tv Sophie Co RT July 27, 2018 3:30am-4:01am EDT
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everything to do with the enemies of america which by the way are in america acts on the military industrial complex these are the enemies of america are tired government is bought it's legal bribery and they steal and cheat right out in the open americans guard gobbling this up it's amazing you know we used to be afraid of russia because they had a communist ideology they're just kind of pressing that button on americans because we've been conditioned to be afraid of russia and their communism even though that our economy is that in war this will all be cleared up after the election whichever side loses can blame russia for it and after all it worked in the twenty sixteen presidential election for hillary clinton there's no reason that donald trump can't use it to his advantage ok with mop and r t washington d.c. well earlier i asked legal and media analyst lionel and democratic political consultant richard goodstein why the issue of russian meddling is proving divisive
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liberal politicians frequently blame russia for various things as well if you believe that's the real cause of the problems in the u.s. still there are other divisions what do you think. i don't think people are blaming russia for anything that happens in the united states other than what our intelligence community concluded unanimously which with which of the russians attacked the united states to mock or see in the way that they. meddled frankly makes it look kind of pity. kind of really kind of piddly. it's meddling in the way that osama bin laden meddled with the world trade center that was an attack dick cheney. fan of generally ira had said that what our actions did was an act leak was of war against united states so so again but i think we should segment that out i think i think what happened was dates whether it's racial bias or you know in inequality in terms of incomes that's not because of anybody from
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russia doing that oh a little holiday that we're creating ourselves you didn't let me down. yet and i have parked i am my friend comparing osama bin ladden where the point you're russians buying facebook ads which brought down the entire election not because your gal the other than mad fashion east lost a rigged election. but because the nefarious russians and the lead is this necessary as cabal get crammed lang. get in there with you there was some hall. well listen to me let me say yeah there was a whole thing out yesterday that by fifty four to forty one percent americans across the board think that donald trump is not standing up for u.s. interests most people in the united states think that putin has the goods some dirt
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on trump so it's not just me this is what the public thinks look we live in an era right now where we love to. out me take something where you have a legitimate right to be upset but if you can really turn it up if you could. scream if you can demand and require a screaming room and a petting dog a vivid how led and show this absolute out of control histrionics maybe somebody will pick up on that so i think that there are segments of this country that used to be the majority that see what they feel was their country slipping away from them the country you know within a few decades is going to be majority nonwhite and i do think that people here more so than was true ten or twenty years ago read and talk to and watch on television
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points of view that are just like there are so when they are exposed to something that's different they take offense because they think everybody that they deal with things like they do and when they hear something that's different it puts them off do we have to remind folks what this country was like in the fifty's with the lynchings with separate bathrooms with african-americans who couldn't even sit at a lunch counter civil rights violations this is peaches and grain compared to what this country sad to say was in the past so if you think things are worse now than it was fifty years ago sixty years ago you need to review your history. well again i don't disagree i don't i don't compare people taking offense. flight today to lynchings why do people feel slighted by something that maybe they would have let go. you know i think that there is again so much awareness in
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a way that today than there was the there used to be decades ago when we didn't have the mass media people can kind of aggregate to themselves and basically decide well we're right and that person who acted in a way that we don't approve of is wrong and that somehow or other that if users people thinking there is a heightened everything today not to not to say that people don't have a right in many cases to be upset but everything is overdone because you're not going to get media attention if you're at reasonably and proportionately. now facebook shares plummeted by nineteen percent on thursday wiping one hundred billion dollars off the company's value that followed a report which showed distorting user base in north america and a decline in european uses after a series of scandals back in march it emerged fifty million facebook users have been exposed to data mining practices by the research cambridge analytic or the
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social network has also been accused of suppressing content from right wing groups and facebook's use of facts checkers to filter out so-called fake news there's also stirred up controversy conservative sources claim they've been unfairly targeted while twitter's stock price has also taken a hit following claims of political bias president trying to use twitter to accuse the platform of shadow banning prominent republicans he warned we will look into this discriminatory and illegal practice. well the shadow abounding story broke back in february when conservative users noticed a substantial loss of followers on twitter the company claimed it was due to a crackdown on bolts but on wednesday a news report described how the company has restricted the visibility of republicans and these include the party chairman and several members of congress when independent journalist dave lindorff says social media giant should keep out of politics in terms of. gold by. you know it's
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a dangerous game if they are playing that to start for them to start being the arbiters of what is acceptable political discourse the big danger is this a i kind of filtering which which google is doing a lot of and wants to do more of where you know with the algorithm itself can become biased it's easy enough i think for them to monitor. things that are what we would call yelling fire in a crowded theater we don't which doesn't violate free speech and other then i think they should steer clear of it and just let it be a free flow of information. the leaders of the five bricks emerging economies of brazil russia india china and south africa holding a summit in johannesburg r.t.e. goes down off reports from day one. now thursday the main day of the bric summit was packed with action and of course to an extent you can use the word action in
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regard to a political summit well russia's president vladimir putin arriving early in the morning he kicked off his streak of face to face conversations with the south african president now that way late into the night followed by a face to face with the chinese with his chinese counterparts and then all of that wrapped up with a tete a tete with india's prime minister now in between all of those talks of russia's president vladimir putin met with the leaders of other countries who are not part of the brics bloc among those was the argentinean leader and the turkish president recipe and putin's meeting with erdogan kind a hinted at the potential bromance the two leaders could be having to. go. through such. kind of. to.
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look for those who. remain. so. we're live in special times and with donald trump and the white house being so keen on trade wars all of that of course couldn't go unnoticed here that was the focus and i talked about this to quite an extent with ministers and experts who attended the summit the leaders of bricks are very clear that we will not be in position to tolerate what is trade protectionism like we're seeing from the u.s. but also we're also looking at alternatives to say that i mean you have brics which is a conflagration almost forty percent of the world's population it's a huge play and it's look at how politics has changed in the states they want to make. that. product somebody fractured in america for americans and not getting
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goods manufactured outside the united states and brought back again exotic prices back to the united states the emerging markets are starting to see the dangers of. collateral damage. suffering is. not the cause of everybody's problems but we're all being affected so we're not very happy about it. so what we see as. the intended a distillation which is a reeky to multilateralism in favor of. favor of that this is a signal that we need to strengthen. huge number of areas so with all the damage that right now america's trade policies are dealing apparently to the economies of the breaks nations well every cloud has a silver lining you know and here it is the fact that the brics nations are now encouraged to work closer with each other also. encouraging other nations perhaps
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emerging economies to work with the breaks with other states don of reporting from johannesburg from south africa. well the five leaders gather trade group but not everything went to plan. around six hundred migrants have breached a border fence separating spain's north african territory of search and.
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i. banished police say the migrants mostly from sub-saharan africa turned violent throwing molotov cocktails at least one hundred thirty people have been injured the autonomous cities of susa and many are already in use only land borders with africa and hundreds of migrants try to jump the fence is there every year the latest incident comes just hours after spain's foreign minister raised the alarm about the situation. this is more serious than the euro crisis the migration problem must be solved on the ground and the countries of origin otherwise we're just shifting pressure from one place to another people now see space as a better bet than italy who's trying to close its borders come completely this again as always and this is been going on for years and years and years without a successful resolution and it is because the e.u.
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collectively and the member states have been able to come to a proper equitable burden sharing of how to deal with migrants coming into europe a lot of the states are not pulling their weight. now thousands of protesters have rallied in the post. capitol accusing the government of tightening its grip on the judiciary on thursday a president signed a reform bill into law giving the government the power to choose the next supreme court chief critics say it's the latest step by the ruling or in justice party to undermine the independence of the court and crush democracy crowds gathered outside the presidential palace in warsaw chanting the shame and you will go to prison. then most of us i protested on this street in the nineteen eighties when there was martial law and therefore for democracy so we could have free courts and live in free society with the rule of law but now everything is crumbling right before our
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eyes. just over the abyss and yes i am very pessimistic my moral hasn't been this low for two and a half years but i could imagine things could get this bad in poland. britain's home secretary javid has commissioned a study into the profile of child abusers among the factors to be considered is the perpetrators racial background my fischer's have been working with investigating officers in relevant cases to establish the particular characteristics and contexts associated with this type of offending we're looking at what this data set can tell us about characteristics of offenders victims and the way the context of abuse all of which have a critical bearing on the effect of targeting of prevention activity. child grooming scandals that are a topic that have attracted a great deal of emotion controversy and debates in the u.k. public and media as well rather on rossdale bristol peterborough the list is endless and will be familiar to many here in the u.k.
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this is the first time though that many would say a government in office indeed the home secretary in office has ordered an investigation specifically into the ethnicity the racial background of both the victims and the perpetrators involved in these crimes it's not the first time investigations of happened it's not the first time the issue's been raised just last year in fact a labor m.p. and former minister sarah champion wrote an article in a paper in which she unequivocally condemned pakistani grooming gangs and said the issue must be debated openly and honestly the backlash she received the criticism she received from many quarters in the end caused her to resign from her position and indeed received death threats after which she had to receive extra police protection what strikes me about this whole debate is that we've reached a point in this country and possibly in the west where we can't really talk in a relaxed way about race so this would write something which a lot of people would say is a statement of the bleeding obvious and ends up losing the job now the media and
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public outcry has stemmed from the understanding that a sense of misplaced political correctness of fear of offending of racial backlash of stoking ethnic and community tensions had previously prevented law enforcement social services and local government from taking the necessary action to stop and prevent these horrific crimes i think there was a culture of not wanting to rock the multicultural community bode if i may put it like that this has also come from the horse's mouth just quite a number of years ago there was a police report released under the freedom of information act in which the police themselves had said often there was a very lucky that it's a hesitancy to take the necessary action because precisely of the stuff. of racial or ethnic tensions over the years the discussion about the racial ethnic background of perpetrators and victims of these crimes and that specific link has been quite to boot it's been discussed with a great hesitancy or been confined perhaps to the margins of the political spectrum
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now though with the home secretary's investigation given of course sergeant javal himself has pakistani roots that discussion seems to be going more mainstream and the education spokesperson for the u.k. independence party david kirton thinks this move by the u.k. home office is long overdue. this is something that needs to be dealt with and it needs to be dealt with with brutal honesty it's good that saudi job it has commissioned this report but honestly this is something that should have happened twenty years ago because it's been going on for at least twenty years people have known about it in various arms of the state it's being covered up but more importantly people have been afraid to talk about it because of the culture of political correctness and the adherence to multiculturalism which in this particular case clearly has not worked. back with the headlines in just over half
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an hour but for more on all of our stories in the meantime at r.t. dot com. everywhere in the world like guesses that probably just about everywhere women expect men to make that first move and here we are in an age where men a scared to make the first move don't know how to make the first well don't know what the right to make the first lol. the fallout from michael calling secret recording it's taken the talk away from helsinki but it means more turmoil for the white house to take
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a look at that on this edition. welcome to politicking on larry king but now you know about the secret recording of a conversation purportedly between the candidate donald trump and his former personal attorney michael cohen what's the political and legal fallout for mr trump and the republicans we'll talk about that with our political panel the democratic strategist julian epstein who served as chief minority counsel to the house. foremost distaff director of the government oversight and reform committee he's in washington and then lansdowne virginia john wood backed republican strategist former chairman of the republican party of virginia also an attorney and small business owner julian what's the legal value to mr cohen of releasing this.
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the legal significance is there's all kinds of potential criminal violations here the story relating to karen mcdougal a playboy playmate that michael carona dollars from were apparently trying to cover up by getting a news publication the national enquirer to buy the rights to it so they could bury the story very likely involves campaign finance violations that trump and michael cohen were trying to obstruct any inquiry into and this comes on the heels of an ever widening inquiry into the president for obstruction of justice and the russian interference probe so the president's woes jets get worse and worse from a legal point of view republicans abandoned many republicans abandoned by the president on his recent foreign policy excursions whether it was the helsinki summit or whether was north korea that doesn't seem to mean materializing and on the domestic front. republicans seem to be abandoning the president on the trade
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wars john the other republican. this conversation for ford between trump and michael cohen how a lot resonate with republican voters if at all. well i don't think it at all will at all actually i mean i think his numbers when republicans were up around eighty eight percent as a last poll that i saw it just to respond briefly to the legal aspect of this lanny davis is a pretty competent attorney i don't think he would have allowed this tape to come out if he was scared that his client was going to be implicated some kind of criminal matter related to it so that's a bit of a leap to say that there's criminal liability associate with the president or michael cohen because of this tape mange to be seen but this has nothing to do with the rush of collusion this is an entirely separate matter and i think one of the things the white house doesn't do well is differentiate between the two in other words the white house is having the president constantly messaging on twitter and whatnot that this is a witch hunt while the collusion part of it in terms of the president's role in it
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there's no evidence that that's occurred but there has been substantial indictments of different things of russians and other people related to interference in the election which is a whole separate matter but the white house needs to do a better job of differentiating the president's role and how that is a witch and how they found no evidence of collusion by the president despite only one of these about the president than women john why do event joe insoles continue to support him. you know one of the things that evangelicals have been fighting for for decades is supreme court nominees and that is something that i think they are really committed to and i think evangelicals are aggressive voters on the issues that they care about most because of that i think that's the chief issue that's driving them to the polls not to mention this is about the most conservative administration we've seen maybe since reagan and i think that it's it's an amazing situation to be in for certainly because donald trump is not someone you would
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think would be an evangelical voters favorite candidate so is just a aster ask john the question is do the evangelicals believe in all and all and an eleventh commandment now which says that it's ok to cheat on your wife and lie about it so long as you support the right candidate for the supreme court is that would have been joe i but. because i remember having this response on the other hand when president clinton had an extramarital affair and every republican want to impeach him for it just curious as to how republicans rationalize it when the shoe is on the other foot now actually if that's revisionist history because it was actually for lying under oath nobody was impeaching the president for adultery and quite frankly i wish we'd had this conversation back in the one nine hundred ninety s. as well because if i throw back at you you know democrats excuse the behavior and they did in droves so let's just let's just stick with the president let's stick with the president ben jealous right now even jellicoe to your argument believe that it's ok to cheat on your wife and cover up about it and lie about it so long as you
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support the right candidate for the supreme court and your position. i think i think the position that you're taking is that you know it's ok for bill clinton to do it but no no i'm asking about donald trump and i think i'm asking about it's a false argument that's why you should also document it was you want to know was where was where were you a minute ago was that ok well as those was lying under oath democrats so where were you that's roundly. roundly you want to let me a lot to answer the question democrats roundly roundly criticized clinton for that which you don't do in the case of donald trump that's point one point two is let's stick with your argument now you just your response to larry was well even jellicoe holes and conservatives give donald trump a pass not only on the cheating of on the one on the wife not only with the with with porn stars and playboy playmates not only on all of the lies that occur on
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a daily basis relating to russia not only on the obstruction of justice issues not only on a long litany of issues we can go through because he supports the right guy the first supreme court and i just want to focus on your argument here for a second that's the argument you're making well the question was why do evangelical voters support trump and i was taking a gander that it was on the supreme court would be the chief issue and i think what you're trying to do is you're trying to justify your favorite president bill clinton's behavior by comparing it to donald trump's look here's the deal the american idol from his was worth say elected donald trump hillary clinton lost get over it yes that's going to morrows that's another argument. reportedly it is a bipartisan push to impose new sanctions on russia it's gaining ground in the senate you think we might see that this john. yeah we might i think a lot of most republicans have been pretty consistent and i would i would join in this russian interference our election is something that should be condemned
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defended against should be aggressively pursued investigation and otherwise and i think republicans are really interested in pursuing that i think that's different then then that the accusation that somehow donald trump colluded with the russians but i would join with the republicans that have been aggressive on this and i think they should impose additional sanctions on russia for what they did to our election for did visit julian the visit of mr putin to the white house will not happen this fall but will happen early in twenty nineteen what do you make of that change well you've heard in the last week just dozens of republicans mccain. graham ben sass the chairman of the foreign relations committee corker on down the line roundly condemned the president as being and that confused. ill informed on the facts in berra saying i mean these are not words from democrats these are words
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from repugnant republicans have used in the last week so i think there's been a firestorm of criticism from his own party and i would point out to my friend the criticism and the sanctions are not just about the interference in the elections which is now undisputed essentially by everybody other than the president or the president has different stories depending on which day of the week it is but it's also because of the annex ation of crimea it's the interference in syria and the attempt to bust buttress a dictator in syria it's what's going on in north macedonia what happened in the united kingdom it's a whole series of things that republicans have taken a starkly different position republicans and democrats alike have taken a starkly different position from this white house on john it's the most investigation is not wrapped up before the twenty eighteen election what do think will that have do you think on the elections. you know i would agree i was watching morning joe this morning and lot of the folks on there were talking about the
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impact this might have an election and most of the and they're not donald trump supporting progressives on the show believe that there would not be much effect of the small investigation on the midterms i think people really are looking at the kitchen table issues and that's the republicans ought to be talking about we ought to be talking about the impact the tax cuts have had in the economy we ought to be talking about infrastructure all the things that the president has gotten done for deregulation and i think that's what people are going to be voting on julian do you think the democrats are going too far left. i think there's a danger that they could go too far left and i think they have to be cautious of that i think it's a big tent party and what i think you've seen in various races whether it's connor lamb or or the recent race in new york where the fourth one third ranking democrat was had lost his seat i think democrats have a wide enough tent to be able to appeal on a broad based set of issues i would also say that i agree that if mahler doesn't
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make a move very quickly in the month of august i think it would be inappropriate for him to make any moves before the election the way jim comi did in two thousand and sixteen in terms of this point as to whether the public cares about the mall or investigation i mean i just think my friend is mistaken on that it's true that the republicans don't but independents and democrats who together make up a substantial majority of voters all support the mauler pro-ball think it's very important all think there's something significant here john i hope the democrats campaign on the investigation i hope that's all they focus on because if they do they're going to lose and i think voters are not going to be motivated to show up to vote for democrats in the fall because they're all over this investigation the same thing happened in one thousand nine hundred voters were turned off by the cost investigations of bill clinton we should stick to the issues and that's how we went john didn't say these things but these things just aren't true i mean you say there's no evidence of collusion and i show you there's plenty of evidence of
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collusion with people involved in the closers the trump family that's point one point two why do you share your data on how the investigation is driving voters share your data that you have to document their ladders or motivated independents and i'm sure you're doing ladley gladly so there's enormous amount of polling data that believes that this administration is corrupt and it's not just russia it's a whole series of other issues and that these election will be a referendum on doll front and will be in part to check the. option that has been going on on a wide range of issues and that data shows up in independents and that shows up with democrats and that may not show up with republicans but it shows up with a majority of voters so i think your data is wrong where you were more thing in john the terrorist. so you would generalize the terror vandals the trump has launched he now proposes twelve billion dollars aid package to farmers negatively affected by those tariffs or do you.
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