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tv   Documentary  RT  July 31, 2018 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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civilian casualties in every country involved with up to two hundred civilians dying in yemen alone. uh. uh uh. uh uh uh. uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh. uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh. uh. uh uh uh. uh on foreign policy analyst jonathan shafi thinks the civilians in asia should be concerned about this development billions in the area of go not just of it i say we should be concerned about the kind of damage that these drones can do and we've seen a new minister cations hundreds actually over the years as civilians have been killed and of course that he action from the local population is what you would expect one
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of anger and one that wants to see these drones and most of the country that the u.s. claims it's going to bring the region closer to paste you see any any sort of a lid to t. within that playing. i think the problem with us is of course that's always the claim that was a claim with afghanistan of which they're still not quote my shoes that they claim that there are you can even go all the way back to vietnam of course this is always the public relations clean and the reality of course is that the united states is looking to secure a puppet in the regions to secure its own interest in the region and indeed to expand its political office at that age and therefore public safety the safety of civilians and bring about peace we are all actually subordinates those interests the deployment of drones by the united states not just here and elsewhere across the region and not just on under donald trump but under obama's way o. and often doesn't come to publicly for many months after the police and start if
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they do toll and dies because the nature of this kind of warfare is to be as far as it possibly can they don't want and they the headlines domestically. monday much one year since the tragic death of r.t. journalist khalid al khattab in syria more on that after the break. trump's imitation to putin to visit the white house is postponed who turns around inviting trump to moscow as trump out of a grand slam regarding russia or is he merely keeping the campaign promise this and much much more efficient across time.
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in a world of big partisan movies. and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. welcome back this monday month to use this the death of. a journalist working with arabic he was killed at the age of twenty five by islamic state shelling in syria has made a documentary about khalid's work in syria and here's a preview. yeah
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but he loved life the morning of the day he died i was worried my mind started to come up with the scary stuff images i was afraid he'd be captured by i so i had a very bad feeling. we were near the front line the syrian army was battling i still i worked was over
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and we were about to pack our equipment khaled stood near me i put a helmet on him i just wanted to take a photo as a memory of my work with the film crew then the explosion came. i realized something had happened i didn't know what exactly out of habit i started to film everything after i began filming and so lot on the camera. i tried the room then realised i couldn't move my legs i couldn't see anything my eyes were covered in blood mixed with dust a call for khaled but nobody. i
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don't want to go on that mission but how did it get here i had a rule she was bright and very determined she was a good journalist you could see that by his reports he did a lot not only for journalism but for his model and as well he helped people soldiers she would bring them food and a prompt line. of more fresno that i want to do something good for people family did a lot for me and now i'm trying to do everything for my loved ones that's my main goal. well artie has set up a special award in carloads honor to recognize the best reporting from war zones the ceremony began with a minute's silence for securing the awards colors mother gave a moving speech. and if it hadn't atmospheric feel of the not
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a. bit middle you must sort of cut five year to middle high. i'm sorry deacon who legend with a moment. that us the. americans and the world let alone in there to do so little. and dumped on her and in a limb and in. her duty. had been abused her own daughter could emerge as a hostile if you let the lesser of. two of us and i had them in ages it was me. is it a. matter. of the know how can gamble a matter of humor does make her a little hope for. now it's been revealed to us also it is have been secretly tracking ordinary american travelers under a surveillance program called quiet skies the move targets people who haven't been
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investigated by any u.s. agency but may still pose a risk suspicious behavior like strong body odor irregular sleeping patterns and changing hairstyle or clothes could all flag up someone for surveillance well this prompts a small group of armed undercover air marshals to follow them on board and the unit then compiles individual reports which are sent back to the transportation security administration well after the story broke the agency issued a statement claiming it's standard procedure for me deploying floats in furtherance of the t.s.a. mission to ensure the safety and security of passengers crew members and their craft throughout the aviation sector. fascinating stuff and to discuss it further let's cross live now to investigative reporter dave lindorff and political commentator steve malzberg gentlemen thank you very much indeed for joining us for another saudi topic then steve if i could just start with you we would you make of this quiet guys programming would you define it as they did as standard practice.
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well look first of all what people have to understand is that you don't have any right to fly in the united states certainly it's a privilege to fly and you don't have a right to say whatever you want on a plane or in an airport you don't have the right to move about the way you want so your freedoms are severely limited to begin with for security purposes and i believe most americans would agree rightfully so to get surveilled in this manner it's usually triggered the t.s.a. is saying by travel to foreign countries and then coming back in from suspicious countries that might have a high degree of terrorism or terrorists and there are some people who are americans who are not doing that kind of traveling but look if i now know there are air marshals who are armed on my flights most of my flights i don't care who they're watching as long as they're there so i don't have a problem with this well a day tell me what's your take on it that. well yes
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go ahead steve doesn't have any problem with it these guys are getting their information not on the flight steve if they're getting the flight getting it from in the countryside they're deciding when they when they decide someone has changed their hair color and they smell bad that's not on the plane they're making that decision the decisions before they get on the plane in the air marshal and following these people that they in their brilliant. estimation are suspicious people you know this is very akin to when they first started doing the the no fly list which i wrote about for salon magazine what we found out were there actually were two lists that was the people that they knew were. dangerous terrorists but they didn't have the goods on them and they didn't let them fly and then there was a huge list which was people they harassed because of their politics like ninety year old nun i found was getting checked and missing her flights because of the detailed
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inspections they were doing on her when she wanted to go down to protest at the school for the ark is down in think it's georgia. on him but you have to have their say no way to know whether you're on a list or how to get off it was just a come back about i mean i mean it's sounds like it's a famous crack that it. well there were there were problems with the notify list and people who didn't belong there were on there but look we had it sure that we didn't have any more nine eleventh's and guess what or more should bombers and guess what we have been they have kept us safe and that's the main thing that's the main concern of people traveling on an airplane is that they're caches and if the t.s.a. has determined that yes surely attaché to bomb or steve for that are there actually are that is saying that until ravel patterns and maybe changing it and maybe changing hair color which could be suspicious and it's not only have color and body odor those are two to promote examples but you know what let's take
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a poll of the american people and overwhelmingly they'll say do what it takes to keep us safe hey you want people to be able to say bomb while walking through an airport too because they can't get arrested. during the day what do you think the shoe bomber was was found after the shoe bomber was found after they had the no fly list for a long time and they didn't catch the shoe bomber they didn't catch a bunch of people with their no fly list they were busy capturing nuns who were going to protests and people like mike. smith book barbara old shinseki who was stopped and every time she she had to make sure she had good underpants because she was strip searched every time she would fly because she was a lawyer for the center for constitutional rights these things get out of hand if people don't get to know that they're on a list and get to challenge the list and that was the problem with the no fly list that's the problem with this list that nobody knowing their hand maybe your house
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and then they say they want to know who we know maybe they're watching you know maybe they're watching probably me there maybe they're watching you or me how is it at you know i was at a hand has it affected you what you probably think is that gentlemen it's actually actually probably i just flew back from. i just flew back from gatwick and when i was exactly where it did affect i was. hold on. well you got to let me talk to you by the plane doesn't get a plane change i go get some food because they don't serve food and i was told to go to security with my bags i got a full search i nearly missed my plane and there was no reason for the search so you're probably on the list and we didn't have any food on the flight home for six hours i kind and generous out of hand let's look at let's look at all the other ramifications that i mean you said about steve you said before about the fact that you feel safe on the side but let's look at what the t.s.a. interviewee said about the program they said that they think it prevents them
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focusing on more effective actions what do you think about that. look again i don't i don't think that the the t.s.a. is sacrificing people who are you know high suspects who have a big red red flag sticking out from their their face in their pocket at the expense of you know to go look at somebody who may not i think they could handle both they could walk and chew gum at the same time and again the proof is in the putting we have not thank god we have not had this kind of kind of nine eleven follow up and i point to what israel does you know israel sits down and interviews every hour is precious a l out so if down and interviews every single passenger with with people who are psychologically qualified to spot to see if they twitch if they move it they this and they've never had an incident so i say let's get more like yell out and let's keep ourselves safe ok the davis look at that about what
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some of the human rights are it was a saying they're saying the t.s.a. may be singling people out and if you think about according to race or some of those other factors we might be you might be keeping people safe but is it a case of they focusing on the right people. yeah of course that's what i was talking about when they went after the nuns and the political people they weren't going after the people that were the real problems and risks and look i got a i got a beard i look like maybe i'm you know some jihadi even though my name's lindorff and in my family background is sweden you know if the if the air marshal is spending his time looking at me all the through the flight because my beard. you know he's probably missing the guy who has a plastic gun and slipped through the the. metal detector with it it's there so we did. have a lot of training as i remember she. actually actually i pointed out to you that
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the that the shoe bomber got through while we had the that. no it was a long time ago that was a long time ago yeah yeah ok ok that was a long trail where all the people that it was well are had been no where where are they but there's also such if i could come in gently what happens to the dates. what happens to the dates of the people who collect real question got the date how do you respond to that what happened what could happen to this data then on people can't you know it's programmed if you're on that list. if you're on that list of people for the federal marshals to what air marshals to watch and that list goes to law enforcement in the united states it's going to stay there and it's going to impact your life in some way because you're not going to know it's there and they're going to watch you in different ways that may have picked your employment your promotion could affect all kinds of things you should have a right to know once they decide that you're not
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a suspicious person supposedly after ninety days that you're on that list and then get swiped there's nobody saying that happens this is out of control problem already and it's going to get worse. steve so i want to know what you think of the speculation that it's out of control i mean and i mean to say it's out of control to say that we've missed it to say that we've missed people will be at the because we're watching this one we missed that one there are no new point to the shoe bomber it was a long time ago they say people are going to get promotions people are going to get in that get jobs there's no evidence of this this is massive this is not mass it's . getting to fly is a privilege if you don't want to if every car you don't want to get on the list don't fly don't fly and that not gentle we'll leave it that thank you very much you know you have a kind of a plane to thank you very much sorry gentleman frank we have to leave it there sorry for the delay is about thank you very much indeed thank you. well for more on these and plenty of other stories on debates that goes my website r.t.
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dot com otherwise i'll be back with the latest headlines at the top of the hour see that. max geysers financial survival. housing bubble. oh you mean there's a downside to artificial mortgage rates don't get carried away that's because reports. of some people jumping on. indigenous people as you know we that the baby in. the trees. most politicians say that's only behind but the kids.
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all of a sudden the man just. unfold be there jerry was. i said i will enter it even if they will not allow me. even if they will shoot me. i'll come on million million indeed i'm not i'm not big money menominee been thought to be chubby and you don't want to feel manana down you got up by the government it will be like army because i used. hello and welcome to crossfire where all things considered i'm peter lavelle trumps
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invitation to putin to visit the white house is postponed putin turns around inviting trump to moscow. a grand plan regarding russia or is he merely keeping a campaign promise this and much much more on this edition of crossfire. talking trump's agenda i'm joined by my guests here in moscow erich krauss he's an independent political risk analysis we also have bob it she's a political analyst with sputnik international and in london we cross the charles schumer bridge he is a security analyst and a former u.k. army and counterterrorism intelligence officer right gentlemen crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want i always appreciate charles let me go to you first in london here we had after the afterglow of helsinki trump appeared to have want to have another bite at the apple and then he changed his mind we can talk about why that happened and then potent turns around and invites
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trump to moscow the same kind of perilous jeopardy or is a different gambit in play go ahead charles in london what i think for me for both presidents showed what is possible and what is possible once the. bureaucracy or shall we say what trump himself might even call the deep state is pushed to one side as we know in the house and it was very much of a one on one conversation apart from the interpreters and we still don't know the full extent of what was discussed and although much of the american media and british media even have pointed to that in a very prejudicial way as if we should know everything that is discussed between leaders of course this is completely normal of course when it comes to conferences and meetings between people of course there's an awful lot of chatter that goes on behind the scenes and that's as it has to be as in any negotiation and as himself would point out few people in the planet as he would. i know more about negotiation than he does but of course i think the reaction back in united states and the
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united kingdom. countries that of course are very much opposed to trump's policies in many ways his policies of trying to seek some kind of agreement with most countries and certainly with russia probably behind the scenes with china and as we saw korea of course we can talk and we have talked many times in the past on this program. about the vested interest in not promoting that kind. of agenda there's an agenda of course of confrontation and there are too many vested interests in and we can go into so i think from what i've expected to be responsive received and he's played that quite well he's if you like go to the media go to the deep state establishment the political establishment united states by saying hey we're inviting this arch enemy of the entire world is putin is portrayed in the media over here to the very homeland itself then when there was the shock and awe over that and then when nobody reaction came from played it by saying
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ok well and then of course in steps in a grand chess master and invited in exactly exactly what your reaction because i could understand why trump backed away because i think he wants the midterms to get out of the way and we still have the moeller investigation going on here but what it putin invite trump. basically putin has other things. there then the united states mr putin is russia is faced with a lot of challenges with a lot of things which need reform and there is no interest for the russian state for the russian deep state whatever to be engaged in constant warfare with one of the largest and most powerful geo political players on the globe so basically putin's line is very simple he is looking for relative the counties willing to be able to talk not shouting for already they've already met the motherboard. i mean it seemed to me that you would need some kind of concrete step in that you know and
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kind of a green with erik here i mean ok the ice has been broken but what could the russian side expect with another meeting so close on the heels of helsinki well at least some improvement there with the russian diplomatic premises in the u.s. which are being occupied i'm sorry against that war you know russia they're famous american courts are pretty slow but also let me remind you who told us that was postponed in their meeting john bolton course said that let me quote him i'm there when chart is all work well to hear from john bolton about we turn out that is something you know that you don't really know you know that tells me and tells me that john bolton loeb's power he wanted very good because you know you want to tell you it's not going to be over any time soon it is the one straw that the democratic party has to let you know eighteen months after the election they're
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still argue with the referee this is. one of the things gentlemen i keep saying this and that maybe this is going to be my signature comment for the year ok trump is mitt putin campaign promise kept ok check done let me go back to charles in london i think all of us took a look at this article in the spectator and there is no author attached to it trumpet trades the elites a sense that the u.s. always is a peer and democracy loving you know it's really quite interesting because the authors of this article essentially say that trump is the first post exceptional as president of the united states it's a remarkable characterization go ahead charles it's one day i one surprise you to hear that i absolutely agree with yeah i think it's an excellent article yeah it's very well timed and i think it hits the nail on the head and i would recommend readers viewers to try. get hold of it and thought you know how to eat it myself
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but it's actually in line with what yourself pizza myself and others two and a half years ago on this program and elsewhere we were discussing that this is likely to be what would happen in india having it's not just as the article says that this is why the state dislikes trump it's why they dislike the prospect of trying so and a half years ago because they predicted that this is what's going to happen trump is effectively as the article says he is a transactional personality he's a president that conducts diplomacy in terms of trying to action is another something just to say transactions in terms of business although he does do a lot of that as well and again i would say that none of what i'm saying here is in support of from or against from his just seems to me to be a factual observation there he regards diplomacy as transactions and therefore of course he benefits very much from his business experience when he conducts one to one meetings and not just with putin but around the world and that is bringing some benefits it is reducing tensions at a time when much of the world ok you use you use that term busa term benefits
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that's very interesting benefit benefiting who let me read part of it here but in crucial ways the national is bigger he trump and bodies is not necessarily one in the same with the exceptional nation meet those which has animated the self conception of the american political class for decades for his detractors in the in the think tanks in the elite media institutions this is heresy the. point is that trump has understood some of the troubles in american supremacist he has learned american exceptionalism he sees it america as a conglomeration of business interests and it is his job to forward to further their interests and this is what he's seeking to do what trump has understood with a certain animal cloning is that the united states is threatened by one key. tree and one country only and that country is not russia so to push russia into the arms
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of china is is madness it's already happened we'll talk about this i'm going to have to talk about polls and i think much of his strategy because his character may sometimes seem a bit wild and woolly and unpredictable but that does not mean that there is not a well thought out strategy no i think so i think there is trying to do he's going to be a strategy and the strategy is to minimize threats to american exaggerates deemer where's democracy promotion you know no ok we're is you know with neil liberal agenda in all it's not the garrets not part of that's the whole point it's not there and there's a stop to it that's what makes them so angry. and i lived in this article they say you know that trump is not an american nationalist transsexual list but the people who go to america involved in all of these wars in libya in iraq are they really american nationalists did they register of american national
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interest i love their recent presentation by tucker carlson who said that i'm quoting him people who know it's your strawman of being a russian puppet happened to be at the same people who had been mismanaging all foreign policy for the past few decades who invaded iraq who killed more market actually for no obvious reason and who brought along the horrible syrian civil war these people made america weaker and poorer and said no they are american nationalist and exceptionally has iraq but i'm going to go back to charles before we go to the break here charles i mean that there is that one word in that paragraph that i read that really stands out this is heresy that's exactly how trump is being treated is a heretic in the uk in the minds in the eyes of the think tanks in of the liberal media go ahead charles. yes that's exactly right and it's as we predicted two and
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a half years ago i get back to that point because the. let's who should we say the extended deep status extends beyond america that includes for example much of the british establishment the british intelligence services and so on we talked endlessly and i'm glad we did because it's all proved largely correct that they were seeking to discredit and undermine and if possible even impeach trump even as he was being inaugurated and their worst fears have come true he has had to play a careful game and i think after two years he's learning to play that game a bit better he's learning to handle a deep state know where he has to give a little pound of flesh here and there and behind the scenes he can continue with what he wants to do as you say fulfill his promises in respect of russia and otherwise but there's still two years to go and we'll have to wait and see if he can survive those four years it might be possible he can actually fully turn around american foreign policy it's a big gamble that he's taken but he's an excellent to do in small stage and yes the big will be.


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