tv News RT July 26, 2018 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT
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if they will shoot. me you. mean that you could have been killed by your own. i mean the. u.s. president's national security adviser confirms a. putin summit has been postponed until after the russia which is over. claims that russia will interfere in the upcoming midterm elections for how his rivals the democrats meddling remains divisive an issue as ever as we'll hear later . meddling in the way that osama bin ladin meddled with the world trade center.
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our. annual brics summit of emerging economies underway in south africa with america's trade. agenda and also to come this hour. i. i over six hundred migrants forced their way into spain after storming through a border fence between the countries. and morocco dozens have been left in. giving thanks for joining us this is our. u.s. national security advisor john bolton has confirmed a second meeting between donald trump and putin will only take place after the end
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of what he called the russia which comes after the secretary of state was grilled in the senate of the recent meeting in helsinki between the two leaders. has the president told you what he and president putin discuss in their two hour closed door meeting and did you did he tell you why should we be doing as you put it everything we can to push back on likely election interference by russia where did the president say we're going to change our force structure in syria going to do what took place you speak to the translator do you seen any of her know that the president discussed relaxing relaxing u.s. sanctions on russia and i understand senator i understand the game that you're playing now i know you know mr secretary with all due respect i don't appreciate you characterizing my questions my pompei of face some tough questioning in the senate foreign relations committee he was essentially forced into revealing a secret deal made between trump and putin just last week in helsinki but in
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general come pale held his ground occasionally snapping back once or twice to assure everyone that trump did not show any weakness or approach has been the same to steadily raise the cost of aggression with aggression until vladimir putin chooses a less confrontational foreign policy otherwise the administration will continue imposing tough actions against russia in response to its malign activities and i personally make clear to the russians that will be severe consequences for interference in our democratic processes in helsinki we sought to explore whether russia was interesting in reproving our relationship but made clear that the ball is in russia's court pompei also reiterated that trump does agree with the intelligence community that russia did hack a b. twenty sixteen election but his sentiments last week were a bit different i have president putin he just said it's not russian i will say this i don't see any reason why it would be there was no collusion at all it was a clean campaign i beat hillary clinton easily the summit lead to total hysteria in
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the u.s. the media called trump a traitor a crime one stooge putin's puppet and some even accused him of treason. instead of standing up for our democracy and democratic principles president trump cowered in the presence of putin it was a ho sale betrayal of the values and interests of this country president sided with the enemy and with the perpetrator of the election interference or you treacherous act he is unable to confront russia after helsinki trump invited putin to d.c. for another summit however another wave of hysteria ensued but just an hour before pompei as scheduled testimony john bolen trumps national security advisor announced that the summit would be postponed john bolen explained the decision citing the current political climate as the main reason saying that the meeting should take place after the quote russia witch hunt is over so this decision appears to be
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a move to calm down his domestic critics it's clear that the pressure has worked i mean all this these claims about treason and being traitorous worked to pressure him to back off normalizing relations with russia i believe this is being done in the interest of continuing the u.s. on a permanent war footing and wasting trillions of dollars on wars and military equipment that we don't need to and russia is an excuse for that. meanwhile faces a major test of his presidency later this year in the guise of mid-term elections widely seen as being a vote of confidence in any administration the result is kaleb open explains now whether it's republicans or democrats u.s. politicians seem to know in advance who's to blame if results don't go their way with so much division on capitol hill the democrats and republicans have finally found something that they can agree on both parties now agree that the russians are
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coming more specifically they're coming to interfere in the twenty eight teen mid-term elections this is president trump i'm very concerned that russia will be fighting very hard to have an impact in the upcoming election. based on the front the new president has been tougher on russia than me they will be pushing very hard for the democrats they definitely don't want trump and this is his old arch nemesis there are some tax experts in silicon valley valley with whom i have met who say that you know maybe what they'll do this next time is to really disrupt the actual election shut down the servers that you send results to interfere with the operation of voting machines because still too many of them are linked to the internet so there we are still very vulnerable russia's meddling in the midterm elections may just be a hypothesis at this point but the trumpet ministration from the department of
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homeland security to the secretary of state are ready to fight the two thousand and eighteen midterm elections remain a potential target for russian cyber and influence operations i think we should be absolutely prepared to assume that they will try to interfere in all fifty states we will not tolerate russian interference in our two thousand and eighteen elections we are planning and preparing as if they'll try again this fall and beyond now it hasn't happened yet but the retaliate tory sanctions to be imposed on russia are all set up by congress we're going to pursue russia's energy and financial sectors it's overgaard it's parastatal and it isn't my goal along with senator graham to make sure that we're protecting the united states the pending united states folks in washington d.c. are manning their battle stations all prepared to face an on coming onslaught but what are they worried about well it could be the twenty sixteen presidential elections let's not forget that james clapper the former director of national
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intelligence said that in the twenty sixteen supposed intervention none of the vote tallies were in any way affected they did not change any votes kelley's or anything of that sort we had no we have no way of gauging. the impact that some of the intelligence community can't gauge the impact it had on the choices you looked through me furthermore it's not exactly clear who russia is supposedly going to be supporting now the democrats say that russia is going to be supporting donald trump but trump says that the pending kremlin subversion will be in support of the democrats why would he say that well because it makes just as what sense is what the democrats it was true everybody wants to blame another country for the problem you know the reason why thirty million americans don't have health care is nothing to do with russia that has everything to do with the enemies of america which by the way are in america acts on the military industrial complex these are the
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enemies of america are tired government is bought it's legal bribery and they steal and cheat right out in the open americans car gobbling this up it's amazing you know we used to be afraid of russia because they had a communist ideology they're just kind of pressing that button on americans because we've been conditioned to be afraid of russia and their communism even though they're not communists anymore this will all be cleared up after the election whichever side loses can blame russia for it and after all it worked in the twenty sixteen presidential election for hillary clinton there is no reason that donald trump can't use it to his advantage caleb oppen r. t. washington d.c. we have legal analyst and democratic political consultant richard goodstein why the issue of meddling is proving so divisive liberal politicians frequently blame russia for various things as well if you believe that's the real cause of the problems in the us though there are other divisions what do you think. look i don't
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think people are blaming russia for anything that happens in the united states other than what our intelligence community concluded unanimously which with which it's the russians attacked the united states to mock or see in the way that they. meddled frankly makes it look kind of pity. kind of really kind of piddly. it's meddling in the way that osama bin laden meddled with the world trade center that was an attack dick cheney. fan of generally ira had said that what are the russians did was an act leak was of war against united states so so again but i think we should segment that out i think i think what happened i'd say it's whether it's racial bias or you know in inequality in terms of incomes that's not because of anybody from russia doing that little holiday that we're creating ourselves you didn't let me down. yet and i have parked i am my friend
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comparing osama bin ladden where the point you're russians buying facebook ads which brought down the entire election not because your gal the other than mad fashion east lost a rigged election. but because the nefarious russians and the lead is this necessary as cabal did cram lang. get in there with you there was some hall as. well listen to me let me say yeah there was a whole range of yesterday that by fifty four to forty one percent americans across the board think that donald trump is not standing up for u.s. interests most people in the united states think that putin has the goods some dirt on trump so it's not just me this is what the public thinks look we live in an era right now where we love to. me take something where you have
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a legitimate right to be upset but if you can read it lee turn it up if you could. scream if you can demanded require a screening room and a padding god gave you good how lead and show this absolute out of control histrionics maybe somebody will pick up on that so i think that there are segments of this country that used to be the majority that see what they feel was their country slipping away from them the country you know within a few decades is going to be majority nonwhite and i do think that people here more so than was true ten or twenty years ago read and talk to and watch on television points of view that are just like they're so when they are exposed to something that's different they take offense because they think everybody that they deal with
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things like they do and when they hear something that's different it puts them off do we have to remind folks what this country was like in the fifty's with the lynchings with separate bathrooms with african-americans who couldn't even sit at a lunch counter civil rights violations this is peaches and grain compared to what this country sad to say was in the past so if you think things are worse now than it was fifty years ago sixty years ago you need to review your history well again i don't disagree i don't i don't compare people taking offense at flight today to lynchings why do people feel slighted by something that maybe they would have let go. you know i think that there is again so much awareness in a way that today than there was the there used to be decades ago when we didn't have the mass media. people can kind of aggregate to themselves and basically
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decide well we're right and that person who acted in a way that we don't approve of is wrong and somehow or other that if users people thinking there is a high end everything get a lad to not to say that people don't have a right in many cases to be upset but everything is overdone because you're not going to get media attention if you act reasonably and proportionately. u.s. trade wars are high on the agenda of this year's tenth anniversary brics summit russian president vladimir putin has delivered his speech at the annual gathering of what is the world's top emerging economies comprising of brazil russia india china and south africa because dan has been following the summit for us in johannesburg where kind of midway through the main day of the summit there was of course today the leaders of the world's leading developing economies have signed already a joint declaration of the summit and now well basically the talks between them is
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in full swing now to trade wars are definitely in focus here in johannesburg after all bricks were created the with the idea of being a counterbalance to traditional powerhouses economic powerhouses mainly the united states now trump's policy on trade has been very offensive he's been imposing the tariffs and threatening with tariffs and he has become sort of a tool a diplomatic tool in his hands so now we've already seen brics nations kind of bonding even closer together in the face of this new challenge that they're facing and the experts that we've talked to that i've talked to at the summit at this point the leaders of bricks are very clear that we will not be in position to tolerate what is trade protectionism like we're seeing from the u.s. but also also we.
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