tv Keiser Report RT August 4, 2018 5:30am-6:01am EDT
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here about twitter and and it's got those pluses and minuses here but again the traditional mainstream media line oh ok this is where it creates an opening for them is well ok so you know these different strategies they have their pluses and minuses patrick go ahead implement. yeah i think you're kind of talking about two different things here but let's talk about social media for a minute because these are some of the same corporations that are now overlapping with broadcast media and with mainstream print and they're also working hand in hand with the first draft coalition all these sort of concepts to police fake news and so forth they're they're ideological you know in the united states and you know their ideological dependence is really on the state you know and i think this is the mainstream media's problem as well they need access to the state they need access to power they also need access to corporate money and hence they become
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a tool of government when they become a tool of corporate propaganda the same goes for the silicon valley facebook might be a democratic progressive in the united states but believe me they're absolutely colorblind internationally because they need access to all these markets so so i guess we're talking about media i think we can open up the conversation now a little bit more but but in terms of the united states unfortunately even if as your previous guest said they're going to be briefed by the white house team i think they would throw that briefing in the waste bin if they received it before from the you know the press pool received under this administration because they're hell for leather really just bent on you know having this president impeached yeah well that's a lie let me go to lionel before we go to the break here i mean you know i see ideological possession i mean it's a daemonic ok on am based on c.n.n. and then bit and i say b.c. i mean it's you know it's the point of being irrational it's not even fun to watch
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anymore ice to poke fun at you know brian stelter i mean the stupidest guy on t.v. but at the even now that's not funny forty seconds before we go to the break. first of all talab i love you the dead i give you a kidney not mine but somebody else's if you needed it and i got it he wanted me there are two things my friend i'm going to live in the past you're living in the past you're talking about why the house new pools what they say is this is where paul wake up and over till you hate trial it can't you can't get past it ok well great lionel going to clean your game against him you're going to send you an example of of ideological possession you know. created peter a lot of those called me kids one sort of two years older than here. twenty seconds lionel keep going. but it's true goodness is no twitter is look they told f.d.r. with the fireside chat you can't talk on the radio the presidential need i say more
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we've got to wake up and smell the coffee kids it's a new day ok i'm going to jump in here guys we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on trumpet arrangements and drum state with our to. it is a new school this is. a church secret indeed priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it quite literally i like to call this the geographic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to
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a different spot where the previous standard was not known the highest ranks of the catholic church conceal the accused priests from the police and justice system to that of that's known as the island and then i think you'll hear about it used this out in. this. case both. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sport business i'm showbusiness i'll see of that. what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure. more somehow i want to be.
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that i should like to be the first to say what before actually in the morning the people that i'm interested always in the waters of my house. and asked this should . cut off. welcome back to cross talk where all things considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing trump derangement syndrome. ok i want to go back to rob in new york and i want to ask you all the same question a hypothetical rob hypothetical situation here putin in the kremlin. media
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they get together and they start attacking donald trump how long will it take this for c.n.n. and them to join in all of sudden while vladimir is on our side now ok i'm asking this seriously ok go ahead look kind of attack is this going to be your foot soldiers marching marching up our shores or as you know that all right no no no no no no no no i'm media taxing he's not a reliable partner we can't work with him we can't work with him ok ok that's what i'm getting at ok and i and i'm sure the left would be all over it in a heartbeat keep going rob. no i don't think that's going to happen no i think they're going to say see how how fickle they are and now they've got her against donald trump in the. hypothetical hypothetical well i don't. brian stelter is not even going to put up for that as long as there is a story there or we're going to milk it ok patrick i just i think you guys are
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grasping at straws here no no no i'm trying to make a point here and i it's a valid point i think is well all right i'll come on line i'll have a little bit of fun you know you're acting like you know what was his name bob you're acting like you're acting senator dole right now get off the grass ok talk that's right confounds me chattering let me go it is hard patrick patrick again what i'm just saying is that anything i know no matter how bizarre and how you know out of the park it is they will pick up on this ok because they have picked up on every single else real false imagined and run with it like fools they would do it again patrick. russia versus trump does that hypothetical peter liberals love during hypotheticals by the way. i'm just going to say yes peter one hundred percent really one hundred percent they would open up a shrine to vladimir putin outside cnn's offices in atlanta they would start
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rachel maddow would go to saudi and start doing fluff videos about what a great holiday destination it is that's what would happen because media. is colorblind the sense don't go to where the political with the political power is so you know i don't think i don't think i think they would pivot would definitely pivot was i don't want to get rid of trump and i think that's right of trying right enemy of my enemy that friend that is exactly right that's what i'm getting at here all right lionel pretty please come out of your hole now and you can start to answer the question my friend. he's been so can reveal to you i know i know and you think he's in a good you know he's in a good mood today ok keep going on where you take a happy pill though you're a genius first of all you confound port talbot the hypothetical you mean it's not what's a hypothetical right listen what you're doing is terrific what you're saying i don't have any of that have your ears that i know this really well that's that's
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really apparent this is ever heard his cross-eyed is crossed off into saurus edition ok go ahead lie all right that's what the pa was a lot of a ground war there were sorts of sorrows but i digress come on please you're what you're by your rosaries of my time let's assume this so that i'm reporting tomorrow comes out let's say worse than that leavelle might say he places facebook ads now imagine something that shows eight to say something negative against something now most people would say the left is the prototypical fascist corporate left would say wait a minute how can we agree with them now when we did like a week ago the enemy of my enemy is my friend are we going to be that craven of that that venal i go along with him or you are you know he's lying only it makes her do what time i hear again me it makes perfect sense because liberals used to believe in civil liberties two years ago they don't anymore oh man are for it ok i
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mean for tax evasion the average person convicted of tax evasion go to jail for a year now paul minor party faces three hundred years ok what happened to the liberals ok but you still believe in the civil liberties they gave him and i. well i got an ostrich cult i think i guess i how he had many how you will hide it out of the guy the explanation lionel is very easy there ideologically possessed they have lost their marbles rob give me a hypothetical peter value out of golf rachel maddow why just went to so she she would die mysteriously and some god of viking accident that's what would happen if they don't disappear her oh yeah i just don't see it as a viable thing. you have a lot of really with me on the happy about it. rachel maddow would sort of say i love it and i don't have that it was
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a talking patrick but you with your analogy back it up ok i get a drink she could do a cameo in a pussy riot video of me doing some cos that's are showing up and down and you know it but overt no pornography no pornography sorry and i don't know what's going on that one is peter the point is you're right ten or twenty years ago they would have rallied around the president in that scenario but we are not in that time any more now there is a kind of a political ideological obsession a fetish if you will and a total derangement to get as rid of this president so what might have been true twenty years ago is not wouldn't happen now in that sense yeah the media is completely out of it's out of history in that sense but i think the point is as well that you're not going to get any political objectivity from this mainstream media and in a sense they're going to hand donald trump reelection in two thousand and twenty if they continue down this road i think it's wishful thinking that they'll be able to
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personally that they'll be able to impeach the president if they win the midterms but the media is just going absolutely nuts in the run up to the midterms with with all these are going to ramp it up and it's just going to go nice and unfortunately it's kept this russia gate nonsense going here go ahead lionel. peter let me assume argue one doe that i was going to ask you a hypothetical question or a rhetorical question watched cobbs face now but do you think these democratic folks recognize that if for some reason under the rules if trump is removed mike pence is the president do you think that in their hate. verily but you've never even fly out of there and have absolutely are successful you're absolutely right but this again kind of confirms i guess what most of us are saying here and most viewers that are watching this program they don't think these things through very well do they ok i mean that's why it's called trying to wrangle that senator bob
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was because well no i mean i do think mike my pants wouldn't bother me and my character is it ok please do. well first of all i'm going i'm going to kind of side with the with patrick and lionel here. the liberals have over promised and under delivered and then promising and preachment they've been promising the end of trump every day and people are tiring of it. and it's beginning to make them look a little ludicrous where where is this impeachment where is this end of trump you've been telling me about for months and i see it more than anywhere remarkably on facebook with different journalists i know who shall go on name their one of the most droids cue the jaws theme all of it killing the jaws of them so much that the cello guy's fingers are probably broken by now and it's just not it whether it deserves to have going to or not it's not happening soon it hasn't happened and
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they've shot themselves in the foot in that regard you know so i don't know is this in agreement with lionel and i think i well yeah i think we're in broad agreement here with patrick the thing is though in the time from the campaign to inauguration to the president going to green with rabin i mean they've always looked for the end of something the end of the end of this administration you know impeachment but because they are so focused on that they haven't thought about anything else to run on and so they're going to run on hating trump and if you look at the public opinion polls i mean what is it eighty eight percent eighty to eighty eight percent of republicans are staying with the president you know after you know ninety eight percent of the airwaves a barrage against one man i've never seen it in my life i mean it's all about one man all of the time it's really exhausting because i like you i'm a policy guy the rest of it's kind of like tinder to entertainment ok go ahead
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patrick you know the problem is while they're going crazy trying to come up with the latest sort of gotcha for donald trump and there's like one there's multiples story lines every day that are being invented along those lines while they're doing all that the world's turning the world is moving on the united states has business to do is a country. and i only extend this i think the mainstream media are going beyond partisanship and sort of the democrat party and sort of the never trumpet for that matter they're undermining of the actual business of the united states i can't imagine more of an unpatriotic thing they might think that they're saving the world from a russian invasion or something like this but the fact the matter is they're undermining the u.s. credibility internationally they're keeping the u.s. from from doing its business internationally and on a diplomatic level and also on and other levels internationally in international relations so that's the real damage that i think i think i'd like you said peter you said to begin to show that domestic politics is shaping international politics
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and they used to not be the way it is now and that's really dangerous you know line and it's getting sentient what patrick was saying there is that this whole obsession here it's destroying the institution of journalism it's destroying the faith people have in the democratic process they and it's their faith in destroying their faith maybe even in the democratic party rob i'd like to have you back on and talk about that you know this you know the bernie side of it the this a young woman from this alexandro. has i mean you know this is a direction here the donors are terrified palosi is terrified schumer is terrified . and it's all because it's an obsession with ending the political career of a man that was duly elected go finish up on the program finish up go ahead lionel. peter let me just remind everybody do you remember in recent history any president at his or her well his rally that was ever able to invoke and
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inspire this frothing frenetic excitement ever when you saw all these did you ever see one was a smoother presidential and obama was this and that but this president has tapped into a sizable portion of this country that the elite is fascistic corporate ted baxter sockpuppet media have never been able to compromise it's a different game and by the way journalism is dead all right and i got a job and here are seven eight and all right you do it entire program to selecting the last three sentences you just said here that's all the time we have gentlemen many thanks to my guests a new york and in plymouth and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r.t. see you next time and remember cross talk rules.
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right we're also starting five guys to study at the studio house no signal. is not going to talk about the no fly list just renewed right after the mars explorers one knew it would appear to me. to say. the. multi-dose room welcome to sophie and co i'm so sorry shevardnadze said today we're got lots to talk about in our program and our gas this. good luck little.
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stuck up thinking that. this week was. all over so i was. you. he. was he was saying was he was. ok was there do you think because steve was like you forgot was there was no was she said that there. was pretty far out there was that was being was she was. being like but in fact was when views on. my answer to that that she was. married. was.
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was it. was i that was that was my feelings i mean you know i'm going to have. to send little girl some i don't know a. couple funny little knows a little like when i was only voting for work or for oh i love a bio movie are you mom or about a punk who would feel like i never end up costing them or put up or you will be explored you need to live with a little girl in a moment if you would like to find out about the. economic situation of the nation well i os or get me behind because i like. i mean looking you know what are some of your future more. miscible unbuckled that some of them are they're all i think that some of you have loving more i mean. as if i love michael dunn the old one i'm
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not doing the perma only live and governable was so cool. to work in the work. week that. you like and when you think i ask you something like this is really going to fail you know this is me but you only knows what over the radio to me that it was a journalist i'm told i'm getting told you that you are being working at the bar. when they meet me away oh you know me you know when you get we are going to marry and you know do pregnant. i stuff the boarding was there is always know there was something missing and bad thing at the summit or well our. i don't want to spoil our going into as i was i being in a little money and. you know and all have
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a nice time but when i signed you. jennifer gave birth to marianne after sleeping with a german customer a year later she met a local filipino guy. they are married but have now lived together for nine years and he was like. the moment i'm. nominated. for you don't really. want to own this mom with. a month in the front and about i can ok let me. know. and i've got hundreds of them all on the end of. the light on the. you know i'm. looking up with. a group of other and it was cool. i thought it was like. well i'm one of the one of. the most of the. united states. on my. block and you're.
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not you know. i don't. have or just made on on i made money from you have. i was in a scuffle in the balance when it's not i mean of course i mean you and i are doing almost a bow and i'm firing i've. been here. for a very very very very. good year. very. well it's eleven forty eight. again. you need a time. well firstly. you wanted what.
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is buyable me legislation. in the early. history the still not the it's there and made. it whatever our there was very very we are. hanging around in the back. if there are people here very. very. maybe by having we're all going to be there maybe you care and right. i have boyfriend his name is shine. but i don't know i was thinking these and
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found us those good old niggas i know you can i'm a best you know that i'm old. and i think i'll sum of all lang and i was still out on my meet the mumbling yeah i was up was that i know guy. i mean yeah i was i'm avoiding i was living don't know nothing that need to sappy would be nice when i was that he had gone and then no one again no going as serious as that invalid i don't why i long ago i was i knew thinking the onion a monopoly as the only shop i am going out to avoid now. i am a well as i am now and then in greenland all and only. i know how. i go that it was i was up by a. room where i know better but i'm sure i'll. go with you but only in a but i mean. and i mean again about the bit about the bible or. about . what i got told about when they said listen up with a load of the with
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a lot of about. ten and a little more people point to some it he'll pull don't. take no more going taking of logical degree your body full did say you will still be learning need to see it. going to school. its. just. this is. the world. so you have. somebody at the ball. well you're not alone on the whole the lot of it with a lot of luck. is that most of the books up with business allow you to know.
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how the. family somehow going to bring about a new bill my mother's a better me and. my being with. you want to leave i mean to me. was in a way to go about it in the way it will in the end they told them and. that they are good. and the little guys. know that i'm not making any effort to go. i need. to.
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