not here to discuss got in the brain but scotland the browns last week we discussed the importance of soft power and how the u.k. uses it internationally today we're going to talk about the importance of a brand to an ace.
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