tv Boom Bust RT August 1, 2018 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT
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and force them to take action show that even ski altie paris. maria butch in the made headlines last month after being arrested in the u.s. for allegedly being a russian agent she now faces a further allegations such as learning american money to russia or to america have a chance to speak to her lawyer the full interview will soon be available on our to america's youtube channel. well i think if you read the indictment of the case she's alleged to be an agent over russia who failed to register with the attorney general and so essentially that means is they haven't charged with espionage and if you read the ganster know the allegations or anything spy like about it the sense of the government is conceding that even under their own theory it should fall the piece of paper with the attorney general's office at the beginning of her trip to america everything she did was legal and so my point is this is more of a registration type crime than a crime and yet the media and the government some extent are treating it like an
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espionage crime. well i mean i think that allegation was particularly damaging to maria because it makes it more like a spy novel and frankly easier for the public to digest and so editors and producers like those kind of allegations because it seems like this is more like the red sparrow and that was an allegation that was set forth in a proffer by the government meaning they did not produce evidence to back up that allegation at the time we're still waiting to see that and we're not sure it exists or exists in any meaningful form in the interim it's very hard to see your client kind of dragged through the mud like this which is why and try to push back on that . south african comedian and presenter of the daily show trevor no one has shot to the top of america's t.v. personalities chart that's based on popularity on social media platforms and television and it seems he has global appeal but for some people his jokes go
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beyond the pale. old woman of every race can be beautiful and i know some of you are sitting there not doing but i've never seen a beautiful aborigine but you know what you say you say yes that's to say yes because you haven't seen all of that right plus it's not always about looks maybe aborigine women do special things like jump on top of you. for to watch. for don't want the world cup for you want well. i mean look i get it i get it they have to say it's the french team but look at those guys who are guys you don't get that ten by hanging out in the south of france my friends.
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dancing. that was the stance. but it wasn't it was the police this is the miners and they wanted money and it was a sad situation no one really knows what happened but everyone has an opinion i like this that last joke has provoked a new wave of outrage on social media though it's been years since it was first cracked it's about the two thousand and twelve mary qana massacre when police in south africa killed dozens of people during a miners' strike someone twitter slammed him for using such provocative humor to build his career you know neal asked comedian john f. adonal and legal and media analyst lionel if there should be boundaries in comedy. comedy today is being infiltrated with these croyde ian screw ups these demented twisted angry sexually backwater we're forty and nightmare these these these pair of files who think it's funny to shock and to say
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something and whatever they say we're supposed to accept the reality is once we start letting these kind of p.c. monsters come into place and having like you know people decide what is you know what is tolerable and what is good we do cross a mess that we do cross a dangerous line and if somebody does a comedian does want to of their own volition apologize for a bit i think that that is ok like he did apologize for this the bit about saying you know aboriginal people are attractive to me everything is valid in terms of whether you call it humor or pekin commentary if you don't like it turn it off but a rule might be don't joke about something called a mass occur just saying i mean i don't know if there's any rules but i stay away from master curry humor let me tell you what bothers me and in addition to this and i'm no real big fan of trevor noah and that doesn't mean anything you know read
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anything into that how many years ago were some of these jokes is there a statute of limitations number one do we just dredge up stuff that's number one and number two i don't mind or i do mind should say when some people get away with things and some people don't who decides who gets away with what who gets to say you could say oh you could say it right that you are but you can't that's what bothers me we have to go back to the maracana musser in the way trevor joked about it let's again listen to a short clip. why didn't i use rabbit mornings i didn't use i'd say yes because those things don't work anymore. these are the whole wheat and they couldn't control people so that's come with ammunition for those guys had weapons plus i guess is a waste of time which strikers have ended because of tear gas when you have a little news that yeah it is a very you know disparate and you to kind of say something like that and then kind of have this thing you know i wrote say this was this was five years ago i was
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saying it's like how long do these our age police get to you know exist like what's the statute of limitation on saying something as comedians as creative people we're coming up with a lot of content we're throwing a lot of things out there sure if we say something that's you know that's really inflammatory and you know there can be a backlash and that's something that we have to we have to deal with right or wrong and let's also remember this is trevor no are ok about it so get crazy but if he did made there's jokes about palestinian riots or uprisings with israeli soldiers. no no no no so there's no applicability to humor across the board it's all what's in and what's not black lives matter sacrosanct the massacre that that's what it all what's a word not oh yes edgy is there a point there that maybe bravery is being lost in company a little bit the easy targets are being deployed when it comes to the liberal versus conservative liberal . comix tend to you know go done the side of conservatives with the trouble
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ministration it's sort of sort of easy for you know mainstream liberal comedians to you know go after the ministration of the republican party that's the kind of the wheel has a house where they feel you know comfortable i go a lot of these shows would probably be considerably you know would would be happy if there was a hillary clinton presidency but they would have less fodder to go after you know if you're in the right group and the right person the sky's the limit if you're not republican trump support. or perceived to be right wing whatever you get no tolerance and no exercise of the free liberty of free speech that simple more news after a short break. boast
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welcome back an investigation is underway into the killing of three russian journalists and the sun troll african republic where if a national joins me now live with the latest on the story now maria what more do we know at this point we know that the investigation is currently and to go in and just yet to be clarified exactly what happened we know that the bodies of three russian journalists were discovered by u.n. peacekeeping personnel in central african republic some twenty or thirty kilometers north of the central city off the boat. on. the road and abandoned car was also discovered at the scene with multiple gunshots. looks like the team was attacked by a group of gunmen known what was the reason behind the attack again it is yet to be investigated according to some reports the team was heading east late to their bodies were taken to the un base in central african republic and later to the
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hospital one of the hospitals in the capital city where they are now and we hear from the russian embassy that they will organize their return to their homeland as soon as possible but interesting is that what many now discuss is not why. these three journalists were killed but what they were doing on the ground what was the assignment shortly after the news about the killing emerged we started receiving unconfirmed reports we've heard that from the journalists friends and colleagues that they were on the ground only a documentary about foreign mercenaries private war contractors' and some would go further calling a group known as wagner that reportedly has links to. russia again these were unconfirmed reports and actually earlier this march russia officially send five military and one hundred seventy civilian instructors to central african republic apart from being one of the poorest countries on earth definitely on the african
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continent it's also very unstable place divided between different groups place to to leave and to go to and that was the purpose of sending personnel there by russia so we just received a reaction from russia's foreign ministry. on the claims that. the mission of these journalists was there to film the work of illegal military instructors let's take a listen. i read in here all this nonsense about an investigation into russian mercenaries in the central african republic there is nothing since ational about the presence of russia's military instructors in the country no one covers this based on the location of the bodies the russian journalists were not heading to an area where the instructors work artie's maria from the national thank you for
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staying across that story for us sure. what the u.s. mid-term elections on the horizon the specter of a large russian meddling has once again reappeared facebook has removed accounts which employees were used by people to possibly influence the outcome of the vote but us american reports there's no evidence to point finger at moscow. thirty two accounts were deleted to face the arms race presented by quote well funded adversaries with the apparent goal of amplifying already existing conspiratorial narratives the mainstream media displaying not an ounce of creativity went on to blame the usual suspect brush and actors continue to try to disrupt metal infiltrate the u.s. political debate if not the elections themselves well russia is interfering there continuing to interfere russia has been mentioned as the likely source of this interference in attempts russians and other nation states absolutely are attempting to manipulate us but on what basis the report didn't find russia or russian
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entities or russian linked entities responsible facebook reiterated several times that they were unable to identify the culprit and even admitted that they quote may never be able to identify the source we're still in the very early stages of our investigation and don't have all the facts including who may be behind this democratic house minority leader nancy pelosi even demanded that facebook brief congress on these critical developments which she took as confirmation of the intelligence community's russian interference claims the latest announcement confirms the longstanding findings of the u.s. intelligence community and national security experts that's russia is actively utilizing social media in a car donated effort to sow discord among the american people and undermine our democracy but who are those three to accounts influential enough to undermine american democracy in fact most of the spotted materials have zero to ten followers and in the scope of about fourteen months ran one hundred fifty ads for
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approximately eleven thousand dollars if someone is against the us immigration policy which some of these anti ice accounts apparently were maybe they would like to conceal their identity maybe they're afraid of us authorities it's a strange thing are we allowed to be privately recorded private works without people assuming that somehow they're simply. and hand meddling in things it's very strange but the real question is what does it mean that someone is trying to sow divisions among americans are we not allowed to disagree with each other on fundamental issues like immigration and other things and i looked at some of the pages and some of them were sort of pro-feminist women shouldn't have to cook for their for their man i mean how is this supposed to is the russian effort to sort of visions americans have always disagreed that's the nature of society of a free society you disagree about the so these people i think the mentality is not like north korea or something is very bizarre that's a wrap up of the day's top headlines for now but don't forget you can always head to our website r.t.
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dot com for the details on all those stories and more thanks for tuning in. on this edition of crossfire we consider one question is donald trump's america first policy in contradiction to the washington consensus idea of american exceptionalism the answer this question will likely define trump's presidency and change the world. join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business. kind of financial survival job today with all the money laundering first to visit this cash in the three different. oh good this is
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a good start well we have our three banks all set up here maybe something in your something in america something overseas or the cayman islands or do we do all these banks are complicit in their club backcrosses we just have to deal with both and say hey i'm ready to do some serious money laundering ok let's see how we did while we've got a nice luxury watch for max and for stacy oh beautiful jewelry how about. luxury automobile again from that they know what money laundering is highly illegal thank you so much kaiser of course.
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this is bone bust broadcasting around the world from washington d.c. i'm bart chilton thank you for watching coming up today as president trump says he'll meet with iranian officials with no precondition what does that mean for their number one economic engine oil alex while of it helps us figure it out and tells us the latest with the saudi aramco initial public offering it's still weighed yet again plus as the federal open markets committee meets what's the fed reserve up to and will they make any news daniele de martino boot the c.e.o. well intelligent joins us to tell us and it is your smart t.v. spying on you watch out manila chan gives us the details plus steve malzberg helps us understand how it disney will leverage the assets and as tributes of twenty first century fox when this sale goes through what's to get to but first we hit a few headlines. tech stocks are in correction territory and some investors are wondering if the market is moving into
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a new phase the fabled fang group of stocks facebook alphabet corp the parent of google of course netflix and amazon were all down significantly in trading on monday with losses draining from two percent for alphabet to nearly six percent for netflix sometimes spang included stock apple took a much smaller nick of point five per cent after monday facebook was down a total of thirteen percent in july the tech heavy nasdaq index closed down one point four percent overall on monday and u.s. president donald trump has said that the he would. you willing to meet with the president of iran in response to a question at a joint press conference yesterday with the italian prime minister mr trump expressed a broad general inclination to meet with adversaries with no preconditions so i believe in meeting i would certainly meet with the rand if they want to meet i don't know that they're ready yet to have a hard time right now but i ended the arendelle it was a ridiculous deal i do believe that they will probably end up wanting to meet and
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i'm ready to meet any time they want to and i don't do that from strength from week to this i think it's an appropriate thing to do if we could work something out that's meaningful not the waste of paper that the other deal was i would certainly be willing to me mr trump's backing away from the nuclear deal brokered by the five plus the p five plus one group of nations has severely undermined advocates for diplomacy within iran and made meetings with u.s. diplomats a virtual political suicide mission for any iranian official european partners have been quietly see that mr trump's attacks on their hard fought diplomatic achievement and lobbied hard against a trump administration's plans to reimpose economic sanctions that were lifted as part of the accord barring any diplomatic breakthrough as the white house will reimpose economic sanctions against iran next week on currencies metals and in the auto sector sanctions on shipping and oil iran's primary source of foreign exchange
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are set to snap back in place in november and as president trump says he'll meet with iranian officials with no preconditions what does that mean for their number one economic engine oil alex my hyla bitch helps us figure it out and tells us the latest on the saudi aramco i.p.o. it's delayed yet again alex let's start with iran what's the latest when it comes to their main export oil. well of the just look at oil itself today dropped by about one dollar to sixty nine dollars and that has a lot to do with this new tone of president trump here diplomacy as it's a funny thing how headlines and press releases actually change oil prices and just this happens to be one of those headlines now that also all of this is wonderful hearing the way trump is talking and i think most of us in this world would like to see diplomacy and discussion about war or bombing people so that's a great thing but at the same time just these are the the looming sanctions that
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are supposed to kick in in november are having an impact on or on iran already we're looking at about a hundred thousand barrels a day last in sales for iran in the month of july and we're hearing that many companies are stepping out of the rant knowing that these sanctions are going to come into play so i mean obviously we're hoping that this doesn't happen that there is a deal struck with the with mr donald trump but we'll see what happens in that respect but let's talk about those companies one of the biggest companies is total total is a french energy giant they've stepped back they were actually the first company to go into ran in two thousand and fifteen when sanctions were dropped and they are stepping out now we're also hearing about banks banks are not willing to finance iranian oil anymore so we can see the impact from their part of that part as well and here's a big india is going to buy less oil from iran they're ready doing so they're trying to play nice nice with the united states and cozy up to the american government so that might be
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a big hit now that everybody's they hey look iran's done no iran is far from done because there is one country out there buys more oil from iran than anybody else more than india which is number two and that would be china china has already promised you know what we're going to buy more oil if these sanctions kick in and here's a double whammy we're going to wean ourselves off of american oil so when china says something like this the whole world listen. and of course free rent just having that that ally to keep them afloat that's a big deal we've also hearing that russia is willing to step in if some of these companies move out so rand does have some cushioning around it even if the sanctions take and hopefully though we can hear from mr trump some more and hopefully these people actually do sit down and meet with the iranian government and we don't have to go through this whole dog and pony show it looks alix like you know just oil prices maybe throwing a monkey wrench in to saudi arabia's reform plans there with mohammed bin solomon
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and at the center of all is that saudi aramco which they say has been delayed what do you know aramco i mean that was a monster of a company that is and we're talking about a big long term plan here the crown prince of saudi arabia we've talked about this before he wants to modernize his nation and he wants to wean his nation off of oil there rampal i.p.o. was a part of this is pushing this forward forward but a lot of the rank of remco exacts are saying this is not a good time to do it the way that oil prices are going up and down it's probably not their best interest but just let's learn a little bit about aramco i mean does this company's not that here's a couple graphs to explain to you what i've read call really. absolutely huge beat out companies and profit like apple samsung microsoft or you can see exxon is way down there when you compare it's aramco and it would have been the world's biggest i.p.o. or it will be when this happens that's a bigger that alley bob and that was
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a twenty five billion that you're think it was a whole company you get a guy p.o.d. that's a no this is five percent of a rambo we're talking about five percent it's going to be valued anywhere people are saying between fifty and seventy five billion the crown prince was looking more at a hundred billion dollars number in his head that he thought would be wonderful if this deal to actually goes down but it doesn't look like it's going to happen this way we're hearing now that this deal is probably going to be delayed once again as you mention. four into two thousand and nineteen and you know it's really not that bad for the saudis at this point because the crown prince himself has a lot of other business on his hands like economic and social reforms at home as well as the fact that his foreign policy and we're seeing the way things are moving he's paying a lot of attention to that as well and for looking just at the other side of things from. a little bit while back with the crown prince did when he put all those people into the ritz carlton where they collected about one hundred billion dollars there and that was money that was out there anti corruption deal that they did or
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the boogie board with that it was absolutely lot of money one hundred billion dollars that's with us hoping for the rent go five percent so they're pretty cushy right now there's their war chest is full they're not really too afraid that they have to do this deal right away but it's something that they'll definitely want to push forward in modernizing their country and becoming a part more so of the world community always great information really really super interesting today thank you so much art to correspondent alex mileage thanks alex. and in the wake of last friday's second quarter g.d.p. numbers of four point one percent the federal reserve's open markets committee meets tuesday and wednesday and what are they discussing and what can we tell you about it here to help is the c.e.o. quil intelligence and the author of fed up why the federal reserve is bad for america daniel de martino both danielle thank you welcome it's always the u.s.
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economy has accelerated that four point one percent growth rate in q two and that's the quickest pace and twenty fourteen and president trump has and should rightly claim some victory for his policies and when we look at growth in light of the f o m c meeting today and tomorrow in washington what are the metrics that the governors are going to be considering. well i think that they're going to be trying to figure out what happens on the other side of this great big report will we see sustained growth of this level in the quote in the third quarter that we're currently in you know two to on the plus side we have indeed seen inventories run down dramatically which was a surprise in the second quarter g.d.p. report one of the reasons that some analysts have their forecast upwards of five percent so we know that we're going to have a lot of support going into the third quarter the question will come down to what is happening with u.s. households their ability to keep spending at the levels they've been spending at
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their ability to keep pulling this economy along and we actually got some consumer confidence data today bart that suggests we have a pullback in the offing right now i saw that and they revised the number two and and we're speaking about those numbers daniel recall back i think we've spoken about it i'm sure we have back in the campaign in two thousand and sixteen there is the president look at the campaign trail as it were to get four five six maybe seven percent g.d.p. and a lot of us said oh come on you know what do you smoke and but i want to explain for all the boom busters out there when we look at the economy in the talks about a one point eight percent g.d.p. growth rate and so does the congressional budget office i mean what's really something that we could expect if we're if we're at four point one now get to the end of the year is it two is it three. well i think that there is a high possibility that we actually see a three percent annual figure which really would be extraordinary given how slow
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this recovery has been but again i think the fed is going to try and focus more on what happens after the third quarter what happens going into the fourth quarter i mean as you just mentioned campaign promises can be whatever campaign promises can be i mean look at what the italians promised all of their people craziness but just the same going further out past this year look at it this way i'm in new york today bart if wall street firms have begun to budget for a recession to hit in the year twenty twenty that really means that they're internally budgeting for twenty nineteen there is no way that i think we can completely eradicate the business cycle so there will be slowing at some point in the next twelve months in my view and that's why i think they have these estimates of one point eight so two questions on that one is and this is not a reflection on this president or any other president i mean the demographics just aren't there you've got folks like me the baby boomers were getting older we're
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we're not in the workforce and so and then we require the rest of the economy to support retirees so the impact on growth has got to be negative just on the demographics right. well the demographics are certainly not supportive of growth going forward the last time that we went into a downturn in two thousand and eight the entire baby boomer population had a lot more optionality than they have today they were able to say you know what i'm going to stay in the workforce for another decade now we see the outer edge of the one nine hundred forty six birth year turning seventy two this year so this is the same optionality is simply not there which means that there's going to be a drag as they start to take pull at their retirement assets they'll be a drag on the stock market they'll be a drag on public pensions so these are things that cannot be argued that this was the largest generation in u.s. history and it will take some money a lot of money to finance all of them millions of them in retirement but super interesting about they don't have the option ality i know
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a lot of people they said with the economic downturn i got to go back to work you know they came out of retirement they don't have that option now or least a lot of them don't but let me ask you about another impact on g.d.p. the tax cut you've got to say it's helped you know companies do some investing there is you're arguing about too many stock buybacks but that's also going to fade over time right i mean that's sort of a sugar high won't be there for too long will it well that is one of the concerns going forward i mean there's only one time that you can bring money back onshore there's only one huge boost to share buybacks companies also have to consider that they're buying their shares at extremely high valuations and that they're not as shareholder friendly activities as they used to be and again to your point if you're speaking about the long term viability of this economic recovery which is art of the second longest in u.s. history you're talking about companies becoming very aggressive with capital expenditures and yet they're c.f.o. as their chief financial officers are whispering in their ear.
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