tv News RT August 5, 2018 11:00am-11:31am EDT
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none of them saw that but say to themselves. but i'm ok with asking for permission are you ok with them i'm not going to judge somebody that's not the same place in life that i'm not some yeah you made jeremy go now i think they're dumb dungeon they were a wake up and i look to him in the head with a loaf of bread you know. everybody's on their own journey all i can do is plant seeds and hope in a beautiful flower grows i'm not responsible for the flower. so much has changed since i was president of the united states. i learned some of the students. very dark and bunnies. and a blanket to guide can we chat for a minute can we chat a little bit. now your friend can wait we're after stock serious business this is a serious business there is nothing serious when a man is dressed like that. yeah i'm
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a blink and we have to chat it was or lose your other friend reports of a one thousand century stocker are currently rolling in. oh no there were no windows up the new president took my office at the white house there's a new guy he's got people upset you can't is that what's going on that i'm personally i'm mexican something i don't really i don't like not gonna. give a little problem on your border. now i'm going to say. what say you but. my ears start getting mitchie cousin here and some politician. you know usually now she's better to reach over and go politician this. you know arms that. lets the pa which are at the top which are hard. so first of all first of all tell you what. do we need.
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this is says harlan kentucky. so we all in this room voices are people going street families remain in. a coma any city with almost no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the coal was a said i'd. love to see these people the survivors of a world disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in a million years i would see that and it's happened it's happened to.
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join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see that. in america. you have a little problem on your border. do we need a law first of all tell you all. the walls that we have have it worked as well as other technology can do we need. to know that we need a law as an immigration attorney i will tell you we do need to monitor it but a wall all it is is a castle or it's an ecosystem of disaster because so many animals pass through there there's drones and other ways that we can make sure and monitor that border much more effectively than spending money on an actual structure like you know we're making a chinese wall. and so you're next to say yeah you how far out there on second generation and states so immigration is
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a very big issue in america of course so what is how do you feel about it do you feel like it's being handled well or not and i feel like building a wall really would help. i also feel that you know we have roots here and they have rules there should the person who is here a certain way that wasn't correct. should be receive funding from my taxes. for somebody who is a citizen. i feel sorry for the families that have already made a made a living here and you know get out or whatever is going on should this administration follow through with its promise for a walk. today that politicians have followed through on a promise when it no longer makes sense for the country is a day that we should definitely regret as americans you should do what's best for the country you can explain why it's differentiates from your promise that you hopefully made in sincerity and thought was the best solution at the time but as we
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get more information as we get more technology as things change we should be able to move forward for what's best for the country instead of having to say i got to do this because i made a promise even. it's wrong decision that's the effect of leadership. so when you speak your friends family back in mexico. much to still come here or you're saying maybe you know what i don't like most people are like handsome to them now with the new president because it's so harsh and something that seems like it's a lot harder to get your presidency like it was hard before and now it's going to be even harder so i think a lot of your previous one of those crazy wall things. as a result shows mexico's going to pay for that's going to happen probably down. to you know what would have one hundred percent turn around overnight. if decisions
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started being made that would be better for everything. you would have instant approval ratings all over the even people who hate with a passion people who have the hash tag of not my president if you created a health care system that made sure that everybody was minimally covered make sure that no one was left behind if you made to the every veteran was taking care of and not left behind if you made sure that in military decisions that you didn't have civilians with no strategy telling the military what to do and you actually listen to the military experts about what they should do because they're on the ground and no more never mind if they're the experts if you had if you did the wall and you did the technology to make sure that that was secure without hurting the eco system without hurting the environment and without the necessary money if you did all those things that's a win and everybody would say wait a minute that's better than what we were promised you would get the people who want your promise because that's what they had their life staked on and you get the people to hate you with a passion because everybody wants works well that was educational.
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i learned some of those students. you know i am. going to leave both in a position of people are going to. what's been going on in the country since i left . political discourse gone ok well who's discourse ago like i'm like when i was president there were the abolitionists and the issue of slavery you know what is the issue and i was fighting exactly i'm not all caught up in where you couldn't wait even better for you for years and what was the biggest surprise like when you got here like wow i didn't never expected that what it was anything like surprise when you came here. should i switch to a serious tone shops a little. homelessness. myself talking about.
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men and women old enough to be my grandparents on the street. where you chose. what happened there's no formal social welfare system but. nobody really is. a. last question if you come back here and play if you hear from now i'm thinking back in my time. this thing i miss more than anything. ok i'll be obvious. this is. ok buddy we have this in common we can you know this is what drives this we all can agree on. love. while on a state finds common ground in the modern world steven continues his quest to understand if i'm correct during a tradition. if you're
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a progressive feminist say it's an identity historically it was an identity that you are a religious person you're really just moments ago you would have certain respect. for you and. that way we've lost that but for me it's a it's elating married to mary mother of jesus this is the way she dressed other than she would close the back and it's also an identifier that anywhere i go other muslims recognise me as muslim and that creates a community because they will say peace to me they will ask if i need anything they will be available for me and i need help islam has always. those who would want to meet. each. need. this is in islam every muslim. gives a fifth of what he needs throughout the challenge. but that's not part of the five
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the five pillars of islam that's not one of them but it's very strong it's one of it's one is if i don't just come right because i want sharon and muslim countries me. the charity is unbelievable people welcome you and this is one of the things in this country and you never talk about. these two. and i'll do more with that but like and i'm obviously you're twenty seven so. if you believe i'm forty five forty five and i'm fifty one. and. i feel a saintly we do a book deal read your book we sure. as a publisher you'd love to know that i take notes every night about what my day was like and my thoughts so i'll be ready to talk to know what i want to remind you of this evening is its true youngest baldwin brother craziest exclamation point this has been verified by the american psychological association. so this is just you
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know i mean it's like this is like. this is like washing over me and then it's like i just i'm just feeling like this going to be so interesting to have people. here you know honestly saying. that everyone really has a chance to. know if you really were all. you can get to places no places but you can get to places. stephen's newfound knowledge leaves some excited about the possibilities this pilgrimage may bring thanks so much for our money on still up on top of the hotel and shall assault with all the salam the man says excited to get out of the arizona heat and take off the old coach. by the way brother and i turn to your just. thought that snow's going to.
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visit that. ptolemy stuff. sounds. nice tabulating. hang on dude. who smells again through retirement. gotta find a new drug. to take you around. this is the r.v. culture this is the people on the field. there's a market led right there her. or her. her. that's a tough job. but somebody's gotta do. this . why. i
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threw some in here i think this is a problem i better be careful the ruling in that it's like the next quote. everything's under control max. catch just good don't test since thirty news conference me on eating just. as your sandwiches are going to the filler then it's hard to say no to an ice cream sandwich. look at it forty six times. what's going to come out of my open. nervous. because. this right. here this this this the government jara army has the fully extended. full house only the best for our usual suspects it's a. lot. smoke
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soon. oh the shot guys you can see it going into the tank. next run inside and just flush the toilet a few times and turn the sink water on please ok. forth lots one here. this is the baptism i was thinking of. you know if you're really messed up very. very quickly what's on my hand right now i could be really evil. but i'm not going to do that. i love that. right it's working so. that stinks.
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but. for any money we gotta give new hopes for real do just go in the door. thanks folks for coffee so are we one of her dark wagon. to get through a big old pupil who. washed my hands. with your resume it in the rearview and the strange bump now gone our heroes are off to greener pastures and even funkier. next time on the great american pilgrimage otherwise mexican mexican dresses can you tell me what that is i'm a visitor here what i want to be looking at you know and helping them. it
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is the news this is. the church secret indeed just like priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it quite literally i like to call this the geographic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot were the previous standards not known the highest ranks of the
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catholic church help conceal the accused priests from the police and justice so sending that you know that's not as the i intend then i conclude that it is this out and think. it's both. the. same wrong why don't we all just don't all. to all get to shape out just because etiquette and indeed treatment equals betrayal. when something find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground.
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with a post. from the. last time we chased. each one of them carrying twenty kilos of drugs this is a first offense. blues that they just step towards world. is the free will remain so my little mundane boy they have this is the this is for me. isn't it. i don't see a porno baby don't. make. i walk down a great. part. around want.
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army. top stories on the weekly has acknowledged a quote disturbing chapter in its post-war history when thousands of women were forced to give up their babies there on the program we speak to one of the victims i asked the my daughter i actually had to ask three times and then the last time that i asked i had to yell and then they really went black i started to get i started to pass out and then they took away from me. weapons used by terrorists and the rebels in syria have been traced to nato countries including the united states an independent investigation tracked at the serial numbers on a broad mix of missiles. those are the
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threat to american democracy apparently faces from russia during the upcoming upcoming midterm elections that is according to the u.s. intelligence community. welcome to the weekly on sunday this is r.t. international news team here rounding down the top stories of the past week. the canadian government in its report called it a shame is has acknowledged a disturbing practice dating back to the postwar period when unmarried women were forced to give up their babies those babies were and given to married couples in a bid to promote traditional families some women were even tricked into giving up their children and we spoke to one of the victims. as soon as they found out i was pregnant they mark my records b.f.a. baby for adoption.
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i was a fifteen year old girl pregnant i was pregnant from a sexual assault. and. there was no conversation about with me about how i got pregnant all they cared about was the fact that i was. pregnant and that i had a baby that they could. take on healthy born here you are beautiful baby. you will forget the child go home get married and have other children or if not get a puppy. that is what i was told get up puppy. it was very abusive and there. we were isolated from our life i was isolated from
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my family is my community my sisters my parents i was completely left alone. my parents were not canadian citizens they're there from europe with my parents to believe that they would get deported if they didn't follow. what the government wanted at maternity homes mothers the routinely denied their right to see feed their babies there are still some mothers who do not know when their day delivers a boy or girl being told well it's none of your business off the whole of my daughter i actually had to ask three times and i. at first i said it quietly and i said it a little louder and then the last time that i am i had to yell and i had to yell
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bring me my baby now. and then the nurse dog looked at the doctor for permission and i was quite surprised that the nurse would have to ask for permission for me to hold my own daughter since i'm her legal guardian and my daughter in my arms and. and then the room went black i started to get i started to pass out and then they took her away from me. i met my daughter she fell she actually found me. so she phoned me. and she said. you don't know who i am and as soon as she said that i knew who she was but.
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we talked on the phone for about six months getting to know each other getting from the with each other building some trust she needed to feel safe because our children were told that was something wrong with us they were towards an alternate story that we were drug addicts prostitutes. resolute support mission and often most all three of its soldiers are being killed in a suicide bombing the local journalist sultan fires he reports from kabul. it's suicide bomber on foot across a nato convoy in north of kabul in the middle of the city of charcot our area called colors i.e. and detonated his explosive laden vest killing a least three and need to servicemembers according to results of polled
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statement three have been killed and three more have been wounded one of the wounded is american and two to rest or afghan police forces local prevention spokesperson confirmed the attacked saying that there are no there's no civilian casualties but it has been a very vulnerable area nearby bagram air base so this bees have been vulnerable because it has diminished your number of the u.s. forces based in there so taliban have been launching attacks sometimes mortar attacks and sometimes the plant i e d's or improvised explosive device and they usually commit suicide attacks against these forces the incident comes just a day after two suicide bombers had a mosque in the southeast of the country killing thirty nine islamic state said it
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was behind that massacre so far there's no information as to who carried out the latest attack on nato soldiers. now batches of weapons discovered in the former terrorist stronghold of eastern aleppo in syria have been traced back to western manufacturers renowned war correspondent robert fisk identify their origins through their serial numbers and then try to find out how these advanced weapons ended up in the hands of the missed militants and more now from artie's caleb martin. this is a weapons factory located in bosnia most likely you have never heard of it but it's here that the weapons were manufactured for one of the bloodiest battles in syria lots of homes were destroyed and lots of civilians were killed in western aleppo by those questionable rebels now most of those rebels are tied to the al qaeda linked al nusra a terrorist group but let's focus on those weapons that they used robert fisk an
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investigative reporter was able to trace those weapons back to that very factory in bosnia he was able to get a hold of the factories logbook and getting in touch with the former weapons control director the director recognized his signature in the logbook and from there was able to determine who the buyer was it's a warranty for the hundred twenty millimeter show this is standard it went to saudi arabia it was posed to the supply of five hundred malts as i remember the whoa the saudis came to a factory to inspect the weapons at the beginning of twenty sixteen the response from saudi officials was pretty much a denial they said that the investigation was vague and undefined however their response seemed pretty vague as well so do you rabia is a leading voice within the international community in support of a diplomatic solution to the conflict in syria while at the same time working with our neighbors and allies to counter the growth of forces of extremism but it's not
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just saudi arabia the former weapons director says that nato and the united states pretty much run the show at the weapons making facility all of the americans and nato who are always coming whom and they know each and every piece of weaponry that leaves a factory. we also asked nato for a response but they didn't have any details to share even though the weapons were actually made to the nato standards they did does not own or transfer arms or ammunition for any further questions we would refer you to national authorities now another trace from the basement of this former terrorist base in aleppo is the markings on the casing of a missile now if you take a look the first number here this represents the type of missile the second number however is the stock number you'll notice that it contains the figure zero one now that's the nato code representing the united states it turns out that this t o w
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anti-tank missile was manufactured at a facility in the united states by the raytheon systems company this is not the first time this has happened syria is actually littered with weapons that are made to nato standards and some of which have actually been manufactured in the united states the question now is how much do washington and nato know about their weapons falling into the hands of the very terrorists they claim to be fighting there is a deafening silence a purposeful lack of interest a purposeful apathy and the reason for this is simple the us government and the military industrial complex and the corporate owned media that functions as an echo chamber for the military industrial complex actually does not care the us government prosecutes those who they say aid and abet terrorism well guess what american war contractors are aiding and abetting terrorism but the us judicial system the justice department.
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