tv News RT July 28, 2018 4:00am-4:30am EDT
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top stories here on r.t. for this hour a palestinian teenager and two men killed by israeli soldiers at the gaza border with eighty other protesters in june the journalist working with was caught up in the rest. we just woke up from and so if you. do not believe. there are holes in the united states to stop law enforcement using ammo songs facial recognition software wrongly mushed photos of members of congress with criminal mug shots. like tesla and spotify suffering huge losses in profits on the program we assess how this is threatening the livelihoods of thousands of their employees.
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who are just over one am on saturday this is all to international welcome to you and yours israeli soldiers at the gaza border have killed three palestinians including a teenager and injured eighty that's according to gaza's health ministry a journalist working with. he was covering developments as the i.d.f. fired tear gas at protesters. driving that. it made by. police for. the night you were. going to look at my body but he'll. we just woke up
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from inhaling its effect i think you guys i think it's going to go to you just one more time by all of the tear gas canisters and despite other life in unison the palestinian protesters continue to protest and are still very very close to the fence participating in the great much of return and this is not the first time and they have been facing this violence and business of course but they have been witnessing this for more than eighteen weeks now most of the injuries today have been injured in the upper part of the body where most of them are in the chest in the stomach and down and out and the head this is one of the injuries that was shot with live ammunition from that is right the snipers that does not a senior minister of house stated that most of the injuries today are from live ammunition this is a protest that was killed in any case just then people are saying that he's shot killed it's very dangerous for us to be here but despite everything we're still
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here covering all those israeli violence against the palestinians more live ammunition we can hear live ammunition and that war injuries are coming from the front line the israeli military said that they responded in accordance with the rules of engagement they view their actions as a defense of the border accusing hamas which runs the gaza strip of using protests as a couple to breach the border but a protest at the gaza border have been continuous for nearly four months now people are demanding overtone of territories they claim historically belong to palestine.
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u.s. lawmakers are the american civil liberties union of raising the alarm over amazon's facial recognition tool that's after it falsely matched photos of members of congress with criminal mug shots prompting calls for a moratorium on its use by law enforcement. and identification with accurate or not could cost people their freedom or even their lives congress must take these threats seriously hit the brakes and enact a moratorium on law enforcement use of face recognition. the american civil liberties union it compared photos of all the members of our u.s. congress with a large database of criminal mug shots amazon's facial recognition tool of made twenty eight matches and all of them were false eleven of the mess matches involve people of color prompting additional concern now the union claims the tool has an inbuilt racial bias saying the false matches were disproportionately people of
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color a forty percent of the mismatches involve people of color and i spoke to a technology analyst roger about the issue. when the software is trained to recognize faces are it has to train on a corpus and the corpus is made up of lots of the images of people and you for whatever reason the images are mainly cartesian people then you will be better at recognizing them some of the minorities if they weren't well represented in the training center so i think that's the technical side of it but if you just grab any any images that you find and many of them will be dark you know absolutely people who have darker skin tones may just do just may be harder to see it should be understood that facial recognition is not a matter of photograph and period to another photograph and saying oh this one
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looks like that one that's what it that's what it is human we do know what a computer dollars is measures points in may the a.c.l.u. revealed that amazon is trying to sell its facial recognition technology to government and police agencies that led numerous civil liberties groups to join together in calling for that not to happen even amazon workers joined in the protest however the technology is already being tested in some u.s. police departments. the next of course comedy as kate said you could expect is a public safety chemist on this are already working with government agencies to deploy this technology at the a.c.l.u. we obtain records that show that amazon signed a secrecy agreement with one county to keep details about the technology out of public view they've also invited law enforcement to suggest new features and they offered free consulting to help the city of orlando build its own system amazon has hit back at the a.c.l.u.'s test though saying that it had used lower accuracy
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settings than recommended while eighty percent confidence is an acceptable threshold for photos of hot dogs chairs animals or other social media use cases it wouldn't be appropriate for identify an individual us with a reasonable level of certainty when he is in facial recognition for law enforcement activities we guide customers to set a threshold of at least ninety five percent or higher from amazon's point of view what they said was that the train their law enforcement clients not actually used the software or who are making decisions but rather to narrow down who'll to where the shoeman can look at the final results and verify yes these do make sense to people who are not the same people so they're saying that human beings should still be involved even with a very high cost and low. that the images match i think that's another piece of.
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operations like tesla and spotify are suffering huge losses in profits threatening the livelihoods of thousands of their employees and daniel bushell takes a closer look. wall street soaring around all time peak and driving that gross locomotive of these guys who corporations like tesla spotify and dropbox are invested darlings committing even the general public who use their everyday products to buy in her role. as the leader in stream music i say some sometimes the most successful american tech company. just one tiny problem these firms are losing a rethink money tesla is worth more than a car colossus is ford or general motors despite selling
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a tiny fraction of the cause and losing billions music streaming giant spotify is just an out vast losses is now the biggest startup in the world but it's lost money every year of its life and last year the worst an i was four and the whole of billion the hope is one fine day will book. in to cause while uploading spotify music to the dropbox cloud or something like that but new economy new danger these aren't small companies anymore they affect millions of workers and users and cracks beginning to show suggesting far from expanding some are starting to fire their workforce and in the new economy relationships are shall we say complicated hundreds of thousands of paid for tesla cause the poor company hasn't even built if it goes bust these ordinary people would likely be quote wiped out
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definitely there's a there's a bubble not just in tech stocks but in the general stock market itself in the u.s. we're already seeing companies like general electric to caterpillar and some. the others. wells fargo in financial stress that there are signs of financial fragility as i call it where francia fragility is really a condition where the cash flow to finance previous debt becomes insufficient and they can't roll over the debt and they can't borrow that debt so then they have to default or sell off some of their assets first or better assets and then they did they default if after the cancel off those assets well that financial fragility in my book systemically jillion the global economy is an indicator of pending from insole instability and i think we're approaching that and we may see that emerge in
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the next year or two. the firm that put together the infamous trump russia dossier has been summoned to a court hearing a judge in the united states ordered fusion g.p.s. to give sworn testimony in a lawsuit brought by a russian tech guru with out of alexy group of half his father a defamation suit against the dossiers author along with a media company buzz feed that released it ago but have claims he's been falsely accused in the dossier of being a russian intelligence officer now the trump russia dossier also known as the steel dossier is a private intelligence report it contains allegations of collusion between donald trump's presidential campaign and the russian government the dossier was published in full by buzz feed last january i assume eric has details. both fusion g.p.'s will now have to answer questions regarding its role in compiling the steel dossier be very dossier that made headlines a world wide for its unverified salacious allegations about donald trump before his
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inauguration now lawyers will be able to ask a fusion g.p.s. representatives about its clients how they verify their claims and why they hired christopher steele and they'll also have the opportunity to find out the nature of the firm's interactions with government officials and media outlets now the russian entrepreneur is a lawyer who filed these claims against buzzin still called it a victory this ruling gave us everything that we had hoped for after a year of trying everything they could think of to avoid being deposed fusion is finally going to have to sit down and the answer our questions fusion g.p.s. hasn't revealed any information regarding the dossier claiming that it would violate confidentiality clauses and free speech rights but for some background the firm was hired in april twenty sixth by the clinton campaign and the d.n.c. to investigate trump's allegedly to russia for a fee of about one point eight million dollars then fusion hired former m i six
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operative christopher steele and then buzz feed to publish the dossier even though it wasn't verified now fusion g.p.s. will have until august thirty first to sit in for the deposition but it's possible that the revelations that will come out of that hearing will be more scandalous than the dossier itself. it is yet has released i suspect it is the most terrorist who was deported from germany two weeks ago authorities claim there's not enough evidence against the man although they did an investigation that's still ongoing so i mean i do the is the alleged al qaeda member and was accused by the german interior minister of being one of osama bin laden's bodyguards he had been living in germany since nine hundred ninety seven and later applied for asylum in two thousand and six although that bid was unsuccessful. he was arrested and subsequently the porter from the country earlier this month now in twenty two and the administrative court of those sort of prevented the deportation of sami identity it was concerned he could be exposed to torture and inhumane treatment in
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tune as you have at the time a number of german politicians said the court was in the wrong would free to wait sami in tunisia is not a problem of german taxpayers to protect and financially equipped and islamised while less and less remains for our own people is not acceptable but it suits chancellor angela merkel's vision for germany is allegedly a hate preacher he has al qaeda training and is said to have been the bodyguard have been lauded and anyone who thinks that we've done something terrible to sami a has to weigh up how long this man has already been in the country and how long we have tolerated this security risk promised that he. should have been necessary for ten years and secondly that the way he was brought back to tunisia where he was deported there is scant. caused to question the rule of law in
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germany no one wants this man in germany but it is grossly unfair and there cannot be described as legal it anyway because we want and how do you move government is bound by court rulings they can't just disregard of course yes this man must be supported. and without a doubt the way the government responded it's in a very matter well you know cease result it's ok it's now. and this is out international facebook blocks right-wing accounts in brazil the head of elections there as part of its untying fake news campaign will shed some light on that story in just a moment. you know world of big. and conspiracy it's time to wait to
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dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. dramatic to follow only. i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit. in.
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thanks for joining in today the u.k. has suspended its cooperation with the united states over the prosecution of two british citizens who joined islamic state known as the ice still beatles due to their acts and the pair were caught in syria and could now face the death penalty in america britain had intended to share intelligence to help the prosecution however london decided to take a short pause after outrage in britain over the possible execution the u.k. dropped the death penalty in one nine hundred sixty nine lawmakers rights groups and a family member of one of the suspects all appealed to the british government. takes a closer look. political rallies human rights taking a stand in case you missed it quite frankly
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a bit about pay when you want some but not the terrorists taken care of. the ice is not called back because most of the my dad in one is a terrible drama bot because they carried out humans accept terroristic gruesomeness well speaking with a british accent grammar came up with that title has unfortunately made them sound a little too costly for a gang of murderous but hedges well two of them have been captured by the us which really wants to extradite them home and deliver some humane justice if you know what i mean well america needs is a bit of evidence to be sent out of it from britain which is a real shame because the u.k. is a country of conviction political values and it doesn't condone the personal use of the death penalty in any situation there was outrage how could britain stoop so low i'm sure it even the lives of their beatles at risk they had already rescinded their british possible it's my god is that not punishment and also.
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in any way of taking care of the likes of the isis beatles while at the same time keeping your values intact well luckily there are a few options. target the bad guys with anonymous drones while they're still in a sandy country that different tone sure is always tricky but if one of your intelligence agents happens to be standing in the back of the room well someone else from one of those developing nations happens to be pulling out the fingernails well that's different and steve i'd freedom fighters with a picture of bin ladin in that well it's to do some killing that a friend sending terrorists to stand trial in a real court or for a possible death sentence well that just. put it past a remote face because blocked hundreds of rightwing activists accounts in brazil was part of the plane to. cycle fake news now the move caused outrage in the country with money claiming facebook is clearly interfering in the upcoming
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presidential elections later this year the head of the rightwing free brazil movement says the tech giant's decision to block the accounts took him and his colleagues by surprise. these pages and profiles were part of a coordinated network concealed by the use of fake accounts on facebook which hid from people the nature and origin of that continent for the purpose of generating division and spreading misinformation or of course. was shut down and i was like what the hell is going on then suddenly i start calling from. model friends who are also the woman and suddenly we also realize there are many many profiles or files for the leaders for. why and then we realized first even before the facebook he was an answer we realized that there was.
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a journalism paper writing that we. we were banded for facebook because we have like a network of around three hundred facebook pages and profiles spreading fake news and we're like we don't spread any fake knew what what the hell they're talking about brazil's a federal prosecutor has called on facebook to explain the blocking of the profiles without due investigation into any so-called violations he's demanded a list of all pages and profiles blocked as well as a fact to all justification of each decision and his co-founder of the free brazil movement again at an unsound toss saying that the deleted pages were obviously influential enough to attract facebook's attention it was in the last three years the most influential political page on facebook and it's all sort of one of the most influential political pages in the world actually our
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numbers of engagement used to be compared to the. media and inherently and we did a lot of transformation or calgary because of our job because of our natural because we fought the stream media as equally the the new. they could wind up public debates against us so they decided to shut. to make make us quiet and that's what they're doing to force the fall putting dollars week on facebook used to reach eight million people might even have people they meet only on our facebook page and i will reach one point five people and they are doing these because of lectures and also because international actions. somehow they're trying to show. that they are doing their homework using brazil was. the next an experiment. a powerful drug cartel in colombia has taken out a hit on
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four men are sitting in a car when the fifth gets shot in the head. all four different versions of what happened one of them is on the death row there's no way he could have done it there's no possible way because the us did not shoot around a corner. we are going through a dramatic economic and social and cultural transformation that women want to participate gay and lesbian people want immigrants want rights in many cities are saying that's my way but there are more traditional parts of the society that are saying no i don't want that i live in a more rural community i believe we should have one that i believe in a country that's divided as much as any in the world we actually have to localise
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our government. but after a time here we're going underground as russia hosts the twenty eighteen international army games with invitations extended to forces from eighty countries including nato nations coming up to show off of the worst israeli bombing of gaza since twenty fourteen when five hundred children were killed we speak john vause is full the deputy foreign minister ghazi hama was described israel as an animal state and does that mean a mouse is the music we are one of the founding members of jewish voice for labor richard cooper of accusations of anti semitism i used to silence the jutes about criticism of israel plus how far away from. new global order following three days
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of events at this year's bric summit in south africa we speak to american author and former economic hitman john bergen's dollars or more coming up at today's going underground but first whatever happened to theresa may and labor blairite support for a war on syria how did syria suddenly disappear from mainstream media we need a political solution a political long term solution which sees a syria without assad and why is our friend hillary clinton not saying things like this any more air strikes will have to be combined with ground forces actually taking back more territory here across the pond another hillary has gone very quiet about his ground syria campaign that some suspected was just another blairite leadership group against jeremy corbyn now favorite to replace theresa may we know about fascists is that they need to be defeated. and it is why as we have heard tonight. socialist and trade unionists and others join the international brigade in the one nine hundred thirty s.
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to fight against franco it's why this entire house stood up against hitler enemy of corbin and son of the late great anti war labor cabinet minister tony benn there trying to persuade u.k. politicians to bomb syria according to now arguably victorious syrian president bashar al assad what hilary benn that alone hillary clinton were doing could have actually destroyed the planet in reality we were close to have dad a conflict between the russian forces and american forces. fortunately it was it has been avoided. by the wisdom of the american leadership by the wisdom of the russian did because this lot in the interest of anyone. anyone in this world and first of all the syrian. conflict not sure the nuclear conflict was on the agenda of the u.k. taxpayer funded white helmets but they have arguably realise they've lost their war
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. several days to go trump contacted me as did canadian prime minister trudeau and request. hundreds of white how much from syria and white helmets allegedly linked to al qaeda groups in syria have also be devaluated to a country that has been arming israel's netanyahu britain this in the context of britain arming israel as it is killed or wounded thousands of palestinian men women and children since the spring no wonder the u.k. abstained on the un general assembly motion to condemn excess force by the self-proclaimed jewish state one hundred twenty countries voted in favor of the resolution titled protection of the palestinian civilian population while eight members including the united states against it forty five nations abstained france and twelve other e.u. countries along with russia and china supported the resolution britain abstained well israel says it is merely responding drawn provocation from hamas israel just
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had to wound or kill sixteen thousand palestinians since march the thirtieth those are palestinian health ministry figures well joining me now to discuss the atrocities taking place at the so-called gods of border is senior hamas official and former deputy foreign minister of gaza ghazi hamad thanks so much for being on going underground ghazi so on thursday israeli security minister. said two important things arguably one that assad of syria is part of an axis of evil and two israel is being dragged into a campaign against hamas what happened to the u.n. brokered cease fire. ok i think israel is getting crazy they're trying to resolve all it's a problems either in tin or experience through the military operation and aggression against the policy and against the syrians again is the only thing is there think that they are both they are low so they think that they are strong country they can target they can kill they can strike everywhere but i do now other guys i think
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that is why they try many times to target gaza to try to impose to kill more people more victims but they did not succeed to achieve their goals to break a mass down all to break the police you know people in gaza or to push him to. realize the way to flood i think we are struggling for our freedom to put into for the cure patient to put in for the blockade and to get all reading it it will not settlement and we will not equate and we will continue to fight against occupation no we want to defend ourselves because every two days three days israel tried to strike in different places now we kill four people in the last we can to kill a more than five people since the beginning of the march to kill more no more than one hundred fifty people and and injured more than fifteen thousand people so we as a policy as with all fairness you have actually tried different.
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