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tv   News  RT  August 1, 2018 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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i think people as you know we that. people treat. most politicians so that only. leaves. out of a sudden a man just. told we. i said i will enter it even if they will not allow him. if they will shoot we. are all wrong a million million indeed i'm not i'm not picking on you need to be indicted b.t.w. don't punish your menominee i'm kind of a fake i mean you don't look a lot i mean you got me i used. to. join me every thursday on the i like simon short and i'll be speaking to get us out
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of the world of politics sports business i'm sure i'll see you there. you know world is big part of the mob and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. rush is one of the countries that most buy capacity and all the very high population does that mean russia does need to be concerned about sustainability i would say yes absolutely you are no lucky situation where you have
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a lot of farm per person so to say you know you have a lot of wealth ecological wealth and but the word is very scarce so that's a huge economic advantage as well and saying wow this is an amazing farm let's look after it well because that's it said that made a loss to live well in the long run. welcome back joining me now to go through some the week's headlines his book us are former liberal democrat minister of state in the home office went to resume was home secretary david cameron's coalition government norman bacon norman thanks for coming back on it was when you government we had all this ridiculous transparency legislation one outlet for big oligarchs with having to fund a think tank and then there's no obligations and you can lobby ministers now i don't know if you've chosen this story so i don't know what you think of it that's . on the go the headline for the guardian is think tank faces double investigation
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after cash for access claims on the point for me here really is that this is a charity the idea is a charity and then the charitable rules are obliged to be neutral the institute for economic affairs. what appears to be happening here and indeed the some footage of it is that they're offering cash taxes to businesses effectively deny that they did better in the video speaks for itself as a matter of fact your ias to suggest engaging in any kind of cash crisis system watch video outfits your viewers because they'll see the facts for themselves but also they also his report on casinos recently and they got eight thousand pounds in the casino industry so they appear to be willing to say almost what's required of them in order to bring money in casino capitalism they were related to. free market economics it's no coincidence that there was sort of the charity of those who pay the bill get the reports to say what they want to say this is this is a bit spiritus because i think what you should have to have is if people want to argue for a particular case that's great but if they want to have the cloak of neutrality
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which a charity gives and then to try to maneuver behind the scenes to get to say what it wants to say that's not right and i know my little bit actually might littlewood who's the director here. of the ira used to be very high up in a live devon's he had a strange change of belief when he left the dems and joined other organizations so you must of seen the light no doubt other than that the only explanation is he was saying what he was paid to say yeah well obviously read invite him that would own maybe that is a deep philosophical appeared for me that he had since perhaps is really leaving them let's go to the murdoch son their murdock's on yet diabetes scare diabetics like to reason may will struggle to get into the event of a new deal breaks are just about from berlant from a pharmaceutical conference i was addressing and there are this issue here about access to pharmaceuticals first of all whether or not those which would be approved either by britain for the e.u. or elsewhere in the e.u.
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will be available in both segments outside the e.u. and in britain secondly whether or not the. form as it was coming forward can be approved properly and quickly and certainly places are switzerland still your canada. are months behind even getting approval for some medicines or because the problem but thirty this issue about trade and this is perhaps the the sun concentrating on this you know dover sees seventy percent of our trade comes through that port the estimate is that two minutes actual delay for a lorry which is nothing and there could be three hundred million more customs checks a year by the way a two minute delay will cause a twenty mile tailback in. minutes just two minutes i mean rick city as well we can just say that conference was about problems with european union validation of new drugs and access to it when we're out of it we can go to who we have a country we want i should say the health sector med hang dog is working with the industry just stockpile drugs right now where maybe if you were to me that lori
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problem and the companies they know exist there's significant problems a dollar expected in the event of a new deal to raise it may we'll get your meds in to be able to continue. in the summer these pharmaceuticals have got a shelf life and they go off into the required temperature control is no guarantee that will be maintained that require lots again what. they are looking at but obviously this debate runs it british civic society let's go to be a far more serious at least at the present time the story u.n. news yes who data one airstrike away for months talkable epidemic says the u.n. humanitarian chief in yemen is britain is selling arms at the moment we used on yemen yes i understand bombing of yemen this week was a couple of things first of all why is it that the world by and large isn't heard of this appalling catastrophe you see news coverage blanket news coverage almost a forest fires in america well i'm very sorry for those being caught up in those fires but actually frankly we're talking about twenty two million people here at
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risk of death or starvation in yemen compared to a handful frankly in america who may have lost their lives new life is insignificant but in terms of the scale. yemen is far more significant than what's happening you see the british game again says when people like jeremy corbin and you leave to talk about this issue that we need intelligence gathering with the saudis relationship with them of course saudi arabian bombers are bombing data this is this is the real importance and when britain takes over the presidency of the un security council presumably this will be the point made by the british government you will point you know the issue is we're supposed to be able to influence our friends this is a argument for having relations with unsavory regimes and where is your influence britain showing now in society actually what's happening is we are covering our mouths and saying nothing about the appalling activities that saudi regime whatever side you take in yemen what's happening here is uncontrolled bombing of civilians
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causing multiple deaths and starvation that cannot be allowed to continue and the fact is that whenever there's a problem in saudi arabia we in the west keep quiet about it i don't know why we do that to such an extent but we do it's been the same for thirty forty fifty years well we invite the headmaster of a saudi arabia to london on this program to try and refute a geisha is made but arguably the big story here and in the united states is the fact that all drone but is a russian spy a although your next story seems to suggest there's a more to interference in the us elections than most israeli intervention in the us elections vastly overwhelms everything russia has done claimed chomsky well the difference is of course that the israeli involvement in the us which you refer to quite correctly is quite open we we saw a netanyahu. bypass barack obama very rudely as a matter of fact i'm going to dress both houses of congress to rubbish the fools coming at that point to run you clearly is a is a think tank and
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a charity that he really lobbying for the difference is that with israel you probably know what's going on which is unsavory in my view but with the russians and others and the chinese we don't know what's going on behind the scenes norman beggared thank you. well today marks. day the day when humanity has used more natural resources the planet can renew and in time again this year the day falls earlier than ever signifying when i using one point seven times the earth's resources per year the date was calculated by the environmental think tank global footprint network its president is mathes work in a goal and he joins me now via skype from oakland in california thanks for having coming on before we get to overshoot day what about these fires that are making headlines right around the world in california yeah to having a heat wave around the word that's affecting california as well with more forest fires and it seems that the forest fires are extending that seasons as well in
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california last december we had a big forest fire and normally we don't have forest fires in december so the heat is up well let's get to other overshoot day which is always related environmentalist certainly argue and scientists and maybe not your ahead of environmental protection agency up until recently food water carbon land how do you arrive at the fact that today is the day we use what should be using in a year we are simple pedestrian account just instead of money the physical resources we add up all the beads the potatoes the origins that be used the space needed for c o two sequestration everything be used for nature and see how much space is needed to support that and then we can compare that with how much productive space is available on the planet and so we can make the balance and say how quickly are we using our renewable resources compared to what earth can regenerate. and as a humble accountant and his humble account of the do this you identify what you
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call a giant ponzi scheme. i mean that's what happens if you use more than what you have and say that's normal income that's essentially a ponzi scheme you basically paid the present by depleting the future and that's what we're doing ecologically now it's possible to use more than what you earn financially it's possible to do it ecological a but only for some time because it depletes your assets and that's the trajectory you're on when did we start to overshoot and need in effect. bigger planets or more planets to sustain us. local overshoot has happened over human history and has depleted areas but the first time we've moved into global overshoot the first time the human demand exceeded what the entire biosphere can redo was indeed early seventy's and by now it has inched up and right now we are at one point seven planets according to the data it varies nationally by quite
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a lot cuba vietnam doing best count on the united states among those who do the would just so there's a huge disparity in resource allocation as it were using the u.n. data set and we do the accounting around that data and there's a huge just discrepancy between countries all because some countries use far fewer resources than others the point is that if everybody for example live like united states it would take about four or five planet earth if everybody had like me to because i fly around a lot takes about five planets as well even to a bicycle to work and work or use vegetarian food etc but still adds up. and it's not necessarily correlate to the rich the country has its presumably the way systems work within those countries you've said that it's it's politics more than individual consumer policies that are required for the change that you think
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isn't necessary i mean the big question is and that's also at the source of sustainable development goals for example is how can we all live well how can we all thrive but there's given that limited budget of the planet and so the question really is how we can organize ourselves there for big thing that we can do to make things much better for example the way we design our cities it does it if the cities are very compact and can be walkable and bicycle then def far if you use far fewer resources than the sprawl cities also the way we run our energy systems to use solar power or coal makes a huge difference that way be able to use our food and finally the big factor how many people are weak the more we are up with it that's less than it. given how this analysis really brings to bear the urgency of it all on one of those four criteria on energy the paris climate deal which trump oversees pulling out of the
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snow in the air enough to sustain the energy component of overshoot day presumably it has to be much more revolutionary change in the past climate deal i would say actually if he'd lived up to the paris climate deal to the goal of the paris climate deal to limit c o two emissions to two degree celsius we would be much better shape we would actually be back to one planet before twenty fifty if you followed that advice but we're not living up to the terrorists goal that's true globally. and you talk about smart cities and also food not just being a vegetarian food in efficiency supply chains and food waste absolutely i mean around i mean on energy day are huge gains that we can make i mean if you compare a kilowatt hour electricity produced by coal compared to solar power they're like factor under two hundred three hundred difference per kilowatt hour food is not so
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squeezable because we need the calories but yes we can go lower on the food chain not as many animal products there's quite a bit of food waste typically typical a and industrialized word about thirty percent of the food gets wasted and also the way be produced food can be more efficient so that a number of ways how we can improve friend and good news also is that the typical made to rate in diet for example the one that is a lot less than on the animal products and more like more and grains and vegetables is healthier and it's very tasty and it's also lower in footprint of course that kind of thing has been said for a good decade maybe maybe two decades or more today the first of august is the earliest it's ever being under your analysis of the overshooting of the earth's resources that's the question is it a systemic risk or not for example come from switzerland switzerland uses four times more than what its own ecosystems can read you the same is true for the
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united kingdom uses about four times more than what the u.k. ecosystems can read you into question rate is the question as to the economics and finance ministries is that a risk for the country or not i think it is i think resource security is becoming a driving parameter of economic long term success and be counted switched out from one day to the next because many things are baked into our infrastructure the way the us built our city our energy system etc the size of the population you cannot switch that fast it's like. driving a supertanker you have to get on the right track early on and i think that's what's needed that is why can i go thank you and that's it for the show will be back on saturday just weeks ahead of the u.k. funded white helmets about accusations his organization is linked to al qaida but until then you can even call it that by social media for you on saturday ninety four years to the day that mexico became the first country in the americas just uppish diplomatic relations with the new the former u.s.s.r. .
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this is harlan kentucky. we've always moved them places people were going to st fanny's or you know new. a co money city with almost no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the coal miners have said that that was a lot of to see these people a survivors of a world disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in a million years i would see that and it's happening it's happened. on this edition of crossfire we consider one question is donald trump's america
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first policy in contradiction to the washington consensus idea of american exceptionalism the answer this question will likely define trump's presidency and change the world the folks. most of the people in the last month it's berenson that. we were in number one in this. all day experience this all of this. so massive growth yes and. i think you would not answer that. by. the church secret indeed catholic priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it quite literally i like to call this the geographic solution so what
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the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot where the previous standard is not the highest ranks of the catholic church conceal the accused priests from the police and justice system to that it has known as the i and then i included tuesdays out and. gets fed. up by. the.
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law. america's immigration agency claims police in portland refused to answer nine one one calls and come to their aid during violent protests against president trump's emigration crackdown. a migrant support group hopes its work in a deprived or super hood saying the situation has become explosive also ahead. this is more of a registration type espionage crime and yet the media and the government are treating it like an espionage. the lawyer of maria butcher not the russian woman accused of being a kremlin agent and the u.s. told r.t. the case is being blown out of proportion. and south african comedian and the presenter of the daily show trevor noah made top america's t.v.
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personalities charge of some say his jokes go too far a rule might be don't joke about something called a massacre just say i mean i don't know if there's any rules but they stay away from massacre. a very warm welcome to the program from all of us here at r.t. h.q. in moscow thanks for tuning in this hour. first in the u.s. no nine one one help for you if you work for us immigration and customs enforcement agency police in portland in the state of oregon are being accused of refusing to respond to some emergency calls from ice agents who said they needed assistance to handle violent protests against their agency it's facing a huge backlash for the way it handles migrants right now with an abolished ice movement staging protests across the country and reports from one of them. these
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protesters are part of a national wide campaign all over the country protesters are demanding that this one foresman agency that enforces u.s. immigration law be abolished r r. r r r. k. a i i i i i it's the trump administration has pursued what i believe is a deeply immoral and haphazard policy that fundamentally betrays american values obviously that's unacceptable and the american people expect better i am to do calling on the architect of this humanitarian disaster department of homeland security secretary curious to nielsen to step down protests like this are happening all over the country and in fact there were protests in portland oregon for up to a month up to
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a month leading up to july twenty fifth there were protests outside the ice office in the city of portland oregon a lot of ice employees said that they actually felt threatened by the protesters they said the protesters were menacing them that they were blocking the doors to the building and not enabling them to do their jobs properly kind of interfering with their lives they called the police very frequently now ted wheeler who is the mayor of portland oregon instructed the police department not to respond to the calls from the federal employees in this case i have consistently stated that i do not want the portland police bureau in gaged and securing federal property but houses a federal agency with its own federal police force chad wheeler is the mayor of portland oregon which is one of the many cities that are being described as what you call sanctuary cities that are not cooperating with federal immigration officials they're basically defying the federal government not cooperating with it now u.s. attorney general jeff sessions has ordered the sanctuary cities all across the
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united states. to start complying with the federal immigration officials but they're refusing to do so now all across the country there have been protests against ice the immigration customs enforcement agency of the united states now many folks who are opposed to donald trump have been calling for this agency to be abolished however there are also going to number of supporters of donald trump who have actually been defending the agency ice has been terrifying more people than they are being terrified i'm sorry they're taking kids captive this is our duty to see every human being as a human being not in a way and all the words they use is so racist it's so unfair and i'm sorry i have no sympathy for them they chose this as their job trump is doing what's necessary to make us a country on tour obama we didn't have a border we had a welcome mat but. these the illegal
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aliens come to here and get everything for free out of my tax dollars ok how do you think about that. political blogger anthony brian logan told us he believes her husing to protect ice agents from harassment could be a violation of the u.s. constitution. every person has their right as a u.s. citizen so they're breaking the law they're breaking the constitution well the case in which they're talking about is is to run on ice agents walking and being harassed by protesters their local police. a muzzle on the protesting were added in making a federal gov it come in and put boots on the ground i think the regular police would be a much better alternative then haven't a federal police come in and try to protect the streets i think he would see more conversations like this this is not anything new this is going on for a little wow every singe trying to get elected and he's people are totally
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irrational and they're driven largely by the mainstream media as long as the mainstream media is complicit if they continue to see more things like this unfortunately i. think recently volatile atmosphere and one deprived paris neighborhood is forcing a migrant support group to end its work their volunteers say the situation a lush up zero has become explosive and they no longer feel safe over the past two years the group has distributed more than two hundred fifty thousand meals and other supplies to needy people in the area so didn't skate picks up the story. in paris is a gritty eighteenth hunty small town hundreds of my clients clustered together on the streets they gather here as it's where food is distributed by a local farmer to equip but after twenty months. wilson looks set to close its doors saying they just can't take anymore all sorts of it's become more tense we're serving around seven hundred breakfasts every day to migrants who live in
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terrible conditions they have nothing not even tents they sleep on the ground and sometimes woken up by the police in the morning taking them unused take us to move them so when they come to us they're stressed and nervous twice last week we had to stop serving food to let the tension calm down this is something new for us so yes we're stopping. migrants of been expelled by police in this area many times philip tells me that despite this they come back and every time they do this situation becomes even more desperate from the beginning our mission was to serve hot drinks and bread and we've done this for twenty months every day during the last month we started questioning our mission as we day one i volunteered to be put in danger. who is to blame for this situation for not giving enough help to the migrants on the streets is this the mayor of paris is this the government of france. is all for us is both the state is responsible for people on the streets for taking in
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migrants at the same time the authorities in paris are restricting access to water taps in the summer is irresponsible they also have a responsibility towards the miners their miners who sleep on the street and in the camp of drug addicts me the state nor the parish administration is doing its job with the authorities not providing enough support the volunteers are giving up just a stone's throw away from haiti is an area known locally as crack hill that's also made things worse for those working to help the migrants felipe says that some of the drug addicts are also coming for food handouts and causing problems. the drug addicts are evacuated recently but nothing was done to help them and they came back to the now come for a break for this too it creates additional tension they're aggressive including towards the volunteers so this is an explosive situation. while recording the interview me the food distribution point to. individuals approach us.
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media which serves your reality when i was here i was feeling. so basically. at the moment some of the street. below me were not filming that scene but they just kept up with the cameras. be letting people see this is. more people are coming nothing is being done about it and there are the drug addicts as you saw it's impossible to film people here it's becoming more difficult than before we think the situation is explosive and it puts is in real danger by shutting up shop so i. know that they are cutting off a vital lifeline for vulnerable nicodemus but as well as doing it out of concern for their volunteers they hope the move to prompt the authorities to stop ignoring
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the plight of migrants and force them to take action even ski r.t. paris. maria burchinal made headlines last month after being arrested in the u.s. on charges of acting as a russian agent in addition to allegedly working on behalf of the kremlin to interfere in u.s. politics it's also been claimed she was trying to war american money to russia or to america has spoken to bush on the floor about the case the full interview will soon be available on its you tube channel. well i think if you read the indictment the case is alleged to be an agent over russia who failed to register with the attorney general and so essentially that means is they haven't charged with espionage and if you read the allegations against or know the allegations or anything spy like about it the sense of the government is conceding that even under their own theory if she had filed a piece of paper with the attorney general's office at the beginning of her trip to
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