tv News RT August 2, 2018 2:00am-2:30am EDT
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maybe you should get out of the surveillance business too my favorite part is when amazon says we recommend that for use in cases where highly accurate face similarity matches are important it's a facial recognition program its only job is to recognize faces at a highly accurate level i would hope you guys i mean look here you don't fault your default is doesn't work you know the it doesn't work i default like eighty percent which means it's going to be like there's a margin of error of what the baby is humor so yeah you know i mean it's really what's worse though is in the you still use tell us there was racial bias growing the algorithm had a racial bias just so the root actually reported that the a.c.l.u. is findings suggest that there was a major racial bias in the software because most of the politicians that were mess identified as criminals i don't think it was shocking to the folks at home were black and latino vote and could. representative john lewis who literally marched
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for quality graceful equality. recognition facial recognition a right to use the ok even even the software couldn't even even even in a color official intelligence situation and the human intelligence that was giving said if they're black and mighty now they're probably a higher chance that they look congress is now. doing this for the congress to suddenly step up of course and say oh what a patient rest recognition might be bad oh we're targeted we're compare and we're mistaken for criminals which given our congress i can't really fault facial recognition for failing in that i don't think it's mail that i think exactly what it does really that i sort of lawmakers actually wrote a letter to amazon c.e.o. jeff bezos it was basically addressing the ineffectiveness of the technology and they've asked to come in to provide a list of government agencies using recognition with specific emphasis on law enforcement bodies and. elegans branch is now back the congress doesn't know i'm
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sorry these are elected officials but they don't know what technology law enforcement is using like they have to ask amazon hey by the way to just sell this to that's what i find really strange why do you not know that some saying like congress doesn't know what our law enforcement or intelligence communities are using with what we're sub contracting out what were our tax dollars are being spent this is ridiculous i remember the russians are going to get as much as i used to carry it out we got a we got going to be great it's become a war of words because mao would amazon's general manager for deep learning in artificial intelligence great title stated machine learning is a very valuable tool to help law enforcement agencies and while being concerned it's applied correctly we should not throw away the oven because the temperature could be set wrong and burn the pizza i know that's a really terrible example because in this example unfortunately you told that your deed fault if you use the auburn to cook
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a pizza was the setting that burnt the people that's your second look i'm sorry man but guess what if the oven i have at home burns a pizza that's my bad i can have some pizza if your facial recognition puts the wrong guy in jail that's a little bit of a big deal yeah just saying kind of beg to stay and. as we go to break arc watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on facebook and twitter your poll shows that are to dot com coming up we talk with former green party vice presidential candidate john kerry and dangers of the current nationalism and militarism that is gripping washington d.c. and the country stay tuned for the true.
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this is says harlan kentucky. with all of this move the employee says it was very funny using the owner of. a co money said she would only let us know coal mines left. jobs or grow all the coal was the said. that it was love to see these people the survivors of disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in the million years i would see that and it's how it's happened.
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since. i'm going. to live what he. said i thought. in the wake of russia gate u.s. president donald trump's recent meeting with russian president vladimir putin turning the cold war fever gripping wash your feet and corporate newsrooms around the country to eleven when combined with the approval on wednesday by congress of the. latest annual defense authorization bill to the tune of seven hundred
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seventeen billion u.s. tax dollars the calls for peace before bombs are definitely being drowned out of the foreign policy discussion like never before with corporate democrats and republicans alike reaching post nine eleven three iraq war nationalist fervor it's important to remember that there are still voices calling for peace and end to make him into imperialism one of those voices is former twenty sixteen green party presidential candidate and national organization of black alliance for peace as on the who recently joined us from cali colombia we started by asking mr barak a why are we seeing such pushback against peace organizations like his and what does that say about the political activist culture here in the us. i think unfortunately what it represents is that when you look at the general ject a review of u.s. opinion political opinion ideals culture you see
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a steady consistent move to the right over the last four decades and so it is understandable there are a lot more with that sort of a general mood toward the right. we find that these the so-called left as also move toward the right. so what we have been in the west's day is a. politics of collaboration in very real ways that is. people who still do for themselves and. still find themselves on same side of the u.s. it's events. they still see themselves taking positions that forty years ago would have been caught out being. a right is this issue. so you know that is part of the pushback against our efforts and against it to try to repeal.
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this country one has to. be able to st vincent instead take a position that responsibility is to uphold. its inventions are to be spanked it's a marriage low as it relates to national sovereignty respect the principles of step terminations into allow for people who are dishonest with themselves how they attempt to govern themselves or even make of change our responsibility is to make sure that this state is not really in our means of systematically violating the human rights of people around the world. who've you know and i think he i think that's the sad thing that we're seeing more and more to have as this is this violent pushback against peace if you say hey maybe i want you know two nuclear superpowers to talk rather than throw insults at each other that's bad you know
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that's bad you're a traitor and a traitor of us you don't care about your country i said you know crazy idea here i thought we were a country that broke away from monarchy and colonialism and all of these things because we wanted to be a self-governing democracy yes we wanted that as a people yes and we want to protect that right the democracy that means you can't run around telling people that they aren't allowed to hope for v.f.r. that war is better than pleased that is nonsense and i think he was very accurate when you look at like you know the last fifty sixty years you've seen this drift you know from the nineteen seventy's on you've seen this drift to the right especially in four analyse this very you know neo con hard core of like we've got to get a whole bill clinton and the night the the democrats of the ninety's moved everything right in this attempt which worked which was to make the democratic party more palatable so if you keep moving. the middle but the middle became the right they
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just blew past the middle and kept going well i love this like weird idea that somehow the middle of this country wants to drop bombs on people sorry i don't know what i mean that is a moderate who thinks dropping bombs is a good idea it sounds to be that some weird thing that's only codify the washington d.c. circles of life you know they've got it back of their words like oh well the middle they're ok with spending seven hundred billion dollars a year of war and they're ok with that because they are in the middle we move more right well no you move right you missed a majority the yeah he's wrong we're right in that process you just look at the wisconsin numbers between republicans and democrats alike who won the presidential election and it literally swings back to who ever said they were going to get more wars by the way oh well for the next democrat who is going to look at with guns and and this is the thing that you're also seeing is that john johnson affair pointed out on that the m.s.n. b.c.
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coverage i think it's really important thing that we talk about covered stormy daniels over four hundred times compared next to zero coverage of the u.s. involvement in a war in yemen and so we asked as on the what important issues are being ignored or forgotten in the media's obsession over donald trump and russia. one of the things that we've been trying to call attention to this very bad. elements of corporate media. democrats for elements. of state. keep in detention or. a personality or. its roots. there's been a continuation of governance in the u.s. . government that has resulted in policies that had a measurable negative impact it will have a future or or. mary working class people us there was there was
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a much debate for example around the the trouble olsen's to cut taxes both individuals and corporate tax. there wasn't much discussion in the corporate press around the i've seen proposal by the chairman of this ration to expand the military budget it won't point about fifty four billion dollars that ended up being eighty billion dollars in which both republicans and democrats our fellow line in terms of support. there's not been much discussion around the number of the child sees that implement. that can't continue the. policies of the players for their games are going to be undermining the objective which is a working people and we see that there's been no change in the. bipartisan commitment or understand that the way the u.s.
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is going to maintain its influence germany is to do with the use of military force in fact and we've seen that from the democrat side even those minimal efforts on the part of the trouble ministrations to. to deescalate tensions with various countries including russia. that administration has been faced with that will push back itself i would almost a crazed obsession or an escalating tensions and creating a political environment in which a direct military confrontation could be the inevitable consequence so you know it's been a continuation of the same kinds of policies are very dangerous ones and these policies are both basically. harmless comes. to move
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man yeah i mean i think he hits the nail on the head and that's one of the great reasons i wanted to contact him and talk to him you know we want to reach out to because i think he has such a great perspective on what the real problems are and what is being ignored most of . it's it's strange because i think what we're seeing here is this conglomeration of greed and zina phobia and nationalism and you have these sides that are normally it seems as if the platforms in the sides of swapped to an extent where looking at someone like a person not where they were born not what borderlines they were born in or out of and looking at someone like a human being that used to be very democratic values is now very different yet we're not seeing that and i think that's where there's a communication issue and more and more throw in the term traitor around all the time the last days i mean that it's thrown at everyone from president donald trump for not admonished and putin over alleged meddling to even was it the other day c.n.n.'s jim acosta parting from the latest drug outreach he was called
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a traitor so we asked a german what are the dangers of this kind of blind nationalism that is gripping both sides of the political spectrum here in the united states. there's been a very dangerous sort of rupture with the reality of that. i think and what dangers them the post nine eleven situational can or environment i think the only historic comparison that we could make and i think i think legitimately is the mccarthy era where basically there's there was this attempt to impose that kind of political and ideological conformance you know the old american people. that any opposition to the. sort of a group think. it was resulting in the mobilization of public opinion against the soviet union and against. progress socialism communism it was to be seen as
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embrace seeing the enemy and to be seen as treason we see the same kind of. irrationality in place today. where basically if you raise questions about the dominant narrative of of. collusion between the trump campaign and the russians you're the question if you suggest that. i question the legitimacy concerning the role of nato if you question the ability of maintaining a connection or u.s. policies and syria that you are to be to be questioned. you know there seems to be an environment in which irrationality. is is the. only acceptable. route to go is very because it means that critical voices
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that are going to need to raise questions to make sure that we don't have a complete. from objects around the. people becoming intimidated out of their struggling to speak out about the collaboration between intelligence agencies in the private sector. and the result being that they have made it more difficult for people to see. critical information. we are mission be disseminated to the internet social media. and that there's been a. well except the book perspectives that has a very visible impact on the nature of a great practice in democratic ideals here in this country. the first libraries on earth were constructed with and temples as far back as twenty six
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hundred b.c. from clay tablets to popeye risk or scrolls the collection of information that is accessible to a community as a major force me as aleutian a society which is why you shouldn't judge the newly on earth remains of germany as oldest public library by its cover as soon as archaeologists unveiled the walls of the structure near a protestant church in cologne city center they knew it was of roman origin and from the middle of the second century but it wasn't until they noticed these niches on the wall that they find the secrets hidden for so long it turns out those a little is were actually there to hold cupboards for the storage of squirrels turns out the colon library looks like it it could have held upwards of twenty thousand squirrels and its location suggests it was open to the public it seems that the romans and the germans really took a novel approach to education in communities and creating
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a great place to go where to get checked out love it all right that is our show for today remember everyone in this world we are not told your love upside told the wall i. i love you i am tyrrel but. keep watching the talks of our great night everybody. on this edition of crossfire we consider one question is donald trump's america first policy in contradiction to the washington consensus idea of american exceptionalism the answer this question will likely define trump's presidency and change the world. russia is one of the countries that most buy capacity and other very high population does that mean russia does need to be concerned about sustainability i would say yes absolutely you are a situation where you have
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a lot of farm per person so to say you know you have a lot of wealth ecological wealth and the word is very scarce so that's a huge economic advantage as well and saying wow this is an amazing farm let's look after it well because that's our that said that will enable us to live well in the long run. this is music camps this is video games this is me i'm sharing it it's much broader than twitter and google the u.s. senate intelligence committee considers how to respond to alleged foreign influence within social media and russia tops at the agenda also ahead.
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scenes of protest in zimbabwe's capital during an anxious wait for the results of the first free elections in decades the opposition is accusing the ruling party of widespread fraud and. more reregistration type crimes that. the media and the government some extra are treating it like an extra from the lawyer for maria bruton of the russian woman accused of being a kremlin agent in the us tells r t the case is being blown out of proportion. broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is our two. certainly glad to have you with us the day after facebook took down thirty two fake facebook and instagram accounts the u.s. senate intelligence committee has held a hearing on how to counter russia and other countries in their alleged attempts to
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undermine american democracy has come up and as commentary well once again we've got u.s. officials who are talking up the dangers of influence operations and foreign meddling campaigns now as you might suspect this time as the senate intelligence committee is hearing testimony the villain is the same after election day the russian government stepped on the gas the russians in this case and others see us as a cheap date they have long term strategic goals which include where we can in western institutions and faith in democracy the russian government came into the house of the american family. and manipulated by cyber attacks remain a core part of moscow's arsenal as you might suspect the story goes on the same way we've heard it many times before essentially russia is accused of encouraging controversy in the united states around issues like immigration and guns racism and
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all kinds of other things now one thing that's lacking in this report just like in so many other similar reports is that any solid actual evidence can you estimate the number of americans touched by russian activity in this area. you know that is very difficult to do and i'm concerned that even after eighteen months of study we are still only scratching the surface when it comes to russia's information warfare in their effort to influence the american mind apparently the kremlin has one very very powerful weapon and that would be. a lot of pride pride related content less news more memes this is a problem of the entire information ecosystem this is cross-platform reddit confirm hundreds of ira created accounts tumblr did it isn't just
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a couple of platforms this is music apps this is video games this is me i'm sure and it's much broader than twitter and google in the portrait that the testimony painted on capitol hill you essentially got the impression that americans minds are very easily manipulated that all it takes to influence the way americans think about world events and politics is to give them a video game on a computer or a meme to look at and all the sudden their minds are changed now repeatedly during the hearings we heard members of congress expressing frustration with the american people saying that they were angry that the americans weren't just listening to what they called the good sources and were instead listening to other other news outlets other other voices expressing their. views out from there we also heard a call interesting lee for classes on media literacy to be given in american schools so that americans can know what news outlets they should be listening to and what news outlets they should not be listening to their
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e interesting it was quite a day on capitol hill then college author of the book of the plot to scapegoat russia thinks the idea of us voters being significantly influenced by means should not be taken too seriously there is a point and the goal of course is to keep the war machine going by continuing to raise the specter of a aggressor russia somehow interfering in our democracy whatever that means but the idea that me and video games and whatever they're pointing to could have any significant influence in our democracy is frankly a joke you know it's actually very reminiscent of the curse told him or were they made outlandish claims like the communists were behind for right in the water this makes no sense at all if you look at dien i did state that as hollywood films that have amazing influence in every country in the world whatever these means were video games pale in comparison to that of cultural influence of the us.
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there are reports that three people have been killed in zimbabwe after the army opened fire on angry opposition protesters in the capital tanks moved in as tensions rose over the delayed results of the first election since longtime leader robert mugabe was ousted. i. so far only partial results have been released but the ruling zanu p.f. party is on course for a parliamentary majority in the claims of vote rigging and voter intimidation new observers have criticized the delay in declaring the final results and will give a further assessment later the presidential election result has not been declared either is fear if mugabe's successor and russian. stays in power the opposition m.d.c. alliance has already declared its candidate nelson chamisa as the winner and
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millions were drawn to polling stations on monday turnout is thought to be around seventy five percent to first time candidates are in a close race for the presidency after mugabe was deposed in a military coup last autumn his former right hand man. took over and is being challenged for the top job by trying to resign we are told commission has until saturday to declare the results african affairs expert ira johnson told us that the results will define him bob ways relations within the west and its own economic development. there are some huge challenges and huge repercussions for whoever wins if. m.d.c. wins. then more than likely the west will be happy if a few. wins and it's deemed that there was some irregularities the question is if
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the the west doesn't feel that they've had a fair shake in terms of these elections then they could keep the sanctions going they could keep some of the the factions that have actually helped or prevented zimbabwe from developing an evolving and fights in a growth to happen of course. let's in that limbo so i was in bob think that these elections up. this is a crossroads and the decisions that are made from that from now on especially that's over the presidency we missed the or missed and then god would determine whether the west would support their claim. to it or has again found itself at the center of the debate over censorship of the latest controversy comes after it imposed a twelve hour suspension on austin peterson a republican candidate in the u.s. state of missouri senate race for what it described as abusive behavior his suspension came after a writer for the left leaning share blue website drew
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a link between peterson's acceptance of bitcoin for a campaign financing and of the alleged russian hacking of a democratic senator peterson responded to that with a jeff of featuring a joseph stalin some users flagged the candidates posed as offensive and it was subsequently deemed to have violated twitter's rules but the image was actually from the platforms own collection and can be found on its database and twitter says the tweet amounted to targeted harassment which it says is often used to silence voices on the platform but austin peterson claims that there was more to this is spent three different emails were sent to me about this saying that i had not done anything wrong mysteriously two days later the band was issued it almost seems as though something had gone on behind the scenes and that this would this was an attempt to suppress my speech during a critical election and it is quite ironic because my response was a was a picture of joseph stalin which was meant to be humorous saying off the gulag and
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then of course they mass reported me as if i have access to a gulag here in the state of missouri that i could that could be a credible threat. mr peterson's ban comes as twitter brings together a special research team to combat prejudiced and promote what it defines as collective health and openness in its platform but the plan seems to be causing controversy with the assembled team already being accused of a strong anti trump bias. right donald trump when you can trump donald. something tells me you will suddenly start seeing more republican seeing congress testing the waters and pushing magazines trump. trump's twenty sixteen digital team and came by.
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