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tv   Sophie Co  RT  August 6, 2018 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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to people of color and anyone else who's oppressed or you go off through the all right there's really no middle ground for anyone who existed anymore and i that i believe that that is largely because of the militancy of these for a claim radicals on the left so what they're doing does serve the purpose of the far right voice versa every time the far right rears their heads the left goes oh see that's why we need to do what we do and we're going to double down on it and it becomes a cycle and they both kind of feed each other while most. people in society who just want to live their lives are kind of caught in the middle you know i also heard that several universities in the us have been offering housing gang creating learning communities for black students only by california state and the university of connecticut favor explained this. down to the need to actually create safe
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environments for students of color what is that supposed to mean is this the comeback of segregation. i am not a fan of that approach i understand the reasoning behind it but. to me it really it takes agency away from black students it's saying that you don't have. the ability to exist in this society and have a voice in the society and determine your own future so here we're going to create this little safe space for you where you're not going to be subject to the white supremacy and it's done under this guise of compassion but what it really boils down to is separatism and it doesn't serve the students of color that they're working with and it certainly doesn't help to mend any of the wounds in our society that we're definitely still reeling from after five hundred years a white supremacy i truly believe and i've seen this in person many many times over
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the past eight years as i've been working in peace building efforts is that people have every capability to calm and connect and recognize each other outside of the construct of race outside of other social constructs and have the ability to define their relationships about how these the other people when we retreat and say oh i can't be safe unless i'm around people who think like me will like me act like me if you're centrally going back to the same mindset that the neo nazis and you're just setting up a different camp and i don't think there's ever a healthy thing for human beings and i don't think it's going to help anybody on these colleges are going to take a short break right now when we're back we'll continue discussing what's behind wraps apprentices and movements in america with former school hat arnold callus stay with us. on the.
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welcome to max keiser financial survival guide. looking forward to let me tell.
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you this is what happens to pensions in britain don't just. watch kaiser report. so we're back with former skinhead and author of my life after hate are going to cal is discussing white supremacy as a movement and how people get attracted to this ideology welcome back arnaud now there is a poll conducted by the military times which sestet one for a serving us military personnel have seen white supremacists and with their wings and consider it more dangerous and islamic state is there a neo nassif demick in the army. to my knowledge i believe it's certainly some of
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them that the military needs of paid more attention to in milwaukee work with a gentleman named party police party father was murdered by a white power skinhead who is part of the gang that i'd helped to start along with five other people on august fifth two thousand and twelve the murderer whose name was wade page was radicalized in the united states army so he went into the army nonaffiliated average white guy he came out in affiliated white supremacist and that led to his practice of hate and violence for over ten years that ultimately ended in a mass murder hate crime so i think the military needs to be accountable for that in many ways i work with a ton of brilliant middle military people who point out all the time that you invited says military is one of the most multicultural organizations on earth and i believe that's true but i think that there is still space within the military for
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white supremacist ideology and organizations to give purchase and that that is certainly a huge concern that needs to be addressed so i was going through another survey by national public radio and did you ever know that five fifty five percent of white people in america think that whites face racial prejudice i mean you have lost your temper with people of different skin color but have you ever felt racial prejudice yourself towards you. i think what we're seeing in the united states with like the survey that you cited is that as demographic changes the world changes changes an inevitable thing obviously people are going to hearken back to a time when white people had like blatant poller and those days are past and they're never going to return white people will be a minority in the united states within a few decades and we've been
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a minority of the is the earth for many many years and that's the trend is going to continue to have further fewer and fewer white people the question is if we can heal from the wounds of white supremacy and come together as a human species during the process i believe we can all the work i'm doing is toward that end but in order for everybody to get on board everyone concerned including people on the left is specially people who consider themselves social justice advocates and who want to build peace in our society need to. drop this idea of identity politics and stop seeing her differences as something that overrides are commonalities they are someone who knows everything about hate when someone ran a hate crime yourself for a while. how do you recruit people where your math is different from the methods they used today. beza do exactly the same and it's all fear based it in my view
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when we were recruiting someone and might do was pretty internet so it was a lot of in person contacts and we would actually write each other on pen and paper and send it through the post but the conversations that are happening today are they same ones that happened in my day and they're essentially when i would be to a white guy i would first of all i. i probe and see where he was added if he had children then i've kind of dial in on those children especially if he had daughters and i would say oh you have a daughter what's going to happen to your daughter when all these blacks and mexicans are all run in a walk in our society what's they're going to come and get her and i would try to cultivate fear like that the primal fear of their parent has when their child is in danger and if i could just get a whiff of that i would soon be in on it and just keep dial it and keep it in that
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until i started pressing the right buttons and this guy started thinking i need to listen to this guy i need to join this group and that's exactly what happens nowadays and interestingly is the exact same recruitment process where the far left for the so-called islamic state like all violent extremist groups will find that fear point and then try to lead to you around leading you by the nose via that fear now back in those days you from in a white supremacist metal outfit does music play a big role in recruitment and bring a lot of new people into the lindauer is the white pride scene just preaching to the choir. white power music is absolutely essential it's essentially a means of practicing that ideology wherever you are i was brought into the lloyd power skinhead subculture via a white power skinhead band when i was already in like hardcore stuff and then i heard a band that had that same kind of music but their message was all the themes of the
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third reich talking about blooded soil and race and nation and it was very romantic and seductive and it made me feel powerful a baby feel like a rebel it made me feel like i'm fighting for this amazing cause and so it drew me in and that's its first function is to attract you to that ideology and once you start buying into the ideology you you listen to this music on a daily basis whether you know it's headphones you played in the car it's just like if you if i were to have a cassette that learn how to speak russian and i fell asleep every night with it you know listening to this because said about teaching me how to speak russian it would eventually like dial the russian language into my brain and it would maybe be getting easier for me to learn that language if i'm listening to cassette every day that tells me why people are different there everybody elves superior to everybody else and threatened by everybody else that becomes my reality because i become for
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miller with that ideology which means i'm not familiar with the truth the versity is a beautiful thing and that human beings are basically good in our experience as a basically good thing the practice of that music drives me away from the positive truths of lives of life and towards all these negative laws thank you mention twenty twelve member of they croupy and found a. temple of wisconsin i that time you're completely on the opposite sad you're no longer in the movement what did it feel like. do you feel responsible for what happened. i feel very responsible i will never forget the day that that happened i was working as an i.t. consultant and doing so like server read and stuff and i saw my social media feed has blown up and i'm kind of watching along as new things are coming in is it
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multiple shooters is it still going on how many people were killed and before it was announced the shooter was an affiliate white supremacy i had a sense that it was and that evening they did verify that but they didn't announce his name publicly so i sat and wondered was this someone that i had recruited was the someone that i knew personally that i have a direct hand in bringing this person to the ideology that led to this horrific mass murder and i found out the next day that it was someone i didn't know personally but he was very much exactly who i used to be he was part of the same gang that i had helped the star he was in white power bands i would be stunned if he wasn't a fan of my band and so i felt then as i do not know that i helped create environment that he came from and that. absolutely drives a very dire urgency for me to try to be
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a positive impact in society and make our communities places that are less susceptible to and i hate it when i'm looking at white supremacy movement today i can see that it's really branding itself it was all about the white k.k.k. hoods or a shaven house before but now i mean this people they take pride in looking very presentable clean almost hipster like with mainstream appeal as someone from inside the club do you feel like it's only the image of the packaging that has involved or their ideas to. i you know you of the dia idiology is a volved and he it is it ideology that is based on hate and violence and lies and fear it's got nowhere to evolve to it will never be anything more than it will never be anything less than that so that the ideology is the exact same nowadays that these guys are are like their dogs siders and their polo shirts and
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our dockers and they look kind of ridiculous but i understand the old word images change but the you're right it's packaging it's the product inside is the same it's just as weak it's just as wrong and it's just as harmful not only to society at large but to the person who is practicing the ideology as well but i feel like also the methods to fight this ideology are pretty questionable because every horrific massacre and the united states by a white supremacist and with a confederate flags being taken down right and monuments to confederate soldiers being removed a symbol is of slavery but. if a flag or a statue is removed does that really makes would be terrorists hate people less i believe that we need to look at these statues and look at the context in which they were erected in charlottesville for sure the statue in question was put up in the
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one thousand twenty's as part of jim crow basically as this as a message to black people that say hey don't step on the line because this is where you know where we are virginia and you're not going to you're not going to cause trouble you're not going to. rock the boat as far as our status quo is concerned and so statues like that that were erected with a direct message of white supremacy of it and of intimidation of people of color should absolutely come down i believe they should be taken down and put a new museum where people can look upon our past and and remember of those days when when that was a government paul. a-c. but i certainly don't think that this this excuse of heritage and. it is a valid excuse to punish the rest of society with such heinous ideas and their partisan hero where you can actually go to prison for a gnat's a salute or having a swastika but in america things like that are actually protected by the pressmen
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what do you think it would help matters if america banned those things out lot those things. i do not not a proponent of. hate speech bans or the bans of aid organizations and the reason why is because i cherish our first amendment here in the united states i cherish our constitution and i believe the purpose of the first amendment is this in many ways it's a pressure valve and it's if people can speak their minds and they have the freedom to do so and the government isn't stopping them from do that it will deflect them from actually acting out in violence a great example of as right now is in scandinavia i do a lot of work in denmark as well as norway and i've been to sweden once but sweden has a far greater problem with white supremacy groups than denmark does in denmark the
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far right ways approaches gangs are virtually nonexistent there are not a threat in sweden there are roving gangs of wipe our skinheads who attacked refugees burned on refugee hostels and the big differences in denmark freedom of speech is a priority just like it is the united states in sweden. the they have a a further left attitude and hate speech is illegal and hate groups are illegal so they have all of these things but these laws have done nothing to stop the groups as a matter of fact they have inflamed the groups and i think. that would certainly happen here should our government. defy the constitution and make such a law so i have always a proponent of free speech and i think anybody you with is needs to exercise their free speech to speak out against the violence when it happens in our society and be mindful to do it in a positive way prove why the fears of the be announcing ideology are wrong by
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doing great things in a multicultural diverse setting raising money for a good cause coming together to serve people who need it that's sons lowballs. karna thank you very much for giving us this unique insight or a talking tale argument callus farmer skin had now othar of my life after hate discussing white supremacy is in an america that's it for this edition of says han kohout see you next.
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at the moment.
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the u.s. slams around with new sanctions gets pushed back from the european union with brussels vowing to protect companies working with. them to double standards emerge in the u.s. after conservative activists can do so and this is spending by twitter phonemic controversial journalist whose racist tweets related on the platform is. also we catch up with your friends reunited with their families some to the children were taken from russia by radicalized parents to join islamic state. i remember when the film crew arrived and they showed me the footage i could not believe it i could not believe that it was possible that my girls could come back home she doesn't let me
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go anywhere. thanks for joining us you're watching r.t. internet. washington has announced the first round of sanctions against iran which it hopes will weaken the country's leadership president trump since threatened severe consequences for those who continue to trade with iran still not everyone seems to be on board early my colleague got details from r.t. samir khan and peter all of. the first round of sanctions will take effect tuesday around midnight and from that moment on sanctions will prohibit iran from trading gold and other precious metals and fails of iranian automobiles will also be banned now the first round of sanctions will also ban iran's access to the u.s. dollar and place restrictions on its own currency but the worst is yet to come more
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sanctions are due to hit iran in november and those are specifically tailored to bring iran's oil exports to zero this should come as no surprise given that trump has been flamming the iran deal since its campaign days even though he didn't give in until much later finally withdrawing this past may a little over a year into his presidency they said it was ineffective in for tailings so-called iranian aggression now not even his allies or the u.n. convinced him otherwise but trump also claimed that the agreement did not block paths to iranian nuclear ization which according to the u.n. is false even today u.n. monitors insist that iran is in full compliance with the deal the same deal that was lauded world over as a diplomatic breakthrough and believe it or not this past weekend trump bragged about crippling iran's economy via twitter of course his platform of choice when it comes to informing americans about critical policy decisions but several analysts and some iranians feel a bit differently. i believe the impact of sanctions on people's lives has been
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very clear especially in the health sector the patience is one of the opportunities that if this the students to study abroad the impact has been negative and has reduced people power into. these sanctions are economic sanctions and they will impact the livelihoods of people the government after all can make adjustments to its budget but it's the people who bear the brunt i don't buy trump's line that these sanctions target the government these sanctions are being directly apply to the people but trump has stated that he's open to signing an. new deal but it's doubtful that iran would want to sit down with the u.s. after recent events ok let's go to peter. because the e.u. has given quite a stern response isn't it to the sanctions well that's right it's fair to say that the european union and donald trump haven't seen eye to eye on a number of issues they fell out over the decision to move the u.s.
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embassy to jerusalem and in israel they fell out over donald trump's unilateral move to pull out of the paris climate accord but it's his decision to pull out of the iran nuclear deal that upset some of the biggest names in european leaders as well as in this among the diplomats and there was a communique issued well before this announcement that said the european union stance on the new tranche of sanctions was a unanimous no we are determined to protect european economic operators in legitimate business with iran this is why your opinions updated blocking statute enters into force under seven of august to protect e.u. companies doing legitimate business with iran for an impact of u.s. extraterritorial sanctions so what is the blocking start to it well it was initially written into law back in one thousand nine hundred six it was designed to allow european companies to get around a u.s. blockade of cuba however it was significantly rewritten earlier this year to focus
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on iran what it means essentially is that european companies have to pay no heed to sanctions against a country in which they're doing business say iran in this case and also that any courtroom in a foreign country based on those business dealings another fight in the eyes of the e.u. but put it this way with a hypothetical example say you're an e.u. car manufacturer and you've got yourself a toehold in a run maybe tens perhaps hundreds of millions of dollars worth of business that would be protected by the e.u. however the e.u. can't protect in another country. say the united states and say you that same you can manufacture and you do tens of billions of dollars worth of business in the us well that business could potentially be penalized we haven't seen the e.u. blocking statute ever fully and acted we don't know how it's going to be received but certainly potentially a legal headache for some people far smarter than myself right now to be going
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through that however in response to this news from the european union there's been a warm reception from tehran today the entire world has shown it disagrees with the u.s. policies against iran talk to anyone anywhere in the world and they will tell you that netanyahu trump and been summoned are isolated not iran well the u.s. secretary of state might pompei i disagree strongly with that he says that the sanctions and needed against iran to bring them back to what he calls the table of normal nations they've got to behave like a normal country that's the ask is pretty simple we think that most other countries everyone with whom i spoke understand that they need to behave normally and they understand that this is a country that threatens them it would seem that those countries that secretary pompei i spoke to were not countries because this is where we stand at the moment the european union has issued its toughest legislation to protect companies doing business in iran essentially saying that they won't support u.s.
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sanctions and they're going to do their best to try and keep the iran nuclear deal alive even without the united states you know any president has dismissed trumps call for talks saying diplomatic dialogue means honesty which he says the u.s. president lang's you saw there on him in your memo home was a go she ations with sanctions doesn't make sense or imposing sanctions on a rainy and children patients the whole nation was if you stab someone with a knife and then you say you want negotiations what in the first thing you have to do is remove a knife or some other. political analyst and glazebrook told us that iran has become an economic battleground for the us and e.u. this is a war on the population you know if the currency collapsed to a third of its former value that means people are living basically on a third of what they were living on just a few months ago though obviously relations are very very bad at the same time i think of trying believes that iran's just going to roll over and capitulate i think
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he's got another think coming for all trumps claims to be anti globalist and so on this is the same old us imperialism and other trump represents this also aimed at europe as well don't forget you know that this is interesting europe hasn't fallen in line behind the u.s. on this and i think that's a reflection of the fact that the e.u. realizes this is a war against them as well they're the ones invested in iran they're the ones who are losing billions and billions of dollars of investment early stages of this manifesting on the economic battleground which at the moment is in iran but this is a battle between the u.s. and e.u. . it's been one year since we first reported on russian speaking children found in an orphanage in iraq following the brutal military operation there against islamic state after the report was we launched a campaign to find any relatives of those children and several people came forward saying they recognized some of them and this led to those orphans being reunited
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with their families years after their parents had left russia to join i saw our correspondent medina culture never spoke to those families to find out whether they used to move on following the tragic experience. so. a year ago two small sisters high g.'s and fred's hemo were brought back to their grandparents who at the time lost all hope of ever seeing them again they say they feel safe here in this house the sisters luke and behave like any other child of their age despite their traumatic experience their playground is now the two rooms upstairs that were once home for their parents their grandfather on of our hasn't
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changed a thing since they left and now the girls play so rounded by things that once belonged to that if a black couple doing well the oldest sister is open and active fight scene is quite close to often seeking the confort of her grandfather. she doesn't let me go anyway she says had dad also left in the morning and never came back in the evening she tells me how the gas station where you work. tells me how the plane has arrived and then left. on bar often speaks about the day in aug twenty seventeen when they discovered their beloved granddaughter sources in my life one of them look at us and who's. in may twenty fifteen both a fun bar son secretly left russia to.


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