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tv   News  RT  August 6, 2018 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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that's the thing annoys me more than any good at the logans of this world because there are all agog oh yeah whatever they would exploited for all they would exploit and what side of their own they're not on anybody's side they're exploited for stupidity you know that's what they do they they look at it in terms of it's stupidity and that's what that's how logan roy runs his empire because he looks through something is as stupid i haven't seen the end of it so i don't know whether there are any forces there to break up the power of families like this well i think there are and i think that's what we see we see all the threats and in that suite see it throughout and logan's one belief is in the family it's something that you go you know on a hiding to nothing there powell but he's absolutely i mean i said this to jesse actually we were working on the show i says when i was in the there's a whole scene when we do family intervention we have a psychotherapist who comes and talks was on it's and it's and it's because the
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family is getting such bad press and logan agrees to it because it's a it's a press thing but. in the middle of it he does talk about his family but he does say he loves his family and i said to jesse i said no jesse tell me is that true and he said absolutely true you know i'm so not weighed in and blood is very much thicker than water and i'm f. you know but it's it's the family going to see what trump does you know what god says what my heart out gods is what those families do day they do come together they do congeal in some kind of way. because they're not realize what their power base is you know otherwise it becomes too diminished i mean even though he's he's the individualists think he knows that there are people who have to do the job in order to make the unit work well episode two is going out in britain on thursday brian cox thank you thank you after the break could there be a link between bank bailout cause austerity and the death rates for those in
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english police custody we speak of all the met police chief inspector and great uncle of a russian child died at the hands of police last summer well this is more coming up but they're going underground. this is. the church secret indeed catholic priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it quite literally i like to call this the do graphic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot where the previous standard is not not the highest ranks of the
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catholic church conceal the accused priests from the police and justice center that is known as the i and then i included tuesday's out in. its path for. the past i think will be this. that.
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i. was. with opposed. but i felt a lot. of it. last time we chased. each one of them carrying. any kilos of drugs. pushed. them very. very well i mean they don't want to comment they. don't know don't they don't.
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welcome back deaths in police custody of reach their highest in a decade according to britain's independent office for police conduct twenty three people died during or after police custody in twenty seventeen alone one of the names not on that list is twenty year old londoner russian charles earlier this year following an investigation by the i o. p. c. the crown prosecution service ruled his death was an accident no charges will that we brought against the officer that restrained him someone who has disputed the findings of the official in question investigation is russian charles's great uncle rod charles he is a former metropolitan police chief inspector with thirty years experience is designed trained and applied specialised restraint tactics he maintains correct use of tactics would have prevented the avoidable death of his nephew inspector thanks
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for going on going underground to a year since your great nephew twenty year old russian charles died after being restrained by police the police force you worked for why do you reject the inquest verdict of the death was an accident the rejection is is quite straightforward i did it many weeks before the inquest sat before the jury was sworn in because i spoke to the lead investigator on several occasions and ice pointed out a number of issues which i considered were flawed in the investigation. i was for both disregarded in terms of some of the issues i raised my take is that bearing in mind that i haven't investigated background. they want to get to the bottom of it and as to why we could have worked together i would do nothing to impede their investigation i would hopefully think with the knowledge that i have an experience i have i'll be able to enhance the quality investigation it proved to me to be the case that they didn't want to engage with me and i think they saw me as
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a distraction or maybe they thought prejudiced a case of already covered that that wouldn't be the case but above all if you bring a flawed investigation into an inquest then the process will be flawed and that is exactly what has happened i said it was going to be a predetermined outcome that's exactly what has happened every before you get to the floor just to be clear your decades of experience as a chief inspector at the met it wasn't that there's a motion or correction to that to russia in your great nephew before the in-store c.c.t.v. video was suddenly appeared on the media actually you tended to side with the police well not meant to side with the police but i understand the question on the twenty second of july died i learnt about it during the day. he died late at night or early hours of the morning and my assumption was well i mean of course it is sad and my assumption was then the officer probably did what he had to do in the
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circumstances twenty odd hours later a niece of mine said uncle look at the some of the c.c.t.v. what's on you tube and having viewed the youtube footage. it changed everything it was clear to me that it was not. a straightforward detention and it's clear to me as it was then and now that it's unavoidable. death with mind my nephew encountered is the inquest the officer known as b x forty seven it was really done twenty one different safety training courses he done emergency first aid before he was restrained yes he made a mistake by forgetting to turn on his body camera forgot to do any breathing checks and forgot to go an ambulance but. you know he had the experience and he was individual a member of the territorial support group b x four seven is at the highest level of
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training he receives regular training i used to be a member of the territory support group as a sergeant when i was promoted on i was a trainer designing and delivering training to terrell supports editorial support group and then subsequently i was responsible for deploying them to numerous tragic irony for me he has received a significant amount of training in terms of the pursuit of no qualms of course you must push you people you suspect might be committing crimes but i have serious criticisms and concerns about almost everything he did once he made contact so something wrong with the training here or something wrong with the way be x. forty seven i think the police training is at very high level he i don't think it will have changed significantly from the type of training that i received. i think it's about the way in which the officer decided to employ and deploy himself and
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his tactics at the time of the training mission. and he was interviewed shortly after he was interviewed but in the twenty second of july he was interviewed until the fourth of december to may that's another aspect of the flawed investigation it's for me almost unheard of any explanation two years to why the delay i cannot fathom out why but it certainly tells me there is a flawed investigation to leave such a long gap in between the the incident and the investigation i don't know how you would expect to get a thorough and robust oversight and insight into what place now you know the two the use of force expert is evidence the inquest judge used to advise the jury to take into account deciding with the russians that was an accident so surely that should give you more confidence i know both individuals one i know better than the other but we were serving at the same time i did thirty years one did thirty one years and the other forty four but the the the latter is currently still serving
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with the police my concerns are simply this i think that they or i know from personal experience that they are competent accomplished trainers. but their contribution to this case they are neither impartial they are not objective they have not been objective logs they certainly are being seen to be impartial because they are from the same force why they certainly are not independent but why would that be why would the who chose members of the metropolitan police britain's largest police force to investigate themselves in effect i guess it would be investigation of police conduct falls to the i o. p.c. so it is a new body replacing the another body is changes name so i leave the c. up until january can a have to be reprinted in reconfigured so to speak even though the investigator didn't change the team didn't change but it's change of top top level i want to be fair to them because they need to be given time to show that they can be invest
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independent investigators but the signs are good the i.p.c.c. and the police complaints authority that preceded them were floored and all the signs point that the i.o.p. see follow in a similar tack they had a choice of over forty different forces to go to to choose experts to comment on what we see on the c.c.t.v. and what they had on the body one video and they chose to go with. individuals who have integrity links to the very force under scrutiny it's bizarre what's your reaction to these latest police custody death cases highest level for a decade disproportionately people of color and with mental illness i understand that your great view is not in the figures because of the statistical issue with deaths at the hands of police he only he and others are not in the figures or x.
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and the cost is another case another problem five year old david police we want you to call islam but the reason they're not in the figures i understand is. because they weren't formally told that they were under arrest and had the. right road the rights read to them notwithstanding the fact that everything else that took place in terms of the levels of force the use of handcuffs the levels of restraint applied. they were deprived of their liberty i think it's semantics and i think it's statistical mental manipulation that the i o. p.c. are are toying with because to my mind death following police contact should be the term and the umbrella that we look at my concerns is the levels of investigate the quality of the investigations less so the statistics are the
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investigations conducted by the i o. p.c. to good standard i sadly i can say this i should also mention jane brown a twenty nine year old in leicestershire is in the middle so deb recalls of the ngo inquest that austerity the factory to bail out the city of london is a contributory factor to these sorts of deaths mental health service cuts obviously denying that this in any way absolves. policemen and women of judy of care is that one element in this larger case that you say of our training or i think it is austerity is it brings us into the how we manage those poor souls who are mentally unwell and they're in need of specialist care specialist help for many many years currently and in my time in the service. the responsibility for managing mentally unwell people were forced in the police well the police are highly trained
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but they're not trained to the depth and breath of specialist care that is required to to look after these. the. these unwell people it is unfair to the unwell people it is unfair to foist that responsibility onto the police service. and if we were jeev inspector robson after the twenty eight crash for a number of years did you see it on the front lines i think it was it has got progressively worse but it's been there for decades police are being left to deal with. mentally unwell people now if you encounter mentally and well person on the in a public place obviously the police will will take steps to deal with them and get them to a place of safety. what becomes problematic is the officers deal with them on the street get them to a place of safety yet the responsibility tends to stay with the police sometimes individuals who are in well in the hospitals. being treated. for
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their psychiatric needs have police officers called in to support the medical experts that's not a domain for the police service i must be absolutely clear about what i'm saying here nothing that i am saying is anti police i have no time to smolder life when it is absolutely no no time for anybody who is who is anti police because they suggest that the police can do nothing right and they tanishq excellent officers who don't work day in day out to do good work in a time mission with this label the flip side of it is i also reject those people who are pro police exta is another extreme simply because those individuals say the police can do no wrong it isn't about trying to vilify the force that i am proud to have served it's about getting to the bottom and also invited the police to work with me and other groups who are keen to minimise i say minimise because you'll
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never stamp it out i mean india event that somebody gets brought gets arrested they might actually generally become unwell that may not be the custody officer's fault but i'm talking about these clearly cases where high levels of force not merited. but they are used on individuals and then the headlines say the person became unwell and they and life is pronounced extinct that's something i have to do something about former chief inspector thank you and that's it for the show will be back on wednesday one hundred years and about which played no part in the ending of the first world war by german socialists keep in touch via social media will be back on wednesday forty four years to the day that richard nixon responsible for wounding killing or displacing tens of millions announce his resignation on t.v. .
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we have no idea what if he's doing on vacation but she will be back on air in september. first. of all those. georgia shows don't google so diageo don't list first thanks. to my. crew of the student eleven if you take. the first receipt nearly full you. will both be ready to
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leave it to most digital. groups or something but as the. world. was on the right. newt you would just look at what you. removed if they were. fortunate in that what. we've heard. this morning will strive all at. what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race is often spearing dramatic developments only loosely engage resists i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit
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. him talk. our top stories this hour we visit often is reunited with their families after the children were taken from russia to iraq by their radicalized parents who went on to join islamic state we speak to their relatives. i remember when the film crew arrives and they showed me the footage i could not believe it i could not believe that it was possible that my girls could come back home she doesn't let me go anywhere also the deadline for the first round if u.s. sanctions against iran approaches the european union triggers measures to protect businesses working with. donald trump again plans to create a military force in space although the pentagon does appear less than. about
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a possible star wars program or indeed about the visitor plans for the military and warned of deadly chemicals one year later u.k. citizen says the u.s. army over exposure to toxic substance while working at an american military base in germany. hello good afternoon welcome to pm here in moscow you're watching r.t. international now our top story this hour it has been one year since we first reported on russian speaking children found in an iraqi orphanage following the brutal military operation there against islamic state after the report was we launched a campaign to find relatives of those children and several people reached out to us too saying that they recognized some of them well this allowed those orphans to reconnect with their family after their parents left with them to join i saw our
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correspondent dina courtin never spoke to those families to find out whether they've managed to move on after the tragic experience. so. if. a year ago two small sisters high diesel and freight t.-mo were brought back to their grandparents who at the time lost all hope of africa seeing them again they say they feel safe here and this house the sister salue can behave like any other child of their age despite their traumatic experience their playground is now the two rooms upstairs that were once home for their parents their grandfather on of
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our hasn't changed a thing since they left and now the girls play surrounded by things that once belonged to that if it works perfectly well the oldest sister is open and active fight scene is quite close to often seeking the confort of her grandfather. which she doesn't let me go anywhere she says had dad also left in the morning and never came back in the evening she tells me how the gas station where you work. tells me how the plane has arrived and then let's. get. on bar often speaks about the day in august twenty seventeen when they discovered their beloved granddaughter source in my life one of them look at us. and who's. in may twenty fifteen both of funds are son secretly left russia to join i sell his
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al destroy took his wife and two young daughters and never revealed his true intentions. that it's actually is what's about a week off to lay low. i received a message from my son saying they are in turkey i replied what do you mean in turkey instantly i understood everything and felt terrible this sort of thing happened a lot of the time a lot of young people left some went to join militant groups others went to iraq or syria is not. often called his father but the last time he got in touch was when the fierce fighting began in moscow a short time after he and his wife were killed in a drone strike leaving her and all alone weeks later they turned up in an orphanage in baghdad scared and traumatized they were among the group of children who could speak russian args he reported from that orphanage the story spread and the children were recognized. series. for the years
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i remember when the film crew arrived and they showed me the footage i could not believe it i could not believe that it was possible that my girls could come back home. despite the joy of the long awaited reunion this past year has been difficult for the family of our sas it's only now that some of the girls fear is being left behind i do you just keep their knees or remembers how difficult and dangerous it was to go to get water so when they arrive it's a they were always thirsty they drank like five liters of water a day only in these past two weeks has not stopped and they no longer wake up at night wanting to drink there are hundreds of families across russia's north caucasus just like and ours searching for grandchildren mainly fear they will never see them again. if there is anything one message one sign that they are alive you have to grab it run around fake ask for help there are good people in the world.
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i do not question i see reporting from russia's republic of dagestan and that of the thirst in the series of reports on the fate of the russian citizens who fled with their families to joy still throughout the way we're bringing more stories too on how the returnees are adapting to life back at home. but it's not just iraq where families of foreign oil still fighters have ended up stranded either in syria there are still refugee camps there hosing of wives and children whose fate remains on clay.
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i was so afraid of islamic state because they could have executed me if i try to escape so i had no other option but to stay. because he's my husband was threatening me that if i returned home he would apply me to the muslim religious. i still rock are a few and i had nothing to do except wait for the kurds. if i have charged i have nothing to be charged for us i have done nothing wrong. i would like to see our case is not turned on and i hope that the local authorities
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will be able to handle our problems concerning our work had to our home countries. the european union is fighting against us so it shows that target iran being imposed after dark president donald trump scrapped the nuclear deal with iran as the deadline for the first round of punitive measures approaches the u.s. and forcing special legislation in a bid to protect his business is working with the rand but let's get more now from our burning correspondent peter all over he joins us now peter good afternoon we know don't we that the u.s. and the u.s. long term allies so many people are asking why are they so out of sync on this issue. well because there was a lot of ill will towards the united states from the european nations over donald trump's decision to pull out of that iran nuclear deal we heard a while and almost tearful federica mockery me back when the announcement was made
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saying that this was the result of years and years of diplomatic work and the united states had just pulled away from it so this is a big issue for it between brussels and washington what we will see come into play on tuesday is the first round of sanctions that the united states is putting back into place pulls back from its commitments from the twenty fifteen deal now what we'll see come in place on tuesday is a restriction on iran from buying dollars also a restriction when it comes to trading in the metals markets particularly in the precious metals market so what is the e.u. done to try and counter this well this joint statement being issued by e.u. high representative for foreign affairs federica mockery me along with the so-called three foreign ministers that's the foreign minister of france before him minister of germany and the foreign secretary of the united kingdom they've come out and said that they will put in place what's called the e.u.
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blocking mechanism what that means is that it really came about in one thousand nine hundred six that it was written but it's had quite a substantial rewrite in twenty eighteen particularly to deal with this rainy an issue what it will mean is that all european companies that do business with the run won't have to comply with u.s. sanctions also that rulings made in foreign courts basically meanings rulings made in u.s. courts in this case would not have any effect we don't know what the reaction to it to this from the united states will be what it may well see is some quite punitive fines based on companies european companies that do business with iran that also have business in the united states what does that then come down to his the united european union going to have to end up paying those fines these are all things we're going to have to wait to see what happens as it is it's a step from the e.u. saying in no uncertain terms we do not agree with these sanctions to.


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