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tv   Sophie Co  RT  August 6, 2018 9:30am-10:01am EDT

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you know if you're going to require legislation a lot of detail play i mean. we have not yet begun in the past eighteen months the pentagon started through troves of public embarrassment because of their want to be biggest fan for instance this march donald trump casually remark that u.s. troops would be pulling out of syria in bin nearest future the bomb shell decision the pentagon was not only unaware of but also disagreed with apparently will become a serial like very soon let the other people take care of it now very soon very soon will come and i've heard rumors of people talking about the trial but it's not over what did the announcement this week change anything in that sense nothing actually has changed fast forward next month trump says he wants to deploy the national guard on the mexican border well let's just say the pentagon didn't have too much fun when it had to take the rap for this we're going to be guarding our
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border with the military members who are likely to be involved this overall expanded operation so that will all be determined by the requirements that are given to us first but i don't have any specific details on what support we could provide but they will provide us with the requirements and then from that will determine how many and what's the mission and how many will deploy back in twenty seventeen trump went to france where he saw the iconic still day parade wow that's nice why don't we have something like this you thought some reports suggested no one wanted the parade but trump well he had reluctantly worked on it in a hands off mode the due date is just over three months away now the event is reportedly in the early planning stages and it's still unclear who's going to foot the millions of dollars bill some orders trump is giving out of all places on twitter last year. first tweeted that the us would not accept or allow dot dot dot
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nine long minutes passed before he resumed. does anyone else in this room have any intelligence coming out of the united states government will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the us military. or get rich in coffee this list of when trump pushed the pentagon right under the bus is nowhere near complete so with this space force initiative the us military is well apparently struggling to get its hands back on the steering wheel he says i but he walked into the advice from the likes of of madison and pompei o. who are all considered a war cabinet but he makes the ultimate decisions when it's time for a decision but when it comes to throwing out ideas that doesn't necessarily mean
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he's consulted with anybody he came up with the idea before consulting with anybody he made it known publicly and then once he began to get briefed on the issue i think he's beginning to understand the space force per se may not be the way to go although i don't think he's ruled it out entirely. a british man who worked. at an american military base in germany is now suing the u.s. army david patterson and his colleagues who are knowingly exposed to a high concentration of the toxic substance cadmium that the u.s. army's sending a warning letter only a year after the job was finished back in twenty seventeen the man was overseeing the cleaning of contaminated equipment. a couple of minutes from head to should i was covered in this white powdery substance but like very fine variable and not laws we actually started cleaning these boxes well so any
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training information. any any knowledge of the danger or what we're actually doing with those boxes whatsoever in its warning letter sent a year too late the us army said that skin and eye contact should be avoided and also recommended wearing special protective gear while standing near to the contaminated boxes now one of the risks was that the cabin cadmium covering the equipment could become airborne and then ultimately it could be inhaled academy or is a highly toxic substance that does cause cancer it affects the central nervous system and can cause kidney failure acute inhalation may even cause death and receiving the warning letter david paterson contacted the u.s. army the a reaction was one of the they are treating it as though it was a just not. dangerous just the day before the inspector arrived from the
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german authorities they ripped out every case of the fifty cases then what they did they actually got all these fifty cases and in the pittman one era open to the sun the wind the rain and was only three meters from a drainage system or unions in germany have reportedly already raised the alarm over the working conditions at the u.s. military base urging author of these to take action or the army says the equipment was simply mishandled in june some equipment was cleaned incorrectly this was done by eight employees in one department we get the boxes civilians we work on the boxes we clean the quitman. get the believe that we are responsible for everything why the box is not locked dangerous i've been no no or was there working for the same company sixteen months until i don't lie most and asked until i demanded that we have some type of action on these boxes i was sacked from m. and e.
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global resources and i am taking them to court for a legal sakhi and gross misconduct then we shall stalk about your us. and the army we have request a comment from the us army and other firms involved in this contract plenty of stories still to come here in the mix of your monday program on r t international we are back in just about. anyone else still seems wrong. but all wrong just don't call. me
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old yet to say proud disdain etiquette and in detroit equals betrayal. when something is find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. what politicians do. put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president and she. wanted. to go right to the press this is what before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters in the. stories here or not see
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a movie star steven seagal has been appointed the russian foreign ministry special representative on humanitarian ties between moscow and washington or the move was met with criticism in the western media but here is mr seagal playing a concert in some vast crimea in two thousand and fourteen just months after the peninsula was an expired russia. maybe he's controlled the case should the public street signs it is steven seagal so much so the russian. takes a closer look at the reaction to steven seagal his new role. you know steven seagal from the action packed films he both played in and directed but he'll soon have a very different role to play the russian foreign ministry has named him special representative on the u.s. russia humanitarian ties for ways had a very strong desire to do all i can to help improve russian american relations i have worked tirelessly in this direction for many years an officially and i am now
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very grateful for the opportunity to do the same thing officially to go over sieved russian citizenship back in two thousand and sixteen when vladimir putin himself sets a goal up with a russian passport since then he's participated in everything from charity concerts to martial arts competitions in order to bring the u.s. and russia closer together and with relations between both countries at an all time low one might think anything to help the situation should be a breath of fresh air but that sentiment hasn't made much headway in the mainstream media and the hysteria hasn't stopped there the former u.s. ambassador to russia even took to twitter slamming signals appointment as an apparently desperate move strange though a celebrity from the west saying something positive about russia the whole story seems awfully familiar.
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western stars are committing what has already become an un forgivable sin associating with russia but despite all the criticism it's put them under many people are questioning why it should negatively impact one's profession donald corder r.t. . the number of people killed in the earthquake in indonesia has risen to ninety one some two hundred people were also. enjoyed a six point four magnitude quake struck the indonesian tarus island of lombok on monday officials say all of those killed were locals and most died due to buildings collapsing on them this was the second deadly quake in a week in that area and local authorities have already evacuated hundreds of locals and tourists from the islands with hundreds more waiting to be moved to safety.
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twenty posterity moscow three swedish police officers are reportedly under investigation off the shooting dead a man who was carrying a toy gun in stockholm eric to roll was taken to hospital but died shortly after from his injuries the twenty year old suffered from down syndrome and autism according to his parents he had the mental capacity of a three year old and had strong difficulties speaking of three policemen arrived after a cold reportedly from the neighbors who saw to wrestle with a toy gun and mistook it for a real one they ordered him to discard what they believed to be a dangerous weapon after he failed to comply officers judge the situation as threatening and started shooting and the mother of the victim has been left in shock calling us on the world's most loving person. if you can get over on them for three or to i waved good bye to him as he was driven off an event especially dappy
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for people with disabilities which he uses a few hours later someone was knocking on the front door into police officers appeared. told me he'd been shot dead by three police officers out on the street that i was totally devastated i couldn't comprehend that he was jew i still cannot believe it is true. that he was twenty years old and die because three police officers bitterly shot him right in the stomach all three of them. meanwhile in order to prevent such fatal mistakes the swedish toy baby association issued a statement will make a simple recommendation to the industry remove all toy weapons that are easy to confuse with the real weapons in light of the latest tragic event it seems that some toy products are so easy to confuse with the real thing that even the police can't tell the difference with devastating consequences we spoke to youth activist
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ken hines he says it's just not feasible to ban children from playing with toy guns and the only better police training can prevent further tragedy. i think if you try if you badly toit guards that look like real guns young people and other unscrupulous people will still be able to make those guns look real simply because young people will always try to look what they call cool by doing something that maybe to adult perceived to be dangerous if we want to do something we've got to look at the type of training these police officer undertake i wasn't there i don't know the full circumstances but what i do know a young man has lost his life the likely outcome the police will be find that it was justified they would end their actions and i don't think that they were far
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away that anything regarding their procedure was wrong what they have to look on is their policy iran vulnerable people weapon a man or women lester's can be learned and must be learned from such tragedy so that we can avoid other similar types of trustee happening i thank you for joining us here in our international for this i was monday programming plenty more stories to bring your way at the top of the hour but you can join us that. played such.
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first. of all the star. daughter shows don't get all so diageo as on the first takes. how my costume past. the person. who. ate. it to last bridget does. something she was the senior. girl. was the thought. that they were in. school holiday homes i want to smile that.
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would normally get manufactured consensus instead of public wealth. when the ruling classes project themselves. with the famous merry go round lifts and be the one percent. going all middle of the room sick. doing. the real new. movies to get good should enjoy pseudogene some civil tickets are going to spike is broken it's sure puts us off with or the crap that i could get essential on this machine i can use out of this is was good. someplace.
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with as you take a look at it when it was modeled it should do the job. this cruise of it turns out it just as he says represented the screwfix it opened up a second than if we did who. now at c.c. sympathetic to the embassy according to father emmanuel nothing happened. but why then was he shipped out of cameroon when he could have been posted to another diocese in the country. under. the millennium his new superior explains to him in the news. he doesn't know we're filming. me to. be in this for a split is. the sensitivity a way it's all the news. this is just
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a good movie is the question i'll swallow you see. this. little girl. it doesn't it's a soon to be on cut this first or something really good and so the community of st john ship father emmanuel off to bologna is so he wouldn't be anywhere near any kids. but when we leave the priory to posters catch our eye if tetris on thousands or and. a theater inside the priory. tell you and then that the penny drops. to create this is all good i know that it wasn't your standard that's possible don't just says it all. because of all the said so as it says all. the get over to the to. the budget or not it is awful but but it is me that a minute i was the one killing one of them grew out it is awful to bust.
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and after all this to ing and fro ing in the world of st john we had a few questions for the head. the community. on the case of virtue in cameroon but also on the other documents in our hands. the st john public relations director emailed us. dear sir we are prudent about the televised press especially when sensitive subjects are concerned after a long reflection we prefer to decline your request for an interview regarding the departure of the brothers from the cathedral imber to a we had any reason to believe that these rumors were ungrounded the same conclusion of the local police and justice obviously reached because they pressed no charges after their investigation i send you cordial greetings and my prayers not exactly a satisfactory reply. so we check up on the schedule of the head of the community of st john. who is due to
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fly to alibi anything you'll be a today from the shelter gaulle airport outside paris. to wait for brother thomas your game with a sign to grab his attention. and it works. so that the law a little sign is the physic as opposed to distort the good to go raise. the level work of school and i see that the loonies i. ocean they all over they live in a move said often that these girls as all the fighting is not all those just like on either side of it as the bus and all the other can all those all of those people that make it a pleasure but if you will let you know that some of us don't but i do have a little older than if i think like all that it was funny it'll last this is built
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with a thank you with the deficit so if only by that comes out oh please pick it up i mean look at. in addition to it's been given out a lot more than one movie was it distills one of those like this one as a music student was from hell the other low enough and it just doesn't really get actresses roles on the. set of a lot of them one of the flaws in the book was thinking that this is the most votes so here's the most of all it will kill another million of them only one of us is drawn this is like you ponder the forever if you carry the people of the globe or never be defeated the battle of the festival for you says it all for for. just a single vision the it also thought that was a lot of fun to do this you know listen a little for. those who don't know bellyful no specific edition of all it will. have to do the music for and. mr bush i don't think i was at its most me this is
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what is this. despite our frequent requests to the community of st john refused to grant us an interview. during our investigation we discovered other examples of the international transfer of priests accused of pedophilia. we could have chosen to tell you about this priest from new york who after being accused of sexual abuse by one young teenager was moved to. this one with an international arrest warrant for sexually abusing children in france hanging over his head now when refuge in lebannon. or this one an italian wanted for sexually abusing eight boys transferred to mozambique. at the heart of the catholic church how many cases are there priests from country to
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country due to suspicions of sexual abuse on minors. we tried to add them up. over three months we contacted the main victims groups around the world. gave us their list of transferred priests. then we called whistleblowers. attorneys. judges. and on cross check with local newspaper articles. we only took into account priests moved since one nine hundred ninety s. . there were so many cases we had to see this on the big screen. so we booked the biggest panoramic movie theater in paris. we compiled all
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of the data onto a map. to discover with us is far. more offensive that there has ever. a french clergyman with a unique profile he's both a priest and a therapist he sees sexual abuse victims but also the priest accused of it. that's right and he is the only frenchman of the cloth to accept our invitation. a critic to the cats will do a good dirty gays get don't get the they or us it's girls has medical class gets the presses have a day at the fair. dressed. i
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don't i will don't move most ships that get it don't get old don't apply it. always on the thought of it he. thought to deploy a small boy to. know. that some summer had kicker shows they're not. going to have a sequel here by the detour but he took out a few minutes look at this one i. got. on thank you may depend on this i found a pedo he. only said you want. to trade only to is of a abusing this on. the top of. the fence a result of the things that appear to be all mansoul small. stem dicks
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feel the petal bit of loose lips on it let. the plastic or more meat on the guy man on the do to the down dude who going to know. yeah covers it was false he's a person with a new comment they didn't feel with all these auto that basic should only be we just we saw. liz over a year this is a complete moron even a small subset i mean it. look at this equal not because they're called or said don't get look at you they're. also not a crusade of your show this is all false suv and on is an account of our own entirety in zambia it is usually made it a toss fairly or not at all to we day to day. what i think absolutely most you mean i said faucet among those so there is also a song coupons to support and
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a. comment on the other weavers. look close a family member team your community go ahead you shout it is yeah don't do the walk and then you defecate go shows the sec or sit on a loss was what you did the deputies roof at the pebble emission and afaik. simpson it was he also. day plessy on afaik you've read it you see on let me just shoot it down to mr will . take a possible fame on yeah come m. city dig a kid can't play that up with his own phone by a few no loss even after it was you and i think people going up put it off. those also we see. you accept. c.c.'s for subs the match use it was over you could publish a book with
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a very cool into the clinics you object to is key to shine a six ready the old keenness some talk about the who something else could put that you don't wanna be successful enough that there are some critical but you keep chemically michael hit a productive man shows that he has to sit there and about have to cut costs at the high. people. or is it about horses if it is capone it is letting himself that article says. that i said. yeah poor form discard it don't see the team so he's off own doing. said. see if i was too soft on the usa birds who get the groovy. i don't know if you are poor to force it is obvious eminem is very go put it in sequester steps this is something. it is this is the marquee fortunately because we bought it combusted
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article by the us mint. as you can imagine after this interview our attention turned to the vatican the holy see the place where the church is longs are made. the place where punishments against pedophile priests are meted out. but we discover that even inside the vatican government high ranking officials have been accused of covering for priests accused of pedophilia. after several months of discussion the vatican chose this priest to answer all question. fathers older an advisor to the pope on sexual abuse issues he also sits on the commission for the protection of minors a body founded by pope francis two years ago. you have been appointed to this commission what has the commission don't know since then and do you think it's enough we have people from all continents on this commission we have experts from different fields so psychology psychiatry and law international law social work and theology and we try to discuss what can be next steps to help the pope to set
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up new measures to be more incisive in the life of the local church up there and there is still a lot to do you know my expression for this is this is a generational toss we will not finish within two years or five years we will have to work long which means fifteen twenty maybe thirty years. banks guys are financial survival they say money but the girl. who wanted to do this this is a central bank support diagram is a good club and right now it's a stop to the. wrong.


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