tv Sophie Co RT July 27, 2018 9:30am-10:00am EDT
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real roseanne an a.b.c. network not a single apology can get me to respect your despicable racist character and racism in mainstream media now i'm hurt embarrassed and disappointed the racist and distasteful comments from rosen are inexcusable a.b.c. and disney do the right thing there are still boundaries in the age of trump that cannot be crossed thank you for putting values above money rosenhaus self has picked up on it i'm disgusted to read all the support for james guns paedophile jokes as the same people supported blackly sue me for a joke they didn't even understand digging up dirt is one thing but it looks like it's more likely to stick if you're on the right side of the political spectrum. in the u.k. the question of what to do about british citizens who went to fight for she hardest groups in the middle east but now want to return is back in the spotlight as after
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the appointment of a new director of public prosecutions mr max hill who was once an m.p. as a quote politically correct snowflake well i'm mr hill the ultimately came into the spotlight when he was working as an independent review of u.k. terror laws some of which we argued should be scrapped he was slammed for meeting with the organization cage group which some have accused of defending islam rest's but hills and stars on jihadists has been branded scandalously feeble by some of the u.k. media here's one of his more controversial statements on returning she harvests really we should be looking towards reintegration and moving away from a notion that we're going to lose a generation due to this travel those who travelled out of the sands of naivety possibly with some brainwashing on the way possibly in their need teams we have to leave space for those individuals to be diverted away from the criminal courts. my colleague neil harvey debated the issue with a panel of guests. there has to be holistic approach through
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a balance of using the judicial system for people who have committed a crime by joining prescribed organization and a rehabilitation program and i think michael recognizes that and his review of the terrorism strategy is bringing holistic piece together our counter radicalization and i counter terrorist trust in u.k. has been absolutely a joke we have had the government listen it wasn't a stream. but it is what he was trying to anyone tell you what i'll finish doing i'll finish doing my bit so we have a situation we've got british kids in syria being radicalized now we don't know who's committed what crimes now i do we bring them back home all we are going to take them out with. strikes which are about twenty percent accurate or drone strikes which ten years of use in afghanistan or pakistan show up out there for six or seven percent accurate indeed you know drones are two percent accurate about ten twenty percent accurate you're lucky you're you're going wrong and. i'm going to
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get analysis from doing alternative facts. i just want to listen to a sound bite of boris johnson of course we legally justify those drone strike assess nations as preventative to stop future acts of terror in syria but that's because the mosques the reality that killing them is also a ritual beauty of payback for the film the executions of innocent people is that the right motive for what was the foreign secretary talking about basically an official. government stance a vengeance is not appropriate what we are doing if we follow mr barr is john's the strategies that we are really french are using our justice system to the usa because usa has a death penalty but the reality is that we are using our sovereignty and telling the world that britain is not competent enough to really. sort of put through criminals through the criminal justice system. british citizens we need to deal
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with our rubbish we've got to bring them home if they are capable of being de radicalized and we can deal with them like they do in some of the nordic countries or some the scandinavian countries and we integrate them into british are to great how do you go in and arrest these people bring them back in the most little police car to be put in a cozy cell to go through a judicial system there in a conflict zone they're a threat to this country so the legitimate military targets we do not record we do not count civilian casualties we do not count collateral damage if there is believed to be very responsibility they respond no no no no no no no no no on the first series in parliament it was absolutely clear the m.p.'s came forward said we have no records we have no evidence and the reason is we do not count them i just want to sort of move on to a little bit different as you know in the last few days over four hundred white helmets activist in syria has been taken out under escort by israel to jordan and there is some expectation that they would be given british nationality
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are they european nationalities these white helmets were working hand in hand with ice and terrorists in syria at the end of the day on the one hand we are saying that terrorists should be taken out by drones then and are the sort of firepower but on and at the same time we let go of over four hundred white head miss terrorist who are operating in syria to come back to the u.k. not only. to sort of do it to be radicalized but to be given nice nullity and to roam freely as some humanitarian workers i mean time world some members of the white helmets group of being given asylum in europe and elsewhere many are still in syria and the future there is far from certain the syrian president has branded them a quote mask for terrorists and issued them with an ultimatum to surrender. as they're currently operating in the last militant stronghold in syria which is
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currently surrounded by government forces. the fate of the white helmets will be the same is that any terrorist they have to pass on to lay down their arms and take advantage of the amnesty will be wiped out like other terrorists well the syrian president bashar al assad has reiterated his position on the white house it's being a controversial group now in the past he's regarded the white house mrs agents of western powers that have links to jihad this great sin he said that the world has been warned of the group's dangers now this comes as the syrian government has condemned the evacuation of the white house minutes from the south of the country and damascus has described the move as a criminal operation by israel and its tools but the israel defense forces said that they were acting on a request by the u.s. the u.k. and other european nations as well but the evacuees were taken to jordan by the i.d.f. on washington's request and it's thought that the plan was to evacuate around eight
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hundred white helmets and that family is but the number now seems to be about hoffa's that and the number of them are expected to resettle in western countries such as canada germany and france tells a bit more about this evacuation was needed well at the moment the syrian army is currently advancing on one of the last rebel centers in syria but this aside for the year is the white house myth groups have advertise themselves as a volunteer force and they get a huge funding from western countries and the groups also being praised by the west as well they've even received an offer for a documentary but the group's been repeatedly accused of cooperating closely with the hardest groups and effectively serving as their media branch as well staging rescue operations the social media as well so that all this all adds up to the controversy surrounding the great.
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debbie at all you saw with no they would bring cameras and explosives something to destroy for example this building here they'd find people in the streets and promise the money or food to say whatever they needed. to syrian first responders who risked their lives to save others in war torn aleppo the face of on relenting brutality heroes have emerged. have to tell whenever food aid was brought into the white helmets and the rebels would take it all for themselves they give us nothing not even bread. they have all chosen to risk their lives to save others.
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when you see that little beach when we go out to buy food we'd see them if there was a collapsed building after a shelling they cordoned off the area and save rebel fighters or people they cared about they would leave the civilians same happened not far from here a building was destroyed in shelling and they came just to pull their own out as usual they lift the civilians. we've been able to get these brave people and their families out of syria after the extraordinary work they've done saving lives the white helmets these people they held the rebels only did in save civilians the locals out for rebels. we spoke with antiwar activist ken stone who says western powers are being disingenuous in portraying the white helmets as heroes i don't think they're naive
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the people in the establishment they know exactly what they're doing the establishment knows full well that this group is part of the arsenal of weaponry that is being used against illegally against the government of syria and they continue to give out money they are attached to outright and they are terrorists and they are telling them that they are conducting they are saving syrian civilians well there is a lot of testimony from syrian civilians that their white how much never helped them so these people are not heroes but they are portrayed as heroes in the west if someone put it here one of my colleagues in the peace movement said they are the sugar coating on an off ugly and illegal war white house with the program here without international and still on the way around six hundred migrants have breached the spain morocco border throwing rocks and feces at border gods more on
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that leads to all kinds of bad outcomes when you have anarchy do centralization of power you know you have the wherewithal to have a more peaceful existence. headlines here and it's the last day of the brics summit of major economies brazil russia india china and south africa is underway the participating countries have already agreed to cooperate much more closely in a number of spheres and reporting from the host city johannesburg. friday is expected to have a much more relaxed churchill compared to. the world leaders to have a business breakfast to hold
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a few meetings sessions and the pinnacle of the day is a bladder mcaleese media conference that is set to take place at around lunchtime here in johannesburg now such a chilled agenda compared to yesterday to the main day of the summit is quite understandable but i'm a prudent for example he's meetings he's a tete a tete talks wrapped up way past midnight way into the night so technically on friday and it was the meeting with the indian prime minister wasn't the only one the final meeting of latham opposed and he met with his chinese with his argentine and counterparts with his south african counterparts as well so what you really have to understand it's not just brakes leaders here it's also presidents and you know big shots of other countries of smaller economies who have come here lord by the economic prospects by the economic potential of doing business with the breaks nations among the people who've lattimer putin met yesterday face to face was the
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president of turkey recipe the gun and the way that meeting went into the potential bromance between the two leaders we have noticed that our cooperation has led to jealousy from others. who promised to ask me out to a restaurant to fire already asked you. to look we have a deal but only when you stuck on meat in your restaurants and will go on to be waiting for you will be a huge pleasure now not overwhelmingly but still the focus of this year's bric summit was trade and especially trade wars which u.s. president donald trump has proven to be such a fan of and well since all drugs nations were in a way to buy the tariffs imposed by the united states. well this is what they focus on this is what they talked about most i guess well every cloud has a silver lining in here it's the fact that now brics nations are more inclined to
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work together to work. trade problems inside the block. and while donald trump tower ifs have cost a big shadow on this year's bric summit it also cost a small one on his twenty twenty eight campaign. but our new slogan. when we show it running is can you believe it two years from now is going to be keep a mercury great may should. keep america.
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around six hundred microns have breached a border fence separating spain's north african territory and morocco. i spanish police say the migrants mostly from sub-saharan africa turn violent throwing molotov cocktails and feces one hundred thirty people were injured the autonomous if you saw. two spanish outposts in north africa every year hundreds of migrants try to jump the fences the latest incident was off the spain's foreign minister raised the alarm over the situation.
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this is more serious than the euro crisis the migration problem must be solved on the ground and the countries of origin otherwise we're just shifting pressure from one place to another sense two thousand and fifteen the migrant flow into spain has been increasing dramatically around well almost thirty thousand migrants enter the country last year more than twenty thousand have already reached spain in twenty eighteen but we spoke to keith best for the head of the immigration advisory service he thinks that the e.u. has failed to find a way to share the burden of the migrant crisis people now see space in as a better bet than italy who's trying to close its borders completely this again as always and this is been going on for years and years and years without a successful resolution and it is because the e.u. collectively in the member states have been unable to come to a proper equitable sharing of how to deal with migrants coming into
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europe a lot of the states and not pulling their weight are plenty more headlines for you on this friday at the top of the hour. most people think just stand out in this business you need to be the first one on top of the story or the person with the loudest voice of the biggest raid in truth to stand out of the news business you just need to ask the right questions and demand the right answer. the. question. is this is harder than kentucky. with all of these moves them voices people were very funny easily.
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a co money since he was almost no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the coal was the fed. that was a lot of these people the survivors of disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in the million years i would see that and it's how it's happened.
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hello and welcome to crossfire where all things considered i'm peter lavelle is democratic socialism the future of the democratic party the future of america is moving to the left a winning strategy to take on donald trump's vision of conservative populism one thing is undeniable mainstream politics in both parties were under pressure to evolve and become more accountable. cross talking democratic socialism i'm joined by my guest steve malzberg in new york he's a conservative political commentator in washington we have ivan eland he is a senior fellow at the center on peace and liberty at the independent institute and in los angeles we cross to ron paul cone he is a comedian is
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a frequent guest on the jimmy doris show and the young turks as well as host of his own streaming show get your news on withdrawn all right gentlemen crosstalk rules and effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate i always go to the person that got up early is for the program so that means it's you ron in los angeles god bless your soul. we you know we hear a lot about the the rise of democratic socialism. that turn to the left in the party though the donors don't seem to want to go there what is democratic socialism because i too am our viewers i lived in communist eastern europe and they called that democratic socialism ok and they didn't have a lot of birkenstocks and they didn't have a lot of capital to point out so ron what is it in a nutshell go ahead. well democratic socialism in the contemporary american sense i mean you know whenever people throw around these terms you need to factor in you know the snapshot in contemporary time but democratic socialism is certainly not
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authoritarian socialism or anything like that democratic socialism as the d.s.a. is presenting it basically just gives more rights to the workers it still allows enterprises stuff like that however workers have more rights and they have more of a say and they see more of their product and what the d.s.a. is mission is in particular is to try to get away from the economy that instead exploited workers and is focused on destroying the environment and war they're trying to get away from all that to occur in an economy that is more sustainable that workers have a better seat at the table and where everybody has health care ok ok steve i mean you know socialism tends to become authoritarian if you don't keep an eye on it i'd like to point out and i'm living in the country that had a pretty disastrous experience with that but steve you know when i when i listen to a lot of people talking about democratic socialism ron pointed out workers' rights i don't hear that so often when they talk i hear about abolishing ice having open
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borders. you know cultural relativism that's what i hear i hear identity politics and that makes what they hair on the back of my head stand up go ahead. absolutely all you have to do is go to the democratic socialists of america website and find out what the democratic socialists of america are really all about everything you just alluded to plus guaranteed income whether or not you're working when when you talk about the workers having more rights they want the end of capitalism and workers to run the show workers would own and run everything there wouldn't be private ownership by corporations stockholders would go to you know where and let me let me just if i may hate reading thing but this is very important the disgraceful use of prisons to regulate behavior would be replaced with a system that decriminalizes a wide range of offenses and provides victims victims are the ones in prison provides victims with mental health care and various forms of counseling to help
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people find productive ways to move forward after committing serious crimes so you commit a serious crime no more prison you know get counseling these people are looney bins ok let the democrats run on this employees ok see what you just described is good mo in one form or another let me get i've been ill and in washington here. i hate reading things too but i will a harvard university study. published a study in april that found fifty one percent of those between the ages of eighteen and twenty nine dislike capitalism with a majority prefer and socialism as the political system is socialism a political system that's what i'm worried about when ron talks about workers i'm all yours i'll listen to workers' rights i don't have a problem with that ok we need a healthy left in the united states here but people talk about a political system that is socialism go ahead i've been well of course the
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technical definition of socialism is nationalizing industry nationalizing the means of production and i'm not sure i hear anybody really talking about that i see straight. king similarities between the right in the left that we have now i wouldn't consider trump a conservative i would consider him a nationalist he's been for quite a big a big government if we want to talk bigger government or in all its forms i think you know he was he passed in the republicans went right along with them three hundred billion dollars budget meanwhile cutting taxes and yawning the deficit and the debt we also have him putting on tariffs protectionist tariffs which isn't conservative and then bailing out the farmers with twelve billion dollars worth of aid which doesn't really cover the problem it's not going to cover the losses that he's cut off a terrorist he's also said he's not going to do away with security in medicare now my purpose here isn't to attack trump i'm just saying that he's
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a more nationalist republican and i think bernie sanders followers have a lot in common with him to some extent now of course that's left populism and he's sort of a right populist in the case of the president so you're seeing encroachments of big government and you know we have all these terms for democratic socialism right wing populism but we may end up sort of all at the same place with more government encroachment on our freedoms you know running it it seems to me the in looking at some of the races that it's still been a more of a rejection of the status quo and some people move to the the right and some people move to the left but everybody seems to have a problem except for people in the center and they want to keep everything the way it is and i did mention just off the cuff donors don't want to big change here too and i'm not sure i'm not just at tacking the democrats here you can easily as i've been did do it to the right but republicans as well go ahead ron. absolutely so
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first of all we have border security we had border security before i suggested it's not like anybody who calls for the abolishment of ice is calling for open borders i'm in favor of abolishing ice i think this country is a lot like espresso in that regard better without ice however that doesn't mean open borders that just means a rejection of this organization that is being authoritarian and brutal so that's the first point and also yeah the democratic establishment is not a big fan of the d.s.a. or anything in there about that this is their first priority. but yeah i mean their first priority is stopping progressive policies from happening and policing the donors their priority further down the list is maybe beating a republican but that's not that big of a deal because whether that happens or not the gravy train keeps a roll and. we are seeing a rise in populism now i would make the argument i know some you guys on this panel
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see things differently that's fine but i would say right wing populism isn't really a thing that's kind of an oxymoron so i think trump ran on this kind of idea of that and a lot of people latched on to it i would say largely he hasn't delivered on that and i don't think he's going to but i think that the time for true populism is at are at the forefront right now and if history in the united states is any indication we're kind of due for a sharp turn to the left or right now we're mirroring the great depression in the anyways ok but what happened after that was f.d.r. ok ok let me go to stay here because i mean again it could be you know i mean ron you but on this program before and we've discussed this you know left in progressive in this stablish mean and all that that's fine but steve you know every since two thousand and ten the democrats you know have lost over and over and over again because i keep running on the same message over and over again and. one can
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make the argument that trump appealed to the people that filled the disaffected i mean a lot of white men a lot of white people in general voted in two thousand and sixteen because they finally found a candidate that they could they could see that would consider their concerns ok so i mean you know a lot has been said here but i mean i do i do think that this is a lot about insurgency and it's all about bernie sanders i think this is going to be the most important event remember not the trouble is elected but what was done to bernie go ahead steve well first of all let's also point out that donald trump got the higher percentage of hispanics voting for him only and did mitt romney or john mccain which i think is something that goes overlooked and really should look the reason why the donors don't want the you know the socialist democrats influence and and policies and platforms it's because if they can't win i mean that's why someone like me is begging you and begging the democrats to run how do you explain
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to let ensemble or know where you stand keep. the lid on so cool and a little first of all this a very very very small percentage of people voted and she happens to live in a district where where that message appeals but even she isn't honest when she is pressed on what she she believes as a democratic socialist she says oh i don't think we should have labels i don't like the label and if that if the word got out that she was for abolishing prisons abolishing prisons abolishing capital is not good for the nations as well as being about what are often prison industry those are two completely it's a policy as there is really completely different things that if you want to talk about what's going on or rather have a long conversation like that and how it's ok to have further to fall and lee different thanks. guys for the program what they think about where the program i said one thing. well time for everyone i've been let me turn to
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you. the g.o.p. should love these democratic socialists because it's the fighting it's dividing the democratic party and you can tell from the very top they're scared of these people go ahead i would yeah i would say to the democrats that you know it's ok to have that wing of the party i mean the republicans and the tea party wing and but but it does make your candidate an electable in certain places now if they had the democratic party runs more conservative candidates in these places they may have a better chance of winning but i'm sure the party apparatus doesn't really care for a lot of this talk about. you know free college education for everybody medicare for all because these are very expensive programs and nobody is figured out in the democratic party or anywhere else how to pay for these but of course you know the republicans have done this with their tax cuts that's what they do to get
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a lack of good ok i mean well and i mean let me living in fact let me jump in stead of the increase and i have to we have to go to a hard break after a short break we'll continue our discussion with democratic socialism staying with our. food. that's a very rough around you so it's about climates and you have to find ways to be able to the science. it was gunshots going to them and many friends who would have been willing and i mean you don't want to leave my dog. but me
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having worked back up. you know i don't want to see it but a body in this world is ready to participate in the good. old to new blood would improve but if. you don't think about this if this old goes on you've got three blake and you know i do and the other patients. in a world of big partisan group a lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bats and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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closely. some for something. they use indigenous people as you know we that the baby in. the trees. must please him say that's the only thing but he came. out of a sudden the man just. told me there was a time. i said i when entering it in the if they were not the law and. if they will shoot you. i'll come on million million indeed on the left i'm not picking on you. you know i mean even thought you could
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have you don't you know now that i think i'm teetotal you know i mean because you know you're. welcome back across like we're all things are considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing democratic socialism. ok let me go back to ron here and. again i want to address the issue of identity politics because when i look at some of the things i mean democratic socialists of america i mean i've been around for a while ok and i looked at some of their older literature and you're spot on they
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looked at more and working people getting a fair shake that's fine but what i see now is this infusion of identity politics and i think that you know i can say pretty confidently given the election results over the last few years that doesn't work it doesn't work for the democratic party but they they don't you know that when you talk about transgender toilets and stuff like that it turns off the heartland i'm from the heartland this is something that people they want the factories to start opening up again they want their wages to go up and then you have these things you know this political correctness and and these pronouns all this nonsense and i don't have any patience for it because it doesn't advance my life or the people around me how do you address that run. well there is a world of difference between exploiting identity politics for just political jargon nonsense and addressing issues affecting different communities i would argue that the d.s.a. is doing the latter who's doing the former i would say that's what the democratic
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establishment is doing so so i think i'll lot of the issues with identity politics as in using it for wrong and dishonest means i think that's something the democratic establishment is doing and there is again there's a world of difference between them and the d.s.a. and movements like it the democratic establishment they're the ones that like to point their fingers at people less powerful than them and say oh you didn't support hillary clinton well clearly your a sexist you're not a big fan of harris well you're a sexist and a racist that's where identity politics yeah floats in a dishonest way and there's a world of difference between that and addressing issues of different communities one is a good thing one not so much well steve would probably wrong just proved our point i mean in this identity politics it is it's a dragon that eats its own tail so obviously trump supporters are sexist and homophobic but it within the democratic party if you didn't support hillary then
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you're just as bad as the trump people i mean this is the thing hannity. right it's a way hillary will tell you if you're a woman you listened you didn't vote for her because you were listening to your boss and your husband and your boyfriend and you're not strong enough to stick up for your own beliefs you were told who to vote for don't forget half the country is a basket full of deplorable zx and that's the mainstream democratic party look again i can't say this enough when you look at a free this free that and you know five by the way let's look to latin american countries let's look at venezuela what's the inflation rate there forty thousand percent i mean please i beg i beg the democratic party adopt the leftist ideals here adopt the platforms to adopt the ideas here you'll never win another election never it's impossible in this country that and the fact that they don't see that really calls into question what they are what their goal is because they're not dumb they're not stupid people they know they can't win generalized elections and
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the good point made by ron earlier. democrats are running conservatives conservative democrats who are antipolo c. and to appoint pro trump on issues so when districts and you're talking about nationalizing democratic socialism it doesn't make any sense ok mn how do you explain bernie sanders then gudrun how do you explain bernie sanders and i mean peter you even said yourself bernie sanders is the biggest story here yeah how do you guys if you think that it can't win and i mean we don't disagree on the corruption of the democratic establishment that's one thing where all of us will be in agreement but how do you explain bernie sanders a guy who is an open socialist who came out of nowhere and almost pretty much caused a grassroots revolution probably would of had the establishment not cheated him is applauded in the heartland with a true populist message how do you explain bernie sanders if you entertain the the
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democratic socialism can't win steve if you want to play. because bernie sanders yeah because bernie sanders is a polished socialist he doesn't talk about any of the other issues all it talks about is income inequality it's unfair unfair unfair he doesn't get into specifics it is talk about the jails he doesn't talk about the the groups that you talk about transgender etc he focuses on one message and one message only which resonates with a certain percentage of the population a rather large percentage perhaps but when push comes to shove if you want to run as a democratic socialist or a socialist and you have to own the other policies that go with it and that will never fly ok i let me get i've been in washington i mean is is is this a pivot. transformational moment because you know in many ways you could see the trump is the same thing for the g.o.p. because a lot of the purists in the g.o.p. still hate trump ok and and also what we have here in the democratic party you know
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we there's a huge split i mean i think all of us would agree that income inequality is a big problem in that it's the single most important issue that can divide a society we can always have these other issues on the side income inequality is dangerous here ivan eland is the democratic party really being able to address that issue well i think we have to i think both parties. have noticed the income inequality even some conservatives have started talking about it but the problem is the parties differ on the cars of course the cars to the democrats or the democratic socialists are you know big corporations and. you know pry excessive profits for corporations and not giving it back to the worker for the conservatives it's that the the very very opposite it's that the
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system has become so bogged down with regulations and other things and big government that the market is not allowed. to you know all the regulations create essentially oligopolies and that sort of thing and that that causes income inequality so it just depends on which side of the fence you're on politically. ok ok well right you know ron i mean one of the it was brought up to me here is that you know this mantra you know with free there's free education free welfare free. education for everyone and they still want to have an open borders i so i want to harp on the open borders thing is i mean this is been amplified over the last few months here i mean if you want to have a big welfare state a super welfare state don't you think you should have a border to make sure the rest of the world doesn't take advantage of it i mean people on the inside the borough going to say whoa whoa we want this for ourselves
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because we're paying for it ok so they open borders argument kind of deflates unless you want cheap labor go ahead ron. well i mean again the abolishment of ice and open borders are two different things it did soon no one is calling for just complete no nothing whatsoever but where everyone is calling for reasonable border security at least to the extent that i see it what people are against is the brutality of ice secondly it's not free stuff quote unquote what it is is a reallocation of resources we spend more on bombs in the military than pretty much the next thirteen countries combined just about we have more than enough resources in this country to have single payer health care nonprofit single payer health care which you know the community would pay for it's not free stuff it's a reallocation of resources of what we're already paying we already pay a higher g.d.p. for health care than most other countries and we get less because of a broken for profit system same with education we could reallocate our resources to
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have to have to wish in free college in this country we choose not to same with the green new deal or an infrastructure program we have the resources to do all this stuff but we don't allocate it that way instead we just give bonus bomb money to the trump administration or whoever's in power ok omid in the same stuff steve you know i education was meant. then that's another point for me i think that all in all government expenditures and almost all except for maybe preschool and kindergarten should be cut because all they do is teach an ideology this nonsense postmarks is post-structuralism and it brings up people into the world that can't do anything except for yell and scream about. a perceived victimhood ok i mean i was in the university of california system for a long time and they don't teach you much they distich you to be angry and teach you to be a big tim go ahead steve well well look at what the attorney general sessions said
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the other day talking about the universities calling some of them out by name that you know they're raising a bunch of snowflakes they have safe rooms in quiet rooms in places you could run to and you can't offend people perceived offenses and blah blah blah the whole thing is becoming a total joke look again all this talk of free stuff at least i think ron acknowledge it's not free everybody pays for it and it is a reallocation of funds i mean that so to say that ice is brutal is insane to say that without ice you're not you're not advocating open borders is insane the public is already the polls show they don't we if we didn't read every word i say know what limitations. there was no but they were it were and i'd like to know who you would keep out i'd like to know who you would keep out on the what circumstances i dare you to name what the circumstances would be and who you would keep out look the public is again. one no podium today because the public would never go for
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these radical leftist ideals proposals policies so plays somehow let your candidates run on these policies and you will suffer worse defeats then you did under obama who is candidates all throughout the country state local government leverage level got slaughtered in the elections now that you lost over a thousand can see all over all in the nation so you want to make it two thousand adopt these policies ok i'm the new i mean obama the guy who ran on a center left platform and won twice didn't deliver on it by the way but yeah but yeah but ronnie didn't have didn't have coattails ok and that's undeniable ok ivan you know what we've run in. constant here what we've seen on this program is not really a policy difference it's a cultural difference and i think that's what the election showed and i and there were unfortunately this cultural the division people are not talking to each other we did
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a pretty good job on this program last thirty seconds go do you have anyone in washington well i would just say i think you know we need to stop the stereotypic yelling and talk about the issues when we talk about all these expensive programs cut in the defense budget the numbers just don't add up i'm for all for cutting the defense budget naf but it's not going to pay for single payer health care or a university education for everybody we're twenty one trillion dollars in debt we've got one hundred trillion dollars in deficit and i think both parties stone address the facts ok gentlemen all i can say is to be continued that's all the time we have many thanks and i guess in washington new york and in-laws. banjoes and thanks to our viewers for watching us here are to see you next time and remember hospitals.
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all for school it's only about the looking the other. full to one of the lobby well columns on the. cover. up. everywhere in the world my guess is that probably just about everywhere women expect men to make that first move and here we are in an age where men a scared to make the first move don't know how to make the first move don't know what's right to make the first blow. good. life. good.
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family. good good food russia sharing goodness. human rights organizations round on. the execution of women. reportedly by the west african nations forces. entire year. getting into trouble over old tweets though those with left wing views are defended by the media whereas those on the right getting. a few british citizens who want to fight in the middle east. after the u.k.
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appoints a new director of public prosecutions who defends. the hardest. we need to deal with this we've got to bring them home. how do you go in and arrest these people bring them back in a police car there are a threat to this country. military targets. this is r.t. international all of us here welcome to your new. u.n. human rights chief has urged the west african nation of cameroon to investigate alleged abuses in the country's armed forces it comes after video emerged of what appears to be the extra judicial execution of two women and two infants a number of rights groups have confirmed that the cameroonian military was
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responsible for the atrocity and warning you may find the following video obtained by the intercept distressing i really want. most of all because i get all the arch . to obviate. the risk as. i said to. myself it is subtle family and that dud. now these shocking images show soldiers from cameroon executing women and children now a uniformed demand is narrating their actions he says that the women and children are part of the boko haram terrorist group after the first round of bullets one of the men wearing military fatigues acknowledges that one of the children is still alive so he shoots again first the government claims that the video was fake news but now it's been reported that four soldiers have been detained keep in mind that
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cameroon is a key ally of the united states in the war on terror cameroon is advice to partner in the fights against boko haram isis which suffered another violent extremist organizations in the lake chad basin region a relationship with cameroon is designed to promote stability and security within the region now cameroon host hundreds of u.s. troops and the us drone base and at this point the usa continues to supply cameroon with military planes and other assistance even though it's been pointed out by the ambassador to the country that the military has been involved in targeted killings there's going to start recovering there's a good summary executions the security detaining people. chose to go years to their families even to this is. now the u.s. state department has expressed concerns over the video that seems to show one of its key allies committing a savage act of brutality we call on the government of cameroon to investigate
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thoroughly and transparently the events depicted in the video make its findings public and if cameroonian military personnel were involved in this atrocity hold them accountable this is hardly the first time that cameroon has raised the concerns of human rights groups and amnesty international report documented over one hundred cases of murder torture and abuse we used witness testimony and photographs from the social media accounts of base soldiers to digitally moto the site and locate incidents within it the legs of this detainee abound in a stress position known as the position. detainees report being held in this way for days at a time. and first there were reports that the u.s. state department had temporarily suspended aid to the country but the pentagon was quick to dispel those rumors there has been no change the assistance the department of defense provides to cameroon as
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a direct result of violence in the angle friend regions of cameroon the united states constantly tells us that its foreign policies are about defending freedom it accuses geo political rivals of violating human rights but it looks like cameroon past friend of the pentagon has anything but a clean record they would mop and r.t. washington d.c. we spoke with a lot of the other girls who are a searcher a mystery international who's examined come around even military abuses she says that the human rights violations are systematic and they go unpunished it is indeed one of the two most shocking and despicable be just ever watched in my entire year career we spent a lot of time at amnesty to analyze didio we have collected to steal money sent in from our sources hundred ground we have compounded these testimonies with the analysis of our experts including military experts we have very surprised and
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shocked by the fact that the minister of communication s dismissed the d.d.s. fake even before launching an investigation on the case and recorded systematic torture extrajudicial executions. arbitrary arrests cases of enforced disappearance and all these cases that's never been dealt with. we have asked the cameroonian the prime minister's office to confirm whether the government is conducting an investigation and be whether any soldiers have been detained. an increasing number of celebrities are getting into trouble for old tweets but in america just how much trouble seems to depend on political affiliations and explains. it's become a sport watch someone climb to the top and then knock them off the perch using their own less than savory quotes like t.v. actor roseanne barr who lost her long time job a.b.c.
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following a very racist tweet it also happened to katie mchugh a journalist who used to write for the breitbart website after her anti muslim tweets came to light the same fate be felled the sisters stars of the go with no job instagram account they used to have a talk show but it was canceled because they were old. and islamophobia tweets resurfaced on top of that left leaning liberal media outlet found out that the sisters have a conservative news pundit for a mother who likes donald trump a lot in fact one thing all those disgraced stars have in common is that they're politically conservative although recently the liberal camp has been hit by a string of very similar scandals james gotten big hollywood film director made guardians of the galaxy turns out ten years ago he was making jokes about rape and paedophilia his bosses at disney had to sack him the creator of reckon morty and
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host of the harmon town podcast dan harmon he had to apologize after an old sketch where he rapes a baby doll caught the attention of the twitter sphere the host of the daily show travel no recently faced criticism when his old sketch poking fun at aboriginal women in australia cropped up online who dug all this up the conservatives to find some politically incorrect skeletons in the liberals closets my chin of it all right blog keen to get revenge on the left was the one who found the james gun tweets he's loving the fact that the lefties are getting a taste of their own outraged medicine. i enjoyed just the wrong human visceral reaction of jumping into the arena and just swinging the hammer and seeing what is left over afterwards twitter is just modern day gladiatorial combat but there is a slight difference in how the conservatives online misdemeanors and the left wing
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liberals offensive jokes are playing out trevor noah and dan harmon have managed to hold on to their jobs james gunn did get fired but a lot of the so-called liberal elite standing up for him james gunn is one of the most loving caring good natured people i have ever met he's made mistakes we all have are not ok with what's happening to him james gunn i think you for your towel and your decency and your evolution as a man i'm pausing myself to take everything in the forest because of term i just want everyone to know i love all members of my geo t.g. family some have even started a petition to rehire him the twitter sphere wasn't quite as forgiving when it came to roseanne barr's hateful language shame on you the real roseanne and a.b.c.
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network not a single apology can get me to respect your despicable racist character and racism in mainstream media now i'm hurt embarrassed and disappointed the racist and distasteful comments from rosie are inexcusable a.b.c. and disney do the right thing there is still boned reason the age of trump that cannot be crossed thank you for putting values above money roseanne herself has picked up on it i'm disgusted to read all the support for james guns paedophile jokes as the same people supported blackly sue me for a joke they didn't even understand digging up dirt is one thing but it looks like it's more likely to stick if you're on the right side of the political spectrum. in the u.k. the question of what to do about british citizens who went to fight for jihad is groups in the middle east but now want to return is back in the spotlight to suffer the appointment of
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a new director of public prosecutions mr max hill who was once. a quote politically correct snowflake when mr hill came into the spotlight when he was working as an independent review of u.k. terror was some of what she argued should be scrapped he was slammed for meeting with the organization cage group which some have accused of defending islam ists but hill's own stunts on jihad ists has been branded quote scandalously feeble by some of the u.k. media and here's one of his more controversial statements on returning jihadists. really we should be looking towards reintegration and moving away from a notion that we're going to lose a generation due to this travel those who travelled out of the sense of need possibly with some brainwashing on the way possibly near me teens we have to leave space for those individuals to be diverted away from the criminal courts. my colleague neil harvey debated this issue with guests there has to be
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a holistic approach that has through a balance of using the judicial system for people who have committed a crime by joining prescribed organization and a rehabilitation program and i think mike still recognizes that and his review of the terrorism strategy is bringing holistic piece together our counter radicalization and i counter terrorist threats in u.k. has been absolutely a joke we have had the government listen to streamline. what it is i want anyone to anyone tell you what i'll finish doing i'll finish doing my bit so we have a situation we've got british kids in syria being radicalized now we don't know who's committed what crimes now i do we bring them back home all we are going to take them out with. asked strikes which are about twenty percent accurate or drone strikes which ten years of use in afghanistan or pakistan show up out there for six or seven percent accurate indeed no drones are two percent accurate. about ten twenty percent accurate you're lucky you're you're going wrong and i was not really
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a drone or so i'm going to get analysis or hearing alternative facts. i just want to listen to a sound bite of boris johnson of course we legally justify those drone strike assess nations as preventative to stop future acts of terror in syria but that's because the mosques the reality that killing them is also a ritual beauty of payback for the film the executions of innocent people is that the right motive for that what was the foreign secretary talking about basically an official u.k. government stance a vengeance is that appropriate what we're doing if we follow mr. boris johnson the strategies that we are really french are using our justice system to the usa because usa has a death penalty but the reality is that we are using our sovereignty and telling the world that britain is not competent enough to really. sort of put through criminals through the criminal justice system they are british citizens we need to
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deal with our rubbish we've got to bring them home if they are capable of being to radicalized and we can deal with them like they do in some of the nordic countries or some the scandinavian countries and we integrate them into british society great how do you go in and arrest these people bring them back in and most little police corps to be put in a cozy so to them go through a judicial system they're in a conflict zone they're a threat to this country so there are legitimate military targets we do not recorded we do not count civilian casualties we do not count collateral damage if that is believed to be very rare on the ability the response no no no no no no no no no on the first series in parliament it was absolutely clear the m.p.'s came forward said we have no records we have no evidence and the reason is we do not count them i just want to sort of move on to a little bit different as you know in the last few days over four hundred white helmets activist in syria has been taken out under escort by israel to jordan and there is some expectation that they would be given british nationality
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are they european nationalities these white helmets were working hand in hand with ice and terrorists in syria at the end of the day on the one hand we are saying that terrorists should be taken out by drones then and are the sort of firepower but on and at the same time we let go of over four hundred white head miss terrorist who are operating in syria to come back to the u.k. not only. to sort of do it to be radicalized but to be given nationality and to roam freely as some humanitarian workers so the syrian president bashar assad has branded the self-styled rescue group the white helmets as a quote mosque for terrorists we'll give you the full details interest.
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i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars and. more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global will be loans to the old bridge eight point six percent market saw thirty percent just last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember is one one business shows you can't afford to miss the one and only boom but.
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if you join us today while some members of the white helmets group have been given asylum in europe and elsewhere many are still in syria and their future there is far from so the syrian president has branded them a quote mosque for terrorists and issued them with an ultimatum to surrender bashar assad says they are currently operating in the last militant stronghold in syria which is right now surrounded by government forces. the fate of the white helmets will be the same is that any terrorist they have to pass on to lay down their arms and take advantage of the amnesty or be wiped out like other terrorists well the syrian president bashar al assad has reiterated his position on the white house it's being a controversial group now in the past he's regarded the white house mrs agents of
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western powers that have links to jihad is great for them he said that the world has been warned of the groups dangerous now this comes as the syrian government has condemned the evacuation of the white house minutes from the south of the country and damascus has described the move as a criminal operation by israel and its tools but the israel defense forces said that they were acting on a request by the u.s. the u.k. and other european nations as well but the evacuees were taken to jordan by the i.d.f. on washington's request and it's thought that the plan was to evacuate around eight hundred white helmets and that family is but the number now seems to be about hoffa's that and the number of them are expected to resettle in western countries such as canada germany and france tells a bit more about this evacuation was needed well at the moment the syrian army is currently advancing on one of the last rebel centers in syria but this aside for the year is the white house myth groups have advertise themselves as
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a volunteer force and they get a huge funding from western countries and the groups also being praised by the west as well they've even received an oscar for a documentary but the group's been repeatedly accused of corp closely with the hardest groups and effectively serving as that media branch as well stage and rescue operations the social media as well so that all this all adds up to the controversy surrounding the great. debbie at all you saw with no they would bring cameras and explosives something to destroy for example this building him that foreign people in the streets and promised the money or food just say whatever they needed in.
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the syrian first responders who risked their lives to say about theirs in war torn aleppo the face of on relenting brutality heroes have emerged. have to tell more and whenever food aid was brought into the white helmets and the rebels would take it all for themselves to give us nothing not even bread. chose to risk their lawyers to save all those. who when you see the television when we go out supply food we'd see them if there was a collapsed building after of shelling they cooled enough the area and save the rebel fides as the people they cared about they would leave civilians the same happened not far from here a building was destroyed in shelling and they came just to fool their own towns and as usual they lifts. we've been able to get these brave
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people and their families out of syria after the extraordinary work they've done saving lives sort of the why how meant to speak will they help the rebels they did in save civilians the locals out for rebels. we spoke with the antiwar activists can stone who says western powers are not being entirely on is temper train the white helmets as heroes i don't think they're naive the people in the establishment they know exactly what they're doing that. bushman knows full well that this group is part of the arsenal of weaponry that is being used against illegally against the government of syria and they continue to give out money they are attached to out they are terrorists and
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they are telling them that they are conducting they are saving syrian civilians well there are a lot of testimony from syrian civilians that their white how much never helped them so these are people are not heroes but they are portrayed as heroes in the west someone put it here one of my colleagues in the peace movement said they are the sugar coating on an oddly and a legal war. the last day of the brics economic summit gathering brazil russia india china and south africa is underway the participating countries have already agreed to cooperate more closely in a number of spheres. reports from the host city johannesburg leader is expected to have a business breakfast to hold a few meetings sessions and the pinnacle of the day is of lattimer putin's media conference but i'm a putin for example he met with these chinese with his argentina and counterparts with his south african counterparts as well so what you really have to understand
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it's not just brics leaders here it's also presidents and you know big shots of other countries of smaller economies who have come here lured by the economic prospects by the economic potential of doing business with the breaks nations among the people who've lattimer putin met yesterday face to face was the president of turkey recipe and the way that meeting went into the potential bromance between the two leaders we have noticed that our cooperation has that's jealousy from others thank you so so thank you. you promised to ask me out to a rooster to ask you. we have a deal but only when you start in the restaurants. huge pleasure as you must have gathered from the joke there. russian meat into
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turkey that was put in place by the turkish authorities in response to when russia back in twenty sixteen restricted the. turkish agricultural goods into the country now not overwhelmingly but still the focus of this year's brics summit was trade and especially trade wars which u.s. president has proven to be such effect of. nations were in a way by the tariffs imposed by the united states well every cloud has a silver lining in here it's the fact that now brics nations are more inclined to work together to work inside the block to sort out trade problems inside the block without looking elsewhere. and i apologize for interrupting the program here on r.t. international some breaking news just coming in as we speak we understand that ecuador has announced that whistleblower julian assange must leave the country's embassy in london of course that's where he's been holed up now for well
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a good six years or so we understand no exact date has been given for julian to the embassy in london however that does signal a major shift in his case we'll give you details on this breaking news the moment they come to us. meantime while donald trump. cast a big shadow on this year's brics summit in johannesburg they're also cost a small one on his twenty twentieth's reelection campaign. what our new slogan. when we start running is can you believe it two years from now is going to be. a great. american.
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breaking news for you here on international just coming in right now echo door how's that whistleblower julian assange must leave the country's embassy in london as far as we understand it no exact date has being given by this dust signal a shift in the case of course six years without leaving the embassy being wanted in the u.k. for violating bail conditions here is a recap of his story. because
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fifty million facebook users had been exposed to data mining practices by their research cambridge analytic social network has also been accused of suppressing content from right wing groups and facebook's use of fact checkers to filter out so-called fake news to start up enough controversy already with some conservative groups claiming they've been unfairly targeted now another social media giant is also facing hard times stock price took a hit following claims of political bias u.s. president used twitter to accuse the platform of shadow prominent republicans he warned quote we will look into this discriminatory and legal practice. well the whole story broke back in february when conservative users noticed a substantial loss of followers on twitter the company claimed it was due to a crackdown on bought so automated accounts on wednesday a vice news report described how exactly twitter has restricted the visibility of
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republicans among them the party chairman and several members of congress. independent journalist dave lindorff says social media johns should keep far away from politics in terms of. you know it's a dangerous game if they are playing that to start for them to start being the arbiters of what is acceptable political discourse the big danger is this a i kind of filtering which which google is doing a lot of and wants to do more of where you know with the algorithm itself can become biased it's easy enough i think for them to monitor. things that are what we would call yelling fire in a crowded theater we don't which doesn't violate free speech and other then i think they should steer clear of it and just let it be a free flow of information. ecuador has announced that whistleblower julian
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songe will eventually have to leave the country's embassy in london this is breaking news here a nazi international today ecuadorian leda lenin has just announced this while allegedly being long in discussions with british officials over a deal to hand the australian if it's a police now as far as we understand no exact date has been given but this signals a major shift in the case solved julian assange he has of course spent six years without leaving the embassy being wanted in the u.k. violating bail conditions. here's a short hop all i should say. is revelation. the battlefield consequences of the release of these documents are potentially severe. responsible fully accountable. grab to put on trial. issue treated as an enemy combatant.
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this disclosure is not just an attack on america's foreign policy interests it is an attack on the international community this man is an enemy of the state. you know perhaps some sort of. weapon of mass destruction not for the show but come up with the right way to do it illegally. or you get a closer look. you're. going to get along great with. your organization. that's really important about wiki leaks is that the russian government has engaged in espionage against americans i'm. willing. to. wait.
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longer for me but. still to significant blow to u.s. national security this is a matter of this. anything i'm aware or misplaced idealism is no longer an acceptable excuse for lionizing these demons. the united nations human rights chief the west african nation of cameroon to investigate alleged abuses in the country zob forces it comes off the video of what appears to be. the extrajudicial execution of two women and two infants a number of rights groups have confirmed that the cameroonian military was responsible for the atrocity a warning you may find the following video obtained by the intercept distressing. really more possible. the.
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now these shocking images show soldiers from cameroon executing women and children now a uniformed demand is narrating their actions he says that the women and children are part of the boko haram terrorist group after the first round of bullets one of the men wearing military fatigues acknowledges that one of the children is still alive so he shoots again first the government claims that the video was fake news but now it's been reported that four soldiers have been detained keep in mind that cameroon is a key ally of the united states in the war on terror cameroon is advice to partner in the fights against boko haram isis west africa and other violent extremist organizations in the lake chad basin region a relationship with cameroon is designed to promote stability and security within the region now cameroon hosts hundreds of u.s. troops and a u.s.
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drone base and at this point the usa continues to supply cameron with military planes and other assistance even though it's been pointed out by the ambassador to the country that the military has been involved in targeted killings there is going to start the government to there's a good summary executions the security detaining people. chose to lawyers to their families even to the street here now the u.s. state department has expressed concerns over the video that seems to show one of its key allies committing a savage act of brutality we call on the government of cameroon to investigate thoroughly and transparently the events depicted in the video make its findings public and if cameroonian military personnel were involved in this atrocity hold them accountable this is hardly the first time that cameroon has raised the concerns of human rights groups and amnesty international report documented over
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one hundred cases of murder torture and abuse we used witness testimony and photographs from the social media accounts of. to digitally moto the site and locate incidents within it the legs if they stay taney abound in a stress position known as the position. detainees report being held in this way for days at a time and at first there were reports that the u.s. state department had temporarily suspended aid to the country but the pentagon was quick to dispel those rumors there has been no change the assistance the department of defense provides to cameroon as a direct result of violence in the engle friend regions of cameroon the united states constantly tells us that its foreign policies are about defending freedom it accuses geo political rivals of violating human rights but it looks like cameroon past friend of the pentagon has anything but a clean record label mop and r t washington d c a lot of.
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mystery international who's examined become a routine in military abuses says that the human rights violations saw systematic and they go unpunished. it is indeed one of the two most shocking and despicable p.t.s.d. ever watched in my an entire year career we spent a lot of time at amnesty to analyze didio we have collected to steal money sent in from for our sources hundred ground and we have compounded these testimonies with the analysis of our experts including military experts we are very surprised and shocked by the fact that the minister of communication s dismissed the d.d.'s fake news even before launching an investigation on the case and recorded systematic torture extrajudicial executions. arbitrary arrests cases of enforced disappearance and all these cases that's never been dealt with.
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we have asked the cameroonian a prime minister's office to confirm whether the government is conducting an investigation and whether any soldiers have been detained. or to our breaking news for you here are two international ecuador has just announced that whistleblower julian our songs will eventually have to leave the country's embassy in london in osman was made by the ecuadorian leader in morocco who is reportedly in discussions with british officials over a deal to hand the australian over to police asylum just wanted in the u.k. for violating bail terms and spend six years without leaving the embassy and no date has been given by which he should go though here's what ray mcgovern a former cia contractor turned water below we're told us about julian assange is case the media in the world at large should be coming to julian assange choose side now and point out what
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a stream disgrace it is for the united kingdom the united states and for ecuador of all places which it should up to the united states for a while that the. should be doing. is. go through at the point. of view. an increasing number of celebrities are getting into trouble for old tweets but in america just how much trouble seems to depend on political affiliations as polly boycott explains. it's become a sport what someone climb to the top and then knock them off the perch using their own less than savory quotes like t.v. actor roseanne barr who lost her long time job a.b.c. following a very racist tweet it also happened to katie mchugh a journalist who used to write for the breitbart website after her anti muslim tweets came to light the same fate be felled the all three sisters stars of the go
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with no job instagram account they used to have a talk show but it was cancelled because they're old. and islamophobia tweets resurfaced on top of that left leaning liberal media outlet found out that the sisters have a conservative news condit for a mother who likes donald trump a lot in fact one thing all those disgraced stars have in common is that they're politically conservative although recently the liberal camp has been hit by a string of very similar scandals james got a big hollywood film director made guardians of the galaxy turns out ten years ago he was making jokes about rape and paedophilia his bosses at disney had to sack him the creator of reckon morty and host of the harmon town podcast dan harmon he had to apologize after an old sketch where he rapes a baby doll caught the attention of the twitter sphere the host of the daily show
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travel noah recently faced criticism when his old sketch poking fun at aboriginal women in australia cropped up online who dug all this up the conservatives kids. find some politically incorrect skeletons in the liberals closets might you know of it all right blog keen to get revenge on the left was the one who found the james gun tweet he's loving the fact that the lefties are getting a taste of their own outraged medicine. i enjoyed just the wrong human visceral reaction of jumping into the arena and just swinging the hammer and seeing what is left over afterwards twitter is just modern day gladiatorial combat but there is a slight difference in how the conservatives online misdemeanors and the left wing liberals offensive jokes are playing out trevor noah and darren harmon have managed to hold on to their jobs james gunn did get fired but a lot of the so-called liberal elite standing up for him james gunn is one of the
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most loving caring good natured people i have ever met he's made mistakes we all have i'm not ok with what's happening to him james gunn i think you for your towel and your decency and your evolution as a man i'm pausing myself to take everything in the forest because of term i just want everyone to know i love all members of my geo t.g. family some have even started a petition to rehire him the twitter sphere wasn't quite as forgiving when it came to roseanne barr's hateful language shame on you the real roseanne and a.b.c. network not a single apology can get me to respect your despicable racist character and racism in mainstream media now i'm hurt embarrassed and disappointed the racist and distasteful comments from rosa are inexcusable a.b.c.
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and disney do the right thing there is still boned reason the age of trump that cannot be crossed thank you for putting values above money roseanne herself has picked up on it i'm disgusted to read all the support for james guns paedophile jokes as the same people supported blackly sue me for a joke they didn't even understand digging up dirt is one thing but it looks like it's more likely to stick if you're on the right side of the political spectrum. back to our breaking news for you here on our ecuador has just announced that whistleblower julian or songe will eventually have to leave the country's embassy in london announcement was made by the ecuadorian leader who was reportedly in discussions with british officials over a deal to hand the australian over to police let's get more details now on cross life straight to london parties daniel hawkins joining joining us here daniel good to see you on this breaking news can you break down the development for us. yeah
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indeed there's been speculation over pretty much the whole of this week about if and when there would be moves for assad to leave the embassy one way or another journalists cameras now appearing intermittently at the embassy and waiting watching and waiting for something to happen that's very much really been a state outside of the ecuadorian embassy since twenty twelve june twenty twelve when i saw an issue lee fled there and applied for asylum to escape what he perceived was the threat the risk of being extradited to the united states for leaking those diplomatic and military cables of the american government to wiki leaks now it could or in president let him know has been in the u.k. at a disability conference on the sidelines though it's that which is a struct a tract of the most media attention he has been in negotiations with the british government to try to bring the songs saga to some sort of conclusion he has now
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said that a silence will have to leave the embassy at some point. a little step forward perhaps but nevertheless crucial in a saga that has been going on now for many many years now a songe of course is wanted by the united states those cables you will also want to in sweden on charges of rape of sexual assault those have now been dropped as the statute of limitations has expired. his concern though and he has said repeatedly is that when he steps out of the embassy years likely to be arrested by the british police the metropolitan police where he is wanted for breach of bail conditions and perhaps even contempt of court it's after that that he's most worried he will be extradited the home office really has told the foreign office rather hasn't confirmed or denied so far whether they receive the extradition request whether they will go along with any extradition request to the united states that there has
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been the concern indeed it was just last month when the british. duncan the foreign office minister has said he is increasingly concerned about the sergeant's deteriorating state of health and that it is a priority for the situation to be bought to some sort of conclusion and that he will seek insurances that you'll be treated humanely and with his full rights observed once he is addicted once he choose to leave however that happens. so very much a small step in a saga that has been going on now for four six years it remains to be seen if those negotiations between the ecuador of president let him borrow and the british government do come to any sort of fruition in the near future.
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on the december seventeenth. because of great regret that you didn't assign. the joy to see. this miserable. embassy and gave you. well there are plenty of prominent celebrities who while worried about his fight when the whistleblowers internet connection was cut off at the end of we talked to his friend the british fashion icon vivienne westwood she says that he is a war hero. it's really important that i access to the old. he's a war hero he exposed america. you
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let's take this breaking news a bit further here on r.t. international live now to former m i five intelligence officer good to see you today and what does this mean for mr assad she's been told he has to leave eventually. i think it's. unconscionable what could only get done i don't know to weeks. so let me just also told you so the rhetoric.
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yes he is an. option so for the now to. because the courts i sure hope so. but. i am so sorry i'm going to jump in here i do apologize interrupt you our sound connection not ideal we're going to patch the back through to you again and come to you in a moment please stand by thanks andy thank you. thanks for joining us here on r.t. international to the u.k. where the question of what to do about her british citizens who went to fight for she had a screwups in the middle east but now wants to return it back in the spotlight that's after the appointment of a new director of public prosecutions max hill who was once slammed by an m.p. is a politically correct snowflake now mr hill came into the spotlight when he was working as an independent review of u.k. terror laws some of which he argued should be scrapped he was slammed for meeting
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with the organization cage group which some have accused of defending islam ists but hill's own style and so on jihad is to has been branded scandalously feeble by some of the u.k. media is one of his more controversial statements on returning she harvests really we should be looking towards reintegration and moving away from a notion that we're going to lose a generation due to this travel. those who travelled out of the sense of naivety possibly with some brainwashing along the way possibly in their me teens we have to leave space for those individuals to be diverted away from the criminal courts early in my colleague neil harvey debated the issue with a pile of guests. there has to be a holistic approach it has to be a balance of using the judicial system for people who have committed a crime by joining prescribed organization and a rehabilitation program and i think michael recognizes that and his review of the terrorism strategy is bringing holistic piece together our counter radicalization
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and i count as terrorists has been absolutely a joke we have had the government listen to the stream. of what it is i want anyone to anyone tell you what i'll finish doing i'll finish doing my bit so we have a situation we've got british kids in syria being radicalized now we don't know who's committed what crimes now i do we bring them back home all we are going to take them out with. strikes which are about twenty percent accurate or drone strikes which ten years of use in afghanistan or pakistan show about their. accurate indeed no drones are two percent accurate about ten twenty percent accurate you're lucky you're you're going wrong and. i'm going to get analysis from doing alternative facts. i just want to listen to a sound bite of boris johnson of course we legally justify those drone strike assess nations as preventative to stop future acts of terror in syria but the
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mosques the reality that killing them is also a ritual beauty of payback for the film the executions of innocent people is that the right motive for what was the foreign secretary talking about basically an official. government stance a vengeance is not appropriate what we are doing if we follow mr barr is johnston the strategies that we are really french are using our justice system to the usa because usa has a death penalty but the reality is that we are using our sovereignty and telling the world that britain is not competent enough to really. sort of put through criminals through the criminal justice system. british citizens we need to deal with our rubbish we've got to bring them home if they are capable of being de radicalized and we can deal with them like they do in some of the nordic countries or some the scandinavian countries and we integrate them into british society great how do you go in and arrest these people bring them back in the most little police
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corps to be put in a cozy cell to them go through a judicial system they're in a conflict zone they're a threat to this country so they're legitimate military targets we do not record we do not count civilian casualties we do not count collateral damage if there is believed to be very responsibility they respond no no no no no no no no no on the first series in parliament it was absolutely clear the m.p.'s came forward said we have no record we have no evidence and the reason is we do not count them i just want to sort of move on to a little bit different as you know in the last few days over four hundred white helmets activist in syria has been taken out under escort by israel to jordan and there is some expectation that they would be given british nationality are they european nationalities these white helmets were working hand in hand with ice and terrorists in syria at the end of the day on the one hand we are saying that terrorists should be taken out by drones then and other sort of firepower but
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on and at the same time we let go of over four hundred white head miss terrorist who are operating in syria to come back to the u.k. not only you to sort of do it to be radicalized but to be given nationality and to roam freely as some humanitarian workers. are breaking news for you here on r.t. international in just the past half hour ecuador has announced that whistleblower julian assange will eventually have to leave the country's embassy in london you know what was made by the ecuadorian leader lenin marine you know reserve reportedly in discussions with british officials over a deal to hand the australian over to police his joint kuria who former cia officer turned will supply war on a sign just case. the does has been the result of long negotiations between the british government the ecuadorian government and the us government there's a rumor here in washington of long standing that he will be charged with espionage
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in the eastern district of virginia a federal court which is known as the espionage court if this happens it's truly a very dangerous and troubling development on our coverage of this breaking news story with julian us on it will continue in about three minutes. zia's says harlan kentucky the. overall of this group the places you go to st fanny's remain in. a coma any city it was almost no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the coal was just said. that it was a drive to see these people are survivors of a world disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger
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that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in the million years i would see that and it's how it's happened. it's a very rough birth or a new sorts of climates and to have to fight to be able to live in a flat. it was gunshots on top of them and it's all very fresh they would have been going there and they want to have men and even not. having full backup but. you know i don't want to see it but a body in the true and is ready to participate in the good. old two new books wouldn't. you don't think about these movies so good on those you've got three teams like any others and other patients.
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far away. down there acapulco he does the dollar vigilante and he's an anarchist and that is an arche it's anarchy in that there is also. authority that is corrupt of all that leads to all kinds of bad outcomes when you have got decentralization of power you know you have the wherewithal to have a more peaceful existence. most people think just stand out in this business you need to be the first one on top of the story or the person with the loudest voice of the biggest raid in truth to stand down lose business you just need to ask the right questions and demand the right answer.
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about assad's finally make a move from an embassy from the embassy in a scandal that's been very much ongoing for six years on a month now june twenty twelve when assad's fearing he would be extradited to sweden subsequently to the united states where he would face an unfair trial perhaps even torture that was his concern fled to the ecuadorian embassy and claimed asylum there now since then the charges which he was accused in sweden of rape and sexual assault have been dropped the statute of limitations has expired nevertheless he does face arrest from the british police from the met police for breach of bail as soon as he steps out of the building let in marino the president of ecuador is in the u.k. for a conference on disability but really what sparked media attention has been is the goetia with the british authorities to somehow resolve the psalms problem an inherited problem as he's been described he has now come out and said allegedly that sonds will eventually have to leave the embassy and how that will happen when
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that will happen and what the consequence is we will be we cannot say at this point and even more so just in the last few minutes the ecuadoran embassy themselves have said they cannot confirm officially president rose was selves we will wait for confirmation on what exactly will happen as the news comes in very much though the media is waiting to see what exactly will happen here the foreign minister out of duncan just a few weeks ago said he's concerned for a songes mental health that it's the to rating and he is interested in a swift and speedy resolution that will suit all parties in this ongoing case but his mental health his well being his safety and his rights must be protean the british government will seek a short says that this will happen it's a case though still of watching and waiting for the public for the media and for solid. who no doubt will be waiting exactly for the decision of all the ecuadorian
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. hours. to zation was planted on the home to send a team to seventy or income is empowered to grant nationality to detective. because of great regret that julian assange remains in the ecuador embassy it's about this miserable world the embassy and gave himself up to british justice. i left live to london and join peter tatchell a human so. the activist joining us here on the program good to see you today peter
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so ecuador makes the announcement today or should i say the ecuadorian leader makes the announcement of where he is in london where you are now saying that eventually julian assange will have to leave its embassy in london has it had a change of heart why do you think ecuador is now changing its position. well the simple answer is we don't know but clearly pressure has been brought to bear presumably by the united states possibly some trade or a deal who knows but what we do know for certain is that the first duty of any state is to protect the life and liberty of its citizens during the stange was granted ecuadorian citizenship he was granted political asylum so for the prospect of the president revoking that with those protections that go with citizenship and asylum that's a very very big deal of very big steps to abrogate the right to protect the
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ecuadorian citizen and effectively if he is forced out of the london embassy affectively to hand him to a foreign power now when it comes to what will happen if santa is forced out of the embassy i really think the ball is in the british government's court it could come to an agreement yes during the sand did skip bail that's true under the law he has to pay a penalty but the british government could decide that would be a swift and nominal penalty as would often be the case in these instances but the big really important thing is for the british government to give an assurance that he will not be extradited to the united states where we know that a secret grand jury has been convened and where he's likely to face very serious charges which. ended up in prison perhaps for thirty or forty years i don't think a whistleblower or well actually it sounds like your whistleblower he's
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a publisher he published what others whistle blew the whistle on and i don't think someone who is concerned about freedom of information the right of the public to know someone who's published that information in the same way that the new york. time for the guardian of public information i don't think they should face the risk of thirty or forty years in jail in the united states there peter what does it mean what does it mean you know regarding your last comment there what does it mean about freedom of speech for example what about unveiling and lifting the lid on covert operations around the world why has why has a songe been vilified so badly by members of the western hierarchy and establishment. who clearly by publishing leaks provided by chelsea manning and others ricky leaks journalists aren't being the key person and we could leaks we could leaks has deeply embarrassed in particular the government of the
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united states exposing war crimes human rights abuses double standards in terms of diplomacy and private conference conversations and exchanges between diplomats which stand in complete contrast to what the u.s. was saying publicly so it's all about. caused great embarrassment and the u.s. wants revenge not just on him personally but also as a terrence to others and i think that whistleblowers and publishers who shine a light on government deception and government abuses they are public servants of the highest order they deserve protection not persecution and the tragic fact is that if journalists. had not publish that information we the public would not have known about those war crimes and crimes against humanity so peter do you think
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it's a good service a good thing that a son she has done to enlighten the public to know about some of these aspects of foreign policy. united states is founded on the principle of government of the people for the people by the people that the people have a right to. no that the government is the servant of the people but was not serving the people by keeping these war crimes and deceptions secret it was speaking in public saying one thing and in private doing something different i think that anybody during the sanjay or anyone who shines a light on that is doing a great public service they are a hero of freedom of expression and the right to know which is to me a fundamental element of a democratic society if the people do not know what governments and militaries are doing in their name it is not a democracy and thanks to journalists. we do know quite
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a lot of what the us government and military wanted to keep hidden they are heroes now a few moments ago you said julian assange has embarrassed the u.s. government. u.s. officials senators and congressmen calling him a traitor accusing him of treason one pundit on fox news calling for joining us to be shot to be assassinated we've seen the movement among the western governments but also we've seen a huge amount of public support for him from the basic average ordinary person what do you expect in response now to a sign just possible fate are you expecting widespread public protests or other people going to stay quiet. i think it's very hard to say i mean obviously the sanders reputation has been trashed by the united states government and others and a lot of people you know perhaps who didn't initially support him feel that there
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may be something in these obligations certainly the other gay sions of sexual assault in sweden did severely diminish the level of public support now of course you know those charges were never actually pressed there were no charges of oppressed against you know sound on sexual assault the investigation is long. been dropped so whatever one thinks about that particular allegation and it is purely an allegation i think that should be set aside you know i always said that you understand should face those obligations shouldn't he was always willing to way back in two thousand and eleven he offered to make himself available to the swedish prosecutors they took five or more years to come to london to interview him and as a consequence of those interviews decided not to proceed with the case so you know it is a murky case that has has been clouded by these allegations and they are purely obligations i stress of sexual assault so in terms of public support
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a man hoping that people will see the big picture which is not to diminish the allegations of sexual assault in a new way but they will see the big picture than this particular instance journalists aren't just facing very serious charges for publishing information that we the public have a right to know about government abuses and military abuses he should be judged on that and on that basis he should be given support even if people have disagreements or reservations about the sexual assault of a geisha and human rights activist peter tatchell joining us live here on this breaking news regarding julian assange many thanks appreciate that thank you. are to some other news for you here on r.t. international the un's human rights chief has urged the west african nation of cameroon to investigate alleged abuses in the country's armed forces it comes after video in most of what appears to be the extra judicial execution of two women and
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two infants a number of rights groups have confirmed that the cameroonian military was responsible for the atrocity and warning you may find the following video obtained by the intercept distressing. really more rational to. the. now these shocking images show soldiers from cameroon executing women and children now a uniformed demand is narrating their actions he says that the women and children are part of the boko haram terrorist group after the first round of bullets one of the men wearing military fatigues acknowledges that one of the children is still alive so he shoots again first the government claims that the video was fake news but now it's been reported that four soldiers have been detained keep in mind that
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cameroon is a key ally of the united states in the war on terror cameroon is advice to partner in the fights against boko haram isis which suffered another violent extremist organizations in the lake chad basin region a relationship with cameroon is designed to promote stability and security within the region now cameroon host hundreds of u.s. troops and the us drone base and at this point the usa continues to supply cameroon with military planes and other assistance even though it's been pointed out by the ambassador to the country that the military has been involved in targeted killings there's going to start to cover the heirs to the summary executions the security detaining people. chose to go use to their families even to the street. now the u.s. state department has expressed concerns over the video that seems to show one of
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its key allies committing a savage act of brutality we call on the government of cameroon to investigate thoroughly and transparently the events depicted in the video make its findings public and if cameroonian military personnel were involved in this atrocity hold them accountable this is hardly the first time that cameroon has raised the concerns of human rights groups and amnesty international report documented over one hundred cases of murder torture and abuse we used witness testimony and photographs from the social media accounts of best soldiers to digitally moto the site and locate incidents within it the legs if they stay taney abound in a stress position known as the position. detainees report being held in this way for days at a time and first there were reports that the u.s. state department had temporarily suspended aid to the country but the pentagon was quick to dispel those rumors there has been no change the assistance the department
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of defense provides to cameroon as a direct result of violence in the angle friend regions of cameroon the united states constantly tells us that its foreign policies are about defending freedom it accuses geo political rivals of violating human rights but it looks like cameroon fast friend of the pentagon has anything but a clean record they would mop and r.t. washington d.c. we spoke with a lot of research a mystery international who's examined cameroonian military abuses she says that the human rights violations are systematic and they go unpunished it is indeed one of two most shocking and despicable p. just that i've ever watched in my entire career we spent a lot of time at amnesty to analyze didio we have collected to steal money said information for our sources hundred ground we have compounded these testimonies with the analysis of our experts including military experts we have been surprised
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and shocked by the fact that the minister of communication s dismissed the d.d.s. fake even before launching an investigation on the case and recorded systematic torture extrajudicial executions. arbitrary arrests cases of enforced disappearances and all these cases that's never been dealt with. we have asked the cameroonian the prime minister's office to confirm whether the government is actually conducting an investigation. by well it is your friday headlines here on r.t. international a busy day for news breaking news regarding julian assange but the program can to news. interesting. you know world of big partisan movie lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up
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to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the fat and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. when the make this manufacture come sentenced to the public will. when the ruling classes protect themselves. in the final merry go round lifts only the one percent. can all middle of the room sick. leave room.
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twenty five of the hour here in moscow on this friday an increasing number of celebrities are getting into trouble for old tweets but in america just how much trouble seems to depend on your political affiliation is plenty. it's become a sport watched someone climb to the top and then knock them off the perch using their own less than savory quotes like t.v. actor roseanne barr who lost her long time job a.b.c. following a very racist tweet it also happened to katie mchugh a journalist who used to write for the breitbart website after her anti muslim tweets came to light the same fate be felled the sisters stars of the go with no job instagram account they used to have a talk show but it was canceled because they were old. and islamophobia tweets
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resurfaced on top of that left leaning liberal media outlet found out that the sisters have a conservative news pundit for a mother who likes donald trump a lot in fact one thing all those disgraced stars have in common is that they're politically conservative although recently the liberal camp has been hit by a string of very similar scandals james gotten big hollywood film director made guardians of the galaxy turns out ten years ago he was making jokes about rape and paedophilia his bosses at disney had to sack him the creator of reckon morty and host of the harmon town podcast dan harmon he had to apologize after an old sketch where he rapes a baby doll called the attention of the twitter sphere the host of the daily show travel no recently faced criticism when his old sketch poking fun at aboriginal women in australia cropped up online who dug all this up the conservatives to find
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some politically incorrect skeletons in the liberals closets might you know of it all right blog keen to get revenge on the left was the one who found the james gun tweets he's loving the fact that the lefties are getting a taste of their own outraged medicine. i enjoyed just the wrong human visceral reaction of jumping into the arena and just swinging the hammer and seeing what is left over afterwards twitter is just modern day gladiatorial combat but there is a slight difference in how the conservatives online misdemeanors and the left wing liberals offensive jokes are playing out trevor noah and dan harmon have managed to hold on to their jobs james gunn did get fired but a lot of the so-called liberal elite standing up for him james gunn is one of the most loving caring good natured people i have ever met he's made mistakes we
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all have i'm not ok with what's happening to him james gunn i think you for your tell and your decency and your evolution as a man i'm pausing myself to take everything in the forest because of term i just want everyone to know i love all members of my geo t.g. family some have even started a petition to rehire him the twitter sphere wasn't quite as forgiving when it came to roseanne barr's hateful language shame on you the real roseanne and a.b.c. network not a single apology can get me to respect your despicable racist character and racism in mainstream media now i'm hurt embarrassed and disappointed the racist and distasteful comments from rosie are inexcusable a.b.c. and disney do the right thing there is still boned reason the age of trump that cannot be crossed thank you for putting values above money roseanne herself has
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picked up on it i'm disgusted to read all the support for james guns paedophile jokes as the same people supported blackly sue me for a joke they didn't even understand digging up dirt is one thing but it looks like it's more likely to stick if you're on the right side of the political spectrum. facebook shares plummeted on thursday wiping a one hundred twenty billion dollars off the company's value and followed a report which showed a stalling user base in north america and the decline in european users after a series of data scandals back in march it emerged that fifty million facebook users had been excuse exposed to data mining at the social network has also been accused of suppressing content from right wing groups with conservative groups claiming they've been unfairly targeted another social media giant is also facing a twitter. following claims of political bias and used
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twitter to accuse the platform of. prominent republicans he warned we will look into this discriminatory and illegal practice. now the whole shadow binding story broke in february when the conservative users noticed a loss of followers on twitter the company claimed it was due to a crackdown on ball so automated accounts on wednesday have vice news report described exactly how twitter has restricted the visibility of republicans among them the party chairman and several members of congress. independent journalist david lindorff says that social media giants should stick clear of politics in terms of. you know it's a dangerous game if they are playing that to start for them to start being the arbiters of what is acceptable political discourse the big danger is this a i kind of filtering which which google is doing
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a lot of and wants to do more of where you know with the algorithm itself can become biased it's easy enough i think for them to monitor. things that are what we would call yelling fire in a crowded theater we don't which doesn't violate free speech and other then i think they should steer clear of it and just let it be a free flow of information. back to our breaking news ecuador president has said that whistleblower julian assange will eventually have to leave the country's embassy in london is wanted in the u.k. for violating bail and has spent six years without leaving the embassy no date has been given by which he should leave my colleague bring you the latest developments as they happen here what are in the next fifteen to twenty minutes.
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join me every thursday on the alex simon chill and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics. i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. right we're all set to start in five guys to service at the studio house a signal. he's not going to talk about no fly just maybe right after the mars explorers one who would have their new. record. to say let me.
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a new stage appeared on the world map in two thousand and eleven south sudan. gets separated from its neighbor sudan after an independence referendum. since then between government and insurgent troops has never stopped it is in fact a continuation of a much older struggle between different tribal factions. yeah . ok we go. ok it was gunshots one time to men from fifteen back so many fresh. broken is going to directly to the doesn't go to the chest and gesture was. lost on
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me and he's doing well ok we go. like a bull to move on trying to do opposites but he just. blushed going much not get that out so you. see. this quest to. make it. into a. department maternity everything is put together i mean in discovery the. queen there's no infection you see the face you still. only see it from the same people second degree on the face. i think you seem to grow up thinking you know if you're going to be needed i think because you see that i later saw only the start here he said it and i think in them days you can be counted everything except the.
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beat me to death for these bastards to go. with you this is a group that. has to. throw up a mutimer on the cross and then you will all come to one stroke want to show you can you put a port au. prince next. album. because from inside and from outside so it's really humid and it was a big big one to complete your selfish he came from the from the chain but like him i'm back. you get the patients you know that of all the patients some of them not to be injured during the war he would tease you don't think about this you know the soldier on not you that's three it's like a and the other and the other patients.
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say. this is the city of good joke just twenty kilometers from the frontline. it's under the control of opposition troops consisting mostly of members of the shuttle tried . the red cross hospital here is now the only facility of the whole up an oil area of the country still able to provide medical aid. but. you know get. a little.
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out of it. i think you know something that i don't think you. would not let us off. the top. i. had. a little. bit this actually did you say. that fast i think it's about him. saying let's not say. that only some of. the it's only he's doing. this because i'm just being insulting to somebody and to be patient with these three old sunday and it will be too much and the fighting has just been we have
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done it was it was just a stunt then one night leave me out expecting to me. was just totally i did this much snow at work and it was. when you. wanted to. you think to slip something good. you. know the sort of like in the book something of that i mean everybody who's lived through. news going you know you don't you feel you're going to have to conclude it can sustain a convert. or an injury issues through the post show especially for the most recent you know if i was the only two. peas in there that are my friends or someone you. and you could use to put off from watching your movements for luke.
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there was like. fighting with me to day. you know i didn't want to go and all of the things and then we got to the integration of but missing something about i don't like to speak much about these. maybe some some missions since syria i've been getting on the freetown i mean by. chance and i think probably and then finally if i do stuff with i.c.r.c. dealing with that when the patients. take this position. and if you have to. the spot took an hour ago in this position to dance here. between two.
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shepherds i've got faith often i'll know the exact words and that in this month i got twice like the situation of seventeen fifteen patients you know and you know one hour a week at the three of them and most of them are injured so they'd need surgery in one or two days. who was a sure look. in the show looking them. over lunch. was given by some book at least to these people they called then cup oprah dundon. doug cause of the water between the good old troupe and those didn't just so innocent to sit in the forum between two tried. easy to order sources including the missiles were done to fight the show. that is out of his. and we're going to demanding goddaughter lund must be given back to us. very
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bad you've seen it maybe we've had here in quite a lot and working with all of you who have taught me a lot you you've shown me many anything you have a strength that i've never seen anywhere else. and i would also like to welcome back to you who is the new head of office in hotel. thank you so much for the welcome you so very welcome the royal welcome much to the . children exchange so again i promise to be as a great leader. as a kid she was spoken for was a bill to my best. everybody here knows you really want to try to put it to the list and i love a good let me show you how i'm going to. go on this trip and they're not
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a he just likes it so you got all those six volunteers right away but still. and i think my story is going to. be one. to start a strong confident based on just for you but it sure is the case he. thinks and. i had to tell us what we're going to. have a pick up in. yes this is more about fourteen zero five and eight eight and nine it's living conduct. over. the next contact one hour one hour over.
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the devoted garden. already. i think. you know some come for. most people think just stand out in this business you need to be the first one on top of the story or the person with the loudest voice of the biggest radio in truth to stand down the music business you just need to answer the right questions and demand the right answer.
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questions. four men are sitting in a car when the fifth gets shot in the head. all four different versions of what happened one of them is on the death row there's no way he could have done it there's no possible way because the oldest did not shoot around a corner. seemed wrong. roles just don't call. me that is yet to stamp out disdain comes to etiquette and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground.
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is democratic socialism the future of the democratic party the future of america is moving to the left a winning strategy to take on donald trump's vision of conservative populism one thing is undeniable mainstream politics in both parties for under pressure to evolve and become more account. this is a historically known place if the fiza the first time what they're calling the enterprise of the british and the french decided to stop and go their separate ways . and happen here in the sugar kingdom so very have. their own culture and sovereignty for many centuries now. it's
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a very rough terrain you so it's rough climates and you have to fight to be able to live and to find enough. south sudan soil is so first that it can kill the few harvests a year however because of the continuing hostilities people have no time not even to cultivate the land a devastating humanitarian catastrophe is taking hold in several of the countries states' famine the red cross hospital is now the only place where many can actually find something to eat. my mum worrying.
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about but i love them enough enough i know. i don't know but i guess it. comes down to that now that. sam is a man my you mean you don't know what i'm here on you do you know. i know you want to back up high if you don't want. to when you hear oh oh oh down boy how am i going to be i don't want. iow you can't actually do can someone you don't know me. good luck to you already i'm a bag of luck and i need to give in my stomach as i did you getting a question. in my head well the thing knowing if. i don't know you you will see you cannot mean anything like that as a nobody ever more than any minute of what i. am i you go to the front of my mom and let my you know that my many get money that i have a unique and. that
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normal people and almost ninety percent. does not concern aboard the total deal always of what we want in the government they just need security i do that when business comes to beijing the good because if we'll believe them but. in two thousand and thirteen south sudan's president salva kiir from the dinka tribe to stir up the ethnic balance within the country's government he dismissed the vice president and several kemet of members all of whom were from the new a tribe they immediately led an armed opposition soon to be joined by the should look tribe. did
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the beginning of the war going to the point i mean it was it is and i cannot tell you exactly in this area but. this over two hundred level would have come as long as even myself if i cannot defend myself i would just be killed so many people died because when they made these a genocide people i given them said according to try to see a better body in the children is ready to participate in the good the war is not a political war. because it is owed to me both women who have been is. now are just beginning with you want to go through a bit then must say no or just put the sugar. extrusion. the sugar still at least from an injection and promotes the eating those that want to distance the faster you can. and you do it just the day to dressings for the
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cleanest. you're getting now they're young the numbers are good as i get. there when they get away. and there will be that i. not only was the one bit giddy. going to good water for them while they did the bus i. had to do. for me going to sit at a key didn't back in the old but. not a member of my. own when i ended it with that and then but you were the weak assassin and i think you get no we what we meant we knew it again you you could do the good men think i'm in a baby they can be getting that food will you do when you hear get it they will be mad that you know what you were doing a good outing ok then a year later would do it and you. could lay off of
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a loved one you did your body and. counted down with on you cool and i didn't know were going to be. a kid out of if you were going to its a long moment young for the. security. and look at you. you. don't know. so if you didn't sleep last night. you know you. didn't sneak on the show and you told us kids should do it quick don't worry. so what we're trying to just do and just there on this nice structure called if you had it was not. yet what procedure. kids will leave humans old brain for like to interfere or worse
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problem. in the long. haul and this is very often. the same. injection i did oh. was it bending down. all day. let's see that. you pursue most all this night looking forward to. this literature are those sort of for you to do just bundle with. some nuclear pull out that with it's news but all this with its western. cultures which are.
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constantly. filtering out you know over the years of internal of us the version from a. young man i know i know that i want to have ice caps that might have. most of it these are the same on paper. plate if i don't know when you're there we're here. hard to swallow you know. got some i really just got a feeling i know you are not. snow. you mean but you've got
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she wants two parts to let you come close by saying this one that's ok but it turned out she should not force her it's some it's not something before say well. you can just promise mitt i just made don't want. to be. a midwife. and bikes i support other departments and because if there is no get to mass hold make now that is not to get trisha and the medical doctor was not there so i also go there. with the. legal view to what. she wants to know she wants to. if you can no problem with the love to. notice
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money at least a month that. you know you need to. love it. don't i didn't want to make up. my body does it. and you haven't it's ok it's ok due to the people feeling that bit of the. you can hang you today. so you need to explain to them to make sure that they give you some times when trying to. sometimes change. but is so stressful but now you have to compost just because if you are so much stressed then you get confused time to you know temper the depression.
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i said i will enter it even if they will not allow me. if they will shoot we. are all wrong on a million million indeed on the market now only menominee been taught to be chubby don't bother your man on man got up by the government it will be like army and economy are you. everywhere in the world my guess is that probably just about everywhere women expect men to make that first move and here we are in an age where men a scared to make the first move don't know how to make the first move don't know what the right to make the first move. to do. locusts it is the. muscles has.
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up. would you but i don't know. ecuador confirms that wiki leaks chief genius aren't real if some points have to leave the country's embassy in london also to come this hour in r.c. human rights organizations criticize cameroon after a video emerges showing the execution of two women and to infants reportedly why the west african nations force it is indeed one of the most shocking and despicable be just ever watched in my entire year career there has been no investigation of
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what's very in all the cases amnesty international that's documented. and ever more celebrities are getting into trouble over tweets though those with left wing views do seem to be defended by the media coverage those on the right back. hello good afternoon you're watching r.t. international works just gone two o'clock here in the russian capital now ecuador has confirmed that whistleblower junior sands will eventually have to leave the country's embassy in london the ecuadorian leader lenin marino is reportedly in discussions with british officials over a deal to hand the australian over to police well let's get more now marty don't know hawkins he's in london for us covering this story daniel just break. this development for us. well assad has of course been going on since twenty twelve so six months and one year since june assad's fearing he would be extradited to sweden
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the subsequently to the united states where he is wanted for leaking those military and cables claim asylum in ecuador embassy and has been inside ever since that big moments of course when speculation has been rife that he would come out this week was one of those moments a media group outside of the embassy for many days this week hoping for some sort of advance now we seem to have something from the country's president in moreno he's in the u.k. for a conference on disability although it's very much the talks that have been been going on on the sidelines behind the scenes his negotiations with the british regarding the release of juda solace from that embassy that of course the media's attention this is what he had to say. but you look for a person to stay confined like that for so long is tantamount to a human rights violation. all that we want is a guarantee that nothing poses a danger to songes life the ownership of this situation cannot go on forever and
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sanjay will eventually have to go all right. yes indeed yes but his departure should come about through dialogue because he's always concerned there for the welfare and mental health of that's not to say that moreno supports his cause though part in part of his profile press conference he was very clear that he does not support and he's never agreed with the sergeant activity stated very clearly that he does not agree with interventions into private emails to obtain information no matter how valuable it is to public discourse and to expose undesirable acts of governments or people so not on a science fan necessarily more of and one could say of just this now or the even the foreign office minister duncan said last few months a few weeks ago last month that he is also concerned for sergeant well being and
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the british government's priority is to resolve this ongoing deadlock for quite some time now of course sanji is wanted or was wanted in sweden for those charges of rape of sexual assault they have now been dropped to the statute of limitations expiring on them he fears being extradited by the british to the united states where he claims he will not get a fair trial and would face potentially. torture for those leaking of those military and diplomatic cables now as we said there are only the talks going on behind the scenes but this isn't the first time assad has allegedly come close to leaving the embassy it remains to be seen just when this will happen how this will happen through some sort of negotiations with the government to try to bring this ongoing saga to some sort of conclusion.
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the musician was fronted on the december twenty second. he's in politics from national to talk to her. because of the great regret that you that remains in the door and to see it's about this mystery. the embassy he gave himself up to british just. like a let's get the thoughts now patrick henningsen he journalist and global affairs analyst is with us soft on a patrick thanks for coming on what you make of this announcement then and what you think i would always intentions. unfortunately this is potentially going to set a dangerous precedent in the sense that you know when a country grants somebody asylum in the way that saundra was granted asylum years
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ago under a different president that a new president will come in and somehow change that there's no new evidence to incriminate a songe that would sort of change the scope of his case so you can only translate this is being a purely political decision and if you look back and drill down to the politics most likely this is the united states' pressure being put to bear on the current government to ecuador that's clearly what is happening so it's u.s. politics projecting in exerting itself internationally in this case on ecuador getting them to reverse a policy that should be an international norm in other words once a country grant somebody asylum on some kind of basis and some judgment is made i do believe julian saunders been issued a passport in ecuadorian passport so he does have rights as a citizen in that country and all the sudden that's just evaporated now because of a political whim or pressure put to bear we don't know they do exactly what sort of deal is being talked about a between the ecuadorian authorities and the british authorities for example who
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still want to silence because he skipped by you i mean there's a danger we could be making assumptions when we don't quite know what's going on. yeah look if if he is given up by ecuador and so has to face the music with regards to the contempt charges that he has in the british justice system this is not necessarily a bad thing for sancia certainly that this government. does have issues outstanding with the united states government so joyous saw and whether this government gives him up or not that becomes a bargaining chip. theoretically in the background this is definitely some tension between the u.s. and britain on certain issues currently and this is a president in washington that likes to make deals but further than that johnny saw interim self has quite a bit of leverage with regards to united states and his knowledge of the d.n.c.
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leaks or d.n.c. hacks whichever way you want to translate that he does have intimate knowledge of that and that could be enough knowledge to perhaps plea or bargain his way to freedom should he be extradited to united states so this is potentially interesting point down the road. one thing that doesn't get much media attention is that the u.n. actually rude that its own should be allowed to go free and that clearly is being ignored by u.k. in the u.s. it seems anyway at the moment why do you think that is. because i don't think the u.s. in the u.k. governments recognize that un report nor. it doesn't take any precedent over their real politic in other words. in the same way that the u.k. government doesn't necessarily recognize the independence of the fourth estate i think that was made clear when g c h q marched into the guardian's offices in his linked in in the summer of two thousand and thirteen and stood by as the guardian
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editors took angle grinder as and cut up the snowden leak hard drives right in front of them that was a precedent that was set is basically send a signal to the press saying you know you're not independent you can't sort of hold information that we believe is in the national security interest so even though they had copies of it as that statement was made that precedent was set when the guardian caved in to the government's pressure there likewise in the united states i don't think this government the u.s. respects wiki leaks is status as a publisher and it's a very dangerous precedent because if they do go to reclassify or redefine what is and press what is a publisher if wiki leaks falls in that respect there are no protections for any press after that and that's why it's a dangerous precedent but it's also a benefit for julia saunders if he is extradited is there's a lot of big talk and bluster with regards to what we're going to do with this saw engine we're going to try him he's a traitor he's
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a spy whatever you can talk while he's in the basement but once he comes out into a court of law a judge is going to have to rule on that and i think it could be a lot more difficult to rule against a songe on this case in the open then a lot of politicians who have been grandstanding for the last couple of years would like to believe and definitely going to happen even abbott said it was good to have you on this patrick hands and face and i thank you. now the un human rights chief has urged the west african nation of cameroon to investigate alleged abuses in the country's armed forces it does come after video emerged of what appears to be the extra duty issue will execution of two women and two infants a number of rights groups to confirm that the cameroonian military was responsible for the atrocity word of warning there you might find the following video obtained by the intercept distressing. really want to come across a little bit you know who. he.
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is. now these shocking images show soldiers from cameroon executing women and children now a uniformed a man is narrating their actions he says that the women and children are part of the boko haram terrorist group after the first round of bullets one of the men wearing military fatigues acknowledges that one of the children is still alive so he shoots again first the government claims that the video was fake news but now it's been reported that four soldiers have been detained keep in mind that cameroon is a key ally of the united states in the war on terror cameroon is advice to partner in the fight against boko haram isis which suffered another violent extremist organizations in the lake chad basin region
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a relationship with cameroon is designed to promote stability and security within the region now cameroon host hundreds of u.s. troops and the us drone base and at this point the usa continues to supply cameron with military planes and other assistance even though it's been pointed out by the ambassador to the country that the military has been involved in targeted killings there's going to start the government there is to do summary executions the. people who. chose to go years to their families you can see this is. now the u.s. state department has expressed concerns over the video that seems to show one of its key allies committing a savage act of brutality we call on the government of cameroon to investigate thoroughly and transparently the events depicted in the video make its findings. public and if cameroonian military personnel were involved in this atrocity hold
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them accountable this is hardly the first time that cameron has raised the concerns of human rights groups an amnesty international report documented over one hundred cases of murder torture and abuse we used witness testimony and photographs from the social media accounts of base soldiers to digitally model the site and locate incidents within it the arms and legs of this detainee abound in a stress position known as the position. detainees report being held in this way for days at a time and first there were reports that the u.s. state department had temporarily suspended aid to the country but the pentagon was quick to dispel those rumors there has been no change the assistance the department of defense provides to cameroon as a direct result of violence in the angle from regions of cameroon the united states constantly tells us that its foreign policies are about defending freedom it accuses geo political rivals of violating human rights but it looks like cameroon
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vast friend of the pentagon has anything but a clean record here with mop and r.t. washington d.c. a researcher at amnesty international who's examined cameroonian military abuses says that the human rights violations are systematic can go unpunished it is indeed one of the most shocking and despicable ever watched entire career we spent a lot of time at amnesty to analyze didio we have collected to steal money sent in from our sources hundred ground we have compounded these testimonies with the analysis of our experts including military experts we have been surprised and shocked by the fact that the minister of communication s dismissed the d.d.'s fake news even before launching an investigation on the case and recorded systematic torture extrajudicial executions. arbitrary arrests
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cases of enforced disappearance and all these cases that's never been dealt with. what we asked the cameroonian prime minister's office to confirm whether the government is conducting an investigation although so far we have not received a response. facebook has lost one hundred twenty billion dollars in value we'll have a look at why for so the stories just after the break. most people think just stand out in this business you need to be the first one on top of the story or the person with the loudest voice of the biggest race in truth to stand the news business you just need to ask the right questions and demand the right answer. the.
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. it's become a sport watch someone climb to the top and then knock them off the perch using their own less than savory quotes like t.v. . who lost her long time job a.b.c. following a very racist tweet it also happened to katie mchugh a journalist who used to write for the breitbart website after her tweets came to light the same fate be felled the sisters stars of the go with no job instagram account they used to have a talk show but it was canceled because they were old. and islamophobia tweets resurfaced on top of that the left leaning liberal media outlet found out that the sisters have a conservative news pundit for a mother who likes donald trump a lot in fact one thing all those disgraced stars have in common is that they're politically conservative although recently the liberal camp has been hit by
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a string of very similar scandals james gotten a big hollywood film director made guardians of the galaxy turns out ten years ago he was making jokes about rape and paedophilia his bosses at disney had to sack him the creator of reckon movie end of the harmon town podcast dan harmon he had to apologize after an old sketch where he rapes a baby doll caught the attention of the twitter sphere the host of the daily show travel no recently faced criticism when his old sketch poking fun at aboriginal women in australia cropped up online who dug all this up the conservatives to find some politically incorrect skeletons in the liberals closets might you know of it all right keen to get revenge on the left was the one who found the james gun tweets he's loving the fact that the lefties are getting a taste of their own outraged medicine. i enjoyed just the wrong human visceral
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reaction of jumping into the arena and just swinging the hammer and seeing what is left over afterwards twitter is just modern day gladiatorial combat but there is a slight difference in how the conservatives online misdemeanors and the left wing liberals offensive jokes are playing out trevor noah and dan harmon have managed to hold on to their jobs james gunn did get fired but a lot of the so-called liberal elite standing up for him james gunn is one of the most loving caring good natured people i have ever met he's made mistakes we all have i'm not ok with what's happening to him james gunn i think you for your tell and your decency and your evolution as a man i'm pausing myself to take everything in the forest because of term i just want everyone to know i love all members of my geo t.g. family some have even started
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a petition to rehire him the twitter sphere wasn't quite as forgiving when it came to roseanne barr's hateful language shame on you the real roseanne and a.b.c. network not a single apology can get me to respect your despicable racist character and racism in mainstream media now i'm hurt embarrassed and disappointed the racist and distasteful comments from rosie are inexcusable a.b.c. and disney do the right thing there is still boned reason the age of trump that cannot be crossed thank you for putting values above money roseanne herself has picked up on it i'm disgusted to read all the support for james guns paedophile jokes as the same people supported blackly sue me for a joke they didn't even understand digging up dirt is one thing but it looks like it's more likely to stick if you're on the right side of the political spectrum.
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i was pretty boy now facebook shares plummeted on thursday wiping one hundred twenty billion dollars off the company's value that followed a report which did show a storing user base in north america and also a decline in your opinion is after a series of data scandals back in march it emerged that fifty million facebook users had been exposed to data mining practices by the research firm cambridge analytical the social network has also been accused of suppressing content from right wing groups and facebook's use of fact checkers to filter out so-called fake news is also up controversy with conservative groups claiming they've been unfairly targeted and other social media giant is also facing hard times to twitter's stock price took a hit following claims of political bias u.s. president donald trump used twitter to accuse the platform of shadow banning prominent republicans he warned we will look into this discriminatory and illegal practice where the shadow banking story broke back in february when conservative
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users noticed a substantial loss of followers on twitter the company claimed it was due to a crackdown on bought saw automated accounts but on wednesday a vice news report described how exactly twitter has restricted the visibility of publicans among them the party chairman and several members of congress independent journalist dave lindorff says that social media giant should keep out of politics in terms of. you know it's a dangerous game if they are playing to start for them to start being your betters of what is acceptable political discourse the big danger is this kind of filtering which was doing a while and wants to do more where you know the algorithm itself can become biased it's easy enough i think for them to monitor. things there are what we would call yelling fire in a crowded theater which doesn't really speech you know there i think they should
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to do in the sinai it is very. cool it's only about the looking on the lot and the going forward to one of the ninety one columns on the wall she will. come. up you'll see. is democratic socialism the future of the democratic party the future of america is moving to the left a winning strategy to take on donald trump's vision of conservative populism one thing is undeniable mainstream politics in both parties for under pressure to evolve and become more accounts. the fallout from michael calling secret recording it's taken the talk away from
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helsinki but it means more turmoil for the white house take a look at that on this edition. welcome to politicking i'm larry king but now you know about the secret recording of a conversation purportedly between the candidate donald trump and his former personal attorney michael cohen what's the political and legal fallout for mr trump and the republicans will talk about that with our political panel the democratic strategist julian epstein who served as chief minority counsel to the house. forced distaff director of the government oversight and reform committee he's in washington and in lansdown virginia john wood back republican strategist former chairman of the republican party of virginia also an attorney and small business
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owner julian what's the legal value to mr cohen of releasing this. the legal significance is there's all kinds of potential criminal violations here the story relating to karen mcdougal a playboy playmate that michael cohen and donald trump were apparently trying to cover up by getting a news publication the national enquirer to buy the rights to it so they could bury the story very likely involves campaign finance violations that trump and michael cohen were trying to obstruct any inquiry into and this comes on the heels of an ever widening inquiry into the president for obstruction of justice and the russian interference probe so the president's woes jets get worse and worse from a legal point of view republicans abandoned many republicans abandoned by the president on his recent foreign policy excursions whether it was the helsinki summit or whether was north korea that doesn't seem to mean materializing and on
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the domestic front republicans seem to be abandoning the president on the trade wars john the other republican. this conversation for ford between trump and michael cohen how a lot of resonate with republican voters if at all. well i don't think it at all will at all actually i mean i think his numbers when republicans were up around eighty eight percent as a last poll that i saw you know just to respond briefly to the legal aspect of this lanny davis is a pretty competent attorney i don't think he would have allowed this tape to come out if he was scared that his client was going to be implicated some kind of criminal matter related to it so that's a bit of a leap to say that there's criminal liability associate with the president or michael cohen because of this tape mange to be seen but this has nothing to do with the rush of collusion this is an entirely separate matter and i think one of the things the white house doesn't do well is differentiate between the two in other words the white house is having the president constantly messaging on twitter and
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whatnot that this is a witch hunt while the collusion part of it in terms of the president's role in it there's no evidence that that's occurred but there has been substantial indictments of different things of russians and other people related to interference in the election which is a whole separate matter but the white house needs to do a better job of differentiating the president's role and how that is that which one and how they found no evidence of collusion by the president despite only one of these about the president than women john why do events you know its rules continue supporting. you know one of the things that evangelicals have been fighting for for decades is supreme court nominees and that is something that i think they are really committed to and i think evangelicals are aggressive voters on the issues that they care about most because of that i think that's the chief issue that's driving them to the polls not to mention this is about the most conservative administration we've seen maybe since reagan and i think that it's it's an amazing
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situation to be in for certainly because donald trump is not someone you would think would be an evangelical voters favorite candidate so just to asked or ask john the question is do the evangelicals believe in all and all and an eleventh commandment now which says that it's ok to cheat on your wife and lie about it so long as you support the right candidate for the supreme court is that would have even joe i bet. because i remember when this was on the other hand when president clinton had an extramarital affair and every republican want to impeach him for it just curious as to how republicans rationalize it when the shoe is on the other foot now actually if that's revisionist history because it was actually for lying under oath nobody was impeaching the president for adultery and quite frankly i wish we'd had this conversation back in the one nine hundred ninety s. as well because if i throw back at you you know did democrats excuse the behavior and they did in droves so let's just let's just stick with the president let's stick with the president ben jealous right now in even jellicoe to your argument
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believe that it's ok to cheat on your wife and cover up about it and lie about it so long as you support the right candidate for the supreme court as your position. i think i think the position that you're taking is that you know it's ok for bill clinton to do it but no no i'm asking about donald trump and i think i'm asking about it's a false argument that's why you should also document it was you want to know was where was where were you a minute ago was that ok well as those was lying under oath democrats so where were you that's roundly. roundly content you want to let me a lot to answer the question democrats roundly roundly criticized clinton for that which you don't do in the case of donald trump that's point one point two is let's stick with your argument now you just your response to larry was well even jellicoe holes and conservatives give donald trump a pass not only on the cheating of on the one on the wife not only with the with with porn stars and playboy playmates not only on all of the lies that occur on
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a daily basis relating to russia not only on the obstruction of justice issues not only on a long litany of issues we can go through because he supports the right guy the for supreme court and i just want to focus on your argument here for a second that's the argument you're making well the question was why do evangelical voters support trump and i was taking a gander that it was on the supreme court would be the chief issue and i think what you're trying to do is you're trying to justify your favorite president bill clinton's behavior by comparing it to donald trump's look here's the deal the american people are on his watch and worse they elected donald trump hillary clinton lost get over it yes that's going to morrows that's another argument poor reportedly there's a bipartisan push to impose new sanctions on russia it's gaining ground in the senate you think we might see that this john. yet we might i think a lot of most republicans have been pretty consistent and i would i would join in
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this russian interference our election is something that should be condemned defended against should be aggressively pursued investigation and otherwise and i think republicans are really interested in pursuing that i think that's different then then that the accusation that somehow donald trump colluded with the russians but i would join with the republicans that have been aggressive on this and i think they should impose additional sanctions on russia for what they did to our election for the visit julian the visit of this to putin to the white house will not happen this fall but will happen early in twenty nineteen what do you make of that change well you've heard in the last week just dozens of republicans mccain. graham ben sass the chairman of the foreign relations committee corker on down the line roundly condemned the president as being and that confused. ill informed on the
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facts in berra saying i mean these are not words from democrats these are words from repugnant republicans have used in the last week so i think there's been a firestorm of criticism from his own party and i would point out to my friend the criticism and the sanctions are not just about the interference in the elections which is now undisputed essentially by everybody other than the president the president has different stories depending on which day of the week it is but it's also because of the annex ation of crimea it's the interference in syria and the attempt to block buttress a dictator in syria it's what's going on in north macedonia what happened in the united kingdom as a whole series of things that republicans have taken a starkly different position republicans and democrats alike and taken a starkly different position from this white house on john it's the most investigation is not wrapped up before the twenty eighteen election what are think will that have do you think on the elections. you know i would agree i was watching morning joe this morning and lot of the folks on there were talking about the
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impact this might have an election and most of the and they're not donald trump supporting progressives on the show believe that there would not be much effect of the small investigation on the midterms i think people really are looking at the kitchen table issues and that's the republicans ought to be talking about we ought to be talking about the impact the tax cuts have had in the economy we ought to be talking about infrastructure all the things that the president has gotten done for deregulation and i think that's what people are going to be voting on julian do you think the democrats are going too far left. i think there's a danger that they could go too far left and i think they have to be cautious of that i think it's a big tent party and what i think you've seen in various races whether it's connor lamb or or the recent race in new york where the fourth one third ranking democrat was had lost his seat i think democrats have a wide enough tent to be able to appeal on
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a broad based set of issues i would also say that i agree that if mahler doesn't make a move very quickly in the month of august i think it would be inappropriate for him to make any moves before the election the way jim comi did in two thousand and sixteen in terms of this point as to whether the public cares about the mall or investigation i mean i just think my friend is mistaken on that it's true that the republicans don't but independents and democrats who together make up a substantial majority of voters all support the mauler pro-ball think it's very important all think there's something significant here john i hope the democrats campaign on the investigation i hope that's all they focus on because if they do they're going to lose and i think voters are not going to be motivated to show up to vote for democrats in the fall because they're all over this investigation the same thing happened in the one thousand nine hundred voters were turned off by the cost investigations of bill clinton we should stick to the issues and that's how we went john didn't say these things but these things just aren't true i mean you say
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there's no evidence of collusion and i show you there's plenty of evidence of collusion with people involved in the closers the trump family that's point one point two why do you share your data on how the investigation is driving voters share your data that you have to document their ladders or motivated independents and i'm sure your day madly gladly so there's enormous amount of polling data that believes that this administration is corrupt and it's not just russia it's a whole series of other issues and that these election will be a referendum on donald trump and will be in part to check the. option that has been going on on a wide range of issues and that data shows up in independents and that shows up with democrats and that may not show up with republicans but it shows up with a majority of voters so i think your data is wrong with you one more thing in john the terror that is a. joke there was generalize the terror vandals the trump has launched he now proposes twelve billion dollars aid package to farmers negatively affected by
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those tariffs what do you make of that john. yeah you know i'm in a fiscal conservatism is the hallmark of the republican party and i'm not afraid to say when i disagree with the president this is one of those areas where i do i don't think you can it's not fiscally conservative to say that i'm going to impose tariffs and then simultaneously aid packages i think the president's made a promise that he was going to impose tariffs that was what he was going to do everybody knew this going in and he's keeping that promise whether you agree with it or not this is what the american people elected period but i do think that it's you know i don't think you can do both i think i think you have to be consistent and we should be in a city if you're going to do tariffs see if it works it's too early to tell but then doing an aid package sort of a bailout i think is just not consistent with you know the republican platform on fiscal conservatism julian john thanks so much for your time today we'll call on you again very soon thanks for having thanks guys we'll have more politicking right
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everywhere in the world my guess is that probably just about everywhere women expect men to make that first move and here we are in an age where men a scared to make the first move don't know how to make the first move don't know what's right to make the first move. four men are sitting in a car when the fifth gets shot in the head. all four different versions of what happened one of them is on the death row there's no way he could have done it there's no possible way because the list did not share ram a corner. on
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a. welcome back to the ticking for donald rumsfeld. think you needing this russian president vladimir putin continues saber rattling between the trump administrating and iran and global economic adjustments occurring over the presidents trade war. william cohen former secretary of defense in the clinton administration former republican u.s. senator from maine from maine and a bestselling author and chairman of the global business consulting firm the cohen
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group he's an old friend it's always great to have enjoyed his and he does joining us from washington william you've described trump's approach during the nato summit in brussels as a negotiation by you merely asian you know what do you mean basically the president trump was correct to go after our nato allies and say you really need to commit more to the. self-defense of your company or your country and the collective capability of nato i have made the same pitch as well as virtually every other secretary of defense including bob gates i think the president was right to insist that they now measure up to what they said they would. always resisted any kind of temptation to publicly try to shame a head of another country your secretary of defense of another country or a president and i always felt that you do that and in private you sit around
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a table say you know madam president or the chancellor. of germany. we have a problem here you are not committing enough to the collective defense of nato membership and to go through each one of them hold a sheet and saying this is what you pledge to this is what you've done we need more and i think you can do that in part in private but i don't think you can do it and should do it in public because it will generate hostile. he on the part certainly of those members the heads of state of other countries but it's also going to generate hostility on the part of their citizens where you start to insult. chancellor merkel. or the british prime minister may or go down the list and most of those people in those countries you can say wait a minute this is our country you're talking about this is our leader your trouble
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we may not agree with the prime minister may we're chancellor merkel merkel but it's our country and so i think that it generates a lot of ill will now to the extent that it causes them to fulfill their or. their two percent spending that's a good thing but i think long term it undermines admiration for the united states affection for the united states and when we have to call upon them in the future they may be less likely to want to help them we introduce tweeted that he looks forward to a second meeting with putin the white house says discussions are on the way it's the next year it won't happen this year but reuters reports that moscow is indicating it's not the right time to have an invitation the two sides need just let the dust settle have to helsinki what do you make of that meeting apparently now switch the next year. well i think it's always important to talk to president putin i met with him certainly when i was in office at the very end of my
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term but i met with. president gorbachev i met with president yeltsin so i was always eager to meet with the soviets then the russians because there are a powerful country they have one of the largest stockpiles of nuclear weapons in the world and so it's important that we meet with them and talk with them my objection to the meeting in helsinki was that there was no agenda. that they had a private two hour meeting with no. when taking notes and we don't know what they discussed or what commitments may have been made either by the russian president or by president trump that's something that's really quite exceptional in our history and i think it's open to. different interpretations of what was said what was meant what was heard and how it was taken by the other person so it's i think it's always really important when you have the head of the you know of the united states and
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the head of russia having a record so we know exactly what was said we can go back and say wait a minute this is what you said you agreed to but now you're backtracking etc so that was my my bigger objection to it and i didn't think that we should be in any way praising president putin without pointing out what he's been doing he fired a sensually he fired a digital bullet into the heart of democracy and he's been disrupting elections in europe he's been threatening the baltic states he annexed crimea etc and i think we have to lay those out and say you can't get relief from these sanctions until you start behaving in a way that's consistent with international law. and then when the president said he'd like to invite him to the white house i thought well why the white house how about camp david how about moral law go to the white house is special to me the white house represents something special to the people of this country and i just
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didn't feel that president putin at this point was entitle to be praised for the red carpet treatment given at the white house as long as there was a meeting i didn't have any problem of that but i just think that diminishes the significance of what it means to meet the present united states in washington at the white house trump insists that he's been tougher on russia than any previous american president you're going. well i think he has been tougher in some sense don't forget the sanctions were imposed initially under the obama administration for the invasion into ukraine the ex ation of crimea i think he has been tougher in the sense that he has at least committed additional weaponry to the ukrainians which the obama administration refused to do so in that sense yes
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but i haven't seen much beyond that i haven't seen really i think after the attack upon the united states and the revelation that this was done not by the five hundred pound guy sitting on his bed with a laptop but we identified specifically those members of the g.r.u. their intelligence service when they did what they did with whom they communicated to so i would expect any president to say in view of this i'm not accepting your denial i'm accepting my intelligence community's verification that you and your team your intelligence team attacked us on acceptable it's going to require more sanctions so that's what i want to see a reaffirmation of our intelligence community not some kind of an apple osha to. the president who says he gave a very strong denial well did you expect him to say yes i did it i thought i was
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being helpful to you but apparently you're not grateful no i think that you don't accept president putin you accept your own intelligence unanimous assessment that russia tried to influence and in intruded into our electoral system but your party you served under a democratic president you're republican moderate from maine. why are so few republicans even when he does some things way out there not criticize the president well i think they're acting out of fear. i think they understand that president trump has a core level of support that is unshakable and to the extent that they speak up and are critical they may find themselves in a primary contest which they won't be able to win and i think though the only people who are speaking up are those who are not running all of those who are retiring or saying hey you made
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a mistake here you shouldn't have done this etc so part of the large part of it is fear of having to run in a campaign in which the trump suborders would come out with a great deal of financial support and the attack would be relentless so i think that's the reason why i'm not sure that'll change it would depend upon what evidence if any is forthcoming in terms of obstruction of justice or the russian influence in putin's ability to extort more compliancy from from the president i don't know what that evidence is that may or may not amount to any but we'll have to wait and see what do you make of this latest back and forth with iran . well. i worry about it in the sense that. i don't think we can just threaten another war like we did with north korea i was very much opposed to the notion that we could have a kind of
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a decapitation strike against the north korean leadership and not have mendis casualties hundreds of thousands of casualties in south korea so i was glad the sectary madis was there. a caution in the war on the north korean peninsula or on the korean peninsula would be devastating and consequence i'm glad that they be able to lower the temperature with respect to iran we have a different situation at this point they don't have nuclear weapons but they do have the revolutionary guard they do they are constitute a real threat a terrorist threat they have been gauging terrorist activities not only in the east but around the world so i think the notion that we're going to be able to just level the strike iran and prevent them from ever getting america weapons is a bit optimistic and i think we've got to be careful if there's a new deal that can be struck great but i don't know that by threatening that we're
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going to have fired fury is going to bring them to the table and i hope it does but i think we'll just have to wait and see whether or not they're going to bend or whether or not the threats are going to harden the support for the clerical regime what's your reaction to where we are right now in north korea. well i'm still waiting for to hear from the north koreans you may recall that the language that was used we're going to insist upon a comprehensive. verifiable irreversible denuclearization. that was our position that was the bottom line we're going to sister poland you don't hear that language anymore now it's much more ambiguous much more amorphous. they may make some. effort to show some progress but in the meantime we stopped our training exercises in the meantime we suggested we may want to reduce or remove american soldiers from the korean peninsula and to suggest that up front really
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reduces your leverage because the north koreans will pocket that and by the way it sends a signal to others in the region that we're retrenching and we're pulling out and that means they start to fear for their future if the united states is not going to be quote their guardian shield they better make deals with other countries including china and so when you make statements or you make a specific deal i think this is where the problem i look at it from the view i look at it. if everything is transactional you don't really have a comprehensive approach and i sort of liken it to you playing pool and you want to get that ball in the pocket and you just slam it in and you didn't take into account that the ball that you have to use the cue ball is at the other end of the table now and you're far away from what you knew need to achieve so what you want to do is always play position you always want to make sure that you have the entire
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table in mind and so when we negotiate with the south koreans for example we have to be very careful what one statement or what one action will mean for japan and if we declare that we're going prepared to remove our troops from south korea which of the japanese think well i thought our troops in japan were helping to reinforce the need for support in south korea should there be a conflict and so they will have to start saying what does this mean for us then you go down the list of the the so-called aussie on countries southeast asian countries each one of them is under pressure from china and when you send a signal that you may very well reduce your presence in a pin or premature way they're going to start calculating where their interests really lie so you know the president may have it all mapped mapped out to me i've always tried to take a comprehensive look to see if i make this move if i make a chess move shouldn't i make sure i know where i'm going and what the impact will
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be on the rest of the board and if you everything is just a straight transaction a straight shot then i think it reduces your ability to have that kind of flexibility this is secretary as always thanks so much for your time today and good talking with you william larry thank you the always a pleasure to be on the show william cohen a great american thank you for joining me on this edition of politicking remember you can join the conversation on my facebook page or tweet me at kings things don't forget to use the politicking hash tag and that's all for this is. vision of politicking.
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try to come off. that's a very rough roads there and you saw it's rough climates and you have to but trying to get a bunch of them if. it was gunshots on top of them and so many friends say what happened in the morning and i'm in need not. apply i don't think anything will back up only you know i don't want to see it but it will be in the truth when these are the two punches read in the book is told to me a book to read in which. you don't think about this leave this old coat on you just read you like and you know and other patients.
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and. we are going through a dramatic economic and social cultural transformation that women want to participate gay and lesbian people want immigrants want rights in many cities are saying that's my way but there are more traditional parts of the society that are saying no i don't want that i live in a more of a rural community i believe we should have one national cause i believe in a country that's divided as much as any in the world we actually have to localise our government. right we're all set to start in five guys in the studio has a signal. he's not going to talk about. just me right after the arse explorers one new put it there needs.
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to say black people no. ok let's. welcome to. the sheriff said today we've got lots to talk about in our program and our gas to. the rock that. is democratic socialism the future of the democratic party the future of america is moving to the left a winning strategy to take on donald trump's vision of conservative populism one thing is undeniable mainstream politics in both parties for under pressure to evolve and become more accounts.
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the headlines in our to ecuador confirms that wiki leaks chief genius on what at some point have to leave the country's embassy in london. human rights organizations criticize cameroon after a video showing the execution of two women into infants reportedly by the west african nations forces it is indeed one of the most shocking and despicable ever watched my entire year career there is. very old a case. that meant it. even more celebrities are getting into trouble over tweets well the left wing views do seem to be defended by the media whereas those on the right.
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that welcome is three pm here in moscow you're watching r.t. international. that i could do was president has confirmed that whistleblower jr the songe will eventually have to leave the country's embassy in london then emerge i know was responding to a question from a journalist. due to this situation cannot go on forever sanjay will eventually have to go all right. yes indeed yes but his departure should come about through dialogue. ok let's get more details now with dan hawkins he's been following the story in the u.k. for said dan just break down there now what we know so far with this story. well speculation has been rife full week about if and when and indeed how or sons' will leave the ecuadorian embassy various media outlets attending the embassy over the past few days we do now have word from the ecuadorian president he's of course been
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in the u.k. for a conference on disability but it's not that which has really caught media headlines it's more his statement there saying that at some point assad's will have to leave the embassy that the situation is unacceptable i refer him to of course a sergeant asylum since twenty twelve six years and one month now holed up inside that embassy being labeled a so-called inherited problem for lennon. we do have a statement from downing street a spokesman confirmed to us just a few minutes ago in fact that the issue was not actually discussed on his visit specifically but that negotiations are ongoing take from that what you will know despite saying that the issue must be resolved that it's far from ideal hasn't actually expressed support for a solid activities for for what he has done leaking those cables diplomatic and military to wiki leaks but has said that he is concerned about his welfare
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but we look for a person to stay confined like that for so long is tantamount to a human rights violation the only concern i have is that i have never agreed with the sun just activity i don't agree with hacking private emails to be able to obtain information no matter how valuable it is to expose certain undesirable acts of governments all people. i was just a few weeks ago that foreign office minister alan duncan stated he was concerned about his mental health is psychological well being stating that the situation must be resolved because of that pressure on assad and join the british government would seek guarantees for our sons' use rights to be respected they haven't had a confirmation know whether an extradition request to the us has been accepted if one indeed has come at all and that's what a sarge was worried about of course he was wanted in sweden on those charges of rape of sexual assault they have since been dropped of the statute of limitations has required
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a soldier's main fear is being extradited to the united states where he will face charges for those leaks and his concern is that he will not face a fair trial that he will face time perhaps significant time behind bars this is by no means a big step towards assad's being released i think it's unlikely anything will happen over coming hours or days nonetheless it's a small step forward in what's been an ongoing saga now out for many years and of course the media and public alike will be following those negotiations between ecuador and representatives of the british government to see just how that will pan out.
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nationality to protect her. because of great regret that you didn't remain from the joy embassy it's about this miserable. man but see you gave yourself up the bridge is just. probably let's get the news now shown she's a former m i five intelligence officer and joins us this afternoon thanks for coming on annie look we're hearing that ecuador said the situation can't go on forever when i when talks with the british authorities many people say that is bad news for a song is that how you see it. i think it's certainly worrying for us and yes there's no doubt about it because the incoming president in ecuador seems to see him as a problem he's also under pressure from the americans and from the international monetary fund to raise funding for his country and apparently it's been speculated
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reporters that been threats that this might be withheld if they don't if he does not resolve this on case but let's bear in mind that a songe not only has been given political asylum and that was sifted over and weighed up legally for weeks before ecuador did this so you know the case is strong but he's also known ecuadorian citizen and the ecuadorian to try to give him status as a diplomat to so to hand him over to the brits to face justice for jumping bail sure you know make it one year in prison maximum but i think he's right to be worried about being extradited on with the united states where his organization wiki leaks has already been categorized by michael compare as a hostile intelligence agency where politicians been calling for his assassination for the death penalty for the rest of his life in prison and all for publishing just as any other media organization publishes if it's true because i know at the moment it is speculation isn't it to a degree but if ecuador is bowing to u.s.
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pressure while of wouldn't you say ok you do sorry you got to go. why you negotiate what is there to negotiate that's my question. well i'm not sure there are many negotiations i mean you know at any moment they could just chuck him out of the embassy that's the problem and of course he will be arrested by the british authorities because the bell conditions that he broke i think the problem then is will britain bow to the pressures from the usa to have an extra attitude to the usa to stand trial and who knows what conditions i mean speculation is that there has been a secret grand jury convened in virginia for years now the speculation that even though he's an australian who's never actually had much to do with america that he would be prosecuted under the american espionage act i mean this is the sort of completely off the scale so i think the concern is what the british will do and of course the british government is an also very difficult position with practice it they can't afford to annoy their american cousins too much at this juncture of british history so it's a bit of
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a mess every which way sure one thing that always seems to get excluded here is that the un ruled that assad should actually be allowed to go free that's always seem to be ignored whenever it's brought up with the u.k. u.s. authorities. absolutely i mean this was a landmark case over the last few years much as you know the politicised. accusations made against him by the swedes have been dropped since remember that they were timed out and then dropped voluntarily by the swedish and the un does see that what he's been forced to live in the ecuadorian embassy is cruel and unusual punishment and for what i mean people call him a whistleblower he's not they call him a hacker who hacked the d.n.c. he's not what he is what julian is fundamentally is a publisher he provides a high tech conduit for news outlets for whistleblowers particularly and over a decade of the wiki leaks existence they have not been found factually wrong in
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any case whatsoever so you know this is very worrying i think for the mainstream media across the west as well because if you have the new york times for example publishing whistleblower disclosures all the washington post all the guardian all the sunday times and they don't stand up for the right to sell a publisher julius asked the chief editor of wiki leaks then in future they might indeed be finding cells prosecuted for publishing whistleblower disclosures themselves and this is a very nub of the issue it's about press freedom it's about freedom of speech and a good to talk you have to leave it there was only mash on a former m i five intelligence officer thank you. now the u.n. human rights chief has urged the west african nation of cameroon to investigate alleged abuses in the country's armed forces it comes after video emerged of what appears to be the extra judicial execution of two women and two infants a number of rights groups have confirmed that the cameroonian military was responsible for the utah city are warning there you might find the following video
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obtained by the intercept distressing. really was our boss of all those of you out of all the arch. you obviously. respect. i said. well this is subtle family and that. now these shocking images show soldiers from cameroon executing women and children now a uniformed demand is narrating their actions he says that the women and children are part of the boko haram terrorist group after the first round of bullets one of the men wearing military fatigues acknowledges that one of the children is still alive so he shoots again first the government claims that the video was fake news but now it's been reported that four soldiers have been detained keep in mind that cameroon is a key ally of the united states in the war on terror cameroon is advice to partner
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in the fights against boko haram isis west africa and other violent extremist organizations in the lake chad basin region a relationship with cameroon is designed to promote stability and security within the region now cameroon host hundreds of u.s. troops and the u.s. drone base and at this point the usa continues to supply cameroon with military planes and other assistance even though it's been pointed out by the ambassador to the country that the military has been involved in targeted killings there's going to start to cover the areas to do some research you should be your t t t t. two lawyers to the families if you can to this is. now the u.s. state department has expressed concerns over the video that seems to show one of its key allies committing a savage act of brutality we call on the government of cameroon to investigate thoroughly and transparently the events depicted in the video make its findings
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public and if cameroonian military personnel were involved in this is city hold them accountable this is hardly the first time that cameroon has raised the concerns of human rights groups and amnesty international report documented over one hundred cases of murder torture and abuse we used witness testimony and photographs from the social media accounts of. to digitally moto the site and locate incidents within it the arms and legs if they stay taney abound in a stress position known as the position. detainees report being held in this way for days at a time and first there were reports that the u.s. state department had temporarily suspended aid to the country but the pentagon was quick to dispel those rumors there has been no change the assistance the department of defense provides to cameroon as a direct result of violence in the angle from regions of cameroon the united states
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constantly tells us that its foreign policies are about defending freedom it accuses geo political rivals of violating human rights but it looks like cameroon a vast friend of the pentagon has anything but a clean record here with mop and r.t. washington d.c. well research or at amnesty international who's examined cameroonian military abuses does say that human rights violations are systematic and go unpunished it is indeed one of two most shocking and despicable be just ever watched in my entire year career we spent a lot of time at amnesty to analyze didio we have collected to steal money sent in from our sources hundred ground we have compounded these testimonies with the analysis of our experts including military experts we have been surprised and shocked by the fact that the minister of communication s dismissed the d.d.s. fake news even before launching an investigation on the case and yes recorded
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systematic torture extrajudicial executions. arbitrary arrests cases of enforced disappearance and all these cases that's never been dealt with. we did ask the cameroonian prime minister's office to confirm whether the government is conducting an investigation although so far we haven't received a response. so an increasing number of celebrities are getting into trouble for old tweets but in america just how much trouble to seem to depend on political affiliations. expects. it's become a sport watch someone climb to the top and then knock them off the perch using their own less than savory quotes like t.v. . who lost her long time job a.b.c. following a very racist tweet it also happened to katie mchugh a journalist who used to write for the breitbart website after her tweets came to
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light the same fate be felled the sisters stars of the go with no job instagram account they used to have a talk show but it was canceled because they were old. and islamophobia tweets resurfaced on top of that left leaning liberal media outlet found out that the sisters have a conservative news pundit for a mother who likes donald trump a lot in fact one thing all those disgraced stars have in common is that they're politically conservative although recently the liberal camp has been hit by a string of very similar scandals james gotten big hollywood film director made guardians of the galaxy turns out ten years ago he was making jokes about rape and paedophilia his bosses at disney had to sack him the creator of reckon morty and host of the harmon town podcast dan harmon he had to apologize after an old sketch
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where he rapes a baby doll called the attention of the toy to spare the host of the daily show travel no recently faced criticism when his old sketch poking fun at aboriginal women in australia cropped up online who dug all this up the conservatives to find some politically incorrect skeletons in the liberals closets might you know of it all right blog keen to get revenge on the left was the one who found the james gun tweet he's loving the fact that the lefties are getting a taste of their own outraged medicine. i enjoyed just the wrong human visceral reaction of jumping into the arena and just swinging the hammer and seeing what is left over afterwards twitter is just modern day gladiatorial combat but there is a slight difference in how the conservatives online misdemeanors and the left wing liberal. ok we apologize for interrupting that report because we're going to get
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your hands big now south africa where the russian president vladimir putin is against the break for in there of major and merging economies leslie and well the first because the situation the first convention took place in st petersburg. leaders of china russia and india first met. and then. it was rick russia india china later this year but i believe that your brazil and south africa joint these emerging associations and we got brics. initially our goal especially our goals were quite modest we wanted to do so. if the new deal with that was to begin to coordinate our efforts in terms of the economy to achieve better results but as the organization grew but it started. to take shape
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as an association as an organization we started to see new tracks of activities we saw an expansion of our mutual interests and one of the priorities we discussed during one of the previous meetings and the one we discussed during this meeting is the fight against terrorism coordination of our two it is in terms of politics in terms of trade in turn the economy in the broadest sense of the word . firstly i would like to speak. it was in brief about what was done this was the summit of briggs and the nursery but now our topics were. diverse in the trend of unilateral actions in the world the fourth. industrial revolution in the world there was a declaration signed by all of the member states that. we would not
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run but we weren't allowed a. good. war or raise a military race in space we talked about syria fighting against terrorism we talked about information technology is creation a platform for energy. science and women's and to preserve alliance now there was another initiative which. was actively supported by all the participants of the meeting today is the. corporation of bricks in terms of sports culture and cinema. and we can we even have a way where even planning to hold a cinema fast of all of bricks. for use and during the
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summit we send a signal. showing that we want to maintain the w t o we have signed a number of intergovernmental memorandums to preserve the college we agreed to create a new development bank in brazil. and we. have also paid and treat each session of the outreach countries and the issues we're. seeing with the positions of race in the. world improving our cooperation in africa brics received support from a number of international organizations in the summit. takes place during the one hundredth year anniversary of nancy nelson mandela who preserve. the principles. of the brics the same as the brics i have had meetings with
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the presidents of. south africa of china prime minister of india. also had contacts with a number of other leaders zimbabwe. and a number of other members of the outreach group so this perhaps is the other general results. of the meeting and the main topics i will discuss so if you have any questions you can ask them. i used to do for somebody but almost interfax news agency which uses mr putin as you have noted that at first briggs was more of an economic platform but it later. other issues were added to it. what is the future of this organization. and what other tracks can be added to it first you said it was break the south
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africa joined. this summit today with i know you discussed the issue of brics expansion what's your opinion on the possibility of the expansion of briggs through adding some other states and another question only to us that during the break summit you were planning to discuss the syrian settlement and you wanted to discuss. with your brakes colleagues the issue of providing aid and what was the reaction to your proposal which is so well the advantage of briggs is that. there's much less red tape here than in other organizations similar organizations as the president of brazil has noted earlier this is an association that came to be naturally and it has
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a lot in common the countries making it have a lot in common. and they have similar approaches to resolving the issues that humanity faces and this that these countries face indeed we. don't have any formal leader inside this association all the issues are resolved on the basis of consensus and each of the party's interests are taken into account. and this is a great advantage. which of this association. we talked today that would be the result of. a lot of countries are very interested in our activities and the breaks activities would have the outreach format and the brakes plus format and we're going to use these four months to expand the zone of
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our influence to attract other states states that share our principles and values. on the basis of which our going to zation is built upon. expanding the number of member of bricks is not on the agenda right now. because the formats that we have today are so effective as they are we asked for the topics we discuss the issues we're going to resolve these are all issues that most countries face and most economies in the world face we have no limitations in terms of these issues i'm talking about the economy the security. i have just outlined the issues we've worked on. the topics we've made decisions on. for example non placement of weapons in space as
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a very important issue. we don't want to see an arms race in space. for example or fighting terrorism isn't an important issue that all countries in the world face. of course we talked about syria. and my colleagues. were positive in their assessment of the possibility of participation in the operations to help the syrian people. so i wish you well and what about the fourth industrial revolution this is something that faces both russia and the leading economies of the world. and of course. our colleagues actively supported the idea of expanding our participation in terms of humanitarian issues sports culture
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cinema this is these are things that bring us together create a nature all basis for human communication prime minister of india sound that it was a very good idea because. it makes it possible to organize for example sporting events sports events in such a way that they would. they would resemble small scale olympic games or some sports festivals. which. would see national kinds of sports not well known around the world but it would be of interest to the peoples of our countries. this is a very natural basis of our cooperation that brings millions of people together not just millions but hundreds of millions billions of people. what i mean is.
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that the brics countries. account for more than half of the population of the world and our answer the second question already. i guess the political get on the edge and say well bitterness you many times sadness that rush should flow or dependency are. stolen and lately russia been has selling out u.s. obligations decreasing the share up to well almost zero is that the end of it all this is a new kind of us check a stark policy of russia or you're just trying to infer tact yourself from any more sanctions so if you refuse to use dollars maybe you'll use some other currency maybe break currency like you are in for instance we do know that russian settle back is increasing its share of e.u. winds right let me first answer the first part of your question russia does
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not want to drop the dollar dollar is dollars are universal currency euros could also be considered a currency like that but not fully and so we understand and we realize how important the dollar is today as for reserve currencies we now see an emergence of regional currencies. for example. the russian ruble is also one of such occurrences inside the e.u. . any international currency is as good as the economy that backs it and so. out of these fundamental. ideas so it is out of them that we should proceed we need to minimize the risks we can see what's happening because of the sanctions because of those limitations we face we realize the risks we try to minimize them
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as four deserve currency. the dollar now it's not just ours we're talking about this issue if you think that this is russia's initiative. you're mistaking a lot of countries in the world are now talking about exactly that about the need to expand and the capacity of the world economy of creating new currencies which would make global finance more stable. more resilient. and this is. as for our american partners and their limitations that they're imposing. on the dollar i think this is a strategic mistake on the part of our partners because they are undermining trust towards their currency and just several years ago nobody. really.
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think that these currencies could be used in terms for political. purposes everybody thought that politics. was. outside of all that and so. that being the in the area of economy there are some stable things. that it's not true and so. currencies. are used in political struggles currencies are used payments systems are used. in that for that purposes and this damages the dollar undermines the dollar as a global can and see. if it weren't for that. we wouldn't see tens dozens of countries thinking of finding other ways
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other currencies as for the u.s. . it is now becoming stronger if it becomes convertible this process will become even faster even today the u.s. . is internationally recognized. and i will say once again the currency is as strong as the economy that backs it i would like to see once again we're not going to make anything ranch we are still going to continue using the dollar. as long. as. the u.s. financial institutions do not prevent us from using it and my second question it also has to do with the united states after your visit to helsinki i states voted in invitation to hold one more meeting in washington closer to the end of the
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year and today as far as i understand united states. to postpone it to the next year that's what they want to do so when do you expect it to take place will you accept that invitation and said she know marty direction amount of actual. actions. and this lead you to assumption that trump will hold on to his promises you know mr trump always attempts to actually. she never goes back on his word you know this is this. part of his presidency of here's the character as a president after. a leader becomes president they often forget about what the. odds of what they claim they would do to the population trump could be
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criticized for a number of things but. one thing is certain she tries to maintain his obligations and is allowed to. ask for our meetings i believe the. beneficial they're very useful in health think you we spoke about things that both of our countries are interested in in twenty twenty one for example the new start treaty is coming to an end now are we going to prolong this treaty of course we want to do that all of the world is interested in that and if we don't start negotiations about that today by twenty twenty one the new start will just. you. know just stop its operation its will no longer be active. and there are other issues for example conflicts or is aleutians yes we have contacts on other
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grounds on. other areas but we need to cooperate in order to on issues such as iran syria turkey. with regards to other countries of the region lebanon. egypt etc we need to talk about these issues on the highest political level but i think that these are not second rate problems second rate issues that are important. yes. and for example. the iranian nuclear program is that something that concerns only around of the u.s. of course not it concerns many countries of the world including europe. i think that the iranian nuclear deal is in the is a very good and useful instrument of nonproliferation but this is
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an issue. that has to be negotiated but we need to have negotiations in order to negotiate you can and to discuss all things on the telephone as for the meeting i understand what mr trump said he's interested in holding this meeting and i am ready to participate in such a meeting as well but we need. to have the environment for that and we need to prepare for that we are ready we are prepared for such a meeting we are ready to invite mr trump to moscow as well. i invited him actually . and i am ready to come to washington as well but as long as we have the environment to work together. we are going to have contacts in the nearest future on international platform such as the g. twenty for example. where are we also have. plans to
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contact and to talk on the sidelines of other international forums. despite all the political difficulties in the us domestic policy lies glaive go zone so let's go on with any more questions which is a good excuse to exist in newspaper middle between want to continue speaking about the united states as far as we know you in your meeting with trump you suggested holding a referendum. logans for the what was strength reaction to what that is the initiative we know that key here is all against it in your opinion can that referendum be hold but let's say this part of the operation with the russian other countries i would refrain from commenting on this issue because a service sensitive fended sort of choirs additional work. ok let's let's hear the final question. because you. look at the road numbers restylane can you
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clarify and specify a bit you said that you would restrain. restraint from expanding the brakes. i don't really understand is that the decision of the leaders themselves all that is just an idea just to hold back for a moment and this is a defeat of the countries who would like to be members of bricks being say about that for years so whose initiative is that. the. candidate countries. want to work as part of brics they are very willing to do so. but at the meeting today. all of my colleagues. were very careful in discussing this issue because of course we want to cooperate with other countries and of course it is possible
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that brics will be expanded. but we believe that this is an issue that needs to be further developed in further detail it doesn't mean the brics is a closed organization that no one can join it of course not. but this is an issue that requires time and effort but of course the organization is open for other countries but is all thank you. just listening there to the russian president vladimir putin speaking on the final day summit which is being held there in johannesburg in south africa he did talk about a number of issues didn't he the end he was quizzed a lot about his meeting with trump saying that he had does still hope to go to america perhaps on invitation for meeting there and likewise said that trump would be welcome to come to moscow although they did stress that those meetings would have to take place in the right environment somewhere there what he said.
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now clashes have erupted between muslim worshipers and israeli security forces in jerusalem near the temple mount or compound a site that's holy both to jews and muslims. the. explosions were heard with smoke covering parts of the holy site israeli police say muslim worshippers started hurling stones and fire without them they responded to stun grenades following which clashes broke out local media report the police blocked exits causing further west dozens of arabs are said to have been injured. in the u.k. the question of what to do about british citizens who went to fight for jihadist
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groups in the middle east but now i want to return is back in the spotlight that's after the appointment of a new director of public prosecutions max hill who was once slammed by an m.p. is a politically correct snowflake will hill came into the spotlight when he was working as an independent review of u.k. terror laws some of which he argued should be scrapped he was slammed for meeting with the organization cage group which some have accused of defending islam ispat hill's own stance and to how this has been branded scandalously fable by some of the u.k.'s media here's one of his more controversial statements on returning jihadists really we should be looking towards reintegration and moving away from any notion that we're going to lose a generation due to this travel those who traveled out of the sands of neve u.t. possibly with some brainwashing on the way possibly in their meet teams we have to leave space for those individuals to be diverted away from the criminal courts well early on my colleague neil harvey debated the issue with
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a panel of guests. there has to be a holistic approach to a balance of using the judicial system for people who have committed a crime by joining prescribed organization and a rehabilitation program and i think recognizes that and his review of the terrorism strategy is bringing holistic piece together our counter radicalization and i count as terrorists has been absolutely a joke we have had the government listen to the stream. of what it is that he was trying to anyone tell you what i'll finish doing i'll finish doing my bit so we have a situation we've got british kids in syria being radicalized now we don't know who's committed what crimes now i do we bring them back home all we are going to take them out with. strikes which are about twenty percent accurate or drone strikes which ten years of use in afghanistan or pakistan show about their seven percent accurate indeed no drones are two percent accurate about ten twenty percent
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accurate you're lucky you're you're going wrong and. i'm going to get analysis from doing alternative facts. i just want to listen to a sound bite of boris johnson of course we legally justify those drone strike assess nations as preventative to stop future acts of terror in syria but that's because the mosques the reality that killing them is also richard beauty of payback for the film the executions of innocent people is that the right motive for what was the foreign secretary talking about basically an official government stance a vengeance is not appropriate what we're doing if we follow mr barr is johnston the strategies that we are really french are using our justice system to the usa because usa has a death penalty but the reality is that we are using our sovereignty and telling the world that britain is not competent enough to really. sort of put through
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criminals through the criminal justice system. british citizens we need to deal with our rubbish we've got to bring them home if they are capable of being de radicalized we can deal with them like they do in some of the nordic countries or some the scandinavian countries and we integrate them into british society great how do you go in and arrest these people bring them back and most little police corps to be put. through a judicial system so they're in a conflict zone they're a threat to this country salute military targets we do not record we do not count civilian casualties we do not count collateral damage if there is believed to be very responsibility the response no no no no no no no no no on the first series in parliament it was absolutely clear the m.p.'s came forward said we have no records we have no evidence and the reason is we do not count them i just want to sort of move on to a little bit different as you know in the last few days over four hundred white helmets activist in syria has been taken out under escort by israel to
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jordan and there is some expectation that they would be given british nationality or their european nationalities these white helmets were working hand in hand with ice and terrorist in syria at the end of the day on the one hand we are saying that terrorists should be taken out by drones then and are the sort of firepower but and at the same time we let go of over four hundred white head miss terrorist who are operating in syria to come back to the u.k. not only. to sort of do it to be radicalized but to be given nationality and to roam freely as some humanitarian workers. ok well just a quick reminder for our breaking news this hour because the russian president vladimir putin says he is ready to travel to washington for a meeting with donald trump he was speaking in johannesburg at the bric summit a new also invited his american counterpart over to russia although he did stress
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that those meetings could only take place in the right environment and it does follow the perspiring meant of invitation for putin for later this year until after the investigation into russia meddling has been completed all that said putin did say that the pair will talk at the next g. twenty summit. now cities across poland have seen thousands take to the streets to protest against changes to the court system in warsaw there were clashes with the police. well. billie's in the polish capital resorted to using tear gas against the protesters rallies also took place in twenty other polish towns and cities the country's president and gerry duda has signed amendments to the country to destroy a system and these expanded powers of the government regarding the appointment of judges including the supreme court critics though branded the move undemocratic.
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facebook shares plummeted on thursday wiping one hundred twenty billion dollars off the company's value followed a report which showed a stalling user base in north america and also a decline in european uses after a series of data scandals back in march it emerged that fifty million facebook users had been exposed to data mining practices by the research firm cambridge analytical and the social network has also been accused of suppressing content from right wing groups and facebook's use of fact checkers to to filter out so-called fake news is also stirred up controversy with conservative groups claiming that they've been unfairly targeted another social media giant is also facing hard times at the moment twitter's stock price took a hit following claims of political bias u.s. president donald trump used twitter to accuse the platform of shadow banning prominent republicans he warned we will look into this discriminatory and illegal practice where the shadow banking story broke back in february when conservative
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uses notice a substantial loss of followers on twitter that the company claimed it was due to a crackdown on bought saw automated accounts but on wednesday a vice news report did describe how exactly twitter has restricted the visibility of republicans and among them the party chairman and several members of congress. independent journalist dave lindorff says social media giants should keep pangs of politics in terms of. you know it's a dangerous game if they are playing that to start for them to start being the arbiters of what is acceptable political discourse the big danger is this a i kind of filtering which which google is doing a lot of and wants to do more of where you know that the algorithm itself can become biased it's easy enough i think for them to monitor. things that are what we would call yelling fire in
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a crowded theater when it doesn't violates free speech and other then i think they should steer clear of it and just let it be a free flow of information. around six hundred migrants have breached a border fence separating spain's north african territory and. was was spanish police say the migrants mostly from sub-saharan africa turned five and throwing molotov cocktails and feces at least one hundred thirty people have been injured in the cities of sweat and into spanish outposts in north africa and every year hundreds of migrants to try to jump the fence is that the latest incident comes just hours after spain's foreign minister raised the situation. this is more serious than the euro crisis the migration problem must be solved on the ground and the countries of origin otherwise we're just shifting pressure from one place to
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another. or since twenty fifteen the migrant flow into spain has been increasing dramatically almost thirty thousand migrants entered the country last year where more than twenty thousand have already reached spain in twenty eighteen we spoke to keith best he's the former head of the immigration advisory service and he thinks that the e.u. has still found no solution on sharing the burden of the migrant crisis people now see spain as a better bet than italy who's trying to close its borders completely this again as always and this is been going on for years and years and years without a successful resolution and it is because the e.u. collectively and the member states have been unable to come to a proper equitable burden sharing of how to deal with migrants coming into europe a lot of the states are not pulling their weight. now an increasing number of celebrities
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are getting into trouble for tweets but in america just how much trouble does seem to depend on political affiliations. expects. it's become a sport watch someone climb to the top and then knock them off the perch using their own less than savory quotes like t.v. . who lost her long time job a.b.c. following a very racist tweet it also happened to katie mchugh a journalist who used to write for the breitbart website after her anti muslim tweets came to light the same fate be felled the sisters stars of the go with no job instagram account they used to have a talk show but it was canceled because they were old. and islamophobia tweets resurfaced on top of that left leaning liberal media outlet found out that the sisters have a conservative news pundit for a mother who likes donald trump
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a lot in fact one thing all those disgraced stars have in common is that they're politically conservative although recently the liberal camp has been hit by a string of very similar scandals james gotten big hollywood film director made guardians of the galaxy turns out ten years ago he was making jokes about rape and paedophilia his bosses at disney had to sack him the creator of reckon movie and of the harmon town podcast dan harmon he had to apologize after an old sketch where he rapes a baby doll called the attention of the toy to spare the host of the daily show travel no recently faced criticism when his old sketch poking fun at aboriginal women in australia cropped up online who dug all this up the conservatives to find some politically incorrect skeletons in the liberals closets might you know of it
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the right blog keen to get revenge on the left was the one who found the james gunn tweet he's loving the fact that the lefties are getting a taste of their own outraged medicine. i enjoyed just the roar human visceral reaction of jumping into the arena and just swinging the hammer and seeing what is left over afterwards twitter is just modern day gladiatorial combat but there is a slight difference in how the conservatives online misdemeanors and the left wing liberals offensive jokes are playing out trevor noah and dan harmon have managed to hold on to their jobs james gunn did get fired but a lot of the so-called liberal elite standing up for him james gunn is one of the most loving caring good natured people i have ever met he's made mistakes we all have i'm not ok with what's happening to him james gunn i think you for your tell and your decency and your evolution as
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a man i'm pausing myself to take everything in the forest because of term i just want everyone to know i love all members of my geo t.g. family some have even started a petition to rehire him but to it's fair wasn't quite as forgiving when it came to roseanne barr's hateful language shame on you the real roseanne and a.b.c. network not a single apology can get me to respect your despicable racist character and racism in mainstream media now i'm hurt embarrassed and disappointed the racist and distasteful comments from rosie are inexcusable a.b.c. and disney do the right thing there is still boned reason the age of trump that cannot be crossed thank you for putting values above money roseanne herself has picked up on it i'm disgusted to read all the support for james guns paedophile jokes as the same people supported blackly sue me for
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a joke they didn't even understand digging up dirt is one thing but it looks like it's more likely to stick if you're on the right side of the political spectrum. reminder for our breaking news the russian president vladimir putin has said he's ready to travel to washington for a meeting with donald trump and also invited his american counterpart so you over to russia he was speaking at the break summit in johannesburg but he did add that the meetings could only take place in the right moment it does follow the. invitation to putin for later this year until after the investigation into russian meddling concludes however putin did say we'll talk with the next g. twenty summits so that's how things are looking for the headlines in a few. everywhere in the world my guess is probably just about everywhere women expect men to make
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. you'll. just far away. down there in acapulco he does the dollar vigilante and he's our guest and that is an arche it's anarchy in that there is no centralized authority that is corrupt and all that leads to all kinds of bad outcomes when you have got to centralization of power you know you have the wherewithal to have a more peaceful existence. for a man or sitting in a car when the phipps gets shot in the head. all four different versions of what. one of them is on the death row
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there's no way you could have done it there's no possible way because the oldest did not shoot around of corner. clothing. some fool something. i use indigenous people as you know we that the. people treat. most flukey should say that. the kids. out of a sudden. just. simple be there. i said i wouldn't enter it in if they would not allow
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a move. in if they will shoot you. at all. million million indeed i'm just i'm not picking on you menominee be. and thought you'd be happy to do a funny feeling on one hand you got a fake i'm teetotal i mean because. most people think to stand out in this business you need to be the first one on top of the story or the person with the loudest voice of the biggest ratings in truth to stand on the news business you just need to ask the right questions and demand the right answers. questions.
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russian president vladimir putin says he is ready to go to washington to meet donald trump and invites the u.s. leader to visit moscow. i could or confirms that wiki leaks chief who knew the sun for some point have to leave the country's embassy in london. and human rights organizations criticize cameroon after a video emerges showing the execution of two women and two infants reportedly by the west african nations force if it is indeed one up to most shocking and despicable ever watched in my entire year career. in all the cases amnesty international is documented.
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but i welcome it's just gone four pm here in moscow you watching r.t. international find me putin says he is ready to travel to washington to meet donald trump he was speaking at the brics economic forum and we can go to don of a bit later in the program i think we hope in the johannesburg actually i believe ease on the line right now so let's go to you go to an office in south africa has been following what was said over the last few minutes or so from vladimir putin. just run through them what we said. well andy this media conference by the russian president was sort of a final no to this whole three day break summit in johannesburg now vladimir putin of course focused extensively on what was achieved in such
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a short period of time one would deal is what agreements were signed but when it came to journalists questions i will somewhat inevitably the subject of his relationship with donald trump came up and that is of course in the wake of the latest events in helsinki and whether or not that i'm a putin is ready for such tete a tete meetings with his u.s. counterpart and the answer of the russian president was yes. we're ready for such meetings we are ready to invite president tried to russia he already has such an invitation i told him about it and i'm ready to go to washington if the proper environment for work is established in general we'll have meetings on the sidelines of other upcoming forums. well also vladimir putin citing the donald trump being quite a controversial figure and let him putin cited his epithet apparently trump puts his money where his words are so he kind of follows tries to follow through with
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these promises that's. taken on. trump's consistency basically well sort of a side of the american of the american president now speaking about the brics summit as a whole here about the three day results of the summit well one thing that it did is brought all the brics nations closer a lot of focus was a lot of attention was given to the to the trade wars and again ironically enough donald trump was also a figure of this subject as well because it was him launching all those you know imposing those tariffs on the you on breaks nations and so on and so forth so sort of a mixed feelings there because. the economies of breaks nations at least judging by what i've heard from south african ministers and some experts here on the forum some of the economies have been hit in one way or another. but still there's a silver lining to this cloud because this is what bringing the brics nation closer
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and is sending a message of positive message to perhaps emerging markets to encourage them to do business with the brics and not the united states but definitely vladimir putin decided to this and this summit for him on a big note you know praising donald trump and saying that he's ready for more extensive bilateral talks with them. because thank you. for us in johannesburg at the brics summit. now the six year standoff between britain and ecuador over the fate of whistleblower gina sanch might be coming to an end that's after ecuador's president confirmed that assigns will have to see. will have to leave its embassy in the u.k. eventually the wiki leaks chief has been holed up there since two thousand and twelve to avoid extradition to the u.s. but we look for a person to stay confined like that for so long is tantamount to a human rights violation the only concern i have is that i have never agreed with
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the sundries activity i don't agree with hacking private emails to be able to obtain information no matter how valuable it is to expose certain undesirable acts of governments all people. like i will following this story pretty closely hawkins for us in the u.k. and then just break through then the details of today's development. well this isn't the first time has been speculation on when if and how it could leave the ecuadorian embassy but it's the clearest indication we've had from such a high ranking official that the saga could come to and end the ecuadorian embassy of course has hosted a solemn since twenty twelve when he claimed asylum there fearing he would be extradited by britain to the united states where he's wanted for releasing those diplomatic and military cables publicly which alleged human rights abuses and even war crimes of course all this comes in the light of speculation about secret talks
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between the ecuadorian government and that of the u.k. about coming to some sort of compromise and ending what has clearly been a very long saga a media speculating over the last few days in particular that a song could be evicted the u.k. government has said that this issue wasn't specifically discussed during president lennon but i know his visit to the u.k. for disability summit although they are confirming that negotiations have and are taking place to try to resolve this dispute now morano himself it's worth noting is that the biggest fan of assad's he's criticized him for being a hacker a stone in the shoe and he's been described as an inherited problem for the president assad was given asylum initially barbara but this illustration has not been so positive about the about psalms the one of the heads of wiki leaks being holed up in the embassy for quite so long. but you look good for
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a person to stay confined like that for so long time to mount to human rights violations the only concern i have is that i have never agreed with the sundries activity i don't agree with hacking private emails to be able to obtain information no matter how valuable it is true expose certain undesirable acts of governments all people. are also been concerned about massages mental health or just last month in fact for office minutes that i don't duncan told parliament there was increasing concerns about his welfare his psychological well being is mental state he is saying this paramount that this is looked after and that the british side will do all they can to get assurances from west than from us counterparts rather that should be extradited his rights would be looked after the home office the foreign office of course haven't actually confirmed where there an extradition request had been received and if it has whether it has been approved or not mr songes internet
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access was actually cut off just earlier this year his visits his people allowed to speak to him to see him to visit him have been restricted all this leaves us wondering just how long this will continue and if this could be one of the final stepping stones to what's been a very long six years for mr assad is coming to an end. little.
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the government particularly loyalties tradition to check the safety of letters written so i want to be diplomatic mission decided to give them up so either you. or. her our. police. little ization was punted on the december twenty seventh team. is empowered to come national to detect her. because of great regret that you didn't remain from the joy embassy it's about this miserable little child the embassy he gave himself up to british just.
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five intelligence officer and he cited this development in the case is a worrying sign for the wiki leaks founder. i think it's certainly worrying for a silent yes there's no doubt about it because the incoming president in ecuador seems to see him as a problem he's also under pressure from the americans and from the international monetary fund to raise funding chris' country and apparently it's been speculated reporters that been threats that this might be withheld if they don't if he does not resolve this our case but i think he's right to be worried about being extradited on with the united states where his organization wiki leaks has already been categorized by michael pompei or as a hostile intelligence agency where politicians been calling for his assassination for the death penalty for the rest of his life in prison and all for publishing just as any other media organization publishes so i think the concern is what the british will do and of course the british government is an also very difficult
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position with brick says they can't afford to annoy their american cousins too much at this juncture of british history so it's a bit of a mess every which way. the un's human rights chief has urged the west african nation of cameroon to investigate alleged abuses in the country's armed forces it comes after video emerged of what appears to be the extra judicial execution of two women and two women friends and number of rights groups have confirmed that the cameroonian military was responsible for the atrocity or warning though you might find the following video obtained by the intercept distrusting. remarkably bottom of the. drug. is it what. it it is . now these shocking images show soldiers from cameroon executing women and
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children now a uniformed demand is narrating their actions he says that the women and children are part of the boko haram terrorist group after the first round of bullets one of the men wearing military fatigues acknowledges that one of the children is still alive so he shoots again first the government claims that the video was fake news but now it's been reported that four soldiers have been detained keep in mind that cameroon is a key ally of the united states in the war on terror cameroon is advice to partner in the fight against boko haram isis west africa and other violent extremist organizations in the lake chad basin region a relationship with cameroon is designed to promote stability and security within the region now cameroon host hundreds of u.s. troops and a u.s. drone base and at this point the usa continues to supply cameroon with military planes and other assistance even though it's been pointed out by the ambassador to
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the country that the military has been involved in targeted killings there is going to start to cover the heirs to the summary executions the fuel to keep taking people. to for years to their families even to this is. now the u.s. state department has expressed concerns over the video that seems to show one of its key allies committing a savage act of brutality we call on the government of cameroon to investigate thoroughly and transparently the events depicted in the video make its findings public and if cameroonian military personnel were involved in this is city hold them accountable this is hardly the first time that cameroon has raised the concerns of human rights groups and amnesty international report documented over one hundred cases of murder torture and abuse we used witness testimony and photographs from the social media accounts of best soldiers to digitally moto the
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site and locate incidents within it the legs if they stay teeny abound in a stress position known as the position. detainees report being held in this way for days at a time and first there were reports that the u.s. state department had temporarily suspended aid to the country but the pentagon was quick to dispel those rumors there has been no change the assistance the department of defense provides to cameroon as a direct result of violence in the angle from regions of cameroon the united states constantly tells us that its foreign policies are about defending freedom it accuses geo political rivals of violating human rights but it looks like cameroon past friend of the pentagon has anything but a clean record here with mop and r.t. washington d.c. a researcher at amnesty international who has examined cameroon military bases there say that human rights violations are systematic and go unpunished it is
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indeed one of two most shocking and despicable be just that ever watched in my entire career we spent a lot of time at amnesty to analyze didio we have collected testimony said information for our sources hundred ground we have compounded these testimonies with the analysis of our experts including military experts we have been surprised and shocked by the fact that the minister of communication s dismissed the d.d.'s fake news even before launching an investigation on the case and yes recorded systematic torture extrajudicial executions. arbitrary arrests cases of enforced disappearance and all these cases that's never been dealt with. we have asked the cameroonian prime minister's office to confirm whether the government is actually conducting an investigation here although so far we haven't
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received a response. you are not international we'll be back with more news in tim. it's . everywhere in the world my guess is that probably just about everywhere women expect men to make that first move and here we are in an age where men a scared to make the first move don't know how to make the first move don't know what's right to make the first little. critter. with more make manufacture consensus still public wealth. when the
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ruling classes project themselves. with the famous merry go round. nor middle of the room sick. i mean you. talk about to r.t. now clashes have erupted between muslim worshipers and israeli security forces in jerusalem near temple mount a site that's holy to both jews and muslims. i . think. i. several explosions were heard with smoke covering
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parts of the holy site israeli police say muslim worshippers were throwing stones and fireworks at them and so they responded with right control measures including stun grenades local media also report police blocked exits causing further unrest several people are said to have been injured in the clashes. an increasing number of high profile people are landing themselves in hot water over their tweets but in the u.s. it does seem your political affiliations will dictate just how much trouble you'll find yourself in his party boy. it's become a sport watched someone climb to the top and then knock them off the perch using their own less than savory quotes like t.v. actor roseanne barr who lost her long time job a.b.c. following a very racist tweet it also happened to katie mchugh a journalist who used to write for the breitbart website after her anti muslim
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tweets came to light the same fate be felled the sisters stars of the go with no job instagram account they used to have a talk show but it was canceled because they were old. and islamophobia tweets resurfaced on top of that left leaning liberal media outlet found out that the sisters have a conservative news pundit for a mother who likes donald trump a lot in fact one thing all those disgraced stars have in common is that they're politically conservative although recently the liberal camp has been hit by a string of very similar scandals james gotten big hollywood film director made guardians of the galaxy turns out ten years ago he was making jokes about rape and paedophilia his bosses at disney had to sack him the creator of reckon morty and host of the harmon town podcast dan harmon he had to apologize after an old sketch
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where he rapes a baby doll caught the attention of the twitter sphere the host of the daily show travel no recently faced criticism when his old sketch poking fun at aboriginal women in australia cropped up online who dug all this up the conservatives to find some politically incorrect skeletons in the liberals closets might you know of it all right keen to get revenge on the left was the one who found the james gun tweets he's loving the fact that the lefties are getting a taste of their own outraged medicine. i enjoyed just the wrong human visceral reaction of jumping into the arena and just swinging the hammer and seeing what is left over afterwards twitter is just modern day gladiatorial combat but there is a slight difference in how the conservatives online misdemeanors and the left wing liberals offensive jokes are playing out trevor noah and dan harmon have managed to
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hold on to their jobs james gunn did get fired but a lot of the so-called liberal elite standing up for him james gunn is one of the most loving caring good natured people i have ever met he's made mistakes we all have are not ok with what's happening to him james gunn i think you for your tell and your decency and your evolution as a man i'm pausing myself to take everything in the forest because of term i just want everyone to know i love all members of my geo t.g. family some have even started a petition to rehire him the twitter sphere wasn't quite as forgiving when it came to roseanne barr's hateful language shame on you the real roseanne and a.b.c. network not a single apology can get me to respect your despicable racist character and racism in mainstream media now i'm hurt embarrassed and disappointed the racist and
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distasteful comments from rosie are inexcusable a.b.c. and disney do the right thing there is still boned reason the age of trump that cannot be crossed thank you for putting values above money roseanne herself has picked up on it i'm disgusted to read all the support for james guns paedophile jokes as the same people supported blackly sue me for a joke they didn't even understand digging up dirt is one thing but it looks like it's more likely to stick if you're on the right side of the political spectrum. pretty boy there now the issue over what to do with british citizens who went to fight for jihadist groups in the middle east is once again in focus in the u.k. that's after the point of a new director of public prosecutions max hill who was one slammed by an m.p. as a political politically correct snowflake well hill first hit the headlines when he was working as an independent review of u.k. terror laws and argued some should be scrapped he was slammed for meeting with the
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organization cage group which some have accused of of defending islam is that hill's own stance on jihadist has been branded scandalously fable by some of the u.k. media is one of his more controversial statements really we should be looking towards reintegration and moving away from a notion that we're going to lose a generation due to this travel those who travelled out of the sands of naivety possibly with some brainwashing on the way possibly in their meat teens we have to leave space for those individuals to be diverted away from the criminal courts well my colleague lee harvey put the issue for tibet. there has to be holistic approach through a balance of using the judicial system for people who have committed a crime by joining prescribed organization and a rehabilitation program and i think mike who recognizes that and his review of the terrorism strategy is bringing holistic piece together our counter radicalization and i counter terrorist trust in u.k.
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has been absolutely a joke we have had the government listen to the stream. of what it is i want anyone to anyone tell you we're all finished i'll finish doing my bit so we have a situation we've got british kids in syria being radicalized now we don't know who's committed what crimes now i do we bring them back home all we are going to take them out with. strikes which are about twenty percent accurate or drone strikes which ten years of use in afghanistan or pakistan show about their seven percent accurate indeed no drones are two percent accurate about ten twenty percent accurate you're lucky you're you're going wrong and. i'm going to get analysis from doing alternative facts. i just want to listen to a sound bite of boris johnson of course we legally justify those drone strike assess nations as preventative to stop future acts of terror in syria but that's because the mosques the reality that killing them is also richard beauty of payback
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for the film the executions of innocent people is that the right motive for that what was the foreign secretary talking about basically an official. government stance a vengeance is that appropriate what we're doing if we follow mr barr is johnston the strategies that we are really french are using our justice system to the usa because usa has a death penalty but the reality is that we are using our sovereignty and telling the world that britain is not competent enough to really. sort of put through criminals through the criminal justice system. british citizens we need to deal with our rubbish we've got to bring them home if they are capable of being d. radicalized and we can deal with them like they do in some of the nordic countries or some the scandinavian countries and we integrate them into british society great how do you go in and arrest these people bring them back in the most little police corps to be put. to them go through a judicial system they're in
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a conflict zone they're a threat to this country so the legitimate military targets we do not recorded we do not count civilian casualties we do not count collateral damage if that is believed to be very rare on the ability to respond no no no no no no no no no on the first series in parliament it was absolutely clear the m.p.'s came forward said we have no record we have no evidence and the reason is we do not count them i just want to sort of move on to a little bit different as you know in the last few days over four hundred white helmets activist in syria has been taken out under escort by israel to jordan and there is some expectation that they would be given british nationality are they european nationalities these white helmets working hand in hand with eyssen terrorists in syria at the end of the day on the one hand we are saying that terrorists should be taken out by drones then and other sort of firepower but on
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and at the same time we let go of over four hundred white head miss terrorist who are operating in syria to come back to the u.k. not only. to sort of do it to be radicalized but to be given nationality and to roam freely as some humanitarian workers. the bag we had here say that she needs wrap for this i will back with more news for you in thirty five. four men are sitting in a car when the fifth gets shot in the head. all four different versions of what happened one of them is on the death row
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there's no way he could have done it there's no possible way because the us did not shoot around a corner. is democratic socialism the future of the democratic party the future of america is moving to the left a winning strategy to take on donald trump's vision of conservative populism one thing is undeniable mainstream politics in both parties for under pressure to evolve and become more account. exists is higher than kentucky. overall this move them places people going street families leaving only. a co money city with almost no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the coal was
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said. that it was a laugh to see these people the survivors of disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in a million years i would see that and it's happening happening it's. welcome to sophie and colmes sophie shevardnadze and. push back against sexual harassment has been a revolution in america is it going to change the way we'll date marry well we asked helen fisher biological anthropologist and human behavior researcher.
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the drone campaign against sexual harassment is gaining more momentum across the world with high profile scandals and major changes happening to what steve acceptable will the movement lead to a permanent shift in our perception of relationships with the abuse of power and harassment be stamped out by this wave of outrage and could also inadvertently damage done to the traditions of courtship. dr helen fisher biological anthropologist human behavior researcher and author of why we love the nature and chemistry of romantic love welcome to the show it's really great to have you with us now on the way of sexual harassment allegations to start with the winds to an affair has perhaps changed a way with think about male female interaction in general so is romantic courtship going to change irrevocably from now long will we be constantly asking permission to touch someone's hand or kissed him. i think in some ways it's going to be
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exactly the same and in some ways it's going to be very different i think if strangely powerful men are going to think twice about using their power to get a woman to do something i think the days of the casting couch where women have to give out sex in order to get a good job are probably over those are the people at the top but there's an awful lot of the rest of us who. just go out on dates and don't want to ask permission the brain is not well built for this give and take of do you can you kiss me can you touch my breast can you give me a hug you know courtship was supposed to be a much more natural process and i do think that it's going to be very difficult to change that i don't think that this constant consent is going to end up working what we've really got to do is train women to say no to because so that they never get into this situation where they've got to give this constant give and take so then probably you didn't agree with the french actress catherine deneuve among others because she voiced opposition at the way of harassment accusation saying
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rape is a crime but insistent or clumsy if learning is not a crime nor is gallantry ashokan is to question do you think there's a point here. i do think she has a point one of the problems is you know i'm an anthropologist and i study love men are not as good your regular man on the street is not as good at picking up all of the little messages that women send they will miss renie what women are sending and they tend to over evaluate a woman signal so they will think that there is some sort of come on that a woman is giving when in fact she is not giving it and this comes from millions of years of men needing to see it was not adaptive for a man to miss an honest sexual cue so men will over interpret over really great men and women's cues because for millions of years those that didn't didn't have the partnerships didn't send their d.n.a. into tomorrow so men can be very. clumsy about it and men have to learn to read
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women's cues better but women have to learn to send very clear cues so that men know what they're doing so what's the distinction between sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior can we count on a cultural difference i mean should we approach russia with an american standard for instance yeah this is a problem and we've got all kinds of international standards even within america even within the same social said i mean some men don't know now when i walk towards the door with an open the door for me and be sort of a traditional gentleman or whether to let me open the door because they don't want to offend me as a feminist so it's a time of tremendous transition not only between cultures but within cultures even in the same city even people of the same age group so as we redefine what is appropriate and what isn't appropriate and what is sexual harassment i think we're going to create
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a new group of taboos and rules and we're in the middle of that transition now some people have compared me to with a witch hunt do you feel it might be getting out of hand i mean actually preventing relationships from forming are man just going to be so scared. to do anything at all. well there certainly are people who do feel that it is a witch hunt i mean as apologist i just look at these things and study them but some people are beginning to see all men as predators and all women as victims and it's a real shame because not all men are predators by any stretch of the imagination and certainly women are not victims all the time you know it's interesting one person wrote well pretty soon women are going to be the chaperon again we're going backwards if we want to be constantly protected by others so i do think that this is dramatically changing what we call harassment. you're going to
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not know whether this boy is a receiver which is this guy is just really in the mix signal or a bad signal or something so each one of us is going to make clear what we need. so that our partners understand so we hear a lot of heartbreaking stories about sexual assault or harassment towards women but the fact is that in a lot of places in the world women like the way things are i mean they like being pursued conquered their knowledge doesn't always mean you know and so on i mean i can tell you for myself i don't usually just say yes but i expect the guy to perceive i mean there is a question that this joke that i heard i thought was genius when a general says a yes that means yes when a general says no it means no when he says maybe he's not a general and then when a diplomat says a yes they mean yes and one of deployment says maybe they don't know and if a diplomat says no that he's not a diplomat but when a young lady says maybe she means yes and when she says no it means maybe and if
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she says yes she's not a you. how does that fit into the idea of changing our behavior when it comes to romance you can tell man to stop harassment but how do you know the woman to stop enjoying it. right well you know women expect men to make the first move you know i do a national study in america i've got data on thirty five thousand single americans from every walk of life every age group every background etc and we ask men it's called singles in america and i do it with the dating site match dot com and we asked men you know would you like women to make the first move would you like women to be the first to kiss would you like to have women be the first to. invite you into the bedroom and ninety one percent of men say yes they would love to have women take over some of this role but women don't do it. everywhere in the world my
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guess is that probably just about everywhere women expect men to make that first move and here we are in an age where men are scared to make the first move don't know how to make the first move don't know what's right to make the first move and women are really sitting around waiting for them to make the first move so in this time of tremendous transition. men are going to have to sort of dope it out and women are going to have to be clear or women are going to get it done in length the first time we don't want the deal and man want it because they're afraid it can be seen as harassment who is going to do that first. i think we're going to go back to having men make the first move and i think you know women are beginning to invite men out they'll invite them out in the group they'll say well i've got one extra theater ticket come along with me that are the beginning to figure out ways to to make the first move to make some indication that they are interested you know runs on messages they have to be returned
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a man may make the first move but the women will put herself in a position to say in a restaurant or. in a party a woman will go and stand near a bed and she'll ask questions to casually tap him on the shoulder still smiling at him but there's something called initiative transfer and it's some point. she's made yourself clear she's made herself available but he has to make the first move to put his arm around her cancer etc these are very primitive courtship rituals i don't think they're going to change it's just that women have to be a little bit clearer about what they want and what they don't want is the quaker woman stronger men dynamic something that's just in us biologically and we can't fight it i don't think that women are weak or women are very clever you know a lot of them and there are they really. mean well they're physically but you know women are very clever at flirting women read posture gesture and tone of voice
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better than men do they are more complex rules holistic long term thinkers than men are they tend to be nurturing and emotionally expressive so you know you can see a man who's it might be bigger but these days we're not you know size is not what's the issue it's a play of power a play of of who is interested and who's not interested and that's psychological that's that's that's been textual and women are very good at reading context very good at reading tone of voice posture just your facial expressions and they can run circles around a man just by being charming but you know digging in here by suggesting that cetera . and i think they will continue to do it women are extremely powerful we just don't advertise. so canadian clinical psychologist john peterson claims that women really prefer a strong partner over a weak one and when they end up with a soft man they end up dominating and being miserable is dominating in
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a relationship just not a female thing generally speaking i mean probably are exceptions i don't like somebody who aren't. i don't know really what you mean by dominating i mean. you can dominate by i mean much more money but you know you can be the president of the bank but you can come home and be dominated by the wife in the living room. you know you will die you think you terry can any. one here at home you are the one who's in charge taking all the decisions and making all this is just for the two of you. well the data really show that the finest relationships are where there's a real balance in the relationship is soon as it begins to get skewed you begin to have real problems i mean the woman might dominate in many ways and so the man is going to object to that and go elsewhere men might dominate in the women is going to object or. go elsewhere so the finest relationships are in which there is
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a balance of power and each person respects the other when i asked singles what they're looking for in a partner the number one thing i ask that year after year in this massive study is respect and when you really respect somebody when you feel you can confide in them when they make you laugh when you find them physically attractive and when they make enough time for you you're going to have a good relationship is a matter of fact you know i studied the brain i put people in brain scanners and studied the brain circuitry of romantic love and attachment and i did one study of long married people and these are the three brain regions that are linked with long term happiness psychologists will say all kinds of things about what makes you happy but this is what the brain says these are the three brain regions that become active in a long term marriage happy marriage brain region link with empathy a brain region lead with controlling your own stress and your own emotions and a brain region linked with what i call positive illusions the ability to overlook
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what you don't like about somebody and focus on what you do we found those three brain regions just as active in men as in. i'm in if you can express them but they control yourself and all of which you don't like you're likely to have a happy partnership from both men and women who are going to take a short break right now when we're back we'll continue talking about the evolution of human relationships with helen fisher as apologists and human behavior researchers say choose. come.
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close. mama some full compliment on. i use indigenous people as you know we that the speed in the people of the trees. mostly you should say that only the cia but yet you did so. out of a sudden. just. told b j when. i said i when entering it even if they would not allow me. if they will shoot me. at all i'll million million indeed i'm deaf them not to know me menominee been
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thought to be chubby don't want to go feeling down i am kind of a bad guy made it look like army because i use. such guys are financial survival guide stacey let's learn a salad fill out let's say i'm nuts like that and your theories on grease come back of the fight wall street spot thank you for helping. destroy that's right. that's slavery. that's a very rough road there on your swords provided. you have to fight to be able to live like. it was gunshots go on top of them and so many friends who
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and we're back with dr helen fisher anthropologist and human behavior researcher discussing gender roles and the changes romantic relationship changer in today's world now helen what is it what it's like when your partner is a country's leader what other day in a mix of such a relationship i mean do you just naturally have to submit more out of the way. it's going to depend on the relationship i mean somebody like macross hunt in france gets a great deal of guidance from his wife you know she's really schooled him on how to give the speech they have all kinds of conversations about what the right thing to
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do is under certain circumstances she's very much of a partner in his political world and his political life and his style of leadership so actually i think that mccrone and his wife. the future and i think that somebody like trump and melania his wife is the past. apparently plays almost no rule in any of his decisions. doesn't appear as if she makes any kind of public appearances that she doesn't need to it doesn't seem as if she is in any way playing any leadership role. as a spouse so i think there's all kinds of different forms of leadership i know with a former american president yes i want to and i want to as well it was very useful to him i want to go actually step by step to constructing each one of those relationships that you brought up but we'll start with the bomb a dynamic because there's
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a lot more of an equal partnership well at least that's how it looked from the outside for instance with trump like you've said well this man power why is your approach to power sharing in the relationship so different. oh very different people you're talking about obama obama and well very different. obama's and they. will trump is a very high testosterone guy is also a very high dose i studied the brain circuitry of personality and we've evolved for very broad styles of thinking and behaving like with the dopamine serotonin to run an estrogen system and trump is why i'm and i'm not as a psychoanalyst but the bottom line is it's pretty clear that he's very high testosterone and very high dove a mean very impulsive man apparently quite narcissistic and not interested in sharing power he didn't pick a woman who appeared to be interested in his powers i don't know whether she was interested in his money probably quite charming in bed who choose to know but they
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are not a leadership couple the way say obama is obama is a much more high estrogen man he's a very verbal e skilled good very good people skills he was always interested in the little guy who would go you know kitchen to kitchen talking to people in the suburbs and and the hinterlands trying to figure out what they needed he's a touchy feely guy who has tremendous compassion for. a whole lot of people and he married a woman who shares his values and is a very strong woman she is i think more high testosterone than he is he's got a lot of opinions he respects her opinions and they've done it as a team apparently when obama was first approached to become president one of the first things he said i have to ask michelle will it be ok with michelle is she going to be interested in doing this with me i don't expect that trump ever. well that's where she or her partner in this. latest scandal is going trump's
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presidency fire and fury claims milady am broke down in tears when her husband's victory was announced apparently not of joy or anything i mean being the first lady the president's wife really that bad. well i think that is. going to depend on who you are and what you want i mean if you want to play a big role in world politics you're interested in changing the world. doing a great deal for humanity you would probably see it as an enormous opportunity and i my guess is that michelle obama saw it exactly that way whereas malani a probably wants a relatively comfortable life in which she can raise up her son and have some peace and quiet and she's not going to get that this way when he became president apparently when he learned that he was president the first thing it is go in and talk to her about it to burst into tears so i don't know whether she did or didn't didn't but she's not taking a huge active role the way other president's wife has which is a good indication that this is
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a power trip that he's enjoying he's enjoying it by himself he did not choose a woman who wants to participate in this part of his life and perhaps they're both comfortable with her staying out of the picture and him jumping in so every single relationship is going to be different they're going to see power differently they're going to say their roles in the marriage differently and their roles in society different so i think this is a very important time in human evolution where both men and women can choose to expand their roles in all kinds of ways and we're seeing a quite a right of different sorts of partnerships including obama and drum. and then there are man who are husbands and leaders like angela merkel or margaret thatcher what do you think it's their role in alabama can you really be a macho alpha male when your wife pretty much runs top of the free world. it's entirely possible that they didn't want to mail and i believe that. both of these women are very high testosterone women there are matter of fact
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they're let's get it done is entirely possible when they fell in love they fell in love with somebody who didn't just wanted to be a supportive partner or wouldn't have worked out. you know when i study personality people are very high testosterone tend to choose people who are high estrogen who want to be supportive who want to be nurturing who want to think long term and who want to be a helpmate so it's my guess that two very high testosterone people are not likely to make a very strong marriage and are not likely to go into politics together so i'm not surprised that. her and angela merkel of i mean angela merkel i think she's a physics or chemical i don't know she got a ph d. in a in a very mathematically based science and she's chosen a husband who was i think also a physicist. and so they probably see a great deal in each other's intellectual concerns and he. appears to
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be happy that she is. doing what she's doing for the world and trying to be supportive of or while she's doing it it wouldn't have been a stable marriage and they probably would have broken up of. merkel has been margaret thatcher's husband didn't want to play the supportive role they would have left there is sort of these days it may be hard to leave because you know yeah. i want to tell you once you are cast in the role it doesn't look too good for the further has been who left you yeah. yeah you know oh dear and you know your i'm going to go somewhere else i want to do physics and you want to run the world forget it no they both picked men who wanted to be supportive of them and indeed were because both women have been very effective. there's something else i want to talk to you about there's a survey by german saucy ologist which says that there is
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a direct connection between politicians good looks and the votes they get so are we would think the same way with why. and why isn't george clooney president then. we're going to have more than good looks and good looks always are useful when i put people into a brain scanner we know the little factory that lights up when you look at a good looking face it's a factory that put pumps out and dopamine and gives you a sense of pleasure so even if you're walking down the street and you see somebody who's very good looking you don't necessarily want to talk to him you want to get on your way but you notice it and you sort of enjoy a looking at them so we enjoy looking at a good looking face and it will probably help you anywhere but you need more than a good looking face to run the world and you need a smart idea is you need to be a good speaker you need to dress appropriately you need to know yourself properly because we've got some now the don't but never mind. you know to be an effective
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leader you need a lot more than just good looks so loving someone or being attracted to someone is a really they claim sure of the deal is it can you love someone till death do you part or can you love someone literally to death killings were jealous when crimes of passion they're among the most common so how do you how do you go how how do we go so fast from loving and caring to hating and detesting the very same person twice in line between the two so it's actually extremely easy when you study the brain the brain circuitry for intense romantic love are actually extremely well connected to. brain circuits to generate feelings of hate the opposite of love is not hate the opposite of love is indifference that's that's the real difference when you when you don't care anymore that's the opposite of love and hate and you you know when you think about it love and hate have
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a lot in common they both are high energy there's a lot of focus there's a lot of motivation there's a lot of craving to to to when somebody you are to. hurt somebody and some of the basic motivations are the same for both love and hate so they're well connected in the brain. and it's very easy to slip from love to hate and back to love again as a matter of fact you can do both at the same time you really hate somebody for what they're doing to you and still be passionately in love with you in love with them at the same time so they can actually even go together so how do you stop love becoming such a dangers obsession i mean isn't weiner smack your husband's had with a frying pan for cheating and the infamous words of president trump about grabbing women really the same side of the coin i mean isn't all about recession and domination is love really about that i don't think love is about that at all i think we've all three distinctly different brain systems for mating the reproduction one is this extra what does feel is of intense romantic love and the
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third is feelings of deep attachment sex drive gets you out there looking for a whole range of partners you can have sex with somebody you're not in love with were medical of enables you to focus your mate in the g. and just want to time and the third brain system of attachment enables you to stick with this person at least long enough to raise a single child through infancy together so they're different brain systems and the basic traits of romantic love have nothing to do with power we seem to be so fixated on power these days but when you fall in love with somebody the first thing that happens is that they take on special meaning everything about them becomes special the car they drive is different from every other car in the parking lot the street they live on the music that they like then you feel when things are going well a mood swings into horrible despair when things are going poorly all kinds of reactions butterflies in the stomach and dry mouth when you talk in the real possessiveness you want to win them intense craving for them we know the brain circuitry high in
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motivation to win this person. and power is really not basic to the feelings of intent. romantic love is a whole host constellation of other traits instead wow i could just talk to you for days and days but i have to say thank you for there's a wonderful conversation on this now thanks so much alan it was really interesting talking to dr helen fisher biological anthropologist and human behavior researcher about how the way of sexual harassment stories are actually going to change romantic relations well that's it for us this edition of sophie and co i will see you next time.
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mean. the headlines this russian president vladimir putin says he is ready to go to washington to meet donald trump and fight the u.s. leader to visit moscow. ecuador confirmed that we could exchange jr the songs will need to eventually lead to the country's embassy in london. and human rights organizations here time to come or even after a video emerges showing the execution of two women and two women from this reportedly by the country's military.
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