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tv   Cross Talk  RT  July 29, 2018 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

11:30 pm
this and much much more on this edition of crossfire. talking trump's agenda i'm joined by my guest here in moscow erich krauss he's an independent political risk analysis we also have the bobbit she's a political analyst with sputnik international and in london across the charles schumer bridge he is a security analyst and a former u.k. army and counterterrorism intelligence officer right gentlemen crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want i always appreciate charles let me go to you first in london here we had after the afterglow of helsinki trump appeared to have want to have another bite at the apple and then he changed his mind we can talk about why that happened and then putin turns around and invites trump to moscow the same kind of perilous jeopardy or is a different gambit in play go ahead charles in london what i think for me for both presidents showed what is possible and what is possible once the operator.
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or shall we say what trump himself might even call the deep state is pushed to one side as we know in the house and it was very much of a one on one conversation apart from the interpreters and we still don't know the full extent of what was discussed and although much in american media and british media even have pointed to that in a very prejudicial way as if we should know everything that is discussed between leaders of course this is completely normal of course when it comes to conferences and meetings between people of course there's an awful lot of chatter that goes on behind the scenes and that's as it has to be as in any negotiation and. himself would point out few people in the planet as he would say know more about negotiation than he does but of course i think the reaction back in united states and the united kingdom. countries that of course are very much opposed to trump's policies in many ways his policies of trying to seek some kind of agreement with most. countries and certainly with russia and probably behind the scenes with china
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and as we saw korea of course we can talk and we have talked many times in the past on this program. about the vested interest in not promoting that kind of cooperative agenda there's an agenda of course of confrontation and there are too many vested interests and now we can go into so i think from what i've expected to be a response he received and he's played that quite well he's if you like go to the media go to the deep state establishment the political establishment united states by saying hey we're inviting this arch enemy of the entire world and he's portrayed in the media over here to the very homeland itself then when there was the shock and awe over that and then when nobody reaction came by saying ok well and then of course in steps. chessmaster and invited him exactly exactly what's your reaction because i could understand why trump backed away because i think he wants
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the mid terms to get out of the way and we still have the moeller investigation going on here but what it putin invite trump. basically putin has other things. then the united states mr putin is russia is faced with a lot of challenges with a lot of things which need reform and there is no interest for the russian state for the russian deep state whatever to be engaged in constant warfare with one of the largest and most powerful geo political players on the globe so basically putin's line is very simple he is looking for relative the counties willing to be able to talk not shouting for already they've already met the man they've already met say i mean it seemed to me that you would need some kind of concrete step and that you know and kind of agreeing with eric here i mean ok the ice has been broken but what could the russian side expect with another meeting so close on the heels of helsinki well at least. someone prove that with the russian diplomatic premises
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in the us which are being occupied i'm sorry against that war you know russia. famous american courts are pretty slow but also let me remind you who told us that trump was postponed in their meeting john bolton course said that let me quote him there when chart is over well to hear from john bolton about retirement that is something you know that you don't know you know that tells me and tells me that john bolton loeb's power he wanted for the key because you know you want to tell you it's not going to be over any time soon it is the one straw that the u.s. democratic party has to. eighteen months after the election there still are you with a referee this is a suicide note on the table one of the things gentlemen i keep saying this and that maybe this is going to be my signature comment for the year ok trump is mitt putin campaign promise kept ok check done let me go back to charles in london
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i think all of us took a look at this article in the spectator and there's no author attached to it trumpet trades the elites a sense that the u.s. always is a peer in democracy loving you know it's really quite interesting because the authors of this article essentially say that trump is the first post exceptional as president to be united states it's a remarkable characterization go ahead charles it's one day i won't surprise you to hear that i absolutely agree with yeah i think it's an excellent article yeah it's very well timed and i think it hits the nail on the head and i would recommend readers viewers to try and get hold of that and thought you know how to eat it myself but it's actually in line with what yourself pizza myself and others two and a half years ago on this program and elsewhere we were discussing that this is likely to be what would happen in india and having it's not just as the article says that this. why the state dislikes trump it's why they disliked the prospect of
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trump two and a half years ago because they predicted that this is what's going to happen trump is effectively as the article says he is a transactional personality he's a president that conducts diplomacy in terms of trying to action is another something just to say transactions in terms of business although he does do a lot of that as well and again i would say that none of what i'm saying here is in support of from or against from his just seems to me to be a factual observation there he regards diplomacy as transactions and therefore of course he benefits very much from his business experience and he conducts one to one meetings and not just with putin but around the world and that is bringing some benefits it is reducing tensions at a time when much of the world ok you use you use that term use the term benefits that's very interesting benefit benefiting who let me read part of it here but in crucial ways the national is bigger he trump and bodies is not necessarily one in the same with the exceptional nation meet those which has animated the self
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conception of the american political class for decades for his detractors in the in the think tanks in the elite media institutions this is heresy the. point is that trump has understood some of the troubles in american supremacist he has learned american exceptionalism he sees that america as a conglomeration of business interests and it is his job to forward to further their interests and this is what he's seeking to do what trump has understood with a certain animal cloning is that the united states is threatened by one country and one country only and their country is not russia so to push russia into the arms of china is is madness it's already happened we'll talk about this so i'm going to have you talk about polls and i think much of your strategy because his cat may sometimes seem a bit. wild and woolly and unpredictable but that does not mean that there is not
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a well thought out strategy no i think so i think there is trying to do he's going to be a strategy and the strategy is to minimize threats to american exaggerates deemer where's democracy promotion you know this and ok where is you know neil liberal agenda in all it's not the garrets not part of the i'm still hopeful i did not go there and then stopped that's what makes them so angry that you were there the globalists and i lived in this article they say you know that trump is not an american nationalist transsexual list but the people who go to america involved in all of these wars in libya in iraq are they really american nationalists did they rig a certain american national interest i love the recent presentation by tucker carlson who said that i'm quoting him people who know it's your strawman of being a russian puppet happened to be the same people who had been mismanaging all
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foreign policy for the past few decades who invaded iraq who killed more market for no reason and who brought along the horrible syrian civil war these people made america weaker and poorer and said and no they are american nationalist and exceptionally has run the troublemakers of the legal back to charles before we go to the break here charles i mean that there is that one word in that paragraph that i read it really stands out this is heresy that's exactly how trump is being treated he's a heretic in the uk in the minds in the eyes of the think tanks in of the liberal media go ahead charles. yes that's exactly right and it's as we predicted two and a half years ago i get back to that point because the. let's use a reset extended deep state this extends beyond america that includes for example much of the british establishment the british intelligence services and so on we talked endlessly and i'm glad we did because it's all pretty largely correct that
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they were seeking to discredit and undermine and if possible even impeach trump even as he was pained inaugurated and their worst fears have come true he has had to play a careful game and i think after two years he's learning to play that game a bit better he's learning to handle a deep state know where he has to give a little pound of flesh here and there where behind the scenes he can continue with what he wants to do as you say fulfill his promises in respect of russia and otherwise but there's still two years to go and we'll have to wait and see if he can survive those four years it may be possible he can actually fully turn around american foreign policy it's a big gamble that he's taken but he's learned to do it in small stages yes the big big question will be november elections here last thirty seconds for this part go ahead erick. the point is people and give was talking about civil wars and you've got to realize that there is a low intensity civil war underway in the united states right now where if you look
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at the media everything is now defined in terms of black and white you cannot there was no analysis of trump's strategy because when you're talking about the devil in medieval theology you don't ask what are the devil's motives he's evil because he is a demon trump is by definition evil so you don't they don't think about they don't try to analyze what he was going to do it in a way to go to a short break here we have to keep in mind that donald trump. of public opinion numbers are going up and down after a short break we'll continue our discussion trumps agenda stay with our. the idea of spending money to acquire region to acquire territory to acquire wealth is an oxymoron there is no more wealth to acquire the ecosystem is collapsing. the
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economy is flooded with worthless paper and the species is migrating over to the digital sphere these are b. these networks and platforms people are all polluting their minds into cyberspace and hope to be comfy morkel so every dollar spent on defense every dollar spent by the pentagon is a wasted dollar it's a one thousand eight hundred seventeen sixteenth century mindset it's completely antiquated and it's utterly worthless. join me everything on the all excitement and i'll be speaking to get us to the world of politics this list i'm show business i'll see you then. this is kentucky. boy he was.
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a coma any city with almost no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the. people the survivors of disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in a million years i would see that and it's how it's happened. welcome back to crossfire all things considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing some real news.
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ok let me turn to d.m.a. here we still continue to get articles out again you know helsinki is an interesting poker is that henry kissinger is giving advice to president trump that and kissinger actually comes to i think he's been to russia seventeen times and what matters here and that the united states has to somehow come to an agreement with russia against china of course an echo of what kissinger engineered during the nixon administration nixon went to china i still think that train has left the station a long time ago i think it was going to disagree with me a little bit no i agree with you because it was basically president obama who i think was the most. us president in u.s. history primarily because he just wrote institutions you know he made people does believe in the elections for the first time in many years about his foreign policy disaster the main foreign policy disaster was that he managed to make russia and
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china elyse you know when russia became basically for the united states because of the ukrainian adventure of mr obama and mrs new one trait. putin plan to meet and to china and what did obama do keep visiting all of china's competitors philippians yet i'm here reassured that will against china and the chinese gave us gas prices that we have been asking from them for ten years maybe more so china became you know unwittingly probably russia's a way and it's not going to change in the near future because mr obama. may be about to change but the point is that this is an ongoing russian russia's interests or i've been arguing for the last fifteen years that russia's interests were to turn towards china but that does not mean that it was to be totally beholden to china to choose best interest or to be able to balance the world is going to break
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up into two competing poles you've got the western pole and you've got the greater china pole and russia would be very well to be able to move back and forth between them play them off against each other where possible and i don't want to sound. still in this from one thousand eight hundred three didn't bring black. just two or three other they had a point basically in this triangle the soviet union now russia china the united states because always been like that every poll wanted the other two poles to quarrel over the evidence when they mean really diplomacy good relations with both of them met you next is it a yes in that same. i'll know what and they need nixon went to be gene and managed to have good relations with china have normal relations with the british never and china of the soviet union were mortal falsetto can make it not love it did the old
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president he couldn't let me go to charles here the thing is that in looking at this gambit of you know three major polls the thing is that what does the west now have to offer to russia because russia since one thousand nine hundred one and i would say that china during its modernization remarkable marden modernization russia and china have one very important thing in common the defense of their sovereignty the you don't west is always asking everyone to compromise their sovereignty the fact that russia and china are coveting theirs their sovereign trees brings them together they have a common cause charles and. you have that's absolutely right and that's clear to any observer of what's been going on over the last decade or so the united nations within the united nations security council where the west's thinking obviously about libya and what happened with libya although there was a consensus in respect of libya in terms of the resolution it was passed but then
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that resolution of course was abused by britain france and the united states today and effect regime change in libya and i thought of course was very instructional i think for russia and for china that the west couldn't be trusted and therefore when we've seen with syria in the various resolutions that the west is attempts to pass there and elsewhere in the world that the west's well really we mean the west by what we mean is pretty france in america pushing a constant agenda of interference in other countries affairs for that own sectional benefit and that has been opposed consistently by russia and china so even on the united nations security council russia and china have been pushed constantly together by the west and the comment you just came out with peter is is really backed up by what putin himself. and recently when trump said he would almost impossible he would like russia to come back to the g. some to become the g. eight and of course response again was very interesting one person said if i can
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quite correctly he said well actually thanks for the invitation but there are other forms that are available to us and of course he was talking about china and the rest of the world that isn't the west to answer your question peter what can. russia is threatened by the u.s. . they have do not underestimate their ability to cause havoc the united states as you pointed out controls the global financial system the dollar based system they can slap i mean they slapped sanctions on mr. roussel and this is caused major disruption and by november and european companies if they trade all oil has buy oil from iran ok but that's that's the russian standpoint some degree of deterrent would be useful simply because otherwise the the if the entire financial market is getting up right now and it's you know i'm working out the financial markets and raising funds for russian companies right is quite
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complicated right now the bond market has become a lot more a lot a lot more expensive to access because the constant threat of american sanctions now whether trump can avoid further sanctions i think is and. we should do a separate program on the weaponization of the dollar to find he i mean let me go to you about iran because you know we had we had president travel and we talked about his kind of the world according to trump here but then you know he kind of goes back to the old script here and says to iran never ever threaten the u.s. again or suffer consequences like the which few have ever suffered before i mean what gives mean you know the united states and then there's these rumors that maybe planted rumors that the u.s. . you have a one off strike on iran is this all bluster to keep the israelis on the saudis b. and a packet of homes in the u n o i a whole is all bluster about that's very dangerous
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boss you know all these kind of standard for each one of these things. i mean start time a nuclear strike there you go and he kind of backpedal look what it did to the european union well i agree with eric in principle. talking about irresponsible talk if someone should not be given no lessons on the responsible talk that's the united states you know that the states is rightly criticized the most time fundamentalists for overreacting or being the rage in electing their racial when they hear of all the holy koran being mistreated somewhere right well when the united states just hears room us elections not aimed in that way the right away. and in the right way exactly at the behave asthe ration in the ass of the arrangements is that what has he done he learned i was going to be going to charles that we go to charles in london i can. be moved to a lot of great things there but i mean eric's right is this this like this opening salvo in the negotiations i have kind of like
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a rocket man come in here charles more seriously we know that donald trump has a visceral hatred of everything that barack obama did and that's one of the reasons why i walked away from the iran deal ok i still think that maybe this is tattooed on my brain it's all about the midterms he said he was going to be against iran that's one of his check things on the back of his pieces doing everything for some kind of red wave in november charles. what's interesting we've mentioned pows so there was very in the last few days of course appalled i asked americans whether they would support an attack on iran. the overwhelming majority in fact by a factor of two to one said that they would oppose an attack on iran rather than support it and so that shows that people perhaps are coming around to trump's way of thinking i mean his wife thinking rather than what he actually says if i can solve if we look at the this is the question for the e.u.
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with korea and we've seen this again and again what he does is make these threats his opponents respond with similar threats and we'll get a very entertaining twitter spot that ends up often with compromise and agreement and of course that's the basis of much negotiation and i think people understand also of course it gives the pound of flesh i mentioned earlier so he's to mastic critics say he's been tough on these various so-called enemies of the united states and lobby groups to sell important in the u.s. in other words saudi arabia for example israel obviously but nonetheless i think it's important to make this point that despite trumps what might be his best efforts the big ship of american foreign policy has not been turned around and it is still based fundamentally on confrontation and domination of the world rather than in cooperation and partnership and that of course is enshrined particularly
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this year within the u.s. national security document which named russia and china as enemies i mean large force as competitors to be actually guarded again as we have let everyone know about it but i think that you know i've read that the. pronouncements here and make it does fall into the trumping world view that there can pay deters as you become pete with here it's not it's not like we have the the u.s. has to change the world to make it safe for democracy we're no longer in that realm we're in a different well we're never didn't know or bush or for. chrysler compete for their new auto models they're not competing against enemies they are not competing against the forces of evil they are competing against competitors trump understands perhaps bristly that other countries have their own interests too and he wants he described in this press conference with putin he described the russia as a strategic as a competitor and he said the good competitor well they're competing for markets
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there to keep people from for ok i have only the first time ever that i've seen american president meet a kremlin leader and didn't lecture about democracy and even the forty second well . you know a bad metaphor that there because just used for annoying to push will compete but you can't imagine or nor seen or we need a management change at the show we need to change they. see it all and the damage that will be fine and they can change him us in some you know sanctions or whatever . so any kind of competition is better than the regime change which is basically a. euphemism for war in current times ok gentlemen to jump in here many thanks to my guests here in moscow and in london this is the end of our broadcast segment stay with stay with this with the expanded version on our you tube channel see you next time remember girls.
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right well said starting five times that he has a signal. he's not going to talk about. just maybe right after the mars explorers one movie put it there. record. to say what people. out here. welcome to sophie until i'm seriously sherrick not said today we're got lots to talk about in our program and our guest is. good luck little.
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mama some for something on. indigenous people as you know we that the baby in the. trees. most politicians say that only the kids. and all of a sudden the man just. simple be gentle with. i said i will enter it in the if they will not allow him. even if they will shoot me . i've got all along
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a million million indeed i'm not i'm not picking on you need to be indicted because hubby didn't go unpunished you mean no no no you got a fight you got medical army you got me i used. the idea of spending money to acquire region to acquire territory took quire wealth is an oxymoron there is no more wealth to acquire the ecosystem is collapsing the economy is flooded with worthless feel paper. and the species is migrating over to the digital sphere feasibly these networks and platforms people are uploading their minds into cyberspace and hope to be comfy morkel so every dollar spent on defense every dollar spent by the pentagon is a wasted dollar it's a nineteenth eight hundred seventeen sixteenth century mindset it's completely antiquated and it's utterly worthless.
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seemed wrong. but old rules just don't hold. any new world yet to shape out these days comes to educate and in games from an equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
12:00 am
donald trump unflooded made putin look ahead to a second sumner's as they seek to mend that country's troubled relations. meanwhile the u.s. president claims the kremlin might try to interfere in the upcoming midterm elections to help the democrats as allegations of meddling remain a fiercely contested issue. meddling in the way that osama bin ladin meddled with the world trade center oh oh. oh. oh. a palestinian teenage girl seen as a symbol of the resistance against israel is released after eight months behind bars. and combo b. as prime minister is.


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