tv Watching the Hawks RT July 31, 2018 6:30am-7:01am EDT
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it's been revealed that u.s. authorities have been secretly tracking american travelers under a surveillance program called quiet skies the move targets people who haven't actually been investigated by any u.s. agency but still nonetheless may pose a risk suspicious behavior like strong body odor regular sleeping patterns and changing hairstyle or clothes could even flag up someone for this kind of surveillance the unit then compiles the individual daily reports after the story broke the agency issued a statement claiming actually it's standard practice to do this through emotions may deploy on floats in furtherance of the t.s.a. mission to ensure the safety and security of passengers crew members and aircraft throughout the aviation sector what do you think about it it's kind of shocking is that ok patrick got reaction to this from investigative reporter dave lindorff from
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political commentator steve malzberg earlier. if i don't know there are air marshals who are armed on my flights most of my flights i don't care who they're watching as long as they're there so i don't have a problem with this you know this is very akin to when they first started doing the the no fly list which i wrote about for salon magazine what we found out were there actually were two lists there was the people that they knew were. dangerous terrorists but they didn't have the goods on them and they didn't let them fly and then there was a huge list which was people they harassed because of their politics the t.s.a. has determined that yes surely it is a good honor steve for them to be there as a leader that is saying that i'm glad all patterns and maybe changing that and maybe changing hair color which could be suspicious and it's not only have color and body odor those are two to promote examples but you know what let's take a poll of the american people and overwhelmingly they'll say do what it takes to keep us safe how you want people to be able to say while walking through an airport
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too because they can't get arrested they didn't catch a bunch of people with their no fly list they were busy capturing nuns who were going to protests and people like my coauthor of at a ph me book barbara all shinseki who was stopped and every time she she had to make sure she had good underpants because she was strip searched every time she would fly because she was a lawyer for the center for constitutional rights these things get out of hand if people don't get to know that they're on a list and get to challenge the list and that was the problem with the no fly list that's the problem with this list that nobody no i hear out of hand maybe yours and then they say why isn't it we know maybe they're watching you know maybe they're watching probably will they weren't going after the people that were the real problems and risks and look i got a i got a beard i look like maybe i'm you know some shit heidi that list goes to law enforcement in the united states it's going to stay there and it's going to impact
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your life in some way because you. they're not going to know it's there and they're going to watch you in different ways that may affect your claim in your promotion could affect all kinds of things you should have a right to know once they decide that you're not a suspicious person supposedly after ninety days that you're on that list and it gets wiped there's nobody saying that happens this is an out of control problem already and it's going to get worse to say it's out of control to say that we've missed to say that we've missed people at the because we're watching this one we missed that one there are no new point to the shoe bomber it was a long time ago they say people are going to get promotions people are going to get jobs there's no evidence of this this is massive this is not mass it's hysteria and we're getting to fly all the privilege if you don't want to have every car you don't want to be on a list don't fly don't fly. on the rise in japan and for one community in particular that is a worrying development north koreans they're of become the focus of the nationalist
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the redfish investigative group found so what's behind all this animosity. this is a song from the king along with a few other relics mr pay keeps this is one of the ways he keeps up his connection to his homeland. this was always listen to this every day. mr picks life has not been easy year and for younger koreans it's not getting easier japan is experiencing a resurgence of the extreme right both foreigners known as guy jing and japanese are increasingly frowned upon but it's koreans or those who identify with it. who are in the most danger might have a small sound and hide it out of. my. for the local community off and out of the
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car pupils are too afraid to even wear their traditional korean uniforms called the cheer gauri to school here they are wearing japanese uniform and here now their safety through the school gates they've changed into their trick or ease. so ready to have their things the same and it's also the it's in their hands and if so what if i think about that you can see that a bit of modern japanese racism as an extra could be tied to in japan was asia's foremost imperial power until it was defeated the most i thought see germany at the end of world war two during that time hundreds of thousands of koreans were forced to work in slave like conditions and japanese mines and factories as the country industrialized at breakneck speed the even have to change their names and japanese ones while their newspapers and schools were shut down so kids were unable to learn korean but they were taught on terms of nazi germany and japanese schools.
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whole. good poker you want your chosen joke you know the court of germany took you must go to the wall so all some gay semen through social media that you're going to. come took a kid i got the hockey quote i saw acuity or that in this. quarter soccer i is a poster boy of the japanese far right taking his cues from donald trump sucker i launched the japan first party in two thousand and sixteen and quickly became infamous for his benefit of excuses and escape coaching of japan's ethnic korean minority the latter on to korean voices get the closer the chunkier community comes together. to sort of the bottom as it was used in the world needed to do to win those he.
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says he had to. say want to move our hands and knees and. to normal have been. was it in the end that he would. be a good news or the good you had to do. thanks for watching this morning is just seventeen now moscow time ahead right after the break spain is the of merging to see plan to tackle a jump in the number of migrants arriving in the country.
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again with the u.s. midterm election on the rise in the republicans are calling for information on the democrats' alleged illegal snooping on donald trump's presidential campaign to be released but as severe a con explains next there are fears the whole issue could be buried. here's the feis application that allowed the f.b.i. to spy on former trump campaign advisor carter page republican say that it was a political operation against then candidate trump but the document could contain some interesting information but it's hard to tell because hundreds of pages were redacted now devin nunez chairman of the house intel committee thinks that the public might never find out what really happened there's a stall game going on at d.o.j. and f.b.i.
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they're trying to stall as much as they can hoping and betting that republicans would lose the house in the fall so transparency in this particular case will only happen if republicans stay in power after the midterm elections in fact calls for transparency in washington seem to work on a partisan basis just this month the democrats called for transparency after trump met with vladimir putin in finland some even asked for transcripts to be released and the interpreter to be questioned we want the interpreter to come before the committee we want to see the notes we we want we're going to have a massive effort to try to get to what happened but guess what even that wasn't enough after don't you think americans deserve to know what seem president trumps tax returns some business interests that are into twined for the russia let's remember this document it's a memo released to counter claims of bias against president trump and the f.b.i. and the justice department it was the democratic party's effort to convince the public that the f.b.i.
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could be trusted but that can't be but it was redacted too and in this case as you can guess there was no right just anger over that from the republicans apparently some redactions or more problematic than others usually when a republican is talking about transparency they want the democrats to be transparent democrats and republicans tend to bring up popular issues like transparency near an election but the fact is what it matters they have nothing to say about transparency and the. us as a major history of major transparency blunders if republicans were serious about transparency they would start with themselves but the simple fact is the republican party and the democratic party have pushed a lack of transparency in such extreme ways one simple and basic example is the ways in which they have restricted freedom of press for the military actions that have now been going on for nearly seventeen years they have are accusing the press
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out there preventing proper reporting and what this is doing is preventing the american people from actually knowing what's going on in these areas. spain will now organize special senses to identify migrants is part of a new emergency plan approved by the government as the number of new arrivals in the country is jumped is a video that was posted on social media you can see a boat arriving at the beach in the southern city of kiddies at one point susan makes landfall those migrants head off in different directions as fast as they can a lot of the authorities in spain though seem to be downplaying the extent of the problem. we're talking about twenty thousand migrants so far this year for a country of more than forty million inhabitants that's not mass migration the number of migrants that arrived in spate in the last six months equals the whole of twenty seventeen in fact but it's not only spain that is under pressure from an influx of refugees italy comes a close second the numbers there are expected to grow further now want to tally in
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charity to published a report on migrant children being sexually exploited when they arrive in the country. when we arrived at the last italian station we realized that we cannot get on the train to germany because it's guarded by police to check not only tickets but also the documents for all travelers not knowing what to do we asked for help from a compassionate at the station waiting for another nigerian the man offered to help and said he would child to me in exchange for sexual services. during the trip i was kidnapped my brother was killed in the attempt to free me it was horrible since then i have been alone with my father's friend before continuing the journey subjected me to do ritual and abuse me i was not even eighteen but when we arrived needle this man we need to clear i was nettled and his wife after escaping from my father's friend they began abusing me days of terror when i did nothing but think how to survive. according to save the children in italy almost two thousand girls
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have been sexually exploited in exchange for food and shelter hundred sixty of them are children others in the pretended to be adults will just recently turned eighty two political analysts were office says that europe's incapable of solving the own going migration crisis i think in subject object situation. when you have to handle many incoming refugees it's hard to determine. actually what is the present age what is the real nature of the migrant the whole migrant system and the way how the authorities take care of those on the rebel migrants all girls. under age of eighteen is very alarming. really for that rate risk to come to europe is whole situation shows that the migration to europe is a human tragedy policymakers in the european union and the national states
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they are largely failing to solve this problem. the u.s. has confirmed its armed drones have been operating in the west african country of niger for more than six months though it's not yet known if carried out in these strikes with them. in coordination with the government of knees year u.s. africa command has armed intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft already in the share to improve our combined ability to respond to threats and other security issues in the region armed iris our aircraft began flying in early twenty eight teen the u.s. military presence in the country was expanded recently because of concerns about an increase in militants the decision to deploy the unmanned aircraft was made last year after long negotiations we're waiting actually for comment from both the us and authorities in the air about it meantime more generally drone strikes of played a key role in the so-called war on terror of course which the u.s.
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to cleared after the nine eleven attacks the u.s. has carried out strikes on militant groups in afghanistan pakistan somalia and yemen but drone strikes have also resulted in numerous civilian casualties in every country involved with up to two hundred being killed in yemen alone. and that. was more from a saudi dot com of course as the run of the newsroom so far this tuesday morning my name is kevin know it more for me in thirty minutes thanks for watching this update and more great programs for you lined up after the break as well so stay with us
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you can. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. the idea of spending money to acquire region to acquire territory to acquire wealth is an oxymoron there there's no more wealth to acquire the ecosystem is collapsing . the economy is flooded with worthless paper and the species is migrating over to the digital sphere these are b. these networks and platforms people are uploading their minds into cyberspace and hope to become king morkel so every dollar spent on defense every dollar spent by
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the pentagon is a wasted dollar it's a one thousand eight hundred seventeen sixteenth century mindset it's completely antiquated and it's utterly worthless. and. this is boom bust broadcasting around the world today we're coming to you from new york city for a jam packed show which includes professor of economics america's university of massachusetts amherst richard wolfe plus we look again it hacking and from an
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interesting angle with r.t. correspondent trinity charges plus we're also joined by the c.e.o. of kony says limited tom hoffman to find out about a new crypto currency and monetary system all that ahead but with so much we get right to it. to help get an economist perspective on some of the issues of the day we are once again pleased to be joined by professor of economics of marriages that university massachusetts amherst richard will professor thank you so much for being with us again and it's good to be with you in person to be here. so you know you talk about trade all the time and we're in the middle of all these trade wars and we get all caught up in sort of the issues of the day and what did the president tweet and who to offend this day or the next but give us a little perspective sort of a primer on trade over the years and the use of tariffs but basically a tariff is a tax and it's the government deciding to put a tax on something and parentheses it's kind of interesting that republicans who
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normally tell us that they're against taxes are now busily pushing taxes it's just a tax that's designed to shape the trade so for example if you tax good coming in from another country that has a particular name called the tower it's just the name of that kind of tax so why do you do that to protect the american company producing that good inside the united states from the competition abroad if the people abroad can make the quality better or the price lower that americans will buy that good and to protect the businesses here who might be producing something not so good at the high price you put it tower of because it it doesn't level the playing field it tilts it but of course it's never admitted that way it's always said as the president is doing that the field was already tilted and by my doing it i'm bringing it back into balance in
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order to know whether he's telling the truth or not you would really have to know the details which are not public about how this is done what it costs to produce them over there and what it costs here so it's a murky area but the bottom line is it's a tax meant to manipulate the conditions under which goods are sold across countries boundaries you know it's very interesting when you talk about well republicans of traditional you know they're against taxes and and i guess that's been at least a montra but they're also in favor of free. markets and you know they're not free when you have protectionist policies like this so it's a directly at odds with you know the values that they espouse let's talk about one particular area and this is been in the news lately the auto industry which frankly of all the folks out there they've really been frontal in opposition to wall street journal had a full page ad last week and they say we appreciate your efforts but you really are wrong on this that it's going to cost jobs not just in the short term but the
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longer term and car prices are going to go up but these haven't worked out over the past tariffs on autos give us some history on that yes the united states was a leader in the automobile industry so in the early years when it was really developing that we had a better build out automobile production system we were in favor of free trade because we wanted the world to be the market for what americans were good at producing but as always happens after a while other countries wanted to get in on this japanese companies german companies they wanted also to get the profits of a world that was becoming more and more dependent on automobiles so they did what countries have always done in that circumstance they protected their little market from the american onslaught because we were the most efficient producing the lowest price the ford motor company famous in that and the best quality but they caught up by putting the tower if by the way the united states caught up to britain after we
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thought being a colony of theirs by putting tower of in this country so we could build up if the in economics it's called the infant industry or so it was so what so what we left we left england because of tariffs and then we after a while said you know what we'll have some of our own absolutely to protect us in the one nine hundred seventy s. the japanese and the germans became better at producing cars there's no nice way to say it otherwise that's the truth that's what americans discovered we were very good at producing boats with four wheels. yes they were but they were better the japanese primarily producing efficient effective cars as you say at a cheaper price for a cheaper price and that with the germans with v.w. and so on so what happened the one nine hundred seventy s. was suddenly the american automobile industry had real competitors and they didn't want to face them because they would lose profits in the free market so suddenly their commitment to free market order that various dinners when they get up and
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give a speech threw out the window and they got what's called quotas in the one nine hundred seventy s. the united states threatened tariffs on the japanese particularly and in exchange for not getting the tower of put on them the japanese agreed to what's called a quota system they would not send more than a certain number of japanese vehicles to the united states in any given year people may remember there were times when the if you wanted to buy a honda you went to your hundred dealer and you signed up on a waiting list because you had to wait for the company the next year to get it where they have a quota right all that quota is an alternative to a tariff it has the same purpose of protecting now here is the most important story about cars back in the one nine hundred sixty s. the united states which was having a fight with europe about protecting each other's industries decided to levy a tariff on trucks ok that tariff twenty five percent
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a look talk and a big tax on any truck made outside the united states that they bring in. that made trucks in this country wildly profitable because it meant that ford g.m. chrysler could jack up the price of their trucks because they didn't have to face competition since the book person outside bring it in would have to lop another twenty five percent on ok that's been in effect for the last half a century the notion of the united states as some innocent that is suffering from the arabs of others is a pretense game the only reason from can get away with it is people don't know and the mainstream media have a hard time confronting granted he says so many things i know it's difficult but nonetheless here is an example of a really gross situation americans didn't fall in love with a truck. americans love their trucks because it's very profitable to produce a truck the most profitable product the g.m. and ford have but they don't have it because they're good at trucks they have it
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because there's a protective tariff that has been imposed that prevents japanese and german and italian and other companies from bringing the trucks in here so there's a little bit of fakery here a theater of even steven but it isn't the truth at all a little bit maybe an understatement before we go to another subject i do want to get to another one but where do you see this ending all these trade wars or and as you say the theater surrounding it i think it's going to be a sad situation for mr trump because i think it's a hopeless quest let me explain it this way mr trump is trying to position himself as the champion make america great again by leveling the playing field he's basically saying i want to be able to sell goods in your country while i don't do allow you to do it here i want the terms improved for us at your expense now what other leader can do that if the recent may in england or mccraw in france or mrs
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merkel and in a germany if they went along with this if they caved in their own people would throw them out because they would be looked at as having given the way the conditions for their working people to enable mr trump to have an easier time politically in his country this is a not big i'm not going to work that out they'll be lots of verbiage and lots of cover to make it look like i've gotten concessions i notice he already began that talk today but the truth of it is this can't go this cannot work because the pressure inside these countries to get protection for an economy in trouble is too strong and the ability to force your trading partner to absorb all your costs that won't work either so i think he's going to be badly disappointed and it'll be a little bit like the affordable care act a big f. . lots of noise in verbiage but not much to show my last question is you know that he really mr trump built a coalition which is
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a tried and true coalition and that as you know business interests the large banks and others and fortune five hundred company executives on the one hand and also the political support the money and then you know conservative americans and nothing wrong with that but that does seem to be sort of falling apart why we mention the auto industry but there's a lot other business leaders do you think this is sustainable from a political perspective i know that's not exactly your area expertise but i imagine you have an opinion on it absolutely look the one concrete achievement put aside all the verbiage the one thing he did was the december two thousand and seventeen tax cut an enormous gift to the business community in this country and you're quite right that solidified their support they have no reason to be critical of him he delivered a bigger tax cut than they could have reasonably expected so he did that but in the meanwhile the mass of the people whose votes he needs let's call them the older
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whiter traditional american working class they're still waiting for the big delivery of jobs of incomes of a great america again that's real or make believe we'll never know they haven't gotten their goodies so where is he going to get it for them all right he wants to take wealth from other parts of the world by changing the trading arrangements they're not going to let him do that well what's left for him he's not going to tax the rich he's one of them he's helping them and that's too late for that there's one thing left which is to really whack the poor people of this country to take away the government supports the government programs for them in order to move some of that to the people who back them i think he's going to try to do that i think you already see in the cut backs of course the board in these budget proposals you see that underwear. ok but that threatens to make the mass of the americans a bottom sixty sixty five percent of our people very angry very bitter and if you
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motivate them if you agitate them then mr trump it will be history very quick so he's in a very tough spot and i think his desperation his tweets aura flexion that after all the fakery of the language he's we'll options are not looking very good sobering but very informative thank you pressure richard wolffe appreciate being with you in person thank you very much for the opportunity. hacking has become a grim reality over the past few decades a new methods are being developed and deployed all the time however in modern times new targets have come into scope to take a deeper dive into the tech security industry we hand things over to our t. correspondent treated each other. experts are warning can say worse and corporation
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