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tv   News  RT  July 29, 2018 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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good. life. good. family. good food russia sharing goodness.
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says he is open to accepting an invitation. this week the russian president had already accepted an invitation. to visit the united states now whether in washington or moscow the next. will be the second between the two presidents the
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first. two weeks ago led to a criticism in the u.s. media over the way the meeting was not defending his country's interests. his national security adviser john bolton later announced that a washington meeting would not happen until twenty nine. also became the subject of a heated hearing with the u.s. secretary of state. has the president told you what he and president putin discuss in their two hour closed door meeting in helsinki did you did he tell you did the president at this meeting call upon president putin to withdraw from crimea and eastern you where did the president say we're going to change our force structure in syria good what took place you speak to the translator the president discuss relaxed relaxing u.s. sanctions on russia including cats as i understand it i understand the game that
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you're playing now and you know mr secretary with all due respect i don't appreciate you characterizing my questions donald trump meanwhile faces a major test of his presidency later this year during elections in four months voters will elect new members of congress as well as sentences governors and state judges the midterms are widely seen as a vote of confidence in any administration but it's out he's caleb maupin explains whether it's republicans or democrats u.s. politicians seem to know in advance who's to blame if indeed the results don't go quite the way it was so much did this and on capitol hill the democrats and republicans have finally found something that they can agree on both parties now agree that the russians are coming more specifically they're coming to interfere in the twenty eight thousand midterm elections this is president trump i'm very concerned that russia will be fighting very hard to have an impact in the upcoming election. based on the front the new president has been tougher on russia than me
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they will be pushing very hard for the democrats they definitely don't want trump and this is his old arch nemesis there are some checks experts in silicon valley valley with whom i have met who say that you know maybe what they'll do this next time is to really disrupt the actual election shut down the servers that you send results to interfere with the operation of voting machines because still too many of them are linked to the internet so there we are still very vulnerable russia's meddling in the midterm elections may just be a hypothesis at this point but the trumpet ministration from the department of homeland security to the secretary of state are ready to fight the two thousand and eighteen midterm elections remain a potential target for russian cyber and influence operations i think we should be absolutely prepared to assume that they will try to interfere in all fifty states
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we will not tolerate russian interference in our two thousand and eighteen elections we are planning and preparing as if they'll try again this fall and beyond now it hasn't happened yet but the retaliate tory sanctions to be imposed on russia are all set up by congress we're going to pursue russia's energy and financial sectors it's oligarchs it's parastatal and it isn't my goal along with senator graham to make sure that we're protecting the united states the pending united states folks in washington d.c. are manning their battle stations all prepared to face an on coming on slot but what are they worried about well it could be the twenty sixteen presidential elections let's not forget that james clapper the former director of national intelligence said that in the twenty sixteen supposed intervention none of the vote tallies were in any way affected they did not change any tallies or anything of that sort we had no we have no way of gauging. the impact that
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some of the intelligence community can't gauge the impact it had on the choices you looked through me furthermore it's not exactly clear who russia is supposedly going to be supporting now the democrats say that russia is going to be supporting donald trump but trump says that the pending kremlin subversion will be in support of the democrats why would he say that well because it makes just as what sense is what the democrats it was true everybody wants to blame another country for the problem you know the reason why thirty million americans don't have health care is nothing to do with russia that has everything to do with the enemies of america which by the way are in america acts on the military industrial complex these are the enemies of america are tired government is bought it's legal bribery and they steal and cheat right out in the open americans car gobbling this up it's amazing you know we used to be afraid of russia because they had
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a communist ideology they're just kind of pressing that button on americans because we've been conditioned to be afraid of russia and their communism even though they're not communists anymore this will all be cleared up after the election whichever side loses can blame russia for it and after all it worked in the twenty sixteen presidential election for hillary clinton there is no reason that donald trump can't use it to his advantage came up and r.t. washington d.c. . my colleague partridge legal and media analyst lionel and democratic political consultant richard goodstein why if the allegations of russian meddling continue to prove so divisive liberal politicians frequently blame russia for various things as well to believe that's the real cause of the problems in the us still there are other divisions what do you think. look i don't think people are blaming russia for anything that happens in the united states other than what our intelligence community concluded unanimously which with the which is the russians
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attacked the united states democracy in the way that they. meddled frankly makes it look kind of pity. kind of really kind of piddly. it's meddling in the way that osama bin laden meddled with the world trade center that was an attack dick cheney . are a fan of generally our head said that what our actions did was an act leak was of war against united states so so again but i think we should segment that out i think i think what happened was dates whether it's racial bias or you know in inequality in terms of incomes that's not because of anybody from russia doing that or are little holidays that we're creating ourselves you didn't let me down. yet and i have parked i am my friend comparing osama bin ladden where the point you're russians buying facebook ads which brought down the entire election not
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because your gal the other than mad fashion east lost a rigged election. but because the nefarious russians and the the is this necessary as cabal did cram lang how to get in there with you there was some hall as i would call odd by fifty four to forty one percent americans across the board think that donald trump is not standing up for u.s. interests most people in the united states think that putin has the good some dirt on trump so it's not just me this is what the public thinks look we live in an era right now where we love to have me take something where you have a legitimate right to be upset but if you. you can read it lee turn it up if you can how. scream if you can demand didn't require a screaming room and a padding god gave you good how lead and show this absolute out of control
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histrionics maybe somebody will pick up on that you know i think that there is again so much awareness in a way that today there was the there used to be decades ago when we didn't have the mass media people can kind of aggregate to themselves and basically decide well we're right and that person who acted in a way that we don't approve of is wrong and that somehow or other that if users people thinking there is a heightened everything today not to not to say that people don't have a right in many cases to be upset but everything is overdone because you're not going to get media attention if you act reasonably and proportionately. palestinian and tommy has been released after eight months and it's ready person but what he was going to. do just is going
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to show her supporters are welcoming her point and the west you know the seventeen year old together with her relatives was arrested in december twenty seventh she was filmed slapping and kicking i.d.f. soldiers in the village off to her cousin and was shot up close range during protests the video of the incident went viral and was adopted as an image of palestinian resistance. and. to me it was charged with assaulting an i.d.f. officer and taking part in violent riots the i.d.f. says its officers acted. professionally crowds of pro palestinian activists worldwide supported to me after she was detained now israel's treatment of the case was widely can they get this sunday i had to mimi is expected to address the media
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. polls closed in cambodia's general elections the southeast asian countries incumbent prime minister hun sen is set for a landslide victory he's one of the world's longest serving leaders he and his party have ruled for more than three decades however the vote has been marred by scandal as it now reports from. the general election and it is so different from anywhere i've seen people vote this is a polling station by the way.
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doors here open at seven in the morning and close just after lunch time at three the party that came second to last on securing almost forty five percent has vanished from the ballots with no successor quite a few things though are way too familiar one. cannot stand in cambodia democracy the prime minister's government simply wants to see the opposition. collusion meddling cracking down on critics. that is so mainstream before changing the top level we need to operate the low one we need to change the lower level first and the usa that has assisted me the osce me to take the model from yugoslavia. i have experts university professors in washington d.c. montreal canada hired by the americans in order to advise me on the strategy to change the leader this that was the leader of come vote he is national rescue party
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runners up and twenty third thing talking once about us backed regime change and so on charges of treason come so it was thrown behind bars last year the government then went after the whole party for what it called conspiring with america so right now there is no such name of c r p on that list sam has been trying many tools to scheme and can both like n.g.o.s or foreign media so say local officials that's held of just defied cracking down on a handful of american funded outlets and groups which include radio free asia or the national democratic institute you team up with the opposition to overthrow the man in charge you leave. that's the gist but never stop it three zero one two continued a mission to topple the government has to be a young boy and you are big boy how can you you're pushed out of the old boy and
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you are asking for democracy and human rights so prime minister hussein who first took power more than three decades ago after once losing in ny in the combat ended up running for parliament with no mighty enemies on the ballot box battlefield the most daring political opponents of his can vote in people's party have been silenced or jailed another option is to be banned from politics. like this former phnom penh city council member from the c.n.n. r.p. to make ends meet he now has to endure the southeastern heat driving a tilt. i don't care about losing power i'm sorry for not being able to serve the people who elected us democracy in cambodia was dead when the government got rid of the opposition party which represents almost half of the country i say it's time for a prime minister to step down under the c.b.p. government has shown steady year on year economic growth however it is still among
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the three poorest countries in the region with a depleted and impoverished country side of a triangle reporting from combat. action day r.t. . ecuadorian president let in more than you can from this friday that wiki leaks chief julian will have to leave the country's embassy in the u.k. eventually he was responding to a journalist's question. this situation cannot go on forever sanjay will eventually have to go right. yes indeed yes but his departure should come about through dialogue this week there was speculation in the media that a sign just time of the embassy is coming to an end in fact it was later confirmed that the two states are currently in talks regarding a songe the president has reportedly said that the australian activist has quote a stone in my shoe was granted political asylum and twenty twelve by ecuador's president. and he spoke to us. ok you only had
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a songes actions were absolutely on little for the states has a right to keep secrets saunders granted asylum not as an apology for his actions it was because there were no guarantees that the investigation would be held in the proper manner and now marina says dialogue is needed ecuadorans know what that means is total hypocrisy. talks about dialogue or making deals behind the scenes he already has an agreement with us on what will happen to the song and now he is just trying to sweeten the pill by talking about dialogue but i'm afraid and i said it's a few months ago that the days of his songes presence in our embassy almost over here's a quick recap of the case with forty four year old julian assange. the
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government technically loyal to traditionally the safety of the region so i want to be diplomatic mission decided to give diplomacy so either you. or your. partner our.
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friends. it was printed on the phone on december eighteenth seventeen different your income is empowered to crank national exists to protect. the speakers of great regret that you the sun remains in the could join the sea it's about time that this miserable little town the embassy and gave himself up the british justice. program continues in just about.
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there is the most noble political deciders to have more green energy but if implemented in the wrong commercial way. it will over the next few years save was in the timeframe of three full five years you will have such a melanson all subsidized projects etc that are unlikely to be able to stand on their own two feet. good to have you with us facebook has shocked the world by banning advertising
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featuring the works of the seventeenth century flemish artist peter paul rubens is our correspondent and he. full centuries these works were considered priceless treasures and masterpieces and now that contentious well according to facebook it appears the platform's take box approach to ads means that console the difference between art and pornography annoying art galleries and museums all of about open lots of from visit flounders to mugs about ruben's breasts we have noticed that facebook consistently rejects works of art by a beloved pizza pulled with even though we secretly have to laugh about it your cultural censorship is making life rather difficult for us in the append that to to the facebook see they've even also a big to discuss the matter. so who is the seventeenth century artist well his baroque style paintings of famously known to feature nudes and cherubs sometimes delicately draped with cloth but this artistic taste is
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a big no no with the media giant strict advertising rules they call the flemish tourist company thinking if he's not appropriate for facebook he's not appropriate for you and if you have a social media account we have to take you away from the nudity thing to protect your kids nudity even if autistic nature this includes paintings individual bodies such as budget speech cleavage story but it's not. what we put your head in front of this painting we are searching. for. facebook has said it's open to discussion but there is no doubt this is great p.r. spin by museum curators it is in fact possible to post artistic needs on facebook if it's part of an ad that is in the stricter guidelines and could be rejected but facebook might be playing it safe for different reasons back in two thousand and seventeen facebook came to defy a fading turn me of sexual images of children and also failing to stop leaks
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revenge porn photos all this spot concerns in a facebook small. ration system facebook's very both expenses flag posts but it appears that makes it hard to distinguish between pornography and autistic need to see but when it comes to exploitation though you can be sure as a facebook user you'll be protected from all. the manual back wrong has lashed out at france's media over its handling of a scandal involving the president's top security aide charlotte to penske reports over the last week france has been in the midst of a media frenzy over. a top security aide to president was caught on video during the may day protests beating protestors.
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well but now has since been sacked and on tuesday we heard for the first time what president mark or made of this of course made blame the press in the way that they covered this story essentially saying that the press in commentate is acting like the judiciary we have media that no longer seeks the truth the images are they showing with a desire to uncover the truth to present facts in a balanced manner no i see media powers he want to become judicial one we also know the president micron's approval ratings have dropped since this scandal emerged and it now seems that that boy and that criticism is extending out to media outlets in france emanuel background has also challenge the public to come and get him saying that he was responsible for the incident at the announcements and twitter into a frenzy. do you think. you can especially. if
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the. background admits to being responsible if. there be else us to come and get saved in that case let's get macro. we arrive together and unite it more determined than ever. it was on the side to the president of the republic said that he's responsible to say it is one thing but in terms of the constitution he's held to answer before the people certain organizations called for us to gather here against macro's behavior he also challenged us to come and get. here it's not that we denounce banally we denounce violence and repression exerted by the state and the president. they don't
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every single demonstration across france sees police violence when the law was micron's a says that's the same thing macron is the president of the reach of governance in favor of the reach of. well it's a warm sunny day and some papers about as russia as ordering its naval forces on their professional day special parades being held across the country. please. please. please. please please please. please. thanks for sharing your sunday with us here on r.t.
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international we are back in about twenty minutes hope to see you. still do. a little bit it's. my muscles as. i lose it. doing a little he was. asleep and given the choice for you. all first of all it's only about the walking on the other. for the one hundred
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ninety mile columns on the wall she will not want to go for a. cut. you'll lose i. have been saying the numbers mean something they matter the us has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten whitehall. timestamping each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you want to be ultra rich eight point six percent market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred trees per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember is one one business shows you can afford to miss the one and only.
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we are going through a dramatic economic and social cultural transformation that women want to participate gay lesbian people want immigrants want rights in many cities are saying that's my way but there are more traditional parts of society that are saying no i don't want that i live in a more world community i believe we shouldn't have one national policy i believe in a country that's divided as much as any in the world we actually have to localise our government. previously on the great american pilgrimage embark on a pilgrimage of knowledge the great american government just begun. for now the peloton pilgrimage children run a pilgrimage the citrus pilgrims go to the bronx to. pay everybody i'm stephen baldwin charlotte tast hollywood gun usual suspects favorite movie
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proud americans first of all i'm just as george washington and r.v.'s two cents to uncle steve to me is a good story to big boy because this is my buddy max the famous financial guru and we'll she's a little bit different i've understood your abraham lincoln high not that there were no windows up last but not least my larger than life. the night an aspiring star. with all the drama happening in our country i'm shooting the road house. every day americans. what's america. suffered the most and somehow things come to crazy i was naked. i think. the start to bridge the gap this is the great american pill which.


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