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tv   News  RT  July 27, 2018 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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dominate in many ways and so the man is going to object to that and go elsewhere men might dominate in the women is going to object or. go elsewhere so the finest relationships are in which there is a balance of power and each person respects the other when i asked singles what they're looking for in a partner the number one thing i ask that year after year in this massive study is respect and when you really respect somebody when you feel you can confide in them when they make you laugh when you find them physically attractive and when they make enough time for you you're going to have a good relationship is a matter of fact you know i studied the brain i put people in brain scanners and studied the brain circuitry of romantic love and attachment and i did one study of long married people and these are the three brain regions that are linked with long term happiness psychologists will say all kinds of things about what makes you happy but this is what the brain says these are the three brain regions to become active in a long term marriage happy marriage a brain region link with empathy
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a brain region link with controlling your own stress and your own emotions and a brain region linked with what i call positive illusions the ability to overlook what you don't like about somebody and focus on what you do we've found it those three brain regions just as active in men as in women if you can express empathy control yourself and overlook what you don't like you're likely to have a happy partnership for both men and women who are going to take a short break right now when we're back we'll continue talking about the evolution of human relationships with helen fisher as apologist and human behavior researchers.
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it's a very rough terrain just so it's rough climates and you have to win fights to be able to put them in the flank. it was gunshots on top them and so many friends they would have been going to have men and even not. don't let me back up for me you know i don't want to see a better body in this world is it due to budget spreading the good. old to new good wouldn't. you don't think about these three of these soldiers who on no you got three teams played and you know do another patients.
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come off. far away. down there in acapulco he does the dollar vigilante and he's an anarchist and that is anarchy it's anarchy in that there is no centralized authority that is corrupt and all that leads to all kinds of bad outcomes when you have got to centralization of power you know you have the wherewithal to have a more peaceful existence. four men are sitting in a car when the fifth gets shot in the head. for different versions of what. one of them is on the death row there's no way you
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could have done it there's no possible way because the us did not shoot around a corner. and we're back with dr helen fisher anthropologist and human behavior researcher discussing gender roles and the changes romantic relationship changer in today's world now helen what is it what it's like when your partner is a country's leader what other day in a mix of such a relationship i mean do you just naturally have to submit more out of the way. it's going to depend on the relationship i mean somebody like macross hunt in france gets a great deal of guidance from his wife you know she's really schooled him on how to
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give a speech they have all kinds of conversations about what the right thing to do is under certain circumstances she's very much of a partner in his political world and his political life and his style of leadership so actually i think that mccrone and his wife. the future and i think that somebody like trump and melania his wife is the past vonnie of her early plays almost no rule in any of his decisions. doesn't appear is if she makes any kind of public appearances that she doesn't need to it doesn't seem as if she is in any way playing any leadership role. as a spouse so i think there's all kinds of different forms of leadership i know with a former american president yes i i don't want to i don't want to i guess what life was very useful to him i want to go actually step by step to constructing each one of those relationships that you brought up but we'll start with the bomb
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a dynamic because there's a lot more of an equal partnership well at least that's how it looked from the outside for instance with trump like you've said well this man power why is your approach to power sharing in the relationship so different. oh very different people you're talking about obama obama and well very different. obama's and the. trump is a very high testosterone guy is also a very high don't mean guy i study the brain circuitry of personality and we've evolved for a very broad styles of thinking and behaving like with the dopamine serotonin to run an estrogen system and trump is why i'm and i'm not as a psychoanalyst but the bottom line is it's pretty clear that he's very high testosterone and very high dove a mean very impulsive man apparently quite narcissistic and not interested in sharing power he didn't pick a woman who appeared to be interested in his powers i don't know whether she was interested in his money he's probably quite charming in bed who choose to know but
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they are not a leadership couple the way say obama is obama is a much more high estrogen man he's a very verbal e skilled good very good people skills he was always interested in the little guy who would go you know kitchen to kitchen talking to people in the suburbs and and the hinterlands trying to figure out what they needed he's a touchy feely guy who has tremendous compassion for. a whole lot of people and he married a woman who shares his values and is a very strong woman she is i think more high testosterone than he is he's got a lot of opinions he respects her opinions and they've done it as a team apparently when obama was first approached to become president one of the first things he said i have to ask michelle will it be ok with michelle is she going to be interested in doing this with me i don't expect that trump ever. well i'm sure she or her partner in this. latest scandal is going trump's
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presidency firing fieri claims milady am broke down in tears when her husband's victory was announced apparently not of joy i mean being the first lady the president's wife really that bad. well i think that the. going to depend on who you are and what you want i mean if you want to play a big role in world politics you're interested in changing the world. doing a great deal for humanity you would probably see it as an enormous opportunity and i my guess is that michelle obama saw it exactly that way whereas malani a probably wants a relatively comfortable life in which she can raise up her son and have some peace and quiet and she's not going to get that this way when he became president apparently when he learned that he was president the first thing it is go in and talk to her about it to burst into tears so i don't know whether she did or didn't didn't but she's not taking a huge active role the way other president's wife has which is
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a good indication that this is a power trip that he's enjoying he's enjoying it by himself he did not choose a woman who wants to participate in this part of his life and perhaps they're both comfortable with her staying out of the picture and him jumping in so every single relationship is going to be different they're going to see power differently they're going to say their roles in the marriage differently and their roles in society different so i think it is a very important time in human evolution where both men and women can choose to expand their roles in all kinds of ways and we're seeing in quite a right of different sorts of partnerships including obama and trump. and then there are man who are husbands and leaders like angela merkel or margaret thatcher what do you think it's their role in all of that i mean can you really be a macho alpha male when your wife pretty much runs top of the free world. it's entirely possible that they didn't want to show male. i believe that.
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both of these women are very high testosterone women there are matter of fact they're let's get it done is entirely possible when they fell in love they fell in love with somebody who didn't just wanted to be a supportive partner or wouldn't have worked out. you know when i study personality people are very high testosterone tend to choose people who are high estrogen who want to be supportive who want to be nurturing who want to think long term and who want to be a helpmate so it's money against their two very high testosterone people are not likely to make a very strong marriage and are not likely to go into politics together so i'm not surprised that. that that sharon angle or merkel of i mean angela merkel i think she's a physics or chemical i don't know she got a ph d. in a in a very mathematically based science and she's chosen a husband who was i think also a physicist. and so they probably see a great deal in each other's intellectual concerns and he. appears to
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be happy that she is. doing what she's doing for the world and trying to be supportive of or while she's doing it it wouldn't have been a stable marriage and they probably would have broken up of. angle of merkel's husband and margaret thatcher's husband did not want to play the supportive role they would have left there is sort of these days it may be hard to leave because you know. i want to tell you once you're cast in the role it doesn't look too good for the further has been who left you yeah. yeah you know oh dear and you know your i'm going to go somewhere else i want to do physics and you want to run the world forget it no they both picked men who wanted to be supportive of them and indeed were because both women have been very effective. there's something else i want to talk to you about there's a survey by german saucy ologist which says that there was
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a direct connection between politicians good looks and the votes they get so are we would think the same way with why. and why isn't george clooney president then. we're going to have more than good looks and good looks always are useful when i put people into a brain scanner we know the little factory that lights up when you look at a good looking face it's a it's a factory that put pumps out and dopamine and gives you a sense of pleasure so even if you're walking down the street and you see somebody who's very good looking you don't necessarily want to talk to him you want to get on your way but you notice it and you sort of enjoying looking at them so we enjoy looking at a good looking face and it will probably help you anywhere but you need more than a good looking face to run the world and you need a smart idea is you need to be a good speaker you need to dress appropriately you need to know yourself probably because we've got some now the don't but never mind. you know to be an effective
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leader you need a lot more than just good looks so loving someone or being attracted to someone is a really they claim sure of the deal is it can you love someone till death do you part or can you love someone literally to death killings were jealous when crimes of passion they're among the most common so how do you how do you go how how do we go so fast from loving and caring to hating and detesting the very same person why is the line between the two so the same it's actually extremely easy when you study the brain the brain circuitry for intense for manic love are actually extremely well connected to. brain circuits to generate feelings of hate the opposite of love is not hate the opposite of love is indifference that's that's the real difference when you when you don't care anymore that's the opposite of love and hate and you
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you know when you think about it love and hate have a lot in common they both are high energy there's a lot of focus there's a lot of motivation there's a lot of craving to to to when somebody you are to. hurt somebody and some of the big basic motivations are the same for both love and hate so they're well connected in the brain. and it's very easy to slip from love to hate and back to love again as a matter of fact you can do both at the same time you really hate somebody for what they're doing to you and still be passionately in love with you love with them at the same time so they can actually even go together so how do you stop love becoming such a dangers obsession i mean isn't weiner smack your husband's had with a frying pan for cheating and the infamous words of president trump about grabbing women really the same side of the coin i mean isn't all about recession and domination is love really about that i don't think love is about that at all i think we've all three distinctly different brain systems for mating the
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reproduction one is this extra but it's feelings of intense romantic love and the third is feelings of deep attachment sex drive gets your answer looking for a whole range of partners you can have sex with somebody you're not in love with we're manic love enables you to focus your mate in the g. and just want to time and the third brain system of attachment enables you to stick with this person at least long enough to raise a single child through infancy together so they're different brain systems and the basic traits of romantic love have nothing to do with power we seem to be so fixated on power these days but when you fall in love with somebody the first thing that happens is that they take on special meaning everything about them becomes special the car they drive is different from every other car in the parking lot the street live on the music that they like then you feel when things are going well a mood swings into horrible despair when things are going poorly all kinds of bodily reactions butterflies in the stomach and dry mouth when you talk in the real possessiveness you want to win them intense craving for them we know the brain
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circuitry high in motivation to win this person. and power is really not basic to the feelings of intel. romantic love holds host a constellation of other traits and. wow i could just talk to you for days and days but i have to say thank you for there's a wonderful conversation on this now thanks so much alan it was really interesting we're talking to dr helen fisher biological anthropologist and human behavior researcher about how the way of sexual harassment stories are actually going to change romantic relations well that's it for this edition of sophie and co i will see you next time.
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if you will do. a little snooze it's. my muscles as. i lose it. could you. do it a little cool. this is. the single divinity for a night for you. all for school it's only about the looking. forward to one of the. more. cut.
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you'll move up. is democratic socialism the future of the democratic party the future of america is moving to the left a winning strategy to take on donald trump's vision of conservative populism one thing is undeniable mainstream politics in both parties for under pressure to evolve and become more account. of some people come on. they use indigenous people as you know we that the. people treat. most flukey should say that the only thing.
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and all of a sudden the man just. simple be ok with. i said i will enter it in if they will not allow me. if they will shoot me. i don't. mean you indeed i'm just i'm not picking on you need to be indicted because how didn't want to go human on my own and that i think i made it look like i mean because. it's not. what i mean over.
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this i was told headline. human rights organizations round on camera after a video emerges showing the execution of two women and two in for reportedly by the west african nations force. it is indeed one of the most shocking and despicable and i watched my entire year career being. very old cases on this team snatch less documented. celebrities are getting into trouble over old tweets those with the left wing views that are offended by the media whereas those on the right path. the future of british citizens who went to fight
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in the middle east is again in the spotlight. new director of public prosecutions who defends integrating militants. debate the issue. to radicalize terrorists. we the government. thanks for joining us here on r.t. international the news team here put together your latest friday worldwide. human rights chief at the west african nation of cameroon to investigate alleged abuses in the country's forces it comes after a video emerged of what appears to be the extra judicial execution of two women and
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two infants a number of rights groups have confirmed that the military was responsible for the atrocity a warning you may find the following video obtained by the intercept distressing. maybe more possible to. be. now these shocking images show soldiers from cameroon executing women and children now a uniformed demand is narrating their actions he says that the women and children are part of the boko haram terrorist group after the first round of bullets one of the men wearing military fatigues acknowledges that one of the children is still alive so he shoots again first the government claims that the video was fake news
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but now it's been reported that four soldiers have been detained keep in mind that cameroon is a key ally of the united states in the war on terror cameroon is advice to partner in the fight against boko haram isis west africa and other violent extremist organizations in the lake chad basin region a relationship with cameroon is designed to promote stability and security within the region now cameroon host hundreds of u.s. troops and the u.s. drone base and at this point the usa continues to supply cameroon with military planes and other assistance even though it's been pointed out by the ambassador to the country that the military has been involved in targeted killings there's going to start recovering there's a good summary executions the security detainees people. chose to go use to their families even to this is. now the u.s. state department has expressed concerns over the video that seems to show one of
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its key allies committing a savage act of brutality we call on the government of cameroon to investigate thoroughly and transparently the events depicted in the video make its findings public and if cameroonian military personnel were involved in this atrocity hold them accountable this is hardly the first time that cameroon has raised the concerns of human rights groups and amnesty international report documented over one hundred cases of murder torture and abuse we used witness testimony and photographs from the social media accounts of. to digitally moto the site and locate incidents within it the legs if they stay taney abound in a stress position known as the position. detainees report being held in this way for days at a time and first there were reports that the u.s. state department had temporarily suspended aid to the country but the pentagon was quick to dispel those rumors there has been no change the assistance the department
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of defense provides to cameroon as a direct result of violence in the angle friend regions of cameroon the united states constantly tells us that its foreign policies are about defending freedom it accuses geo political rivals of violating human rights but it looks like cameroon past friend of the pentagon has anything but a clean record they would mop and r.t. washington d.c. a lot of other good old c. a research international who's examined cameroonian military abuses says that the human rights violations are systematic and they go unpunished it is indeed one of the most shocking and despicable p. just that i ever watched in my entire year career we spent a lot of time at amnesty to analyze didio we have collected to steal money sent in from our sources hundred ground we have compounded these testimonies with
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the analysis of our experts including military experts we have been surprised and shocked by the fact that the minister of communication s dismissed the d.d.'s fake news even before launching an investigation on the case and recorded systematic torture extrajudicial executions. arbitrary arrests cases of enforced disappearance and all these cases that's never been dealt with. we have asked the cameroonian the prime minister's office to confirm whether the government is conducting an investigation on whether any soldiers have been detained. an increasing number of celebrities are getting into trouble for old tweets in america just how much trouble seems to depend on political affiliations when a boycott explains. it's become a sport watched someone climb to the top and then knock them off the perch using their own less than savory quotes like t.v.
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actor roseanne barr who lost her long time job a.b.c. following a very racist tweet it also happened to katie mchugh a journalist who used to write for the breitbart website after her anti muslim tweets came to light the same fate be felled the sisters stars of the go with no job instagram account they used to have a talk show but it was canceled because they were old. and islamophobia tweets resurfaced on top of that left leaning liberal media outlet found out that the sisters have a conservative news pundit for a mother who likes donald trump a lot in fact one thing all those disgraced stars have in common is that they're politically conservative although recently the liberal camp has been hit by a string of very similar scandals james gotten big hollywood film director made guardians of the galaxy turns out ten years ago he was making jokes about rape and
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paedophilia his bosses at disney had to sack him the creator of reckon movie end of the harmon town podcast dan harmon he had to apologize after an old sketch where he rapes a baby doll called the attention of the twitter sphere the host of the daily show travel no recently faced criticism when his old sketch poking fun at aboriginal women in australia cropped up online who dug all this up the conservatives to find some politically incorrect skeletons in the liberals closets might you know of it all right keen to get revenge on the left was the one who found the james gun tweets he's loving the fact that the lefties are getting a taste of their own outraged medicine. i enjoyed just the wrong human visceral reaction of jumping into the arena and just swinging the hammer and seeing what is left over afterwards twitter is just modern day gladiatorial combat but there is
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a slight difference in how the conservatives online misdemeanors and the left wing liberals offensive jokes are playing out trevor noah and dan harmon have managed to hold on to their jobs james gunn did get fired but a lot of the so-called liberal elite standing up for him james gunn is one of the most loving caring good natured people i have ever met he's made mistakes we all have i'm not ok with what's happening to him james gunn i think you for your tile and your decency and your evolution as a man i'm posing myself to take everything in the forest because of term i just want everyone to know i love all members of my geo t.g. family some have even started a petition to rehire him the choice is fair wasn't quite as forgiving when it came to roseanne barr's hateful language shame on you the real roseanne and a.b.c.
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network not a single apology can get me to respect your despicable racist character and racism in mainstream media now i'm hurt embarrassed and disappointed the racist and distasteful comments from rosie are inexcusable a.b.c. and disney do the right thing there is still boned reason the age of trump that cannot be crossed thank you for putting values above money roseanne herself has picked up on it i'm disgusted to read all the support for james guns paedophile jokes as the same people supported blackly sue me for a joke they didn't even understand digging up dirt is one thing but it looks like it's more likely to stick if you're on the right side of the political spectrum. in the u.k. the question of what to do about british citizens who went to fight bushie hardest groups in the middle east but now want to return.


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