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tv   News  RT  August 6, 2018 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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it's becoming kind of grand statement here i mean well i don't really expect here but do you know putting russia on the list of state sponsors of terror that is that's a little bit more than grandstanding ok and erica you know we go to the i'm here it's hard to walk these things back my question to erica earlier is this isn't working under the assumption that russia is going to surrender that is a wrong assumption but oh it works on a lot of assumptions for example it's suggest to penalize russia for the production and use of chemical weapons you know who used chemical weapons ok there is that duma thing you know where people who were shown on the veto by the by comments to be victims of a chemical attack later on these people healthy and alive address the press conference in the cake and told how these fake wheedled was made that actually continue what you just said happened but it's not only r t in a few other outlets reported the backstory to this is of false flag operation all
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the others concentrated on the who paid for these people to come from damascus to the cape well these people are on the beagle that you showed to the whole world you said they were victims of a chemical attack why don't you want to listen to them and i really have to really get a really good alex we're going to go back to cyprus here one more minute before we go to the break here so it looks like russia russia rushes is going to be continued all the way to the mid-terms or in lieu of the mule the report go ahead alex yeah i think even when the mueller report is is finalized and i think we are coming to an end it's very apparent that the whole russia thing is just going to last until probably until trial either wins reelection or that's going to go on for another four years or until they get rid of trouble because if the russia thing is not dying down you can see it in the white house press briefing they're going to scapegoat russia for everything but the most important point to all of this is that the american people don't. care we've seen poll after poll alex shows that russia
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ranks very low just real quick do you think paul manifold will go to federal prison because he has good taste in clothes but. he definitely has the good taste in clothes and i think when everything wraps up he will get a parted from trout i think that's in the cards for gentlemen to jump in here we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on some real news stay with art. you know world is a big part of the group. and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to
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be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bad shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. with a post. from the. last time we chased. each one of them carrying twenty kilos of drugs. pushed a fence down. for them they just stepped right. it's
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a very we i mean all my little men. like. me. i don't know maybe they don't. break right. now what. we have no idea what's he's doing on vacation but she will be back in september.
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welcome back to crossfire all things considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing some real news. ok let me go to erica now we were talking about this new senate bill that's going to sanction the russian economy and individuals but this is a pattern and humility to an earlier this is warfare by different means that it's sanction warfare and we see the u.s. applying it in particularly what's maybe what's nuanced here and the trumpet ministration that it's a good used against quote unquote our allies we could talk a little bit about turkey the problem basically is that the global financial system since basically one hundred forty five has been very heavily dollar. and this was it was and it wasn't really a cup topic for discussion for
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a long time now more recently the americans have decided that it's easier to throw sanctions than to shoot weapons in that you shoot missiles so basically what they can do and they've done in the case of russia is cut off individuals from the control of their own assets some of these. were very close to the kremlin others were very distant from the kremlin major russian companies have certainly been become unable to do business on the global market they can do this and they can sort of like using snipers they can take out people on the streets of moscow from a distance and it's relatively hard to fight against because you could say but also people will use the euro but the europeans. do the secondary sanctions so it's really quite hard to fight against and if you take countries like turkey they're doing the same thing they're not happy with turkish policy so they're sanctioning. individual you particularly this and this is but this is all
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very unilateral here isn't it isn't footnote not only people on the streets of moscow but awful their relatives yes because the law says the draft law says that you know not only the russian business men who have any relations with the russian government will protect but also their relatives this is really sinister coming back to the turkish thing you know it's the first president when vonnie to a country is playing sanctions against another nico member country and it is doing that the united states is doing that in the framework of the so-called magnitsky least you know these two. minister sudan mines photo of the interior and the bill coming to good of justice they are basically sanctions they are at that in the framework of that need to get used why because of that or that a parson from the united states who basically has been living in turkey for twenty or twenty three years who hasn't been doing anything in the united states but if you tell me about it's about freedom of religion i'm sore and i don't mean i've you
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know. absolutely agree with diem it has nothing to do about freedom of conscience and religion here it's really about changing the behavior of the ones regime this is a lot about iran and it's a lot about syria and then and russia in the interesting thing is that the european union they will they will buckle and they will take a knee the turks are not going to take a knee and we're going to find this out fast and hard in november because they're not going to respect the sanctions imposed upon them by the united states visa v. iran go ahead alex. yeah i think i think that the united states and the e.u. are going to be very surprised to see a very strong air go on a very determined air they want to not buckle and what we saw in turkey last week and we discussed this peter what we saw in turkey was a turkey that is exploring its options we saw there going to the brics meeting we
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saw china and russia and all the brics members very happy to have turkey on board and we're seeing turkey now even examining even examining it considering its nato membership and this is huge is the geo political earthquake to see turkey it's like greggs it shifted it's like my friends it it's a brags that here it is flirting right now it's the in the bazaar right now because i don't see them leaving nato anytime soon but it's planting the seed we have options we have friends that's already been excluded from the united states weapons program i mean it's serious you know that rhetoric between turkey and the you of was all full in the last few months so basically all of this adventure in the me there was that mr obama stopped it you know when he basically support the insurgency against the syrian government it backfired terribly because what did the united states want to do from their point of view of the interest of the united
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states they wanted to take a small regime which was basically not anti-american but which had a history of syrian regime what was their net result they lost a march more important ally turkey in the process and they failed to alter the syrian regime but i just want to return very quickly to this very important detail about the magnitsky act let us remind our listeners and all of us what it came from you know in two thousand and twelve the united states supported a rogue businessman bill browder. you know he's a lawyer a dyed in the russian prison and brawled it turned it again. there's a even dole there is an excellent documentary. going out on the internet on you tube but you have to look for it because browder and his people having it taken down left are just a few warts you know bro they came to russia in the nineteen ninety s. with four to six meter is money he left russia in two thousand and five with two
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billion you know he you know pay taxes on the well paul matter ford is now being investigated for known plaintext us on that and wallace which out von thaw wasn't all of them on that bill brought about by bill browder shared his us citizenship. so now we have. facing a possible sentence of three hundred years and broadly shared a lot more of them that. i'm not a careful here you know that it's stick with the turkish theme here because i think you know i brought up with alex here this is like a looming briggs it i mean everyone is a very difficult person to work with ladies but he's certainly sending very strong signals that he's not happy with the status quo most he has. never ok to be part of the european union he's beginning to see as up he almost got into a shooting war with russia we should forget about eighteen months ago they patched this one over very nicely mr putin forgave him for god. but the problem is if you
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look at russian policy russian economic policy russia has been able to defy the empire because they have been had they've had a very careful and very conservative domestic policy turkey has not the leader is forming like a rock. turkish business is very heavily indebted they have to refinance huge amount but there are far shin's aren't there not well i mean i would be a good guys and there's a good reason to join briggs when it you would have access to international. not provide the kind of finance that turkey needs right now fires trying to provide state state finance they do not provide much private finance we member the r. and b. it's still not convertible the hunk on banks are scared to death of the american so they will not provide any support to any sanctioned into the chinese banks they
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can't because they don't have a convertible currency yet and they have a whole lot of dollars dean mothered go ahead but i don't think they want the chinese going to probably at least china is not very happy with the united states know that not only turkey is not going to process yes you know why samoa process has just been tossed import tariffs on two hundred billion dollars of all sorts of chinese imports to the states china responded by a much smaller strike and tell me now who is hampering creek trade here let me hold c g m p and you know the dollars for just one year ago you said this we must promote trade and investment lieberman is asian and precipitation through opening up and say no to protectionism and of course this is exactly the rhetoric that the united states has been using against other countries for fifty years at least right now that you're in the region where there is a we're waiting for the development of an alternative global financial system and
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because we want it we see it right around the corner the problem is this is a decade long process i was lakes a lot of time and i mean global combine really surprised in dollars most of global capital flows you know it's so china can begin to replace the us but they've got to do it at their own they're not a little extreme we've built up we've already gotten a lot of examples here how the sanction warfare works but you know when the primary the hedge i'm on with the mighty dollar you started tag and i was in too many people at the same time yes then you know. politics is always about odd bedfellows ok you're going to have these odd bedfellows beginning to work together and this is going to be at the exclusion of the united states alex go ahead. yeah especially when you attack nice leaders like you're the one and we can't forget that after the coup the failed coup aired a lot made sure that he purged the military of all its power and he solidified his
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power and much like trump in the us or don't want to has has a base in the middle of turkey inside turkey that's very very loyal to him and no matter how bad the situation can get in turkey or don't want can always turn to his base and he can make sure that he's going to stay in power and that's the problem that the u.s. sent taconite leaders that are very powerful that have a very strong base that will support them through thick and through thin well i think it's very important. it was used against turkey because what so what is it about the makings kick it is against western values people are included in that blacklist without them we would know we're going to how many times yeah without a trial if you know it's just an offer that the newark times or the washington post write something bad the ball the spurs right and until now these were russian started by this this now these are turks to morrow maybe chinese so you have you
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have a coalition against these kind of policy from the united states which is basically defending western where we all support it i think we can all agree is that the united states is going to eventually create a coalition of countries which are simply too uncomfortable with the system which has been shown to be very very dangerous to them and at some point the are going to begin to coalesce around china which is the elephant in the elevator now this is something that trump understood and trump was very much desirous of pulling china pulling russia away from china when we discussed this so many times i think of worst i think the first test here general we're almost out of time the first test is going to be in november what kind. these are going to have a war on washington when it comes to iran's oil experts we are exports we already know that turkey is not going to honor it that's going to be is not gainey is not
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going to do it china certainly is not so that you know this is going to be a very interesting litmus test at the same time we have a long hot and cold rhetoric coming out of. the white house when it comes to around so that will be a developing story right gentlemen to jump in here that's all the time we have for this part of our program many thanks to our guests in moscow and in cyprus this is the end of our broadcast segments stay with us for the expanded version on our you tube channel see you next time and remember crosstalk. first. of all first out. ga shows don't get all so dodgy mentalists as thanks.
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to my how my custom passed. the student eleven a cookie take. the person. who. ate the day to leave it to most of it it does. some shooting but as the shin young girl. was the out on. the slope to. remove it they were. fortunate in that one of the most bruising us to me preferred . to thomas was remember a little smile that. we
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have no idea what safety is doing on vacation but she will be back on it in september. this is. a church secret indeed priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it literally i like to call this the do a graphic solution. what the bishop needs to do then he finds out the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot where the previous. highest ranks of the catholic church help conceal the accused priests from the police and justice so something that does not
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get as the. u.s. slams around with new sanctions but the move get little support from the european union with brussels set to block new restrictions to protect companies working with tara. claims of double standards in asia in the u.s. after a conservative activist gets suspended by twitter the mimicking a controversial journalist whose racist tweets remained on the platform for years. and we can't show it often is reunited with their families after the children were taken from russia by their radicalized parents who went to join islamic state. i remember when the film crew arrived and they showed me the footage i could not
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believe it i could not believe that it was possible that my girls could come back home she doesn't let me go anywhere. good evening to you watching r t. international. washington has announced the first round of sanctions against iran which it hopes will weaken the country's leadership president trump since threatened severe consequences for those who continue to trade with iran still not everybody seems to be on board early my colleague andrew farmer got details from r.t. smear a car and peter oliver. the first round of sanctions will take effect tuesday around midnight and from that moment on sanctions will prohibit iran from trading gold and other precious metals and fails of iranian automobiles will also be banned now the first round of sanctions will also ban iran's access to the u.s. dollar and place restrictions on its own currency but the worst is yet to come more
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sanctions are due to hit iran in november and those are specifically tailored to bring iran's oil exports to zero now this should come as no surprise given that trump has been flamming the iran deal since his campaign days even though he didn't give in until much later finally withdrawing this past may a little over a year into his presidency they said it was ineffective in tailing so-called iranian aggression now not even his allies or the un convinced him otherwise but trump also claimed that the agreement did not block paths to iranian nuclear ization which according to the u.n. is false even today u.n. monitors in fifth that iran is in full compliance with the deal the same deal that was lauded world over as a diplomatic breakthrough and believe it or not this past weekend trump bragged about crippling iran's economy via twitter of course his platform of choice when it comes to informing americans about critical policy decisions but several analysts
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and some iranians feel a bit differently. i believe the impact of sanctions on people's lives has been very clear especially in the health sector the patience is one of the opportunities that if this the students to study abroad the impact has been negative and has reduced people power into. these sanctions are economic sanctions and they will impact the livelihoods of people the government after all can make adjustments to its budget but it's the people who bear the brunt i don't buy trump's line that these sanctions target the government these sanctions are being directly apply to the people but trump has stated that he's open to signing an. new deal but it's doubtful that iran would want to sit down with the us after our recent events ok let's go to peter. because the e.u. has given quite a stern response isn't it to the sanctions well that's right it's fair to say that the european union and donald trump haven't seen eye to eye on
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a number of issues they fell out over the decision to move the u.s. embassy to jerusalem and in israel they fell out over donald trump's unilateral move to pull out of the paris climate accord but it's his decision to pull out of the iran nuclear deal that upset some of the biggest names in european leaders as well as in this one the diploma there was a communique issued well before this announcement that said the european union stance on the new tranche of sanctions was a unanimous no we are determined to protect european economic operators in legitimate business with iran this is why your opinions updated blocking statute enters into force under seven of august to protect e.u. companies doing legitimate business with iran friend impact of u.s. extraterritorial sanctions so what is the blocking start to it well it was initially written into law back in one thousand nine hundred six it was designed to allow european companies to get around a u.s.
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blockade of cuba however it was significantly rewritten earlier this year to focus on iran what it means essentially is that european companies have to pay no heed to sanctions against a country in which they're doing business say iran in this case and also that any courtroom in a foreign country based on those business dealings another fight in the eyes of the e.u. but put it this way with a hypothetical example say you're an e.u. car manufacturer and you've got yourself a toehold in a run maybe tens perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars worth of business that would be protected by the e.u. however the e.u. can't protect in another country. say the united states and say you that same you can manufacture and you do tens of billions of dollars worth of business in the u.s. well that business could potentially be penalized we haven't seen the e.u. blocking statute ever fully in acted we don't know how it's going to be received
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but certainly potentially a legal headache for some people far smarter than myself right now to be going through that however in response to this news from the european union there's been a warm reception from tehran today the entire world has shown it disagrees with the u.s. policies against iran talk to anyone anywhere in the world and they will tell you that netanyahu trump and been some manner isolated not iran well the u.s. secretary of state might pompei i disagree strongly with that he says that the sanctions and needed against iran to bring them back to what he calls the table of normal nations they've got to behave like a normal country that's the ask is pretty simple we think that most of the countries everyone with whom i spoke who understand that they need to behave normally and they understand that this is a country that threatens them it would seem that those countries that secretary pompei i spoke to were not countries because this is where we stand at the moment the european union has issued its toughest legislation to protect companies doing
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business in iran essentially saying that they won't support u.s. sanctions and they're going to do their best to try and keep the iran nuclear deal alive even without the united states. if any president has dismissed trump's call for talks saying diplomatic dialogue needs honesty when she says the u.s. president lacks. so there aren't any good number one was ok she ations with sanctions doesn't make sense they're imposing sanctions on a rain in children patience the whole nation if you stab someone with a knife and then you say you want negotiations in the first thing you have to do is remove knifes. and speak down to gregory copley now he's the editor of the publications defense and foreign affairs things also was an advisor to the last shahr other round during the latter years of his reign so this is a good position to give us information on this gregory where does this move put us
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around relations it seems like trumps using sanctions as a stick to bait iran into a position where is as they've said it the us they want iran to be paid like a normal country but where do the relations between the countries go from here well look all these up the tree position is worth quite a tramp or whether it's by our army or the general sort of money for the year. revolutionary guard there the u.s. and iran are both posturing for a breakthrough in relations so this is the same negotiating technique which trump used with kim jong un and kim jong un usual trouble it's about building a negotiating position and go for the sanctions position is a temporary expedient one of the initial tolls allowed. if you like almost unavoidable given that trump has rejected the five plus one but with iran the reality is eight iran has had nuclear weapons since not in ninety one so
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it is better iran's nuclear weapons use is really a secondary issue the the real issue is getting iran and the united states back talking to each other as they were in the you know eighty's for example so that i do so it is rather so basically we're seeing a negotiating position secondly rouhani statements. are also part of that negotiating position and a somewhat disingenuous if anything the u.s. sanctions actually bolster rowdies position because the writers tend to rally around the government when there is a threat from abroad and at the moment the domestic threat to rouhani end to the clerics has been profound largely because of economic mismanagement corruption and predominately because of the impact of drought and taxes on the population we're seeing widespread demonstrations against the government of iran in every iranian
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city and this is not due to the sanctions or to the u.s. in fact what we're hearing is death to come in a not death to the united states which is a rather different. protests than we've been saying in iran. over recent years so the reality is romney must welcome this escalation in a debate with with the united states because it up it will lead to a proper negotiating position in which the u.s. and iran could achieve something it also could lead to the imposition or an excuse for the imposition of martial law by the clerics and if that martial law would be implemented and bring the pastor on the revolutionary guard generals to the fore and that could actually start the process of moving major general hossam solomon solomonic the head of the consumer gave into the position or an iranian
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cesar up.


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