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tv   News  RT  August 1, 2018 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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these days that i know you know and you know it's amazing this article we were talking about last night just how much it's completely based on interviews with me on hearsay and this is the thing that everybody then started repeating and the tweets are coming one or two missiles are making one or two missiles even though i never said that the fact that the report or the article claims that it just doesn't even like claiming that their missiles are the currently being constructed as false according to the very images and assessments in the article so they claim the the article claims that the reports suspect those buildings are still being used for possible all for the us because they see people and trucks near the buildings while people in trucks. move clear buildings like i would imagine there would be i can't imagine that we're suddenly just decide to like oh well let's take all the trucks home and leave a nucular building where you want to be one way that they want energy to just empty the public we're going to dismantle all the stuff that apparently magically is
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supposed to dismantle its cell and the. satellite launching station is in the process of being dismantled according to both unnamed again intelligence sources by the washington post piece claims that this is only symbolic and that it can all be rebuilt in a matter of months roads this really don't trust the fact that it is being dismantled the facility has not been confirmed as a site for uranium enrichment by european intelligence services or other agencies and yet the broad consensus among u.s. intelligence agencies that. is one of at least two secret enrichment plants i remember them broad consensus is broad consensus is we're all over the story overboard back in the old let's go into iraq and saddam had w m d's i remember that very clearly remember it was seventeen intelligence and yes which by the way if you believe that each one of those intelligence agencies really assess to the issue then the geospatial made them feel. also you would think if that's the person
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you're going like well of. course could you want the liquid satellite imagery is i going to help i want to ask you that or tyrol one of the things that keeps getting brought up about this is this sort of cornucopia of contradiction. is the idea that well north korea's never going to give up their nuclear weapons are not going to totally disarm which they were not totally disarmed but they're not going to do any of this because that would mean that regime change is on the table considering that like regime change has been a failure and every single attempt by the u.s. government. well you. know i mean it's ridiculous of a regime change in north korea now be because we don't i don't believe even if we went in and let's say we bombed the hell out of north korea to remove him from power we're not in any capacity to rebuild that country around any capacity to reeducate you know the people living there we don't have the patience for it you saw with iraq we don't have the patience to rebuild iraq in any meaningful way you
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know and that's why regime change doesn't work and that's why you have to read between the lines when you see stories like this at the end of the. hour as we go to break our quarters don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we cover the base because your poll shows that r.t. dot com coming up author and speaker of the watkins joins us to discuss the controversy surrounding n.b.a. superstar le bron james and the opening of a new school in his hometown can't believe that's controversial stay tuned for watching the office. is a. secret indeed catholic priests accused of sexually abusing
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children can get away with it literally i like to call this to do graphic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot where the previous standard is not the highest ranks of the catholic church conceal the accused priests from the police and justice system to that end i just know that as the i and then i think you really have to do. this. was.
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a gifted professional athlete uses his fame and wealth to help out those less fortunate in his hometown we've probably seen this headline about a thousand times without the slightest whiff of controversy but apparently if that gifted athlete is n.b.a. superstar le bron james and donald trump as president this feels these feel good headline is now overshadowed by the firebrand partisan politics that dominate the political discourse today you see because despite opening a brand new elementary school in his hometown of akron ohio for over two hundred out risk kids the headline of the day has now become le bron james blastoma trump for using sport to divide the country why well because c.n.n. and don lemon choose to ask the brought about politics rather than schools you see jenkins along with a host of other professional athletes have spoken out against us president almost from war with that of all players of the national anthem which caused fox news host laura ingram and infamously. this is what happens when you attempt to leave high
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school a year early to join the n.b.a. and it's always on wise to get political advice from someone who gets paid one hundred million dollars a year to bounce a ball oh and le bron and kevin they're great players but no one voted for you millions elected trump to be their coach so keep the political commentary to yourself or as someone once said shut up and dribble. other things i can't shut up but joining us now to discuss james and what it says about the state of our infrastructure we need sports stars to help fund elementary schools is an author an educator you want. to go visit as well. i don't mean racism to yourself or you just shut up so before we begin to. speak well dribbling. what does that say about the state of the country that kids
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in poor communities now need professional athletes to come and help them build proper schools and get the proper education number one bron james is a global hero this isn't his first time stepping up in government should be gone and let's not forget he's the guy who had to program a two thousand and eleven will's educational will as a will is what education when he got kids bikes who are actually getting good grades in school he also brought the kids into school school supplies. to computers also the same guy who used his money from dribbling a basketball to send a thousand kids to college now he has this school where everyone who graduates from this was going to go to college there's also going to have an extended school day it's also going to get a job placement for their parents so he's actually fixing the whole community so anybody that would have anything negative to say about that or who would take the
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time to bring up something like corny right now current political climate in a good few presidents. just a little for clicks yeah and i got to say it's sort of amazing that people are focused on it isn't just laurie ingram it isn't just like fox on the right it's c.n.n. and imus and we see you running down that same thing anyways which is why and so she's right she didn't try to leave high school yes not true i don't know what do you talking about it's larry's to me one hundred. million dollars well. but there's something that's just weird to me that it's such a setting. that you do that why you know first of all he doesn't just shut up and do anything especially from a woman like that. doesn't this kind of d.n.a. doesn't this kind of like put a blow to the whole just shut up and drive all crowd when you see that he's actually going out it's like hair i'll build a school doesn't that sort of throw in the face of everything they say that you
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don't do anything get out of politics and he's like literally writing checks and has a receipt for someone to lure in a room so i understand he also poured a lot of his money into this project himself this isn't coming from like taxpayers money from taxpayers and other people so that's one to ten minutes at the top of his profession he's an american citizen as a tax and a taxpayer he's a person who has a right to vote and the right to voice his opinion so it's like if you go back to the same very system that would even give you the best of the in the news station that's silly to sit back and let somebody say that he doesn't deserve the talk like that's why it is slavery braces i'm one of the one that's discussed and if you want to be a good person if you want to be a broom use person then you should step up and say well you know what that's all it is gonna shut up and dribble but this guy is actually making his community a better place i've actually made nothing a better place not my career and not what i'm doing with my life. and that's and that's the thing it's very easy for people to kind of sit back and throw darts and throw arrows you know that's
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a that's an easy thing that the society does and you see that across the political spectrum everybody likes to throw shots you know and it but it's you can't do that when someone is putting their money where their mouth is le bron stand up and do that you can disagree with how well run plays basketball you can disagree with how the broad sense which is teams every four years but at the end of the day as a kid you know leader i just got to say that i just think as a community leader he's stepping up but what's interesting is this this idea of asked to leave score celebrity speaking out and being political. standing up you have mohammed ali standing up saying i'm not going to go to the vietnam war you know they ended up getting his title and championship away this is old this is an old dance in the united states why do you believe there's such pushback against people who are quote unquote in the political sphere or are lawyers or bankers or businessmen who step up and say even if it's right or left or whatever the politics are but who do step up and say not a problem with this and i'm going to call you out politically for it like why is
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there such pushback against that i never thought i would say this like you know maybe they're discriminating against him because he actually makes money on these black and he makes money because joe the plumber got a whole segment he was a good speller but i mean it's joe the plumber a guy who got on t.v. and and made up things about his business and things that he was doing that he actually wasn't doing that he actually was a position to do and this guy became a fox news superstar right now you have a person who's actually you know who who you know if you could back to come on they love him because you know everything he makes and does it's public record. he shouldn't be speaking you know because we need to know what george a plumber has to say like i said it's all said and the stress out of the negative attention distracts away from the fact that you know this young person who. didn't have you know the best upbringing remember where he came from remember the problems that he had as a young student and has done something to change the narrative and so many athletes
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who are watching this they're going to step up and you're going to they're going to they're going to figure out what they want to do to make a difference to what this is how we how we build community and we needed now more than ever because of. education secretary how that seed of all those knows nothing about education and she ran a string of failed charter schools in michigan but yet she gets a chance to you know create education policy and she doesn't know nothing good is that's the interesting thing about it is like i was asking this like it's so weird to be living in your cunt. we were you see celebrities doing more to better situations than you see your own country i mean even say a lot of people don't like sean penn but he actually went down to haiti and did a lot for the country and the poet in the post hurricane and built a company that now goes around the world doing that le bron james other people i hope that i hope that fellow you mentioned probably is one of them as i hope for is that there's a compact there's huge competition between athletes right now would be great then if you suddenly see them trying to topple a brawn yet built their elementary school we don't know much about the college i'm
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going to be amazing but it does say something horrible about the state of our country right now trying to come back with some university or the other we have these are as i have there are a lot but i think part of it is when you have a celebrity president that sort of brings that up that everybody like all celebrities are bad so they're all trying to run to fix certain things but at the end of the day this is one of those situations where. he didn't just throw some money in something you didn't just show up to cut a ribbon you know this is a really wild. project for that specific plate it really it isn't just this whole like you know whatever i'm just going to go and build a park so the bronze school the i promise school it opens monday for two hundred forty third and fourth graders and the school expand sort of year by year and get bigger and bigger i think as they can make grow until it's by two thousand and twenty it will be grades one through a. so you know we look at this this broad versus trump and like this idea of
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a you know laura graham side you know what he was a millions of people voted for and as if the rest of us who didn't vote rahm all stop and say that he still lost the popular vote you know i'm like you see even millions did but millions more actually about a year later and so you know it's one of those things but do you think this is a cultural problem or a news problem is this some probably right or left political issue or is this just is this infection of news i'm not going to blame news i'm going to blame i'm going to blame racism because it says you know shut up and dribble was code word is called words monkey they said we don't know what that means going to she she made the point to call them both unintelligent like she made a point this is a these things that i feel like if tom brady bill at the school she would have a different tone i completely you know is the term supported us up in the air like i hear he is here to use it i don't know but i'm saying that if tom brady built the school he would be a hero it would be the best thing that ever happened but because it's le bron james
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and because he's not a fan of the president like most americans aren't that's proven yeah you know it becomes like this ridiculous discussed and problem it is it is and i think that we're letting politics get in the way of that's the problem like you're you've got somebody who stepped up and said look i have more than i ever could possibly need you know if money was going to give back to my community and now you have the person being ostracized now for that action i don't think anyone is going to come out and said. well you shouldn't go to school but any time even then they change so they change the conversation to be about politics in the good nor the fact of what he's done for this community and that other people should also be picking up that mantle in any way you can you know that's the biggest thing we all have to give back in any way we can and we don't i mean we don't have the brown money wish it did but i'm still going to try to give a little extra dollars to the folks on the street that i walk by in the morning who need it i mean i mean as i think you have to do you do what you can and whether that's buying books for schools or you know giving a little bit to help artists as they're growing and things like that there's these
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little things that we can do and if you have millions you should be doing things like building schools not giving millions to politicians yeah. thank you so that's my thing i think of a small overhead as a cultural problem to an extent and we would rather put money in a politician than in a school in a community that's that that's a really good point yeah the deal walking is always a pleasure having you want to talk about this always go but i want to everybody on next week. so a joint study between the university in st petersburg russia and the laser in central institute in hanover germany a theoretical physicist tested how the great pyramids of giza would interact with electromagnetic waves and while their findings launch anyone who sees and will see in season one of ancient aliens it is surprising the science community it seems that the pyramids are capable of concentrating electromagnetic energy within the inner chambers and within its base these findings mean that the great pyramids of
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giza could ultimately help scientists create new kinds of nano particles that could be used to produce highly efficient solar panels and sensors far beyond what we have available today just think we might learn the key to clean energy from a forty five hundred year old four hundred fifty six foot stack of rocks that's. but labeled until now until now turns out that a structure believed to be a place for the dead is probably the key to life on earth and i can't believe it's coming true you are right i have to live is pretty incredible right that is are so predict they will number everyone in this world we are told that we are loved and so i tell you all i love you i am so i rolled into that on top of what keep on watching those hawks out there and over great everybody.
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but it was supposed to some of us there was a. but it. looks like a split. last time we chased. each one of them carrying twenty kilos of drugs. first offense to. the others that they just kept going through. is the very real i mean i'm a little mundane boy they insisted this is for me. i like it when. i don't see a porno they don't get
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a make or. break right. now well. the idea of spending money to acquire region. to acquire territory to acquire wealth is an oxymoron there is no more wealth to acquire the ecosystem is collapsing the economy is flooded with worthless paper and the species is migrating over to the digital sphere feasibly these networks and platforms people are uploading their minds into cyberspace and hope to be comping more coal so every dollar spent on defense every dollar spent by the pentagon is a wasted dollar it's a nineteenth eighteenth seventeenth sixteenth century mindset it's completely antiquated and it's utterly worthless.
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protests against the immigration and customs enforcement agency take place across the u.s. but have met by supporters of president trumps in requests from policy. it's revealed the manchester arena palmo was rescued from war torn libya by the british navy three years before he killed twenty two people. in spain adopts new emergency measures to control the flow of refugees into europe while anytime the entirety claims migrant children are being sexually abused the man offered to help and said he would challenge for me in exchange for sexual services going alone with my father's before continuing the journey subjected me to
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a rude and abusive. thank you for watching the news here toss the international broadcasting live from moscow. new protests against ice immigration and customs enforcement have taken place in many u.s. cities yet some turned to protest as could be seen on the streets carrying signs saying god for trump. opened reports. now behind me here in new york there are protesters who are calling for the abolition of the immigration and customs enforcement agency now these protesters are part of a national why campaign all over the country protesters are demanding that this one force an agency that enforces u.s. immigration law be abolished now in many cities around the country these protests have gotten rather contentious with trump supporters and those calling for the
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abolition of ice getting pretty pretty confrontational towards each other let's review some of what's taken place. right now are. we restoring. our our our. was the guy hi hi hi hi. so in the city of portland oregon outside the headquarters of the immigration customs enforcement agency he had protests that took place for a month now the protesters frequently they were outside the building lots of rowdy protests there and then at that point you had members of the ice agency who were saying that they felt threatened by the protesters they were saying the protesters are blocking the entrance to the building that they were menaced by the protesters
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they called the police pretty frequently so then you had the mayor of portland basically telling the police department this is ted wheeler the mayor of portland oregon telling the police department not to respond to ice is calls now ted wheeler is a democrat and ted wheeler has said that he is very disappointed in donald trump's immigration policy in this case i have consistently stated that i do not want the portland police bureau endangered in securing federal property but the house is a federal agency with its own federal police force ted we'll. here is the mayor of portland oregon which is one of the many cities that are being described as what you call sanctuary cities that are not cooperating with federal immigration officials they're basically defying the federal government not cooperating with it now u.s. attorney general just sessions has ordered the sanctuary cities all across the united states to start complying with the federal immigration officials but they're
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refusing to do so let's kind of take an overview about how heated the immigration debate is getting in the united states is our duty to see every human being as a human being not in a way and all the words they use is so racist it's so unfair and i'm sorry i have no sympathy for them they chose this as their job and ice has been terrifying more people than they are being terrified i'm sorry they're taking kids captive some people are saying that like these immigration policies are dividing the country tearing the country up trump is dividing america what do you say to those people i'm saying trump is doing what's necessary to make this a country under obama we didn't have a border we had a welcome at people protesting do on their opinions heard they do want action taken they do want. the families worse of unseparated to be reunited. and honestly if the agents aren't there is
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a respect thing that something definitely does need to be done about the organization as a whole. this school blog brian logan says the mainstream media has contributed to the ongoing hysteria surrounding the agency i think he will see more conversations like this this is not anything new this is going on for a little wow ever since chuck got elected and he's people are totally irrational and they're driving it largely by the mainstream media because it immediate talks about over here in the states is ice is evil ice is corrupt defended separation must stop so regular everyday people there on our phone no data get no say to get sugar and they go out there and do these things largely because they're being programmed to do so so as long as the mainstream media is complicit in days you can continue to see more things like this unfortunately. british media reports claim the manchester arena suicide bomber was rescued from war torn libya by the british navy three years before his terror attack blasted the ariana grande
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a pop concert killed twenty two people the youngest an eight year old girl. reports . well according to media reports here in the u.k. three years before that deadly attack in manchester someone a baby had been rescued by the british government from libya it was part of an operation to rescue british citizens he was taken aboard a royal navy ship and taken to molt from where he reportedly then got a flight back to the u.k. and he'd been rescued by the british government even though he had been under the surveillance of the domestic intelligence agency head that's m i five now in terms of a baby's background he was born in the u.k. but a libyan parent so he was a british citizen but in two thousand and eleven a baby's parents moved to join the uprising against the government of
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gadhafi and his father was thought to have been fighting in a terrorist group called the ally f.g. the libyan islamic fighting group and a baby was thought to sort of shuttled back and forth between the u.k. and libya for a number of years but he was thought to have been in libya in the summer of two thousand and fourteen and at that point the civil war had got increasingly violent and so british officials made this offer to evacuate british nationals from the country that's how a baby ended up being rescued and by the time of his rescue emery five had stopped monitoring him and the implication therefore is that he was simply considered safe to return back to the u.k. that was reiterated to us by the today in a statement they told us that sort of the government inquiry into what led up to
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the manchester attack it found that the decision to start monitoring a baby in two thousand and fourteen found on the basis of. the information available at the time and although they didn't mention a bady by name in this statement to us they did confirm that the operation to rescue british citizens from libya in two thousand and fourteen took place during verity roots in security situation in libya in two thousand and fourteen but the force officials were deployed to assist with the regulation of british nationals and their dependents and i think what the government has been keen to point out is that that decision to close the case and invade in two thousand and fourteen based on the information they had at the time the point they're making there is that no one could have known back then that upon his return to the u.k. he would go on to start this sort of downward spiral of radicalization that word
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culminate with that horrific attack at the area on the ground a concert in manchester arena last may. spain is going to establish special centers to identify migrants it's part of an emergency plan after a short rise in the number of new arrivals this video was posted online showing a boat landing at a beach in the southern city of cardio the migrants then run off in different directions after making the dangerous journey across the mediterranean. well the number of illegal migrants arriving in spain by boat in the last six months almost equals the entire number in twenty seventeen other countries are also under pressure italy comes a close second the numbers are not predicted to slow down even some of those who successfully make the journey face further dangers in europe a charity in italy says refugee children are being sexually abused when they arrive there they also say youngsters are being exploited in return for basic food and
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shelter. when we arrived at the last italian station we realize that we cannot get on the train to germany because it's guarded by police they check not only tickets but also the documents for all travelers not knowing what to do we asked for help from a compassionate at the station waiting for another nigerian girl the man offered to help and said he would child to me in exchange for sexual services. during the trip i was kidnapped my brother was killed in the attempt to free me norse horrible says that i have been alone with my father's friend will be for continuing the journey subjected me to riccio and abuse me i was not even eighteen but when we arrived meekly this man may need to play or i was mental and his wife after escaping from my father's friends they began abusing me days of terror but i did nothing but think how to survive. well according to the save the children charity or most two thousand migrant go.


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