tv News RT August 1, 2018 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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it's not a collective view of the state department with way and it's from d o d and other places and intelligence it's trump. and he's proven to be fairly adept at it so far however you may or may not like the outcomes he's gotten in with korea he's reworked trade agreements in europe and elsewhere some of it has been to our total benefit some of it has been a conciliatory benefit. we enjoy a relationship with china we haven't had and maybe ever. i don't know that what he's doing is confusing bad evil wrong or fattening but what i do know is that it's in his head and it's been working with us far. talking diplomatic level and so i'm not prepared to throw it over just because i don't understand no you know i get on with that which i don't understand i can't i get your point maybe i get your point i mean in the way he sees the world here and his base and i think it may go back to northwood here it seems to me. even a year a year and
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a half in the dawn of time doesn't have a lot of interest in foreign policy he's made a group of promises on the stump and he's committed to realizing each one of them i've never seen it a president so adamant going through his checklist ok is it really he is. idea of american exceptionalism american for us is it really does domestic politics driving it for him. well i think you're right i mean there is a very very great interest in domestic politics and he has made a whole lot of promises and as you say i think the first thing that steve brandon did when the edge of the white house it's a was to put up a white board and put a whole lot of the promises made and and start taking them all but i think the foreign policy perspective the president from hers is one of increasing american power and extracting as much of value economically commercially financially and so on from allies associated powers and from enemies and i think all that is down to
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who's our long term idea that america has been ripped up and i think if you look at domestic politics then the kind of people you defined as or americans. basically seligman same message that you have been ripped off white american men in particular by women by minorities by immigrants and so on and you lost status of what he's going to do or restore american greatness again going to just going to jump in here or mail or whom we have and american have a large brain reserve sort of after i am going to short break we'll continue our discussion on american exceptionalism stay with. russia is one of the countries that most high capacity and other very high
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population does that mean russia does need to be concerned about sustainability i would say yes absolutely you are no lucky situation where you have a lot of farm per person so to say you know you have a lot of wealth ecological wealth and but the word is very scarce so that's a huge economic advantage as well and saying wow this is an amazing farm let's look after it well because that's our said that will enable us to live well in the long run. close. some full complement on. indigenous people as you know we that. paid in the oil trees.
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most politicians said that only the cia but yes he did so. all of a sudden the man just temple be there to show you what. i said i will enter it even if they will not allow me and. even if they will shoot me . i'll mom million million indeed i'm not i'm not young to menominee be indicted b.t.w. don't punish your man not mankind by the government it will be like army and economy are you. right we're also starting five guys to just sit in your house the signal. is not going to talk about the no fly zone just needed right after the mars
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explorers one knew it would appear to be. a rocket. to say what we. know they are still. welcome to sophie and co i'm so sweet. shevardnadze and today we've got lots to talk about in our program and our gas to. kind of. welcome back to cross talk where all things considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing american exceptionalism.
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ok david you know ever since trump entered the the oval office a lot of it's been trying to understand if there's a rhyme or reason to his foreign policy and i think that even on this program it's kind of coming together it seems to me it's kind of like going back to the nineteenth century great powers competition without all the values that they were pushed since the second world war it just it's just really kind of brute power and advantage and looking for competitive advantage and it's very brusque and it seems to appeal just as interesting pointed out to us in the first part of the program it does appeal to his base go ahead david yeah i think you know it appears to be all donald trump but just as you know reagan and gorbachev came out of the meeting and were told by their advisers no no no you can't get rid of nuclear weapons every
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time trump has a good idea like get rid of nafta of nato he talks to his advisors and it's off the table i think that you know it was actually an actual break with u.s. exceptionalism is not on the agenda of donald trump or his advisors i mean it would look like joining the international criminal court joining the convention on the rights of the child joy in the united states is party to fewer major human rights treaties then. almost any other nation on earth it would mean giving up the veto at the united nations it would mean getting out of afghanistan there's a promise i'd like to keep i mean this is a guy who promised no more of these wars and bomb their family you know kill their families bomb the bleep out of them so it's easy to say he's keeping his promise because he promised black and white but the ones i'd like him to keep he's not keeping as well as you know off you like building the wall and locking up hilary that i don't necessarily need him to keep either but this is not this is
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a guy who thinks he's running the world and it's dangerous to what extent he is but he's not overruling the weapons dealers or the big players in washington d.c. you know yeah michael that seems to be very contradictory because he said in interviews that the united states shouldn't be the policeman of the world but in fact it remains the same ok am particularly you know i mean if you look at the korean peninsula i mean a peace between the koreas denuclearization maybe the american troops could go home they'd be no reason from the be there and then the entire foreign policy elite has their hair on fire like oh my god please don't let it break out it will change our world ok i mean it seems to me that he just go and really up against the the street you know against the the stream there and he keeps coming out with these ideas i mean i said earlier i mean you know threatening iran in the most course way and then saying i'd like to meet you in no condition preconditions i mean the outside
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looking in finds that very very confusing i mean the rains have already said through their aides is that while we sit down with someone that broke a country that broke a treaty that we just signed only a few years ago i mean i how does that show that america leading go ahead michael. you know it wasn't a treaty and they didn't sign anything but that's that's a semantic problem we haven't ever had you know well it's an international has agreed i mean no they were it was a day it's multilateral wasn't just with the americans ok go ahead. but i think the the the the point you're making is good and it's correct but if it stops and i think that's what we have to focus on is that the goals his foreign policy goals are as the professor correctly observed although i think for two reasons different than he observes that and that is that we are interested in better trade we are interested in exercising our trade power and to increase american presence and wealth at home american exceptionalism america first through trade treaties
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through trade work as opposed to naked aggression and use of foreign power which other presidents have used obama was soundly criticized on the right for wanting to meet with the iranians with no preconditions i find it interesting that my brothers on the right don't have a problem with trump doing the same thing i just i just throw that out as an observation well i mean i think that you know but michael's back to hang on hang on but hang on michael i mean and in the same week basically threatening hostilities with the rand and then saying you want to meet with preconditions you don't have to worry about your friends on the left or right you have to try to figure out what the president is talking about ok that's not my point and you know this was the same. you know your point is right but this is the same tactic we took with north korea now little camera man blah blah blah you know terrible person going to face the earth you can blow us off a serious next thing in our meeting in singapore this is the art of the deal this is a part of the tactics of moving forward this is part of the noise involved in making
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the deal and making the negotiation and doing the work and it's trump he is unique he is rare he is something we haven't seen before the swamp can't make head or tail out of them and nor can anyone else and this goes back to my earlier point which was just buckle up just as you've observed many times peter buckle up and you're just going to have to wait to see how employers out for a swap will do their best to keep their arm around it i just don't know how it's going to work out ok brace for impact ok go back to you here then and then ok so what is the justification for the united states being in afghanistan it's not bringing democracy there anymore apparently what what what how is what's the justification for the in the eagle behavior of the united states in syria or is it bringing democracy there anymore it's not apparently so why are they still there so i mean this makes it very patently obvious that just brute force beyond international law this is what trump it is opening up to go ahead. well i think you
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know when we look at the big picture of global change we have our whole range of new emerging powers some of which are very. recent military and they're looking around the world resources and they're looking to increase their him in order to protect their lines in china for example is building the one built one road initiative which is going to be under right across from china all the way to spain and in the indian ocean you've got non-state actors like isis and other organizations also challenging the. allies and other regimes as well and i think what really president trump is trying to do is effectively grapple with the same problem. which post-hole or presidents of. to try to outline which is a world environment change the big difference i think with president from is he doesn't really look at the idea. of building an orderly system or ordered
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a rules based system or rather he wants to open it up you want to loosen it up and he wants to make it more transactional but i think what he's trying to do it's look we've got this big international series of regime it's america's been ripped off its own too much it's has too many large deficits with everybody and what we're going to do is we're going to let nationals and try to re negotiate our position and effectively the border needs everybody else ok i'm not that with a big grown ok although again like i said it looks like it's going back to the great powers of the nineteenth century without all of the rhetoric at least it's more transparent david you you mentioned russia is it really worth it for trump to go down this path that we had the helsinki summit i was critical of the president's delivery at the press conference like i was in singapore is well it's not his forte it's got to work on his game there and then he wanted another summit and then what
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blocked it back the russians and invited him to moscow why is this so important to him is it a campaign promise or is it just you know the media hates it when he does it and that he just pushes back to show that i am president i'm going to do what i want to do what is this fascination here go ahead david. well i think there is is all kinds of pressure on him to meet with and work with russia and to not do so and to treat russia as having attacked the united states and started a war and to engage in war with russia and everywhere in between i think that it's appropriate that the united states and russia as the major nuclear weapons powers meet and get rid of those damn things before they destroy us i think it's critical for the united states and russia as two of the nations doing the most to destroy our natural environment to meet and start reversing all the policies david that's
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not so much on the agenda. i mean complete agreement with you in on this they would they would have what white it seems to me that. trump engagement with russia should come out very clear twitter is fine with me and i need to deal with a lot of near putin to sign a new arms control agreement it's about to expire in two thousand and twenty one this is what's most important to all of humanity why can't you just write that i mean that is very straightforward and you know what david it's transactional what trump is supposed to be all about go ahead david well it would make perfect sense it would fit with some of his agenda of body it is not where he comes from it's not something he knows anything about it's not something he's hired anybody to keep around him who would advise him to do and it's you know the got the us media and the democrats and half the public screaming at him not to do anything cooperative with russia even if it kills us all so it's not shocking that he hasn't
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come out with that position of but he should eat good in the world and russia should be pushing him in that direction ok all right michael. where does he go from this from his russia gambit now i mean he's put it off until next year because of the midterm. worms because he can't do anything transactional because just like david said perfect crystal clear even trying to save humanity he's the bookie man donald trump is evil incarnate even if he wants to save humanity that's a problem in the united states that's a problem with american exceptionalism forty seconds to you michael my friend last word. real quick and i promise to stay and save my time what the trump never telegraphs what he's going to do will make promises in a campaign context he'll have elude to things in a domestic policy context he's never going to say up front what he's going to do it's one of his huge criticisms of his predecessors and so because he hasn't said
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it's there doesn't mean it's not going to be there and he's had some surprises foreign policy wise stuff no one expected but it was always part of his design and i think that we just have to buckle up in a way well you know that's why i call you one of my donald trump sharp or is that was a very good answer i like that that's all the time we have gentlemen many thanks to my guests in washington charlottesville and in northwood and thanks to our viewers for watching us here darkie see you next time and remember. this is this is hot in kentucky. we. want to see you going to three.
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months no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the promises. that it was love to see these people the survivors of disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in a million years i would see that and it's how it's happened. this is. a church secret indeed priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it literally i like to call this the do graphic
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solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot where the previous standard is not. highest ranks of the catholic church will conceal the accused priests from the police and justice so something that is as old as the i intend to include at tuesday's out in. the street. by. the.
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justice. america's immigration agency claims police and portland refused to answer nine one one calls and come to their aid during violent protests against president trump's immigration crackdown. protests in zimbabwe's capital during an anxious wait for the results of the first free election and decades the opposition's accusing the ruling party of widespread fraud and. this is more of a registration type crime than a crime and yet the media and the government some extent are treating it like an espionage from the lawyer of maria which in the russian woman accused of being a kremlin agent in the u.s. tells r.t.
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the case is being blown out of proportion. this is our national coming to you live from the russian capital where it's just turned six pm welcome to the program. first in the u.s. no nine one one help for you if you work for ice the immigration and customs enforcement agency police in portland in the state of oregon are being accused of refusing to respond to some emergency calls from ice agents who said they needed assistance to handle violent protests against their agency it's facing a huge backlash for the way it handles migrants right now within the ball of ice movement staging protests across the country caleb often reports from one of them. these protesters are part of a national why a campaign all over the country protesters are demanding that this one force an agency that enforces u.s. immigration law be abolished car. right there are.
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high high rises the trump administration has pursued what i believe is a deeply in moral and haphazard policy that fundamentally betrays american values obviously that's unacceptable and the american people expect better i am to do calling on the architect of this humanitarian disaster department of homeland security secretary cures to nielsen to step down protests like this are happening all over the country and in fact there were protests in portland oregon for up to a month up to a month leading up to july twenty fifth there were protests outside the ice office in the city of portland oregon a lot of ice employees said that they actually felt threatened by the protesters they said the protesters were menacing them that they were blocking the doors to
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the building and not enabling them to do their jobs properly kind of interfering with their lives they called the police very frequently now ted wheeler who is the mayor of portland oregon instructed the police department not to respond to the calls from the federal employees in this case i have consistently stated that i do not want the portland police bureau in gauged in securing federal property but houses a federal agency with its own federal police force ted wheeler is the mayor of portland oregon which is one of the many cities that are being described as what you call sanctuary cities that are not cooperating with federal immigration officials they're basically defying the federal government not cooperating with it now u.s. attorney general jeff sessions has ordered the sanctuary cities all across the united states. to start complying with the federal immigration officials but they're refusing to do so now all across the country there have been protests against ice the immigration customs enforcement agency of the united states now
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many folks who are opposed to donald trump have been calling for this agency to be abolished however there have also been a number of supporters of donald trump who have actually been defending the agency ice has been terrifying more people than they are being terrified i'm sorry they're taking kids captive this is our duty to see every human being as a human being not in a way and all the words they use is so racist it's so unfair and i'm sorry i have no sympathy for them they chose this as their jobs trump is doing what's necessary to make us a country under obama we didn't have a border we had a welcome mat for. these the illegal aliens come here and get everything for free out of my tax dollars ok how do you think about that. political blogger and me brian
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logan told us he believes refusing to protect ice agents from harassment can be a violation of the u.s. constitution. every person has their right as a u.s. citizen so they're breaking the law they're breaking the constitution well the case in which they're talking about is to run on ice agents walking into being harassed by protesters their local police. and the protesting were added in making a federal government come in and put boots on the ground i think the regular police would be a much better alternative then haven't a federal police come in and try to protect the streets i think you will see more conversations like this this is not anything new this is been going on for a little wow ever since trying to get elected in these people are totally irrational and they're driven largely by the mainstream media as long as the mainstream media is complicit if you continue to see more things like this unfortunately. the increasingly volatile atmosphere and one deprived paris
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neighborhood is forcing a migrant support group to end its work their volunteers say the situation and washed up though has become explosive and they no longer feel safe over the past two years the group has distributed more than two hundred fifty thousand meals and other supplies to needy people in the area. except the story. in paris is a gritty eighteenth hunty small town hundreds of my clients clustered together on the streets they gather here as it's where food is distributed by a local farmer until but after twenty months. wilson looks set to close its doors saying they just can't take it anymore all sorts of it's become more tense we're serving around seven hundred breakfasts every day to migrants who live in terrible conditions they have nothing not even tents they sleep on the ground and sometimes woken up by the police in the morning they kick them and you take us to move them so when they come to us they're stressed and nervous twice last week we
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had to stop serving food to let the tension calm down this is something new for us so yes we're stopping. migrants of been expelled by police in this area many times philip tells me that despite this they come back and every time they do this situation becomes even more desperate from the beginning our mission was to serve hot drinks and bread and we've done this for twenty months every day during the last month we started questioning our mission as we day one i volunteered to be put in danger. who is to blame for this situation for not giving enough help to the migrants on the streets is this the mayor of paris is this the government of france . for us is both the state is responsible for people on the streets for taking in migrants at the same time the authorities in paris are restricting access to water taps in the summer is irresponsible they also have a responsibility towards the miners their miners who sleep on the street and in the camp of drug addicts me the state nor the parish administration is doing its job
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with the authorities not providing enough support the volunteers are giving up just a stone's throw away from haiti is an area known locally as crack hill that's also made things worse for those working to help the migrants felipe says that some of the drug addicts are also coming for food handouts and causing problems. the drug addicts are evacuated recently but nothing was done to help them and they came back to now come for a break this to you it creates additional tension they're aggressive including towards the volunteers so this is an explosive situation. while we're recording the interview me the food distribution point to take individuals approach us for a movie what i saw lambeau media just of your reality when i was here i was only. so free city. that some of the streets. below me
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were not filming that scene but they just kept up with the cameras. the let's see this is the. more people are coming nothing is being done about it and there are the drug addicts as you saw it's impossible to film people here it's becoming more difficult than before we think the situation is explosive and a person is in real danger. by shutting up shop so. know that they are cutting off a vital lifeline for the phone ripple nicholas but as well as doing it out of concern for their volunteers they hope to move to prompt the authorities to start ignoring the plight of migrants and force them to take action even ski r.t. paris there's a tense wait in zimbabwe for the result of the first election since a long time leader robert mugabe was ousted opposition supporters have gathered
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outside the electoral commission headquarters and quickly became agitated. so far only partial results have been released but the ruling zanu p.f. party is on course for a parliamentary majority amid claims of vote rigging and voter. intimidation the e.u. observers have criticised the delay in declaring the final results and will give a further assessment later the presidential election result isn't yet declared either but unrest is feared if you've obviously excess or. power the opposition m.d.c. alliance has already declared its candidate as the winner. millions were drawn to polling stations on monday turnout thought to be around seventy five percent to first time candidates are in a close race for the presidency after robert mugabe was deposed in a military coup.
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