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tv   News  RT  August 1, 2018 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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the thing that we could expect if were if we're at four point one now get to the end of the year is it two is it three well i think that there is a high possibility that we actually see a three percent annual figure which really would be extraordinary given how slow this recovery has been but again i think the fed is going to try and focus more on what happens after the third quarter what happens going into the fourth quarter i mean as you just mentioned campaign promises can be whatever campaign promises can be i mean look at what the italians promised all of their people craziness but just the same going further out past this year look at it this way i'm in new york today bart if wall street firms have begun to budget for a recession to hit in the year twenty twenty that really means that they're internally budgeting for twenty nineteen there is no way that i think we can completely eradicate the business cycle so there will be slowing at some point in the next twelve months in my view and that's why i think they have these estimates
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of one point eight so two questions on that one is and this is not a reflection on this president or any other president i mean the demographics just aren't there you've got folks like me the baby boomers were getting older we're we're not in the workforce and so and then we were choir the rest of the economy to support retirees so the impact on growth has got to be negative just on the demographics right. well the demographics are certainly not supportive of growth going forward the last time that we went into a downturn in two thousand and eight the entire baby boomer population had a lot more optionality than they have today they were able to say you know what i'm going to stay in the workforce for another decade now we see the outer edge of the one nine hundred forty six birth year turning seventy two this year so this is the same optionality is simply not there which means that there's going to be a drag as they start to take pull at their retirement assets they'll be a drag on the stock market they'll be a drag on public pensions so these are things that cannot be argued that this was
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the largest generation in u.s. history and it will take some money a lot of money to finance all of them millions of them in retirement that's super interesting about they don't have the option ality i know a lot of people they said with the economic downturn i got to go back to work you know they came out of retirement they don't have that option now or least a lot of them don't but let me ask you about another impact on g.d.p. the tax cut you got to say it's helped you know companies do some investing there's a arguing about too many stock buybacks but that's also going to fade over time right i mean that's sort of a sugar high won't be there for too long will it. well that is one of the concerns going forward i mean there's only one time that you can bring money back on shore there's only one huge boost to share buybacks companies also have to consider that they're buying their shares at extremely high valuations and that they're not as shareholder friendly activities as they used to be and again to your point if you're speaking about the long term viability of this economic recovery which is
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art of the second longest in u.s. history you're talking about companies becoming very aggressive with capital expenditures and yet they're c.f.o. as their chief financial officers are whispering in their ear there's an economic slowdown in the making so be careful about what you do and don't invest going forward again i think we just have to be prepared for what is and navigable regardless of who's in the white house yeah i agree with you but we will watch if we get to three percent growth that would be the first time since two thousand and five so we appreciate you keeping us informed and always providing insightful things like you gave us today the c.e.o. of quill intelligence danielle de martino both thank you did you know thank you bart. and time now for a quick break but hang here because when we return know what chan tells us how our smart t.v.'s might be too smart for our own good and early spying on us or maybe the better question is how much are they buying want to see if you're going to want to see this plus how will disney leverage the assets and attributes of twenty first
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century fox with the deal about to go down i sat down the other day with in new york with steve walz bergen we have his lofty learned and always entertaining take as we go to break here the numbers at the closing bell the tech heavy nasdaq climbing back today gaining half a percent overall we're right back. some people come. down. they use indigenous people as you know we that the. people of the plant trees.
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mostly and say that's only behind but. out of a sudden the man just. can't believe be there was a time. i said i when entering it to me if they would not allow. me if they will shoot we. had all along a million million indeed i'm deaf and i think you need to be in doubt you could have been killed by new zealand and i think that i think i made it look a long time in the economy i used. match kaiser one for my guide to financial survival this is on a device used by professional scallywags to earn money. that's right these has
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flaws are simply not accountable and we'll just move onto them. totally destabilize the global economy you need to protect yourself and get informed watch hazard. and welcome back the foreign exchange unit of credit card company american express is under fire for allegedly baiting business clients with talk of favorable currency conversion rates then later changing to less favorable rates cyc the wall street journal reports that the practice was widespread within amex's foreign exchange unit since at least two thousand and four and i'm told earlier this year this year following the news breaking their stock took
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a big time hit in an internal memo american express leadership told employees quote if we find that we fell short of the mark we will fix the problems and take appropriate actions to make sure it doesn't reoccur the what appears to be an exchange rate swindle from my perspective reportedly targeted smaller and medium sized business clients a constituency that generates about twenty five percent of the card company's revenues and that amex has said they hope to dominate in the credit card space the scandal amex echo similar episodes of widespread malfeasance that other finance and credit firms including revelations of abusive sales practices that bad boy bank wells fargo. and irish air carrier ryan air is on the verge of a major labor conflict after two twenty four hours drive by its pilots base to dublin the strike days impacted a total of about sixty five hundred passengers and followed a vote by the irish airline pilots association to strike over personnel issues
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ground crews also stop working at least for ryan air hubs on the continent ryanair workers in germany voted on monday to strike and workers in the netherlands and dorset on the job actions earlier today now ryan air c.e.o. michael o'leary has escalated dispute with a threat to move jobs to poland if workers carry out another day of strikes which are a plan. for this friday august third a representative of italian ryanair workers spoke to reporters about the fight last week. the second has been organized to tell it to the ryanair that they have to negotiate a c.n.a. collective labor agreement by innocent cabin crew where can you tell me why the union says that the workers have to say. seven eleven franchisees say the corporate office of the u.s. convenience store chain is trying to force them into a very inconvenient new contract the york times reports that owners and operators
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of the chains ninety one hundred u.s. store locations say the main office new got contract offer would put many of them out of business store operators say that the japanese own chains corporate offers offices pressuring them to agree to a fifty thousand dollars renewal fee even though they have steadily lost profit share to the home office since get this two thousand franchisees say their profits are reduced by requirements to stock store brand versions of best selling items that offer hot food items that generate profit for the home office but just add to the franchisees labor and waste costs the time sites u.s. regulatory filings that show annual profits at seven eleven chicago area stores are between three hundred fifty thousand and six hundred fifty thousand dollars. and south korean telecom giant samsung reported flat second quarter profits yesterday as a twenty percent downturn in mobile devices profits slow growth memory chips however
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kept the company level samsung accounts for one of every five smartphones globally although with prices for a new samsung phone at over one thousand dollars some consumers are not getting the newest versions as soon samsung is also a major maker of smart televisions and for years they have been number one manufacturer of smart televisions i have a few at least for now we're going to listen to this story beside our smart t.v.'s too smart for our own good and are they spying on us at home and at work our teens manila chan gives us some important unsettling news. over the past ten years homes have become smarter in the past year alone more than thirty nine million smart home devices were sold in the u.s. and according to industry insiders twenty seventeen saw about one hundred sixty eight million internet connected t.v.'s being used in america staggering numbers more than half the u.s. population have smart connected t.v.'s already to say the growth of connected devices are robust is an understatement and those smart t.v.'s have made our media
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viewing abilities more dynamic and customize it has also opened up a pandora's box of data being collected on you everything from what you watch to how long you watch it what you browse they can even glean your political leanings based on the t.v. news outlets you watch the t.v. manufacturers can then share that data with their business partners to better cure rate the perfect ads to show you last year smart t.v. maker busy zero settled more than two million dollars with the federal trade commission over software on some of its t.v.'s that collected data on consumers without their consent that's what's prompting two democratic senators ed markey of massachusetts and richard blumenthal of connecticut to ask the f.c.c. to investigate whether internet connected t.v.'s are invading consumer privacy citing quote any entity collecting and using sensitive information should comprehensively and concisely detail who will have access to that data how that data will be used and what steps will be taken to protect that information users
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should be given the opportunity to affirmatively can set to the collection and use of their sensitive information now legend legendary cyber security expert john mcafee had this to say about it and this would knock on effect of it all how do you know for example that the t.v. is spying on there. there are features for example that are coming out where simple hand gestures are enough to have the t.v. change the channel you know go up go down whatever so that you know if you fumbling around with the remote control so if you have a camera in the in the in the t.v. and the camera is is used for some purpose how on earth are you on another that is spying on you or not. this is issue i mean we had t.v. spying on us for years and i want to do until samsung funny admit it not just watching but listening to fact in the manuals i now have if you want to have a private conversation do not do it in front of the t.v. last year wiki leaks published vault seven which detailed malware created by the
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cia in cooperation with the u.k.'s m i five called weeping angel it could effectively use your smarts to listen to you even when you think your t.v. is off we asked john mcafee if he thought new legislation could hamper the threat here's what he said the government has all the power they have the enforcement they have the police they have the legislation and they can make more if that's not affected so that we have we have no power so while sales of smart t.v.'s and a host of other smart devices don't appear to be slowing down regardless of any cyber threats we'll see the internet of things become that much more tricky of a space to protect in washington village and r.t. . with the does the twenty first century fox deal seemingly done what assets and attributes will does the gain from fox and what will disney do with them here to
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give us his take is conservative t.v. and radio commentator steve malzberg steve thanks so much for being here we've discussed the media merger maddest before but what is it that disney's going to get from twenty first century fox that's really the most valuable deal first let's point out what they won't get a lot of people think oh disney is going to get the fox news channel that's not happening they're not getting the fox news channel they're not getting fox sports fox to port days or the big ten channel so that's that they're not getting but they have so much that they're going to get they're going to just be a giant the mouse is going to be a giant mouse they're getting going to twentieth century fox t.v. the simpsons and all the t.v. programs that go with that they did twenty first century fox they're getting national geographic they're getting access to international markets all throughout europe in asia and latin america television i mean they are just going to be they're huge now but they're this that's why there was such a fight over this because they it is a crown jewel fox was to both comcast and disney and disney is the winner so
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they're going to have a lot and it's going to benefit them in so many with different ways i don't know how this worked out but in late may i was down at disney world of florida and i went on the avatar right which is great the best ride i've ever been on but that's a does the product added avatar james cameron movie so much for how they have it but what other sorts of things x.-men i think of that are twenty first century fox own will be seeing rides etc does the of the x.-men i mean. can you measure planet of the apes all my go through some to ride with that i mean that they're going to they're going to be able to use so much of the dizzy of the acquisitions that their theme parks and of course let's not forget the merchandising i mean just like they did with star wars maybe that didn't work out so well but you know do. does is everything at the disney store and throughout their theme parks so they're going to have. fantastic for all the movies that you would that you don't know or don't know
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is associated with fox and owned by fox all of a sudden disney has them and this is good i mean they could open up you know special theme parks just for the fox acquisitions this is going to be huge let me ask you before we go sky the european pay t.v. service that does the own i think you told us before thirty nine percent something like that but comcast which bowed out of the effort to get does the really want sky and comcast needs sky what he thinks happening with that well you've got disney is going to get the thirty nine percent that fox owned of sky comcast will probably get the rest comcast would like to have it all now hulu went through is into this because who is basically own thirty percent between fox and comcast and disney it's split up there are third there are so maybe there's a trade people are talking about a swap in the works where comcast would give their remaining to disney their hulu shares to disney disney with their own all of hulu and then disney in return could
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give the sky shares that they got from fox to comcast and comcast would own all of sky so that seems to be what most people think will happen sky a pay t.v. service throughout the five countries with twenty five million subscriptions so it's a very important piece of property well we'll keep following that we appreciate you helping us steve malzberg thank you. well i told you we are jam packed so that's it for this time you could catch bombast on directv channel three twenty one dish network channel two a day or streaming twenty four seven on photo t.v. that the free t.v. app channel one thirty two or as always hit us up at youtube dot com slash boom bust r.t. or catch a next time. this is says harlan kentucky. we're all in this group the place
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you can walk very fine using. a co money city with almost no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the coal mines are said. and i was left to see these people the survivors of a world disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in a million years i would see that and it's happening it's happened. he said. the church secret indeed catholic priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it quite literally i like to call this the do
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graphic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot where the previous standard is not the highest ranks of the catholic church conceal the accused priests from the police and justice. so listen to that i'm just going to. conclude that it just is not in. itself it's from. the middle go to get. something to. eat. you eat.
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america's immigration agency claims police in portland refused to upset nine one one calls and come to their aid through violent protests against president trump's immigration. migrant group stops it's a book now in paris. the french capital we'll tell you more about that and also ahead a registration type crime that espionage crime and yet the media and the government some extra are treating it like an espionage the lawyer of maria putin that the russian woman accused of being a presentation to the u.s. tells me the case is being blown out of proportion. to south
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african comedian and presenter of the daily show trevor no it may top america's t.v. personalities job but some say its job scope way to for. a rule might be don't joke about something called her just say i mean i don't know if there's any rules but i stay away from. good morning this is house international with me kevin i just turned eleven i am in moscow first than in the u.s. no nine one one the help for you if you were the immigration and customs enforcement agency the police in portland oregon are accused of refusing to respond to some of merge and see calls from ice agents who say they needed assistance to handle violent protests against their agency it's facing a huge backlash from the way it handles migrants right now within a ball as the ice movement staging protests across the country caleb maupin reports
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from one of them these protesters are part of a national why i campaign all over the country protesters are demanding that this one force an agency that enforces u.s. immigration law be abolished. be ok. as the trump administration has pursued what i believe is a deeply in laurel and haphazard policy that fundamentally the tres american values obviously that's unacceptable and the american people expect better i am today calling on the architect of this humanitarian disaster department of homeland security secretary curious to nielsen to step down so in the city of portland oregon outside the headquarters of the immigration customs enforcement
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agency you had protests that took place for a month now the protesters frequently they were outside the building lots of rowdy protests there and then at that point you had members of the ice agency who were saying that they felt threatened by the protesters they were saying that the protesters of blocking the entrance to the building that they were menaced by the protesters they called the police pretty frequently so then you. ad the mayor of portland basically telling the police department not to respond to isis calls i've consistently stated that i do not want the portland police bureau endangered in securing federal property but the house is a federal agency with its own federal police force and ice has been terrifying more people than they are it's being terrified i'm sorry they're taking kids captive this is our duty to see every human being as a human being not in a way and all the words they use is so racist it's so unfair and i'm sorry i have no sympathy for them they chose this as their job ted wheeler is the mayor of
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portland oregon which is one of the many cities that are being described as what you call sanctuary cities that are not cooperating with federal immigration officials they're basically defying the federal government not cooperating with it now u.s. attorney general jeff sessions has ordered the sanctuary cities all across the united states to start complying with the federal immigration officials but they're refusing to do so some people are saying that like these immigration policies are dividing the country tearing the country up trump is dividing america what do you say to those people i'm saying trump is to wing what's necessary to make this a country under obama we didn't have a border we had a welcome mat. yet people protesting do want their opinions heard they do want action taken they do want. their families were separated to be reunited these illegal and he has come to get everything for
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free out of my tax dollars ok how do you think about that. political blogger brian logan told us refusal to protect ice agents from harassment could indeed be seen as a violation of u.s. constitution. every person has their right as a u.s. citizen so they're breaking the law they're breaking the constitution they case in which they're talking about is is to run on ice ages walking into being harassed by protesters the local police super model of the protest and where the dane making a federal government come in india put boots on the ground i think the regular police would be a much better alternative then haven't a federal police come in and try to protect the streets. more conversations like this is not anything new this is be going on for a little wow ever since chuck got elected and he's people are totally irrational
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and they're driven largely by the mainstream media as long as the mainstream media is complicit if you continue to see more things like there's unfortunately. a volatile atmosphere in one paris district forcing a migrant group to end its crucial work there according to volunteers the areas know so unsafe even minimum security measures are being met the gruesome working in the area for almost two years distributing more than two hundred fifty thousand meals and supplies along the way she reports. in paris is a gritty eighteenth hante small town hundreds of my clients clustered together on the streets they gather here as it's where food is distributed by a local farmer to agree but after twenty minutes. wilson looks set to close its doors saying they just can't take any more sausage it's become more tense we're serving around seven hundred breakfasts every day to migrants who live in terrible conditions they have nothing not even tents they sleep on the ground and
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sometimes woken up by the police in the morning they kick them unused take us to move them so when they come to us they're stressed and nervous twice last week we had to stop serving food to let the tension calm down this is something new for us so yes we're starting my consider being expelled by police in this area and many times. phillipe tells me that despite this they come back and every time they do this situation becomes even more desperate from the beginning our mission was to serve hot drinks and bread and we've done this for twenty months every day during the last month we started questioning our mission as we day one i volunteered to be put in danger. who is to blame for this situation for not giving enough help to the migrants on the streets is this the mayor of paris is this the government of france . is all for us is both the state is responsible for people on the streets for taking in migrants at the same time the authorities in paris are restricting access
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to water taps in the summer is irresponsible they also have a responsibility towards the miners their miners who sleep on the street and in the camp of drug addicts me the state nor the parish administration is doing its job with the authorities not providing enough support the volunteers are giving up just a stone's throw away from haiti is an area known locally as crack hill that's also made things worse for those working to help the migrants felipe says that some of the drug addicts are also coming for food handouts and causing problems. the drug addicts are evacuated recently but nothing was done to help them and they came back to a now come for a break for this too it creates additional tension very aggressive including two other volunteers so this is an explosive situation. while we're recording the interview me the food distribution point to. individuals approach us all move you guys all ammo media which serves. and i was here i was the only.
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so every city. with some of the streets. below me were not filming at the scene but they just kept up with the cameras i believe let me take you back see this is the. exact i. think. more people are coming nothing is being done about it and there are the drug addicts as you saw it's impossible to film people here it's becoming more difficult than before we think the situation is explosive and a person is in real danger by shutting up shop so legality me call wilson know that they are cutting off a vital lifeline for fun ripple nicholas but as well as doing it out of concern for their volunteers they hope to move to prompt the authorities to stop ignoring the plight of migrants and force them to take action do you think ski r.t.
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paris. made headlines last month after being arrested in the u.s. for being a russian agent faces further allegations such as luring american money to russia r.t. america's spoke to a lawyer can tell you it's coming out very soon to an r.t. america's you tube channel. well i think if you read the indictment the case is alleged to be an agent over russia who failed to register with the attorney general and so essentially that means is they haven't charged with espionage and if you read the allegations against or know the allegations or anything spy like about it the sense of the government is conceding that even under their own theory if she had filed a piece of paper with the attorney general's office at the beginning of her trip to america everything she did was legal and so my point is this is more of a registration type crime than a crime and.


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