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tv   News  RT  August 7, 2018 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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or is mouse the play are not men so you have these black women who are trying to avoid the surveillance the overt surveillance that comes with navigating the systems that they have to in order to survive and being told that there will fare queens and also being told that they are lazy when in reality black we have black women equal pay day tomorrow and we know that black women are drastically underpaid and especially in cities like chicago or most of them have to work in survival economies and continuously see themselves criminalized and placed in jail instead of their communities and this includes black trans communities and their communities getting the resources that they need from really completely marginalized surely what were your thoughts on this couple of about a minute after minute slapped. so it serves none of us to tell a single story about the impact of violence or any kind of violence in the black community right so a story that says that yes black men and boys are disproportionately victims of
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violence in this city we should say that and we have a duty to make sure that the story of police violence is about them killing us and it is also about them raping us it is about them harassing us is the policing that black women and girls experience when they go to the public aid office when they go to the hospital to the abortion clinic it's all of those things that aren't reflected in those numbers of killings and in all reality the killing of the physical body is absolutely a killing and the killing of the spirit is another type of killing and that all matters so we got to tell a more complete story about what's happening to black people in chicago and across this country and frankly around the world from chicago to south africa where women are fighting right now to in sexual violence and as long as we tell an incomplete story we're going to have complete solutions so once we start telling the full story of what's happening to our people we can have much better solutions that's so
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well both of you thank you so much i mean this is a there's a lot of work and i think honestly it's interesting that it's three women having this conversation was ultimately it coming does fall to us to sort of take up that mantle and be those community leaders thank you so much charlene carruthers the national director of the y.p. one hundred and that hampton community organizer with the one hundred thank you both so much for sitting down with us today thank you for having us. as we go to break don't forget to let us know what you think for topics we've covered on facebook and twitter sphere full shows at r.t. dot com coming up tyrell ventura my co-host joins us from new york city where he spoke with award winning journalist not to tell you about the drone war stay tuned to watching the. first. of all first.
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georgia shows don't google so document on the first thanks. how much custom have tried. to tell you. the first. eight threads into it do most of it it does. some of the sheen you know well i was going to out right. to new. day it's a read them. but they were. fortunate in that one of the most general mean third. person to come this morning will be my last.
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six geysers but as a survival guide. when customers go buy yourself a. good now well read you something. that's undercutting that what's good for market is not good for the global economy. one of the fundamental pillars of the u.s. judicial system is the belief that you are innocent until proven guilty and you have a right to due process to face your accusers and make them prove your guilt in the court of law and while the system is filled with imperfections and injustices these basic tenets are well. we fundamentally try to adhere to unless it's the us drone
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assassination program then apparently all bets are off started under the bush administration horrifically escalated during the obama administration and then put into overdrive now with trump in the white house the u.s. drone assassination program is the judge jury and executioner in the u.s. war on terror even even if you're a us citizen yes the united states government has on purpose not by accident actively killed its own citizens overseas by drone strike so what is a citizen to do if they suddenly find themselves on a u.s. kill list after having already been targeted at least one at least five different occasions that is the question posed in a recent rolling stone article by award winning journalist mattei eby who i sat down with earlier today here in new york city to talk about the important case of the lao abdul karim an american citizen and controversial journalist in syria who believes he is on the u.s. drone assassination kill list and is now suing the u.s.
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government i started by asking matt what drew him to this incredible story. you know i've been following drone stories for a while i've been looking for a way to write about this because i think it's kind of and unexamined issue in american life we sort of briefly after nine eleven there was this moment where we decided kind of collectively that we're going to start assassinating people around the world a week after nine eleven we passed a law allowing ourselves to do that and then the public kind of forgot about it and suddenly i saw that there was this lawsuit last year that involved an american citizen who was going to court because he said he had been bombed five times and the implications of this lawsuit are enormous there's already been one drone assassination that we know of involving an american that's on maher all aki but this case if it were to either be dismissed on jurisdictional grounds or if you were to lose it would essentially sanctify state assassination of an american
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citizen without due process which i thought was an extraordinary story about. where the constitution is where our relationship to due process is and you know in this age of us only thinking about one thing about donald trump this was an incredible story that i think was getting under cover and other because it's one of those stories the in this case is going to have a deep impact on the car on that part of the country far longer than donald trump and all that because this is the these drone assassination programs were going on now for three straight presidencies it's not just one guy or one you know administration what is the u.s. government's argument in the case how do they justify or you know how do they justify saying you know that we're targeting this guy or if they even admit that so that was the fascinating thing for me i went to the hearing the court hearing and
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what they argued in court was we're not saying one way or the other if he is on a kill list but if he is on a kill list he does not have standing. to come to this court and ask to be removed from it so they essentially acknowledge in court that we do have a kill list which we call the disposition matrix. and they do target people for what they call lethal action. but that the government argues in court that even an american citizen does not have standing to come to court and asked to be removed if they are in a list their argument is essentially this is it's like a wartime decision. it's outside where they call it the ship will which is outside the purview of court so they're essentially creating a whole second legal system which would exist in a gray area outside of what we typically think of is the law and and it's
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a subtle and difficult thing for i think for ordinary people to understand what they're doing they're not saying we want to make this legal we want to what they're saying is. i want to make this a place that we can't talk about in court oh that's frightening it's very it's orwellian and it's crazy and i and i think reporters are kind of dropping the ball on it just because they don't they don't really get what the government is doing it's right it's of it's a very extreme thing and while it's also interesting too is u.s. judges and courts before this case kind of essential just acquiesced whatever the government you know argument the pentagon or the government would give in terms of the drone kill list i remember that even came up with a walkie and then his sixteen year old son was also you know shot or. you know why is that the you think the judges are kind of stepping in i mean they are one of the branches that supposed to counteract the other two branches and you know in the legal sense why aren't they stepping in why are they kind of saying ok we do need
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to make this you can't just have this out of bounds in some mysterious place that i think until this case and this is an interesting case because they have a living petitioner who is an american citizen with constitutional rights the judge actually called below the karim the one with rights in in the colloquy. the other cases all involve foreigners who has legal standing was questionable in an american court and the government makes this very aggressive if not persuasive argument that we're the only people who are really qualified to to make the determination that we need to do this because because counterterrorism is such a difficult and immediate business where you have to make split second decisions we're the only ones who can make that call and judges over and over again have said yes and that in the doctrine here is called political question. essentially they're
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saying that this is this is a political question it's not the purview of the courts to look at. but now this judge recently made the decision they are going to look at it this judge for the first time in what was a very big victory for civil libertarians said at the very least we're going to hear the case. they said we don't mean we're not saying the ball of the cream is not to kill us and should be removed we want to hear this out we're going to go to court about this we can't just kick out this case involving an american citizen which was a huge victory. and a really interesting moment in american legal history i think what were to you the other you know actually it strikes me too is that the interesting thing about the leo was is that. you know he's controversial you know journalist but norton max blumenthal you know basically the he's an al qaeda propagandist in syria but yet he's worked with c.n.n. he's worked with these other you know major news organizations of covered syria you
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know i think a lot of people would kind of like hearing the weird world that this guy inhabits would be like well so why is or if he's on the kill list is on the killers to must have done something to deserve it and that kind of argument that you hear over and over again. but you know why is it important not to dismiss him regardless of who you know we have to pay attention to his case. regardless of who used to think to think of the ramifications of of that. thought process if you have then there are a lot of people who are who will say i mean i talked to a lot of people about all of the cream and the and there is a wide spectrum of opinions if you watch him on t.v. he's got this incredibly charming engaging manner but he holds some beliefs that a lot of people would find it extremely repugnant. and he has sympathy for a lot of you know known terrorists. but is the question the question becomes is
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he just doing coverage that paints you know isis or al qaeda sympathetic figures in a positive light. or is he actively part of some kind of process that is plotting a terrorist act and that's a massive distinction right because if it's just the journalism and we're killing people for that then think about what precedent that sets that's why it's important or stand and how did they come to this conclusion because there is from what we know about this program it could be for a variety of reasons they did kill by metadata now they have algorithmic processes that say essentially like if this person's phone number is in the wrong place too many times we might be on the list because of that so that's why we need to know we need to know one way or the other and they say that's the reason that's what he and his legal team believe is the reason that he's being targeted as it's literally them out of data that he thinks it's because he's talked to the wrong people too many times he for instance both interviewed and visited a character name for us all story who was drawn to death in two thousand and
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sixteen. and so he you know boyle said to me you know they can definitely save you in my cell phone was and in proximity to his cell phone so you know there's that on on is this as a check mark against him but is that the reason like that's what we need to know that's where we have the fifth amendment is to find out how did you get to the point of accusing you of this crime and we were it's all supposed to be done in the open well it's due process rights you know there was this archaic thing what was going to zero innocent until proven great that to go through that area if you do believe the man's a terrorist and you do believe that what he's doing is is you know. potentially bringing a threat to american people or whatever then you bring him to trial he's a us citizen arrest him ship him back here we're going to trial rather than just drone killing him i mean that's the thing that really frightens me about this and
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the incredibly scary thing about this is that yes we're i'm looking at this case now a lot of people are looking at this case now but that he's just one of thousands of people that we've made. calls on about this this program's been going on for a while now and the people who've been following this you know we make decisions about non americans all the time and it's completely unclear what what the rationale is for how we decide who is a terrorist and it's very clear abundantly clear that we make a lot of mistakes you know one study showed that targeting just forty one men in pakistan afghanistan and that we ended up killing one thousand one hundred forty seven people so it's essentially a twenty to one ratio of mistakes which makes you wonder a lot about the program. you know i see something like that it's either the gross incompetence and just not caring about foreign lives and no u.s. lives or it's hey you know we got to keep the terrorism machine feeding because
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everybody that you kill with a u.s. drone is going to probably blame the u.s. for it but yeah i mean it's and it's an endless vicious cycle blowing himself makes this case that you know every time you do this you're creating a new batch of people that you have to then target right and so that that is why this program i think went from being you know the original authorization only gave the government permission to target people who were actually involved with planning nine eleven and the first drone attacks were after people who had been involved in the cole bombing but it's expanded since then to to this whole galaxy of characters in countries that had nothing to do with nine eleven and. two were targeting people who weren't even born on nine eleven so it's mission creep when there's no oversight that's what happens you know the people of this just start to push the edge of the envelope a little bit and things get bigger. did you know that over ninety percent of sea
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turtle eggs are at risk of poaching and considering a scant one percent of eggs will even reach maturity in the future i've seen turtles is kind of high risk. but a group of researchers with a common conservation group postle pacific have come up with a way to take down poachers once and for all fake turtle eggs equipped with g.p.s. trackers that's right the group works hard with three d. printers even with the help of a hollywood makeup artist to make the eggs so we'll leave a ball amongst realize that poachers would take them then once the poacher steals the egg the groups can literally track the poachers and hopefully and the poaching for good so let's shelob re the hard work being done around the world to save the oceans most important residents are right that's our show for you today remember everyone as michael was tired of and for a fight said in this world we're not over left and not until i tell you i love you take care of each other out there i'm top of the wallet keep on watching those
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stocks and have a great day and night everyone. by . the church secret indeed catholic priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it quite literally i like to call this the do a graphic solution. what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot were the previous standards not not the highest ranks of the catholic church help conceal the accused priests from the police and justice doesn't do that it does not as the i and then i think lawyer that it is this yet in
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. this. case both. we have no idea what so if he's doing on her vacation but she will be back on air in september. please. please. please. of the moment. please. i was.
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going to go to. the u.s. imposes new sanctions on iran but gets pushback from the e.u. with brussels vowing to protect companies with several. months claims of double standards a month in the us soft a conservative activists can't miss owens is suspended while twitter has been making a controversial journalist using racist tweets remained on the platform for years. in niger becomes a bottleneck for african migrants trying to reach europe government shuts down the route in exchange for hate you. noticed all those stories head to. white supremacist is the guest so i think oh.
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well welcome to self young girl i'm sophie shevardnadze a white supremacist movements are back in the headlines in the u.s. and my guest today knows all about it he founded a hate group into one of the biggest skin had cruised in the u.s. before renouncing the movement and now working to counter its message of hate how did. containing the appeal of right wing extreme well i ask our new callies former skinhead author of my life after. the political extremism the rise of the us the far right groups grow number removed and by the fiery campaign rhetoric of president donald trump vogue it is uncompromising reaction from the left with clashes between the two sides becoming ever more
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violent is radicalism threatening to split america into the message of hate groups be effectively countered or should it just be banned for good. artemy caylus welcome to the show great to have you with us. art of the recent white lies matter rally in tennessee created a lot of hype police were on alert people brace for brawls bloodshed like the one in charlottesville back in august but why power protests were actually outnumbered by counter protesters and bystanders are white supremacists going out of fashion or is it just the calm before the storm. i think any. words of promise really that happens in the states the words of promise are going to be numbered they're ready for the actually helps to fuel their victimhood nearer to theirs there are facing these extreme odds so fight for their people. whether they're old
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number or not the attention they get is really what they are. well at the same time the number of hate groups have been on the rise in the u.s. for two years with over nine hundred in total acting now in your country that's according to the south unpowered a lawless center another research suggests hate crimes rose up to twenty percent in two thousand and sixteen why is this happening how to explain the trend. i think because of the current political climate where it's not only acceptable but being put in the policy that immigrants are a threat to the muslim people or a threat gives the launch to disgruntled white people in the united states to act out on those same sentiments often results in actual violence and certainly fuels the rising membership of hate groups in the united states well during the rallies
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and shallots filled back in august white supremacists where eagerly you know talking up their support for trump does he make them feel emboldened is this related yeah absolutely since before the campaign. white supremacy groups in the united states have been huge supporters of trump feel they have an ally in the white house. and we grew. at a time as. gay rhetoric is really the same talking points that groups like the ku klux klan and the national socialist movement have been using for years so as much as he may say all the wise the policies that he enacts would should include atrocious things like deporting ten year old girls in the hospital who are there for surgery back to mexico that that's the kind of stuff that it's a promise like this and i think that they really believe they have an ally in the
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why those so do you think trump has a thing for those kind of groups i mean he refused to specifically shame they white supremacists for the violence in charlottesville where and anti-racist protester was killed media to get that asked trump supporting the far right did you see that way as well. or is it all of fall fetch to say that while adjusting from president drones actions is very quick to condemn football players for peacefully protesting and he calls them sons of bitches and says they should be fired like within hours of them protesting what was going on season ku klux klan members are marching under swastikas in an american city and somebody gets killed it takes them days to respond to that i think that speaks volumes for how he feels about these situations i don't want to put words in his mall but i'm just going by what he says and well
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he doesn't really say much but like his actions the way he didn't say anything or shame the white supremacists that day does do you feel like he's p. has an inner affiliation with those people like he feels the same way they do. or maybe she counts on their support who knows. i i honestly i feel the president trump has some severe psychological issues that have not been dealt with his actions are are those of somebody who has a very drastic insecurity complex he seems to just be looking for whatever phrase he can get it he doesn't care where that phrase comes from so i i think he's well aware that it's a promise there are fans of his and i do believe that he doesn't want to. lose their support and that could be a reason why it takes him so long to condemn. non-si groups were as he has no
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problem condoning football players of color who want to make a statement well in all fairness right after shallots feel he didn't sign a resolution condemning hate groups stat espouse racism extremism in a phobia anti-semitism white supremacy so you feel like he maybe has one thing on a paper and other and he's had it's hard to have sorry to say where is that because he's been very erratic. throughout this in the early days of his presidency and he's been all over the place as his cabinet is complained numerous times about his tweeting. the people around him wish they could get more of a handle on him and obviously he refuses to do that so it's yeah he's all over the place and i know that he is probably condemned to hate groups and that's fine but when you condemn hate groups and then you enact legislation that deports families
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just because they're the wrong skin color or they came from mexico i don't think he's really busy deporting people who came from eastern europe or people who came from canada it seems that all of his actions are focused. people with darker skin so when all of that happened then charles philip traum blamed both the right on the left for clashes he also felt some animosity towards yourself from the left rights are anti side and other similar movements becoming a part of the radicalization problem. that's one issue where i do see president drums and i have also been. very frank about my condemnation of the far left and the and the four groups i do believe that they are a part of this problem i think the fact that the united the right rally could cone on overall from the and really help smaller membership i recall in my days as
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a white supremacist we would drive six hours of them as they go and fight and if so the violent resistance that in the folk prisons through new nazis does nothing but serve their purpose it also drives people from the political center further right i think charlottesville is instigated by the far right that used to be front and center that needs to be acknowledged but the far left certainly played their part in that melee and unfortunately they will continue to do so the fire red and white supremacist groups claiming that they are a reaction to movements like black lives matter to the new loud and somewhat radical civil rights groups do they have a point to stand against them. yes i think the more radical the leftist groups become and the more they emerge themselves in identity politics the easier it is for the far right to recruit there have been leaders of all right
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who make no bones about the fact that they do identity politics for white people and in our universities in the united states and in europe basically if you're a white kid it you can either confess your privilege and condemn your whiteness and to what you have to do to be an ally to people of color and anyone else who's oppressed or you go off to the all right there's really no middle ground for anyone who existed anymore and i that i believe that that is largely because of the militancy of these poor claim radicals on the left so what they're doing does serve the purpose of the far right and vice versa every time on the far right rears their heads the left goes oh let's see that's why we need to do what we do and we're going to double down on it and it becomes a cycle and they both kind of feed each other.


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